def delete(self, user_id, facebook=True, graph=None, app_name=None, *args, **kwargs): if not graph: graph = get_graph(request=None, app_name=app_name) # Method needs static graph target = '%s_%s' % (, user_id) try: super(Request, self).delete(facebook=facebook, graph=graph, target=target, *args, **kwargs) except GraphAPIError: graph = get_graph(request=None, app_name=app_name) try: super(Request, self).delete(facebook=facebook, graph=graph, target=target, *args, **kwargs) except GraphAPIError: super(Request, self).delete(facebook=False, graph=None, *args, **kwargs)
def delete(self, facebook=True, graph=None, app_name=None, *args, **kwargs): if not graph: graph = get_graph(request=None, app_name=app_name) # Method needs static graph try: super(Request, self).delete(facebook=facebook, graph=graph, *args, **kwargs) except GraphAPIError: graph = get_graph(request=None, app_name=app_name) try: super(Request, self).delete(facebook=facebook, graph=graph, *args, **kwargs) except GraphAPIError: super(Request, self).delete(facebook=False, graph=None, *args, **kwargs)
def extractLinkRatios(years,resource): ratios = {} for y in years[0:-1]: ratios[y] = [] [G1,G2] = [get_graph(y,resource),get_graph(y+1,resource)] for e in G1.edges(data=True): #e is current year edge try: pastEdgeData = G2[e[0]][e[1]] #If it doesn't exist we except ratios[y].append((e[0],e[1],float(e[2]['weight'])/pastEdgeData['weight'],float(e[2]['weight']),pastEdgeData['weight'])) except KeyError: bloop = 'bloop' return ratios
def get_page_access_token(self, request, queryset): graph = get_graph(request, force_refresh=True, prefer_cookie=True) response = graph.request('me/accounts/') #&fields=id,access_token if response and response.get('data', False): data = response['data'] message = {'count': 0, 'message': u''} accounts = {} for account in data: accounts[int(account['id'])] = account for page in queryset: if accounts.get(page._id, None): if accounts[page._id].get('access_token', False): queryset.filter(id=page._id).update( _access_token=accounts[page._id]['access_token']) message[ 'message'] = u'%sSet access token for page %s\n' % ( message['message'], page._name) else: message[ 'message'] = u'%sDid not get access token for page %s\n' % ( message['message'], page._name) else: message[ 'message'] = u'%sYou are not admin for page %s\n' % ( message['message'], page._name) self.message_user(request, '%s\n' % message['message']) else: self.message_user(request, 'There was an error: %s' % response)
def send_to_facebook(self, app_name=None, graph=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph(request=None, app_name=app_name) if self.score < 0: raise AttributeError, 'The score must be an integer >= 0.' return graph.request('%s/scores' %, '', {'score': str(self.score)})
def get_from_facebook(self, graph=None, save=False, args=None): """ Updates the local fields with data from facebook. Use this function.""" if not graph: graph = get_graph() target = str(self._id) if args: target = '%s?%s' % (target, args) try: response = graph.request(target) if response and save: self.save_from_facebook(response) elif save: self._graph = { 'django-facebook-error': 'The query returned nothing. Maybe the object is not published, accessible?', 'response': response, 'access_token': graph.access_token } else: return response except GraphAPIError: logger.warning('Error in GraphAPI') if save: return None
def get_from_facebook(self, graph=None, save=settings.DEBUG, quick=True): """ Only saves the request to the db if DEBUG is True.""" if quick and save and self._graph: return self if not graph: graph = get_graph() # get app graph only super(Request, self).get_from_facebook(graph=graph, save=True)
def send_to_facebook(self, object='me', save=False, graph=None, message=None, app_name=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph(app_name=app_name) if not message: message = self.message app_dict = get_app_dict(app_name) #response = post_image(graph.access_token, self.image.file, message, object=object) #response = graph.put_photo(self.image.file, message=message) image_url = 'http://%s%s' % (app_dict['DOMAIN'], self.image.url) logger.debug('image_url: %s' % image_url) response = graph.put_photo_url(image_url, message, object) logger.debug('response: %s' % response) if save: self.fb_id = response['id'] self.slug = response['id'] return response['id']
def glr_method(grammar_path, graph_path, out=None, test=False): graph = get_graph(graph_path) grammar = get_grammar_automata(grammar_path) size = len(graph) changed = True while changed: changed = False for start in grammar.s: for i in range(size): for start_grammar in grammar.s[start]: changed |= dfs(graph, grammar, start, [(i, start_grammar)]) res = [] for i in range(size): for j in range(size): for N in graph[i][j]: if N in grammar.s: res.append((i, N, j)) if not test: if out is None: for (i, N, j) in res: print(str(i) + ',' + N + ',' + str(j)) else: with open(out, 'w') as f: for (i, N, j) in res: f.write(str(i) + ',' + N + ',' + str(j) + '\n') return res
def change_view(self, request, object_id, extra_context=None): fb_context = { 'facebook_apps': settings.FACEBOOK_APPS.keys(), 'graph' : get_graph(request, force_refresh=True, prefer_cookie=True) } return super(AdminBase, self).change_view(request, object_id, extra_context=fb_context)
def save_to_facebook(self, target, graph=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph() args = {} cached_fields = [ cached for cached in self._meta.get_all_field_names() if cached.find('_') == 0 ] for fieldname in cached_fields: fieldclass = self._meta.get_field(fieldname) field = getattr(self, fieldname) if field: if isinstance(fieldclass, models.DateField): args[fieldname[1:]] = field.isoformat() elif isinstance(fieldclass, JSONField): args[fieldname[1:]] = json.dumps(field) elif isinstance(fieldclass, models.FileField) or isinstance( fieldclass, models.ImageField): raise NotImplementedError # TODO: use code from image field here else: args[fieldname[1:]] = field # graph.put_object("me", "feed", message="Hello, world") response = graph.put_object(parent_object=str(target), connection_name=self.Facebook.publish, **args) return response
def __init__(self, channels, random_args, activation, N): """ Keras Layer representing the randomly wired layer. Generates a graph and the operations for each node. Arguments: channels: number of filters per node. random_args: dict with parameters for the generation of the and the stride of the convolution. activation: activation function. Usually ReLU. N: number of nodes in the layer. """ super(RandLayer, self).__init__() self.graph, self.graph_order, self.start_node, self.end_node = get_graph( random_args, N) self.triplets = {} self.aggregations = {} for node in self.graph_order: if node in self.start_node: self.triplets[node] = Triplet(channels=channels, activation=None, strides=random_args['stride']) else: in_degree = self.graph.in_degree[node] if in_degree > 1: self.aggregations[node] = Aggregation(input_dim=in_degree) self.triplets[node] = Triplet(channels=channels, activation=activation) self.unweighted_average = tf.reduce_mean
def trade_reciprocity(years,resource): corrmeans = [] for year in years: G = get_graph(year,resource) corrcoeffs = [] [xs,ys] = [[],[]] for country in G.nodes(): for e in G.edges(country): try: [x1,y1] = [G[e[0]][e[1]],G[e[1]][e[0]]] #print [x1,y1] xs.append(x1['weight']) ys.append(y1['weight']) except KeyError: 'whoops' if len(xs)>1: cc = np.corrcoef([xs,ys]) corrcoeffs.append(cc[0][1]) #print corrcoeffs corrmeans.append(np.mean(corrcoeffs)) print [year,np.mean(corrcoeffs)] write({'means':corrmeans, 'years':years},get_results_directory(resource),'meanReciprocityCorrelation') plt.clf() plt.plot(years,corrmeans) plt.title('Mean Correlation of Import/Export By Year') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Mean Correlation of Import/Export') directory = get_images_directory(resource) plt.savefig(directory+'meanReciprocityCorrelation.png') plt.clf() return 0
def getEdgeFeatureCSV(years,resource): gs={} global countries cList =[] As=[] for y in years: gs[y]=get_graph(y, resource) e = get_graph(y,'essex') cList.append(set(gs[y].nodes())) cList.append(set(e.nodes())) #print 'For the year' #pprint(gs[y].nodes()) #pprint(e.nodes()) #pprint(cList) countries = list(set.intersection(*cList)) print 'Countries included so far:' print countries edgefeatureYears=years[:-1] nodefeatureYear=years[-2] nodefeatureYears=[nodefeatureYear] nodefeatures=node_feature_extraction(nodefeatureYears,nodefeatureDict,resource) edgefeatures=edge_feature_extraction(edgefeatureYears, countries, edgefeatureDict,resource) nodeToEdgeFeatures=convertNodalFeaturesToEdgeFeatures(countries, nodefeatureYears, nodefeatures) edgefeatures.update(nodeToEdgeFeatures) features=edgefeatures.keys() check_path('data/raw/features/'+resource[0]+'/edgedata/') filename=open('data/raw/features/'+resource[0]+'/edgedata/'+str(years[-1])+'.csv', 'wb') writer = csv.writer(filename) fnames=copy.deepcopy(features) fnames.append("t") fnames.insert(0, "edge") writer.writerow(fnames) for c1 in countries: for c2 in countries: row=[c1+"_"+c2, ] for f in features: row.append(edgefeatures[f][(c1, c2)]) try: t=gs[years[-1]][c1][c2]["weight"] except: t=0 row.append(t) writer.writerow(row)
def change_view(self, request, object_id, extra_context=None): fb_context = { 'facebook_apps': settings.FACEBOOK_APPS.keys(), 'graph': get_graph(request, force_refresh=True, prefer_cookie=True) } return super(AdminBase, self).change_view(request, object_id, extra_context=fb_context)
def gll_method(grammar_filename, graph_filename, out=None, test=False): graph = utils.get_graph(graph_filename) grammar = utils.get_grammar_automata(grammar_filename) gss = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) popped = defaultdict(list) q = set() used = set() res = [] fins = [] for it in grammar.f.values(): for element in it: fins.append(element) for i in range(len(graph)): for j in grammar.s: for k in grammar.s[j]: q.add((i, k, (j, i))) while q: conf = q.pop() if (conf[0], conf[1], conf[2]) in used: continue used.add((conf[0], conf[1], conf[2])) if conf[1] in fins: q.update( (conf[0], x, j) for j in gss[conf[2]] for x in gss[conf[2]][j]) res.append((conf[2][1], conf[2][0], conf[0])) popped[conf[2]].append(conf[0]) for i, labels_grammar in enumerate(grammar.g[conf[1]]): for j, lbls_graph in enumerate(graph[conf[0]]): for lbl_grammar in labels_grammar: if lbl_grammar not in grammar.t: gss[(lbl_grammar, conf[0])][conf[2]].add(i) gss_node = (lbl_grammar, conf[0]) for st in grammar.s[lbl_grammar]: q.add((conf[0], st, gss_node)) if gss_node in popped: for v in popped[gss_node]: if (v, i, conf[2]) not in used: q.add((v, i, conf[2])) for lbl_graph in lbls_graph: if lbl_grammar == lbl_graph and lbl_grammar in grammar.t: q.add((j, i, conf[2])) if not test: if out is None: for (i, N, j) in res: print(str(i) + ',' + N + ',' + str(j)) else: with open(out, 'w') as f: for (i, N, j) in res: f.write(str(i) + ',' + N + ',' + str(j) + '\n') return res
def update_rsvp_status(self, user_id, access_token=None): if not access_token: access_token=get_graph().access_token response = get_FQL('SELECT rsvp_status FROM event_member WHERE uid=%s AND eid=%s' % (user_id,, access_token=access_token) if len(response): self.save_rsvp_status(user_id, response[0]['rsvp_status']) return response[0]['rsvp_status'] else: return 'not invited'
def edge_feature_extraction(years, countries, featureDict): featureData = {} for year in years: print year G = get_graph(year,'essex') for f in featureDict: featureData[f+str(year)] = featureDict[f](G, countries ,year) return featureData
def delete(self, facebook=False, graph=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Deletes the local model and if facebook is true, also the facebook instance.""" if facebook: if not graph: graph = get_graph() graph.delete_object(str( try: # if the model is abstract, it cannot be saved, but thats ok super(Base, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) except: # AssertionError pass
def linksAddedPerYear(years,resource): #predicates = list of pairs of lambda expressions returning true/false predicates = [[lambda x: x[2]['weight']>0, lambda x: x[2]['weight']>0],[lambda x: x[2]['weight']>100000, lambda x: x[2]['weight']>200000]] links = {} for y in years[0:-2]: [G1,G2] = [get_graph(y,resource),get_graph(y+1,resource)] [E1,E2] = [G1.edges(data=True),G2.edges(data=True)] #print [len(E1),len(G1.nodes()),len(E1)/(float(len(G1.nodes()))*len(G1.nodes()))] links[y] = {} counter = 0 for p in predicates: counter += 1 [newE1, newE2] = [filter(p[0],E1),filter(p[1],E2)] newE1simple = map(lambda x: (x[0],x[1]), newE1) #addedEdges = [x in newE2 if (x[0],x[1]) not in newE1simple] addedEdges = filter(lambda x: (x[0],x[1]) not in newE1simple, newE2) links[y][counter] = addedEdges print [y, counter, len(addedEdges)] return links
def visualizeGraphs(years,resource): for year in years: G = get_graph(year,resource) plt.clf() #Visualize the network ecolors = map(lambda e: e[2]['weight'], G.edges(data=True)) pos=nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw(G,pos=pos,node_size=80,with_labels=True) plt.savefig(get_images_directory(resource)+"graph"+str(year)+'.png') return 0
def update_rsvp_status(self, user_id, access_token=None): if not access_token: access_token = get_graph().access_token response = get_FQL( 'SELECT rsvp_status FROM event_member WHERE uid=%s AND eid=%s' % (user_id,, access_token=access_token) if len(response): self.save_rsvp_status(user_id, response[0]['rsvp_status']) return response[0]['rsvp_status'] else: return 'not invited'
def matrix_method(grammar_filename, graph_filename, out=None, test=False): graph = utils.get_graph(graph_filename) grammar_rules, epsilons = utils.get_grammar_homsky(grammar_filename) N = len(graph) A = [[[] for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)] terms = set() transitions = defaultdict(list) for key in grammar_rules: for rule in grammar_rules[key]: lhs = ''.join(x for x in rule) transitions[lhs].append(key) if len(rule) == 1: terms.add(rule[0]) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): for element in graph[i][j]: if element in terms: A[i][j] += transitions[element] for key in epsilons: for i in range(N): A[i][i].append(key) changed = True while changed: changed = False for i in range(N): for j in range(N): for k in range(N): for part1 in A[i][j]: for part2 in A[j][k]: rule = part1 + part2 if rule in transitions: lhs = transitions[rule] for element in lhs: if element not in A[i][k]: A[i][k].append(element) changed = True res = [] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): for k in A[i][j]: res.append((i, k, j)) if not test: if out is None: for (i, N, j) in res: print(str(i) + ',' + N + ',' + str(j)) else: with open(out, 'w') as f: for (i, N, j) in res: f.write(str(i) + ',' + N + ',' + str(j) + '\n') return res
def act(self, obs): x, batch, ei, _ = get_graph(obs) out = self.memory(x, batch, ei) action_probas = values = self.critic(out) # TODO: sample action probabilistically from policy # TODO: entropy/exploration ? action = 0 return action
def delete(self, facebook=False, graph=None, target=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Deletes the local model and if facebook is true, also the facebook instance.""" if facebook: if not graph: graph = get_graph() if not target: target = str( graph.delete_object(target) try: # if the model is abstract, it cannot be saved, but thats ok super(Base, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) except: # AssertionError pass
def degreeDistributions(years, resource): for y in years: g=get_graph(y, resource) degrees=[] for n in g.nodes(): degrees.append(len(g[n])) plt.clf() plt.hist(degrees) plt.xlabel('Degree') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.title("Degree Distribution "+str(year)) plt.savefig(get_images_directory(resource)+'degreeHist'+str(y)+'.png') plt.clf()
def send_to_facebook(self, object="me", save=False, graph=None, message=None, app_name=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph(app_name=app_name) if not message: message = self.message response = post_image(graph.access_token, self.image.file, message, object=object) if save: self.fb_id = response["id"] return response["id"]
def test_mlp_partial_simple_epoch(epoch, args, rnn, output, data_loader, save_histogram=False, sample_time=1): rnn.eval() output.eval() G_pred_list = [] for batch_idx, data in enumerate(data_loader): x = data["x"].float() y = data["y"].float() y_len = data["len"] test_batch_size = x.size(0) rnn.hidden = rnn.init_hidden(test_batch_size) # generate graphs max_num_node = int(args.max_num_node) y_pred = Variable( torch.zeros( test_batch_size, max_num_node, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() # normalized prediction score y_pred_long = Variable( torch.zeros(test_batch_size, max_num_node, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() # discrete prediction x_step = Variable(torch.ones(test_batch_size, 1, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() for i in range(max_num_node): print("finish node", i) h = rnn(x_step) y_pred_step = output(h) y_pred[:, i:i + 1, :] = F.sigmoid(y_pred_step) x_step = sample_sigmoid_supervised_simple( y_pred_step, y[:, i:i + 1, :].cuda(), current=i, y_len=y_len, sample_time=sample_time, ) y_pred_long[:, i:i + 1, :] = x_step rnn.hidden = Variable( y_pred_data = y_pred_long_data = # save graphs as pickle for i in range(test_batch_size): adj_pred = decode_adj(y_pred_long_data[i].cpu().numpy()) G_pred = get_graph(adj_pred) # get a graph from zero-padded adj G_pred_list.append(G_pred) return G_pred_list
def f_export_diff(G1, countries, year): expDiffDat={} G0=get_graph(year-1, "essex") for c1 in countries: for c2 in countries: try: exp0=G0[c1][c2]["weight"] except: exp0=0 try: exp1=G1[c1][c2]["weight"] except: exp1=0 expDiffDat[(c1, c2)]=exp1-exp0 return expDiffDat
def p_newEdge_degree(years,resource): #predicates = list of pairs of lambda expressions returning true/false p = [lambda x: x[2]['weight']>0, lambda x: x[2]['weight']>0] toCounts=[] fromCounts=[] for y in years[0:-2]: [G1,G2] = [get_graph(y,resource),get_graph(y+1,resource)] [E1,E2] = [G1.edges(data=True),G2.edges(data=True)] [newE1, newE2] = [filter(p[0],E1),filter(p[1],E2)] newE1simple = map(lambda x: (x[0],x[1]), newE1) addedEdges = filter(lambda x: (x[0],x[1]) not in newE1simple, newE2) print len(addedEdges) for e in addedEdges: toCounts.append(len(G2[e[1]])) fromCounts.append(len(G2[e[0]])) plt.clf() plt.hist(toCounts, normed=False, bins=range(0, 200, 10)) plt.title("p(new link to|d)") plt.savefig(get_images_directory(resource)+'p(d| new link to).png') plt.clf() plt.hist(fromCounts, normed=False, bins=range(0, 200, 10)) plt.title("p(new link from|d)") plt.savefig(get_images_directory(resource)+'p(d| new link from).png')
def f_import_diff(G1, countries, year): impDiffDat={} G0=get_graph(year-1, "essex") for c1 in countries: for c2 in countries: try: imp0=G0[c2][c1]["weight"] except: imp0=0 try: imp1=G1[c2][c1]["weight"] except: imp1=0 impDiffDat[(c1, c2)]=imp1-imp0 return impDiffDat
def test_vae_epoch(epoch, args, rnn, output, test_batch_size=16, save_histogram=False, sample_time=1): rnn.hidden = rnn.init_hidden(test_batch_size) rnn.eval() output.eval() # generate graphs max_num_node = int(args.max_num_node) y_pred = Variable( torch.zeros(test_batch_size, max_num_node, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() # normalized prediction score y_pred_long = Variable( torch.zeros(test_batch_size, max_num_node, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() # discrete prediction x_step = Variable(torch.ones(test_batch_size, 1, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() for i in range(max_num_node): h = rnn(x_step) y_pred_step, _, _ = output(h) y_pred[:, i:i + 1, :] = F.sigmoid(y_pred_step) x_step = sample_sigmoid(y_pred_step, sample=True, sample_time=sample_time) y_pred_long[:, i:i + 1, :] = x_step rnn.hidden = Variable( y_pred_data = y_pred_long_data = # save graphs as pickle G_pred_list = [] for i in range(test_batch_size): adj_pred = decode_adj(y_pred_long_data[i].cpu().numpy()) G_pred = get_graph(adj_pred) # get a graph from zero-padded adj G_pred_list.append(G_pred) # save prediction histograms, plot histogram over each time step # if save_histogram: # save_prediction_histogram(y_pred_data.cpu().numpy(), # fname_pred=args.figure_prediction_save_path+args.fname_pred+str(epoch)+'.jpg', # max_num_node=max_num_node) return G_pred_list
def process_request(self, request): app_requests = [] if request.GET.get('request_ids', None): fb = get_session(request) request_ids = urllib.unquote(request.GET.get('request_ids')) request_ids = request_ids.split(',') logger.debug('Got app request ids: %s' % request_ids) for id in request_ids: r, created = AppRequest.objects.get_or_create(id=int(id)) if settings.DEBUG and created: try: graph = get_graph(request) r.get_from_facebook(graph, save=True) except GraphAPIError: pass app_requests.append( if len(app_requests) > 0: fb.app_requests = app_requests
def send_to_facebook(self, object='me', save=False, graph=None, message=None, app_name=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph(app_name=app_name) if not message: message = self.message app_dict = get_app_dict(app_name) #response = post_image(graph.access_token, self.image.file, message, object=object) #response = graph.put_photo(self.image.file, message=message) image_url = 'http://%s%s' % (app_dict['DOMAIN'], self.image.url) logger.debug('image_url: %s' % image_url ) response = graph.put_photo_url(image_url, message, object) logger.debug('response: %s' % response ) if save: self.fb_id = response['id'] self.slug = response['id'] return response['id']
def test_rnn_epoch(epoch, args, rnn, output, test_batch_size=16): rnn.hidden = rnn.init_hidden(test_batch_size) rnn.eval() output.eval() # generate graphs max_num_node = int(args.max_num_node) y_pred_long = Variable( torch.zeros(test_batch_size, max_num_node, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() # discrete prediction x_step = Variable(torch.ones(test_batch_size, 1, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() for i in range(max_num_node): h = rnn(x_step) # output.hidden = h.permute(1,0,2) hidden_null = Variable( torch.zeros(args.num_layers - 1, h.size(0), h.size(2))).cuda() output.hidden =, 0, 2), hidden_null), dim=0) # num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size x_step = Variable(torch.zeros(test_batch_size, 1, args.max_prev_node)).cuda() output_x_step = Variable(torch.ones(test_batch_size, 1, 1)).cuda() for j in range(min(args.max_prev_node, i + 1)): output_y_pred_step = output(output_x_step) output_x_step = sample_sigmoid(output_y_pred_step, sample=True, sample_time=1) x_step[:, :, j:j + 1] = output_x_step output.hidden = Variable( y_pred_long[:, i:i + 1, :] = x_step rnn.hidden = Variable( y_pred_long_data = # save graphs as pickle G_pred_list = [] for i in range(test_batch_size): adj_pred = decode_adj(y_pred_long_data[i].cpu().numpy()) G_pred = get_graph(adj_pred) # get a graph from zero-padded adj G_pred_list.append(G_pred) return G_pred_list
def get_page_access_token(self, request, queryset): graph = get_graph(request, force_refresh=True, prefer_cookie=True) response = graph.request('me/accounts/') #&fields=id,access_token if response and response.get('data', False): data = response['data'] message = {'count': 0, 'message': u''} accounts = {} for account in data: accounts[int(account['id'])] = account for page in queryset: if accounts.get(page._id, None): if accounts[page._id].get('access_token', False): queryset.filter(id=page._id).update(_access_token=accounts[page._id]['access_token']) message['message'] = u'%sSet access token for page %s\n' % (message['message'], page._name) else: message['message'] = u'%sDid not get access token for page %s\n' % (message['message'], page._name) else: message['message'] = u'%sYou are not admin for page %s\n' % (message['message'], page._name) self.message_user(request, '%s\n' % message['message']) else: self.message_user(request, 'There was an error: %s' % response )
def node_feature_extraction(years,featureDict): """ Saves pickle of and returns a dict of feature dicts in the form {year:{featureName:{countryCode:featureValue}}} :param years: a list e.g. range(1980,2000) :param featureDict: a dictionary of features in the form {featureName:featureFunction} featureName is a string featureFunction: takes a graph (and possibly a year) and outputs a dictionary {node:featureValue} """ featureData = {} for year in years: print year G = get_graph(year,'essex') featureData[year] = {} for f in featureDict: featureData[year][f] = featureDict[f](G,year) write(featureData[year],'data/raw/essex/features/pickle/',str(year)) f_to_csv(featureData[year],'data/raw/essex/features/csv/',str(year)) return featureData
def getEdgeFeatureCSV(years): gs={} cList=[] As=[] for y in years: gs[y]=get_graph(y, "essex") cList.append(set(gs[y].nodes())) countries = list(set.intersection(*cList)) edgefeatureYears=years[:-1] nodefeatureYear=years[-2] nodefeatureYears=[nodefeatureYear] nodefeatures=node_feature_extraction(nodefeatureYears,nodefeatureDict) edgefeatures=edge_feature_extraction(edgefeatureYears, countries, edgefeatureDict) nodeToEdgeFeatures=convertNodalFeaturesToEdgeFeatures(countries, nodefeatureYears, nodefeatures) edgefeatures.update(nodeToEdgeFeatures) features=edgefeatures.keys() print features filename=open('edgedata.csv', 'wb') writer = csv.writer(filename) fnames=copy.deepcopy(features) fnames.append("t") fnames.insert(0, "edge") writer.writerow(fnames) for c1 in countries: for c2 in countries: row=[c1+"_"+c2, ] for f in features: row.append(edgefeatures[f][(c1, c2)]) try: t=gs[years[-1]][c1][c2]["weight"] except: t=0 row.append(t) writer.writerow(row)
def dist_cor(years, resource): cors=[] for year in years: G = get_graph(year,resource) distDict=f_distance_pairs(G, G.nodes(), year) E=G.edges(data=True) ws=[] ds=[] for e in E: ws.append(e[2]["weight"]) ds.append(distDict[(e[0], e[1])]) cors.append(stats.pearsonr(ws, ds)[0]) plt.clf() print len(years) print len(cors) print years print cors plt.plot(years, cors) plt.title("Correlation of Distance and Trade Volume") plt.xlabel("year") plt.ylabel("correlation")
def save_to_facebook(self, target, graph=None): if not graph: graph=get_graph() args = {} cached_fields = [cached for cached in self._meta.get_all_field_names() if cached.find('_') == 0] for fieldname in cached_fields: fieldclass = self._meta.get_field(fieldname) field = getattr(self, fieldname) if field: if isinstance(fieldclass, models.DateField): args[fieldname[1:]] = field.isoformat() elif isinstance(fieldclass, JSONField): args[fieldname[1:]] = json.dumps(field) elif isinstance(fieldclass, models.FileField) or isinstance(fieldclass, models.ImageField): raise NotImplementedError # TODO: use code from image field here else: args[fieldname[1:]] = field # graph.put_object("me", "feed", message="Hello, world") response = graph.put_object(parent_object=str(target), connection_name=self.Facebook.publish, **args) return response
def macroEvolution(years, resource): densities=[] diameters=[] for y in years: g=get_graph(y,resource) numNodes=float(len(g.nodes())) numEdges=len(g.edges()) densities.append(numEdges/(numNodes*(numNodes-1))) diameters.append(SampledDiameter(g)) plt.clf() plt.plot(years, densities) plt.title("Density Evolution") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Density') plt.savefig(get_images_directory(resource)+'density'+'.png') plt.clf() plt.plot(years, diameters) plt.title("Diameter Evolution") plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Diameter') plt.savefig(get_images_directory(resource)+'diameter'+'.png')
def get_from_facebook(self, graph=None, save=False, args=None): """ Updates the local fields with data from facebook. Use this function.""" if not graph: graph = get_graph() target = str(self._id) if args: target = '%s?%s' % (target, args) try: response = graph.request(target) if response and save: self.save_from_facebook(response) elif save: self._graph = {'django-facebook-error' : 'The query returned nothing. Maybe the object is not published, accessible?', 'response': response, 'access_token': graph.access_token } else: return response except GraphAPIError: logger.warning('Error in GraphAPI') if save: return None
def get_from_facebook(self, graph=None, save=False, args=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph() target = str(self._id) if args: target = "%s?%s" % (target, args) try: response = graph.request(target) if response and save: self.save_from_facebook(response) elif save: self._graph = { "django-facebook-error": "The query returned nothing. Maybe the object is not published, accessible?", "response": response, "access_token": graph.access_token, } else: return response except GraphAPIError: logger.warning("Error in GraphAPI") if save: return None
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): graph = get_graph(request, force_refresh=True, prefer_cookie=True) obj.get_from_facebook(save=True, graph=graph)
from search import NetworkMiner from utils import get_graph from plot import plot if __name__ == '__main__': miner = NetworkMiner( breadth_limit=5, min_popularity=65, include_collaborators=False, max_pop_size=None, verbose=True, ) uri = 'spotify:artist:329e4yvIujISKGKz1BZZbO' fname = 'farruko_no_collab' miner.write_edgelist(artist=uri, fname=fname) G = get_graph('../derivatives/{}_attributes.pkl'.format(fname), '../derivatives/{}.edgelist'.format(fname)) plot(G, fname='farruko')
try: draw_it = sys.argv[3] == 'draw' except IndexError: draw_it = False try: draw_rank = int(sys.argv[4]) except IndexError: draw_rank = size/2 epsilon = 0.001 g, n, m, s = get_graph(name, size=size) ts = get_targets(g, s, [ 2**i for i in xrange(4, int(math.log(n, 2))) if 2**i < n ]) if draw_it: ts = get_targets(g, s, [draw_rank]) algorithms = [ a_star_bidirectional ] # algorithms = [ dijkstra_cancel, dijkstra_bidirectional, a_star, a_star_bidirectional ] # algorithms = [ dijkstra_cancel, dijkstra_bidirectional, dijkstra_bidirectional_mue, a_star, # a_star_bidirectional, a_star_bidirectional_onesided, a_star_bidirectional_betterpi, cheater ] results = defaultdict(list) base_results = [] sys.stdout.write('running ') count = 0 for t, rank in ts: base_results.append(dijkstra_cancel(g, s, t))
""" import utils import netshield import ctmc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt name = "graphs/day3.gml" k = 20 b = 1 lambd = 0.25 mu = 0.1 max_steps = 1000 graph = utils.get_graph(name) adj = utils.get_adj_np(graph) res_ns = netshield.netshield(adj, k) print("Result for NetShield algorithm: Indices: {}, eigendrop: {}".format( res_ns[0], res_ns[1])) res_ns_plus = netshield.netshield_plus(adj, k, b) print( "Result for NetShield+ algorithm with batch size 1: Indices: {}, eigendrop: {}" .format(res_ns_plus[0], res_ns_plus[1])) infected, time_passed = ctmc.ctmc_sis(graph, lambd, mu, max_steps)
def send_to_facebook(self, app_name=None, graph=None): if not graph: graph = get_graph(request=None, app_name=app_name) if self.score < 0: raise AttributeError, 'The score must be an integer >= 0.' return graph.request('%s/scores' % ,'', {'score': str(self.score) })
type=int, default=20, help="Maximum number of nodes in network") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', type=bool, default=True, help="Display output messages") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) miner = NetworkMiner( include_collaborators=args.include_collaborators, breadth_limit=args.breadth_limit, max_pop_size=args.max_pop_size, min_popularity=args.min_popularity, verbose=args.verbose, ) miner.write_edgelist(artist=args.uri, fname=args.fname) G = get_graph('derivatives/{}_attributes.pkl'.format(args.fname), 'derivatives/{}.edgelist'.format(args.fname)) params = [ args.fname, args.include_collaborators, args.breadth_limit, args.max_pop_size, args.min_popularity, args.verbose ] params = [str(param) for param in params] outname = ("_").join(params) plot(G, fname=outname)
def delete_object(modeladmin, request, queryset): graph = get_graph(request) for obj in queryset: obj.delete(graph=graph, facebook=True)
""" Approximates Pareto front for multiobjective immunisation with the NetShield and NetShield+ methods with epsilon constraint Then plots the results """ import utils import netshield_qp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt graph = utils.get_graph("graphs/karate.gml") adj = utils.get_adj_np(graph) res_netshield = netshield_qp.netshield_mo(adj, 1) res_netshield_plus = netshield_qp.netshield_plus_mo(adj, 1, 1) # Plotting the Pareto front coordinates_netshield = ( s['evaluation'] for s in res_netshield) xy = list(zip(*coordinates_netshield)) plt.plot(xy[0], xy[1], 'ro', label="NetShield") coordinates_netshield_plus = ( s['evaluation'] for s in res_netshield_plus) xy = list(zip(*coordinates_netshield_plus)) plt.plot(xy[0], xy[1], 'bo', label="NetShield+") plt.title("Pareto front") plt.xlabel("eigendrop") plt.ylabel("cost") plt.legend()
async def resolve_graph(self, info, after): return get_graph(after)
def get_embeddings(input_file, output_folder, directed=False, walks_per_node=10, steps=80, size=300, window=10, workers=1, verbose=True): """ Performs uniform random walks on given graph and generates its embeddings. :param input_file: Path to a file containing an edge list of a graph (str). :param output_folder: Directory where the embeddings will be stored (str). :param directed: True if the graph is directed (bool). :param walks_per_node: How many random walks will be performed from each node (int). :param steps: How many node traversals will be performed for each random walk (int). :param size: Base dimensionality of the embedding vector. Should be divisable by 6 (int). :param window: The window parameter for the word2vec model (i.e. maximum distance in a random walk where one node can be considered the another node's context) (int). :param workers: Number of threads to use when training the word2vec model (int). :param verbose: Whether to print progress messages to stdout (bool). """ if verbose: print("Getting the graph") graph = get_graph(input_file, directed) if verbose: print("Getting the neighbours' dictionary") neighbours = get_neighbours(graph) if verbose: print("Getting the random walks") random_walks = get_random_walks(neighbours, walks_per_node, steps) if verbose: print("Getting the embeddings") print(size) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(random_walks, min_count=0, size=size, window=window, iter=1, sg=1, workers=workers) model.wv.save_word2vec_format( os.path.join(output_folder, 'embeddings_' + str(size) + '.csv')) if verbose: print(int(size / 2)) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(random_walks, min_count=0, size=int(size / 2), window=window, iter=1, sg=1, workers=workers) model.wv.save_word2vec_format( os.path.join(output_folder, 'embeddings_' + str(int(size / 2)) + '.csv')) if verbose: print(int(size / 3)) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(random_walks, min_count=0, size=int(size / 3), window=window, iter=1, sg=1, workers=workers) model.wv.save_word2vec_format( os.path.join(output_folder, 'embeddings_' + str(int(size / 3)) + '.csv'))
def get_embeddings(input_file, output_folder, directed=False, walks_per_node=10, steps=80, size=300, window=10, workers=1, metric='jaccard', verbose=True): """ Performs non-uniform random walks (on neighboring nodes) on given graph and generates its embeddings. :param input_file: Path to a file containing an edge list of a graph (str). :param output_folder: Directory where the embeddings will be stored (str). :param directed: True if the graph is directed (bool). :param walks_per_node: How many random walks will be performed from each node (int). :param steps: How many node traversals will be performed for each random walk (int). :param size: Dimensionality of the embedding vector. Should be divisable by 6 (int). :param window: The window parameter for the word2vec model (i.e. maximum distance in a random walk where one node can be considered the another node's context) (int). :param workers: Number of threads to use when training the word2vec model (int). :param metric: The metric which will be used to generate similarities (str). :param verbose: Whether to print progress messages to stdout (bool). """ if verbose: print("Getting the graph") graph = get_graph(input_file, directed) if verbose: print("Getting the neighbours' dictionary") neighbours = get_neighbours(graph) if verbose: print("Getting the similarities") if metric == "common_neighbours": similarities = get_similarities_common_neighbours(neighbours) elif metric == 'jaccard': similarities = get_similarities_jaccard(neighbours) elif metric == 'euclidean': adjacency_dictionary = get_adjacency(graph) similarities = get_similarities_euclidean(neighbours, adjacency_dictionary) elif metric == 'cosine': adjacency_dictionary = get_adjacency(graph) similarities = get_similarities_cosine(neighbours, adjacency_dictionary) elif metric == 'pearson': adjacency_dictionary = get_adjacency(graph) similarities = get_similarities_pearson(neighbours, adjacency_dictionary) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for parameter 'metric'.\n" + \ "Should be one of: 'common_neighbours', 'jaccard', 'euclidean', 'cosine', 'pearson'") if verbose: print("Getting the random walks") random_walks = get_random_walks(neighbours, similarities, walks_per_node, steps) if verbose: print("Getting the embeddings") print(size) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(random_walks, min_count=0, size=size, window=window, iter=1, sg=1, workers=workers) model.wv.save_word2vec_format(os.path.join(output_folder, 'embeddings_' + str(size) + '.csv')) if verbose: print(int(size/2)) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(random_walks, min_count=0, size=int(size/2), window=window, iter=1, sg=1, workers=workers) model.wv.save_word2vec_format(os.path.join(output_folder, 'embeddings_' + str(int(size/2)) + '.csv')) if verbose: print(int(size/3)) model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(random_walks, min_count=0, size=int(size/3), window=window, iter=1, sg=1, workers=workers) model.wv.save_word2vec_format(os.path.join(output_folder, 'embeddings_' + str(int(size/3)) + '.csv'))
"""A Moore Machine modeled on Dublin's City parking meters.""" from fsm import * from utils import get_graph parking_meter = MooreMachine('Parking Meter') ready = State('Ready', initial=True) verify = State('Verify') await_action = State(r'Await\naction') print_tkt = State('Print ticket') return_money = State(r'Return\nmoney') reject = State('Reject coin') ready[r'coin inserted'] = verify verify.update({'valid': State(r'add value\rto ticket'), 'invalid': reject}) for coin_value in verify: verify[coin_value][''] = await_action await_action.update({'print': print_tkt, 'coin': verify, 'abort': return_money, 'timeout': return_money}) return_money[''] = print_tkt[''] = ready get_graph(parking_meter).draw('.tmp/parking.png', prog='dot')
avg_time = accum_time / (n_times - n_cold_start) print('hidden size: {}, avg time: {}'.format(n_hid, avg_time)) except: print('hidden size: {}, OOM'.format(n_hid)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Benchmark DGL kernels") parser.add_argument('--spmm-binary', type=str, default='copy_lhs') parser.add_argument('--spmm-reduce', type=str, default='sum') parser.add_argument('--sddmm-binary', type=str, default='add') parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=str, default='-1') args = parser.parse_args() if args.gpu == '-1': ctx = F.cpu() else: ctx = F.gpu() ctx_str = 'cpu' if args.gpu == '-1' else 'gpu' for dataset in ['reddit', 'arxiv', 'proteins']: g = get_graph(dataset) g = print(g) # SPMM bench_spmm(g, ctx, args.spmm_binary, args.spmm_reduce) # SDDMM if ctx_str == 'cpu': continue # sddmm out of mem on cpu will result in termination of the program. bench_sddmm(g, ctx, args.sddmm_binary) del g