class Enemy(Collider): """The big bad evil guy""" pattern_list = [ BlarghAttackPattern, BounceAttackPattern, BombAttackPattern ] sprite_image = image_load('enemy.png') bomb_image_120px = image_load('enemy_bomb_120px.png') bullet_image_120px = image_load('enemy_bullet_120px.png') bullet_image_60px = image_load('enemy_bullet_60px.png') bullet_image_30px = image_load('enemy_bullet_30px.png') def __init__(self, play_screen, start): """Creates the enemy""" super().__init__(containers=play_screen.get_containers( 'ENEMY', 'ENTITY'), image=self.sprite_image, start=start, health=Health(400), damage=10) self.play_screen = play_screen HealthBar(containers=play_screen.everything,, size=np.array((580, 30)), start=np.array((320, 45)), border_size=3, color=(255, 0, 0)) self.attack_pattern = None self.current_pattern = -1 self.new_attack_pattern() def new_attack_pattern(self): """Switches to a new attack pattern""" new_index = self.current_pattern if len(self.pattern_list) > 1: while new_index == self.current_pattern: new_index = random.randrange(len(self.pattern_list)) self.current_pattern = new_index self.attack_pattern = self.pattern_list[new_index](self) def update(self): """Updates the enemy""" # check if game started yet if not self.play_screen.game_started: return # update attack pattern if self.attack_pattern.done: self.new_attack_pattern() self.attack_pattern.update() # check for keypress to cheat and win pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if pressed[ord('y')]:
def process_img(name, label, crop_shape, scale, random_draws, to_augment=True, no_rotation=True, logging=True): imgs = [] if logging: print "%s [%d] Processing file %s" % (get_time(), os.getpid(), name) pad_value = 127 img = image_load(name) simg = scale_radius(img, round(scale / .9)) uimg = unsharp_img(simg, round(scale / .9)) suimg = subsample_inner_circle_img(uimg, round(scale / .9), pad_value) cimg = center_crop(suimg, crop_shape) pimg = pad_img(cimg, (2 * scale, 2 * scale, 3), value=127) pimg[:10, :, :] = pad_value pimg[-10:, :, :] = pad_value imgs.append(pimg) # Check if augmentation is needed if (to_augment and np.random.uniform(0, 1) > pb[label]) or (not to_augment): return imgs for i in range(random_draws): dist_img = get_distorted_img(simg, 127, no_rotation) uimg = unsharp_img(dist_img, round(scale / .9)) suimg = subsample_inner_circle_img(uimg, round(scale / .9), pad_value) cimg = center_crop(suimg, (256, 256)) dimg = pad_img(cimg, (2 * scale, 2 * scale, 3), value=127) dimg[:10, :, :] = pad_value dimg[-10:, :, :] = pad_value imgs.append(dimg) return imgs
def __init__(self, pos=None): super().__init__() self._sheet = image_load(BASEDIR / "assets" / "images" / "characters.png").convert_alpha() self.animation = {} self._position = pos or [0, 0] self.velocity = [0, 0] self.anim_dir = "down" self.frame = 0.0 self.frame_speed = 3.0 self.speed = 20 for i, anim in enumerate(["down", "left", "right", "up"]): r = pygame.Rect((3 * 16, 16 * i), (16, 16)) self.animation.setdefault(anim, []).append(self._sheet.subsurface(r)) r.left += 16 self.animation.setdefault(anim, []).append(self._sheet.subsurface(r)) r.left += 16 self.animation.setdefault(anim, []).append(self._sheet.subsurface(r)) self.image = self.animation[self.anim_dir][int(self.frame)] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.feet = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.rect.width + 4, 4) self._old_position = self.position
def main(): start_epoch = 0 epochs = 30 cuda = '0' res_train= [] res_test = [] # Use CUDA os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() #Data trainLoader, testLoader = image_load(args.train_batch, args.test_batch) #Load Network if(args.arch == 'teacher'): teacher_net = resnet.resnet50(pretrained=True) #fine_tuning teacher_net.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(1, stride=1) teacher_net.fc = nn.Linear(2048, 1000) model = teacher_net elif(args.arch == 'student'): student_net = vgg.vgg11(pretrained=False) model = student_net model = model.cuda() #nn.CrossEntropyLoss에 softmax가 포함되어 있다. criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(),, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) for epoch in range(start_epoch, epochs): trainTop1Val = train(trainLoader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch , print_freq=100) testTop1Val = test(testLoader, model,criterion, epoch, print_freq=100) a = model.state_dict() b = optimizer.state_dict() state = {'epoch': epoch+1, 'arch': 'teacherNet', 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict() } filename = 'teacherNet_'+'checkpoint.pth', filename) res_train.append(trainTop1Val) res_test.append(testTop1Val) print(res_test, res_train) top1AccPlot(res_train, res_test, epoch)
class GameStartCircle(VectorSprite): """A circle used at the start of a game. Hover cursor inside to begin game.""" circle_image = image_load('game_start_circle.png') def __init__(self, play_screen, start): """Create the circle""" super().__init__(play_screen.everything, self.circle_image, start) self.play_screen = play_screen def update(self): """If cursor is inside, start the game and die""" radius = self.rect.size[0] / 2 cursor_loc = np.array(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if np.linalg.norm(self.vec - cursor_loc) < radius: self.play_screen.start_game() self.kill()
def main(): config = fix_seeds(config_process(parser.parse_args())) examples, labels, class_map = utils.image_load(config['class_file'], config['image_label']) # train, test, label, train_attr, test_attr datasets = utils.split_byclass(config, examples, labels, np.loadtxt(config['attributes_file']), class_map) print('load the train: {} the test: {}'.format(len(datasets[0][0]), len(datasets[0][1]))) best_cfg = config best_cfg = fix_seeds(best_cfg) best_cfg['epochs'] = config['final_epoch'] best_cfg['n_classes'] = datasets[0][3].size(0) best_cfg['n_train_lbl'] = datasets[0][3].size(0) best_cfg['n_test_lbl'] = datasets[0][4].size(0) # data grab train_set = grab_data(best_cfg, datasets[0][0], datasets[0][2], True) test_set = grab_data(best_cfg, datasets[0][1], datasets[0][2], False) # create model model = models.__dict__['resnet101'](pretrained=True) model = aren.AREN(best_cfg, model, Parameter(F.normalize(datasets[0][3])), Parameter(F.normalize(datasets[0][4]))) model = nn.DataParallel(model).cuda() # define loss function (criterion) and optimizer criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=best_cfg['lr'], momentum=best_cfg['momentum'], weight_decay=best_cfg['weight_decay']) # load the fine-tuned checkpoint if best_cfg['pretrain'] == 1: load_model(best_cfg, model, optimizer, best_cfg['pre_model']) # best_meas, best_epoch, best_pred_prob = train_test(best_cfg, model, optimizer, criterion, train_set, test_set) best_meas, best_epoch, best_pred_prob = test(best_cfg, model, criterion, test_set) print('Reproducing CUB:PS ACA = {:.3f}%'.format(best_meas))
class Player(Collider): """The player entity for the game""" MOVE_SPEED = 20 SHOOT_DELAY = 3 BULLET_VELOCITY = np.array((0, -20)) BULLET_DAMAGE = 1 BULLET_SPAWN_OFFSET = np.array((0, -12)) sprite_image = image_load('player.png') hitbox_image = image_load('player_hitbox.png') bullet_image = image_load('player_bullet.png') @staticmethod def health_from_difficulty(diff): """Creates the player's health, given the difficulty""" if diff == Difficulty.TRIVIAL: return InfiniteHealth() if diff == Difficulty.NORMAL: return Health(100, .1) if diff == Difficulty.HARD: return OneHealth() return None def __init__(self, play_screen, start, diff=Difficulty.NORMAL): """Creates the Player""" super().__init__(containers=play_screen.get_containers( 'PLAYER', 'ENTITY'), image=self.sprite_image, start=start, health=self.health_from_difficulty(diff), damage=.1, hitbox=self.hitbox_image) self.difficulty = diff self.play_screen = play_screen HealthBar(containers=play_screen.everything,, size=np.array((160, 20)), start=np.array((100, 610)), border_size=2, color=(0, 255, 0)) self.next_shot = 0 self.bullet_containers = play_screen.get_containers('PLAYER', 'BULLET') def update(self): """Does various things to update the player""" # check if game started yet if not self.play_screen.game_started: return # make movement towards cursor vec_move = np.array(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) - self.vec dist = np.linalg.norm(vec_move) if dist > self.MOVE_SPEED: vec_move = vec_move * self.MOVE_SPEED / dist self.move_by(vec_move) # update health # shoot bullet if available if self.next_shot == 0: LinearBullet(containers=self.bullet_containers, image=self.bullet_image, start=self.vec + self.BULLET_SPAWN_OFFSET, damage=self.BULLET_DAMAGE, velocity=self.BULLET_VELOCITY) self.next_shot = self.SHOOT_DELAY self.next_shot -= 1 # check for keypresses (X to die, Z to lose some health) pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if pressed[ord('x')]: if pressed[ord('z')]: