def test_gradientDescent(self): theta = np.zeros((2,1)) iterations = 1500 alpha = 0.01 converged_theta = gradientDescent(self.X, self.y, theta, alpha, iterations) self.assertAlmostEqual(converged_theta[0], -3.63, places=2) self.assertAlmostEqual(converged_theta[1], 1.17, places=2) self.assertAlmostEqual(hypothesis(np.array([1,3.5]),converged_theta), 0.45, places=2) self.assertAlmostEqual(hypothesis(np.array([1,7]),converged_theta), 4.53, places=2)
def test_prediction(self): self.X = np.concatenate([np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.X], axis=1) theta = np.zeros((self.n + 1, 1)) theta_optimized, _ = gradient_descent(self.X, self.y, theta) test_data = np.array([1, 45, 85]).reshape((1, 3)) prediction = hypothesis(test_data, theta_optimized) self.assertAlmostEqual(prediction, 0.776, places=3) self.assertEqual(classify(test_data, self.X, theta_optimized), 1)
def use_function(self, vector): vector = np.insert(vector, 0, 1) new_vector = [] if self.feature_scaling_coeficient is not None: for i in range(len(vector)): new_vector.append( utils.feature_scaling_corrector( vector[i], self.feature_scaling_coeficient[i])) else: new_vector = vector print(new_vector) return utils.hypothesis(self.theta_values, new_vector)
def test_classify_all(self): m,n = self.X.shape _,K = self.y.shape X = np.hstack(( np.ones((m,1)), self.X )) initial_theta = np.zeros((n+1,K)) lamda = 0.1 theta = classifyall(initial_theta, X, self.y, lamda) hypo = hypothesis(X, theta) predicted_y = hypo.argmax(axis=1) expected_y = np.array([ d if d!=10 else 0 for d in['y'].reshape(-1)]) acc = accuracy(predicted_y,expected_y) self.assertAlmostEqual(acc, 94.9, places=0) # I can't get 94.9, only 94.64.... close enough I guess
def test_classify_all(self): m, n = self.X.shape _, K = self.y.shape X = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), self.X)) initial_theta = np.zeros((n + 1, K)) lamda = 0.1 theta = classifyall(initial_theta, X, self.y, lamda) hypo = hypothesis(X, theta) predicted_y = hypo.argmax(axis=1) expected_y = np.array( [d if d != 10 else 0 for d in['y'].reshape(-1)]) acc = accuracy(predicted_y, expected_y) self.assertAlmostEqual( acc, 94.9, places=0) # I can't get 94.9, only 94.64.... close enough I guess
def test_gradient_descent(self): iterations = 400 alpha = 0.01 #[0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0] m,n = self.X.shape theta = np.zeros((n+1,1)) # add x_0 and do feature normalization on the rest of the columns self.X = np.concatenate([np.ones((self.m,1)),self.X],axis=1) self.X[:,1:n+1], mu, sigma = feature_normalization(self.X[:,1:n+1]) theta = gradientDescent(self.X, self.y, theta, alpha, iterations) test = np.array([1.0, 1650.0, 3.0]).reshape((3,1)) test[1:,:] = ( test[1:,:] - mu ) / sigma test = test.reshape((1,3)) # m=1, n=2, because there is 1 test case, with 2 features in it self.assertAlmostEqual(hypothesis(test, theta), 289314.62, places=2)
def test_plot_decision_boundary(self): negatives =[[:, 2] == 0] # SELECT * FROM WHERE col2 == 0 positives =[[:, 2] == 1] # SELECT * FROM WHERE col2 == 1 plt.xlabel("Microchip Test 1") plt.ylabel("Microchip Test 2") plt.scatter(negatives[:, 0], negatives[:, 1], c='y', marker='o', s=40, linewidths=1, label="y=0") plt.scatter(positives[:, 0], positives[:, 1], c='b', marker='+', s=40, linewidths=2, label="y=1") dimension = 6 X_mapped = map_feature(self.X[:, 0], self.X[:, 1], dimension) m, n = X_mapped.shape X_mapped = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X_mapped)) theta = np.zeros((n + 1, 1)) lamda = 1.0 theta_optimized, min_cost = regularized_gradient_descent( X_mapped, self.y, theta, lamda) x1 = np.linspace(-1, 1.5, 50) x2 = np.linspace(-1, 1.5, 50) X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) hypo = np.zeros((len(x1), len(x2))) for i in range(0, len(x1)): for j in range(0, len(x2)): mapped = map_feature( np.array([X1[i][j]]).reshape((1, 1)), np.array([X2[i][j]]).reshape((1, 1)), dimension) mapped = np.hstack((np.ones((1, 1)), mapped)) hypo[i][j] = hypothesis(mapped, theta_optimized)[0] plt.contour(X1, X2, hypo, [0.5], label='Decision Boundary') plt.legend()
def test_normal_quation(self): self.X = np.concatenate([np.ones((self.m,1)),self.X],axis=1) theta = normal_equation(self.X, self.y) test = np.array([1.0, 1650.0, 3.0]).reshape((1,3)) self.assertAlmostEqual(hypothesis(test, theta), 293081.46, places=2)