def cmd_call_when_spam(bot, update, args): """Command /call_when_spam message handler. Allows enable/disable as commands. If no valid arguments are provided it returns to the default value""" chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) user_id = chat_type = lang = chat_config.language if chat_config.user_is_admin(bot, user_id): new_value = (args[0].upper() if (args is not None) and len(args) > 0 else conf.INIT_CALL_ADMINS_WHEN_SPAM) if new_value in ["ENABLE", "DISABLE"]: chat_config.call_admins_when_spam_detected = new_value == "ENABLE" if chat_config.call_admins_when_spam_detected: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CALL_WHEN_SPAM_ENABLE") else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CALL_WHEN_SPAM_DISABLE") else: new_value = conf.INIT_CALL_ADMINS_WHEN_SPAM bot_msg = msg(lang, "CALL_WHEN_SPAM_NOT_ARG") else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_NOT_ALLOW") send_bot_msg(chat_type, bot, chat_id, bot_msg, update)
def run_con(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, in_grid, true_val, true_alt=None): "Conditionally evaluate raster range within bounds.""" if config.debug: utils.msg("run_con: lb: {} ub: {} grid: {} val: {}, alt: {}".format( lower_bounds, upper_bounds, in_grid, true_val, true_alt)) out_grid = None # if our initial desired output value isn't set, use the backup if true_val is None: true_val = true_alt # calculate our output grid if lower_bounds is not None: if upper_bounds is not None: out_grid_a = Con( in_grid, true_val, 0, "VALUE < {}".format(upper_bounds)) out_grid = Con( in_grid, out_grid_a, 0, "VALUE > {}".format(lower_bounds)) else: out_grid = Con( in_grid, true_val, 0, "VALUE >= {}".format(lower_bounds)) elif upper_bounds is not None: out_grid = Con( in_grid, true_val, 0, "VALUE <= {}".format(upper_bounds)) if type(out_grid).__name__ == 'NoneType' and \ type(true_val) == out_grid = true_val return out_grid
def try_to_add_a_bot_event(bot, message, join_user, chat_id): """Check if the join user is a bot and has been added by someone with authorization. Delete the bot if not. Returns true if the bot can be registered.""" chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) if not chat_config.enabled: return to_register_user = True # who is trying to register from_user = message.from_user msg_from_user_id = # to who is registering join_user_id = join_user_alias = lang = chat_config.language try: user = storage.get_user(user_id=msg_from_user_id, chat_id=chat_id) except UserDoesNotExists: storage.register_new_user( chat_id=chat_id, user_id=msg_from_user_id,, first_name=from_user.first_name, last_name=from_user.last_name, join_date=datetime.datetime(1971, 1, 1), allow_user=False, ) # If the user that has been added the Bot is not an Admin if not user.is_admin(bot): # If not allow users to add Bots if not chat_config.allow_users_to_add_bots: # Kick the Added Bot and notify"An user has added a Bot.\n (Chat) - ({}).".format(chat_id)) try: kick_user_from_chat( bot, chat_id, join_user_id,, "Can not add a bot" ) except Exception as e: log.error("Exception when kicking a Bot - {}".format(str(e))) if str(e) == "Not enough rights to restrict/unrestrict chat member": bot_message = msg(lang, "USER_CANT_ADD_BOT_CANT_KICK").format(, ) if chat_config.call_admins_when_spam_detected: admins = chat_config.get_admins_usernames_in_string(bot) if admins: bot_message = "{}{}".format( bot_message, msg(lang, "CALLING_ADMINS").format(admins) ) bot.send_message(chat_id, bot_message) to_register_user = False return to_register_user
def display(self, shellcodeId): if shellcodeId is None: return None try: msg("Connecting to") s = six.moves.http_client.HTTPConnection("") except: error_msg("Cannot connect to") return None try: s.request( "GET", "/shellcode/files/shellcode-" + str(shellcodeId) + ".php") res = s.getresponse() data ='utf-8').split("<pre>")[1].split( "<body>")[0] except: error_msg("Failed to download shellcode from") return None data = data.replace(""", "\"") data = data.replace("&", "&") data = data.replace("<", "<") data = data.replace(">", ">") return data
def console(results): """ Just prints results into your neat terminal window. """ results = sorted( results, key=lambda res: (res.exception is None, res.location) ) for idx, result in enumerate(results): if result.exception: title = msg(result.location, TITLE_COLOR, attrs=["bold"]) title += msg( u" ({}) ".format(text_type(result.exception)), EXCEPTION_COLOR, attrs=["bold"] ) title += LOCATION_DELIMETER * (STDOUT_WIDTH - len(title)) print_(title) continue if len(results) > 1: title = msg(result.location + u" ", TITLE_COLOR) title += LOCATION_DELIMETER * (STDOUT_WIDTH - len(title)) print_(title) for track_idx, (title, length) in enumerate(, start=1): message = str(track_idx) message += CSV_DELIMIETER message += msg(title.replace("|", r"\|"), attrs=["bold"]) message += CSV_DELIMIETER message += length print_(message) if idx < len(results) - 1: print_("")
def parse_repos(self): """Parse repos information from file "repos.txt" """ msg("Parsing repos.txt") lines = file('/'.join((self.datadir, "repos.txt"))).read().split('\n') pairs = [line.replace(':',',').split(',') for line in lines if line] pairs = [tuple([int(pair[0]), int(pair[3]) if pair[3:4] else 0, pair[1], pair[2] ]) for pair in pairs] for repos, parent, name, creation in pairs: if parent > 0: self.forks_of_r[parent].append(repos) self.parent_of_r[repos] = parent author, name = name.split('/') words = [int(x) for x in creation.split('-')] creation = date(words[0],words[1],words[2]).toordinal() self.r_info[repos] = (author, name, creation) self.u_authoring[author].append(repos) self.r_name[name].append(repos) for repos_gen1, repos_gen2 in self.parent_of_r.items(): if repos_gen2 in self.parent_of_r: repos_gen3 = self.parent_of_r[repos_gen2] self.gparent_of_r[repos_gen1] = repos_gen3
def search(self, keyword): if keyword is None: return None try: msg("Connecting to") s = httplib.HTTPConnection("") s.request("GET", "/api/?s=" + str(keyword)) res = s.getresponse() data_l = decode('\n') except: error_msg("Cannot connect to") return None data_dl = [] for data in data_l: try: desc = data.split("::::") dico = { 'ScAuthor': desc[0], 'ScArch': desc[1], 'ScTitle': desc[2], 'ScId': desc[3], 'ScUrl': desc[4] } data_dl.append(dico) except: pass return data_dl
def select_by(layer, selection, expression): try: utils.msg("Performing selection {} with query {}".format(selection, expression)) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(layer, selection, expression) except Exception as e: utils.msg("Unable to select by attributes", mtype='error', exception=e) sys.exit()
def parse_lang(self): """Parse the repos langs information from file "lang.txt" """ msg("parsing lang.txt") lines = file('/'.join((self.datadir,"lang.txt"))).read().split('\n') pairs = [line.split(":") for line in lines if line] pairs = [(int(pair[0]), [tuple(x.split(";")) for x in pair[1].split(",")]) for pair in pairs] pairs = [(x, tuple([(int(z[1]), z[0].lower()) for z in y])) for (x, y) in pairs] all_langs = defaultdict(bool) for repos, langs in pairs: for kloc, lang in langs: all_langs[lang]=True all_langs = sorted(all_langs.keys()) msg("building lang_by_r and r_langs") for repos, langs in pairs: for kloc, lang in langs: lnloc = int(log(kloc + 1, 10)) self.lang_by_r[lang].append((lnloc, repos)) self.r_langs[repos].append((lang,lnloc)) for lang in self.lang_by_r.keys(): self.lang_by_r[lang].sort(key=lambda x:x[1])
def summary(self, unabridged=False): props= ("watching_r " "u_watching " "r_info " "r_name " "r_langs " "forks_of_r " "parent_of_r " "gparent_of_r " "lang_by_r " "u_authoring " ).split() for prop in props: print(">> %s" % prop) if unabridged: pprint(dict(getattr(self, prop)).items()) else: pprint(dict(getattr(self, prop)).items()[:5]) print("") msg(">> test_u") if unabridged: pprint(self.test_u) else: pprint(self.test_u[:5])
def search(self, keyword): if keyword is None: return None try: msg("Connecting to") s = http.client.HTTPConnection("") s.request("GET", "/api/?s="+str(keyword)) res = s.getresponse() data_l ='\n') except: error_msg("Cannot connect to") return None data_dl = [] for data in data_l: try: desc = data.split("::::") dico = { 'ScAuthor': desc[0], 'ScArch': desc[1], 'ScTitle': desc[2], 'ScId': desc[3], 'ScUrl': desc[4] } data_dl.append(dico) except: pass return data_dl
def shellcode(self, sctype, port=None, host=None): if not self.shellcodes or sctype not in self.shellcodes: return None if port is None: port = 16706 if host is None: host = '' shellcode = self.shellcodes[sctype] try: port = struct.pack(">H", port) addr = socket.inet_aton(host) shellcode = shellcode.replace(b"\x66\x68\x41\x42", b"\x66\x68" + port) shellcode = shellcode.replace(b"\x68\xff\x02\x41\x42", b"\x68\xff\x02" + port) shellcode = shellcode.replace(b"\x68\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f", b"\x68" + addr) return shellcode except Exception as e: if config.Option.get("debug") == "on": msg("Exception: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc() return None
def item_model(self): """construct item similarities """ msg("building r_matrix") repos=set( for repo in repos: r_similar[repo] = self.related_items(repo) r_similar.sort(reverse=True)
def user_model(self): """construct user similarities """ msg("building u_matrix") users = set( for user in users: u_similar[user] = self.related_users(user) u_similar.sort(reverse=True)
def select_by(layer, selection, expression): try: utils.msg("Performing selection {} with query {}".format( selection, expression)) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(layer, selection, expression) except Exception as e: utils.msg("Unable to select by attributes", mtype='error', exception=e) sys.exit()
def getResource(self, resource, msgBar=None): self.forgetResponse() = re.sub("gopher://", "", resource.getHost(), 1) self.port = resource.getPort() self.lastType = resource.getType() try: if resource.getDataBlock(): request = resource.getLocator() + "\t+\t1\r\n" request = request + resource.getDataBlock() self.response = self.requestToData(resource, request, msgBar, 1) elif resource.isGopherPlusResource() and resource.isAskType(): info = resource.getInfo(shouldFetch=1) af = AskForm.AskForm(info.getBlock("ASK")) # Copy host/port/locator information into af af.dup(resource) return af elif resource.isGopherPlusResource(): request = resource.getLocator() + "\t+\r\n" self.response = self.requestToData(resource, request, msgBar, 1) else: request = resource.getLocator() + "\r\n" self.response = self.requestToData(resource, request, msgBar, None) except Connection.ConnectionException as estr: error_resp = GopherResponse.GopherResponse() errstr = "Cannot fetch\n%s:\n%s" % (resource.toURL(), estr) error_resp.setError(errstr) return error_resp utils.msg(msgBar, "Examining response...") resp = GopherResponse.GopherResponse() resp.setType(resource.getTypeCode()) if resource.getLen() != -2: self.response = self.stripTail(self.response) try: # The parser picks up directory entries and sets the internal # data of the object as needed. resp.parseResponse(self.response) # if we get this far, then it's a directory entry, so set the # data to nothing. resp.setData(None) except Exception as erstr: # print "Caught exception while parsing response: \"%s\"" % erstr if self.verbose: print("OK, it's data.") resp.setData(self.response) return resp
def tag(force='no', push='no'): """ Tag a new release. Normally, if a Git tag exists matching the current version, and no Git commits appear after that tag, we abort assuming the user is making a mistake or forgot to commit their work. To override this -- i.e. to re-tag and re-upload -- specify ``force=yes``. We assume you know what you're doing if you use this. By default we do not push the tag remotely; specify ``push=yes`` to force a ``git push origin <tag>``. """ force = force.lower() in ['y', 'yes'] with settings(warn_only=True): changed = [] # Does the current in-code version exist as a Git tag already? # If so, this means we haven't updated the in-code version specifier # yet, and need to do so. if current_version_is_tagged(): # That is, if any work has been done since. Sanity check! if not commits_since_last_tag() and not force: abort("No work done since last tag!") # Open editor, update version version_file = "fabric/" changed.append(update_code(version_file, force)) # If the tag doesn't exist, the user has already updated version info # and we can just move on. else: print("Version has already been updated, no need to edit...") # Similar process but for the changelog. changelog = "docs/changelog.rst" if not current_version_is_changelogged(changelog): changed.append(update_code(changelog, force)) else: print("Changelog already updated, no need to edit...") # Commit any changes if changed: with msg("Committing updated version and/or changelog"): reload(fabric.version) local("git add %s" % " ".join(changed)) local("git commit -m \"Cut %s\"" % _version('verbose')) local("git push") # At this point, we've incremented the in-code version and just need to # tag it in Git. f = 'f' if force else '' with msg("Tagging"): local("git tag -%sam \"Fabric %s\" %s" % ( f, _version('normal'), _version('short') )) # And push to the central server, if we were told to if push.lower() in ['y', 'yes']: with msg("Pushing"): local("git push origin %s" % _version('short'))
def parse_watching(self): """Parse watching data from file "data.txt" """ msg("Parsing data.txt") lines = file('/'.join((self.datadir,"data.txt"))).read().split('\n') pairs = [[int(x) for x in line.split(':')] for line in lines if line] for user, repos in pairs: self.watching_r[repos].append(user) self.u_watching[user].append(repos)
def display_box(self, channel, user=None, ignore_whisper=False): if self.content is None or self.box_open: return if user is not None: utils.msg(user, self.content) self.clear_display() return utils.echo(channel, self.content, ignore_whisper=ignore_whisper) self.clear_display()
def main(bathy=None, out_raster=None): try: arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS" # Calculate the slope of the bathymetric raster utils.msg("Calculating the slope...") out_slope = Slope(bathy, "DEGREE", 1) out_raster = utils.validate_path(out_raster) except Exception as e: utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
async def on_ready(): msg('Login Success!') msg('Username: '******'Connected to Servers:') for server in bot.servers: msg(' - ' + msg('Starting async loops') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(await tasks()) loop.close()
def cmd_call_admins(bot, update): """Command /call_admins message handler""" chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) admins = chat_config.get_admins_usernames_in_string(bot) if admins: bot_msg = msg(chat_config.language, "CALLING_ADMINS").format(admins) else: bot_msg = msg(chat_config.language, "CALLING_ADMINS_NO_ADMINS") bot.send_message(chat_id, bot_msg)
def main(out_workspace, input_bathymetry, broad_bpi_inner_radius, broad_bpi_outer_radius, fine_bpi_inner_radius, fine_bpi_outer_radius, classification_dict, output_zones): # Load required toolboxes local_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) btm_toolbox = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_path, '..', 'btm.pyt')) arcpy.ImportToolbox(btm_toolbox) # local variables: broad_bpi = os.path.join(out_workspace, "broad_bpi") fine_bpi = os.path.join(out_workspace, "fine_bpi") slope_rast = os.path.join(out_workspace, "slope") broad_std = os.path.join(out_workspace, "broad_std") fine_std = os.path.join(out_workspace, "fine_std") utils.workspace_exists(out_workspace) # set geoprocessing environments arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = out_workspace arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace # TODO: currently set to automatically overwrite, expose this as option arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True try: # Process: Build Broad Scale BPI utils.msg("Calculating broad-scale BPI...") bpi.main(input_bathymetry, broad_bpi_inner_radius, \ broad_bpi_outer_radius, broad_bpi, bpi_type='broad') # Process: Build Fine Scale BPI utils.msg("Calculating fine-scale BPI...") bpi.main(input_bathymetry, fine_bpi_inner_radius, \ fine_bpi_outer_radius, fine_bpi, bpi_type='fine') # Process: Standardize BPIs utils.msg("Standardizing BPI rasters...") arcpy.standardizebpi_btm(broad_bpi, "0", "0", broad_std, fine_bpi, \ "0", "0", fine_std) # Process: Calculate Slope slope.main(input_bathymetry, slope_rast) # Process: Zone Classification Builder outputs_base = arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = True utils.msg("Classifying Zones...") classify.main(classification_dict, broad_std, fine_std, slope_rast, \ input_bathymetry, output_zones) arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = outputs_base except Exception as e: # Print error message if an error occurs utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
def infox(self, *arg): """ Customized xinfo command from Usage: MYNAME address MYNAME register [reg1 reg2] """ (address, regname) = utils.normalize_argv(arg, 2) if address is None: self._missing_argument() text = "" #if not self._is_running(): if False: return def get_reg_text(r, v): text = green("%s" % r.upper().ljust(3), "bold") + ": " chain = e.examine_mem_reference(v) text += utils.format_reference_chain(chain) text += "\n" return text (arch, bits) = e.getarch() if str(address).startswith("r"): # Register regs = e.getregs(" ".join(arg[1:])) if regname is None: for r in REGISTERS[bits]: if r in regs: text += get_reg_text(r, regs[r]) else: for (r, v) in sorted(regs.items()): text += get_reg_text(r, v) if text: utils.msg(text.strip()) if regname is None or "eflags" in regname: self.eflags() return elif utils.to_int(address) is None: warning_utils.msg("not a register nor an address") else: # Address chain = e.examine_mem_reference(address) #text += '\n' #text += 'info: ' text += utils.format_reference_chain(chain) # + "\n" vmrange = e.get_vmrange(address) if vmrange: (start, end, perm, name) = vmrange utils.msg(text) return
def is_nonsense(string, show=trace): # Lower-case the string & remove non-letters before checking length. string = string.lower().translate(_delchars) if len(string) < min_length: raise ValueError('Too short to test') is_nonsense, real_score, nonsense_score = string_score(string) if show: msg('"{}": {} (real score {:.4f}, nonsense score {:.4f})' .format(string, 'y' if is_nonsense else 'n', real_score, nonsense_score)) return is_nonsense
def main(input_raster=None, selected_layer=None, interpolate=None, mode=settings.mode): utils.msg("Executing ExtractRasterValuesToPoints.") arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") # was bilinear interpolation asked for? maps to # 'bilinear_intepolate_values'. if interpolate in ('BILINEAR', True): bilinear = 'BILINEAR' else: bilinear = 'NONE' # create a value table, prefix all output rasters with 'R_' rasters = input_raster.split(";") value_table = [] for raster in rasters: # default name is just the label, prepend 'R_' (label, input_ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster)) label = "R_{0}".format(label) value_table.append([raster, label]) utils.msg("generated value table: %s" % value_table) utils.msg("Running ExtractMultiValuesToPoints...") ExtractMultiValuesToPoints(selected_layer, value_table, bilinear) utils.msg("Values successfully extracted")
def zsc(self,os,job,encode): try: msg('Connection to OWASP ZSC API') params = urlencode({ 'api_name': 'zsc', 'os': os, 'job': job, 'encode': encode}) shellcode = urlopen("\n"%(str(params))).read() if pyversion is 3: shellcode = str(shellcode,encoding='ascii') return '\n"'+shellcode.replace('\n','')+'"\n' except: error_msg("Error while connecting to ...") return None
def fill_pickle_jar(self): """Fill the data to pickle """ jar = '/'.join((self.datadir,"pickle.jar")) d = {} msg("Filling pickle jar '%s'" % jar) for field in self.fields: d[field] = getattr(self, field) d['fields'] = self.fields jarf = open(jar, 'w') pickle.dump(d, jarf) jarf.close()
def zsc(self,os,job,encode): try: msg('Connection to OWASP ZSC API') params = urlencode({ 'api_name': 'zsc', 'os': os, 'job': job, 'encode': encode}) shellcode = urlopen("\n"%(str(params))).read() if pyversion == 3: shellcode = str(shellcode,encoding='ascii') return '\n"'+shellcode.replace('\n','')+'"\n' except: error_msg("Error while connecting to ...") return None
def cmd_disable_user(bot, update, args): """Command disable_user message handler Removes the rights to post link messages to the chat to the user alias passed as args and considers him a possible spammer. Checks that the user who runs the command is admin and changes the destination user configuration.""" chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_type = user_id = chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) # command user command_user = storage.get_user(user_id=user_id, chat_id=chat_id) # destination_user destination_user_alias = _get_user_alias(args) lang = chat_config.language if command_user.is_admin(bot): try: destination_user = storage.get_user_from_alias( chat_id, destination_user_alias) destination_user.penalize() bot_msg = _("User {} has ben considered a potential spammer" ).format(destination_user_alias) except UserDoesNotExists: bot_msg = _("User not found") else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_NOT_ALLOW") send_bot_msg(chat_type, bot, chat_id, bot_msg, update)
def load_geodesic_dll(): fn = None # load the DLL path from the config settings. dll_path = settings.geodesic_dll_path if os.path.exists(dll_path): try: loaded_dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(dll_path) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to load high-speed geodesic library." utils.msg(msg, mtype='error', exception=e) return None fn = loaded_dll.CalculatePairwiseGeodesicDistances fn.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_bool] fn.restype = ctypes.c_int else: msg = "Unable to locate high-speed geodesic DLL at: {}".format(dll_path) utils.msg(msg, mtype='error') return fn
def Add_client(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ClientForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return msg(request,"Cliente adicionado com Sucesso") else: form = ClientForm return render(request, 'add_client.html', {'user':request.user,'form': form})
def grp(self, *arg): """ Grep command-output Usage: MYNAME command regexp """ try: (cmd, regex) = utils.normalize_argv(arg, 2) cmd = str(cmd) regex = str(regex) output = gdb.execute(cmd, to_string=True) regexed = re.findall(regex, output) for line in regexed: print(line) except Exception as e: utils.msg("Exception in grp(%s, %s): %s" % (repr(cmd), repr(regex), e), "red") traceback.print_exc() return False
def load_geodesic_dll(): fn = None # load the DEBUG build of the DLL. dll_path = os.path.abspath( \ os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), \ '..', 'arcobjects', 'geodesic', 'Debug', 'geodesic.dll')) if os.path.exists(dll_path): try: loaded_dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(dll_path) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to load high-speed geodesic library." utils.msg(msg, mtype='error', exception=e) return None fn = loaded_dll.CalculatePairwiseGeodesicDistances fn.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_double] fn.restype = ctypes.c_int return fn
async def fetch_jars(self, version): """ get release url """ url = JAVA_TRON_RELEASES_URL if (version == 'lastest'): url += 'Odyssey-v' + JAVA_TRON_LASTEST_VERSION elif ('3.1.3' <= version <= '3.1.3'): url += 'Odyssey-v' + version """ download """ msg('download fullnode jar might take a while') await download(self.source_full_jar, url) success_msg('.jar file of Fullnode is successfully downloaded') msg('download solidity jar might take a while') await download(self.source_sol_jar, url) success_msg('.jar file of Soliditynode is successfully downloaded')
def Add_employee(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = EmployeeForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return msg(request,"Funcionario adicionado com Sucesso") else: form = EmployeeForm return render(request, 'add_employee.html', {'user':request.user,'form': form})
def Add_service(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = ServiceForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return msg(request,"Serviço adicionado com Sucesso") else: form = ServiceForm return render(request, 'add_service.html', {'user':request.user,'form': form})
def cmd_start(bot, update): """Command /start message handler""" chat = chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_type = chat.type chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) chat_config.enabled = True lang = chat_config.language if chat_type == "private":"The bot started in {} private chat".format(chat_id)) bot.send_message(chat_id, msg(lang, "START")) else:"The bot started in {} group chat {}".format( chat_id, chat.title)) chat_config.title = chat.title tlg_msg_to_selfdestruct(bot, update.message) tlg_send_selfdestruct_msg(bot, chat_id, msg(lang, "START"))
def cmd_enable(bot, update): """Command /enable message handler. Enables bot spam filter actions""" chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) user_id = chat_type = lang = chat_config.language if chat_config.user_is_admin(bot, user_id): if chat_config.enabled: bot_msg = msg(lang, "ALREADY_ENABLE") else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "ENABLE") chat_config.enabled = True else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_NOT_ALLOW") send_bot_msg(chat_type, bot, chat_id, bot_msg, update)
def cmd_disable(bot, update): """Command /disable message handler""" chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) user_id = chat_type = lang = chat_config.language if chat_config.user_is_admin(bot, user_id): if not chat_config.enabled: bot_msg = msg(lang, "ALREADY_DISABLE") else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "DISABLE") chat_config.enabled = False else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_NOT_ALLOW") send_bot_msg(chat_type, bot, chat_id, bot_msg, update)
def get_sync_file(token, repo): headers = {'Authorization': 'token ' + token} repository = f"{repo}/main" try: endpoint = f"{repository}/META-INF/books.xml" resp = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: try: endpoint = f"{repository}/archive-syncfile" resp = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: msg("Error: missing '/META-INF/books.xml' or 'archive-syncfile' from {}", repo) sys.exit(1) sync_file = resp.content.decode() return sync_file
def main(input_fc=None, selection_1=None, expression_1=None, selection_2=None, expression_2=None, selection_3=None, expression_3=None, output_fc=None, mode='toolbox'): # set mode based on how script is called. settings.mode = mode add_output = arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = settings.overwrite # get the spatial reference of input desc = arcpy.Describe(input_fc) sr = desc.spatialReference # Perform manipulations on an in-memory copy of the data utils.msg("Copying features into memory") temp_fc = 'in_memory/select_by_attributes' temp_layer = "select_by_attributes_lyr" arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(input_fc, temp_fc) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(temp_fc, temp_layer) # initial selection select_by(temp_layer, selection_1, expression_1) if selection_2 and expression_2: select_by(temp_layer, selection_2, expression_2) if selection_3 and expression_3: select_by(temp_layer, selection_3, expression_3) utils.msg("Writing results to {}".format(output_fc)) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(temp_layer, output_fc) # restore add outputs state arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = add_output
def main(bathy=None, inner_radius=None, outer_radius=None, out_raster=None, bpi_type='broad', mode='toolbox'): arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS" try: # Create the broad-scale Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) raster msg = "Generating the {bpi_type}-scale ".format(bpi_type=bpi_type) + \ "Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) raster..." utils.msg(msg) utils.msg("Calculating neighborhood...") neighborhood = NbrAnnulus(inner_radius, outer_radius, "CELL") utils.msg("Calculating FocalStatistics for {}...".format(bathy)) out_focal_statistics = FocalStatistics(bathy, neighborhood, "MEAN") outRaster = Int(Plus(Minus(bathy, out_focal_statistics), 0.5)) out_raster = utils.validate_path(out_raster) utils.msg("Saved output as {}".format(out_raster)) except Exception as e: utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
def saveOptions(self, *args): """Saves the user options to a file in their home directory. Who knows what happens on windows boxen.""" filename = self.getPrefsDirectory() + os.sep + "forg-associations" try: Options.program_options.associations.writeToFile(filename) except IOError as str: print("***Error saving associations to disk: %s" % str) ofilename = self.getPrefsDirectory() + os.sep + "forgrc" try: except IOError as str: self.genericError("Couldn't write options to file:\n%s" % str) utils.msg(self.messageBar, "Finished saving options.") return None
def cmd_allow_user(bot, update, args): """Command /allow_user message handler Givies the rights to post messages for the chat to the user alias passed as args. Checks that the user who runs the command is admin and changes the destination user configuration.""" chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_type = user_id = chat_config = storage.get_chat_config(chat_id) lang = chat_config.language # command user try: command_user = storage.get_user(user_id=user_id, chat_id=chat_id) except UserDoesNotExists: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_ALLOW_USR_NOT_FOUND") send_bot_msg(chat_type, bot, chat_id, bot_msg, update) return # destination_user destination_user_alias = _get_user_alias(args) if command_user.is_admin(bot): try: destination_user = storage.get_user_from_alias( chat_id, destination_user_alias) if not destination_user.verified: destination_user.verified = True bot_msg = msg( lang, "CMD_ALLOW_USR_OK").format(destination_user_alias) else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_ALLOW_USR_ALREADY_ALLOWED").format( destination_user_alias) except UserDoesNotExists: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_ALLOW_USR_NOT_FOUND") else: bot_msg = msg(lang, "CMD_NOT_ALLOW") send_bot_msg(chat_type, bot, chat_id, bot_msg, update)
def shellcode(self, sctype, port=None, host=None): if not self.shellcodes or sctype not in self.shellcodes: return None if port is None: port=16706 if host is None: host='' shellcode = self.shellcodes[sctype] try: port = struct.pack(">H", port) addr = socket.inet_aton(host) shellcode = shellcode.replace(b"\x66\x68\x41\x42", b"\x66\x68" + port) shellcode = shellcode.replace(b"\x68\xff\x02\x41\x42", b"\x68\xff\x02" + port) shellcode = shellcode.replace(b"\x68\x7f\x7f\x7f\x7f", b"\x68" + addr) return shellcode except Exception as e: if config.Option.get("debug") == "on": msg("Exception: %s" %e) traceback.print_exc() return None
def main(bathy=None, out_sin_raster=None, out_cos_raster=None): try: arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS" # Calculate the aspect of the bathymetric raster. "Aspect is expressed in # positive degrees from 0 to 359.9, measured clockwise from north." utils.msg("Calculating aspect...") aspect = Aspect(bathy) # both the sin and cos functions here expect radians, not degrees. # convert our Aspect raster into radians, check that the values are in range. aspect_rad = aspect * (math.pi / 180) # because this statistic is circular (0 and 359.9 are immediately adjacent), # we need to transform this into a form which preserves distances between items. # trig is the simplest mechanism. aspect_sin = Sin(aspect_rad) aspect_cos = Cos(aspect_rad) out_sin_raster = utils.validate_path(out_sin_raster) out_cos_raster = utils.validate_path(out_cos_raster) except Exception as e: utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
def display(self, shellcodeId): if shellcodeId is None: return None try: msg("Connecting to") s = six.moves.http_client.HTTPConnection("") except: error_msg("Cannot connect to") return None try: s.request("GET", "/shellcode/files/shellcode-"+str(shellcodeId)+".php") res = s.getresponse() data ="<pre>")[1].split("<body>")[0] except: error_msg("Failed to download shellcode from") return None data = data.replace(""", "\"") data = data.replace("&", "&") data = data.replace("<", "<") data = data.replace(">", ">") return data
def update_vendors(): """Update vendor modules.""" for module in get_vendor_modules(): submodules = getattr(module, "submodules") if submodules is not None: vendor_root = os.path.dirname(module.__file__) for name, params in submodules.iteritems(): vendor_path = os.path.join(vendor_root, name) if os.path.isdir(vendor_path): tag = params.get("tag", "") with lcd(vendor_path), msg("Updating vendor submodule %s" % name): local("git checkout %s" % tag) sources = params.get("sources", []) destination = params.get("destination") if destination is not None: destination = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(vendor_root, destination)) with settings(warn_only=True): local("mkdir -p %s" % destination) for source in sources: local("cp -R %s %s" % (source, destination))
def prompt(text, validator=always_true, save_as=None, options=(), parse=False): """ Prompt the user with a question, possibly multiple choice. Read the answer, validate it and store it in the session store. """ save_as = save_as or text while True: # allows coroutines to be re-run # get menu system & session store ms, session = yield question = msg(text, options) if parse: question = question % session # return question & boolean indicating end of session # FIXME: boolean is ugly yield question, False # get answer back answer = yield # validate validated_answer = validator(answer, options) # store question & validated answer session[save_as] = validated_answer # return validated answer yield validated_answer
def main(input_fc=None, output_csv=None, mode=settings.mode): if not arcpy.Exists(input_fc): utils.msg("Input, {} doesn't exist.".format(input_fc)) sys.exit() try: with open(output_csv, 'wb') as output_file: writer = csv.writer(output_file, dialect='excel', \ quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) # fields generated by ArcGIS & lacking a direct use in Shepherd ignored_fields = ['OID', 'OBJECTID', 'Shape'] # header row should contain our fields declaration fields = [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(input_fc) if not in ignored_fields] writer.writerow(fields) our_date = "Date_formatted" date_exists = False # If we don't have a formatted date field, don't try to manipulate it. if our_date in fields: date_pos = fields.index(our_date) date_exists = True with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_fc, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: formatted_row = list(row[:]) if date_exists: date_value = row[date_pos] try: formatted_row[date_pos] = formatDate(date_value) except Exception as e: arcpy.AddError(e) writer.writerow([utils.xstr(r) for r in formatted_row]) except Exception as e: utils.msg("Error creating output file.", mtype='error', exception=e) sys.exit() utils.msg("Exported results saved to %s." % output_csv) if mode == 'toolbox': time.sleep(4)
def search(self, keyword): if keyword is None: return None try: msg("Connecting to") s = six.moves.http_client.HTTPConnection("") s.request("GET", "/api/?s="+str(keyword)) res = s.getresponse() read_result ='utf-8') data_l = [x for x in read_result.split('\n') if x] # remove empty results except Exception as e: if config.Option.get("debug") == "on": msg("Exception: %s" %e) traceback.print_exc() error_msg("Cannot connect to") return None data_dl = [] for data in data_l: try: desc = data.split("::::") dico = { 'ScAuthor': desc[0], 'ScArch': desc[1], 'ScTitle': desc[2], 'ScId': desc[3], 'ScUrl': desc[4] } data_dl.append(dico) except Exception as e: if config.Option.get("debug") == "on": msg("Exception: %s" %e) traceback.print_exc() return data_dl
def _seek_version(cmd, txt): with nested(hide('running'), msg(txt)): cmd = cmd % _version('short') return local(cmd, capture=True)