Пример #1
def serialize_neighbour_to_json(node_id):
	json_result = {}
	if node_id in globals.network.nodes:
		my_node = globals.network.nodes[node_id]
		json_result['data'] = {}
		json_result['data']['product_name'] = {'value': my_node.product_name}
		json_result['data']['location'] = {'value': my_node.location}
		node_name = my_node.name
		if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id:
			node_name = my_node.product_name
		if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
			node_name = my_node.product_name
		if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
			node_name = 'Unknown'
		json_result['data']['name'] = {'value': node_name}
		json_result['data']['isPrimaryController'] = {'value': globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id}
		neighbour_is_enabled = my_node.generic != 1 # not a remote control
		if my_node.generic == 8 and not my_node.is_listening_device:
			neighbour_is_enabled = len(my_node.neighbors) > 0
		json_result['data']['neighbours'] = {'value': list(my_node.neighbors), 'enabled': neighbour_is_enabled}
		json_result['data']['isDead'] = {'value': my_node.is_failed}
		json_result['data']['type'] = {'basic': my_node.basic, 'generic': my_node.generic, 'specific': my_node.specific}
		json_result['data']['state'] = {'value': utils.convert_query_stage_to_int(my_node.query_stage)}
		json_result['data']['isListening'] = {'value': my_node.is_listening_device}
		json_result['data']['isRouting'] = {'value': my_node.is_routing_device}
		logging.warning('This network does not contain any node with the id %s' % (node_id,))
	return json_result
Пример #2
    def get(self):
        request, response = self.request, self.response
        def get_request_params():
            return (request.get('from'), request.get('to'), request.get('q'), request.get('callback'))

        from_currency, to_currency, qty, callback = get_request_params()

        if not utils.is_none_or_empty(from_currency) and not utils.is_none_or_empty(to_currency):
            req = GoogleCurrencyRateRequest()

            rate = req.get_rate(from_currency, to_currency)

            if (rate is None):
                result = {"err": 'error occurred'}
                result = {"from": from_currency, "to": to_currency, "rate": rate }

                if (qty is not None and len(qty) > 0):
                    qty = float(qty)
                    converted_qty = qty * rate

                    result["v"] = converted_qty 
            result = {"err": "invalid request"}

        utils.write_jsonp_output(response, result, callback)
Пример #3
    def get(self):
        request, response = self.request, self.response

        def get_request_params():
            def strip(v):
                if v is not None:
                    v = v.strip()
                return v

            return (strip(request.get(u'from')), strip(request.get(u'to')),
                    strip(request.get(u'q')), strip(request.get(u'callback')))

        def get_rate(from_currency, to_currency):
            from_currency, to_currency = from_currency.upper(
            ), to_currency.upper()
            cache_key = u'{0}-{1}'.format(from_currency, to_currency)
            rate, err = memcache.get(cache_key), None
            if rate is None:
                req = XeCurrencyRateRequest()
                rate, err = req.get_rate(from_currency, to_currency)

                #logging.debug(u'rate fetched, key is {0}'.format(cache_key))

                if rate is not None and memcache.add(cache_key, rate, 1200):
                    #logging.debug(u'rate cached, key is {0}'.format(cache_key))
                #logging.debug(u'rate fetched form cache, key is {0}'.format(cache_key))

            return rate, err

        from_currency, to_currency, qty, callback = get_request_params()

        if not utils.is_none_or_empty(
                from_currency) and not utils.is_none_or_empty(to_currency):
            rate, err = get_rate(from_currency, to_currency)

            if rate is None:
                result = {u'err': err}
            elif rate == NOT_SUPPORTED_RATE:
                result = {u'err': u'not supported rate conversion.'}
                result = {
                    u'from': from_currency,
                    u'to': to_currency,
                    u'rate': rate

                if (qty is not None and len(qty) > 0):
                        qty = float(qty)
                        converted_qty = qty * rate
                        result[u'v'] = converted_qty
                        result[u'warning'] = u'invalid quantity, ignored.'
            result = {u'err': u'invalid request'}

        utils.write_jsonp_output(response, result, callback)
Пример #4
def serialize_neighbour_to_json(node_id):
	json_result = {}
	if node_id in globals.network.nodes:
		my_node = globals.network.nodes[node_id]
		json_result['data'] = {}
		json_result['data']['product_name'] = {'value': my_node.product_name}
		json_result['data']['location'] = {'value': my_node.location}
		node_name = my_node.name
		if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id:
			node_name = my_node.product_name
		if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
			node_name = my_node.product_name
		if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
			node_name = 'Unknown'
		json_result['data']['name'] = {'value': node_name}
		json_result['data']['isPrimaryController'] = {'value': globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id}
		neighbour_is_enabled = my_node.generic != 1 # not a remote control
		if my_node.generic == 8 and not my_node.is_listening_device:
			neighbour_is_enabled = len(my_node.neighbors) > 0
		json_result['data']['neighbours'] = {'value': list(my_node.neighbors), 'enabled': neighbour_is_enabled}
		json_result['data']['isDead'] = {'value': my_node.is_failed}
		json_result['data']['type'] = {'basic': my_node.basic, 'generic': my_node.generic, 'specific': my_node.specific}
		json_result['data']['state'] = {'value': utils.convert_query_stage_to_int(my_node.query_stage)}
		json_result['data']['isListening'] = {'value': my_node.is_listening_device}
		json_result['data']['isRouting'] = {'value': my_node.is_routing_device}
		logging.warning('This network does not contain any node with the id %s' % (node_id,))
	return json_result
Пример #5
    def get(self):
        request, response = self.request, self.response

        def get_request_params():
            def strip(v):
                if v is not None:
                    v = v.strip()
                return v

            return (strip(request.get(u'from')), strip(request.get(u'to')), strip(request.get(u'q')), strip(request.get(u'callback')))

        def get_rate(from_currency, to_currency):
            from_currency, to_currency = from_currency.upper(), to_currency.upper()
            cache_key = u'{0}-{1}'.format(from_currency, to_currency)
            rate, err = memcache.get(cache_key), None
            if rate is None:
                req = XeCurrencyRateRequest()
                rate, err = req.get_rate(from_currency, to_currency)

                #logging.debug(u'rate fetched, key is {0}'.format(cache_key))

                if rate is not None and memcache.add(cache_key, rate, 1200):
                    #logging.debug(u'rate cached, key is {0}'.format(cache_key))
                #logging.debug(u'rate fetched form cache, key is {0}'.format(cache_key))

            return rate, err

        from_currency, to_currency, qty, callback = get_request_params()

        if not utils.is_none_or_empty(from_currency) and not utils.is_none_or_empty(to_currency):
            rate, err = get_rate(from_currency, to_currency)

            if rate is None:
                result = {u'err': err}
            elif rate == NOT_SUPPORTED_RATE:
                result = {u'err': u'not supported rate conversion.'}
                result = {u'from': from_currency, u'to': to_currency, u'rate': str(rate) }

                if (qty is not None and len(qty) > 0):
                        qty = Decimal(qty)
                        converted_qty = qty * rate
                        result[u'v'] = str(converted_qty)
                    except InvalidOperation:
                        result[u'warning'] = u'invalid quantity, ignored.'
            result = {u'err': u'invalid request'}

        utils.write_jsonp_output(response, result, callback)
Пример #6
def ab_decrypt_msg(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg

    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg) + 16 - n
        n = len(msg)
    o = create_string_buffer(n + 40)
    m = so.AES_Data(DECRYPT, key, msg, o, n, AES_ENCMODE_128CBC)
    return o.raw[:m] if m > len(msg) else o.raw[:len(msg)]
Пример #7
def convert_temperature(mode, qty):
    if utils.is_none_or_empty(mode):
        return None

    mode_upper = mode.upper()

    if mode_upper == 'C2F': # Celsius to Fahrenheit
        v = qty * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32
    elif mode_upper == 'F2C':
        v = (qty -  32) * 5.0 / 9.0

    return v
Пример #8
def ab_decrypt_msg(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg

    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg)+16-n
        n = len(msg)
    o = create_string_buffer(n+40)
    m = so.AES_Data(DECRYPT, key, msg, o, n, AES_ENCMODE_128CBC)
    return o.raw[:m] if m > len(msg) else o.raw[:len(msg)]
Пример #9
def convert_temperature(mode, qty):
    if utils.is_none_or_empty(mode):
        return None

    mode_upper = mode.upper()

    if mode_upper == 'C2F':  # Celsius to Fahrenheit
        v = qty * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32
    elif mode_upper == 'F2C':
        v = (qty - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0

    return v
Пример #10
def ab_decrypt_password(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg
    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg)+16-n
        n = len(msg)

    # n += 10

    o = create_string_buffer(n)
    m = so.AES_PasswordByKey(DECRYPT, msg, o, key)
    return o.raw[:n/2]
Пример #11
def ab_decrypt_password(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg
    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg) + 16 - n
        n = len(msg)

    # n += 10

    o = create_string_buffer(n)
    m = so.AES_PasswordByKey(DECRYPT, msg, o, key)
    return o.raw[:n / 2]
Пример #12
def ab_encrypt_password(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg
    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg) + 16 - n
        n = len(msg)
    # n = len(msg)
    n *= 2
    o = create_string_buffer(n)
    m = so.AES_PasswordByKey(ENCRYPT, msg[:], o, key)

    s = o.raw[:n]
    return s
Пример #13
def ab_encrypt_password(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg
    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg)+16-n
        n = len(msg)
    # n = len(msg)
    n *= 2
    o = create_string_buffer(n)
    m=so.AES_PasswordByKey(ENCRYPT, msg[:], o,  key)

    s = o.raw[:n]
    return s
Пример #14
def get_nodes_list():
	nodes_list = {'updateTime': int(time.time())}
	nodes_data = {}
	for node_id in list(globals.network.nodes):
		my_node = globals.network.nodes[node_id]
		json_node = {}
			manufacturer_id = int(my_node.manufacturer_id, 16)
		except ValueError:
			manufacturer_id = None
			product_id = int(my_node.product_id, 16)
		except ValueError:
			product_id = None
			product_type = int(my_node.product_type, 16)
		except ValueError:
			product_type = None
		node_name = my_node.name
		node_location = my_node.location
		if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
			node_name = 'Unknown'
		if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id:
			node_name = my_node.product_name
			node_location = 'Jeedom'
		json_node['description'] = {'name': node_name, 'location': node_location,'product_name': my_node.product_name,'is_static_controller': my_node.basic == 2,'is_enable': int(node_id) not in globals.disabled_nodes}
		json_node['product'] = {'manufacturer_id': manufacturer_id,'product_type': product_type,'product_id': product_id,'is_valid': manufacturer_id is not None and product_id is not None and product_type is not None}
		instances = []
		for value_id in my_node.get_values(genre='User'):
			if my_node.values[value_id].instance in instances:
		json_node['multi_instance'] = {'support': globals.COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL in my_node.command_classes,'instances': len(instances)}
		json_node['capabilities'] = {'isListening': my_node.is_listening_device,'isRouting': my_node.is_routing_device,'isBeaming': my_node.is_beaming_device,'isFlirs': my_node.is_frequent_listening_device}
		nodes_data[node_id] = json_node
	nodes_list['devices'] = nodes_data
	return utils.format_json_result(data=nodes_list)
Пример #15
def ab_encrypt_msg(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg
    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg) + 16 - n
        n = len(msg)
    o = create_string_buffer(n + 40)
    m = so.AES_Data(ENCRYPT, key, msg, o, len(msg), AES_ENCMODE_128CBC)

    i = m if m > len(msg) else len(msg)
    with open('r_c_msg.txt', 'wb') as w:

    # o_hex = hexlify(o.value)

    # o2 = create_string_buffer(i+100)
    # # n=len(o.value)
    # a = o.raw[:i]
    # so.AES_Data(DECRYPT, key, a, o2, len(a), AES_ENCMODE_128CBC)
    # assert(o2.value==msg)

    return o.raw[:i]
Пример #16
def ab_encrypt_msg(msg, key):
    if is_none_or_empty(msg):
        return msg
    n = len(msg) % 16
    if n != 0:
        n = len(msg)+16-n
        n = len(msg)
    o = create_string_buffer(n+40)
    m = so.AES_Data(ENCRYPT, key, msg, o, len(msg), AES_ENCMODE_128CBC)

    i = m if m > len(msg) else len(msg)
    with open('r_c_msg.txt', 'wb') as w:

    # o_hex = hexlify(o.value)

    # o2 = create_string_buffer(i+100)
    # # n=len(o.value)
    # a = o.raw[:i]
    # so.AES_Data(DECRYPT, key, a, o2, len(a), AES_ENCMODE_128CBC)
    # assert(o2.value==msg)

    return o.raw[:i]
Пример #17
def get_nodes_list():
    nodes_list = {'updateTime': int(time.time())}
    nodes_data = {}
    for node_id in list(globals.network.nodes):
        my_node = globals.network.nodes[node_id]
        json_node = {}
            manufacturer_id = int(my_node.manufacturer_id, 16)
        except ValueError:
            manufacturer_id = None
            product_id = int(my_node.product_id, 16)
        except ValueError:
            product_id = None
            product_type = int(my_node.product_type, 16)
        except ValueError:
            product_type = None
        node_name = my_node.name
        node_location = my_node.location
        if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
            node_name = 'Unknown'
        if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id:
            node_name = my_node.product_name
            node_location = 'Jeedom'
        json_node['description'] = {
            'name': node_name,
            'location': node_location,
            'product_name': my_node.product_name,
            'is_static_controller': my_node.basic == 2,
            'is_enable': int(node_id) not in globals.disabled_nodes
        json_node['product'] = {
            manufacturer_id is not None and product_id is not None
            and product_type is not None
        instances = []
        for value_id in my_node.get_values(genre='User'):
            if my_node.values[value_id].instance in instances:
        json_node['multi_instance'] = {
            'support': COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL in my_node.command_classes,
            'instances': len(instances)
        json_node['capabilities'] = {
            'isListening': my_node.is_listening_device,
            'isRouting': my_node.is_routing_device,
            'isBeaming': my_node.is_beaming_device,
            'isFlirs': my_node.is_frequent_listening_device
        nodes_data[node_id] = json_node
    nodes_list['devices'] = nodes_data
    return utils.format_json_result(data=nodes_list)
Пример #18
def serialize_node_to_json(node_id):
	json_result = {}
	if node_id not in globals.network.nodes or node_id in globals.not_supported_nodes:
		return json_result
	my_node = globals.network.nodes[node_id]
		timestamp = int(my_node.last_update)
	except TypeError:
		timestamp = int(1)
		manufacturer_id = int(my_node.manufacturer_id, 16)
	except ValueError:
		manufacturer_id = None
		product_id = int(my_node.product_id, 16)
	except ValueError:
		product_id = None
		product_type = int(my_node.product_type, 16)
	except ValueError:
		product_type = None
	json_result['data'] = {}
	node_name = my_node.name
	if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id:
		node_name = my_node.product_name
	if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
		node_name = 'Unknown'
	json_result['data']['description'] = {'name': node_name, 'location': my_node.location,'product_name': my_node.product_name}
	json_result['data']['manufacturerId'] = {'value': manufacturer_id, 'hex': my_node.manufacturer_id}
	json_result['data']['vendorString'] = {'value': my_node.manufacturer_name}
	json_result['data']['manufacturerProductId'] = {'value': product_id, 'hex': my_node.product_id}
	json_result['data']['product_name'] = {'value': my_node.product_name}
	json_result['data']['location'] = {'value': my_node.location}
	json_result['data']['name'] = {'value': my_node.name}
	json_result['data']['version'] = {'value': my_node.version}
	json_result['data']['manufacturerProductType'] = {'value': product_type, 'hex': my_node.product_type}
	json_result['data']['neighbours'] = {'value': list(my_node.neighbors)}
	json_result['data']['isVirtual'] = {'value': ''}
	if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id and my_node.basic == 1:
		json_result['data']['basicType'] = {'value': 2}
		json_result['data']['basicType'] = {'value': my_node.basic}
	json_result['data']['genericType'] = {'value': my_node.generic}
	json_result['data']['specificType'] = {'value': my_node.specific}
	json_result['data']['type'] = {'value': my_node.type}
	json_result['data']['state'] = {'value': str(my_node.query_stage)}
	json_result['data']['isAwake'] = {'value': my_node.is_awake, "updateTime": timestamp}
	json_result['data']['isReady'] = {'value': my_node.is_ready, "updateTime": timestamp}
	json_result['data']['isEnable'] = {'value': int(node_id) not in globals.disabled_nodes}
	json_result['data']['isInfoReceived'] = {'value': my_node.is_info_received}
		can_wake_up = my_node.can_wake_up()
	except RuntimeError:
		can_wake_up = False
	json_result['data']['can_wake_up'] = {'value': can_wake_up}
	json_result['data']['battery_level'] = {'value': my_node.get_battery_level()}
	json_result['last_notification'] = {}
	next_wake_up = None
	if node_id in globals.node_notifications:
		notification = globals.node_notifications[node_id]
		next_wake_up = notification.next_wake_up
		json_result['last_notification'] = {"receiveTime": notification.receive_time,"description": notification.description,"help": notification.help}
	json_result['data']['wakeup_interval'] = {'value': node_utils.get_wake_up_interval(node_id), 'next_wakeup': next_wake_up}
	json_result['data']['isFailed'] = {'value': my_node.is_failed}
	json_result['data']['isListening'] = {'value': my_node.is_listening_device}
	json_result['data']['isRouting'] = {'value': my_node.is_routing_device}
	json_result['data']['isSecurity'] = {'value': my_node.is_security_device}
	json_result['data']['isBeaming'] = {'value': my_node.is_beaming_device}
	json_result['data']['isFrequentListening'] = {'value': my_node.is_frequent_listening_device}
	json_result['data']['security'] = {'value': my_node.security}
	json_result['data']['lastReceived'] = {'updateTime': timestamp}
	json_result['data']['maxBaudRate'] = {'value': my_node.max_baud_rate}
	json_result['data']['is_enable'] = {'value': int(node_id) not in globals.disabled_nodes}
	json_result['data']['isZwavePlus'] = {'value': my_node.is_zwave_plus}
	statistics = globals.network.manager.getNodeStatistics(globals.network.home_id, node_id)
	send_total = statistics['sentCnt'] + statistics['sentFailed']
	percent_delivered = 0
	if send_total > 0:
		percent_delivered = (statistics['sentCnt'] * 100) / send_total
	average_request_rtt = statistics['averageRequestRTT']
	json_result['data']['statistics'] = {'total': send_total, 'delivered': percent_delivered,'deliveryTime': average_request_rtt}
	have_group = False
	query_stage_index = utils.convert_query_stage_to_int(my_node.query_stage)
	if my_node.groups and query_stage_index >= 12 and my_node.generic != 2:
		check_for_group = len(my_node.groups) > 0
		if check_for_group :
			have_group = node_utils.check_primary_controller(my_node)
		check_for_group = False
	json_result['data']['is_groups_ok'] = {'value': have_group, 'enabled': check_for_group}
	is_neighbours_ok = query_stage_index > 13
	if my_node.generic == 1:
		is_neighbours_ok = False
	if my_node.generic == 8 and not my_node.is_listening_device:
		is_neighbours_ok = False
	json_result['data']['is_neighbours_ok'] = {'value': len(my_node.neighbors) > 0,'neighbors': len(my_node.neighbors), 'enabled': is_neighbours_ok}
	json_result['data']['is_manufacturer_specific_ok'] = {'value': my_node.product_name != '','enabled': query_stage_index >= 7}
	is_secured = value_utils.get_value_by_label(node_id, globals.COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY, 1, 'Secured')
	json_result['data']['isSecured'] = {'value': is_secured is not None and is_secured.data, 'enabled' : is_secured is not None}
	pending_changes = 0
	json_result['instances'] = {"updateTime": timestamp}
	json_result['groups'] = {"updateTime": timestamp}
	for groupIndex in list(my_node.groups):
		group = my_node.groups[groupIndex]
		pending_state = 1
		if my_node.node_id in globals.pending_associations:
			pending_associations = globals.pending_associations[my_node.node_id]
			if groupIndex in pending_associations:
				pending_association = pending_associations[groupIndex]
				if pending_association.state is not None:
					pending_state = pending_association.state
					if pending_state is not None and pending_state > 1:
						pending_changes += 1
		json_result['groups'][groupIndex] = {"label": group.label, "maximumAssociations": group.max_associations,"associations": list(group.associations_instances),"pending": pending_state}
	json_result['associations'] = serialize_associations(node_id)
	if node_id in globals.node_notifications:
		notification = globals.node_notifications[node_id]
		json_result['last_notification'] = {"receiveTime": notification.receive_time,"code": notification.code,"description": notification.description,"help": notification.help,"next_wakeup": notification.next_wake_up}
		json_result['last_notification'] = {}
	json_result['command_classes'] = {}
	for command_class in my_node.command_classes:
		json_result['command_classes'][command_class] = {'name': my_node.get_command_class_as_string(command_class),'hex': '0x' + utils.convert_user_code_to_hex(command_class)}
	instances = []
	for value_id in my_node.get_values():
		my_value = my_node.values[value_id]
		if my_value.command_class is None or (my_value.instance > 1 and my_value.command_class in [globals.COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO,globals.COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION]):
			label = my_value.label
		except Exception, exception:
			label = exception.message
			logging.error('Value label contains unsupported text: %s' % (str(exception),))
			value_help = my_value.help
		except Exception, exception:
			value_help = exception.message
			logging.error('Value help contains unsupported text: %s' % (str(exception),))
Пример #19
def serialize_node_to_json(node_id):
	json_result = {}
	if node_id not in globals.network.nodes or node_id in globals.not_supported_nodes:
		return json_result
	my_node = globals.network.nodes[node_id]
		timestamp = int(my_node.last_update)
	except TypeError:
		timestamp = int(1)
		manufacturer_id = int(my_node.manufacturer_id, 16)
	except ValueError:
		manufacturer_id = None
		product_id = int(my_node.product_id, 16)
	except ValueError:
		product_id = None
		product_type = int(my_node.product_type, 16)
	except ValueError:
		product_type = None
	json_result['data'] = {}
	node_name = my_node.name
	if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id:
		node_name = my_node.product_name
	if utils.is_none_or_empty(node_name):
		node_name = 'Unknown'
	json_result['data']['description'] = {'name': node_name, 'location': my_node.location,'product_name': my_node.product_name}
	json_result['data']['manufacturerId'] = {'value': manufacturer_id, 'hex': my_node.manufacturer_id}
	json_result['data']['vendorString'] = {'value': my_node.manufacturer_name}
	json_result['data']['manufacturerProductId'] = {'value': product_id, 'hex': my_node.product_id}
	json_result['data']['product_name'] = {'value': my_node.product_name}
	json_result['data']['location'] = {'value': my_node.location}
	json_result['data']['name'] = {'value': my_node.name}
	json_result['data']['version'] = {'value': my_node.version}
	json_result['data']['manufacturerProductType'] = {'value': product_type, 'hex': my_node.product_type}
	json_result['data']['neighbours'] = {'value': list(my_node.neighbors)}
	json_result['data']['isVirtual'] = {'value': ''}
	if globals.network.controller.node_id == node_id and my_node.basic == 1:
		json_result['data']['basicType'] = {'value': 2}
		json_result['data']['basicType'] = {'value': my_node.basic}
	json_result['data']['genericType'] = {'value': my_node.generic}
	json_result['data']['specificType'] = {'value': my_node.specific}
	json_result['data']['type'] = {'value': my_node.type}
	json_result['data']['state'] = {'value': str(my_node.query_stage)}
	json_result['data']['isAwake'] = {'value': my_node.is_awake, "updateTime": timestamp}
	json_result['data']['isReady'] = {'value': my_node.is_ready, "updateTime": timestamp}
	json_result['data']['isEnable'] = {'value': int(node_id) not in globals.disabled_nodes}
	json_result['data']['isInfoReceived'] = {'value': my_node.is_info_received}
		can_wake_up = my_node.can_wake_up()
	except RuntimeError:
		can_wake_up = False
	json_result['data']['can_wake_up'] = {'value': can_wake_up}
	json_result['data']['battery_level'] = {'value': my_node.get_battery_level()}
	json_result['last_notification'] = {}
	next_wake_up = None
	if node_id in globals.node_notifications:
		notification = globals.node_notifications[node_id]
		next_wake_up = notification.next_wake_up
		json_result['last_notification'] = {"receiveTime": notification.receive_time,"description": notification.description,"help": notification.help}
	json_result['data']['wakeup_interval'] = {'value': node_utils.get_wake_up_interval(node_id), 'next_wakeup': next_wake_up}
	json_result['data']['isFailed'] = {'value': my_node.is_failed}
	json_result['data']['isListening'] = {'value': my_node.is_listening_device}
	json_result['data']['isRouting'] = {'value': my_node.is_routing_device}
	json_result['data']['isSecurity'] = {'value': my_node.is_security_device}
	json_result['data']['isBeaming'] = {'value': my_node.is_beaming_device}
	json_result['data']['isFrequentListening'] = {'value': my_node.is_frequent_listening_device}
	json_result['data']['security'] = {'value': my_node.security}
	json_result['data']['lastReceived'] = {'updateTime': timestamp}
	json_result['data']['maxBaudRate'] = {'value': my_node.max_baud_rate}
	json_result['data']['is_enable'] = {'value': int(node_id) not in globals.disabled_nodes}
	json_result['data']['isZwavePlus'] = {'value': my_node.is_zwave_plus}
	statistics = globals.network.manager.getNodeStatistics(globals.network.home_id, node_id)
	send_total = statistics['sentCnt'] + statistics['sentFailed']
	percent_delivered = 0
	if send_total > 0:
		percent_delivered = (statistics['sentCnt'] * 100) / send_total
	average_request_rtt = statistics['averageRequestRTT']
	json_result['data']['statistics'] = {'total': send_total, 'delivered': percent_delivered,'deliveryTime': average_request_rtt}
	have_group = False
	query_stage_index = utils.convert_query_stage_to_int(my_node.query_stage)
	if my_node.groups and query_stage_index >= 12 and my_node.generic != 2:
		check_for_group = len(my_node.groups) > 0
		if check_for_group :
			have_group = node_utils.check_primary_controller(my_node)
		check_for_group = False
	json_result['data']['is_groups_ok'] = {'value': have_group, 'enabled': check_for_group}
	is_neighbours_ok = query_stage_index > 13
	if my_node.generic == 1:
		is_neighbours_ok = False
	if my_node.generic == 8 and not my_node.is_listening_device:
		is_neighbours_ok = False
	json_result['data']['is_neighbours_ok'] = {'value': len(my_node.neighbors) > 0,'neighbors': len(my_node.neighbors), 'enabled': is_neighbours_ok}
	json_result['data']['is_manufacturer_specific_ok'] = {'value': my_node.product_name != '','enabled': query_stage_index >= 7}
	is_secured = value_utils.get_value_by_label(node_id, globals.COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY, 1, 'Secured')
	json_result['data']['isSecured'] = {'value': is_secured is not None and is_secured.data, 'enabled' : is_secured is not None}
	pending_changes = 0
	json_result['instances'] = {"updateTime": timestamp}
	json_result['groups'] = {"updateTime": timestamp}
	for groupIndex in list(my_node.groups):
		group = my_node.groups[groupIndex]
		pending_state = 1
		if my_node.node_id in globals.pending_associations:
			pending_associations = globals.pending_associations[my_node.node_id]
			if groupIndex in pending_associations:
				pending_association = pending_associations[groupIndex]
				if pending_association.state is not None:
					pending_state = pending_association.state
					if pending_state is not None and pending_state > 1:
						pending_changes += 1
		json_result['groups'][groupIndex] = {"label": group.label, "maximumAssociations": group.max_associations,"associations": list(group.associations_instances),"pending": pending_state}
	json_result['associations'] = serialize_associations(node_id)
	if node_id in globals.node_notifications:
		notification = globals.node_notifications[node_id]
		json_result['last_notification'] = {"receiveTime": notification.receive_time,"code": notification.code,"description": notification.description,"help": notification.help,"next_wakeup": notification.next_wake_up}
		json_result['last_notification'] = {}
	json_result['command_classes'] = {}
	for command_class in my_node.command_classes:
		json_result['command_classes'][command_class] = {'name': my_node.get_command_class_as_string(command_class),'hex': '0x' + utils.convert_user_code_to_hex(command_class)}
	instances = []
	for value_id in my_node.get_values():
		my_value = my_node.values[value_id]
		if my_value.command_class is None or (my_value.instance > 1 and my_value.command_class in [globals.COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO,globals.COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION]):
			label = my_value.label
		except Exception, exception:
			label = exception.message
			logging.error('Value label contains unsupported text: %s' % (str(exception),))
			value_help = my_value.help
		except Exception, exception:
			value_help = exception.message
			logging.error('Value help contains unsupported text: %s' % (str(exception),))