Пример #1
def telemetry():
    global telemetry_df
    data = json.loads(request.data)
    telemetry_df = utils.prepare_input_data(
        telemetry_df, data, NUMBER_OF_LAST_N_SECONDS_TO_BE_DISPLAYED,
    return "200"
Пример #2
def encode_lookup(x, ord, lag, tab, trustme=False):
    Extract and encode ordinal patterns using the 'lookup' algorithm.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'. The input array is
        flattened prior to encoding.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer between 2 and 10.

    lag : int
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    tab : ndarray of uint64
        A lookup table containing factorial(ord) * ord pattern codes, as
        returned by the `create_lookup_table` function. Note that custom
        mappings are NOT supported, and will lead to undefined behaviour.

    trustme : bool, optional
        If set to True, the function arguments are not validated before
        processing. This will speed up the calculation.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        One-dimensional array, with each value representing an ordinal
        pattern. It holds that ``pat.size == x.size - (ord - 1) * lag``.

    if not trustme:
        x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag)
        if ord > 10:
            raise ValueError("lookup algorithm does not support ord > 10")

        _utils.check_lookup_table(tab, ord)

    n_rel = ord - 1
    n_pat = x.size - n_rel * lag

    pat = _np.zeros(n_pat, dtype=_np.uint64)

    for i in range(0, lag):
        pat[i] = _encode_pattern(x[i:i + ord * lag:lag])

    next_val = x[n_rel * lag:]
    ranks = _np.zeros(next_val.shape, _np.uint8)

    for i in range(0, n_rel):
        ranks += x[i * lag:(i - n_rel) * lag] > next_val

    for i in range(lag, n_pat):
        pat[i] = tab[pat[i - lag], ranks[i]]

    return pat
Пример #3
def main(args):
    # Read command line args
    audio_file = args.audio_file_path

    # Create the ArmNN inference runner
    network = ArmnnNetworkExecutor(args.model_file_path,

    # Specify model specific audio data requirements
    audio_capture_params = AudioCaptureParams(dtype=np.float32,

    buffer = capture_audio(audio_file, audio_capture_params)

    # Extract features and create the preprocessor

    mfcc_params = MFCCParams(sampling_freq=16000,

    wmfcc = Wav2LetterMFCC(mfcc_params)
    preprocessor = W2LAudioPreprocessor(wmfcc,
    current_r_context = ""
    is_first_window = True

    print("Processing Audio Frames...")
    for audio_data in buffer:
        # Prepare the input Tensors
        input_data = prepare_input_data(
            audio_data, network.get_data_type(),
            network.get_input_quantization_offset(0), preprocessor)

        # Run inference
        output_result = network.run([input_data])

        # Slice and Decode the text, and store the right context
        current_r_context, text = decode_text(is_first_window, labels,

        is_first_window = False


    print(current_r_context, flush=True)
Пример #4
def encode_overlap_mp(x, ord, lag, trustme=False):
    Extract and encode ordinal patterns using the 'overlap_mp' algorithm.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'. The input array is
        flattened prior to encoding.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer between 2 and 255.

    lag : int
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    trustme : bool, optional
        If set to True, the function arguments are not validated before
        processing. This will speed up the calculation.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        Two-dimensional array, with each vector along the second axis
        representing an ordinal pattern. It holds that

          ``pat.shape[0] == x.size - (ord - 1) * lag``,

        whereas ``pat.shape[1]`` depends on the pattern order.

    if not trustme:
        x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag)

        if ord > 255:
            raise ValueError("overlap_mp algorithm does not support ord > 255")

    n_pat = x.size - (ord - 1) * lag

    width = _utils.pattern_uint64_width(ord)
    n_pat *= width

    pat = _np.empty(n_pat, dtype=_np.uint64)

    ret = _lib.ordpat_encode_overlap_mp(x, x.size, pat, pat.size, ord, lag)

    if not ret == 0:

    pat = pat.reshape((-1, width))

    return pat
Пример #5
def encode_plain(x, ord, lag, trustme=False):
    Extract and encode ordinal patterns using the 'plain' algorithm.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'. The input array is
        flattened prior to encoding.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer between 2 and 20.

    lag : int
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    trustme : bool, optional
        If set to True, the function arguments are not validated before
        processing. This will speed up the calculation.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        One-dimensional array, with each value representing an ordinal
        pattern. It holds that ``pat.size == x.size - (ord - 1) * lag``.

    if not trustme:
        x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag)
        if ord > 20:
            raise ValueError("plain algorithm does not support ord > 20")

    n_rel = ord - 1  # number of order relations
    n_pat = x.size - n_rel * lag  # sequence length

    pat = _np.zeros(n_pat, dtype=_np.uint64)

    for k in range(0, n_pat):
        for i in range(0, n_rel):
            for j in range(i + 1, ord):
                pat[k] += x[k + i * lag] > x[k + j * lag]

            pat[k] *= n_rel - i

    return pat
Пример #6
def encode_plain(x, ord, lag, trustme=False):
    Extract and encode ordinal patterns using the 'plain' algorithm.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'. The input array is
        flattened prior to encoding.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer between 2 and 20.

    lag : int
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    trustme : bool, optional
        If set to True, the function arguments are not validated before
        processing. This will speed up the calculation.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        One-dimensional array, with each value representing an ordinal
        pattern. It holds that ``pat.size == x.size - (ord - 1) * lag``.

    if not trustme:
        x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag)

        if ord > 20:
            raise ValueError("plain algorithm does not support ord > 20")

    n_pat = x.size - (ord - 1) * lag

    pat = _np.empty(n_pat , dtype=_np.uint64)

    ret = _lib.ordpat_encode_plain(x, x.size, pat, pat.size, ord, lag)

    if not ret == 0:

    return pat
def recognise_speech(audio_data, network, preprocessor, threshold):
    # Prepare the input Tensors
    input_data = prepare_input_data(audio_data, network.get_data_type(),
    # Run inference
    output_result = network.run([input_data])

    dequantized_result = []
    for index, ofm in enumerate(output_result):
            dequantize_output(ofm, network.is_output_quantized(index),

    # Decode the text and display result if above threshold
    decoded_result = decode(dequantized_result, labels)

    if decoded_result[1] > threshold:
Пример #8
def ordpat(x, ord, lag=1, algorithm=None, axis=-1):
    Return a sequence of ordinal patterns in numerical representation.

    The function extracts the consecutive ordinal patterns of order `ord`
    from the (possibly multi-variate) time series contained in `x`, using the
    time lag `lag` and the encoding algorithm `algorithm`.

    The ordinal patterns are then encoded into numerical values ranging
    from 0 to factorial(ord) - 1.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer greater than 2. The upper bound is
        algorithm-dependent (see below).

    lag : int, optional
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    algorithm : {'plain', 'plain_c', 'overlap', 'overlap_c', 'overlap_mp_c',
                 'lookup', 'lookup_c', 'vectorised'}, optional
        One of the encoding algorithms described below. By default, the
        algorithm is selected automatically.

    axis : int, optional
        The axis of the input data along which the extraction shall be
        performed. By default, the last axis is used.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        Ordinal patterns in numerical representation and stored as integers
        in uint64 format. The shape of the `pat` array is equal to the input
        array `x`, except for the axis on which the encoding is performed.
        For this axis, it holds that

          ``pat.shape[axis] == x.shape[axis] - (ord - 1) * lag``.

        The 'overlap_mp_c' algorithm represents ordinal patterns by vectors
        of uint64 values. Thus, an extra dimension is appended to `pat` in
        this case. The size of this dimension depends on the pattern order.

    The `ordpat` function provides various encoding algorithms, all yielding
    the same numerical result. The algorithms differ in run-time efficiency,
    as well as in the maximum pattern order supported.

    Possible values for `algorithm` are:

    lookup            10                 no
    overlap           20                 no
    plain             20                 no    Very slow.
    vectorised        20                 no    Best native choice.
    lookup_c          10                yes    Fast for small orders.
    overlap_c         20                yes    Good general-purpose algorithm.
    overlap_mp_c     255                yes    Supports orders > 20.
    plain_c           20                yes

    The 'overlap_mp_c' algorithm supports very high pattern orders.
    When using this algorithm, the last dimension of the returned array
    indexes the 64-bit wide elements of each single ordinal pattern.
    For example,

    >>>  ordpat(np.zeros((8, 1000)), 21, 1, 'overlap_mp_c')

    returns a uint64-valued array of shape (8, 980, 2), because a sequence
    of length 1000 has 980 ordinal patterns of order 21, whereas storing
    each such pattern requires two 64-bit values.

    x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag, axis)
    alg = _check_algorithm(ord, algorithm)

    enc_fnc = _algorithms[alg]['fcn']

    if alg in ("lookup", "lookup_c"):

    if alg == "vectorised":
        return enc_fnc(x, ord, lag, axis, True)
        return _np.apply_along_axis(enc_fnc, axis, x, ord, lag, True)
Пример #9
def encode_vectorised(x, ord, lag, axis=-1, trustme=False):
    Extract and encode ordinal patterns using the 'vectorised' algorithm.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer between 2 and 20.

    lag : int
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    axis : int, optional
        The axis of the input data along which the extraction shall be
        performed. By default, the last axis is used.

    trustme : bool, optional
        If set to True, the function arguments are not validated before
        processing. This will speed up the calculation.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        Each value represents an ordinal pattern.  The shape of the `pat`
        array is equal to the input array `x`, except for the axis on
        which the encoding is performed. For this axis, it holds that

          ``pat.shape[axis] == x.shape[axis] - (ord - 1) * lag``.

    if not trustme:
        x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag, axis)
        if ord > 20:
            raise ValueError("vectorised algorithm does not support ord > 20")

    _scope['x'] = _np.moveaxis(x, axis, 0)

    if (_scope['order'] != ord) or (_scope['lag'] != lag):
        cmd = ""
        for idx in range(1, ord + 1):
            fwd = (idx - 1) * lag
            rev = (ord - idx) * lag
            cmd += "x{0} = x[{1}:{2}]\n".format(idx, fwd, -rev or None)

        cmd += "\ny = "

        word_size = _utils.pattern_word_size(ord)
        for i in range(1, ord):
            cmd += "{0} * (".format(_factorial(ord - i))
            cmd += "(x{0} > x{1})".format(i, i + 1)
            cmd += ".astype(_np.uint8)"

            for j in range(i + 2, ord + 1):
                cmd += " + (x{0} > x{1})".format(i, j)

            cmd += ").astype(_np.uint{0})".format(word_size)

            if i == ord - 1:
                cmd += "\n"
                cmd += " + \\\n" + " " * 4

        _scope['cmd'] = compile(cmd, "<string>", "exec")
        _scope['order'] = ord
        _scope['lag'] = lag

    exec(_scope['cmd'], None, _scope)

    pat = _scope['y']
    pat = _np.moveaxis(pat, 0, axis)

    return pat.astype(_np.uint64)
Пример #10
def encode_overlap(x, ord, lag, trustme=False):
    Extract and encode ordinal patterns using the 'overlap' algorithm.

    x : array_like
        Time series data to be encoded. Can be multi-dimensional, and must be
        convertible to an ndarray of data type 'double'. The input array is
        flattened prior to encoding.

    ord : int
        Order of the encoding, an integer between 2 and 20.

    lag : int
        Time lag used for creating embedding vectors. Must be a positive

    trustme : bool, optional
        If set to True, the function arguments are not validated before
        processing. This will speed up the calculation.

    pat : ndarray of uint64
        One-dimensional array, with each value representing an ordinal
        pattern. It holds that ``pat.size == x.size - (ord - 1) * lag``.

    if not trustme:
        x = _utils.prepare_input_data(x, ord, lag)
        if ord > 20:
            raise ValueError("overlap algorithm does not support ord > 20")

    n_rel = ord - 1  # number of order relations
    n_pat = x.size - n_rel * lag  # sequence length

    pat = _np.zeros(n_pat, dtype=_np.uint64)

    ranks = _np.zeros([lag, n_rel], dtype=_np.uint8)

    radix = [_factorial(r) for r in range(n_rel, 0, -1)]
    radix = _np.array(radix, dtype=_np.uint64)

    for k in range(0, lag):
        for i in range(0, n_rel - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, n_rel):
                ranks[k, i + 1] += x[k + i * lag] > x[k + j * lag]

    i = 0

    for k in range(0, n_pat):
        ranks[i] = _np.roll(ranks[i], -1)
        ranks[i, -1] = 0

        updates = x[k:k + n_rel * lag:lag] > x[k + n_rel * lag]
        ranks[i] += updates

        pat[k] = _np.matmul(radix, ranks[i])
        i = (i + 1) % lag

    return pat