Пример #1
    def find_sector_errors(self):
        errors = defaultdict(list)

        n_p = n_q = n_edc = 0

        for i, sector in enumerate(self.sectors()):
            p, q, edc = self.check_errors(sector)
            if not p:
                n_p += 1

            if not q:
                n_q += 1

            if not edc:
                n_edc += 1

            # Because this is so slow, show a status line.
            if not i & 0x7f or i == self.sector_count()-1:
                print_status('Checking sector {} of {} ({:.2f}%)... found {} P errors, {} Q errors, {} EDC errors   '.format(
                    i+1, self.sector_count(), (i+1)/self.sector_count()*100, n_p, n_q, n_edc))

        print_status('\n')  # Print newlines.

        return errors
Пример #2
    def run(self):
        print_status("Generating payload")
            data = self.generate()
        except OptionValidationError as e:

        if self.output == "elf":
            with open(self.filepath, 'w+') as f:
                print_status("Building ELF payload")
                content = self.generate_elf(data)
                print_success("Saving file {}".format(self.filepath))
        elif self.output == "c":
            print_success("Bulding payload for C")
            content = self.generate_c(data)
        elif self.output == "python":
            print_success("Building payload for python")
            content = self.generate_python(data)
            raise OptionValidationError(
                "No such option as {}".format(self.output)
Пример #3
    def run(self):
        print_status("Generating payload")
            data = self.generate()
        except OptionValidationError as e:

        if self.output == "elf":
            with open(self.filepath, 'w+') as f:
                print_status("Building ELF payload")
                content = self.generate_elf(data)
                print_success("Saving file {}".format(self.filepath))
        elif self.output == "c":
            print_success("Bulding payload for C")
            content = self.generate_c(data)
        elif self.output == "python":
            print_success("Building payload for python")
            content = self.generate_python(data)
            raise OptionValidationError("No such option as {}".format(
def find_similarities(models, user_movies, movie_tag_frequency):
    similarities = {}

    total_lhs = len(models)

    for i, lhs_movie in enumerate(models):
        model = models[lhs_movie][0]
        lhs_topic_vec = convert_to_vector(models[lhs_movie][1])
        for rhs_movie in movie_tag_frequency:
            if (rhs_movie not in user_movies
                    and len(movie_tag_frequency[rhs_movie]) > 0):
                movie_tags = movie_tag_frequency[rhs_movie]
                rhs_topics = model[generate_corpus(movie_tags)]
                rhs_topic_vec = convert_to_vector(rhs_topics)

                if lhs_movie not in similarities:
                    similarities[lhs_movie] = []

                dot_product = dot(lhs_topic_vec, rhs_topic_vec)
                similarities[lhs_movie].append((rhs_movie, dot_product))
        utils.print_status(i, total_lhs, 'similarities')

    utils.print_status(total_lhs, total_lhs, 'similarities')

    return similarities
Пример #5
def read_info_content(url):
    print_status('[*] read info from ' + url)
    content = requests.get(url, timeout=5).content
    if SITE == 'wooyun':
        soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
        info_list = soup.find("div", class_="content").find_all("h3")
    elif SITE == 'exp-db':
        info_list = content.split('\n')
    return info_list
Пример #6
    def run(self):
        print_status("Generating payload")

        if self.output == "elf":
            with open(self.filepath, 'w+') as f:
                print_status("Building ELF payload")
                content = self.generate_elf()

                print_success("Saving file {}".format(self.filepath))

        elif self.output == "python":
            print_success("Building payload for python")
            content = self.generate_python()
Пример #7
def clean_info(args):
    if args.appname:
        info_words['appname'] = args.appname
    if args.vulurl:
        info_words['vulreferer'] = args.vulurl
    if args.vultype:
        info_words['vultype'] = trans_vultype(args.vultype)
        if not info_words['vultype']:
            print_warning('[-] can\'t tans {type}'.format(type=args.vultype))
        info_words['vuleffect'] = trans_vuleffect(info_words['vultype'])
    if args.vulid:
        id = args.vulid
        if len(id) == 3:
            id = '0' + id
        info_words['vulid'] = id
    if args.vultool:
        info_words['tools'] = args.vultool
        info_words['tooldesc'] = trans_tools(args.vultool)
    if args.vuldesc:
        info_words['vuldesc'] = args.vuldesc.decode('utf-8')
    if args.target_url:
        info_words['info_target_url'] = args.target_url
    if args.data:
        info_words['info_post_data'] = args.data
    if args.match:
        info_words['info_match'] = args.match
    if args.match_other:
        info_words['info_other_match'] = args.match_other
    if args.test_url:
        info_words['info_test_url'] = args.test_url
    if args.vulpath:
        info_words['vulpath'] = args.vulpath
    if args.appversion:
        info_words['appversion'] = args.appversion

    info_file = os.path.join(module_path(), 'poc_info.txt')
    f = open(info_file, 'w')
    info = generate_info(info_temp, info_words)
    print_status('[*] poc_info {file}\n'.format(file=info_file))
    print info
    print_status('[+] poc_clean_info have finished')
Пример #8
    def initialize_before_run(self):
        """Set up drone before we bring it to life"""
        if not self.tello.connect():
            print_error("Failed to set drone to SDK mode")
        print_status("Connected to Drone")

        if not self.tello.set_speed(self.speed):
            print_error("Failed to set initial drone speed")
        print_status(f"Drone speed set to {self.speed} cm/s ({self.speed}%)")
        # Make sure stream is off first
        self.tello.streamon()  # Not sure why DJITelloPy doesn't return here     
        self.battery_level = self.tello.get_battery()
        print_status(f"Drone battery is at {self.battery_level}%")

        # Reset velocities
        print_status(f"All drone velocities initialized to 0")
Пример #9
def init_tsdb():
    """init_tsdb Initialize TimeScaleDB

    Initialize TimeScaleDB; The database specified in the configuration file
    should be created before run this function.
    connection = utils.init_tsdb_connection()

    utils.print_status('Getting', 'nodes', 'metadata')
    nodes_metadata = utils.get_clusternodes()
    slurm_table_schemas = schema.build_slurm_table_schemas()

    with psycopg2.connect(connection) as conn:
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # Create node metadata table
        utils.print_status('Creating', 'TimeScaleDB', 'tables')
        metadata_sql = sql.generate_metadata_table_sql(nodes_metadata, 'nodes')
        sql.write_nodes_metadata(conn, nodes_metadata)

        # Create schema for slurm
        slurm_sqls = sql.generate_metric_table_sqls(slurm_table_schemas,

        # Create slurm tables
        all_sqls = slurm_sqls['tables_sql']
        for s in all_sqls:
            table_name = s.split(' ')[5]

            # Create hypertable
            create_hypertable_sql = "SELECT create_hypertable(" + "'" \
                + table_name + "', 'timestamp', if_not_exists => TRUE)"

        # Create table for jobs info
        slurm_job_sql = sql.generate_slurm_job_table_sql('slurm')
        for s in slurm_job_sql['tables_sql']:
            table_name = s.split(' ')[5]

    utils.print_status('Finish', 'tables', 'initialization!')
Пример #10
            and RunTest(path, messages, '0.8', '0.0', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, test_name)):
        l_test = True

    if (l_test and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.1', arrival_t, window,
                           test_suite, test_name)
            and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.2', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, test_name)
            and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.4', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, test_name)
            and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.6', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, test_name)
            and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.8', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, test_name)):
        c_test = True

    messages = '20'
    if protocol == 'abt': arrival_t, window = '1000', '0'
    else: arrival_t, window = '50', '50'

    status = False
    if (l_test and c_test and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.0', arrival_t,
                                      window, test_suite, 'Test1')
            and RunTest(path, messages, '1.0', '0.0', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, 'Test2')
            and RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '1.0', arrival_t, window,
                        test_suite, 'Test3')):
        status = True

    utils.print_status('SANITY TESTS', status)
Пример #11
    def get_info(self):
        """Get volume information from the primary volume descriptor of the ISO 9660 image."""

        # Find primary volume descriptor (vd_type == 1).
        pvd_sector = None
        for sector in range(0x10, 0x80):
            if self.read(1, 5, sector) != b'CD001':
                # Not a volume descriptor, give up.

            vd_type = self.unpack('uint8', 0, 1, sector=sector)

            if vd_type == 1:
                # Primary volume descriptor.
                pvd_sector = sector

            if vd_type == 255:
                # Terminator.

        if pvd_sector is None:
            raise Exception('Could not find primary volume descriptor')

        self.pvd_sector = pvd_sector

        # Get volume information from the primary volume descriptor.
        # (http://wiki.osdev.org/ISO_9660#The_Primary_Volume_Descriptor)

        volume_info = OrderedDict()
        volume_info['System'] = self.unpack('iso_string', 8, 32, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Name'] = self.unpack('iso_string', 40, 32, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Set'] = self.unpack('iso_string', 190, 128, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Publisher'] = self.unpack('iso_string', 318, 128, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Data preparer'] = self.unpack('iso_string', 446, 128, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Application'] = self.unpack('iso_string', 574, 128, pvd_sector)

        volume_info['Creation date'] = self.unpack('iso_date_string', 813, 17, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Modification date'] = self.unpack('iso_date_string', 830, 17, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Start date'] = self.unpack('iso_date_string', 864, 17, pvd_sector)
        volume_info['Expiration date'] = self.unpack('iso_date_string', 847, 17, pvd_sector)

        self.info['Volume'] = volume_info

        # TODO: this is pretty horrible, refactor
        extract_dir = None
        directory_times = []
        if config.extract is not None:
            extract_dir = os.path.join(config.extract, volume_info['Name'], self.track_name)
            os.makedirs(extract_dir, exist_ok=True)

        file_info = OrderedDict()

        for file in self.files():
            if file['name'] == '':

            contents = self.read(0, file['size'], file['sector'])
            file['crc32'] = '{:08x}'.format(crc32(contents))

            if config.extract is not None:
                path = os.path.join(extract_dir, file['path'].lstrip('/'))
                if file['is_directory']:
                    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

                    if isinstance(file['date'], datetime):
                        # Save the directory modification time for later. If wew were to set it now,
                        # it would be overridden by extracting files that are within it.
                        timestamp = file['date'].timestamp()
                        directory_times.append((path, timestamp))

                if not file['is_directory']:
                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)

                    if self.track_name:
                        display_name = ' '+self.track_name
                        display_name = ''

                    print_status('Extracting{}: {:<80}   '.format(display_name, file['path']))

                    with open(path, "wb") as f:

                        if isinstance(file['date'], datetime):
                            timestamp = file['date'].timestamp()
                            os.utime(path, (timestamp, timestamp))

            file_info[file['path']] = file

        if config.extract is not None:
            for path, timestamp in directory_times:
                os.utime(path, (timestamp, timestamp))

        self.info['Files'] = {'type': 'file_list', 'value': file_info}

        if not config.skip_sector_errors:
            sector_errors = self.find_sector_errors()
            if sector_errors:
                self.info['Errors'] = sector_errors
def build_tag_movie_rating_tensor(tag_list, mlratings_table):
    Build a tag-movie-rating tensor using mltags and mlratings
    :param tag_list:
    :param mlratings_table:
    :return: tensor, 3D tensor describes the tag-movie-rating relationships
             tags, sorted_tags_list, you can get (index in tensor)->(tag id)
             tags_index, tags_index_dict, you can get (tag id)->(index in tensor)
             movies, sorted_movies_list, you can get (index in tensor)->(movie id)
             movies_index, movies_index_dict, you can get (movie id)->(index in tensor)
    movies_ratings = {}
    movies = set()
    tags = set(tag_list)

    movies_index = {}
    tags_index = {}

    print("Scanning ratings...")
    total_len = len(mlratings_table)

    for i, record in enumerate(mlratings_table):

        if not record['movieid'] in movies_ratings:
            movies_ratings[record['movieid']] = []


        if i % 1000 == 0:
            utils.print_status(i, total_len, 'mlratings_table')
    utils.print_status(total_len, total_len, 'mlratings_table')

    print("\nCalculating averages...")
    total_len = len(movies_ratings)

    for i, movie in enumerate(movies_ratings):
        movies_ratings[movie] = mean(movies_ratings[movie])

        if i % 20 == 0:
            utils.print_status(i, total_len, 'movies_ratings')
    utils.print_status(total_len, total_len, 'movies_ratings')

    tensor = zeros((len(tags), len(movies_ratings), 6))

    tags = sorted(tags)
    movies = sorted(movies)

    print("\nGenerating tag indices...")
    total_len = len(tags)

    for i, v in enumerate(tags):
        tags_index[v] = i
        if i % 20 == 0:
            utils.print_status(i, total_len, 'tags')
    utils.print_status(total_len, total_len, 'tags')

    print("\nGenerating movie indices...")
    total_len = len(movies)

    for i, v in enumerate(movies):
        movies_index[v] = i
        if i % 20 == 0:
            utils.print_status(i, total_len, 'movies')
    utils.print_status(total_len, total_len, 'movies')

    print("\nGenerating tensor...")
    total_len = len(tags)

    for n, i in enumerate(tags):
        for j in movies:
            for k in range(6):
                if movies_ratings[j] <= k: # should it be smaller or greater? Check the MINC FAQ
                    tensor[tags_index[i]][movies_index[j]][k] = 1
        if n % 20 == 0:
            utils.print_status(n, total_len, 'tensor')
    utils.print_status(total_len, total_len, 'tensor')

    return tensor, (tags, tags_index, movies, movies_index, list(range(6)), list(range(6)))
Пример #13
    c_test = False

    test_suite = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
    test_name = 'GetAvgPackets'

    from test_runner import RunTest

    Packets = []
    if (RunTest(path, messages, '0.1', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.2', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.4', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.6', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.8', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets)):
        # Check monotonicity
        if len(Packets) == 5 and check_monotonicity(): l_test = True

    Packets = []
    if (l_test and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.1', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.2', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.4', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.6', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.8', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets)):
        # Check monotonicity
        if len(Packets) == 5 and check_monotonicity(): c_test = True

    status = False
    if l_test and c_test: status=True

    utils.print_status('ADVANCED TESTS', status)
Пример #14
 def run(self):
     print_status("Generating payload")
Пример #15
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
from collections import defaultdict

from pysblgnt import morphgnt_rows
from utils import print_status

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                       help="lower occurrence limit to exclude")
args = argparser.parse_args()

lexeme_counts = defaultdict(int)

for book_num in range(1, 28):
    for row in morphgnt_rows(book_num):
        lexeme_counts[row["lemma"]] += 1

num_lexemes = 0
for lexeme, count in lexeme_counts.items():
    if count >= args.occurrences:
        num_lexemes += 1

print_status("output {}/{} lexemes appearing {} times or more".format(
    num_lexemes, len(lexeme_counts), args.occurrences))
Пример #16
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
from collections import defaultdict

from pysblgnt import morphgnt_rows
from utils import print_status

argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    "occurrences", type=int,
    help="lower occurrence limit to exclude")
args = argparser.parse_args()

lexeme_counts = defaultdict(int)

for book_num in range(1, 28):
    for row in morphgnt_rows(book_num):
        lexeme_counts[row["lemma"]] += 1

num_lexemes = 0
for lexeme, count in lexeme_counts.items():
    if count >= args.occurrences:
        num_lexemes += 1

print_status("output {}/{} lexemes appearing {} times or more".format(
    num_lexemes, len(lexeme_counts), args.occurrences)
Пример #17
 def run(self):
     print_status("Generating payload")
Пример #18
    if protocol == 'abt': arrival_t, window = '1000', '0'
    else: arrival_t, window = '50', '50'

    l_test = False
    c_test = False

    test_suite = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
    test_name = 'GetAvgPackets'

    from test_runner import RunTest

    Packets = []
    if (RunTest(path, messages, '0.1', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.4', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.8', '0.0', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets)):
        # Check monotonicity
        if len(Packets) == 3 and check_monotonicity(): l_test = True

    Packets = []
    if (l_test and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.1', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.4', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets) and
        RunTest(path, messages, '0.0', '0.8', arrival_t, window, test_suite, test_name, Packets)):
        # Check monotonicity
        if len(Packets) == 3 and check_monotonicity(): c_test = True

    status = False
    if l_test and c_test: status=True

    utils.print_status('BASIC TESTS', status)