def main(year, dx=100000, snowType='SRLD', extraStr='v11'): xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) print(xptsG) print(yptsG) dxStr = str(int(dx / 1000)) + 'km' print(dxStr) #region_mask, xptsI, yptsI = cF.get_region_mask_pyproj(anc_data_path, proj, xypts_return=1) #region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') #xptsDays, yptsDays, oibdates, snowDays= cF.read_icebridge_snowdepths(proj, oib_data_path, year) xptsDays, yptsDays, _, _, snowDays, oibdates = cF.getSTOSIWIGyear_proj( proj, oib_data_path + '/stosiwig/', snowType, year) for x in range(len(oibdates)): # Loop through dates of each flight. I want to keep separate to compre to the daily NESOSIM data. oib_dayG = bin_oib(dx, xptsDays[x], yptsDays[x], xptsG, yptsG, snowDays[x]) cF.plot_gridded_cartopy( lonG, latG, oib_dayG, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=figure_path + '/OIB/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + snowType + extraStr, date_string=oibdates[x], month_string='', varStr='OIB snow depth ', units_lab=r'm', minval=0, maxval=0.6, oib_dayG.dump(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + snowType + extraStr) arr = np.hstack(xptsDays) oib_daysG = cF.bin_oib(dx, np.hstack(xptsDays), np.hstack(yptsDays), xptsG, yptsG, np.hstack(snowDays)) cF.plot_gridded_cartopy(lonG, latG, oib_daysG, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=figure_path + '/OIB/' + str(year) + dxStr + snowType + extraStr, date_string=str(year), month_string='', varStr='OIB snow depth ', units_lab=r'm', minval=0, maxval=0.6,
def main(year, dx=100000, extraStr='v11'): xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) #print(xptsG) #print(yptsG) dxStr = str(int(dx / 1000)) + 'km' #print(dxStr) files = glob(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + '*' + dxStr + extraStr + '') print(files) oibdates = [file[-16:-8] for file in files] print(oibdates) for x in range(len(oibdates)): # Loop through dates of each flight. I want to keep separate to compre to the daily NESOSIM data. try: oib_dayG1 = np.load(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + 'GSFC' + extraStr, allow_pickle=True) oib_dayG2 = np.load(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + 'SRLD' + extraStr, allow_pickle=True) oib_dayG3 = np.load(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + 'JPL' + extraStr, allow_pickle=True) oib_dayGC = np.median((oib_dayG1, oib_dayG2, oib_dayG3), axis=0) cF.plot_gridded_cartopy( lonG, latG, oib_dayGC, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=figure_path + '/OIB/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + 'MEDIAN' + extraStr, date_string=str(year), month_string='', varStr='OIB snow depth MEDIAN', units_lab=r'm', minval=0, maxval=0.6, oib_dayGC.dump(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + 'MEDIAN' + extraStr) except: print('All thre algs dont exist for this date:', oibdates[x])
#region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') xptsDays, yptsDays, oibdates, snowDays = cF.read_icebridge_snowdepths( proj, oib_data_path, year) for x in range(len(oibdates)): # Loop through dates of each flight. I want to keep separate to compre to the daily NESOSIM data. oib_dayG = cF.bin_oib(xptsDays[x], yptsDays[x], xptsG, yptsG, snowDays[x]) cF.plot_gridded_cartopy(lonG, latG, oib_dayG, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=figure_path + '/OIB/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + extraStr, date_string=oibdates[x], month_string='', varStr='OIB snow depth ', units_lab=r'm', minval=0, maxval=0.6, oib_dayG.dump(forcing_save_path + dxStr + '/OIB/' + str(year) + '/' + oibdates[x] + dxStr + extraStr) arr = np.hstack(xptsDays) oib_daysG = bin_oib(np.hstack(xptsDays), np.hstack(yptsDays), xptsG, yptsG, np.hstack(snowDays))
def main(yearT, extraStr='v11_1', dx=100000, data_path=reanalysis_raw_path + 'ERA5/', out_path=forcing_save_path + 'Temp/ERA5/', fig_path=figure_path + 'Temp/ERA5/', anc_data_path='../../anc_data/'): xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) print(xptsG) print(yptsG) dxStr = str(int(dx / 1000)) + 'km' print(dxStr) if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) region_mask, xptsI, yptsI, _, _ = cF.get_region_mask_pyproj(anc_data_path, proj, xypts_return=1) region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') varStr = 't2m' xptsM, yptsM, temp2mYear = get_ERA5_temps(proj, data_path, yearT) hotdays_duration = xr.apply_ufunc(get_cumulative_hotdays, temp2mYear['t2m'].compute(), input_core_dims=[["time"]], vectorize=True) print(xptsM.flatten().shape) print(yptsM.flatten().shape) print(temp2mYear) print(hotdays_duration.values.flatten().shape) t2mdurG = griddata((xptsM.flatten(), yptsM.flatten()), hotdays_duration.values.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='linear') #t2mdurG[where(region_maskG>10)]=0. #t2mdur=t2mdur.astype('f2') cF.plot_gridded_cartopy(lonG, latG, t2mdurG, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=fig_path + '/duration' + str(yearT) + extraStr, date_string=str(yearT), extra=extraStr, varStr='hot days', units_lab=r'>0', minval=0, maxval=100, #monthStr='%02d' %(month+1) t2mdurG.dump(out_path + '/ERA5_duration' + dxStr + '-' + str(yearT) + extraStr)
def main(year, startMonth=8, endMonth=11, dx=100000, extraStr='v11_1', data_path=reanalysis_raw_path + 'ERA5/', out_path=forcing_save_path + 'Precip/ERA5/', fig_path=figure_path + 'Precip/ERA5/', anc_data_path='../../anc_data/'): xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) print(xptsG) print(yptsG) dxStr = str(int(dx / 1000)) + 'km' print(dxStr) region_mask, xptsI, yptsI, _, _ = cF.get_region_mask_pyproj(anc_data_path, proj, xypts_return=1) region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') varStr = 'sf' if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) yearT = year numDays = cF.getLeapYr(year) if (numDays > 365): monIndex = [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366] else: monIndex = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365] if not os.path.exists(out_path + '/' + str(year)): os.makedirs(out_path + '/' + str(year)) startDay = monIndex[startMonth] if (endMonth > 11): endDay = monIndex[endMonth + 1 - 12] + monIndex[-1] - 1 else: endDay = monIndex[endMonth + 1] calc_weights = 1 # start as one to calculate weightings then gets set as zero for future files for dayT in range(startDay, endDay): dayStr = '%03d' % dayT month = np.where(dayT - np.array(monIndex) >= 0)[0][-1] monStr = '%02d' % (month + 1) dayinmonth = dayT - monIndex[month] print('Precip day:', dayT, dayinmonth) #in kg/m2 per day xptsM, yptsM, lonsM, latsM, Precip = cF.get_ERA5_precip_days_pyproj( proj, data_path, str(yearT), monStr, dayinmonth, lowerlatlim=30, varStr=varStr) # if it's the first day, calculate weights if calc_weights == 1: # calculate Delaunay triangulation interpolation weightings for first file of the year print('calculating interpolation weightings') ptM_arr = np.array([xptsM.flatten(), yptsM.flatten()]).T tri = Delaunay(ptM_arr) # delaunay triangulation calc_weights = 0 # grid using linearNDInterpolator with triangulation calculated above # (faster than griddata but produces identical output) interp = LinearNDInterpolator(tri, Precip.flatten()) PrecipG = interp((xptsG, yptsG)) cF.plot_gridded_cartopy( lonG, latG, PrecipG, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=fig_path + '/ERA5' + varStr + dxStr + '-' + str(yearT) + '_d' + dayStr + extraStr, date_string=str(yearT), month_string=str(dayT), extra=extraStr, varStr='ERA5 snowfall ', units_lab=r'kg/m2', minval=0, maxval=10, PrecipG.dump(out_path + str(yearT) + '/ERA5' + varStr + dxStr + '-' + str(yearT) + '_d' + dayStr + extraStr)
def main(yearT, extraStr='v11_1', dx=100000, data_path=reanalysis_raw_path + 'ERA5/', out_path=forcing_save_path + 'InitialConditions/ERA5/', fig_path=figure_path + 'InitialConditions/ERA5/', anc_data_path='../../anc_data/'): xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) print(xptsG) print(yptsG) dxStr = str(int(dx / 1000)) + 'km' print(dxStr) if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) region_mask, xptsI, yptsI, _, _ = cF.get_region_mask_pyproj(anc_data_path, proj, xypts_return=1) region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') reanalysis = 'ERA5' varStr = 't2m' iceconc_path = forcing_save_path + '/IceConc/CDR/' temp_path = forcing_save_path + '/Temp/ERA5/' t2mdurGAll = [] for y in range(1980, 1991 + 1, 1): if (y == 1987): continue t2mdurGT = np.load(temp_path + 'duration' + dxStr + '-' + str(y) + extraStr, allow_pickle=True) t2mdurGAll.append(t2mdurGT) t2mdurGclim = ma.mean(t2mdurGAll, axis=0) print(t2mdurGclim.shape) w99 = cF.getWarren(lonG, latG, 7) for yearT in range(2021, 2021 + 1, 1): if (yearT == 1987): continue t2mdurGT = np.load(temp_path + 'duration' + dxStr + '-' + str(yearT) + extraStr, allow_pickle=True) print(t2mdurGT.shape) W99yrT = w99 * (t2mdurGclim / t2mdurGT) W99yrT[np.where(latG < 70)] = 0 W99yrT[np.where(region_maskG > 8.2)] = 0 W99yrT[np.where(region_maskG <= 7.8)] = 0 W99yrT[np.where(W99yrT < 0)] = 0 W99yrT[np.where(W99yrT > 10)] = 10 day = 226 dayStr = str(day) #226 is middle of August iceConcDayG = np.load(iceconc_path + str(yearT) + '/iceConcG_CDR' + dxStr + '-' + str(yearT) + '_d' + dayStr + extraStr, allow_pickle=True) W99yrT[np.where(iceConcDayG < 0.15)] = 0 W99yrT = gaussian_filter(W99yrT, sigma=1) # Convert to meters W99yrT = W99yrT / 100. cF.plot_gridded_cartopy( lonG, latG, W99yrT, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=fig_path + '/initial_conditions' + str(yearT) + dxStr + extraStr, date_string=str(yearT), extra=extraStr, varStr='Snow depth ', units_lab=r'm', minval=0, maxval=0.12, W99yrT.dump(out_path + 'ICsnow' + dxStr + '-' + str(yearT) + extraStr)
def main(year, startMonth=3, endMonth=3, extraStr='v11_1', dx=100000, data_path=cdr_raw_path, out_path=forcing_save_path, fig_path=figure_path+'IceConc/CDR/', anc_data_path='../../anc_data/'): xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) print(xptsG) print(yptsG) dxStr=str(int(dx/1000))+'km' print(dxStr) region_mask, xptsI, yptsI, lonsI, latsI = cF.get_region_mask_pyproj(anc_data_path, proj, xypts_return=1) region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') product='CDR' numDaysYr=cF.getLeapYr(year) if (numDaysYr>365): monIndex = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] else: monIndex = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] if not os.path.exists(out_path+'/'+str(year)): os.makedirs(out_path+'/'+str(year)) if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) calc_weights = 1 # start as one to calculate weightings then gets set as zero for future files for month in range(startMonth, endMonth+1): print(month) mstr='%02d' %(month+1) # Get pole hole pmask=cF.get_pmask(year, month) numDays=monIndex[month] # should return array with nans not masked as needed for regridding. for x in range(numDays): dayT=sum(monIndex[0:month])+x daySumStr='%03d' %(dayT) dayMonStr='%02d' %(x+1) print('day month string', dayMonStr) try: # Try final first fileT=glob(data_path+'/final/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc')[0] print(data_path+'/final/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc') print('final data') except: try: # Try nrt fileT=glob(data_path+'/nrt/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc')[0] print(data_path+'/nrt/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc') print('nrt data') except: try: dayMonStr='%03d' %(dayT-1) fileT=glob(data_path+'/final/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc')[0] print(data_path+'/final/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc') print('previous day final data') except: try: dayMonStr='%03d' %(dayT+1) fileT=glob(data_path+'/final/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc')[0] print(data_path+'/final/'+str(year)+'/'+mstr+'/*'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+'*.nc') print('following day final data') except: print('no conc') # previously was pass but this meant it would just use the previous loop data below continue iceConcDay = cF.getCDRconcproj(fileT, mask=0, maxConc=1, lowerConc=1) print(iceConcDay.shape) # if it's the first day, calculate weights if calc_weights == 1: # calculate Delaunay triangulation interpolation weightings for first file of the year print('calculating interpolation weightings') # Use region mask which is on the same grid! ptM_arr = np.array([xptsI.flatten(),yptsI.flatten()]).T tri = Delaunay(ptM_arr) # delaunay triangulation calc_weights = 0 iceConcDay[np.where(region_mask>10)]=np.nan #iceConcDayG = griddata((xpts0.flatten(), ypts0.flatten()), iceConcDay.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='linear') # grid using linearNDInterpolator with triangulation calculated above # (faster than griddata but produces identical output) interp = LinearNDInterpolator(tri,iceConcDay.flatten()) iceConcDayG = interp((xptsG,yptsG)) iceConcDayG[np.where(iceConcDayG<0.15)]=0 iceConcDayG[np.where(iceConcDayG>1)]=1 iceConcDayG[np.where(region_maskG>10)]=np.nan cF.plot_gridded_cartopy(lonG, latG, iceConcDayG, proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), out=fig_path+'iceConcG_-'+str(year)+mstr+dayMonStr+dxStr+extraStr, date_string=str(year), month_string=mstr+dayMonStr, extra=extraStr, varStr='CDR ice conc', units_lab='', minval=0, maxval=1, iceConcDayG.dump(out_path+str(year)+'/iceConcG_CDR'+dxStr+'-'+str(year)+'_d'+daySumStr+extraStr)
def main(year1, month1, day1, year2, month2, day2, outPathT='.', forcingPathT='.', anc_data_pathT='../anc_data/', figPathT='../Figures/', precipVar='ERA5', windVar='ERA5', driftVar='OSISAF', concVar='CDR', icVar='ERAI', densityTypeT='variable', outStr='', extraStr='', IC=2, windPackFactorT=0.1, windPackThreshT=5., leadLossFactorT=0.1, atmLossFactorT=2.2e-8, dynamicsInc=1, leadlossInc=1, windpackInc=1, atmlossInc=0, saveData=1, plotBudgets=1, plotdaily=1, saveFolder='', dx=50000,scaleCS=False): """ Main model function Args: The various model configuration parameters """ #------- Create map projection xptsG, yptsG, latG, lonG, proj = cF.create_grid(dxRes=dx) nx=xptsG.shape[0] ny=xptsG.shape[1] dxStr=str(int(dx/1000))+'km' print(nx, ny, dxStr) # Assign some global parameters global dataPath, forcingPath, outPath, ancDataPath outPath=outPathT+dxStr+'/' forcingPath=forcingPathT+dxStr+'/' ancDataPath=anc_data_pathT print('OutPath:', outPath) print('forcingPath:', forcingPath) print('ancDataPath:', ancDataPath) # Assign density of the two snow layers global snowDensityFresh, snowDensityOld, minSnowD, minConc, leadLossFactor, atmLossFactor, windPackThresh, windPackFactor, deltaT snowDensityFresh=200. # density of fresh snow layer snowDensityOld=350. # density of old snow layer minSnowD=0.02 # minimum snow depth for a density estimate minConc=0.15 # mask budget values with a concentration below this value deltaT=60.*60.*24. # time interval (seconds in a day) region_mask, xptsI, yptsI = cF.get_region_mask_pyproj(anc_data_pathT, proj, xypts_return=1) region_maskG = griddata((xptsI.flatten(), yptsI.flatten()), region_mask.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG), method='nearest') leadLossFactor=leadLossFactorT # Snow loss to leads coefficient windPackThresh=windPackThreshT # Minimum winds needed for wind packing windPackFactor=windPackFactorT # Fraction of snow packed into old snow layer atmLossFactor=atmLossFactorT # Snow loss to atmosphere coefficient #---------- Current year yearCurrent=year1 #--------- Get time period info startDay, numDays, numDaysYear1, dateOut= cF.getDays(year1, month1, day1, year2, month2, day2) print (startDay, numDays, numDaysYear1, dateOut) # make this into a small function dates=[] for x in range(0, numDays): #print x date = datetime.datetime(year1, month1+1, day1+1) + datetime.timedelta(x) #print (int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) dates.append(int(date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) #print(dates) CSstr = '' if scaleCS: # load scaling factors; assumes scaling factors are in same directory as monthlyScalingFactors = xr.open_dataset('{}scale_coeffs_{}_{}'.format(ancDataPath, precipVar, dxStr))['scale_factors'] CSstr = 'CSscaled' #------ create output strings and file paths ----------- saveStr= precipVar+CSstr+'sf'+windVar+'winds'+driftVar+'drifts'+concVar+'sic'+'rho'+densityTypeT+'_IC'+str(IC)+'_DYN'+str(dynamicsInc)+'_WP'+str(windpackInc)+'_LL'+str(leadlossInc)+'_AL'+str(atmlossInc)+'_WPF'+str(windPackFactorT)+'_WPT'+str(windPackThreshT)+'_LLF'+str(leadLossFactorT)+'-'+dxStr+extraStr+outStr+'-'+dateOut saveStrNoDate=precipVar+CSstr+'sf'+windVar+'winds'+driftVar+'drifts'+concVar+'sic'+'rho'+densityTypeT+'_IC'+str(IC)+'_DYN'+str(dynamicsInc)+'_WP'+str(windpackInc)+'_LL'+str(leadlossInc)+'_AL'+str(atmlossInc)+'_WPF'+str(windPackFactorT)+'_WPT'+str(windPackThreshT)+'_LLF'+str(leadLossFactorT)+'-'+dxStr+extraStr+outStr print ('Saving to:', saveStr) #'../../DataOutput/' savePath=outPath+saveFolder+'/'+saveStrNoDate # Declare empty arrays for compiling budgets if not os.path.exists(savePath+'/budgets/'): os.makedirs(savePath+'/budgets/') if not os.path.exists(savePath+'/final/'): os.makedirs(savePath+'/final/') global figpath figpath=figPathT+'/Diagnostic/'+dxStr+'/'+saveStrNoDate+'/' if not os.path.exists(figpath): os.makedirs(figpath) if not os.path.exists(figpath+'/daily_snow_depths/'): os.makedirs(figpath+'/daily_snow_depths/') precipDays, iceConcDays, windDays, tempDays, snowDepths, density, snowDiv, snowAdv, snowAcc, snowOcean, snowWindPack, snowWindPackLoss, snowWindPackGain, snowLead, snowAtm = genEmptyArrays(numDays, nx, ny) print('IC:', IC) if (IC>0): if (IC==1): # August Warren climatology snow depths ICSnowDepth = np.load(forcingPath+'InitialConditions/AugSnow'+dxStr, allow_pickle=True) print('Initialize with August Warren climatology') elif (IC==2): # Petty initiail conditions try: ICSnowDepth = np.load(forcingPath+'InitialConditions/'+icVar+'/ICsnow'+dxStr+'-'+str(year1)+extraStr, allow_pickle=True) print('Initialize with new v1.1 scaled initial conditions') print(np.amax(ICSnowDepth)) except: print('No initial conditions file available') iceConcDayG, precipDayG, driftGdayG, windDayG, tempDayG =loadData(year1, startDay, precipVar, windVar, concVar, driftVar, dxStr, extraStr) ICSnowDepth[np.where(iceConcDayG<minConc)]=0 #--------Split the initial snow depth over both layers snowDepths[0, 0]=ICSnowDepth*0.5 snowDepths[0, 1]=ICSnowDepth*0.5 #pF.plotSnow(m, xptsG, yptsG, densityT, date_string=str(startDay-1), out=figpath+'/Snow/2layer/densityD'+driftP+extraStr+reanalysisP+varStr+'_sy'+str(year1)+'d'+str(startDay)+outStr+'T0', units_lab=r'kg/m3', minval=180, maxval=360, base_mask=0, norm=0, cmap_1=cm.viridis) # Loop over days for x in range(numDays-1): day = x+startDay if (day>=numDaysYear1): # If day goes beyond the number of days in initial year, jump to the next year day=day-numDaysYear1 yearCurrent=year2 print ('Day of year:', day) print ('Date:', dates[x]) #-------- Load daily data iceConcDayG, precipDayG, driftGdayG, windDayG, tempDayG =loadData(yearCurrent, day, precipVar, windVar, concVar, driftVar, dxStr, extraStr) #-------- Apply CloudSat scaling if used if scaleCS: currentMonth = doyToMonth(day, yearCurrent) # get current month scalingFactor = monthlyScalingFactors.loc[currentMonth,:,:] # get scaling factor for current month # apply scaling to current day's precipitation precipDayG = applyScaling(precipDayG, scalingFactor,scaling_type='mul').values #-------- Calculate snow budgets calcBudget(xptsG, yptsG, snowDepths, iceConcDayG, precipDayG, driftGdayG, windDayG, tempDayG, density, precipDays, iceConcDays, windDays, tempDays, snowAcc, snowOcean, snowAdv, snowDiv, snowLead, snowAtm, snowWindPackLoss, snowWindPackGain, snowWindPack, region_maskG, dx, x, day, densityType=densityTypeT, dynamicsInc=dynamicsInc, leadlossInc=leadlossInc, windpackInc=windpackInc, atmlossInc=atmlossInc) if (plotdaily==1): cF.plot_gridded_cartopy(lonG, latG, snowDepths[x+1, 0]+snowDepths[x+1, 1], proj=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo(central_longitude=-45), date_string='', out=figpath+'daily_snow_depths/snowTot_'+saveStrNoDate+str(x), units_lab='m', varStr='Snow depth', minval=0., maxval=0.6) #------ Load last data iceConcDayG, precipDayG, _, windDayG, tempDayG =loadData(yearCurrent, day+1, precipVar, windVar, concVar, driftVar, dxStr, extraStr) precipDays[x+1]=precipDayG iceConcDays[x+1]=iceConcDayG windDays[x+1]=windDayG tempDays[x+1]=tempDayG if (saveData==1): # Output snow budget terms to netcdf datafiles cF.OutputSnowModelRaw(savePath, saveStr, snowDepths, density, precipDays, iceConcDays, windDays, snowAcc, snowOcean, snowAdv, snowDiv, snowLead, snowAtm, snowWindPack) cF.OutputSnowModelFinal(savePath, 'NESOSIMv11_'+dateOut, lonG, latG, xptsG, yptsG, snowDepths[:, 0]+snowDepths[:, 1], (snowDepths[:, 0]+snowDepths[:, 1])/iceConcDays, density, iceConcDays, precipDays, windDays, tempDays, dates) if (plotBudgets==1): # Plot final snow budget terms cF.plot_budgets_cartopy(lonG, latG, precipDayG, windDayG, snowDepths[x+1], snowOcean[x+1], snowAcc[x+1], snowDiv[x+1], \ snowAdv[x+1], snowLead[x+1], snowAtm[x+1], snowWindPack[x+1], snowWindPackLoss[x+1], snowWindPackGain[x+1], density[x+1], dates[-1], figpath, totalOutStr=saveStr)