Пример #1
 def set_mgmt_classes(self,mgmt_classes):
     Assigns a list of configuration management classes that can be assigned
     to any object, such as those used by Puppet's external_nodes feature.
     mgmt_classes_split = utils.input_string_or_list(mgmt_classes)
     self.mgmt_classes = utils.input_string_or_list(mgmt_classes_split)
     return True
Пример #2
 def set_mgmt_classes(self, mgmt_classes):
     Assigns a list of configuration management classes that can be assigned
     to any object, such as those used by Puppet's external_nodes feature.
     mgmt_classes_split = utils.input_string_or_list(mgmt_classes)
     self.mgmt_classes = utils.input_string_or_list(mgmt_classes_split)
     return True
Пример #3
    def filter_systems_or_profiles(self, selected_items, list_type):
        Return a list of valid profile or system objects selected from all profiles
        or systems by name, or everything if selected_items is empty
        if list_type == 'profile':
            all_objs = [profile for profile in self.api.profiles()]
        elif list_type == 'system':
            all_objs = [system for system in self.api.systems()]
            utils.die(self.logger, "Invalid list_type argument: " + list_type)


        # no profiles/systems selection is made, let's process everything
        if not selected_items:
            return all_objs

        which_objs = []
        selected_list = utils.input_string_or_list(selected_items)
        for obj in all_objs:
            if obj.name in selected_list:

        if not which_objs:
                      "No valid systems or profiles were specified.")

        return which_objs
Пример #4
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in DEFAULTS:
                if DEFAULTS[name][1] == "str":
                    value = str(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "int":
                    value = int(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "bool":
                    if utils.input_boolean(value):
                        value = 1
                        value = 0
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "float":
                    value = float(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "list":
                    value = utils.input_string_or_list(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "dict":
                    value = utils.input_string_or_hash(value)[1]
                raise AttributeError

            self.__dict__[name] = value
            if not utils.update_settings_file(self.to_datastruct()):
                raise AttributeError

            return 0
            raise AttributeError
Пример #5
 def set_name_servers(self,data):
     # FIXME: move to utils since shared with system
     if data == "<<inherit>>":
        data = []
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.name_servers = data
     return True
Пример #6
    def filter_systems_or_profiles(self, selected_items, list_type):
        Return a list of valid profile or system objects selected from all profiles
        or systems by name, or everything if selected_items is empty
        if list_type == 'profile':
            all_objs = [profile for profile in self.api.profiles()]
        elif list_type == 'system':
            all_objs = [system for system in self.api.systems()]
            utils.die(self.logger, "Invalid list_type argument: " + list_type)


        # no profiles/systems selection is made, let's process everything
        if not selected_items:
            return all_objs

        which_objs = []
        selected_list = utils.input_string_or_list(selected_items)
        for obj in all_objs:
            if obj.name in selected_list:

        if not which_objs:
            utils.die(self.logger, "No valid systems or profiles were specified.")

        return which_objs
Пример #7
 def __setattr__(self,name,value):
     if DEFAULTS.has_key(name):
             if DEFAULTS[name][1] == "str":
                 value = str(value)
             elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "int":
                 value = int(value)
             elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "bool":
                 if utils.input_boolean(value):
                     value = 1
                     value = 0
             elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "float":
                 value = float(value)
             elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "list":
                 value = utils.input_string_or_list(value)
             elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "dict":
                 value = utils.input_string_or_hash(value)[1]
             raise AttributeError, "failed to set %s to %s" % (name,str(value))
         self.__dict__[name] = value
         if not utils.update_settings_file(self.to_datastruct()):
             raise AttributeError, "failed to save the settings file!"
         return 0
         raise AttributeError, name
Пример #8
 def set_name_servers(self, data):
     # FIXME: move to utils since shared with system
     if data == "<<inherit>>":
         data = []
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.name_servers = data
     return True
Пример #9
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in DEFAULTS:
                if DEFAULTS[name][1] == "str":
                    value = str(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "int":
                    value = int(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "bool":
                    if utils.input_boolean(value):
                        value = 1
                        value = 0
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "float":
                    value = float(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "list":
                    value = utils.input_string_or_list(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "dict":
                    value = utils.input_string_or_dict(value)[1]
                raise AttributeError

            self.__dict__[name] = value
            if not utils.update_settings_file(self.to_dict()):
                raise AttributeError

            return 0
            raise AttributeError
Пример #10
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if DEFAULTS.has_key(name):
                if DEFAULTS[name][1] == "str":
                    value = str(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "int":
                    value = int(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "bool":
                    if utils.input_boolean(value):
                        value = 1
                        value = 0
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "float":
                    value = float(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "list":
                    value = utils.input_string_or_list(value)
                elif DEFAULTS[name][1] == "dict":
                    value = utils.input_string_or_hash(value)[1]
                raise AttributeError, "failed to set %s to %s" % (name,

            self.__dict__[name] = value
            utils.update_settings_file(name, value)
            return 0
            raise AttributeError, name
Пример #11
 def set_rpm_list(self, rpms):
     Rather than mirroring the entire contents of a repository (Fedora Extras, for instance,
     contains games, and we probably don't want those), make it possible to list the packages
     one wants out of those repos, so only those packages + deps can be mirrored.
     self.rpm_list = utils.input_string_or_list(rpms)
     return True
Пример #12
 def set_rpm_list(self,rpms):
     Rather than mirroring the entire contents of a repository (Fedora Extras, for instance,
     contains games, and we probably don't want those), make it possible to list the packages
     one wants out of those repos, so only those packages + deps can be mirrored.
     self.rpm_list = utils.input_string_or_list(rpms,delim=" ")
     return True
Пример #13
 def set_owners(self,data):
     The owners field is a comment unless using an authz module that pays attention to it,
     like authz_ownership, which ships with Cobbler but is off by default.  Consult the Wiki
     docs for more info on CustomizableAuthorization.
     owners = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.owners = owners
     return True
Пример #14
 def set_owners(self, data):
     The owners field is a comment unless using an authz module that pays attention to it,
     like authz_ownership, which ships with Cobbler but is off by default.  Consult the Wiki
     docs for more info on CustomizableAuthorization.
     owners = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.owners = owners
     return True
Пример #15
    def set_ipv6_secondaries(self,addresses,interface):
        intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
        data = utils.input_string_or_list(addresses)
        secondaries = []
        for address in data:
           if address == "" or utils.is_ip(address):
               raise CX(_("invalid format for IPv6 IP address (%s)") % address)

        intf["ipv6_secondaries"] = secondaries
        return True
Пример #16
    def set_ipv6_secondaries(self,addresses,interface):
        intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
        data = utils.input_string_or_list(addresses)
        secondaries = []
        for address in data:
           if address == "" or utils.is_ip(address):
               raise CX(_("invalid format for IPv6 IP address (%s)") % address)

        intf["ipv6_secondaries"] = secondaries
        return True
Пример #17
    def __find_compare(self, from_search, from_obj):

        if isinstance(from_obj, basestring):
            # FIXME: fnmatch is only used for string to string comparisions
            # which should cover most major usage, if not, this deserves fixing
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(from_obj.lower(), from_search.lower()):
                return True
                return False

            if isinstance(from_search, basestring):
                if isinstance(from_obj, list):
                    from_search = utils.input_string_or_list(from_search)
                    for x in from_search:
                        if x not in from_obj:
                            return False
                    return True

                if isinstance(from_obj, dict):
                    (junk, from_search) = utils.input_string_or_hash(
                        from_search, allow_multiples=True)
                    for x in from_search.keys():
                        y = from_search[x]
                        if x not in from_obj:
                            return False
                        if not (y == from_obj[x]):  # XXX
                            return False
                    return True

                if isinstance(from_obj, bool):
                    if from_search.lower() in ["true", "1", "y", "yes"]:
                        inp = True
                        inp = False
                    if inp == from_obj:
                        return True
                    return False

            raise CX(_("find cannot compare type: %s") % type(from_obj))
Пример #18
    def __find_compare(self, from_search, from_obj):

        if isinstance(from_obj, basestring):
            # FIXME: fnmatch is only used for string to string comparisions
            # which should cover most major usage, if not, this deserves fixing
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(from_obj.lower(), from_search.lower()):
                return True
                return False    
            if isinstance(from_search, basestring):
                if type(from_obj) == type([]):
                    from_search = utils.input_string_or_list(from_search)
                    for x in from_search:
                        if x not in from_obj:
                            return False
                    return True            

                if type(from_obj) == type({}):
                    (junk, from_search) = utils.input_string_or_hash(from_search,allow_multiples=True)
                    for x in from_search.keys():
                        y = from_search[x]
                        if not from_obj.has_key(x):
                            return False
                        if not (y == from_obj[x]):
                            return False
                    return True

                if type(from_obj) == type(True):
                    if from_search.lower() in [ "true", "1", "y", "yes" ]:
                        inp = True
                        inp = False
                    if inp == from_obj:
                        return True
                    return False
            raise CX(_("find cannot compare type: %s") % type(from_obj)) 
Пример #19
    def generate_netboot_iso(self,
       Create bootable CD image to be used for network installations
        # setup all profiles/systems lists
        all_profiles = [profile for profile in self.api.profiles()]
        all_systems = [system for system in self.api.systems()]
        # convert input to lists
        which_profiles = utils.input_string_or_list(profiles)
        which_systems = utils.input_string_or_list(systems)

        # no profiles/systems selection is made, let's process everything
        do_all_systems = False
        do_all_profiles = False
        if len(which_profiles) == 0 and len(which_systems) == 0:
            do_all_systems = True
            do_all_profiles = True

        # setup isolinux.cfg
        isolinuxcfg = os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "isolinux.cfg")
        cfg = open(isolinuxcfg, "w+")

        # iterate through selected profiles
        for profile in all_profiles:
            if profile.name in which_profiles or do_all_profiles is True:
                self.logger.info("processing profile: %s" % profile.name)
                dist = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
                distname = self.make_shorter(dist.name)
                self.copy_boot_files(dist, isolinuxdir, distname)

                cfg.write("LABEL %s\n" % profile.name)
                cfg.write("  MENU LABEL %s\n" % profile.name)
                cfg.write("  kernel %s.krn\n" % distname)

                data = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile)
                if data["kickstart"].startswith("/"):
                        "kickstart"] = "http://%s:%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/profile/%s" % (
                            data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port,

                append_line = " append initrd=%s.img" % distname
                if dist.breed == "suse":
                    if data["proxy"] != "":
                        append_line += " proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("install") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["install"] != "":
                        append_line += " install=%s" % data["kernel_options"][
                        del data["kernel_options"]["install"]
                        append_line += " install=http://%s:%s/cblr/links/%s" % (
                            data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port,
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("autoyast") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["autoyast"] != "":
                        append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kernel_options"][
                        del data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
                        append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kickstart"]

                if dist.breed == "redhat":
                    if data["proxy"] != "":
                        append_line += " proxy=%s http_proxy=%s" % (
                            data["proxy"], data["proxy"])
                    append_line += " ks=%s" % data["kickstart"]

                if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                    append_line += " auto-install/enable=true url=%s" % data[
                    if data["proxy"] != "":
                        append_line += " mirror/http/proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                append_line += self.add_remaining_kopts(data["kernel_options"])

                length = len(append_line)
                if length > 254:
                        "append line length is greater than 254 chars (%s chars)"
                        % length)

        cfg.write("\nMENU SEPARATOR\n")

        # iterate through all selected systems
        for system in all_systems:
            if system.name in which_systems or do_all_systems is True:
                self.logger.info("processing system: %s" % system.name)
                profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
                dist = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
                distname = self.make_shorter(dist.name)
                self.copy_boot_files(dist, isolinuxdir, distname)

                cfg.write("LABEL %s\n" % system.name)
                cfg.write("  MENU LABEL %s\n" % system.name)
                cfg.write("  kernel %s.krn\n" % distname)

                data = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
                if data["kickstart"].startswith("/"):
                        "kickstart"] = "http://%s:%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/%s" % (
                            data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port,

                append_line = " append initrd=%s.img" % distname
                if dist.breed == "suse":
                    if data["proxy"] != "":
                        append_line += " proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("install") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["install"] != "":
                        append_line += " install=%s" % data["kernel_options"][
                        del data["kernel_options"]["install"]
                        append_line += " install=http://%s:%s/cblr/links/%s" % (
                            data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port,
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("autoyast") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["autoyast"] != "":
                        append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kernel_options"][
                        del data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
                        append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kickstart"]

                if dist.breed == "redhat":
                    if data["proxy"] != "":
                        append_line += " proxy=%s http_proxy=%s" % (
                            data["proxy"], data["proxy"])
                    append_line += " ks=%s" % data["kickstart"]

                if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                    append_line += " auto-install/enable=true url=%s netcfg/disable_dhcp=true" % data[
                    if data["proxy"] != "":
                        append_line += " mirror/http/proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                    # hostname is required as a parameter, the one in the preseed is not respected
                    my_domain = "local.lan"
                    if system.hostname != "":
                        # if this is a FQDN, grab the first bit
                        my_hostname = system.hostname.split(".")[0]
                        _domain = system.hostname.split(".")[1:]
                        if _domain:
                            my_domain = ".".join(_domain)
                        my_hostname = system.name.split(".")[0]
                        _domain = system.name.split(".")[1:]
                        if _domain:
                            my_domain = ".".join(_domain)
                    # at least for debian deployments configured for DHCP networking
                    # this values are not used, but specifying here avoids questions
                    append_line += " hostname=%s domain=%s" % (my_hostname,
                    # a similar issue exists with suite name, as installer requires
                    # the existence of "stable" in the dists directory
                    append_line += " suite=%s" % dist.os_version

                # try to add static ip boot options to avoid DHCP (interface/ip/netmask/gw/dns)
                # check for overrides first and clear them from kernel_options
                my_int = None
                my_ip = None
                my_mask = None
                my_gw = None
                my_dns = None
                if dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netmask") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["netmask"] != "":
                        my_mask = data["kernel_options"]["netmask"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netmask"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("gateway") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["gateway"] != "":
                        my_gw = data["kernel_options"]["gateway"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["gateway"]

                if dist.breed == "redhat":
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("ksdevice") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["ksdevice"] != "":
                        my_int = data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"]
                        if my_int == "bootif":
                            my_int = None
                        del data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                            "ip") and data["kernel_options"]["ip"] != "":
                        my_ip = data["kernel_options"]["ip"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["ip"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                            "dns") and data["kernel_options"]["dns"] != "":
                        my_dns = data["kernel_options"]["dns"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["dns"]

                if dist.breed == "suse":
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netdevice") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["netdevice"] != "":
                        my_int = data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("hostip") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["hostip"] != "":
                        my_ip = data["kernel_options"]["hostip"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["hostip"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key("nameserver") and data[
                            "kernel_options"]["nameserver"] != "":
                        my_dns = data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"]

                if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                    ) and data["kernel_options"][
                            "netcfg/choose_interface"] != "":
                        my_int = data["kernel_options"][
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/choose_interface"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                    ) and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"] != "":
                        my_ip = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                    ) and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"] != "":
                        my_mask = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                    ) and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"] != "":
                        my_gw = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"]
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"]
                    if data["kernel_options"].has_key(
                    ) and data["kernel_options"][
                            "netcfg/get_nameservers"] != "":
                        my_dns = data["kernel_options"][
                        del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_nameservers"]

                # if no kernel_options overrides are present find the management interface
                # do nothing when zero or multiple management interfaces are found
                if my_int is None:
                    mgmt_ints = []
                    mgmt_ints_multi = []
                    slave_ints = []
                    if len(data["interfaces"].keys()) >= 1:
                        for (iname, idata) in data["interfaces"].iteritems():
                            if idata["management"] == True and idata[
                                    "interface_type"] in [
                                        "master", "bond", "bridge"
                                # bonded/bridged management interface
                            if idata["management"] == True and idata[
                                    "interface_type"] not in [
                                        "master", "bond", "bridge", "slave",
                                        "bond_slave", "bridge_slave",
                                # single management interface

                    if len(mgmt_ints_multi) == 1 and len(mgmt_ints) == 0:
                        # bonded/bridged management interface, find a slave interface
                        # if eth0 is a slave use that (it's what people expect)
                        for (iname, idata) in data["interfaces"].iteritems():
                            if idata["interface_type"] in [
                                    "slave", "bond_slave", "bridge_slave",
                            ] and idata["interface_master"] == mgmt_ints_multi[

                        if "eth0" in slave_ints:
                            my_int = "eth0"
                            my_int = slave_ints[0]
                        # set my_ip from the bonded/bridged interface here
                        my_ip = data["ip_address_" +
                                     data["interface_master_" + my_int]]
                        my_mask = data["netmask_" +
                                       data["interface_master_" + my_int]]

                    if len(mgmt_ints) == 1 and len(mgmt_ints_multi) == 0:
                        # single management interface
                        my_int = mgmt_ints[0]

                # lookup tcp/ip configuration data
                if my_ip is None and my_int is not None:
                    if data.has_key("ip_address_" +
                                    my_int) and data["ip_address_" +
                                                     my_int] != "":
                        my_ip = data["ip_address_" + my_int]

                if my_mask is None and my_int is not None:
                    if data.has_key("netmask_" +
                                    my_int) and data["netmask_" +
                                                     my_int] != "":
                        my_mask = data["netmask_" + my_int]

                if my_gw is None:
                    if data.has_key("gateway") and data["gateway"] != "":
                        my_gw = data["gateway"]

                if my_dns is None:
                    if data.has_key(
                            "name_servers") and data["name_servers"] != "":
                        my_dns = data["name_servers"]

                # add information to the append_line
                if my_int is not None:
                    if dist.breed == "suse":
                        if data.has_key("mac_address_" +
                                        my_int) and data["mac_address_" +
                                                         my_int] != "":
                            append_line += " netdevice=%s" % data[
                                "mac_address_" + my_int].lower()
                            append_line += " netdevice=%s" % my_int
                    if dist.breed == "redhat":
                        if data.has_key("mac_address_" +
                                        my_int) and data["mac_address_" +
                                                         my_int] != "":
                            append_line += " ksdevice=%s" % data["mac_address_"
                                                                 + my_int]
                            append_line += " ksdevice=%s" % my_int
                    if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                        append_line += " netcfg/choose_interface=%s" % my_int

                if my_ip is not None:
                    if dist.breed == "suse":
                        append_line += " hostip=%s" % my_ip
                    if dist.breed == "redhat":
                        append_line += " ip=%s" % my_ip
                    if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                        append_line += " netcfg/get_ipaddress=%s" % my_ip

                if my_mask is not None:
                    if dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
                        append_line += " netmask=%s" % my_mask
                    if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                        append_line += " netcfg/get_netmask=%s" % my_mask

                if my_gw is not None:
                    if dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
                        append_line += " gateway=%s" % my_gw
                    if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                        append_line += " netcfg/get_gateway=%s" % my_gw

                if exclude_dns is None or my_dns is not None:
                    if dist.breed == "suse":
                        append_line += " nameserver=%s" % my_dns[0]
                    if dist.breed == "redhat":
                        if type(my_dns) == list:
                            append_line += " dns=%s" % ",".join(my_dns)
                            append_line += " dns=%s" % my_dns
                    if dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                        append_line += " netcfg/get_nameservers=%s" % ",".join(

                # add remaining kernel_options to append_line
                append_line += self.add_remaining_kopts(data["kernel_options"])

                length = len(append_line)
                if length > 254:
                        "append line length is greater than 254 chars (%s chars)"
                        % length)

        cfg.write("MENU END\n")
Пример #20
 def set_cnames(self, cnames, interface):
     intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(cnames)
     intf["cnames"] = data
     return True
Пример #21
    def generate_standalone_iso(self, imagesdir, isolinuxdir, distname,
                                filesource, airgapped, profiles):
        Create bootable CD image to be used for handsoff CD installtions
        # Get the distro object for the requested distro
        # and then get all of its descendants (profiles/sub-profiles/systems)
        # with sort=True for profile/system heirarchy to allow menu indenting
        distro = self.api.find_distro(distname)
        if distro is None:
                      "distro %s was not found, aborting" % distname)
        descendants = distro.get_descendants(sort=True)
        profiles = utils.input_string_or_list(profiles)

        if filesource is None:
            # Try to determine the source from the distro kernel path
            self.logger.debug("trying to locate source for distro")
            found_source = False
            (source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(distro.kernel)
            while source_tail != '':
                if source_head == os.path.join(self.api.settings().webdir,
                    filesource = os.path.join(source_head, source_tail)
                    found_source = True
                    self.logger.debug("found source in %s" % filesource)
                (source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(source_head)
            # Can't find the source, raise an error
            if not found_source:
                    "Error, no installation source found. When building a standalone ISO, you must specify a --source if the distro install tree is not hosted locally"

        self.logger.info("copying kernels and initrds for standalone distro")
        self.copy_boot_files(distro, isolinuxdir, None)

        self.logger.info("generating an isolinux.cfg")
        isolinuxcfg = os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "isolinux.cfg")
        cfg = open(isolinuxcfg, "w+")

        if airgapped:
            repo_names_to_copy = {}

        for descendant in descendants:
            # if a list of profiles was given, skip any others and their systems
            if (profiles and ((descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'profile'
                               and descendant.name not in profiles) or
                              (descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'system'
                               and descendant.profile not in profiles))):

            menu_indent = 0
            if descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'system':
                menu_indent = 4

            data = utils.blender(self.api, False, descendant)

            cfg.write("LABEL %s\n" % descendant.name)
            if menu_indent:
                cfg.write("  MENU INDENT %d\n" % menu_indent)
            cfg.write("  MENU LABEL %s\n" % descendant.name)
            cfg.write("  kernel %s\n" % os.path.basename(distro.kernel))

            append_line = "  append initrd=%s" % os.path.basename(
            if distro.breed == "redhat":
                append_line += " ks=cdrom:/isolinux/%s.cfg" % descendant.name
            if distro.breed == "suse":
                append_line += " autoyast=file:///isolinux/%s.cfg install=cdrom:///" % descendant.name
                if "install" in data["kernel_options"]:
                    del data["kernel_options"]["install"]
            if distro.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                append_line += " auto-install/enable=true preseed/file=/cdrom/isolinux/%s.cfg" % descendant.name

            # add remaining kernel_options to append_line
            append_line += self.add_remaining_kopts(data["kernel_options"])

            if descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'profile':
                autoinstall_data = self.api.autoinstallgen.generate_autoinstall_for_profile(
            elif descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'system':
                autoinstall_data = self.api.autoinstallgen.generate_autoinstall_for_system(

            if distro.breed == "redhat":
                cdregex = re.compile("^\s*url .*\n",
                                     re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
                autoinstall_data = cdregex.sub("cdrom\n",

            if airgapped:
                descendant_repos = data['repos']
                for repo_name in descendant_repos:
                    repo_obj = self.api.find_repo(repo_name)
                    error_fmt = (descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE + " " +
                                 descendant.name + " refers to repo " +
                                 repo_name +
                                 ", which %%s; cannot build airgapped ISO")

                    if repo_obj is None:
                        utils.die(self.logger, error_fmt % "does not exist")
                    if not repo_obj.mirror_locally:
                            self.logger, error_fmt %
                            "is not configured for local mirroring")
                    # FIXME: don't hardcode
                    mirrordir = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,
                                             "repo_mirror", repo_obj.name)
                    if not os.path.exists(mirrordir):
                            error_fmt % "has a missing local mirror directory")

                    repo_names_to_copy[repo_obj.name] = mirrordir

                    # update the baseurl in autoinstall_data to use the cdrom copy of this repo
                    reporegex = re.compile(
                        "^(\s*repo --name=" + repo_obj.name + " --baseurl=).*",
                    autoinstall_data = reporegex.sub(
                        r"\1" + "file:///mnt/source/repo_mirror/" +
                        repo_obj.name, autoinstall_data)

                # rewrite any split-tree repos, such as in redhat, to use cdrom
                srcreporegex = re.compile(
                    "^(\s*repo --name=\S+ --baseurl=).*/cobbler/ks_mirror/" +
                    distro.name + "/?(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
                autoinstall_data = srcreporegex.sub(
                    r"\1" + "file:///mnt/source" + r"\2", autoinstall_data)

            autoinstall_name = os.path.join(isolinuxdir,
                                            "%s.cfg" % descendant.name)
            autoinstall_file = open(autoinstall_name, "w+")

        self.logger.info("done writing config")
        cfg.write("MENU END\n")

        if airgapped:
            # copy any repos found in profiles or systems to the iso build
            repodir = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "..", "repo_mirror"))
            if not os.path.exists(repodir):

            for repo_name in repo_names_to_copy:
                src = repo_names_to_copy[repo_name]
                dst = os.path.join(repodir, repo_name)
                self.logger.info(" - copying repo '" + repo_name +
                                 "' for airgapped ISO")

                ok = utils.rsync_files(
                    "--exclude=TRANS.TBL --exclude=cache/ --no-g",
                if not ok:
                              "rsync of repo '" + repo_name + "' failed")

        # copy distro files last, since they take the most time
        cmd = "rsync -rlptgu --exclude=boot.cat --exclude=TRANS.TBL --exclude=isolinux/ %s/ %s/../" % (
            filesource, isolinuxdir)
        self.logger.info("- copying distro %s files (%s)" % (distname, cmd))
        rc = utils.subprocess_call(self.logger, cmd, shell=True)
        if rc:
            utils.die(self.logger, "rsync of distro files failed")
Пример #22
    def generate_netboot_iso(self,imagesdir,isolinuxdir,profiles=None,systems=None,exclude_dns=None):
       Create bootable CD image to be used for network installations
       # setup all profiles/systems lists
       all_profiles = [profile for profile in self.api.profiles()]
       all_systems = [system for system in self.api.systems()]
       # convert input to lists
       which_profiles = utils.input_string_or_list(profiles)
       which_systems = utils.input_string_or_list(systems)

       # no profiles/systems selection is made, let's process everything
       do_all_systems = False
       do_all_profiles = False
       if len(which_profiles) == 0 and len(which_systems) == 0:
          do_all_systems = True
          do_all_profiles = True

       # setup isolinux.cfg
       isolinuxcfg = os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "isolinux.cfg")
       cfg = open(isolinuxcfg, "w+")

       # iterate through selected profiles
       for profile in all_profiles:
          if profile.name in which_profiles or do_all_profiles is True:
             self.logger.info("processing profile: %s" % profile.name)
             dist = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
             distname = self.make_shorter(dist.name)

             cfg.write("LABEL %s\n" % profile.name)
             cfg.write("  MENU LABEL %s\n" % profile.name)
             cfg.write("  kernel %s.krn\n" % distname)

             data = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile)
             if data["kickstart"].startswith("/"):
                 data["kickstart"] = "http://%s:%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/profile/%s" % (
                     data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port, profile.name

             append_line = " append initrd=%s.img" % distname
             if dist.breed == "suse":
                 if data.has_key("proxy") and data["proxy"] != "":
                     append_line += " proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                 if data["kernel_options"].has_key("install") and data["kernel_options"]["install"] != "":
                     append_line += " install=%s" % data["kernel_options"]["install"]
                     del data["kernel_options"]["install"]
                     append_line += " install=http://%s:%s/cblr/links/%s" % (
                         data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port, dist.name
                 if data["kernel_options"].has_key("autoyast") and data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"] != "":
                     append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
                     del data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
                     append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kickstart"]

             if dist.breed == "redhat":
                 if data.has_key("proxy") and data["proxy"] != "":
                    append_line += " proxy=%s http_proxy=%s" % (data["proxy"], data["proxy"])
                 append_line += " ks=%s" % data["kickstart"]

             if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                 append_line += " auto-install/enable=true url=%s" % data["kickstart"]
                 if data.has_key("proxy") and data["proxy"] != "":
                     append_line += " mirror/http/proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
             append_line += self.add_remaining_kopts(data["kernel_options"])

       cfg.write("\nMENU SEPARATOR\n")

       # iterate through all selected systems
       for system in all_systems:
          if system.name in which_systems or do_all_systems is True:
             self.logger.info("processing system: %s" % system.name)
             profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
             dist = profile.get_conceptual_parent()
             distname = self.make_shorter(dist.name)

             cfg.write("LABEL %s\n" % system.name)
             cfg.write("  MENU LABEL %s\n" % system.name)
             cfg.write("  kernel %s.krn\n" % distname)

             data = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
             if data["kickstart"].startswith("/"):
                 data["kickstart"] = "http://%s:%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/%s" % (
                     data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port, system.name

             append_line = " append initrd=%s.img" % distname
             if dist.breed == "suse":
                if data.has_key("proxy") and data["proxy"] != "":
                    append_line += " proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("install") and data["kernel_options"]["install"] != "":
                    append_line += " install=%s" % data["kernel_options"]["install"]
                    del data["kernel_options"]["install"]
                    append_line += " install=http://%s:%s/cblr/links/%s" % (
                        data["server"], self.api.settings().http_port, dist.name
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("autoyast") and data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"] != "":
                    append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
                    del data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
                    append_line += " autoyast=%s" % data["kickstart"]

             if dist.breed == "redhat":
                if data.has_key("proxy") and data["proxy"] != "":
                    append_line += " proxy=%s http_proxy=%s" % (data["proxy"], data["proxy"])
                append_line += " ks=%s" % data["kickstart"]

             if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                append_line += " auto-install/enable=true url=%s netcfg/disable_dhcp=true" % data["kickstart"]
                if data.has_key("proxy") and data["proxy"] != "":
                    append_line += " mirror/http/proxy=%s" % data["proxy"]
                # hostname is required as a parameter, the one in the preseed is not respected
                my_domain = "local.lan"
                if system.hostname != "":
                    # if this is a FQDN, grab the first bit
                    my_hostname = system.hostname.split(".")[0]
                    _domain = system.hostname.split(".")[1:]
                    if _domain:
                       my_domain = ".".join(_domain)
                    my_hostname = system.name.split(".")[0]
                    _domain = system.name.split(".")[1:]
                    if _domain:
                       my_domain = ".".join(_domain)
                # at least for debian deployments configured for DHCP networking
                # this values are not used, but specifying here avoids questions
                append_line += " hostname=%s domain=%s" % (my_hostname, my_domain)
                # a similar issue exists with suite name, as installer requires
                # the existence of "stable" in the dists directory
                append_line += " suite=%s" % dist.os_version

             # try to add static ip boot options to avoid DHCP (interface/ip/netmask/gw/dns)
             # check for overrides first and clear them from kernel_options
             my_int = None;  my_ip = None; my_mask = None; my_gw = None; my_dns = None
             if dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netmask") and data["kernel_options"]["netmask"] != "":
                   my_mask = data["kernel_options"]["netmask"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netmask"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("gateway") and data["kernel_options"]["gateway"] != "":
                   my_gw = data["kernel_options"]["gateway"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["gateway"]

             if dist.breed == "redhat":
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("ksdevice") and data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"] != "":
                   my_int = data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"]
                   if my_int == "bootif":
                      my_int = None
                   del data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("ip") and data["kernel_options"]["ip"] != "":
                   my_ip = data["kernel_options"]["ip"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["ip"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("dns") and data["kernel_options"]["dns"] != "":
                   my_dns = data["kernel_options"]["dns"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["dns"]

             if dist.breed == "suse":
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netdevice") and data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"] != "":
                   my_int = data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("hostip") and data["kernel_options"]["hostip"] != "":
                   my_ip = data["kernel_options"]["hostip"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["hostip"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("nameserver") and data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"] != "":
                   my_dns = data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"]

             if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netcfg/choose_interface") and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/choose_interface"] != "":
                   my_int = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/choose_interface"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/choose_interface"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netcfg/get_ipaddress") and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"] != "":
                   my_ip = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netcfg/get_netmask") and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"] != "":
                   my_mask = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netcfg/get_gateway") and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"] != "":
                   my_gw = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"]
                if data["kernel_options"].has_key("netcfg/get_nameservers") and data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_nameservers"] != "":
                   my_dns = data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_nameservers"]
                   del data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_nameservers"]

             # if no kernel_options overrides are present find the management interface
             # do nothing when zero or multiple management interfaces are found
             if my_int is None:
                mgmt_ints = []; mgmt_ints_multi = []; slave_ints = []
                if len(data["interfaces"].keys()) >= 1:
                   for (iname, idata) in data["interfaces"].iteritems():
                      if idata["management"] == True and idata["interface_type"] in ["master","bond","bridge"]:
                         # bonded/bridged management interface
                      if idata["management"] == True and idata["interface_type"] not in ["master","bond","bridge","slave","bond_slave","bridge_slave","bonded_bridge_slave"]:
                         # single management interface

                if len(mgmt_ints_multi) == 1 and len(mgmt_ints) == 0:
                   # bonded/bridged management interface, find a slave interface
                   # if eth0 is a slave use that (it's what people expect)
                   for (iname, idata) in data["interfaces"].iteritems():
                      if idata["interface_type"] in ["slave","bond_slave","bridge_slave","bonded_bridge_slave"] and idata["interface_master"] == mgmt_ints_multi[0]:

                   if "eth0" in slave_ints:
                      my_int = "eth0"
                      my_int = slave_ints[0]
                   # set my_ip from the bonded/bridged interface here
                   my_ip = data["ip_address_" + data["interface_master_" + my_int]]
                   my_mask = data["netmask_" + data["interface_master_" + my_int]]

                if len(mgmt_ints) == 1 and len(mgmt_ints_multi) == 0:
                   # single management interface
                   my_int = mgmt_ints[0]

             # lookup tcp/ip configuration data
             if my_ip is None and my_int is not None:
                if data.has_key("ip_address_" + my_int) and data["ip_address_" + my_int] != "":
                   my_ip = data["ip_address_" + my_int]

             if my_mask is None and my_int is not None:
                if data.has_key("netmask_" + my_int) and data["netmask_" + my_int] != "":
                   my_mask = data["netmask_" + my_int]

             if my_gw is None:
                if data.has_key("gateway") and data["gateway"] != "":
                   my_gw = data["gateway"]

             if my_dns is None:
                if data.has_key("name_servers") and data["name_servers"] != "":
                   my_dns = data["name_servers"]
             # add information to the append_line
             if my_int is not None:
                 if dist.breed == "suse":
                     if data.has_key("mac_address_" + my_int) and data["mac_address_" + my_int] != "":
                        append_line += " netdevice=%s" % data["mac_address_" + my_int].lower()
                        append_line += " netdevice=%s" % my_int
                 if dist.breed == "redhat":
                     if data.has_key("mac_address_" + my_int) and data["mac_address_" + my_int] != "":
                        append_line += " ksdevice=%s" % data["mac_address_" + my_int]
                        append_line += " ksdevice=%s" % my_int
                 if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                     append_line += " netcfg/choose_interface=%s" % my_int

             if my_ip is not None:
                 if dist.breed == "suse":
                     append_line += " hostip=%s" % my_ip
                 if dist.breed == "redhat":
                     append_line += " ip=%s" % my_ip
                 if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                     append_line += " netcfg/get_ipaddress=%s" % my_ip

             if my_mask is not None:
                 if dist.breed in ["suse","redhat"]:
                     append_line += " netmask=%s" % my_mask
                 if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                     append_line += " netcfg/get_netmask=%s" % my_mask

             if my_gw is not None:
                 if dist.breed in ["suse","redhat"]:
                     append_line += " gateway=%s" % my_gw
                 if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                     append_line += " netcfg/get_gateway=%s" % my_gw

             if exclude_dns is None or my_dns is not None:
                if dist.breed == "suse":
                   append_line += " nameserver=%s" % my_dns[0]
                if dist.breed == "redhat":
                   if type(my_dns) == list:
                      append_line += " dns=%s" % ",".join(my_dns)
                      append_line += " dns=%s" % my_dns
                if dist.breed in ["ubuntu","debian"]:
                   append_line += " netcfg/get_nameservers=%s" % ",".join(my_dns)

             # add remaining kernel_options to append_line
             append_line += self.add_remaining_kopts(data["kernel_options"])

       cfg.write("MENU END\n")
Пример #23
 def set_name_servers(self, data):
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.name_servers = data
     return True
Пример #24
 def set_apt_dists(self, value):
     self.apt_dists = utils.input_string_or_list(value)
     return True
Пример #25
 def set_packages(self, packages):
     self.packages = utils.input_string_or_list(packages)
     return True
Пример #26
 def set_packages(self, packages):
     self.packages = utils.input_string_or_list(packages)
     return True
Пример #27
 def set_files(self, files):
     self.files = utils.input_string_or_list(files)
     return True
Пример #28
 def set_cnames(self,cnames,interface):
     intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(cnames)
     intf["cnames"] = data
     return True
Пример #29
 def set_files(self, files):
     self.files = utils.input_string_or_list(files)
     return True
Пример #30
 def set_name_servers_search(self, data):
     if data == "<<inherit>>":
         data = []
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.name_servers_search = data
     return True
Пример #31
 def set_apt_dists(self, value):
     self.apt_dists = utils.input_string_or_list(value)
     return True
Пример #32
 def set_ipv6_static_routes(self, routes, interface):
     intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(routes)
     intf["ipv6_static_routes"] = data
     return True
Пример #33
 def set_name_servers_search(self,data):
     if data == "<<inherit>>":
        data = []
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(data)
     self.name_servers_search = data
     return True
Пример #34
    def generate_standalone_iso(self, imagesdir, isolinuxdir, distname, filesource, airgapped, profiles):
        Create bootable CD image to be used for handsoff CD installtions
        # Get the distro object for the requested distro
        # and then get all of its descendants (profiles/sub-profiles/systems)
        # with sort=True for profile/system heirarchy to allow menu indenting
        distro = self.api.find_distro(distname)
        if distro is None:
            utils.die(self.logger, "distro %s was not found, aborting" % distname)
        descendants = distro.get_descendants(sort=True)
        profiles = utils.input_string_or_list(profiles)

        if filesource is None:
            # Try to determine the source from the distro kernel path
            self.logger.debug("trying to locate source for distro")
            found_source = False
            (source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(distro.kernel)
            while source_tail != '':
                if source_head == os.path.join(self.api.settings().webdir, "distro_mirror"):
                    filesource = os.path.join(source_head, source_tail)
                    found_source = True
                    self.logger.debug("found source in %s" % filesource)
                (source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(source_head)
            # Can't find the source, raise an error
            if not found_source:
                utils.die(self.logger, "Error, no installation source found. When building a standalone ISO, you must specify a --source if the distro install tree is not hosted locally")

        self.logger.info("copying kernels and initrds for standalone distro")
        self.copy_boot_files(distro, isolinuxdir, None)

        self.logger.info("generating an isolinux.cfg")
        isolinuxcfg = os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "isolinux.cfg")
        cfg = open(isolinuxcfg, "w+")

        if airgapped:
            repo_names_to_copy = {}

        for descendant in descendants:
            # if a list of profiles was given, skip any others and their systems
            if (profiles and ((descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'profile' and
                               descendant.name not in profiles) or
                              (descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'system' and
                               descendant.profile not in profiles))):

            menu_indent = 0
            if descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'system':
                menu_indent = 4

            data = utils.blender(self.api, False, descendant)

            cfg.write("LABEL %s\n" % descendant.name)
            if menu_indent:
                cfg.write("  MENU INDENT %d\n" % menu_indent)
            cfg.write("  MENU LABEL %s\n" % descendant.name)
            cfg.write("  kernel %s\n" % os.path.basename(distro.kernel))

            append_line = "  append initrd=%s" % os.path.basename(distro.initrd)
            if distro.breed == "redhat":
                append_line += " ks=cdrom:/isolinux/%s.cfg" % descendant.name
            if distro.breed == "suse":
                append_line += " autoyast=file:///isolinux/%s.cfg install=cdrom:///" % descendant.name
                if "install" in data["kernel_options"]:
                    del data["kernel_options"]["install"]
            if distro.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
                append_line += " auto-install/enable=true preseed/file=/cdrom/isolinux/%s.cfg" % descendant.name

            # add remaining kernel_options to append_line
            append_line += self.add_remaining_kopts(data["kernel_options"])

            if descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'profile':
                autoinstall_data = self.api.autoinstallgen.generate_autoinstall_for_profile(descendant.name)
            elif descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'system':
                autoinstall_data = self.api.autoinstallgen.generate_autoinstall_for_system(descendant.name)

            if distro.breed == "redhat":
                cdregex = re.compile("^\s*url .*\n", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
                autoinstall_data = cdregex.sub("cdrom\n", autoinstall_data, count=1)

            if airgapped:
                descendant_repos = data['repos']
                for repo_name in descendant_repos:
                    repo_obj = self.api.find_repo(repo_name)
                    error_fmt = (descendant.COLLECTION_TYPE + " " + descendant.name +
                                 " refers to repo " + repo_name +
                                 ", which %%s; cannot build airgapped ISO")

                    if repo_obj is None:
                        utils.die(self.logger, error_fmt % "does not exist")
                    if not repo_obj.mirror_locally:
                        utils.die(self.logger, error_fmt % "is not configured for local mirroring")
                    # FIXME: don't hardcode
                    mirrordir = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror", repo_obj.name)
                    if not os.path.exists(mirrordir):
                        utils.die(self.logger, error_fmt % "has a missing local mirror directory")

                    repo_names_to_copy[repo_obj.name] = mirrordir

                    # update the baseurl in autoinstall_data to use the cdrom copy of this repo
                    reporegex = re.compile("^(\s*repo --name=" + repo_obj.name + " --baseurl=).*", re.MULTILINE)
                    autoinstall_data = reporegex.sub(r"\1" + "file:///mnt/source/repo_mirror/" + repo_obj.name, autoinstall_data)

                # rewrite any split-tree repos, such as in redhat, to use cdrom
                srcreporegex = re.compile("^(\s*repo --name=\S+ --baseurl=).*/cobbler/ks_mirror/" + distro.name + "/?(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
                autoinstall_data = srcreporegex.sub(r"\1" + "file:///mnt/source" + r"\2", autoinstall_data)

            autoinstall_name = os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "%s.cfg" % descendant.name)
            autoinstall_file = open(autoinstall_name, "w+")

        self.logger.info("done writing config")
        cfg.write("MENU END\n")

        if airgapped:
            # copy any repos found in profiles or systems to the iso build
            repodir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(isolinuxdir, "..", "repo_mirror"))
            if not os.path.exists(repodir):

            for repo_name in repo_names_to_copy:
                src = repo_names_to_copy[repo_name]
                dst = os.path.join(repodir, repo_name)
                self.logger.info(" - copying repo '" + repo_name + "' for airgapped ISO")

                ok = utils.rsync_files(src, dst, "--exclude=TRANS.TBL --exclude=cache/ --no-g",
                                       logger=self.logger, quiet=True)
                if not ok:
                    utils.die(self.logger, "rsync of repo '" + repo_name + "' failed")

        # copy distro files last, since they take the most time
        cmd = "rsync -rlptgu --exclude=boot.cat --exclude=TRANS.TBL --exclude=isolinux/ %s/ %s/../" % (filesource, isolinuxdir)
        self.logger.info("- copying distro %s files (%s)" % (distname, cmd))
        rc = utils.subprocess_call(self.logger, cmd, shell=True)
        if rc:
            utils.die(self.logger, "rsync of distro files failed")
Пример #35
 def set_ipv6_static_routes(self,routes,interface):
     intf = self.__get_interface(interface)
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(routes)
     intf["ipv6_static_routes"] = data
     return True
Пример #36
 def set_name_servers(self,data):
     if data == "<<inherit>>":
        data = []
     data = utils.input_string_or_list(data, delim=" ")
     self.name_servers = data
     return True