Пример #1
def verify_backup(rootdir, mdata, num_threads=None):
    # Results
    changed = []
    missing = []
    unexpected = []
    scan_errors = []

    # First, we get all the relevant paths
    scan_result = scan_backup(rootdir)
    scan_errors = scan_result.errors
    unexpected = scan_result.ignored

    # Build a dictionary with all original metdata
    original_metadata = {}
    for p in itertools.chain(mdata.files, mdata.symlinks, mdata.directories):
        original_metadata[p.name] = p

    # Build a dictionary with all current metadata
    digest_map = hashdeep.compute_digests(rootdir, scan_result.files,
    uid_map = utils.get_uid_name_map()
    gid_map = utils.get_gid_name_map()
    current_metadata = {}
    for f in scan_result.files:
        current_metadata[f] = metadata.get_file_metadata(rootdir, f, digest_map,
                                                         uid_map, gid_map)
    for s in scan_result.symlinks:
        current_metadata[s] = metadata.get_symlink_metadata(rootdir, s, uid_map,
    for d in scan_result.directories:
        current_metadata[d] = metadata.get_directory_metadata(rootdir, d,
                                                              uid_map, gid_map)

    # Find missing and unexpected files
    all_current_paths = set(scan_result.files + scan_result.symlinks
                                              + scan_result.directories)
    all_original_paths = set(original_metadata.keys())

    missing = sorted(list(all_original_paths - all_current_paths))
    unexpected.extend(list(all_current_paths - all_original_paths))

    # Find changed files
    for p in all_current_paths.intersection(all_original_paths):
        if not lenient_match(current_metadata[p], original_metadata[p]):

    # Return the final result
    return VerificationResult(changed, missing, unexpected, scan_errors)
Пример #2
def get_default_metadata(rootdir, path, uid_map=None, gid_map=None):
    """Returns a dictonary, whose keys are default_metadata (as
    defined above) and entries are the results of the corresponding
    os.stat call on native_path."""
    if uid_map is None:
        uid_map = utils.get_uid_name_map()
    if gid_map is None:
        gid_map = utils.get_gid_name_map()
    native_path = utils.build_native_path(rootdir, path)
    stat = os.lstat(native_path)

    metadata = {}
    metadata['name'] = os.path.basename(path)
    # TODO: use strings instead of UNIX epoch seconds
    # TODO: fields we are currently not using: st_mode, st_ino, st_dev, st_nlink
    #       - is this intentional?
    metadata['mtime'] = stat.st_mtime
    metadata['user'] = uid_map.get(stat.st_uid, str(stat.st_uid))
    metadata['group'] = gid_map.get(stat.st_gid, str(stat.st_gid))
    metadata['permissions'] = '%04o' % stat.st_mode
    return metadata
Пример #3
        new_node = get_symlink_node(rootdir, linkname, uid_map, gid_map)
        dir_node.children[basename] = new_node

    # Step 3: insert the files into the directory tree
    for filename in files:
        dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename)
        # Navigate to the right part in the directory tree
        dir_node = find_directory_in_tree(root_node, dirname)
        # Insert the file node
        new_node = get_file_node(rootdir, filename, digest_map, uid_map, gid_map)
        dir_node.children[basename] = new_node

    return root_node

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import collections
    import pattern
    import StringIO
    rootdir = '/home/madars/Documents/projects/go-backup'
    patterns_file = StringIO.StringIO("+ /\n")
    patterns = pattern.parse_pattern_file(patterns_file)
    res  = pattern.assemble_paths(rootdir, patterns)
    digest_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda : 'demo')
    uid_map = utils.get_uid_name_map()
    gid_map = utils.get_gid_name_map()
    tree = get_metadata_tree(rootdir, res.filenames, res.symlinks, res.directories,
                             digest_map, uid_map, gid_map)
    import json
    print json.dumps(tree, indent=2)
Пример #4
def test_get_gid_name_map_consistency():
    # TODO: maybe mock out in future?
    gid_name_map = utils.get_gid_name_map()
    for (gid, name) in gid_name_map.iteritems():
        assert grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name == name
        assert grp.getgrnam(name).gr_gid == gid