def temp_view(options, img_read_path, img_write_path, iters):
    width = options["train_image_width"]
    height = options["train_image_height"]

    # Get style activations
    style_tensor = K.variable(process_image(options["style_image_path"], width, height))
    style_acts = list()
    for layer_name in options["style_layer"]:
        func = get_vgg_activation(layer_name, width, height)
        style_act = func([style_tensor])[0]

    if "style_image_path_2" in options:
        style_tensor_2 = process_image(options["style_image_path_2"], width, height)
        style_acts_2 = list()
        for layer_name in options["style_layer"]:
            func = get_vgg_activation(layer_name, width, height)
            style_act_2 = func([style_tensor_2])[0]

    # Get content activations
    content_tensor = K.variable(process_image(img_read_path, width, height))
    func = get_vgg_activation(options["content_layer"], width, height)
    content_act = func([content_tensor])[0]

    dummy_in = np.array([0.0])
    style_w = options["style_weight"] / len(style_acts)
    content_w = options["content_weight"]
    tv_w = options["total_variation_weight"]

    # Get training model
    bi_style = False
    if "style_image_path_2" in options:
        bi_style = True
    training_model = get_temp_view_model(width, height, bi_style=bi_style)
    if bi_style:
        training_model.compile(loss={'content': dummy_loss, 'style1_out': dummy_loss, 'style2_out': dummy_loss,
                                     'style3_out': dummy_loss, 'style4_out': dummy_loss, 'tv': dummy_loss,
                                     'output': zero_loss},
                               loss_weights=[content_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, tv_w, 0])
        training_model.compile(loss={'content': dummy_loss, 'style1': dummy_loss, 'style2': dummy_loss,
                                     'style3': dummy_loss, 'style4': dummy_loss, 'tv': dummy_loss, 'output': zero_loss},
                               loss_weights=[content_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, tv_w, 0])

    # If flag is set, print model summary and generate model description
    if options["plot_model"]:
        plot_model(training_model, to_file='model.png')

    # Input should always be ones
    x = np.ones([1, height, width, 3], dtype='float32')

    # Begin training
    prev_loss = None
    for i in range(iters):
        t1 = time.time()

        if bi_style:
            res =
                [x, content_act, style_acts[0], style_acts[1], style_acts[2], style_acts[3], style_acts_2[0],
                 style_acts_2[1], style_acts_2[2], style_acts_2[3]],
                [dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, x],
                epochs=1, verbose=0, batch_size=1)
            res =[x, content_act, style_acts[0], style_acts[1], style_acts[2], style_acts[3]],
                                 [dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, x],
                                 epochs=1, verbose=0, batch_size=1)

        t2 = time.time()

        if i % 10 == 0:
            loss = res.history['loss'][0]
            if prev_loss is None:
                prev_loss = loss
            improvement = (prev_loss - loss) / prev_loss * 100
            prev_loss = loss

            print("Iter: %d / %d, Time elapsed: %0.2f seconds, Loss: %.0f, Improvement: %0.2f percent." %
                  (i, iters, t2-t1, loss, improvement))
            if bi_style:
                print("Detail: content_loss: %0.0f, style_loss_1: %0.0f, style_loss_2: %0.0f,"
                      " style_loss_3: %0.0f, style_loss_4: %0.0f, tv_loss: %0.0f"
                      % (float(res.history['content_loss'][0]) * content_w,
                         float(res.history['style1_out_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['style2_out_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['style3_out_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['style4_out_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['tv_loss'][0]) * tv_w))
                print("Detail: content_loss: %0.0f, style_loss_1: %0.0f, style_loss_2: %0.0f,"
                      " style_loss_3: %0.0f, style_loss_4: %0.0f, tv_loss: %0.0f"
                      % (float(res.history['content_loss'][0]) * content_w,
                         float(res.history['style1_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['style2_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['style3_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['style4_loss'][0]) * style_w,
                         float(res.history['tv_loss'][0]) * tv_w))

    if bi_style:
        res = training_model.predict(
            [x, content_act, style_acts[0], style_acts[1], style_acts[2], style_acts[3], style_acts_2[0],
             style_acts_2[1], style_acts_2[2], style_acts_2[3]])
        res = training_model.predict([x, content_act, style_acts[0], style_acts[1], style_acts[2], style_acts[3]])
    output = deprocess_image(res[6][0], width, height)
    imsave(img_write_path, output)
def train(options):
    width = options["train_image_width"]
    height = options["train_image_height"]

    # Get style activations
    style_tensor = process_image(options["style_image_path"], width, height)
    style_acts = list()
    for layer_name in options["style_layer"]:
        func = get_vgg_activation(layer_name, width, height)
        style_act = expand_input(options["batch_size"], func([style_tensor])[0])

    if "style_image_path_2" in options:
        style_tensor_2 = process_image(options["style_image_path_2"], width, height)
        style_acts_2 = list()
        for layer_name in options["style_layer"]:
            func = get_vgg_activation(layer_name, width, height)
            style_act_2 = expand_input(options["batch_size"], func([style_tensor_2])[0])

    # Get content activations for test_image
    content_test = process_image(options["test_image_path"], width, height)
    content_func = get_vgg_activation(options["content_layer"], width, height)
    content_act_test = expand_input(options["batch_size"], content_func([content_test])[0])
    content_test = expand_input(options["batch_size"], content_test)

    # Get weights
    style_w = options["style_weight"] / len(style_acts)
    content_w = options["content_weight"]
    tv_w = options["total_variation_weight"]

    # Get training model
    bi_style = False
    if "style_image_path_2" in options:
        bi_style = True
    training_model = get_training_model(width, height, bs=options['batch_size'], bi_style=bi_style)
    if bi_style:
        training_model.compile(loss={'content': dummy_loss, 'style1_out': dummy_loss, 'style2_out': dummy_loss,
                                     'style3_out': dummy_loss, 'style4_out': dummy_loss, 'tv': dummy_loss,
                                     'output': zero_loss},
                               loss_weights=[content_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, tv_w, 0])
        training_model.compile(loss={'content': dummy_loss, 'style1': dummy_loss, 'style2': dummy_loss,
                                     'style3': dummy_loss, 'style4': dummy_loss, 'tv': dummy_loss, 'output': zero_loss},
                               loss_weights=[content_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, style_w, tv_w, 0])

    # If flag is set, print model summary and generate model description
    if options["plot_model"]:
        plot_model(training_model, to_file='model.png')

    # function for printing test information
    def print_test_results(cur_res, cur_iter, prev_loss):
        losses = list()
        losses.append(cur_res[0][0] * content_w)
        losses.append(cur_res[1][0] * style_w)
        losses.append(cur_res[2][0] * style_w)
        losses.append(cur_res[3][0] * style_w)
        losses.append(cur_res[4][0] * style_w)
        losses.append(cur_res[5][0] * tv_w)
        cur_loss = sum(losses)
        if prev_loss is None:
            prev_loss = cur_loss

        print("Details: iteration %d, " % cur_iter, end='')
        print('improvement: %.2f percent, ' % ((prev_loss - cur_loss) / prev_loss * 100), end='')
        print("loss: %.0f" % cur_loss)
        print("content_loss: %.0f, style_loss_1: %.0f, style_loss_2: %.0f\n"
              "style_loss_3: %.0f, style_loss_4: %.0f, tv_loss: %.0f"
              % (losses[0], losses[1], losses[2], losses[3], losses[4], losses[5]))

        return cur_loss

    # Prepare for training
    dg = ImageDataGenerator()
    dummy_in = expand_input(options["batch_size"], np.array([0.0]))
    interrupted = False
    c_loss = None
    t_sum = 0.0

    # Begin Training
    t_total_1 = time.time()
    for i in range(options["epochs"]):
        print("Epoch: %d" % (i+1))
        iters = 0

        for x in dg.flow_from_directory(options["train_image_path"], class_mode=None,
                                        batch_size=options["batch_size"], target_size=(height, width)):
                t1 = time.time()
                x = vgg16.preprocess_input(x)
                content_act = content_func([x])[0]
                if bi_style:
                    res =[x, content_act, style_acts[0], style_acts[1], style_acts[2],
                                              style_acts[3], style_acts_2[0], style_acts_2[1], style_acts_2[2],
                                              style_acts_2[3]], [dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in,
                                                                 dummy_in, x],
                                             epochs=1, verbose=0, batch_size=options["batch_size"])
                    res =[x, content_act, style_acts[0], style_acts[1], style_acts[2],
                                              style_acts[3]], [dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in, dummy_in,
                                                               dummy_in, x],
                                             epochs=1, verbose=0, batch_size=options["batch_size"])
                t2 = time.time()
                t_sum += t2 - t1

                iters += 1

                if iters % options["view_iter"] == 0:
                    loss = res.history['loss'][0]
                    est_time = int((options["steps_per_epoch"]*(options["epochs"]-i) - iters)
                                   * (t_sum/options["view_iter"]))
                    print("Iter : %d / %d, Time elapsed: %0.2f seconds, Loss: %.0f, EST: " %
                          (iters, options["steps_per_epoch"], t_sum/options["view_iter"], loss) +
                    t_sum = 0.0

                if iters % options["test_iter"] == 0:
                    if bi_style:
                        res = training_model.predict([content_test, content_act_test, style_acts[0], style_acts[1],
                                                      style_acts[2], style_acts[3], style_acts_2[0], style_acts_2[1],
                                                      style_acts_2[2], style_acts_2[3]])
                        res = training_model.predict([content_test, content_act_test, style_acts[0], style_acts[1],
                                                      style_acts[2], style_acts[3]])
                    c_loss = print_test_results(res, iters, c_loss)

                    output = deprocess_image(res[6][0], width, height)
                    imsave(options["test_res_save_path"] + '%d_%d_output.jpg' % (i, iters), output)

                if iters >= options["steps_per_epoch"]:

            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print("Interrupted, training suspended.")
                interrupted = True

        if interrupted:

    t_total_2 = time.time()
    print("Training ended. Time used: " + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(t_total_2-t_total_1))))

    # Saving models
    print("Saving models...")
    model_eval = get_evaluate_model(width, height)
    training_model_layers = { layer for layer in training_model.layers}
    for layer in model_eval.layers:
        if in training_model_layers:

    model_eval.save_weights(options["weights_save_path"] + '%s_weights.h5' % options["net_name"])