def application(environ, start_response): # REQUEST_METHOD = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_KWARGS = parse_http_content_type(environ) SERVER_PROTOCOL = environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] HEADERS = parse_http_headers(environ) URI_PATH = environ['PATH_INFO'] URI_QUERY = environ['QUERY_STRING'] URI = parse_http_uri(environ) POST = parse_http_x_www_form_urlencoded_post_data(environ) GET = parse_http_get_data(environ) status = '200 OK' headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')] if URI_PATH == '/favicon.ico': status = '404 Not Found' start_response(status, headers) return [b''] if URI_PATH.startswith(STATIC_URL): with_static_root = URI_PATH.replace(STATIC_URL, '{}/'.format(STATIC_ROOT), 1) absolute_path = path.abspath(with_static_root) if not absolute_path.startswith( path.abspath(STATIC_ROOT)) or not path.isfile(absolute_path): status = '404 Not Found' start_response(status, headers) return [b''] start_response(status, headers) #with open(absolute_path, 'br') as file: # return [] return get_file_bytes(absolute_path) if DEBUG: print("{REQUEST_METHOD} {URI_PATH}?{URI_QUERY} {SERVER_PROTOCOL}\n" "CONTENT_TYPE: {CONTENT_TYPE}; {CONTENT_TYPE_KWARGS}\n" "POST: {POST}\n" "GET: {GET}\n" ":HEADERS:\n{HEADERS}\n".format(**locals())) with open('main.html', 'rb') as f: template_bytes = if REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST': status = '303 See Other' headers.append(('Location', '/')) name = get_first_element(POST, 'name', '') message = get_first_element(POST, 'message', '') data_message_text = "Name: {0}<br>Message: {1}".format(name, message) data_message_bytes = data_message_text.encode('utf-8') data_messages.append(data_message_bytes) start_response(status, headers) return [b''] messages = b'<hr>'.join(data_messages) template_bytes = template_bytes.replace(b'{{messages}}', messages) start_response(status, headers) return [template_bytes]
def messages_controller(request): if request.REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST': name = get_first_element(request.POST, 'name', '') message = get_first_element(request.POST, 'message', '') entry = Entry(name, message) response = Response('303 See Other', b'303 See Other') response.headers.append(('Location', '/messages')) return response entries = manager.get_all() entries_encoded = b'<hr />'.join('utf-8') + b': ' + e.message.encode('utf-8') for e in entries) body = messages_view.render(messages=entries_encoded) return Response('200 OK', body)
def test_get_info(): mapping = {'name': '.test1', 'value': '.asdfg'} default = None output = u.get_info(basic_soup, mapping) expected_output = {} for key, selector in mapping.items(): expected_output[key] = u.get_first_element(basic_soup, selector, default=default) assert output == expected_output
def index(method, get, post, headers): messages = message_manager.all() status = '200 OK' view = View('main.html') body = view.render(messages=messages) if method == 'POST': status = '303 See Other' body = b'' headers.append(('Location', '/')) message_name = get_first_element(post, 'name', '') message_message = get_first_element(post, 'message', '') message = Message(message_name, message_message) return status, body
def index(method, get, post, headers): messages = manager.all() byte_messages = b'<hr>'.join([ + b" <br> Message: " + m.message.encode() for m in messages]) status = '200 OK' body = view.render(messages=byte_messages) if method == 'POST': status = '303 See Other' body = b'' headers.append(('Location', '/')) message_name = get_first_element(post, 'name', '') message_message = get_first_element(post, 'message', '') message = Message(message_name, message_message) return status, body
def index(method, get, post, headers): messages = manager.all() byte_messages = b'<hr>'.join([ + b" <br> Message: " + m.message.encode() for m in messages ]) status = '200 OK' body = view.render(messages=byte_messages) if method == 'POST': status = '303 See Other' body = b'' headers.append(('Location', '/')) message_name = get_first_element(post, 'name', '') message_message = get_first_element(post, 'message', '') message = Message(message_name, message_message) return status, body
def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' with open('index.html', encoding='utf-8') as f: response_template = GET = parse_http_get_data(environ) name = get_first_element(GET, "name", '') message = get_first_element(GET, "message", '') if message: db.messages.append({'name': name, 'message': message}) start_response('302 Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html'), ('Location', '/')]) return [b''] response_body = response_template.format(name=name, messages=db.messages) response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html'), ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [response_body.encode('utf-8')]
def delete(method, get, post, headers): works = work_manager.all() status = '200 OK' view = View("templates\delete.html") body = b'' if method == 'GET': headers.append(('Location', '/')) id = get_first_element(get, 'id', '') works_by_id = [w for w in works if == id] if len(works_by_id) > 0: body = view.render(id=id, work=works_by_id[0]) else: status = '404 Not Found' return status, body
def index(method, get, post, headers): works = work_manager.all() status = '200 OK' view = View("templates\index.html") body = view.render(works=works) if method == 'POST': status = '303 See Other' body = b'' headers.append(('Location', '/')) work_name = get_first_element(post, 'work_name', '').strip() starting_date = get_first_element(post, 'starting_date', '') ending_date = get_first_element(post, 'ending_date', '') work_status = get_first_element(post, 'work_status', '').strip() id = get_first_element(post, 'id') is_delete = get_first_element(post, 'is_delete') work = Work(work_name, starting_date, ending_date, work_status, id=id) if is_delete: work_manager.delete(work) else: return status, body
def test_get_first_element(): el = u.get_first_element(basic_soup, '.test1') assert isinstance(el, bs4.element.Tag) el = u.get_first_element(basic_soup, '.asdfgh', default='') assert el == ''
def application(environ, start_response): # REQUEST_METHOD = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_KWARGS = parse_http_content_type(environ) SERVER_PROTOCOL = environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] HEADERS = parse_http_headers(environ) URI_PATH = environ['PATH_INFO'] URI_QUERY = environ['QUERY_STRING'] URI = parse_http_uri(environ) POST = parse_http_x_www_form_urlencoded_post_data(environ) GET = parse_http_get_data(environ) status = '200 OK' headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')] callback = router.resolve(URI_PATH) status, body = callback if URI_PATH == '/favicon.ico': status = '404 Not Found' start_response(status, headers) return [b''] if URI_PATH.startswith(STATIC_URL): # import os import os.path path = URI_PATH[len(STATIC_URL):] normpath = os.path.normpath(path) # print(normpath) download_path = STATIC_ROOT + normpath # print(download_path) if not os.path.exists(download_path): start_response("404 Not found", headers) return [b''] else: headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')] start_response(status, headers) return [open(download_path, 'rb').read()] # with open(path, 'rb') as f: # start_response(status, headers) # return [] DEBUG = False if DEBUG: print("{REQUEST_METHOD} {URI_PATH}?{URI_QUERY} {SERVER_PROTOCOL}\n" "CONTENT_TYPE: {CONTENT_TYPE}; {CONTENT_TYPE_KWARGS}\n" "POST: {POST}\n" "GET: {GET}\n" ":HEADERS:\n{HEADERS}\n".format(**locals())) with open('main.html', 'rb') as f: template_bytes = if REQUEST_METHOD == 'POST': status = '303 See Other' headers.append(('Location', '/')) name = get_first_element(POST, 'name', '') message = get_first_element(POST, 'message', '') data_message_text = "Name: {0}<br>Message: {1}".format(name, message) data_message_bytes = data_message_text.encode('utf-8') data_messages.append(data_message_bytes) start_response(status, headers) return [b''] messages = b'<hr>'.join(data_messages) template_bytes = template_bytes.replace(b'{{messages}}', messages) start_response(status, headers) return [template_bytes]