def main(): ''' main run call ''' debug = False from optparse import OptionParser usage = "usage: %prog [options] -g [GENOME] -i [INPUT_REGION_GFF] -r [RANKBY_BAM_FILE] -o [OUTPUT_FOLDER] [OPTIONAL_FLAGS]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) # required flags parser.add_option( "-i", "--i", dest="input", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a .gff or .bed file of binding sites used to make enhancers" ) parser.add_option("-r", "--rankby", dest="rankby", nargs=1, default=None, help="bamfile to rank enhancer by") parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter an output folder") parser.add_option("-g", "--genome", dest="genome", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter the genome build (MM9,MM8,HG18,HG19)") # optional flags parser.add_option( "-b", "--bams", dest="bams", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a comma separated list of additional bam files to map to") parser.add_option("-c", "--control", dest="control", nargs=1, default=None, help="bamfile to rank enhancer by") parser.add_option( "-s", "--stitch", dest="stitch", nargs=1, default='', help= "Enter a max linking distance for stitching. Default will determine optimal stitching parameter" ) parser.add_option( "-t", "--tss", dest="tss", nargs=1, default=0, help="Enter a distance from TSS to exclude. 0 = no TSS exclusion") parser.add_option( "--mask", dest="mask", nargs=1, default=None, help= "Mask a set of regions from analysis. Provide a .bed or .gff of masking regions" ) # RETRIEVING FLAGS (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.input or not options.rankby or not options.out or not options.genome: print('hi there') parser.print_help() exit() # making the out folder if it doesn't exist outFolder = utils.formatFolder(options.out, True) # figuring out folder schema gffFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'gff/', True) mappedFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'mappedGFF/', True) # GETTING INPUT FILE if options.input.split('.')[-1] == 'bed': # CONVERTING A BED TO GFF inputGFFName = options.input.split('/')[-1][0:-4] inputGFFFile = '%s%s.gff' % (gffFolder, inputGFFName) utils.bedToGFF(options.input, inputGFFFile) elif options.input.split('.')[-1] == 'gff': # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER inputGFFFile = options.input os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputGFFFile, gffFolder)) else: print( 'WARNING: INPUT FILE DOES NOT END IN .gff or .bed. ASSUMING .gff FILE FORMAT' ) # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER inputGFFFile = options.input os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputGFFFile, gffFolder)) # GETTING THE LIST OF BAMFILES TO PROCESS if options.control: bamFileList = [options.rankby, options.control] else: bamFileList = [options.rankby] if options.bams: bamFileList += options.bams.split(',') #bamFileList = utils.uniquify(bamFileList) # makes sad when you have the same control bam over and over again # optional args # Stitch parameter if options.stitch == '': stitchWindow = '' else: stitchWindow = int(options.stitch) # tss options tssWindow = int(options.tss) if tssWindow != 0: removeTSS = True else: removeTSS = False # GETTING THE BOUND REGION FILE USED TO DEFINE ENHANCERS print('USING %s AS THE INPUT GFF' % (inputGFFFile)) inputName = inputGFFFile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] # GETTING THE GENOME genome = options.genome print('USING %s AS THE GENOME' % genome) # GETTING THE CORRECT ANNOT FILE cwd = os.getcwd() genomeDict = { 'HG18': '%s/annotation/hg18_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'MM9': '%s/annotation/mm9_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'HG19': '%s/annotation/hg19_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'MM8': '%s/annotation/mm8_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'MM10': '%s/annotation/mm10_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'RN4': '%s/annotation/rn4_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'RN6': '%s/annotation/rn6_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), } annotFile = genomeDict[genome.upper()] # MAKING THE START DICT print('MAKING START DICT') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) #GET CHROMS FOUND IN THE BAMS print('GETTING CHROMS IN BAMFILES') bamChromList = getBamChromList(bamFileList) print("USING THE FOLLOWING CHROMS") print(bamChromList) #LOADING IN THE GFF AND FILTERING BY CHROM print('LOADING AND FILTERING THE GFF') inputGFF = filterGFF(inputGFFFile, bamChromList) # LOADING IN THE BOUND REGION REFERENCE COLLECTION print('LOADING IN GFF REGIONS') referenceCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFF) print('CHECKING REFERENCE COLLECTION:') checkRefCollection(referenceCollection) # MASKING REFERENCE COLLECTION # see if there's a mask if options.mask: maskFile = options.mask # if it's a bed file if maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'BED': maskGFF = utils.bedToGFF(maskFile) elif maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'GFF': maskGFF = utils.parseTable(maskFile, '\t') else: print("MASK MUST BE A .gff or .bed FILE") sys.exit() maskCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(maskGFF) # now mask the reference loci referenceLoci = referenceCollection.getLoci() filteredLoci = [ locus for locus in referenceLoci if len(maskCollection.getOverlap(locus, 'both')) == 0 ] print("FILTERED OUT %s LOCI THAT WERE MASKED IN %s" % (len(referenceLoci) - len(filteredLoci), maskFile)) referenceCollection = utils.LocusCollection(filteredLoci, 50) # NOW STITCH REGIONS print('STITCHING REGIONS TOGETHER') stitchedCollection, debugOutput, stitchWindow = regionStitching( referenceCollection, inputName, outFolder, stitchWindow, tssWindow, annotFile, removeTSS) # NOW MAKE A STITCHED COLLECTION GFF print('MAKING GFF FROM STITCHED COLLECTION') stitchedGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(stitchedCollection) # making sure start/stop ordering are correct for i in range(len(stitchedGFF)): line = stitchedGFF[i] start = int(line[3]) stop = int(line[4]) if start > stop: line[3] = stop line[4] = start print(stitchWindow) print(type(stitchWindow)) if not removeTSS: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.gff' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED' % (inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.debug' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) else: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.gff' % ( gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL' % ( inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.debug' % ( gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) # WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK if debug: print('WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK AS %s' % (debugOutFile)) utils.unParseTable(debugOutput, debugOutFile, '\t') # WRITE THE GFF TO DISK print('WRITING STITCHED GFF TO DISK AS %s' % (stitchedGFFFile)) utils.unParseTable(stitchedGFF, stitchedGFFFile, '\t') # SETTING UP THE OVERALL OUTPUT FILE outputFile1 = outFolder + stitchedGFFName + '_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt' print('OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO %s' % (outputFile1)) # MAPPING TO THE NON STITCHED (ORIGINAL GFF) # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF # Try to use the script on cluster, otherwise, failover to local (in path), otherwise fail. bamliquidator_path = '' bamFileListUnique = list(bamFileList) bamFileListUnique = utils.uniquify(bamFileListUnique) #prevent redundant mapping print("MAPPING TO THE FOLLOWING BAMS:") print(bamFileListUnique) for bamFile in bamFileListUnique: bamFileName = bamFile.split('/')[-1] # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF mappedOut1Folder = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED' % (mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) mappedOut1File = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED/matrix.txt' % ( mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File, 0.2, 0.2): print("FOUND %s MAPPING DATA FOR BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1File)) else: cmd1 = bamliquidator_path + " --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s" % ( stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1Folder, bamFile) print(cmd1) os.system(cmd1) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File, 0.2, 5): print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) sys.exit() print('BAM MAPPING COMPLETED NOW MAPPING DATA TO REGIONS') # CALCULATE DENSITY BY REGION # NEED TO FIX THIS FUNCTION TO ACCOUNT FOR DIFFERENT OUTPUTS OF LIQUIDATOR mapCollection(stitchedCollection, referenceCollection, bamFileList, mappedFolder, outputFile1, refName=stitchedGFFName) print('CALLING AND PLOTTING SUPER-ENHANCERS') if options.control: rankbyName = options.rankby.split('/')[-1] controlName = options.control.split('/')[-1] cmd = 'R --no-save %s %s %s %s < ROSE2_callSuper.R' % ( outFolder, outputFile1, inputName, controlName) else: rankbyName = options.rankby.split('/')[-1] controlName = 'NONE' cmd = 'R --no-save %s %s %s %s < ROSE2_callSuper.R' % ( outFolder, outputFile1, inputName, controlName) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # calling the gene mapper time.sleep(20) superTableFile = "%s_SuperEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) if options.control: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -c %s -i %s%s &" % ( genome, options.rankby, options.control, outFolder, superTableFile) else: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -i %s%s &" % ( genome, options.rankby, outFolder, superTableFile) os.system(cmd) stretchTableFile = "%s_StretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) if options.control: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -c %s -i %s%s &" % ( genome, options.rankby, options.control, outFolder, stretchTableFile) else: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -i %s%s &" % ( genome, options.rankby, outFolder, stretchTableFile) os.system(cmd) superStretchTableFile = "%s_SuperStretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) if options.control: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -c %s -i %s%s &" % ( genome, options.rankby, options.control, outFolder, superStretchTableFile) else: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -i %s%s &" % ( genome, options.rankby, outFolder, superStretchTableFile) os.system(cmd)
def main(): ''' main run call ''' debug = False from optparse import OptionParser usage = "usage: %prog [options] -g [GENOME] -i [INPUT_REGION_GFF] -r [RANKBY_BAM_FILE] -o [OUTPUT_FOLDER] [OPTIONAL_FLAGS]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) # required flags parser.add_option( "-i", "--i", dest="input", nargs=1, default=None, help= "Enter a comma separated list of .gff or .bed file of binding sites used to make enhancers" ) parser.add_option("-r", "--rankby", dest="rankby", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a comma separated list of bams to rank by") parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter an output folder") parser.add_option("-g", "--genome", dest="genome", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter the genome build (MM9,MM8,HG18,HG19)") # optional flags parser.add_option( "-n", "--name", dest="name", nargs=1, default=None, help="Provide a name for the analysis otherwise ROSE will guess") parser.add_option( "-c", "--control", dest="control", nargs=1, default=None, help= "Enter a comma separated list of control bams. Can either provide a single control bam for all rankby bams, or provide a control bam for each individual bam" ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--stitch", dest="stitch", nargs=1, default='', help= "Enter a max linking distance for stitching. Default will determine optimal stitching parameter" ) parser.add_option( "-t", "--tss", dest="tss", nargs=1, default=0, help="Enter a distance from TSS to exclude. 0 = no TSS exclusion") parser.add_option( "--mask", dest="mask", nargs=1, default=None, help= "Mask a set of regions from analysis. Provide a .bed or .gff of masking regions" ) # RETRIEVING FLAGS (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.input or not options.rankby or not options.out or not options.genome: print('hi there') parser.print_help() exit() # making the out folder if it doesn't exist outFolder = utils.formatFolder(options.out, True) # figuring out folder schema gffFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'gff/', True) mappedFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'mappedGFF/', True) # GETTING INPUT FILE(s) inputList = [ inputFile for inputFile in options.input.split(',') if len(inputFile) > 1 ] #converting all input files into GFFs and moving into the GFF folder inputGFFList = [] for inputFile in inputList: if inputFile.split('.')[-1] == 'bed': # CONVERTING A BED TO GFF inputGFFName = inputFile.split('/')[-1][ 0:-4] #strips the last 4 characters i.e. '.bed' inputGFFFile = '%s%s.gff' % (gffFolder, inputGFFName) utils.bedToGFF(inputFile, inputGFFFile) elif options.input.split('.')[-1] == 'gff': # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputFile, gffFolder)) inputGFFFile = '%s%s' % (gffFolder, inputFile.split('/')[-1]) else: print( 'WARNING: INPUT FILE DOES NOT END IN .gff or .bed. ASSUMING .gff FILE FORMAT' ) # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputFile, gffFolder)) inputGFFFile = '%s%s' % (gffFolder, inputFile.split('/')[-1]) inputGFFList.append(inputGFFFile) # GETTING THE LIST OF BAMFILES TO PROCESS #either same number of bams for rankby and control #or only 1 control #or none! #bamlist should be all rankby bams followed by control bams bamFileList = [] if options.control: controlBamList = [ bam for bam in options.control.split(',') if len(bam) > 0 ] rankbyBamList = [ bam for bam in options.rankby.split(',') if len(bam) > 0 ] if len(controlBamList) == len(rankbyBamList): #case where an equal number of backgrounds are given bamFileList = rankbyBamList + controlBamList elif len(controlBamList) == 1: #case where a universal background is applied bamFileList = rankbyBamList + controlBamList * len(rankbyBamList) else: print( 'ERROR: EITHER PROVIDE A SINGLE CONTROL BAM FOR ALL SAMPLES, OR ONE CONTROL BAM FOR EACH SAMPLE' ) sys.exit() else: bamFileList = [ bam for bam in options.rankby.split(',') if len(bam) > 0 ] # Stitch parameter if options.stitch == '': stitchWindow = '' else: stitchWindow = int(options.stitch) # tss options tssWindow = int(options.tss) if tssWindow != 0: removeTSS = True else: removeTSS = False # GETTING THE GENOME genome = string.upper(options.genome) print('USING %s AS THE GENOME' % (genome)) # GETTING THE CORRECT ANNOT FILE genomeDict = { 'HG18': '%s/annotation/hg18_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'MM9': '%s/annotation/mm9_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'HG19': '%s/annotation/hg19_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'MM8': '%s/annotation/mm8_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'MM10': '%s/annotation/mm10_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'RN4': '%s/annotation/rn4_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), } try: annotFile = genomeDict[genome.upper()] except KeyError: print('ERROR: UNSUPPORTED GENOMES TYPE %s' % (genome)) sys.exit() #FINDING THE ANALYSIS NAME if inputName = else: inputName = inputGFFList[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] print('USING %s AS THE ANALYSIS NAME' % (inputName)) print('FORMATTING INPUT REGIONS') # MAKING THE RAW INPUT FILE FROM THE INPUT GFFs #use a simpler unique region naming system if len(inputGFFList) == 1: inputGFF = utils.parseTable(inputGFFList[0], '\t') else: inputLoci = [] for gffFile in inputGFFList: print('\tprocessing %s' % (gffFile)) gff = utils.parseTable(gffFile, '\t') gffCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(gff, 50) inputLoci += gffCollection.getLoci() inputCollection = utils.LocusCollection(inputLoci, 50) inputCollection = inputCollection.stitchCollection( ) # stitches to produce unique regions inputGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(inputCollection) formattedGFF = [] #now number things appropriately for i, line in enumerate(inputGFF): #use the coordinates to make a new id inputname_chr_sense_start_stop chrom = line[0] coords = [int(line[3]), int(line[4])] sense = line[6] lineID = '%s_%s' % (inputName, str(i + 1)) #1 indexing newLine = [ chrom, lineID, lineID, min(coords), max(coords), '', sense, '', lineID ] formattedGFF.append(newLine) #name of the master input gff file masterGFFFile = '%s%s_%s_ALL_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder, string.upper(genome), inputName) utils.unParseTable(formattedGFF, masterGFFFile, '\t') print('USING %s AS THE INPUT GFF' % (masterGFFFile)) # MAKING THE START DICT print('MAKING START DICT') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) #GET CHROMS FOUND IN THE BAMS print('GETTING CHROMS IN BAMFILES') bamChromList = getBamChromList(bamFileList) print("USING THE FOLLOWING CHROMS") print(bamChromList) #LOADING IN THE GFF AND FILTERING BY CHROM print('LOADING AND FILTERING THE GFF') inputGFF = filterGFF(masterGFFFile, bamChromList) # LOADING IN THE BOUND REGION REFERENCE COLLECTION print('LOADING IN GFF REGIONS') referenceCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFF) print('CHECKING REFERENCE COLLECTION:') checkRefCollection(referenceCollection) # MASKING REFERENCE COLLECTION # see if there's a mask if options.mask: maskFile = options.mask # if it's a bed file if maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'BED': maskGFF = utils.bedToGFF(maskFile) elif maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'GFF': maskGFF = utils.parseTable(maskFile, '\t') else: print("MASK MUST BE A .gff or .bed FILE") sys.exit() maskCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(maskGFF) # now mask the reference loci referenceLoci = referenceCollection.getLoci() filteredLoci = [ locus for locus in referenceLoci if len(maskCollection.getOverlap(locus, 'both')) == 0 ] print("FILTERED OUT %s LOCI THAT WERE MASKED IN %s" % (len(referenceLoci) - len(filteredLoci), maskFile)) referenceCollection = utils.LocusCollection(filteredLoci, 50) # NOW STITCH REGIONS print('STITCHING REGIONS TOGETHER') stitchedCollection, debugOutput, stitchWindow = regionStitching( referenceCollection, inputName, outFolder, stitchWindow, tssWindow, annotFile, removeTSS) # NOW MAKE A STITCHED COLLECTION GFF print('MAKING GFF FROM STITCHED COLLECTION') stitchedGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(stitchedCollection) print(stitchWindow) print(type(stitchWindow)) if not removeTSS: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.gff' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED' % (inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.debug' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) else: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.gff' % ( gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL' % ( inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.debug' % ( gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) # WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK if debug: print('WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK AS %s' % (debugOutFile)) utils.unParseTable(debugOutput, debugOutFile, '\t') # WRITE THE GFF TO DISK print('WRITING STITCHED GFF TO DISK AS %s' % (stitchedGFFFile)) utils.unParseTable(stitchedGFF, stitchedGFFFile, '\t') # SETTING UP THE OVERALL OUTPUT FILE outputFile1 = outFolder + stitchedGFFName + '_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt' print('OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO %s' % (outputFile1)) # MAPPING TO THE NON STITCHED (ORIGINAL GFF) # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF # Try to use the script on cluster, otherwise, failover to local (in path), otherwise fail. bamFileListUnique = list(bamFileList) bamFileListUnique = utils.uniquify(bamFileListUnique) #prevent redundant mapping print("MAPPING TO THE FOLLOWING BAMS:") print(bamFileListUnique) for bamFile in bamFileListUnique: bamFileName = bamFile.split('/')[-1] # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF mappedOut1Folder = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED' % (mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) mappedOut1File = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED/matrix.txt' % ( mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File, 0.2, 0.2): print("FOUND %s MAPPING DATA FOR BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1File)) else: cmd1 = bamliquidator_path + " --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s" % ( stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1Folder, bamFile) print(cmd1) os.system(cmd1) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File, 0.2, 5): print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) sys.exit() print('BAM MAPPING COMPLETED NOW MAPPING DATA TO REGIONS') # CALCULATE DENSITY BY REGION # NEED TO FIX THIS FUNCTION TO ACCOUNT FOR DIFFERENT OUTPUTS OF LIQUIDATOR mapCollection(stitchedCollection, referenceCollection, bamFileList, mappedFolder, outputFile1, refName=stitchedGFFName) print('FINDING AVERAGE SIGNAL AMONGST BAMS') metaOutputFile = collapseRegionMap(outputFile1, inputName + '_MERGED_SIGNAL', controlBams=options.control) #now try the merging print('CALLING AND PLOTTING SUPER-ENHANCERS') rankbyName = inputName + '_MERGED_SIGNAL' controlName = 'NONE' cmd = 'Rscript %sROSE2_callSuper.R %s %s %s %s' % ( pipeline_dir, outFolder, metaOutputFile, inputName, controlName) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # calling the gene mapper print('CALLING GENE MAPPING') superTableFile = "%s_SuperEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) #for now don't use ranking bam to call top genes cmd = "python -g %s -i %s%s -f" % ( pipeline_dir, genome, outFolder, superTableFile) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) stretchTableFile = "%s_StretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) cmd = "python -g %s -i %s%s -f" % ( pipeline_dir, genome, outFolder, stretchTableFile) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) superStretchTableFile = "%s_SuperStretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) cmd = "python -g %s -i %s%s -f" % ( pipeline_dir, genome, outFolder, superStretchTableFile) os.system(cmd)
def make_shep_on_mycn_landscape(shep_on_dataFile): ''' finds mycn peaks in shep21 that are conserved in nb and segregates them into promoter or enhancer ''' dataDict = pipeline_dfci.loadDataTable(shep_on_dataFile) print('LOADING SHEP ON MYCN SITES') #load all of the shep_on sites # shep_on_gff_path = '%smeta_rose/SHEP_ON_MYC/gff/HG19_SHEP_ON_MYC_ALL_-0_+0.gff' % (projectFolder) # shep_on_gff = utils.parseTable(shep_on_gff_path,'\t') shep_on_bed_path = '%sSHEP_6HR_MYCN_peaks.bed' % (macsEnrichedFolder) shep_on_bed = utils.parseTable(shep_on_bed_path,'\t') shep_on_gff = utils.bedToGFF(shep_on_bed) #now get the conserved NB MYCN regions nb_conserved_mycn_gff_file = '%sHG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder) nb_conserved_mycn_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(nb_conserved_mycn_gff_file) print('LOADING SHEP ACTIVE ENHANCERS') #make a collection of enhancers shep_enhancer_file = '%smeta_rose/SHEP_ON_H3K27AC/SHEP_ON_H3K27AC_AllEnhancers.table.txt' % (projectFolder) shep_enhancer_collection = utils.makeSECollection(shep_enhancer_file,'SHEP_H3K27AC') #now get the active promoters print('LOADING SHEP ACTIVE PROMOTERS') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) shep_transcribed_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_ON_H3K27AC_ACTIVE.txt' % (geneListFolder) shep_transcribed_table = utils.parseTable(shep_transcribed_file,'\t') transcribedList = [line[1] for line in shep_transcribed_table] tssLoci = [] for refID in transcribedList: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(refID,startDict,1000,1000)) shep_tss_collection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci,50) #now initialize the 6 gffs we will need shep_mycn_gff = [] shep_mycn_gff_5kb = [] shep_mycn_gff_1kb = [] shep_mycn_promoter_gff = [] shep_mycn_promoter_gff_1kb = [] shep_mycn_promoter_gff_5kb = [] shep_mycn_enhancer_gff = [] shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_1kb = [] shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_5kb = [] #and their respective file names shep_mycn_gff_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_gff_5kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_-5kb_+5kb.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_gff_1kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_-1kb_+1kb.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_promoter_gff_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_promoter_gff_5kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5kb_+5kb.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_promoter_gff_1kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-1kb_+1kb.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_5kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5kb_+5kb.gff' % (gffFolder) shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_1kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-1kb_+1kb.gff' % (gffFolder) print('ITERATING THROUGH SHEP MYCN PEAKS') ticker = 0 enhancer = 0 promoter = 0 other = 0 for line in shep_on_gff: if ticker % 1000 == 0: print ticker ticker+=1 peakID = '%s_%s' % ('SHEP_MYCN',str(ticker)) lineLocus = utils.Locus(line[0],line[3],line[4],'.',peakID) if nb_conserved_mycn_collection.getOverlap(lineLocus): gffLine = [line[0],peakID,peakID,line[3],line[4],'','.','',peakID] peakCenter = (int(line[3]) + int(line[4]))/2 gffLine_5kb = [line[0],peakID,peakID,peakCenter - 5000,peakCenter + 5000,'','.','',peakID] #the 1kb is not a center +/- but a flank gffLine_1kb = [line[0],peakID,peakID,int(line[3]) - 1000,int(line[4]) + 1000,'','.','',peakID] shep_mycn_gff.append(gffLine) shep_mycn_gff_5kb.append(gffLine_5kb) shep_mycn_gff_1kb.append(gffLine_1kb) #tss overlap should take precedence over enhancer overlap if shep_tss_collection.getOverlap(lineLocus,'both'): shep_mycn_promoter_gff.append(gffLine) shep_mycn_promoter_gff_5kb.append(gffLine_5kb) shep_mycn_promoter_gff_1kb.append(gffLine_1kb) promoter+=1 #now check for enhancer overlap elif shep_enhancer_collection.getOverlap(lineLocus,'both'): shep_mycn_enhancer_gff.append(gffLine) shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_5kb.append(gffLine_5kb) shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_1kb.append(gffLine_1kb) enhancer+=1 else: other+=1 print('Of %s shep on mycn peaks' % (len(shep_on_gff))) print('%s are promoter' % (promoter)) print('%s are enhancer' % (enhancer)) print('%s are other' % (other)) #now write out the gffs utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_gff,shep_mycn_gff_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_gff_5kb,shep_mycn_gff_5kb_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_gff_1kb,shep_mycn_gff_1kb_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_promoter_gff,shep_mycn_promoter_gff_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_promoter_gff_5kb,shep_mycn_promoter_gff_5kb_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_promoter_gff_1kb,shep_mycn_promoter_gff_1kb_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_enhancer_gff,shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_5kb,shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_5kb_file,'\t') utils.unParseTable(shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_1kb,shep_mycn_enhancer_gff_1kb_file,'\t')
def main(): ''' main run call ''' debug = False from optparse import OptionParser usage = "usage: %prog [options] -g [GENOME] -i [INPUT_REGION_GFF] -r [RANKBY_BAM_FILE] -o [OUTPUT_FOLDER] [OPTIONAL_FLAGS]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) # required flags parser.add_option("-i", "--i", dest="input", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a comma separated list of .gff or .bed file of binding sites used to make enhancers") parser.add_option("-r", "--rankby", dest="rankby", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a comma separated list of bams to rank by") parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter an output folder") parser.add_option("-g", "--genome", dest="genome", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter the genome build (MM9,MM8,HG18,HG19)") # optional flags parser.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="name", nargs=1, default=None, help="Provide a name for the analysis otherwise ROSE will guess") parser.add_option("-c", "--control", dest="control", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a comma separated list of control bams. Can either provide a single control bam for all rankby bams, or provide a control bam for each individual bam") parser.add_option("-s", "--stitch", dest="stitch", nargs=1, default='', help="Enter a max linking distance for stitching. Default will determine optimal stitching parameter") parser.add_option("-t", "--tss", dest="tss", nargs=1, default=0, help="Enter a distance from TSS to exclude. 0 = no TSS exclusion") parser.add_option("--mask", dest="mask", nargs=1, default=None, help="Mask a set of regions from analysis. Provide a .bed or .gff of masking regions") # RETRIEVING FLAGS (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.input or not options.rankby or not options.out or not options.genome: print('hi there') parser.print_help() exit() # making the out folder if it doesn't exist outFolder = utils.formatFolder(options.out, True) # figuring out folder schema gffFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'gff/', True) mappedFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'mappedGFF/', True) # GETTING INPUT FILE(s) inputList = [inputFile for inputFile in options.input.split(',') if len(inputFile) > 1] #converting all input files into GFFs and moving into the GFF folder inputGFFList = [] for inputFile in inputList: if inputFile.split('.')[-1] == 'bed': # CONVERTING A BED TO GFF inputGFFName = inputFile.split('/')[-1][0:-4] #strips the last 4 characters i.e. '.bed' inputGFFFile = '%s%s.gff' % (gffFolder, inputGFFName) utils.bedToGFF(inputFile, inputGFFFile) elif options.input.split('.')[-1] == 'gff': # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputFile, gffFolder)) inputGFFFile = '%s%s' % (gffFolder,inputFile.split('/')[-1]) else: print('WARNING: INPUT FILE DOES NOT END IN .gff or .bed. ASSUMING .gff FILE FORMAT') # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputFile, gffFolder)) inputGFFFile = '%s%s' % (gffFolder,inputFile.split('/')[-1]) inputGFFList.append(inputGFFFile) # GETTING THE LIST OF BAMFILES TO PROCESS #either same number of bams for rankby and control #or only 1 control #or none! #bamlist should be all rankby bams followed by control bams bamFileList = [] if options.control: controlBamList = [bam for bam in options.control.split(',') if len(bam) >0] rankbyBamList = [bam for bam in options.rankby.split(',') if len(bam) >0] if len(controlBamList) == len(rankbyBamList): #case where an equal number of backgrounds are given bamFileList = rankbyBamList + controlBamList elif len(controlBamList) == 1: #case where a universal background is applied bamFileList = rankbyBamList + controlBamList*len(rankbyBamList) else: print('ERROR: EITHER PROVIDE A SINGLE CONTROL BAM FOR ALL SAMPLES, OR ONE CONTROL BAM FOR EACH SAMPLE') sys.exit() else: bamFileList = [bam for bam in options.rankby.split(',') if len(bam) > 0] # Stitch parameter if options.stitch == '': stitchWindow = '' else: stitchWindow = int(options.stitch) # tss options tssWindow = int(options.tss) if tssWindow != 0: removeTSS = True else: removeTSS = False # GETTING THE GENOME genome = string.upper(options.genome) print('USING %s AS THE GENOME' % (genome)) # GETTING THE CORRECT ANNOT FILE genomeDict = { 'HG18': '%s/annotation/hg18_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'MM9': '%s/annotation/mm9_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'HG19': '%s/annotation/hg19_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'MM8': '%s/annotation/mm8_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'MM10': '%s/annotation/mm10_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), 'RN4': '%s/annotation/rn4_refseq.ucsc' % (pipeline_dir), } try: annotFile = genomeDict[genome.upper()] except KeyError: print('ERROR: UNSUPPORTED GENOMES TYPE %s' % (genome)) sys.exit() #FINDING THE ANALYSIS NAME if inputName = else: inputName = inputGFFList[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] print('USING %s AS THE ANALYSIS NAME' % (inputName)) print('FORMATTING INPUT REGIONS') # MAKING THE RAW INPUT FILE FROM THE INPUT GFFs #use a simpler unique region naming system if len(inputGFFList) == 1: inputGFF = utils.parseTable(inputGFFList[0],'\t') else: inputLoci = [] for gffFile in inputGFFList: print('\tprocessing %s' % (gffFile)) gff = utils.parseTable(gffFile,'\t') gffCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(gff,50) inputLoci += gffCollection.getLoci() inputCollection = utils.LocusCollection(inputLoci,50) inputCollection = inputCollection.stitchCollection() # stitches to produce unique regions inputGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(inputCollection) formattedGFF = [] #now number things appropriately for i,line in enumerate(inputGFF): #use the coordinates to make a new id inputname_chr_sense_start_stop chrom = line[0] coords = [int(line[3]) ,int(line[4])] sense = line[6] lineID = '%s_%s' % (inputName,str(i+1)) #1 indexing newLine = [chrom,lineID,lineID,min(coords),max(coords),'',sense,'',lineID] formattedGFF.append(newLine) #name of the master input gff file masterGFFFile = '%s%s_%s_ALL_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder,string.upper(genome),inputName) utils.unParseTable(formattedGFF,masterGFFFile,'\t') print('USING %s AS THE INPUT GFF' % (masterGFFFile)) # MAKING THE START DICT print('MAKING START DICT') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) #GET CHROMS FOUND IN THE BAMS print('GETTING CHROMS IN BAMFILES') bamChromList = getBamChromList(bamFileList) print("USING THE FOLLOWING CHROMS") print(bamChromList) #LOADING IN THE GFF AND FILTERING BY CHROM print('LOADING AND FILTERING THE GFF') inputGFF = filterGFF(masterGFFFile,bamChromList) # LOADING IN THE BOUND REGION REFERENCE COLLECTION print('LOADING IN GFF REGIONS') referenceCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFF) print('CHECKING REFERENCE COLLECTION:') checkRefCollection(referenceCollection) # MASKING REFERENCE COLLECTION # see if there's a mask if options.mask: maskFile = options.mask # if it's a bed file if maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'BED': maskGFF = utils.bedToGFF(maskFile) elif maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'GFF': maskGFF = utils.parseTable(maskFile, '\t') else: print("MASK MUST BE A .gff or .bed FILE") sys.exit() maskCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(maskGFF) # now mask the reference loci referenceLoci = referenceCollection.getLoci() filteredLoci = [locus for locus in referenceLoci if len(maskCollection.getOverlap(locus, 'both')) == 0] print("FILTERED OUT %s LOCI THAT WERE MASKED IN %s" % (len(referenceLoci) - len(filteredLoci), maskFile)) referenceCollection = utils.LocusCollection(filteredLoci, 50) # NOW STITCH REGIONS print('STITCHING REGIONS TOGETHER') stitchedCollection, debugOutput, stitchWindow = regionStitching(referenceCollection, inputName, outFolder, stitchWindow, tssWindow, annotFile, removeTSS) # NOW MAKE A STITCHED COLLECTION GFF print('MAKING GFF FROM STITCHED COLLECTION') stitchedGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(stitchedCollection) print(stitchWindow) print(type(stitchWindow)) if not removeTSS: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.gff' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED' % (inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.debug' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) else: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.gff' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL' % (inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.debug' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) # WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK if debug: print('WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK AS %s' % (debugOutFile)) utils.unParseTable(debugOutput, debugOutFile, '\t') # WRITE THE GFF TO DISK print('WRITING STITCHED GFF TO DISK AS %s' % (stitchedGFFFile)) utils.unParseTable(stitchedGFF, stitchedGFFFile, '\t') # SETTING UP THE OVERALL OUTPUT FILE outputFile1 = outFolder + stitchedGFFName + '_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt' print('OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO %s' % (outputFile1)) # MAPPING TO THE NON STITCHED (ORIGINAL GFF) # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF # Try to use the script on cluster, otherwise, failover to local (in path), otherwise fail. bamFileListUnique = list(bamFileList) bamFileListUnique = utils.uniquify(bamFileListUnique) #prevent redundant mapping print("MAPPING TO THE FOLLOWING BAMS:") print(bamFileListUnique) for bamFile in bamFileListUnique: bamFileName = bamFile.split('/')[-1] # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF mappedOut1Folder = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED' % (mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) mappedOut1File = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED/matrix.txt' % (mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File, 0.2, 0.2): print("FOUND %s MAPPING DATA FOR BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1File)) else: cmd1 = bamliquidator_path + " --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1Folder, bamFile) print(cmd1) os.system(cmd1) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File,0.2,5): print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) sys.exit() print('BAM MAPPING COMPLETED NOW MAPPING DATA TO REGIONS') # CALCULATE DENSITY BY REGION # NEED TO FIX THIS FUNCTION TO ACCOUNT FOR DIFFERENT OUTPUTS OF LIQUIDATOR mapCollection(stitchedCollection, referenceCollection, bamFileList, mappedFolder, outputFile1, refName=stitchedGFFName) print('FINDING AVERAGE SIGNAL AMONGST BAMS') metaOutputFile = collapseRegionMap(outputFile1,inputName + '_MERGED_SIGNAL',controlBams=options.control) #now try the merging print('CALLING AND PLOTTING SUPER-ENHANCERS') rankbyName = inputName + '_MERGED_SIGNAL' controlName = 'NONE' cmd = 'Rscript %sROSE2_callSuper.R %s %s %s %s' % (pipeline_dir,outFolder, metaOutputFile, inputName, controlName) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # calling the gene mapper print('CALLING GENE MAPPING') superTableFile = "%s_SuperEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) #for now don't use ranking bam to call top genes cmd = "python -g %s -i %s%s -f" % (pipeline_dir,genome, outFolder, superTableFile) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) stretchTableFile = "%s_StretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) cmd = "python -g %s -i %s%s -f" % (pipeline_dir,genome, outFolder, stretchTableFile) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) superStretchTableFile = "%s_SuperStretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) cmd = "python -g %s -i %s%s -f" % (pipeline_dir,genome, outFolder, superStretchTableFile) os.system(cmd)
def main(): ''' main run call ''' debug = False from optparse import OptionParser usage = "usage: %prog [options] -g [GENOME] -i [INPUT_REGION_GFF] -r [RANKBY_BAM_FILE] -o [OUTPUT_FOLDER] [OPTIONAL_FLAGS]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) # required flags parser.add_option("-i", "--i", dest="input", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a .gff or .bed file of binding sites used to make enhancers") parser.add_option("-r", "--rankby", dest="rankby", nargs=1, default=None, help="bamfile to rank enhancer by") parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter an output folder") parser.add_option("-g", "--genome", dest="genome", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter the genome build (MM9,MM8,HG18,HG19)") # optional flags parser.add_option("-b", "--bams", dest="bams", nargs=1, default=None, help="Enter a comma separated list of additional bam files to map to") parser.add_option("-c", "--control", dest="control", nargs=1, default=None, help="bamfile to rank enhancer by") parser.add_option("-s", "--stitch", dest="stitch", nargs=1, default='', help="Enter a max linking distance for stitching. Default will determine optimal stitching parameter") parser.add_option("-t", "--tss", dest="tss", nargs=1, default=0, help="Enter a distance from TSS to exclude. 0 = no TSS exclusion") parser.add_option("--mask", dest="mask", nargs=1, default=None, help="Mask a set of regions from analysis. Provide a .bed or .gff of masking regions") # RETRIEVING FLAGS (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.input or not options.rankby or not options.out or not options.genome: print('hi there') parser.print_help() exit() # making the out folder if it doesn't exist outFolder = utils.formatFolder(options.out, True) # figuring out folder schema gffFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'gff/', True) mappedFolder = utils.formatFolder(outFolder + 'mappedGFF/', True) # GETTING INPUT FILE if options.input.split('.')[-1] == 'bed': # CONVERTING A BED TO GFF inputGFFName = options.input.split('/')[-1][0:-4] inputGFFFile = '%s%s.gff' % (gffFolder, inputGFFName) utils.bedToGFF(options.input, inputGFFFile) elif options.input.split('.')[-1] == 'gff': # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER inputGFFFile = options.input os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputGFFFile, gffFolder)) else: print('WARNING: INPUT FILE DOES NOT END IN .gff or .bed. ASSUMING .gff FILE FORMAT') # COPY THE INPUT GFF TO THE GFF FOLDER inputGFFFile = options.input os.system('cp %s %s' % (inputGFFFile, gffFolder)) # GETTING THE LIST OF BAMFILES TO PROCESS if options.control: bamFileList = [options.rankby, options.control] else: bamFileList = [options.rankby] if options.bams: bamFileList += options.bams.split(',') bamFileList = utils.uniquify(bamFileList) # optional args # Stitch parameter if options.stitch == '': stitchWindow = '' else: stitchWindow = int(options.stitch) # tss options tssWindow = int(options.tss) if tssWindow != 0: removeTSS = True else: removeTSS = False # GETTING THE BOUND REGION FILE USED TO DEFINE ENHANCERS print('USING %s AS THE INPUT GFF' % (inputGFFFile)) inputName = inputGFFFile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] # GETTING THE GENOME genome = options.genome print('USING %s AS THE GENOME' % genome) # GETTING THE CORRECT ANNOT FILE cwd = os.getcwd() genomeDict = { 'HG18': '%s/annotation/hg18_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'MM9': '%s/annotation/mm9_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'HG19': '%s/annotation/hg19_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'MM8': '%s/annotation/mm8_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), 'MM10': '%s/annotation/mm10_refseq.ucsc' % (cwd), } annotFile = genomeDict[genome.upper()] # MAKING THE START DICT print('MAKING START DICT') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) # LOADING IN THE BOUND REGION REFERENCE COLLECTION print('LOADING IN GFF REGIONS') referenceCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFFFile) # MASKING REFERENCE COLLECTION # see if there's a mask if options.mask: maskFile = options.mask # if it's a bed file if maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'BED': maskGFF = utils.bedToGFF(maskFile) elif maskFile.split('.')[-1].upper() == 'GFF': maskGFF = utils.parseTable(maskFile, '\t') else: print("MASK MUST BE A .gff or .bed FILE") sys.exit() maskCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(maskGFF) # now mask the reference loci referenceLoci = referenceCollection.getLoci() filteredLoci = [locus for locus in referenceLoci if len(maskCollection.getOverlap(locus, 'both')) == 0] print("FILTERED OUT %s LOCI THAT WERE MASKED IN %s" % (len(referenceLoci) - len(filteredLoci), maskFile)) referenceCollection = utils.LocusCollection(filteredLoci, 50) # NOW STITCH REGIONS print('STITCHING REGIONS TOGETHER') stitchedCollection, debugOutput, stitchWindow = regionStitching(inputGFFFile, inputName, outFolder, stitchWindow, tssWindow, annotFile, removeTSS) # NOW MAKE A STITCHED COLLECTION GFF print('MAKING GFF FROM STITCHED COLLECTION') stitchedGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(stitchedCollection) # making sure start/stop ordering are correct for i in range(len(stitchedGFF)): line = stitchedGFF[i] start = int(line[3]) stop = int(line[4]) if start > stop: line[3] = stop line[4] = start print(stitchWindow) print(type(stitchWindow)) if not removeTSS: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.gff' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED' % (inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED.debug' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) else: stitchedGFFFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.gff' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) stitchedGFFName = '%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL' % (inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) debugOutFile = '%s%s_%sKB_STITCHED_TSS_DISTAL.debug' % (gffFolder, inputName, str(stitchWindow / 1000)) # WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK if debug: print('WRITING DEBUG OUTPUT TO DISK AS %s' % (debugOutFile)) utils.unParseTable(debugOutput, debugOutFile, '\t') # WRITE THE GFF TO DISK print('WRITING STITCHED GFF TO DISK AS %s' % (stitchedGFFFile)) utils.unParseTable(stitchedGFF, stitchedGFFFile, '\t') # SETTING UP THE OVERALL OUTPUT FILE outputFile1 = outFolder + stitchedGFFName + '_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt' print('OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO %s' % (outputFile1)) # MAPPING TO THE NON STITCHED (ORIGINAL GFF) # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF # Try to use the script on cluster, otherwise, failover to local (in path), otherwise fail. bamliquidator_path = '/ark/home/jdm/pipeline/' if not os.path.isfile(bamliquidator_path): bamliquidator_path = '' if not os.path.isfile(bamliquidator_path): raise ValueError(' not found in path') for bamFile in bamFileList: bamFileName = bamFile.split('/')[-1] # MAPPING TO THE STITCHED GFF mappedOut1Folder = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED' % (mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) mappedOut1File = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED/matrix.gff' % (mappedFolder, stitchedGFFName, bamFileName) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut1File, 0.2, 0.2): print("FOUND %s MAPPING DATA FOR BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1File)) else: cmd1 = "python " + bamliquidator_path + " --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut1Folder, bamFile) print(cmd1) output1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output1 = output1.communicate() if len(output1[0]) > 0: # test if mapping worked correctly print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, bamFileName)) sys.exit() # MAPPING TO THE ORIGINAL GFF mappedOut2Folder = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED' % (mappedFolder, inputName, bamFileName) mappedOut2File = '%s%s_%s_MAPPED/matrix.gff' % (mappedFolder, inputName, bamFileName) if utils.checkOutput(mappedOut2File, 0.2, 0.2): print("FOUND %s MAPPING DATA FOR BAM: %s" % (stitchedGFFFile, mappedOut2File)) else: cmd2 = "python " + bamliquidator_path + " --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s" % (inputGFFFile, mappedOut2Folder, bamFile) print(cmd2) output2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) output2 = output2.communicate() if len(output2[0]) > 0: # test if mapping worked correctly print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (inputGFFFile, bamFileName)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (inputGFFFile, bamFileName)) sys.exit() print('BAM MAPPING COMPLETED NOW MAPPING DATA TO REGIONS') # CALCULATE DENSITY BY REGION # NEED TO FIX THIS FUNCTION TO ACCOUNT FOR DIFFERENT OUTPUTS OF LIQUIDATOR mapCollection(stitchedCollection, referenceCollection, bamFileList, mappedFolder, outputFile1, refName=stitchedGFFName) print('CALLING AND PLOTTING SUPER-ENHANCERS') if options.control: rankbyName = options.rankby.split('/')[-1] controlName = options.control.split('/')[-1] cmd = 'R --no-save %s %s %s %s < ROSE2_callSuper.R' % (outFolder, outputFile1, inputName, controlName) else: rankbyName = options.rankby.split('/')[-1] controlName = 'NONE' cmd = 'R --no-save %s %s %s %s < ROSE2_callSuper.R' % (outFolder, outputFile1, inputName, controlName) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # calling the gene mapper time.sleep(20) superTableFile = "%s_SuperEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) if options.control: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -c %s -i %s%s" % (genome, options.rankby, options.control, outFolder, superTableFile) else: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -i %s%s" % (genome, options.rankby, outFolder, superTableFile) os.system(cmd) stretchTableFile = "%s_StretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) if options.control: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -c %s -i %s%s" % (genome, options.rankby, options.control, outFolder, stretchTableFile) else: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -i %s%s" % (genome, options.rankby, outFolder, stretchTableFile) os.system(cmd) superStretchTableFile = "%s_SuperStretchEnhancers.table.txt" % (inputName) if options.control: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -c %s -i %s%s" % (genome, options.rankby, options.control, outFolder, superStretchTableFile) else: cmd = "python -g %s -r %s -i %s%s" % (genome, options.rankby, outFolder, superStretchTableFile) os.system(cmd)
def regionStitching(inputGFF, name, outFolder, stitchWindow, tssWindow, annotFile, removeTSS=True): print('PERFORMING REGION STITCHING') # first have to turn bound region file into a locus collection # need to make sure this names correctly... each region should have a unique name boundCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFF) debugOutput = [] # filter out all bound regions that overlap the TSS of an ACTIVE GENE if removeTSS: print('REMOVING TSS FROM REGIONS USING AN EXCLUSION WINDOW OF %sBP' % (tssWindow)) # first make a locus collection of TSS startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) # now makeTSS loci for active genes removeTicker = 0 # this loop makes a locus centered around +/- tssWindow of transcribed genes # then adds it to the list tssLoci tssLoci = [] for geneID in startDict.keys(): tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(geneID, startDict, tssWindow, tssWindow)) # this turns the tssLoci list into a LocusCollection # 50 is the internal parameter for LocusCollection and doesn't really matter tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci, 50) # gives all the loci in boundCollection boundLoci = boundCollection.getLoci() # this loop will check if each bound region is contained by the TSS exclusion zone # this will drop out a lot of the promoter only regions that are tiny # typical exclusion window is around 2kb for locus in boundLoci: if len(tssCollection.getContainers(locus, 'both')) > 0: # if true, the bound locus overlaps an active gene boundCollection.remove(locus) debugOutput.append([locus.__str__(), locus.ID(), 'CONTAINED']) removeTicker += 1 print('REMOVED %s LOCI BECAUSE THEY WERE CONTAINED BY A TSS' % (removeTicker)) # boundCollection is now all enriched region loci that don't overlap an active TSS if stitchWindow == '': print('DETERMINING OPTIMUM STITCHING PARAMTER') optCollection = copy.deepcopy(boundCollection) stitchWindow = optimizeStitching(optCollection, name, outFolder, stepSize=500) print('USING A STITCHING PARAMETER OF %s' % stitchWindow) stitchedCollection = boundCollection.stitchCollection(stitchWindow, 'both') if removeTSS: # now replace any stitched region that overlap 2 distinct genes # with the original loci that were there fixedLoci = [] tssLoci = [] for geneID in startDict.keys(): tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(geneID, startDict, 50, 50)) # this turns the tssLoci list into a LocusCollection # 50 is the internal parameter for LocusCollection and doesn't really matter tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci, 50) removeTicker = 0 originalTicker = 0 for stitchedLocus in stitchedCollection.getLoci(): overlappingTSSLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap(stitchedLocus, 'both') tssNames = [startDict[tssLocus.ID()]['name'] for tssLocus in overlappingTSSLoci] tssNames = utils.uniquify(tssNames) if len(tssNames) > 2: # stitchedCollection.remove(stitchedLocus) originalLoci = boundCollection.getOverlap(stitchedLocus, 'both') originalTicker += len(originalLoci) fixedLoci += originalLoci debugOutput.append([stitchedLocus.__str__(), stitchedLocus.ID(), 'MULTIPLE_TSS']) removeTicker += 1 else: fixedLoci.append(stitchedLocus) print('REMOVED %s STITCHED LOCI BECAUSE THEY OVERLAPPED MULTIPLE TSSs' % (removeTicker)) print('ADDED BACK %s ORIGINAL LOCI' % (originalTicker)) fixedCollection = utils.LocusCollection(fixedLoci, 50) return fixedCollection, debugOutput, stitchWindow else: return stitchedCollection, debugOutput, stitchWindow
def rank_eboxes(nb_all_chip_dataFile,mycn_gff_path,macsFolder,genomeDirectory,window = 100): ''' uses the conserved MYCN sites and ranks eboxes within them by average background subtracted signal searches 100bp (window variable) from mycn summits ''' window = int(window) #bring in the conserved mycn region print('making gff of nb mycn summits') nb_mycn_gff = utils.parseTable(mycn_gff_path,'\t') nb_mycn_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(nb_mycn_gff,50) dataDict =pipeline_dfci.loadDataTable(nb_all_chip_dataFile) names_list = [name for name in dataDict.keys() if name.count('MYCN') == 1] names_list.sort() summit_loci = [] #first makes a gff of all summits +/- 100bp for all nb mycn datasets for name in names_list: summit_bed_path = '%s%s/%s_summits.bed' % (macsFolder,name,name) summit_bed = utils.parseTable(summit_bed_path,'\t') for line in summit_bed: summit_locus = utils.Locus(line[0],int(line[1])-window,int(line[2])+window,'.',line[3]) if len(nb_mycn_collection.getOverlap(summit_locus)) > 0: summit_loci.append(summit_locus) summit_collection =utils.LocusCollection(summit_loci,50) summit_merged_collection = summit_collection.stitchCollection() summit_gff = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(summit_merged_collection) summit_gff_path = '%sHG19_NB_MYCN_SUMMITS_-%s_+%s.gff' % (gffFolder,window,window) utils.unParseTable(summit_gff,summit_gff_path,'\t') #this is borrowed from above and maps chip-seq signal to the gff print('mapping to nb mycn summits and making signal dict') gffList = [summit_gff_path] summit_signal_path = pipeline_dfci.map_regions(nb_all_chip_dataFile,gffList) mycnSignalTable = utils.parseTable(summit_signal_path,'\t') #making a signal dictionary for MYCN binding names_list = ['BE2C_MYCN','KELLY_MYCN','NGP_MYCN','SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE'] background_list = [dataDict[name]['background'] for name in names_list] header = mycnSignalTable[0] chip_columns = [header.index(name) for name in names_list] background_columns = [header.index(background_name) for background_name in background_list] mycn_sig_dict = {} for line in mycnSignalTable[1:]: line_sig = [] for i in range(len(names_list)): line_sig.append(float(line[chip_columns[i]]) - float(line[background_columns[i]])) region_id = line[1] coords = [int(x) for x in line[1].split(':')[-1].split('-')] line_length = coords[1]-coords[0] mycn_sig_dict[region_id] = numpy.mean(line_sig)*line_length #now for each region find the eboxes and then add up the signal print('making ebox ranking') ebox_list = ['CACGTG','CAGTTG','CAAGTG','CAGGTG','CAATTG','CAAATG','CATCTG','CAGCTG','CATGTG','CATATG'] eboxDict = {} for ebox in ebox_list: eboxDict[ebox] = [] ticker = 0 for line in summit_gff: if ticker % 1000 == 0: print(ticker) ticker+=1 chrom = line[0] sense = '.' start = int(line[3]) end = int(line[4]) region_id = '%s(%s):%s-%s' % (line[0],line[6],line[3],line[4]) signal = mycn_sig_dict[region_id] sequenceLine = utils.fetchSeq(genomeDirectory,chrom,start,end,True) motifVector = [] matches = re.finditer('CA..TG',str.upper(sequenceLine)) if matches: for match in matches: motifVector.append( #count only 1 of each motif type per line #motifVector = utils.uniquify(motifVector) for motif in motifVector: if ebox_list.count(motif) > 0: eboxDict[motif].append(signal) else: eboxDict[utils.revComp(motif)].append(signal) eboxTable =[] eboxTableOrdered =[['EBOX','OCCURENCES','AVG_HEIGHT']] for ebox in eboxDict.keys(): newLine = [ebox,len(eboxDict[ebox]),numpy.mean(eboxDict[ebox])] eboxTable.append(newLine) occurenceOrder = utils.order([line[2] for line in eboxTable],decreasing=True) for x in occurenceOrder: eboxTableOrdered.append(eboxTable[x]) print(eboxTableOrdered) ebox_outfile = '%sHG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_SUMMITS_-%s_+%s_EBOX_RANK.txt' % (tableFolder,window,window) utils.unParseTable(eboxTableOrdered,ebox_outfile,'\t') return ebox_outfile
def findCanidateTFs(genome, enhancer_gff, expressedNM, expressionDictNM, bamFile, TFlist, refseqToNameDict, projectFolder, projectName, promoter): ''' Assign each Super-Enhancer to the closest active TSS to its center Return a dictionary keyed by TF that points to a list of loci ''' #loading in the enhancer gff regions enhancer_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(enhancer_gff) enhancer_loci = enhancer_collection.getLoci() #loading in the genome and TF info annot_file = genome.returnFeature('annot_file') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annot_file) tf_table = utils.parseTable(genome.returnFeature('tf_file'),'\t') refID_list = [line[0] for line in tf_table] #creates a list of all NM IDs for TFs #make a collection of all TF TSSs tssLoci = [] for refID in refID_list: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(refID,startDict,0,0)) #this is a precise 1 coordinate TSS locus tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci,50) enhancerTable = [['ENHANCER_ID','CHROM','START','STOP','GENE_LIST']] gene_to_enhancer_dict = defaultdict(list) # Loop through enhancers #all gene nnames stored by refID for enhancer in enhancer_loci: # If the enhancer overlaps a TSS, save it overlapping_loci = tssCollection.getOverlap(enhancer, 'both') overlapping_refIDs =[locus.ID() for locus in overlapping_loci] # Find all gene TSS within 100 kb proximal_loci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancer,100000,100000),'both') proximal_refIDs =[locus.ID() for locus in proximal_loci] # If no genes are within 100 kb, find the closest active gene within 1 million bp closest_refID = [] if len(overlapping_refIDs) == 0 and len(proximal_refIDs) == 0: distal_loci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancer,1000000,1000000),'both') distal_refIDs =[locus.ID() for locus in distal_loci] enhancerCenter = (int(enhancer.start()) + int(enhancer.end())) / 2 distance_list = [abs(enhancerCenter - startDict[geneID]['start'][0]) for geneID in distal_refIDs] if len(distance_list) > 0: closest_refID = [distalGenes[distance_list.index(min(distance_list))]] #now we have all potential gene cases all_refIDs = overlappingGenes + proximalGenes + closest_refID #now we get all names and refIDs all_refIDs = utils.uniquify([refID for refID in all_refIDs if len(refID) > 0 ]) all_names = utils.uniquify([startDict[refID]['name'] for refID in all_refIDs]) #first do enhancer level assignment names_string = ','.join(all_names) enhancer_table.append([enhancer.ID(),enhancer.chr(),enhancer.start(),enhancer.end(),names_string]) #now do gene level assignment for refID in all_refIDs: gene_to_enhancer_dict[refID].append(enhancer.ID()) #an enhancer can be assigned to multiple genes #a promoter can only be assigned to 1 gene #promoters don't have enhancerIDs so don't add them yet #this should just be an enhancer level table #followed by a gene level table overlappingGenes = utils.uniquify(overlappingGenes) proximalGenes = utils.uniquify(proximalGenes) for refID in overlappingGenes: if proximalGenes.count(refID) == 1: proximalGenes.remove(refID) # If a TSS overlaps an enhancer, assign them together if overlappingGenes: for gene in overlappingGenes: if gene in tf_list: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) # Otherwise, assign the enhancer to the most active gene in 100 kb elif not overlappingGenes and proximalGenes: highestGene = '' highestActivity = 0 for gene in proximalGenes: if expressionDictNM[gene] > highestActivity: highestActivity = expressionDictNM[gene] highestGene = gene if highestGene in TFlist: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) elif not overlappingGenes and not proximalGenes and closestGene: if closestGene in TFlist: gene = closestGene TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) # Add promoter is it's not contained in the super if promoter: for gene in TFtoEnhancerDict.keys(): promoter = utils.Locus(startDict[gene]['chr'], int(startDict[gene]['start'][0]) - 2000, int(startDict[gene]['start'][0]) + 2000, startDict[gene]['sense']) overlapBool = False for enhancer in TFtoEnhancerDict[gene]: if promoter.overlaps(enhancer): overlapBool = True if not overlapBool: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(promoter) seAssignmentFile = projectFolder + projectName + '_ENHANCER_ASSIGNMENT.txt' utils.unParseTable(enhancerAssignment, seAssignmentFile, '\t') return TFtoEnhancerDict
def main(): print('main analysis for MYCN project') print('changing directory to project folder') os.chdir(projectFolder) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#======================I, LOADING DATA ANNOTATION======================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') #This section sanity checks each data table and makes sure both bam and .bai files are accessible #for ChIP-Seq pipeline_dfci.summary(mouse_dataFile) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#==========================II. CALLING MACS============================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') #running peak finding using macs 1.4.2 on all chip datasets #this usually takes ~2-3 hours on a reasonably fast machine #a 3 hour time out on this entire operation is set #if peak calling takes longer than 3 hours, simply run the script again after completion #run_macs(mouse_dataFile) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#=================II. DEFINING ACTIVE GENES IN MOUSE===================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') #here we will identify active promoters in various contexts as those with #an H3K27AC peak in the +/- 1kb tss region #UCSC refseq annotations are used for all genes #make_active_gene_lists(mouse_dataFile) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#==================III. CALLING ROSE TO MAP ENHANCERS==================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') # #for SCG_H3K27AC # analysisName = 'SCG_H3K27AC' # namesList = ['SCG_H3K27Ac'] # bashFileName,region_map_path,namesList=define_enhancer_landscape(mouse_dataFile,analysisName,namesList) # #for CG_H3K27AC # analysisName = 'CG_H3K27AC' # namesList = ['CG_H3K27Ac'] # bashFileName,region_map_path,namesList=define_enhancer_landscape(mouse_dataFile,analysisName,namesList) # #for GANGLIA_H3K27AC # analysisName = 'GANGLIA_H3K27AC' # namesList = ['CG_H3K27Ac','SCG_H3K27Ac'] # bashFileName,region_map_path,namesList=define_enhancer_landscape(mouse_dataFile,analysisName,namesList) # #for THMYCN # analysisName = 'THMYCN_H3K27AC' # namesList = ['THMYCN_139076_H3K27Ac','THMYCN_139423_H3K27Ac','THMYCN1_H3K27Ac'] # bashFileName,region_map_path,namesList=define_enhancer_landscape(mouse_dataFile,analysisName,namesList) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#=================IV. LIFTING OVER NB CONSERVED REGIONS================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') # #liftover a pair of gffs # #first convert to bed # nb_promoter_gff_path = '%sgff/HG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000.gff' % (hg19_projectFolder) # nb_enhancer_gff_path = '%sgff/HG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000.gff' % (hg19_projectFolder) # nb_promoter_bed_path ='%sbeds/HG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000.bed' % (hg19_projectFolder) # nb_enhancer_bed_path ='%sbeds/HG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000.bed' % (hg19_projectFolder) # nb_promoter_gff = utils.parseTable(nb_promoter_gff_path,'\t') # nb_enhancer_gff = utils.parseTable(nb_enhancer_gff_path,'\t') # utils.gffToBed(nb_promoter_gff,nb_promoter_bed_path) # utils.gffToBed(nb_enhancer_gff,nb_enhancer_bed_path) # print('converted NB conserved gffs to beds at %s and %s' % (nb_promoter_bed_path,nb_enhancer_bed_path)) # #note, now you have to liftover manually to create beds # mm9_promoter_bed_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000.bed' % (bedFolder) # mm9_enhancer_bed_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000.bed' % (bedFolder) # mm9_promoter_gff_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000.gff' % (gffFolder) # mm9_enhancer_gff_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000.gff' % (gffFolder) # utils.bedToGFF(mm9_promoter_bed_path,mm9_promoter_gff_path) # utils.bedToGFF(mm9_enhancer_bed_path,mm9_enhancer_gff_path) # print('writing mm9 nb mycn sites to %s and %s' % (mm9_promoter_gff_path,mm9_enhancer_gff_path)) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#======================V. MAPPING ENRICHED TO GFFS=====================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') # setName = 'THMYCN' # gffList = [mm9_promoter_gff_path,mm9_enhancer_gff_path] # cellTypeList = ['THMYCN1','THMYCN2','THMYCN','CG','SCG'] # mapList = ['CG_H3K27Ac', # 'SCG_H3K27Ac', # 'THMYCN1_H3K27Ac', # 'THMYCN_139423_H3K27Ac', # 'THMYCN_139076_H3K27Ac', # ] # #pipeline_dfci.mapEnrichedToGFF(mouse_dataFile,setName,gffList,cellTypeList,macsEnrichedFolder,mappedEnrichedFolder,macs=True,namesList=mapList,useBackground=True) # #summarize info for venn diagrams for each # promoter_mapped_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000/MM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000_THMYCN.txt' % (mappedEnrichedFolder) # promoter_venn_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000_VENN.txt' % (tableFolder) # summarizeVenn(promoter_mapped_path,group_list = ['CG','THMYCN'],output=promoter_venn_path) # enhancer_mapped_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000/MM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000_THMYCN.txt' % (mappedEnrichedFolder) # enhancer_venn_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000_VENN.txt' % (tableFolder) # summarizeVenn(enhancer_mapped_path,group_list = ['CG','THMYCN'],output=enhancer_venn_path) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#=====================VI. MAKING MYCN REGIONS GFF======================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') dataDict = pipeline_dfci.loadDataTable(mouse_dataFile) names_list = [ 'THMYCN2_MYCN', 'THMYCN_139076_MYCN', 'THMYCN_139423_MYCN', ] mycn_loci = [] for name in names_list: mycn_collection = utils.importBoundRegion( '%s%s' % (macsEnrichedFolder, dataDict[name]['enrichedMacs']), name) mycn_loci += mycn_collection.getLoci() mycn_collection = utils.LocusCollection(mycn_loci, 50) mycn_collection.stitchCollection() mycn_gff = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(mycn_collection) mycn_gff_path = '%sMM9_THMYCN_MYCN_-0_+0.gff' % (gffFolder) utils.unParseTable(mycn_gff, mycn_gff_path, '\t') #make collections promoter_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection( '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000.gff' % (gffFolder)) enhancer_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection( '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000.gff' % (gffFolder)) #make the overlap table overlap_table = [['PROMOTER', 'ENHANCER', 'NONE']] promoter_count = 0 enhancer_count = 0 none_count = 0 for line in mycn_gff: locus = utils.Locus(line[0], int(line[3]) - 10000, int(line[4]) + 10000, '.') if enhancer_collection.getOverlap(locus, 'both'): enhancer_count += 1 continue if promoter_collection.getOverlap(locus, 'both'): promoter_count += 1 else: none_count += 1 overlap_table.append([promoter_count, enhancer_count, none_count]) overlap_table_path = '%sMM9_THMYCN_OVERLAP.txt' % (tableFolder) utils.unParseTable(overlap_table, overlap_table_path, '\t') print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#=====================VI. MAPPING GFFS FOR HEATMAP=====================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') #map_for_heatmap(mouse_dataFile) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#=====================VII. AVERAGING MAPPED SIGNAL=====================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n') # set_list = ['GANGLIA_H3K27AC','THMYCN_H3K27AC','THMYCN_MYCN'] # set_names = [ # ['CG_H3K27Ac','SCG_H3K27Ac'], # ['THMYCN1_H3K27Ac','THMYCN_139423_H3K27Ac','THMYCN_139076_H3K27Ac'], # ['THMYCN2_MYCN','THMYCN_139076_MYCN','THMYCN_139423_MYCN'] # ] # for i in range(len(set_list)): # setName = set_list[i] # names_list =set_names[i] # print(setName) # print(names_list) # #for promoters # mapped_list = ['%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000/MM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000_%s.gff' % (mappedFolder,name) for name in names_list] # output_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000/MM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5000_+5000_%s.gff' % (mappedFolder,setName) # print(output_path) # averagingMappedSignal(mapped_list,output_path,setName) # #for enhancers # mapped_list = ['%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000/MM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000_%s.gff' % (mappedFolder,name) for name in names_list] # output_path = '%sMM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000/MM9_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5000_+5000_%s.gff' % (mappedFolder,setName) # print(output_path) # averagingMappedSignal(mapped_list,output_path,setName) print('\n\n') print( '#======================================================================' ) print( '#=====================VIII. MAKING HEATMAPS/METAS======================' ) print( '#======================================================================' ) print('\n\n')
def mergeCollections(enhancerFile1,enhancerFile2,name1,name2,output='',inputGFF=''): ''' merges them collections ''' print(enhancerFile1) print(enhancerFile2) name1Collection = makeSECollection(enhancerFile1,name1) name2Collection = makeSECollection(enhancerFile2,name2) print(len(name1Collection)) print(len(name2Collection)) print('weeeeeee') if len(inputGFF) == 0: #now merge them mergedLoci = name1Collection.getLoci() + name2Collection.getLoci() mergedCollection = utils.LocusCollection(mergedLoci,50) #stitch the collection together stitchedCollection = mergedCollection.stitchCollection() stitchedLoci = stitchedCollection.getLoci() else: locusCollection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(inputGFF) stitchedCollection = locusCollection.stitchCollection() stitchedLoci = stitchedCollection.getLoci() #rename loci by presence in group1 or group2 renamedLoci =[] conserved_ticker = 1 name1_ticker = 1 name2_ticker = 1 for locus in stitchedLoci: if len(name1Collection.getOverlap(locus)) > 0 and len(name1Collection.getOverlap(locus)) > 0: newID = 'CONSERVED_%s' % (str(conserved_ticker)) conserved_ticker +=1 elif len(name1Collection.getOverlap(locus)) > 0 and len(name1Collection.getOverlap(locus)) == 0: newID = '%s_%s' % (name1,str(name1_ticker)) name1_ticker +=1 else: newID = '%s_%s' % (name2,str(name2_ticker)) name2_ticker +=1 locus._ID = newID renamedLoci.append(locus) #now we turn this into a gff and write it out gff = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(utils.LocusCollection(renamedLoci,50)) if len(output) == 0: return gff else: print "writing merged gff to %s" % (output) utils.unParseTable(gff,output,'\t') return output
def make_shep21_mycn_landscape(nb_all_chip_dataFile): ''' finds mycn peaks in shep21 that are conserved in nb and segregates them into promoter or enhancer ''' #first get the shep21 regions print('LOADING SHEP21 MYCN SITES') dataDict = pipeline_dfci.loadDataTable(nb_all_chip_dataFile) shep21_0hr_mycn_enriched_file = '%s%s' % ( macsEnrichedFolder, dataDict['SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE']['enrichedMacs']) shep21_0hr_mycn_bed = utils.parseTable(shep21_0hr_mycn_enriched_file, '\t') #now get the conserved NB MYCN regions nb_conserved_mycn_gff_file = '%sHG19_NB_MYCN_CONSERVED_-0_+0.gff' % ( gffFolder) nb_conserved_mycn_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection( nb_conserved_mycn_gff_file) print('LOADING SHEP21 ACTIVE ENHANCERS') #make a collection of enhancers shep21_enhancer_file = '%senhancer_rose/SHEP21_0HR_H3K27AC_NOSPIKE_ROSE/SHEP21_0HR_H3K27AC_NOSPIKE_peaks_AllEnhancers.table.txt' % ( projectFolder) shep21_enhancer_collection = utils.makeSECollection( shep21_enhancer_file, 'SHEP21_0HR_H3K27AC_NOSPIKE') #now get the active promoters print('LOADING SHEP21 ACTIVE PROMOTERS') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) shep21_transcribed_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_H3K27AC_TRANSCRIBED.txt' % ( geneListFolder) shep21_transcribed_table = utils.parseTable(shep21_transcribed_file, '\t') transcribedList = [line[1] for line in shep21_transcribed_table] tssLoci = [] for refID in transcribedList: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(refID, startDict, 1000, 1000)) shep21_tss_collection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci, 50) #now initialize the 6 gffs we will need shep21_mycn_conserved_gff = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_5kb = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_1kb = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_1kb = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_5kb = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_1kb = [] shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_5kb = [] #and their respective file names shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_-0_+0.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_5kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_-5kb_+5kb.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_1kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_-1kb_+1kb.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-0_+0.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_5kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-5kb_+5kb.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_1kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_PROMOTER_-1kb_+1kb.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-0_+0.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_5kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-5kb_+5kb.gff' % ( gffFolder) shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_1kb_file = '%sHG19_SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE_CONSERVED_ENHANCER_-1kb_+1kb.gff' % ( gffFolder) print('ITERATING THROUGH SHEP21 MYCN PEAKS') ticker = 0 for line in shep21_0hr_mycn_bed: if ticker % 1000 == 0: print ticker ticker += 1 peakID = '%s_%s' % ('SHEP21_0HR_MYCN_NOSPIKE', str(ticker)) lineLocus = utils.Locus(line[0], line[1], line[2], '.', peakID) if nb_conserved_mycn_collection.getOverlap(lineLocus): gffLine = [ line[0], peakID, peakID, line[1], line[2], '', '.', '', peakID ] peakCenter = (int(line[1]) + int(line[2])) / 2 gffLine_5kb = [ line[0], peakID, peakID, peakCenter - 5000, peakCenter + 5000, '', '.', '', peakID ] #the 1kb is not a center +/- but a flank gffLine_1kb = [ line[0], peakID, peakID, int(line[1]) - 1000, int(line[2]) + 1000, '', '.', '', peakID ] shep21_mycn_conserved_gff.append(gffLine) shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_5kb.append(gffLine_5kb) shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_1kb.append(gffLine_1kb) #tss overlap should take precedence over enhancer overlap if shep21_tss_collection.getOverlap(lineLocus, 'both'): shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff.append(gffLine) shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_5kb.append(gffLine_5kb) shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_1kb.append(gffLine_1kb) #now check for enhancer overlap elif shep21_enhancer_collection.getOverlap(lineLocus, 'both'): shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff.append(gffLine) shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_5kb.append(gffLine_5kb) shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_1kb.append(gffLine_1kb) #now write out the gffs utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_gff, shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_5kb, shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_5kb_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_1kb, shep21_mycn_conserved_gff_1kb_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff, shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_5kb, shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_5kb_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_1kb, shep21_mycn_conserved_promoter_gff_1kb_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff, shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_5kb, shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_5kb_file, '\t') utils.unParseTable(shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_1kb, shep21_mycn_conserved_enhancer_gff_1kb_file, '\t')