def arrive_vector(self, unused_start, end, current):
        # axis direction
        axis_direction = minimize_angle(quaternion_to_heading(end.pose.pose.orientation))

        # correction to move away from axis
        errors = calc_errors(current, end)
        off_axis = errors[1]
        heading_correction = minimize_angle(math.atan(-1.5*off_axis))

        final_direction = minimize_angle(axis_direction+heading_correction)

        # rospy.loginfo('avr: axis '+str(axis_direction)[0:4]+' corr '+str(heading_correction)[0:4]+' off '+str(off_axis)[0:5]+' fina '+str(final_direction)[0:5])

        return (math.cos(final_direction), math.sin(final_direction), 0,)
Пример #2
 def heading_error(self, location, goal):
     return difference in heading between location and goal
     loc_head = quaternion_to_heading(location.pose.pose.orientation)
     goal_head = quaternion_to_heading(goal.pose.pose.orientation)
     return minimize_angle(loc_head - goal_head)
    def common_path_gen(self, start, end):
        generate a new path forwards
        # don't destroy previous work
        # self.targets = []

        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        # dt, v, w, are accurately describing what I want in this case

        dt = .3

        next_ = start

        errors = calc_errors(next_, end)
        along = errors[0]

        count = 2

        while along < -0.01 and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if count > 500:
                rospy.loginfo('path overflow')
            current = StateModel(next_)
            force_vector = self.get_force_vector(start, end, next_)
            force_heading = math.atan2(force_vector[1], force_vector[0])
            # rospy.loginfo('fhead: '+str(force_heading)[0:5])
            heading_err = minimize_angle(force_heading - current.theta)
            # rospy.loginfo('headerr: '+str(heading_err)[0:5])

            # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            # v, w, are accurately describing what I want in this case
            w = heading_err/dt*0.75
            v = start.twist.twist.linear.x     
            # TODO(buckbaskin): calculate something smart based on vel
            # profile from start to end
            # possibly do vel profile based on distance, slow down proportional to
            #  heading error relative to force field

            # rospy.loginfo('gnxt: '+str(force_heading)+' ... '+str(current.theta))

            count += 1
            next_ = current.sample_motion_model2(v, w, dt)
            # rospy.loginfo('leader req vel: '+str(next_.twist.twist.linear.x))
            # rospy.loginfo('lead vel: '+str(next_.twist.twist.linear.x))

            # odom_next = self.convert_to_odom(next_)


            errors = calc_errors(next_, end)
            along = errors[0]