def build_detection_graph(): input_data = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8, shape=[FLAGS.size, FLAGS.size, 3], name='input_data') input_data = tf.expand_dims(input_data, 0) input_data = tf.cast(input_data, tf.float32) input_data = input_data / 255. if FLAGS.tiny: model = yolo_v3_tiny.yolo_v3_tiny elif FLAGS.spp: model = yolo_v3.yolo_v3_spp else: model = yolo_v3.yolo_v3 classes = load_coco_names(FLAGS.class_names) # yolo_model = model(cfgs.class_num, cfgs.anchors) with tf.variable_scope('detector'): detections = model(input_data, len(classes), data_format=FLAGS.data_format) print(detections.get_shape().as_list()) boxes, pred_confs, pred_probs = tf.split(detections, [4, 1, len(classes)], axis=-1) center_x, center_y, width, height = tf.split(boxes, [1, 1, 1, 1], axis=-1) x_min = center_x - width / 2 y_min = center_y - height / 2 x_max = center_x + width / 2 y_max = center_y + height / 2 pred_boxes = tf.concat([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], axis=-1) pred_scores = pred_confs * pred_probs boxes, scores, labels = gpu_nms(pred_boxes, pred_scores, len(classes), max_boxes=20, score_thresh=0.3, nms_thresh=0.4) boxes = tf.identity(boxes, name='boxes') scores = tf.identity(scores, name='scores') labels = tf.identity(labels, name='labels') return boxes, scores, labels
def compute_mAP_nms_all_class(self): gt_boxes = [] pred_boxes = [] with tqdm(total=len(self.testDataset), ncols=80) as t: for img_id in range(len(self.testDataset)): img_org, img_norm, labels_org, boxes_org, ratio, dh, dw = self.testDataset[ img_id] # [3, 416, 416] -> [1, 3, 416, 416] img_norm = img_norm.unsqueeze(0) img_in = boxes, confs, probs = self.trainer.predict(img_in) boxes = boxes.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 4] / Tensor confs = confs.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 1] / Tensor probs = probs.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 20] / Tensor cls_scores = (confs * probs).squeeze( 0) # [13*13*5, 20] / Tensor cls_scores, labels = cls_scores.max( dim=-1, keepdim=True) # [13*13*5, 1] / Tensor labels = labels.squeeze() # box_out: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] score_thresh = self.opt_test.nms_score_thresh iou_thresh = self.opt_test.nms_iou_thresh max_box_num = self.opt_test.nms_max_box_num keep_index = gpu_nms(boxes, cls_scores, score_thresh, iou_thresh, max_box_num) cls_scores = cls_scores.squeeze() keep_boxes = boxes[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_scores = cls_scores[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_labels = labels[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_boxes = inverse_letter_resize(keep_boxes, ratio, dh, dw) keep_index = self.filter_small_box(keep_boxes, 16) keep_boxes = keep_boxes[keep_index] keep_labels = keep_labels[keep_index] keep_scores = keep_scores[keep_index] if len(keep_boxes) > 0: pred_map_boxe = np.hstack( [keep_boxes, np.expand_dims(keep_scores, axis=-1)]) else: pred_map_boxe = np.zeros(shape=[1, 5]) gt_boxes.append(boxes_org) pred_boxes.append(pred_map_boxe) t.update(1) pickle.dump( { 'gt_boxes': gt_boxes, 'pred_boxes': pred_boxes }, open('/home/dk/ML/V2/VOC/result/yolov3_loss_nms_all_class_mAP.pkl', 'wb')) map = mAP(predict=pred_boxes, ground_truth=gt_boxes, iou_threshold=0.5) print(map.elevenPointAP * 100)
def nms_all_class(boxes, scores, score_threshold, iou_threshold, max_box_num): """ :param boxes: [13*13*5, 4] :param scores: [13*13*5, 20] :param score_threshold: 0.3 :param iou_threshold: 0.45 :param max_box_num: :return: boxes_output shape: [X, 4] scores_output shape: [X,] labels_output shape: [X,] """ assert boxes.dim() == 2 and scores.dim() == 2 boxes = boxes.clamp(0., opt.img_size) boxes_output = [] scores_output = [] labels_output = [] # [13*13*5, 20] -> [13*13*5, 1] scores_mask = scores.max(dim=-1) labels = scores_mask[1] max_scores = scores_mask[0] # [13*13*5, 1] valid_mask = # do nms for all class if valid_mask.sum() != 0: valid_boxes = boxes[valid_mask] # [M, 4] valid_scores = max_scores[valid_mask] # [M, 1] valid_labels = labels[valid_mask] keep_index = gpu_nms(valid_boxes, valid_scores, iou_threshold) for keep_box in valid_boxes[keep_index]: boxes_output.append(keep_box) scores_output.extend(valid_scores[keep_index]) labels_output.extend(valid_labels[keep_index]) assert len(boxes_output) == len(scores_output) == len(labels_output) num_out = len(labels_output) if num_out == 0: return torch.tensor([], device=opt.device), torch.tensor( [], device=opt.device), torch.tensor([], device=opt.device) else: boxes_output = torch.stack(boxes_output, dim=0) scores_output = torch.tensor(scores_output) labels_output = torch.tensor(labels_output) assert boxes_output.dim() == 2 assert labels_output.dim() == scores_output.dim() == 1 assert boxes_output.size( 0) == scores_output.numel() == labels_output.numel() if num_out > max_box_num: descend_order_index = torch.argsort(scores_output)[::-1] output_index = descend_order_index[:max_box_num] else: output_index = torch.arange(num_out) return boxes_output[output_index], scores_output[ output_index], labels_output[output_index]
def nms_each_class(boxes, scores, score_threshold, iou_threshold, max_box_num): """ :param boxes: [13*13*5, 4] :param scores: [13*13*5, 20] :param score_threshold: :param iou_threshold: :param max_box_num: :return: boxes_output shape: [X, 4] scores_output shape: [X,] labels_output shape: [X,] """ assert boxes.dim() == 2 and scores.dim() == 2 boxes = boxes.clamp(0., opt.img_size) boxes_output = [] scores_output = [] labels_output = [] # [13*13*5, 20] score_mask = # do nms for each class for k in range(opt.coco_class_num): valid_mask = score_mask[:, k] # [M, 20] if valid_mask.sum() == 0: continue else: valid_boxes = boxes[valid_mask] # [M, 4] valid_scores = scores[:, k][valid_mask] # [M, 1] keep_index = gpu_nms(valid_boxes, valid_scores, iou_threshold) for keep_box in valid_boxes[keep_index]: boxes_output.append(keep_box) scores_output.extend(valid_scores[keep_index]) labels_output.extend([k for _ in range(len(keep_index))]) assert len(boxes_output) == len(scores_output) == len(labels_output) num_out = len(labels_output) if num_out == 0: return torch.tensor([], device=opt.device), torch.tensor( [], device=opt.device), torch.tensor([], device=opt.device) else: boxes_output = torch.stack(boxes_output, dim=0) scores_output = torch.tensor(scores_output) labels_output = torch.tensor(labels_output) assert boxes_output.dim() == 2 assert labels_output.dim() == scores_output.dim() == 1 assert boxes_output.size( 0) == scores_output.numel() == labels_output.numel() if num_out > max_box_num: descend_order_index = torch.argsort(scores_output)[::-1] output_index = descend_order_index[:max_box_num] else: output_index = torch.arange(num_out) return boxes_output[output_index], scores_output[ output_index], labels_output[output_index]
def nms_all_class(boxes, scores, labels, score_threshold, iou_threshold, max_box_num): """ :param boxes: [300, 4] :param scores: [300,] :param score_threshold: 0.3 :param iou_threshold: 0.45 :param max_box_num: :return: boxes_output shape: [X, 4] scores_output shape: [X,] labels_output shape: [X,] """ # assert boxes.dim() == 2 and scores.dim() == 2 boxes_output = [] scores_output = [] labels_output = [] max_scores = scores # [13*13*5, 1] valid_mask = # do nms for all class if valid_mask.sum() != 0: valid_boxes = boxes[valid_mask] # [M, 4] valid_scores = max_scores[valid_mask] # [M, 1] valid_labels = labels[valid_mask] keep_index = gpu_nms(valid_boxes, valid_scores, iou_threshold) boxes_output = valid_boxes[keep_index] scores_output.extend(valid_scores[keep_index]) labels_output.extend(valid_labels[keep_index]) num_out = len(boxes_output) if num_out == 0: return torch.tensor([], device='cuda'), torch.tensor([], device='cuda'), torch.tensor([], device='cuda') else: boxes_output = torch.tensor(boxes_output) scores_output = torch.tensor(scores_output) labels_output = torch.tensor(labels_output) if num_out > max_box_num: descend_order_index = torch.argsort(scores_output)[::-1] output_index = descend_order_index[:max_box_num] else: output_index = torch.arange(num_out) return boxes_output[output_index], scores_output[output_index], labels_output[output_index]
def eval(self, epoch, step): test_imgs = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(self.testDataset), size=7) for img_id in test_imgs: _, _, img_org, labels, boxes = self.testDataset.get_example_for_testing( img_id) img_resized, _, ratio, dh, dw = letterbox_resize( img_org, boxes, [416, 416]) img = self.normailze(img_resized) # [3, 416, 416] -> [1, 3, 416, 416] img = torch.unsqueeze(img, dim=0) img = boxes, confs, probs = self.trainer.predict(img) boxes = boxes.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 4] / Tensor confs = confs.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 1] / Tensor probs = probs.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 20] / Tensor cls_scores = (confs * probs).squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 20] / Tensor cls_scores, labels = cls_scores.max( dim=-1, keepdim=True) # [13*13*5, 1] / Tensor labels = labels.squeeze() # box_out: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] score_thresh = self.opt_train.nms_score_thresh iou_thresh = self.opt_train.nms_iou_thresh max_box_num = self.opt_train.nms_max_box_num keep_index = gpu_nms(boxes, cls_scores, score_thresh, iou_thresh, max_box_num) cls_scores = cls_scores.squeeze() keep_boxes = boxes[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_scores = cls_scores[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_labels = labels[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_boxes = inverse_letter_resize(keep_boxes, ratio, dh, dw) keep_index = self.fliter_small_box(keep_boxes, 16) keep_boxes = keep_boxes[keep_index] keep_labels = keep_labels[keep_index] keep_scores = keep_scores[keep_index] imgname = self.opt_train.result_img_dir / f'E{epoch}_S{step}_img{img_id}.png' cv2_savefig(img_org, keep_boxes, keep_labels, keep_scores, imgname)
def eval(self): with tqdm(total=len(self.testDataset), ncols=80) as t: for img_id in range(len(self.testDataset)): img_org, img_norm, labels_org, boxes_org, ratio, dh, dw = self.testDataset[ img_id] # [3, 416, 416] -> [1, 3, 416, 416] img_norm = img_norm.unsqueeze(0) img_in = boxes, confs, probs = self.trainer.predict(img_in) boxes = boxes.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 4] / Tensor confs = confs.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 1] / Tensor probs = probs.squeeze(0) # [13*13*5, 20] / Tensor cls_scores = (confs * probs).squeeze( 0) # [13*13*5, 20] / Tensor cls_scores, labels = cls_scores.max( dim=-1, keepdim=True) # [13*13*5, 1] / Tensor labels = labels.squeeze() # box_out: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] score_thresh = self.opt_test.nms_score_thresh iou_thresh = self.opt_test.nms_iou_thresh max_box_num = self.opt_test.nms_max_box_num keep_index = gpu_nms(boxes, cls_scores, score_thresh, iou_thresh, max_box_num) cls_scores = cls_scores.squeeze() keep_boxes = boxes[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_scores = cls_scores[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_labels = labels[keep_index].detach().cpu().numpy() keep_boxes = inverse_letter_resize(keep_boxes, ratio, dh, dw) keep_index = self.filter_small_box(keep_boxes, 16) keep_boxes = keep_boxes[keep_index] keep_labels = keep_labels[keep_index] keep_scores = keep_scores[keep_index] imgname = Path('/home/dk/Desktop/Yolov2/v3loss/nms_all_class' ) / f'{img_id}.png' cv2_savefig(img_org, keep_boxes, keep_labels, keep_scores, imgname) t.update(1)
sess = tf.Session(graph=graph) inputs = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [1, image_h, image_w, 3]) # placeholder for detector inputs print("=>", inputs) with tf.variable_scope('yolov3-tiny'): feature_map = model.forward(inputs, is_training=False) boxes, confs, probs = model.predict(feature_map) scores = confs * probs print("=>",[:-2],[:-2]) cpu_out_node_names = [[:-2],[:-2]] boxes, scores, labels = utils.gpu_nms(boxes, scores, num_classes, score_thresh=0.5, iou_thresh=0.5) print("=>",[:-2],[:-2],[:-2]) gpu_out_node_names = [[:-2],[:-2],[:-2] ] feature_map_1, feature_map_2, feature_map_3 = feature_map saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.global_variables( scope='yolov3-tiny')) saver.restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('=> checkpoint file restored from ', ckpt_file) utils.freeze_graph(sess, './pb/yolov3_cpu_nms_tiny_mix_v2_low_q_5k.pb', cpu_out_node_names) utils.freeze_graph(sess, './pb/yolov3_gpu_nms_tiny_mix_v2_low_q_5k.pb',