def __get_cli_options(self): """Get options passed in at the command line""" shortOptions = "htdp:vc:va:vl:v" longOptions = ["help", "timer", "debug", "path=", "config=", "auto=", "language="] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOptions, longOptions) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print(str(err)) sys.exit(2) # set options path = False configFilePath = False if sys.argv[1:] != [] and opts == []: path = '' for chunk in sys.argv[1:]: path += chunk + ' ' for o, a in opts: # show processing times if o in ("-t", "--timer"): app.showTimes = True print("Showing processing times") # show debug messages elif o in ("-d", "--debug"): app.debug = True print("Running in debug mode") print("Version : " + app.version) print("Python %s, wxPython %s" % (platform.python_version(), utils.get_wxversion())) # set path elif o in ("-p", "--path"): path = self.strip_leading(a) # show help and exit elif o in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() # use a config path elif o in ("-c", "--config"): configFilePath = self.strip_leading(a) # set auto level elif o in ("-a", "--auto"): level = self.strip_leading(a) if level not in ('0', '1', '2', '3'): exit("Invalid auto mode level : '%s'" % level) elif not configFilePath: exit("Auto mode level must be used with configuration file ( '-c' or '--config' option )") else: print("Auto mode level set : %s" % level) app.autoModeLevel = int(level) # specify the language elif o in ("-l", "--language"): app.language = self.strip_leading(a) return path, configFilePath
def __init_ctrls(self, parent): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_ABOUT, name=u'About', parent=parent, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title=_(u"About Metamorphose")) self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(utils.icon_path(u'about.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) fontParams = app.fontParams fontSize = fontParams['size'] fontFamily = fontParams['family'] fontStyle = fontParams['style'] self.SetFont(wx.Font(fontSize + 1, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.NORMAL, False, u'Times New Roman')) self.Center(wx.HORIZONTAL | wx.VERTICAL) self.SetThemeEnabled(True) self.greet = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_ABOUTGREET, label=u"Métamorphose 2", name=u'greet', parent=self) self.greet.SetFont(wx.Font(fontSize + 4, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False)) self.CLOSE = wx.BitmapButton(id=wxID_ABOUTCLOSE, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'metamorphose128.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG), name=u'CLOSE', parent=self, style=wx.BU_AUTODRAW) self.CLOSE.SetToolTipString(_(u"Click here to exit")) self.CLOSE.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_close_button, id=wxID_ABOUTCLOSE) self.copyright = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_ABOUTCOPYRIGHT, label=u"Copyright © 2006-2015 Ianaré Sévi", name=u'copyright', parent=self) self.copyright.SetFont(wx.Font(fontSize + 2, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False)) self.version = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_ABOUTVERSION, label=_(u"Version: %s") % app.version, name=u'version', parent=self) self.version.SetFont(wx.Font(fontSize + 2, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False)) self.wxVersion = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_ABOUTWXVERSION, label=_(u"Using Python %s, wxPython %s") % ( platform.python_version(), utils.get_wxversion() ), name=u'version', parent=self) self.wxVersion.SetFont(wx.Font(fontSize + 1, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.NORMAL, False)) = hl.HyperLinkCtrl(self, wxID_ABOUTLINK, _(u"Metamorphose Home Page"), URL=u'', style=0) self.bugReport = hl.HyperLinkCtrl(self, wxID_ABOUTLINK, _(u"GitHub Project Page"), URL=u'') self.bugReport.Show(True) self.donateButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_PANELDONATEBUTTON, label=_(u"Donate"), name=u'donateButton', parent=self) self.donateButton.SetFont(wx.Font(fontSize + 4, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False, u'Times New Roman')) self.donateButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_donate_button, id=wxID_PANELDONATEBUTTON) self.donate = hl.HyperLinkCtrl(self, wxID_ABOUTDONATE, _(u"Donate"), URL=u'') self.donate.Show(False) self.licenseButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_PANELLICENSEBUTTON, label=_(u"License"), name=u'licenseButton', parent=self) self.licenseButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_small_help,id=wxID_PANELLICENSEBUTTON) self.creditsButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_PANELCREDITSBUTTON, label=_(u"Credits"), name=u'licenseButton', parent=self) self.creditsButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_small_help,id=wxID_PANELCREDITSBUTTON)
def __init__(self, prnt, options): # Important variables needed throughout the application classes self.warn = [] # warnings self.bad = [] # errors self.errorLog = [] # all errors go here self.items = [] # items to rename self.spacer = u" " * 6 # spacer for status messages (to clear image) wx.Frame.__init__(self, id=wxID_MAIN_WINDOW, name=u'MainWindow', parent=prnt, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) # first run? utils.init_environment() self.set_language() app.debug_print("Operating System: %s - %s - %s" % (platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.version())) app.debug_print("System encoding: " + self.encoding) app.debug_print("Python version: " + platform.python_version()) app.debug_print("wxPython version: " + utils.get_wxversion()) app.debug_print("Interface language: " + app.language) # import these modules here since they need language settings activated global renamer import renamer global configs import configs global picker import picker global bottomWindow import bottomWindow # initialize preferences app.prefs = preferences.Methods() # icons used for status bar messages self.statusImages = { u'failed': wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'failed_sb.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO), u'wait': wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'wait.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG), u'warn': wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'warn_sb.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO), u'complete': wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'complete.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO), u'eyes': wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'eyes.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG), } # build main GUI self.__init_ctrls(prnt) # clear undo if set in preferences: if app.prefs.get(u'clearUndo'): try: originalFile ='undo/original.bak'), 'w', "utf-8") originalFile.write('') renamedFile ='undo/renamed.bak'), 'w', "utf-8") renamedFile.write('') except IOError, error: utils.make_err_msg(_(u"%s\n\nCould not clear undo") % error, _(u"Error")) pass
def usage(self): """Print CLI usage and options to screen.""" print() print("Metamorphose 2.%s\nRunning on Python %s, wxPython %s" % (app.version, platform.python_version(), utils.get_wxversion())) print("Copyright (C) 2006-2014 ianare sevi") print("<>\n") print("Metamorphose is a graphical mass renaming program for files and folders.") print("There is support for automating GUI tasks via command line.\n") print("metamorphose2 [/path/to/open/spaces ok]") print("metamorphose2 [-t] [-d] [-p /path/to/open] [[-c /path/to/file.cfg] [-a level (0-3)]] [-l language]") print() print("-h, --help Show help screen and exit.") print("-t, --timer Show time taken to complete operations.") print("-d, --debug Show debugging information.") print("-p=, --path Specify a directory to load.") print("-c=, --config Specify a configuration file to load.") print("-a=, --auto Specify automatic mode level to use with configuration file:") print(" 0 = do not preview items") print(" 1 = auto preview items") print(" 2 = auto rename items") print(" 3 = auto rename items and exit on success") print("-l=, --language Overide prefered language :") print(" en_US") print(" fr") print() print("If no other options are given, you may specify a path to open:") print("$ metamorphose2 /srv/samba/Windows Likes Spaces") print() sys.exit()
def __init_ctrls(self, parent): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=wxID_ABOUT, name=u'About', parent=parent, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title=_(u"About Metamorphose")) self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(utils.icon_path(u'about.ico'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) fontParams = app.fontParams fontSize = fontParams['size'] fontFamily = fontParams['family'] fontStyle = fontParams['style'] self.SetFont( wx.Font(fontSize + 1, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.NORMAL, False, u'Times New Roman')) self.Center(wx.HORIZONTAL | wx.VERTICAL) self.SetThemeEnabled(True) self.greet = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_ABOUTGREET, label=u"Métamorphose 2", name=u'greet', parent=self) self.greet.SetFont( wx.Font(fontSize + 4, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False)) self.CLOSE = wx.BitmapButton( id=wxID_ABOUTCLOSE, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(utils.icon_path(u'metamorphose128.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG), name=u'CLOSE', parent=self, style=wx.BU_AUTODRAW) self.CLOSE.SetToolTipString(_(u"Click here to exit")) self.CLOSE.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_close_button, id=wxID_ABOUTCLOSE) self.copyright = wx.StaticText( id=wxID_ABOUTCOPYRIGHT, label=u"Copyright © 2006-2013 Ianaré Sévi", name=u'copyright', parent=self) self.copyright.SetFont( wx.Font(fontSize + 2, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False)) self.version = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_ABOUTVERSION, label=_(u"Version: %s") % app.version, name=u'version', parent=self) self.version.SetFont( wx.Font(fontSize + 2, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False)) self.wxVersion = wx.StaticText( id=wxID_ABOUTWXVERSION, label=_(u"Using Python %s, wxPython %s") % (platform.python_version(), utils.get_wxversion()), name=u'version', parent=self) self.wxVersion.SetFont( wx.Font(fontSize + 1, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.NORMAL, False)) = hl.HyperLinkCtrl( self, wxID_ABOUTLINK, _(u"Metamorphose Home Page"), URL=u'', style=0) self.bugReport = hl.HyperLinkCtrl( self, wxID_ABOUTLINK, _(u"GitHub Project Page"), URL=u'') self.bugReport.Show(True) self.donateButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_PANELDONATEBUTTON, label=_(u"Donate"), name=u'donateButton', parent=self) self.donateButton.SetFont( wx.Font(fontSize + 4, fontFamily, fontStyle, wx.BOLD, False, u'Times New Roman')) self.donateButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_donate_button, id=wxID_PANELDONATEBUTTON) self.donate = hl.HyperLinkCtrl( self, wxID_ABOUTDONATE, _(u"Donate"), URL=u'') self.donate.Show(False) self.licenseButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_PANELLICENSEBUTTON, label=_(u"License"), name=u'licenseButton', parent=self) self.licenseButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_small_help, id=wxID_PANELLICENSEBUTTON) self.creditsButton = wx.Button(id=wxID_PANELCREDITSBUTTON, label=_(u"Credits"), name=u'licenseButton', parent=self) self.creditsButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_small_help, id=wxID_PANELCREDITSBUTTON)