def load(self, checkpoint_path, num_speakers=2, checkpoint_step=None, inference_prenet_dropout=True, model_name='tacotron'): self.num_speakers = num_speakers if os.path.isdir(checkpoint_path): load_path = checkpoint_path checkpoint_path = get_most_recent_checkpoint( checkpoint_path, checkpoint_step) else: load_path = os.path.dirname(checkpoint_path) print('Constructing model: %s' % model_name) inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], 'inputs') input_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], 'input_lengths') batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] speaker_id = tf.placeholder_with_default( tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.int32), [None], 'speaker_id') load_hparams(hparams, load_path) hparams.inference_prenet_dropout = inference_prenet_dropout with tf.variable_scope('model') as scope: self.model = create_model(hparams) self.model.initialize(inputs=inputs, input_lengths=input_lengths, num_speakers=self.num_speakers, speaker_id=speaker_id, is_training=False) self.wav_output = inv_spectrogram_tensorflow( self.model.linear_outputs, hparams) print('Loading checkpoint: %s' % checkpoint_path) sess_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=2) sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True self.sess = tf.Session(config=sess_config) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint_path)
def test(hp): # Loading hyper params load_hparams(hp, hp.ckpt)"# Prepare test batches") test_batches, num_test_batches, num_test_samples = get_batch( hp.test1, hp.test1, 100000, 100000, hp.vocab, hp.test_batch_size, shuffle=False) iter =, test_batches.output_shapes) xs, ys = iter.get_next() test_init_op = iter.make_initializer(test_batches)"# Load model") model = Transformer(hp)"# Session") with tf.Session() as sess: ckpt_ = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hp.ckpt) ckpt = ckpt_ if ckpt_ else hp.ckpt saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, ckpt) y_hat, mean_loss = model.eval(sess, test_init_op, xs, ys, num_test_batches)"# get hypotheses") hypotheses = get_hypotheses(num_test_samples, y_hat, model.idx2token)"# write results") model_output = os.path.split(ckpt)[-1] if not os.path.exists(hp.testdir): os.makedirs(hp.testdir) translation = os.path.join(hp.testdir, model_output) with open(translation, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fout: fout.write("\n".join(hypotheses))"# calc bleu score and append it to translation") calc_bleu_nltk(hp.test2, translation)
def infer(hp): load_hparams(hp, hp.ckpt) # latest checkpoint ckpt_ = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hp.ckpt) ckpt = ckpt_ if ckpt_ else hp.ckpt # load graph saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(ckpt + '.meta', clear_devices=True) graph = tf.get_default_graph() # load tensor input_x = graph.get_tensor_by_name("input_x:0") is_training = graph.get_tensor_by_name("is_training:0") y_predict = graph.get_tensor_by_name("y_predict:0") # vocabulary token2idx, idx2token = load_vocab(hp.vocab)"# Session") with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, ckpt) while True: text = input("请输入测试样本:") # tokens to ids tokens = [ch for ch in text] + ["</s>"] x = [token2idx.get(t, token2idx["<unk>"]) for t in tokens] # run calculation predict_result =, feed_dict={ input_x: [x], is_training: False }) # ids to tokens token_pred = [ idx2token.get(t_id, "#") for t_id in predict_result[0] ] translation = "".join(token_pred).split("</s>")[0]" 译文: {}".format(translation)) time.sleep(0.1)
def main(config): ### create Experiment Directory ### # combine all hyperparameters into a single file hparams = load_hparams(config.exp_config) hparams["model_config"] = load_hparams(config.model_config) # Create experiment directory sb.create_experiment_directory( experiment_directory=config.output_folder, hyperparams_to_save=config.exp_config, overrides=None, ) ### Datasets and Tokenizer ### train_data, valid_data, test_data = dataio_prepare(hparams) # Trainer initialization run_opts = {"device": "cuda:0"} # certain args from yaml file will autoamtically get picked as run_opts # We download the tokenizer from HuggingFace (or elsewhere depending on # the path given in the YAML file). #run_on_main(hparams["pretrainer"].collect_files) #hparams["pretrainer"].load_collected(device=run_opts["device"]) lm_brain = LM( modules=hparams["model_config"]["modules"], opt_class=hparams["model_config"]["optimizer"], hparams=hparams["model_config"], run_opts=run_opts, checkpointer=hparams["model_config"]["checkpointer"], ) lm_brain.hparams.epoch_counter, train_data, valid_data, train_loader_kwargs=hparams["model_config"]["train_dataloader_opts"], valid_loader_kwargs=hparams["model_config"]["valid_dataloader_opts"], ) # evaluation test_stats = lm_brain.evaluate( test_data, min_key="loss", test_loader_kwargs=hparams["model_config"]["test_dataloader_opts"], )
def export_pb_template(class_model): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "-1""# hparams") hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() load_hparams(hp, hp.logdir) context = Context(hp) params = {"maxlens": 0x3f3f} eval_batches, num_eval_batches, num_eval_samples = get_batch( fpath=hp.eval_data, task_type=hp.task_type, input_indices=context.input_indices, vocabs=context.vocabs, context=params, batch_size=hp.batch_size, shuffle=True) # create a iterator of the correct shape and type iterr =, eval_batches.output_shapes) inputs_and_target = iterr.get_next() model = class_model(context) _ = model.eval(inputs_and_target[:-1], inputs_and_target[-1]) inference_name = model.get_inference_op_name()"inference_node_name:%s" % inference_name) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hp.logdir) saver.restore(sess, ckpt) inference_node_name = inference_name[:inference_name.find(":")] graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, sess.graph_def, output_node_names=[inference_node_name]) tf.train.write_graph(graph_def, './model', '%s.pb' % hp.pb_name, as_text=False) save_operation_specs(os.path.join("./model", '%s.ops' % hp.pb_name))
def main(argv): """Evaluates energy and prints the result.""" del argv # Not used by main. hparams_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'hparams.pbtxt') hparams = utils.load_hparams(hparams_path) hparams.parse(FLAGS.hparams) # optional way to override some hparameters n_sites = hparams.num_sites # TODO(dkochkov) make a more comprehensive Hamiltonian construction method bonds_file_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, 'J.txt') heisenberg_jx = FLAGS.heisenberg_jx if os.path.exists(bonds_file_path): heisenberg_data = np.genfromtxt(bonds_file_path, dtype=int) heisenberg_bonds = [[bond[0], bond[1]] for bond in heisenberg_data] else: heisenberg_bonds = [(i, (i + 1) % n_sites) for i in range(0, n_sites)] wavefunction = wavefunctions.build_wavefunction(hparams) hamiltonian = operators.HeisenbergHamiltonian(heisenberg_bonds, heisenberg_jx, 1.) evaluator = evaluation.MonteCarloOperatorEvaluator() shared_resources = {} graph_building_args = { 'wavefunction': wavefunction, 'operator': hamiltonian, 'hparams': hparams, 'shared_resources': shared_resources } evaluation_ops = evaluator.build_eval_ops(**graph_building_args) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() session = tf.Session() checkpoint_manager = tf.train.Saver(wavefunction.get_trainable_variables()) latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hparams.checkpoint_dir) checkpoint_manager.restore(session, latest_checkpoint) data = evaluator.run_evaluation(evaluation_ops, session, hparams, epoch_num=0) mean_energy = np.mean(data) uncertainty = np.sqrt(np.std(data)) / len(data) print('Energy: {} +/- {}'.format(mean_energy, uncertainty))
def export_model(hp): """ export model checkpoint to pb file """ load_hparams(hp, hp.ckpt) ckpt_ = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hp.ckpt) ckpt = ckpt_ if ckpt_ else hp.ckpt saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(ckpt + '.meta', clear_devices=True) graph = tf.get_default_graph() input_x = graph.get_tensor_by_name("input_x:0") decoder_input = graph.get_tensor_by_name("decoder_input:0") is_training = graph.get_tensor_by_name("is_training:0") y_predict = graph.get_tensor_by_name("y_predict:0") with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, ckpt) # restore graph builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(hp.export_model_dir) inputs = { 'input': tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(input_x), 'decoder_input': tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(decoder_input), 'is_training': tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(is_training) } outputs = { 'y_predict': tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(y_predict) } signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.build_signature_def( inputs, outputs, 'signature') builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables(sess, ['classical2modern'], {'signature': signature})
def create_or_load_hparams(out_dir, default_hparams, flags): """Create hparams or load hparams from out_dir.""" hparams = utils.load_hparams(out_dir) if not hparams: hparams = default_hparams hparams = utils.maybe_parse_standard_hparams(hparams, flags.hparams_path) hparams.add_hparam("x_dim", hparams.img_width * hparams.img_height) else: hparams = utils.ensure_compatible_hparams(hparams, default_hparams, flags) # Save HParams utils.save_hparams(out_dir, hparams) # Print HParams utils.print_hparams(hparams) return hparams
def create_or_load_hparams(out_dir, default_hparams, flags): # if the out_dir already contains hparams file, load these hparams. hparams = utils.load_hparams(out_dir) if not hparams: hparams = default_hparams hparams = utils.maybe_parse_standard_hparams(hparams, flags.hparams_path) hparams = extend_hparams(hparams) else: #ensure that the loaded hparams and the command line hparams are compatible. If not, the command line hparams are overwritten! hparams = utils.ensure_compatible_hparams(hparams, default_hparams, flags) # Save HParams utils.save_hparams(out_dir, hparams) # Print HParams print("Print hyperparameters:") utils.print_hparams(hparams) return hparams
def create_or_load_hparams( out_dir, default_hparams, hparams_path, save_hparams=True): """Create hparams or load hparams from out_dir.""" hparams = utils.load_hparams(out_dir) if not hparams: hparams = default_hparams hparams = utils.maybe_parse_standard_hparams( hparams, hparams_path) else: hparams = ensure_compatible_hparams(hparams, default_hparams, hparams_path) hparams = extend_hparams(hparams) # Save HParams if save_hparams: utils.save_hparams(out_dir, hparams) for metric in hparams.metrics: utils.save_hparams(getattr(hparams, "best_" + metric + "_dir"), hparams) # Print HParams utils.print_hparams(hparams) return hparams
def main(config): ### get Train Data ### # list of {'audio_sph_file': str, 'transcript_all_file': str, 'transcript_uid': str, 'filter_criteria': str} # meaning that <audio_sph_file>'s transcript is the one in the <transcript_all_file> with id <transcript_uid> hparams = load_hparams(config.train_data_config) train_corpus = get_utterance_manifest_from_datasets(hparams["datasets"]) ### create json file for SpeechBrain-->SentencePiece ### annotation_read = "transcript" # key-name for each `entry` in `train_corpus` having the transcript as its value ### write config file write_hyperpyyaml_file(os.path.join(config.output_folder, "sp_vocab_{}_{}.yaml".format(config.vocab_size, config.model_type)), {"model_dir": config.output_folder, "vocab_size": config.vocab_size, "model_type": config.model_type, "sp_model_file": os.path.join(config.output_folder, "{}_{}.model".format(str(config.vocab_size), config.model_type)), "unk_index": config.unk_index, "bos_index": config.bos_index, "eos_index": config.eos_index, "pad_index": config.pad_index}) ### train custom SentencePiece Tokenizer ### with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", suffix=".json") as f: f.write(json.dumps(dict([(entry["transcript_uid"], {annotation_read: entry["transcript"]}) for entry in train_corpus]))) SentencePiece(model_dir = config.output_folder, vocab_size = config.vocab_size, annotation_train =, annotation_read = annotation_read, annotation_format = "json", unk_id = config.unk_index, bos_id = config.bos_index, eos_id = config.eos_index, pad_id = config.pad_index, model_type = config.model_type, character_coverage = config.character_coverage, annotation_list_to_check = config.annotation_list_to_check)
def main(): args = setup_args() #Let us first load hparams for the trained model hparams = load_hparams(os.path.join(args.model_dir, 'hparams')) #Let us create vocab table next vocab_table = lookup_ops.index_table_from_file(hparams.vocab, default_value=0) list_candidate_vectors = get_candidate_vectors(vocab_table, args, hparams) candidate_vectors = convert_to_numpy_array(list_candidate_vectors) del list_candidate_vectors tf.reset_default_graph() vocab_table = lookup_ops.index_table_from_file(hparams.vocab, default_value=0) iterator = create_candidates_with_gt_and_input_iterator( vocab_table,,, args.txt1, args.scores_batch_size, args.max_len) model = EvalModel(hparams, iterator, candidate_vectors) with tf.Session() as sess: latest_ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( os.path.join(args.model_dir, args.best_model_dir)) model.saver.restore(sess, latest_ckpt) all_scores, time_taken = model.compute_scores(sess)'Num scores: %d Time: %ds' % (len(all_scores), time_taken)) with open(args.scores_pkl, 'wb') as fw: pkl.dump(all_scores, fw) get_retrieval_metrics(args.out_metrics, all_scores)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import tensorflow as tf from model import Transformer from hparams import Hparams from utils import load_hparams ckpt_dir = 'log/1' # 加载参数 hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() load_hparams(hp, ckpt_dir) with tf.Session() as sess: input_ids_p = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], name="input_ids") input_len_p = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name="input_len") m = Transformer(hp) # tf.constant(1) is useless xs = (input_ids_p, input_len_p, tf.constant(1)) memory, _, _ = m.encode(xs, False) vector = tf.reduce_mean(memory, axis=1, name='avg_vector') saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(ckpt_dir))
num_samples ''' sents = [sent1.strip().encode('utf-8')] #batches = input_fn(sents, sents, vocab_fpath, batch_size, shuffle=shuffle) batches = generator_fn(sents, sents, vocab_fpath) return list(batches)[0] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)"# hparams") hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() load_hparams(hp, hp.ckpt)"# Load model")"# Load trained bpe model") sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() sp.Load("iwslt2016/segmented/bpe.model")"# Session") with tf.Session() as sess: ckpt_ = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hp.ckpt) ckpt = hp.ckpt if ckpt_ is None else ckpt_ # None: ckpt is a file. otherwise dir. # tmp_text = "我 是 何 杰" # tmp_pieces = sp.EncodeAsPieces(tmp_text) # tmp_batches, num_tmp_batches, num_tmp_samples = get_batch_single(" ".join(tmp_pieces) + "\n", # hp.vocab, 1, shuffle=False)
import tensorflow as tf from data_load import get_batch from model import Transformer from hparams import Hparams from utils import get_hypotheses, load_hparams import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)"# hparams") hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() load_hparams(hp, hp.logdir) def beam_search(x, sess, g, batch_size=hp.batch_size): ''' it's not used in current version, will be added in the future''' inputs = np.reshape(np.transpose(np.array([x] * hp.beam_size), (1, 0, 2)), (hp.beam_size * batch_size, hp.max_len)) preds = np.zeros((batch_size, hp.beam_size, hp.y_max_len), np.int32) prob_product = np.zeros((batch_size, hp.beam_size)) stc_length = np.ones((batch_size, hp.beam_size)) for j in range(hp.y_max_len): _probs, _preds = g.preds, { g.x: inputs, g.y: np.reshape(preds,
def main(): with tf.device( '/cpu:0'): # cpu가 더 빠르다. gpu로 설정하면 Error. tf.device 없이 하면 더 느려진다. config = get_arguments() started_datestring = "{0:%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S}".format( logdir = os.path.join(config.logdir, 'generate', started_datestring) print('logdir0-------------' + logdir) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) load_hparams(hparams, config.checkpoint_dir) sess = tf.Session() scalar_input = hparams.scalar_input net = WaveNetModel( batch_size=config.batch_size, dilations=hparams.dilations, filter_width=hparams.filter_width, residual_channels=hparams.residual_channels, dilation_channels=hparams.dilation_channels, quantization_channels=hparams.quantization_channels, out_channels=hparams.out_channels, skip_channels=hparams.skip_channels, use_biases=hparams.use_biases, scalar_input=hparams.scalar_input, global_condition_channels=hparams.gc_channels, global_condition_cardinality=config.gc_cardinality, local_condition_channels=hparams.num_mels, upsample_factor=hparams.upsample_factor, legacy=hparams.legacy, residual_legacy=hparams.residual_legacy, train_mode=False ) # train 단계에서는 global_condition_cardinality를 AudioReader에서 파악했지만, 여기서는 넣어주어야 함 if scalar_input: samples = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[net.batch_size, None]) else: samples = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, shape=[net.batch_size, None] ) # samples: mu_law_encode로 변환된 것. one-hot으로 변환되기 전. (batch_size, 길이) # local condition이 (N,T,num_mels) 여야 하지만, 길이 1까지로 들어가야하기 때무넹, (N,1,num_mels) --> squeeze하면 (N,num_mels) upsampled_local_condition = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[net.batch_size, hparams.num_mels]) next_sample = net.predict_proba_incremental( samples, upsampled_local_condition, [config.gc_id] * net.batch_size ) # Fast Wavenet Generation Algorithm-1611.09482 algorithm 적용 # making local condition data. placeholder - upsampled_local_condition 넣어줄 upsampled local condition data를 만들어 보자. print('logdir0-------------' + logdir) mel_input = np.load(config.mel) sample_size = mel_input.shape[0] * hparams.hop_size mel_input = np.tile(mel_input, (config.batch_size, 1, 1)) with tf.variable_scope('wavenet', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): upsampled_local_condition_data = net.create_upsample( mel_input, upsample_type=hparams.upsample_type) var_list = [ var for var in tf.global_variables() if 'queue' not in ] saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list) print('Restoring model from {}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir)) load(saver, sess, config.checkpoint_dir) init_op =, net.queue_initializer) # 이 부분이 없으면, checkpoint에서 복원된 값들이 들어 있다. quantization_channels = hparams.quantization_channels if config.wav_seed: # wav_seed의 길이가 receptive_field보다 작으면, padding이라도 해야 되는 거 아닌가? 그냥 짧으면 짧은 대로 return함 --> 그래서 너무 짧으면 error seed = create_seed(config.wav_seed, hparams.sample_rate, quantization_channels, net.receptive_field, scalar_input) # --> mu_law encode 된 것. if scalar_input: waveform = seed.tolist() else: waveform = seed).tolist() # [116, 114, 120, 121, 127, ...] print('Priming generation...') for i, x in enumerate(waveform[-net.receptive_field:-1] ): # 제일 마지막 1개는 아래의 for loop의 첫 loop에서 넣어준다. if i % 100 == 0: print('Priming sample {}/{}'.format( i, net.receptive_field), end='\r'), feed_dict={ samples: np.array([x] * net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, 1), upsampled_local_condition: np.zeros([net.batch_size, hparams.num_mels]) }) print('Done.') waveform = np.array([waveform[-net.receptive_field:]] * net.batch_size) else: # Silence with a single random sample at the end. if scalar_input: waveform = [0.0] * (net.receptive_field - 1) waveform = np.array(waveform * net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) waveform = np.concatenate( [ waveform, 2 * np.random.rand(net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) - 1 ], axis=-1) # -1~1사이의 random number를 만들어 끝에 붙힌다. # wavefor: shape(batch_size,net.receptive_field ) else: waveform = [quantization_channels / 2] * ( net.receptive_field - 1 ) # 필요한 receptive_field 크기보다 1개 작게 만든 후, 아래에서 random하게 1개를 덧붙힌다. waveform = np.array(waveform * net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) waveform = np.concatenate( [ waveform, np.random.randint(quantization_channels, size=net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) ], axis=-1) # one hot 변환 전. (batch_size, 5117) start_time = time.time() upsampled_local_condition_data = upsampled_local_condition_data) last_sample_timestamp = for step in range(sample_size): # 원하는 길이를 구하기 위해 loop sample_size window = waveform[:, -1:] # 제일 끝에 있는 1개만 samples에 넣어 준다. window: shape(N,1) # Run the WaveNet to predict the next sample. # fast가 아닌경우. window: [128.0, 128.0, ..., 128.0, 178, 185] # fast인 경우, window는 숫자 1개. prediction = next_sample, feed_dict={ samples: window, upsampled_local_condition: upsampled_local_condition_data[:, step, :] } ) # samples는 mu law encoding된 것. 계산 과정에서 one hot으로 변환된다. --> (batch_size,256) if scalar_input: sample = prediction # logistic distribution으로부터 sampling 되었기 때문에, randomness가 있다. else: # Scale prediction distribution using temperature. # 다음 과정은 config.temperature==1이면 각 원소를 합으로 나누어주는 것에 불과. 이미 softmax를 적용한 겂이므로, 합이 1이된다. 그래서 값의 변화가 없다. # config.temperature가 1이 아니며, 각 원소의 log취한 값을 나눈 후, 합이 1이 되도록 rescaling하는 것이 된다. np.seterr(divide='ignore') scaled_prediction = np.log( prediction ) / config.temperature # config.temperature인 경우는 값의 변화가 없다. scaled_prediction = ( scaled_prediction - np.logaddexp.reduce( scaled_prediction, axis=-1, keepdims=True) ) # np.log(np.sum(np.exp(scaled_prediction))) scaled_prediction = np.exp(scaled_prediction) np.seterr(divide='warn') # Prediction distribution at temperature=1.0 should be unchanged after # scaling. if config.temperature == 1.0: np.testing.assert_allclose( prediction, scaled_prediction, atol=1e-5, err_msg= 'Prediction scaling at temperature=1.0 is not working as intended.' ) # argmax로 선택하지 않기 때문에, 같은 입력이 들어가도 달라질 수 있다. sample = [[ np.random.choice(np.arange(quantization_channels), p=p) ] for p in scaled_prediction] # choose one sample per batch waveform = np.concatenate([waveform, sample], axis=-1) #window.shape: (N,1) # Show progress only once per second. current_sample_timestamp = time_since_print = current_sample_timestamp - last_sample_timestamp if time_since_print.total_seconds() > 1.: duration = time.time() - start_time print('Sample {:3<d}/{:3<d}, ({:.3f} sec/step)'.format( step + 1, sample_size, duration), end='\r') last_sample_timestamp = current_sample_timestamp # Introduce a newline to clear the carriage return from the progress. print() # Save the result as a wav file. if hparams.input_type == 'raw': out = waveform[:, net.receptive_field:] elif hparams.input_type == 'mulaw': decode = mu_law_decode(samples, quantization_channels, quantization=False) out = decode, feed_dict={samples: waveform[:, net.receptive_field:]}) else: # 'mulaw-quantize' decode = mu_law_decode(samples, quantization_channels, quantization=True) out = decode, feed_dict={samples: waveform[:, net.receptive_field:]}) # save wav for i in range(net.batch_size): config.wav_out_path = logdir + '/test-{}.wav'.format(i) mel_path = config.wav_out_path.replace(".wav", ".png") gen_mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(out[i], hparams).astype( np.float32).T audio.save_wav(out[i], config.wav_out_path, hparams.sample_rate) # save_wav 내에서 out[i]의 값이 바뀐다. plot.plot_spectrogram(gen_mel_spectrogram, mel_path, title='generated mel spectrogram', target_spectrogram=mel_input[i]) print('Finished generating.')
def main(argv): """Runs supervised wavefunction optimization. This pipeline optimizes wavefunction by matching amplitudes of a target state. """ del argv # Not used. supervisor_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.supervisor_dir, 'hparams.pbtxt') supervisor_hparams = utils.load_hparams(supervisor_path) hparams = utils.create_hparams() hparams.set_hparam('num_sites', supervisor_hparams.num_sites) hparams.set_hparam('checkpoint_dir', FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) hparams.set_hparam('supervisor_dir', FLAGS.supervisor_dir) hparams.set_hparam('basis_file_path', FLAGS.basis_file_path) hparams.set_hparam('num_epochs', FLAGS.num_epochs) hparams.set_hparam('wavefunction_type', FLAGS.wavefunction_type) hparams.parse(FLAGS.hparams) hparams_path = os.path.join(hparams.checkpoint_dir, 'hparams.pbtxt') if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) if os.path.exists(hparams_path) and not FLAGS.override: print('Hparams file already exists') exit() with tf.gfile.GFile(hparams_path, 'w') as file: file.write(str(hparams.to_proto())) target_wavefunction = wavefunctions.build_wavefunction(supervisor_hparams) wavefunction = wavefunctions.build_wavefunction(hparams) wavefunction_optimizer = training.SUPERVISED_OPTIMIZERS[FLAGS.optimizer]() shared_resources = {} graph_building_args = { 'wavefunction': wavefunction, 'target_wavefunction': target_wavefunction, 'hparams': hparams, 'shared_resources': shared_resources } train_ops = wavefunction_optimizer.build_opt_ops(**graph_building_args) session = tf.Session() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() init_l = tf.local_variables_initializer()[init, init_l]) target_saver = tf.train.Saver( target_wavefunction.get_trainable_variables()) supervisor_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.supervisor_dir) target_saver.restore(session, supervisor_checkpoint) checkpoint_saver = tf.train.Saver(wavefunction.get_trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=5) if FLAGS.resume_training: latest_checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(hparams.checkpoint_dir) checkpoint_saver.restore(session, latest_checkpoint) for epoch_number in range(FLAGS.num_epochs): wavefunction_optimizer.run_optimization_epoch(train_ops, session, hparams, epoch_number) if epoch_number % FLAGS.checkpoint_frequency == 0: checkpoint_name = 'model_after_{}_epochs'.format(epoch_number) save_path = os.path.join(hparams.checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_name), save_path) if FLAGS.generate_vectors: vector_generator = evaluation.VectorWavefunctionEvaluator() eval_ops = vector_generator.build_eval_ops(wavefunction, None, hparams, shared_resources) vector_generator.run_evaluation(eval_ops, session, hparams, FLAGS.num_epochs)
def main(): config = get_arguments() started_datestring = "{0:%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S}".format( logdir = os.path.join(config.logdir, 'generate', started_datestring) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) load_hparams(hparams, config.checkpoint_dir) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): sess = tf.Session() scalar_input = hparams.scalar_input net = WaveNetModel( batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, dilations=hparams.dilations, filter_width=hparams.filter_width, residual_channels=hparams.residual_channels, dilation_channels=hparams.dilation_channels, quantization_channels=hparams.quantization_channels, out_channels=hparams.out_channels, skip_channels=hparams.skip_channels, use_biases=hparams.use_biases, scalar_input=scalar_input, initial_filter_width=hparams.initial_filter_width, global_condition_channels=hparams.gc_channels, global_condition_cardinality=config.gc_cardinality, train_mode=False ) # train 단계에서는 global_condition_cardinality를 AudioReader에서 파악했지만, 여기서는 넣어주어야 함 if scalar_input: samples = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[net.batch_size, None]) else: samples = tf.placeholder( tf.int32, shape=[net.batch_size, None] ) # samples: mu_law_encode로 변환된 것. one-hot으로 변환되기 전. (batch_size, 길이) next_sample = net.predict_proba_incremental( samples, [config.gc_id] * net.batch_size ) # Fast Wavenet Generation Algorithm-1611.09482 algorithm 적용 var_list = [ var for var in tf.global_variables() if 'queue' not in ] saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list) print('Restoring model from {}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir)) load(saver, sess, config.checkpoint_dir) net.queue_initializer) # 이 부분이 없으면, checkpoint에서 복원된 값들이 들어 있다. quantization_channels = hparams.quantization_channels if config.wav_seed: # wav_seed의 길이가 receptive_field보다 작으면, padding이라도 해야 되는 거 아닌가? 그냥 짧으면 짧은 대로 return함 --> 그래서 너무 짧으면 error seed = create_seed(config.wav_seed, hparams.sample_rate, quantization_channels, net.receptive_field, scalar_input) # --> mu_law encode 된 것. if scalar_input: waveform = seed.tolist() else: waveform = seed).tolist() # [116, 114, 120, 121, 127, ...] print('Priming generation...') for i, x in enumerate(waveform[-net.receptive_field:-1] ): # 제일 마지막 1개는 아래의 for loop의 첫 loop에서 넣어준다. if i % 100 == 0: print('Priming sample {}'.format(i)), feed_dict={ samples: np.array([x] * net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, 1) }) print('Done.') waveform = np.array([waveform[-net.receptive_field:]] * net.batch_size) else: # Silence with a single random sample at the end. if scalar_input: waveform = [0.0] * (net.receptive_field - 1) waveform = np.array(waveform * net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) waveform = np.concatenate( [ waveform, 2 * np.random.rand(net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) - 1 ], axis=-1) # -1~1사이의 random number를 만들어 끝에 붙힌다. else: waveform = [quantization_channels / 2] * ( net.receptive_field - 1 ) # 필요한 receptive_field 크기보다 1개 작게 만든 후, 아래에서 random하게 1개를 덧붙힌다. waveform = np.array(waveform * net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) waveform = np.concatenate( [ waveform, np.random.randint(quantization_channels, size=net.batch_size).reshape( net.batch_size, -1) ], axis=-1) # one hot 변환 전. (batch_size, 5117) last_sample_timestamp = for step in range(config.samples): # 원하는 길이를 구하기 위해 loop window = waveform[:, -1:] # 제일 끝에 있는 1개만 samples에 넣어 준다. # Run the WaveNet to predict the next sample. # fast가 아닌경우. window: [128.0, 128.0, ..., 128.0, 178, 185] # fast인 경우, window는 숫자 1개. prediction = next_sample, feed_dict={samples: window} ) # samples는 mu law encoding된 것. 계산 과정에서 one hot으로 변환된다. --> (batch_size,256) if scalar_input: sample = prediction else: # Scale prediction distribution using temperature. # 다음 과정은 config.temperature==1이면 각 원소를 합으로 나누어주는 것에 불과. 이미 softmax를 적용한 겂이므로, 합이 1이된다. 그래서 값의 변화가 없다. # config.temperature가 1이 아니며, 각 원소의 log취한 값을 나눈 후, 합이 1이 되도록 rescaling하는 것이 된다. np.seterr(divide='ignore') scaled_prediction = np.log( prediction ) / config.temperature # config.temperature인 경우는 값의 변화가 없다. scaled_prediction = ( scaled_prediction - np.logaddexp.reduce( scaled_prediction, axis=-1, keepdims=True) ) # np.log(np.sum(np.exp(scaled_prediction))) scaled_prediction = np.exp(scaled_prediction) np.seterr(divide='warn') # Prediction distribution at temperature=1.0 should be unchanged after # scaling. if config.temperature == 1.0: np.testing.assert_allclose( prediction, scaled_prediction, atol=1e-5, err_msg= 'Prediction scaling at temperature=1.0 is not working as intended.' ) sample = [[ np.random.choice(np.arange(quantization_channels), p=p) ] for p in scaled_prediction] # choose one sample per batch waveform = np.concatenate([waveform, sample], axis=-1) # Show progress only once per second. current_sample_timestamp = time_since_print = current_sample_timestamp - last_sample_timestamp if time_since_print.total_seconds() > 1.: print('Sample {:3<d}/{:3<d}'.format(step + 1, config.samples), end='\r') last_sample_timestamp = current_sample_timestamp # Introduce a newline to clear the carriage return from the progress. print() # Save the result as a wav file. if scalar_input: out = waveform else: decode = mu_law_decode(samples, quantization_channels) out =, feed_dict={samples: waveform}) for i in range(net.batch_size): config.wav_out_path = logdir + '/test-{}.wav'.format(i) write_wav(out[i], hparams.sample_rate, config.wav_out_path) print('Finished generating.')
'lrD': 0.0001, 'lrG': 0.0001, 'beta1': 0.5, 'beta2': 0.999, 'nD': 1, 'nG': 2, 'image_interval': 1, 'save_interval': 2, 'dataroot': '/home/raynor/datasets/april/velocity/', 'modelroot': '/home/raynor/code/seismogan/saved/', 'load_name': 'None', 'load_step': -1, } # Load params from text file hparams = load_hparams(args.hparams,defaults) device = torch.device(f"cuda:{args.gpu}" if (torch.cuda.is_available()) else "cpu") print(f'Using device: {device}') print('Entering Hyperparameter Loop') for i,h in enumerate(hparams): with SummaryWriter(comment=f'_{}') as writer: print(f'Run name: {}') writer.add_hparams(vars(h),{}) dataset = BasicDataset(model_dir=h.dataroot)
def main(config): ### create Experiment Directory ### # combine all hyperparameters into a single file hparams = load_hparams(config.exp_config) hparams["model_config"] = load_hparams(config.model_config) # create exp dir sb.create_experiment_directory(experiment_directory=config.output_folder, hyperparams_to_save=config.exp_config, overrides=None) ### Datasets and Tokenizer ### train_data, valid_data, test_data, tokenizer = dataio_prepare(hparams) # Trainer initialization run_opts = { "device": "cuda:0" } # certain args from yaml file will autoamtically get picked as run_opts # see # see #print(type(hparams["model_config"]["modules"])) #print(type(hparams)) #exit() asr_brain = ASR( modules=hparams["model_config"]["modules"], opt_class=hparams["model_config"]["Adam"], hparams=hparams["model_config"], run_opts=run_opts, checkpointer=hparams["model_config"]["checkpointer"], ) # adding objects to trainer: asr_brain.tokenizer = tokenizer # hparams["tokenizer"] # Training asr_brain.hparams.epoch_counter, train_data, valid_data, train_loader_kwargs=hparams["model_config"]["train_dataloader_opts"], valid_loader_kwargs=hparams["model_config"]["valid_dataloader_opts"], ) raise NotImplementedError ### get Train Data ### # list of {'audio__file': str, 'transcript_all_file': str, 'transcript_uid': str, 'filter_criteria': str} # meaning that <audio__file>'s transcript is the one in the <transcript_all_file> with id <transcript_uid> train_corpus = get_utterance_manifest_from_data_config( config.train_data_config) for x in train_corpus: assert os.path.exists( x["transcript_all_file"] ), "data transcript file {} does not exist! Exiting!".format( x["transcript_all_file"]) ### create json file for SpeechBrain-->SentencePiece ### selected_transcripts_json, annotation_read = create_transcripts_json( train_corpus) ### train custom SentencePiece Tokenizer ### with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+", suffix=".json") as f: f.write(json.dumps(selected_transcripts_json)) SentencePiece(model_dir=config.output_folder, vocab_size=config.vocab_size,, annotation_read=annotation_read, annotation_format="json", model_type=config.model_type, character_coverage=config.character_coverage, annotation_list_to_check=config.annotation_list_to_check)
def train_template(class_model, shuffle=True, save_model=True): # 大数据集耗时请关掉shuffle,调参请关掉save_model logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)"# hparams") hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() run_type = hp.run_type logdir = hp.logdir batch_size = hp.batch_size num_epochs = hp.num_epochs task_type = hp.task_type assert hp.run_type in ("new", "continue", "finetune") if "continue" == hp.run_type: load_hparams(hp, logdir) batch_size = hp.batch_size if task_type is not None: assert task_type == hp.task_type task_type = hp.task_type assert task_type is not None context = Context(hp)"# Prepare train/eval batches")"Use %s for training set", hp.train_data)"Use %s for evaluation set", hp.eval_data) eval_batches, num_eval_batches, num_eval_samples = get_batch( fpath=hp.eval_data, task_type=task_type, input_indices=context.input_indices, vocabs=context.vocabs, context=context, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) train_batches, num_train_batches, num_train_samples = get_batch( fpath=hp.train_data, task_type=task_type, input_indices=context.input_indices, vocabs=context.vocabs, context=context, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle) # create a iterator of the correct shape and type iterr =, train_batches.output_shapes) inputs_and_target = iterr.get_next() # 照抄即可,目前不是很熟悉这些接口 train_init_op = iterr.make_initializer(train_batches) eval_init_op = iterr.make_initializer(eval_batches) model = class_model(context) loss, train_op, global_step, train_summaries = model.train( inputs=inputs_and_target[:-1], targets=inputs_and_target[-1]) eval_ouputs, eval_summaries = model.eval(inputs=inputs_and_target[:-1], targets=inputs_and_target[-1]) inference_name = model.get_inference_op_name()"inference_node_name:%s" % inference_name)"# Session") saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=num_epochs) config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: time_sess = time.time() ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(logdir) if ckpt is None or "new" == run_type: # 新建 save_hparams(hp, logdir)"Initializing from scratch") else: # continue OR finetune saver.restore(sess, ckpt) if "finetune" == hp.run_type: # finetune save_hparams(hp, logdir) save_variable_specs(os.path.join(logdir, "var_specs")) save_operation_specs(os.path.join(logdir, "op_specs")) f_debug = open(os.path.join(logdir, "debug.txt"), "a") summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir, sess.graph) if hp.zero_step: total_steps = num_epochs * num_train_batches"total_steps:%s, num_epochs:%s, num_train_batches:%s", total_steps, num_epochs, num_train_batches) _gs ="global_step is stated at %s", _gs) t_epoch = time.time() model_output = 'default' for i in tqdm(range(_gs, total_steps + 1)): ts = time.time() # f_debug.write("loss\n") # tensor_tmp = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("loss:0") # np.savetxt(f_debug, tensor_tmp.eval().reshape([1]), delimiter=', ', footer="=" * 64) _, _gs, _summary = [train_op, global_step, train_summaries]) epoch = math.ceil(_gs / num_train_batches) f_debug.write("train: epoch %s takes %s\n" % (epoch, time.time() - ts)) summary_writer.add_summary(_summary, _gs) if _gs and _gs % num_train_batches == 0:"epoch {} is done".format(epoch)) # train loss _loss = # eval"# eval evaluation") _, _eval_summaries =[eval_init_op, eval_summaries]) summary_writer.add_summary(_eval_summaries, _gs) if save_model: # save checkpoint"# save models") model_output = "model%02dL%.2f" % (epoch, _loss) ckpt_name = os.path.join(logdir, model_output), ckpt_name, global_step=_gs) "after training of {} epochs, {} has been saved.". format(epoch, ckpt_name)) # proceed to next epoch"# fall back to train mode") ts = time.time()"fallback_train: %s\t%s\t%s takes %s" % (i, _gs, epoch, time.time() - ts))"epoch %s takes %s", epoch, time.time() - t_epoch) t_epoch = time.time() summary_writer.close()"Session runs for %s", time.time() - time_sess) if save_model: # save to pb inference_node_name = inference_name[:inference_name.find(":")] graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, sess.graph_def, output_node_names=[inference_node_name]) tf.train.write_graph(graph_def, logdir, '%s.pb' % model_output, as_text=False) f_debug.close()"Done")
import tensorflow as tf from data_load import get_batch from model import Transformer from hparams import Hparams from utils import get_hypotheses, calc_bleu, load_hparams import logging from tqdm import tqdm logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)"# hparams") hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() load_hparams(hp, hp.modeldir)"# Prepare test batches") test_batches, num_test_batches, num_test_samples = get_batch( hp.test_source, hp.test_target, 100000, 100000, hp.vocab, hp.test_batch_size, shuffle=False) iter =, test_batches.output_shapes) xs, ys = iter.get_next() test_init_op = iter.make_initializer(test_batches)
from dssm.model import DSSM logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)"# hparams") hparams = Hparams() parser = hparams.parser hp = parser.parse_args() run_type = hp.run_type logdir = hp.logdir batch_size = hp.batch_size num_epochs = hp.num_epochs assert hp.run_type in ("new", "continue", "finetune") if "continue" == hp.run_type: load_hparams(hp, logdir) batch_size = hp.batch_size context = Context(hp) assert hp.train_data is not None"# Prepare train/eval batches")"Use %s for training set", hp.train_data) params = {"maxlen1": hp.maxlen1, "maxlen2": hp.maxlen2} train_batches, num_train_batches, num_train_samples = get_batch( fpath=hp.train_data, task_type="set2sca", num_inputfields=2, params=params, vocab_fpath=context.vocab, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)