def integrated_scheme(metric, N=8, k=4, nb_pkts=100, graph='BER', channel='BSC'): print( '-------------------Integrated Scheme Code-----------------------------' ) for key in [0.5]: G, infoBits = polar.polar_generator_matrix(64, k, channel, 0.1) k = len(G) Nt = len(G[1]) t = int(Nt / N) U_k = utils.symbols_generator(k) # all possible messages C = utils.integrated_function(infoBits, U_k, k, Nt, -1) X_m = utils.symbols_generator(t) # all possible symbol sequences nx = 2**t * key # print('nx', nx, 't', t) x = utils.mapping(C, X_m, t, nx) N = len(x[1]) if graph == 'BLER': metric[f"Int_P({key})"] = utils.block_error_probability( N, k, C, e0, e1) else: metric[f"Int_P({key})"] = utils.bit_error_rate( k, x, nb_pkts, e0, e1)
def insertNodesPOIsNonPOIs(): cnt = 0 nodesError = open('Nodes_error.txt', 'w') poisError = open('POIs_error.txt', 'w') nonpoisError = open('NonPOIs_error.txt', 'w') for node in root.findall('node'): ver = node.attrib['version'] lon = node.attrib['lon'] lat = node.attrib['lat'] point = "POINT(%s %s)" % (lon, lat) (ply, plx) = ut.mapping(float(lat), float(lon)) planaxy = "POINT(%f %f)" % (plx, ply) nodeID = node.attrib['id'] cnt += 1 if(cnt % 1000 == 0): print('%s nodes inserted...' % cnt) try: cur.execute("insert into nodes(nodeID, version) values(%s, %s)", (nodeID, ver)) except: print('Nodes Insert Error:', nodeID) nodesError.write(nodeID) nodesError.write('\n') if(ver == '1'): name = '' poitype = '' otherInfo = [] for tag in node.findall('tag'): if(tag.attrib['k'] == 'name'): name = tag.attrib['v'] elif(tag.attrib['k'] == 'poitype'): poitype = tag.attrib['v'] else: otherInfo.append(tag.attrib) # print("insert into pois(nodeID, position, name, poitype, otherInfo) values(%s, GeomFromText('%s'), %s, %s, %s)"% (nodeID, point, name, poitype, str(otherInfo))) try: cur.execute("insert into pois(nodeID, position, planaxy, name, poitype, otherInfo) values(%s, GeomFromText(%s), GeomFromText(%s), %s, %s, %s)", (nodeID, point, planaxy, name, poitype, str(otherInfo))) except: print('POIs Insert Error:', nodeID) poisError.write(nodeID) poisError.write('\n') else: otherInfo = [] for tag in node.findall('tag'): otherInfo.append(tag.attrib) try: cur.execute("insert into nonpois(nodeID, position, planaxy, otherInfo) values(%s, GeomFromText(%s), GeomFromText(%s), %s)", (nodeID, point, planaxy, str(otherInfo))) except: print('NonPOIs Insert Error:', nodeID) nonpoisError.write(nodeID) nonpoisError.write('\n') db.commit() nodesError.close() poisError.close() nonpoisError.close()
def set_angle(self, angle): try: angle = int(angle) except: raise ValueError("Angle value should be int value, not %s" % angle) if angle < -90: angle = -90 if angle > 90: angle = 90 angle = angle + self.offset High_level_time = mapping(angle, -90, 90, self.MIN_PW, self.MAX_PW) pwr = High_level_time / 20000 value = int(pwr * self.PERIOD)
def Query4ByLLR(lat, lon, rad): (y, x) = ut.mapping(lat, lon) cur.execute("set @poly='Polygon((%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f))'" % (x - rad, y + rad, x + rad, y + rad, x + rad, y - rad, x - rad, y - rad, x - rad, y + rad)) cur.execute( 'select nodeID,ST_AsText(position),name,poitype from POIs where MBRContains(ST_GeomFromText(@poly),planaxy)' ) queryResult = cur.fetchall() ans = [] for row in queryResult: coordinate = row[1].strip().split(' ') lons = float(coordinate[0][6:]) lats = float(coordinate[1][:-1]) d = ut.calc_dist(lat, lon, lats, lons) if d <= rad: ans.append((row[0], (lons, lats), row[2], row[3], d)) return (sorted(ans, key=operator.itemgetter(4)))
def linear_codes_mapping(metric, N=8, k=4, nb_pkts = 100, graph = 'BER'): print('-------------------Linear Code + Mapping-----------------------------') G = mat_gen.matrix_codes(64,k,'linear') if G!= []: for key in [0.55]: k = len(G) Nt = len(G[1]) t = int(Nt/N) U_k= utils.symbols_generator(k) # all possible messages X_m = utils.symbols_generator(t) # all possible symbol sequences C = utils.matrix_codes(U_k, k, G, Nt) nx = 2**t*key # print('nx', nx, 't', t) x = utils.mapping(C, X_m, t, nx) #codebook after mapping N = len(x[1]) if graph == 'BLER': metric[f"L+M({key})"] = utils.block_error_probability(N,k,x,e0,e1) else: metric[f"L+M({key})"] = utils.bit_error_rate(k,x,nb_pkts,e0,e1)
def trainModels(trainingData): # get test data of 50 instances X_test_set, y_test_set = read_OnlyTestData(dropFileName=True, returnXy=True) # get pickle files LogRegression = getPicklefile('LogisticRegression') Svc = getPicklefile('SVC') RFClassifier = getPicklefile('RandomForestClassifier') classifiers = [LogRegression,Svc,RFClassifier] scores = {} for execNo in range(len(trainingData)): tdata = trainingData[execNo] tdata = mapping(tdata) X = tdata.drop(['label','audio_name'],axis=1).values y = tdata['label'] clf = classifiers[execNo] clfname = type(clf).__name__ # retrain the model,y) y_pred = clf.predict(X_test_set) score = accuracy_score(y_pred, y_test_set) scores[clfname] = score # save models to pickle savePickle(clf, clfname) #get previous score and save it oldscores = getPicklefile(clfname+'_scores') oldscores.append(score) #print "OLD",oldscores # save scores to pickle savePickle(oldscores, clfname + '_scores') return scores
def Query5ByLL(lat, lon): (y, x) = ut.mapping(lat, lon) rad_ori = 10 rad = rad_ori * 1.33 queryResult = [] flag = 1 ans = [] while True: cur.execute("set @poly='Polygon((%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f))'" % (x - rad, y + rad, x + rad, y + rad, x + rad, y - rad, x - rad, y - rad, x - rad, y + rad)) cur.execute( 'select nodeID,ST_AsText(position) from nonPOIs where MBRContains(ST_GeomFromText(@poly),planaxy)' ) queryResult = cur.fetchall() ans = [] for row in queryResult: coordinate = row['ST_AsText(position)'].strip().split(' ') lons = float(coordinate[0][6:]) lats = float(coordinate[1][:-1]) d = ut.vin_dist(lat, lon, lats, lons) if d <= rad_ori: ans.append((row['nodeID'], (lons, lats), d)) ls = (sorted(ans, key=operator.itemgetter(2))) for each in ls: cur.execute( "select ways.wayid,, ways.isRoad, ways.otherinfo from waynode, ways where waynode.nodeid=%s and waynode.wayid=ways.wayid and ways.isroad <> '0'" % (each[0])) queryRes = cur.fetchall() if len(queryRes) > 0: ans = queryRes flag = 0 break if flag == 0: break else: rad_ori = rad_ori * 2.7 rad = rad_ori * 1.33 return ans
x, y = x / res + grid.shape[0] // 2, y / res + grid.shape[1] // 2 cor = mapCorrelation(temp, x_im, y_im, np.vstack((x, y)), (X[i][0] + xs) / res, (X[i][1] + ys) / res) cors.append(np.max(cor)) cors = W * np.array(cors) W = softmax(cors) best = np.where(W == np.max(W))[0][0] now = X[best].copy() now[0] /= res now[1] /= res img_name = 'rgb%d_%d.png' % (dataset, cor_rgb[lidar_index]) depth_name = 'disparity%d_%d.png' % (dataset, cor_depth[lidar_index]) grid = mapping(grid, lidar, now, res, lidar_angles) now_texture = now.copy() texture_map = texture_mapping(texture_map, now_texture, res, img_name, depth_name) n_eff = 1 / (W**2).sum() if n_eff < 0.85 * N: idx = stratified_resample(W) X[:] = X[idx] W.fill(1 / N) slam_map[int(now[0]) + slam_map.shape[0] // 2, int(now[1]) + slam_map.shape[1] // 2] = 1 walk_map[int(robot_pos[lidar_index, 0] / res) + walk_map.shape[0] // 2, int(robot_pos[lidar_index, 1] / res) + walk_map.shape[1] // 2] = 1
def game_make(): screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SHAPE) pygame.display.set_caption('Color Sokoban') # 타이틀바의 텍스트를 설정 tool = 0 # 게임판을 저장, 불러오기할 수 있는 버튼과 게임판을 만드는데 필요한 도구를 선택할 수 있는 버튼을 생성합니다. save_button = Button((10, 10, 40, 30), WHITE, BLACK, 16, 'Save') load_button = Button((50, 10, 40, 30), WHITE, BLACK, 16, 'Load') red_button = Button((100, 10, 60, 30), WHITE, RED, 16, 'RedStone') blue_button = Button((170, 10, 60, 30), WHITE, BLUE, 16, 'BlueStone') yellow_button = Button((240, 10, 60, 30), WHITE, YELLOW, 16, 'YellowStone') brick_button = Button((310, 10, 60, 30), WHITE, BROWN, 16, 'Brick') player_button = Button((380, 10, 60, 30), WHITE, PINK, 16, 'Player') erase_button = Button((450, 10, 40, 30), WHITE, GRAY, 16, 'Erase') button_list = [ red_button, blue_button, yellow_button, brick_button, player_button, erase_button ] tools = [RED_STONE, BLUE_STONE, YELLOW_STONE, BRICK, PLAYER, EMPTY] # 각 버튼에 맞는 도구를 지정합니다. screen.fill(WHITE) for button in button_list: button.draw(screen) save_button.draw(screen) load_button.draw(screen) board = utils.make_2D_array(TABLE_SHAPE) board_rect = pygame.Rect(60, 60, 400, 400) # 게임판의 위치를 설정합니다. board_painter = BoardPainter( board_rect, TABLE_SHAPE) # 게임판을 그리기 위한 BoardPainter를 생성합니다. done = False while not done: for event in pygame.event.get(): for i in range(len(button_list)): if button_list[i].is_clicked(event): tool = tools[i] # i번째 버튼이 눌렀을 경우 도구를 i번째 도구로 설정합니다. if save_button.is_clicked(event): # save button을 눌렀을 경우 filename = game_input() # filename을 입력받습니다. filename = 'maps/' + filename try: file_handle.save_board(filename, board) # 게임판을 filename에 저장합니다. done = True except: pass elif load_button.is_clicked(event): # load button을 눌렀을 경우 filename = game_input() # filename을 입력받습니다. filename = 'maps/' + filename try: board = file_handle.load_board( filename) # file_handle 모듈의 load_board를 통해 게임판을 불러옵니다. screen.fill(WHITE) # 화면을 초기화 해줍니다. for button in button_list: button.draw(screen) save_button.draw(screen) load_button.draw(screen) except: board = utils.make_2D_array( TABLE_SHAPE ) # 불러오기를 실패했을 경우 TABLE_SHAPE형태로 비어있는 2차원 배열을 만들어줍니다. if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: done = True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if board_rect.collidepoint(mouse): # mouse가 게임판을 클릭했을 경우 x, y = utils.mapping( mouse, (board_rect[0], board_rect[1]), (board_rect[2], board_rect[3]), TABLE_SHAPE) # 클릭한 부분을 TABLE_SHAPE크기에 맞도록 변환한다. board[y][x] = tool # board[y][x]에 tool값을 넣어준다. if utils.is_stone(tool): # tool이 stone일 경우 portal로 변환시킨다. tool = utils.stone_to_portal(tool) elif utils.is_portal( tool): # tool이 portal일 경우 stone으로 변환시킨다. tool = utils.portal_to_stone(tool) board_painter.draw_board(screen, board) pygame.display.flip()