Пример #1
 def heading_error(self, location, goal):
     return difference in heading between location and goal
     loc_head = quaternion_to_heading(location.pose.pose.orientation)
     goal_head = quaternion_to_heading(goal.pose.pose.orientation)
     return minimize_angle(loc_head - goal_head)
Пример #2
    def cross_readings(self, old_reading, new_reading):
        Find the intersection of the two vectors defined by the position and
        direction of the two readings.
        Returns a tuple of the x, y pair where the two vectors intersect

        This will return not None even if the vectors/half-lines don't intersect

        See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-line_intersection

            (Odometry, Blob,) old_reading
            (Odometry, Blob,) new_reading
            (float, float)

        x1 = old_reading[0].pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = old_reading[0].pose.pose.position.y
        h1 = quaternion_to_heading(old_reading[0].pose.pose.orientation)
        h1 = h1 + old_reading[1].bearing
        x2 = x1 + cos(h1)
        y2 = y1 + sin(h1)

        x3 = new_reading[0].pose.pose.position.x
        y3 = new_reading[0].pose.pose.position.y
        h3 = quaternion_to_heading(new_reading[0].pose.pose.orientation)
        h3 = h3 + new_reading[1].bearing
        x4 = x3 + cos(h3)
        y4 = y3 + sin(h3)

        ### temps

        t0 = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2
        t1 = x3 - x4
        t2 = x1 - x2
        t3 = x3 * y4 - x4 * y3
        t4 = t2
        t5 = y3 - y4
        t6 = y1 - y2
        t7 = t1

        t8 = t0
        t9 = t5
        t10 = t6
        t11 = t3
        t12 = t4
        t13 = t5
        t14 = t6
        t15 = t7

        ### end temps

        if (t4 * t5 - t6 * t7) == 0 or (t12 * t13 - t14 * t15) == 0:
            return None

        return (
            (t0 * t1 - t2 * t3) / (t4 * t5 - t6 * t7),
            (t8 * t9 - t10 * t11) / (t12 * t13 - t14 * t15),
Пример #3
    def cross_readings(self, old_reading, new_reading):
        Find the intersection of the two vectors defined by the position and
        direction of the two readings.
        Returns a tuple of the x, y pair where the two vectors intersect

        This will return not None even if the vectors/half-lines don't intersect

        See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-line_intersection

            (Odometry, Blob,) old_reading
            (Odometry, Blob,) new_reading
            (float, float)

        x1 = old_reading[0].pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = old_reading[0].pose.pose.position.y
        h1 = quaternion_to_heading(old_reading[0].pose.pose.orientation)
        h1 = h1+old_reading[1].bearing
        x2 = x1+cos(h1)
        y2 = y1+sin(h1)

        x3 = new_reading[0].pose.pose.position.x
        y3 = new_reading[0].pose.pose.position.y
        h3 = quaternion_to_heading(new_reading[0].pose.pose.orientation)
        h3 = h3+new_reading[1].bearing
        x4 = x3+cos(h3)
        y4 = y3+sin(h3)

        ### temps

        t0 = x1*y2-y1*x2
        t1 = x3-x4
        t2 = x1-x2
        t3 = x3*y4-x4*y3
        t4 = t2
        t5 = y3-y4
        t6 = y1-y2
        t7 = t1

        t8 = t0
        t9 = t5
        t10 = t6
        t11 = t3
        t12 = t4
        t13 = t5
        t14 = t6
        t15 = t7

        ### end temps

        if (t4*t5-t6*t7) == 0 or (t12*t13-t14*t15) == 0:
            return None

        return ((t0*t1-t2*t3)/(t4*t5-t6*t7), (t8*t9-t10*t11)/(t12*t13-t14*t15),)
    def odom_transform_2d(self, data, new_frame, trans, rot):
        # NOTES: only in 2d rotation
        # also, it removes covariance, etc information
        odom_new = Odometry()
        odom_new.header = data.header
        odom_new.header.frame_id = new_frame

        odom_new.pose.pose.position.x = data.pose.pose.position.x + trans[0]
        odom_new.pose.pose.position.y = data.pose.pose.position.y + trans[1]
        odom_new.pose.pose.position.z = data.pose.pose.position.z + trans[2]
        # rospy.loginfo('td: %s tr: %s' % (str(type(data)), str(type(rot))))
        q = data.pose.pose.orientation
        q_tuple = (q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w,)
        # Quaternion(*(tft quaternion)) converts a tf-style quaternion to a ROS msg quaternion
        odom_new.pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*tft.quaternion_multiply(q_tuple, rot))

        heading_change = quaternion_to_heading(rot)

        odom_new.twist.twist.linear.x = data.twist.twist.linear.x*math.cos(heading_change) - data.twist.twist.linear.y*math.sin(heading_change)
        odom_new.twist.twist.linear.y = data.twist.twist.linear.y*math.cos(heading_change) + data.twist.twist.linear.x*math.sin(heading_change)
        odom_new.twist.twist.linear.z = 0

        odom_new.twist.twist.angular.x = 0
        odom_new.twist.twist.angular.y = 0
        odom_new.twist.twist.angular.z = data.twist.twist.angular.z

        return odom_new
Пример #5
    def summary(self):
        average x, y, heading
        x_sum = 0.0
        y_sum = 0.0
        heading_dx = 0.0
        heading_dy = 0.0
        count = float(len(self.particles))

        for particle in self.particles:
            if rospy.is_shutdown():
            x_sum += float(particle.state.pose.pose.position.x)
            y_sum += float(particle.state.pose.pose.position.y)
            heading_t = float(
            heading_dx += cos(heading_t)
            heading_dy += sin(heading_t)

        x = x_sum / count
        y = y_sum / count
        heading = math.atan2(heading_dy, heading_dx)
        return (
Пример #6
    def reading_distance_function(self, state1, blob1, state2, blob2):
        Find a distance between two state-blob rays with colors. If they rays do
        not intersect, the distance is infinite. Otherwise, it is the distance
        between two colors.
        x1 = state1.pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = state1.pose.pose.position.y
        b1 = blob1.bearing + quaternion_to_heading(state1.pose.pose.orientation)
        x2 = state2.pose.pose.position.x
        y2 = state2.pose.pose.position.y
        b2 = blob2.bearing + quaternion_to_heading(state2.pose.pose.orientation)

        if not self.ray_intersect(x1, y1, b1, x2, y2, b2):
            return float('inf')

        return self.color_distance(blob1, blob2)
Пример #7
 def transform_obstacles(self, pose):
     # take a list of r-theta obstacles and convert them to x-y, so they can
     #   be used for any position instead of just the last odom
     heading = quaternion_to_heading(pose.orientation)
     for i in xrange(0, len(self.obstacles)):
         old_obstacle = self.obstacles[i]
         x = pose.position.x + old_obstacle[0]*cos(old_obstacle[1]+heading)
         y = pose.position.y + old_obstacle[0]*sin(old_obstacle[1]+heading)
         self.obstacles[i] = (x,y,)
 def __init__(self, odom):
     self.x = odom.pose.pose.position.x
     self.y = odom.pose.pose.position.y
     self.theta = quaternion_to_heading(odom.pose.pose.orientation)
     self.v = odom.twist.twist.linear.x
     self.w = odom.twist.twist.angular.z
     self.a = 0
     self.alpha = 0
     self.frame_id = odom.header.frame_id
Пример #9
    def reading_distance_function(self, state1, blob1, state2, blob2):
        Find a distance between two state-blob rays with colors. If they rays do
        not intersect, the distance is infinite. Otherwise, it is the distance
        between two colors.
        x1 = state1.pose.pose.position.x
        y1 = state1.pose.pose.position.y
        b1 = blob1.bearing + quaternion_to_heading(
        x2 = state2.pose.pose.position.x
        y2 = state2.pose.pose.position.y
        b2 = blob2.bearing + quaternion_to_heading(

        if not self.ray_intersect(x1, y1, b1, x2, y2, b2):
            return float('inf')

        return self.color_distance(blob1, blob2)
    def depart_vector(self, start, unused_end, current):
        # axis direction
        axis_direction = quaternion_to_heading(start.pose.pose.orientation)

        # correction to move away from axis
        errors = calc_errors(current, start)
        off_axis = errors[1]
        heading_correction = math.atan(1.5*off_axis)

        final_direction = axis_direction+heading_correction

        return (math.cos(final_direction), math.sin(final_direction), 0,)
Пример #11
    def off_axis_error(self, location, goal):
        calc error normal to axis defined by the goal position and direction

        input: two nav_msgs.msg.Odometry, current best location estimate and
        output: double distance along the axis

        axis is defined by a vector from the unit circle aligned with the goal
        relative position is the vector from the goal x, y to the location x, y

        distance is defined by subtracting the parallel vector from the total
         relative position vector

        example use:
        see calc_errors above
        relative_position_x = (location.pose.pose.position.x -
        relative_position_y = (location.pose.pose.position.y -
        # relative position of the best estimate position and the goal
        # vector points from the goal to the location
        ## relative_position = (relative_position_x, relative_position_y, 0.0)

        goal_heading = quaternion_to_heading(goal.pose.pose.orientation)
        goal_vector_x = math.cos(goal_heading)
        goal_vector_y = math.sin(goal_heading)

        # vector in the direction of the goal heading, axis of desired motion
        goal_vector = (goal_vector_x, goal_vector_y, 0.0)

        along_axis_error = self.along_axis_error(location, goal)

        along_axis_vec = scale(unit(goal_vector), along_axis_error)

        new_rel_x = relative_position_x - along_axis_vec[0]
        new_rel_y = relative_position_y - along_axis_vec[1]
        new_rel_vec = (new_rel_x, new_rel_y, 0.0)

        error_magnitude = math.sqrt(new_rel_x*new_rel_x + 

        if error_magnitude < .0001:
            return 0.0

        if cross_product(goal_vector, new_rel_vec)[2] >= 0.0:
            return error_magnitude
            return -error_magnitude
Пример #12
    def new_scan(self, from_pose, scan):
        if self.RRT_VIS is None:
            self.RRT_VIS = rospy.Publisher('/rrt/visual', Odometry, queue_size=1)
        # add in all the new obstacles
        # rospy.loginfo('new scan')
        angle = scan.angle_min+quaternion_to_heading(from_pose.orientation)

        # rospy.loginfo('begin rotating through scan.ranges %d' % len(scan.ranges))
        # rospy.loginfo('pose x: %f y: %f' % (from_pose.position.x, from_pose.position.y,))
        count = 0
        for reading in scan.ranges:
            count += 1
            if count % 10 == 0 or count > 90:
                # rospy.loginfo('scan range %d %f' % (count, reading,))
            # add a new obstacle

            if reading > scan.range_max - .01:
                # rospy.loginfo('scan max!')
            if reading < scan.range_min + .01:
                # rospy.loginfo('scan min!')
            x = from_pose.position.x + reading*cos(angle)
            y = from_pose.position.x + reading*sin(angle)
            radius = reading*scan.angle_increment

            new_pose = Pose()
            new_pose.position.x = x
            new_pose.position.y = y

            # rospy.loginfo('new obstacle: x: %f y: %f' % (x, y,))

            self.obstacles.add_obstacle(deepcopy(new_pose), radius)

            # rospy.loginfo('end adding obstacle')

            # check if I need to prune
                self.prune_local(new_pose, radius)
            except KeyError as ke:

            # rospy.loginfo('start prune local')

            angle += scan.angle_increment

        # check all of the points, especially nodes that might have edges
        #   passing by new obstacles
        # rospy.loginfo('prune recursive')
    def arrive_vector(self, unused_start, end, current):
        # axis direction
        axis_direction = minimize_angle(quaternion_to_heading(end.pose.pose.orientation))

        # correction to move away from axis
        errors = calc_errors(current, end)
        off_axis = errors[1]
        heading_correction = minimize_angle(math.atan(-1.5*off_axis))

        final_direction = minimize_angle(axis_direction+heading_correction)

        # rospy.loginfo('avr: axis '+str(axis_direction)[0:4]+' corr '+str(heading_correction)[0:4]+' off '+str(off_axis)[0:5]+' fina '+str(final_direction)[0:5])

        return (math.cos(final_direction), math.sin(final_direction), 0,)
Пример #14
def motion_model(particle, twist, dt):
    # pS      h1        |
    # 0-----------------0
    # |                 h2
    v = twist.linear.x
    w = twist.angular.z

    # new_particle = FilterParticle()

    new_particle = copy_module.deepcopy(particle)

    dheading = twist.angular.z * dt

    drive_noise = normal(0, abs(.005 * v) + abs(.001 * w) + .0001, 1)
    print('original    ' + str(twist.linear.x * dt))
    print('drive noise ' + str(drive_noise))
    ds = twist.linear.x * dt + drive_noise

    print('and now, ds ' + str(ds))

    prev_heading = quaternion_to_heading(particle.state.pose.pose.orientation)

    print('prev_heading ' + str(prev_heading))

    heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.005 * w) + abs(.001 * v) + .0001, 1)
    heading_1 = prev_heading + dheading / 2 + heading_noise
    print('heading_1 ' + str(heading_1))
    print('heading noise ' + str(heading_noise))

    heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.005 * w) + abs(.001 * v) + .0001, 1)
    heading_2 = heading_1 + dheading / 2 + heading_noise

    print('heading_2 ' + str(heading_1))
    print('heading noise ' + str(heading_noise))

    dx = ds * cos(heading_1)
    dy = ds * sin(heading_1)

    new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.x += dx
    new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.y += dy
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    new_particle.state.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(heading_2)

    return new_particle
def motion_model(particle, twist, dt):
    # pS      h1        |
    # 0-----------------0
    # |                 h2
    v = twist.linear.x
    w = twist.angular.z

    # new_particle = FilterParticle()
    new_particle = copy_module.deepcopy(particle)

    dheading = twist.angular.z * dt

    drive_noise = normal(0, abs(.005*v)+abs(.001*w)+.0001, 1)
    print('original    '+str(twist.linear.x * dt))
    print('drive noise '+str(drive_noise))
    ds = twist.linear.x * dt + drive_noise

    print('and now, ds '+str(ds))

    prev_heading = quaternion_to_heading(particle.state.pose.pose.orientation)

    print('prev_heading '+str(prev_heading))

    heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.005*w)+abs(.001*v)+.0001, 1)
    heading_1 = prev_heading+dheading/2+heading_noise
    print('heading_1 '+str(heading_1))
    print('heading noise '+str(heading_noise))

    heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.005*w)+abs(.001*v)+.0001, 1)
    heading_2 = heading_1+dheading/2+heading_noise

    print('heading_2 '+str(heading_1))
    print('heading noise '+str(heading_noise))

    dx = ds*cos(heading_1)
    dy = ds*sin(heading_1)

    new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.x += dx
    new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.y += dy
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    new_particle.state.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(heading_2)

    return new_particle
Пример #16
    def process_position(self, odom):
        odom.header.frame_id = 'map'

        # print('add noise')

        # noise = np.random.normal(0,1)

        ## noise params ##
        # pose.pose.position.[x,y] 2
        # pose.pose.orientation.[x,y,z,w] (heading) 3
        # twist.twist.linear.[x] 4
        # twist.twist.angular.[z] 5

        x = odom.pose.pose.position.x
        y = odom.pose.pose.position.y
        v = abs(odom.twist.twist.linear.x)
        w = abs(odom.twist.twist.angular.z)

        odom.pose.pose.position.x += noise(0,self.position_variation) # 1
        odom.pose.pose.position.y += noise(0,self.position_variation) # 2

        if odom.pose.pose.position.z: # if it is not 0
            odom.pose.pose.position.z +=  noise(0,self.position_variation)

        heading = quaternion_to_heading(odom.pose.pose.orientation)
        heading += noise(0,self.heading_variation+.05*w+.01*v)
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(heading) # 3

        odom.twist.twist.linear.x += noise(0,self.linear_vel+.05*v+.01*w) # 4

        if odom.twist.twist.linear.y: # if it is not 0
            odom.twist.twist.linear.y +=  noise(0,self.linear_vel)
        if odom.twist.twist.linear.z: # if it is not 0
            odom.twist.twist.linear.z +=  noise(0,self.linear_vel)

        odom.twist.twist.angular.z += noise(0,self.angular_vel+.05*w+.01*v) # 5

        if odom.twist.twist.angular.x: # if it is not 0
            odom.twist.twist.angular.x +=  noise(0,self.angular_vel)
        if odom.twist.twist.angular.y: # if it is not 0
            odom.twist.twist.angular.y +=  noise(0,self.angular_vel)

Пример #17
    def motion_model(self, particle, twist, dt):
        # pS      h1        |
        # 0-----------------0
        # |                 h2
        # dt = dt.secs + dt.nsecs*math.pow(10,-9)
        # rospy.loginfo('dt secs: '+str(dt.to_sec()))
        dt = dt.to_sec()

        v = twist.linear.x
        w = twist.angular.z

        new_particle = FilterParticle()

        new_particle = copy_module.deepcopy(particle)

        dheading = twist.angular.z * dt

        drive_noise = normal(0, abs(.05 * v) + abs(.005 * w) + .0005, 1)
        ds = twist.linear.x * dt + drive_noise

        prev_heading = quaternion_to_heading(

        heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.025 * w) + abs(.005 * v) + .0005, 1)
        heading_1 = prev_heading + dheading / 2 + heading_noise

        heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.025 * w) + abs(.005 * v) + .0005, 1)
        heading_2 = heading_1 + dheading / 2 + heading_noise

        # rospy.loginfo('asdf;kjasdf; '+str(heading_1 ))

        dx = ds * cos(heading_1)
        dy = ds * sin(heading_1)

        # rospy.loginfo('ds delta: '+str(ds - v*dt))

        new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.x += dx
        new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.y += dy
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        new_particle.state.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(

        return new_particle
Пример #18
    def motion_model(self, particle, twist, dt):
        # pS      h1        |
        # 0-----------------0
        # |                 h2
        # dt = dt.secs + dt.nsecs*math.pow(10,-9)
        # rospy.loginfo('dt secs: '+str(dt.to_sec()))
        dt = dt.to_sec()

        v = twist.linear.x
        w = twist.angular.z

        new_particle = FilterParticle()
        new_particle = copy_module.deepcopy(particle)

        dheading = twist.angular.z * dt

        drive_noise = normal(0, abs(.05*v)+abs(.005*w)+.0005, 1)
        ds = twist.linear.x * dt + drive_noise

        prev_heading = quaternion_to_heading(particle.state.pose.pose.orientation)

        heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.025*w)+abs(.005*v)+.0005, 1)
        heading_1 = prev_heading+dheading/2+heading_noise

        heading_noise = normal(0, abs(.025*w)+abs(.005*v)+.0005, 1)
        heading_2 = heading_1+dheading/2+heading_noise

        # rospy.loginfo('asdf;kjasdf; '+str(heading_1 ))

        dx = ds*cos(heading_1)
        dy = ds*sin(heading_1)

        # rospy.loginfo('ds delta: '+str(ds - v*dt))

        new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.x += dx
        new_particle.state.pose.pose.position.y += dy
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        new_particle.state.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(heading_2)

        return new_particle
Пример #19
    def motion_model_noisy(self, previous_state, twist, dt):
        A method that returns a noisy (default) version of the motion model for
        evolving a previous state based on a twist and a time step

        previous_state - ROS Odometry-like
        twist - ROS Twist message
        dt - a time delta

        next_state - ROS Odometry-like
        # pS      h1        |
        # 0-----------------0
        # |                 h2
        dheading = twist.twist.angular.z * dt

        drive_noise = normal(0, .05, 1)
        ds = twist.twist.linear.x * dt + drive_noise

        # prev_x = previous_state.pose.pose.position.x
        # prev_y = previous_state.pose.pose.position.y
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        prev_heading = quaternion_to_heading(

        heading_noise = normal(0, .05, 1)
        heading_1 = prev_heading + dheading / 2 + heading_noise

        heading_noise = normal(0, .05, 1)
        heading_2 = heading_1 + dheading / 2 + heading_noise

        dx = ds * math.cos(heading_1)
        dy = ds * math.cos(heading_1)

        previous_state.pose.pose.position.x += dx
        previous_state.pose.pose.position.y += dy
        previous_state.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(heading_2)

        return previous_state
Пример #20
    def motion_model_noisy(self, previous_state, twist, dt):
        A method that returns a noisy (default) version of the motion model for
        evolving a previous state based on a twist and a time step

        previous_state - ROS Odometry-like
        twist - ROS Twist message
        dt - a time delta

        next_state - ROS Odometry-like
        # pS      h1        |
        # 0-----------------0
        # |                 h2
        dheading = twist.twist.angular.z * dt

        drive_noise = normal(0, .05, 1)
        ds = twist.twist.linear.x * dt + drive_noise

        # prev_x = previous_state.pose.pose.position.x
        # prev_y = previous_state.pose.pose.position.y
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        prev_heading = quaternion_to_heading(previous_state.pose.pose.orientation)

        heading_noise = normal(0, .05, 1)
        heading_1 = prev_heading+dheading/2+heading_noise

        heading_noise = normal(0, .05, 1)
        heading_2 = heading_1+dheading/2+heading_noise

        dx = ds*math.cos(heading_1)
        dy = ds*math.cos(heading_1)

        previous_state.pose.pose.position.x += dx
        previous_state.pose.pose.position.y += dy
        previous_state.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(heading_2)

        return previous_state
Пример #21
    def along_axis_error(self, location, goal):
        calc error along the axis defined by the goal position and direction

        input: two nav_msgs.msg.Odometry, current best location estimate + goal
        output: double distance along the axis

        axis is defined by a vector from the unit circle aligned with the goal
        relative position is the vector from the goal x, y to the location x, y

        distance is defined by the dot product

        example use:
        see calc_errors above
        relative_position_x = (goal.pose.pose.position.x -
        relative_position_y = (goal.pose.pose.position.y -

        # relative position of the best estimate position and the goal
        # vector points from the goal to the location
        relative_position = (relative_position_x, relative_position_y, 0.0)

        goal_heading = quaternion_to_heading(goal.pose.pose.orientation)
        goal_vector_x = math.cos(goal_heading)
        goal_vector_y = math.sin(goal_heading)

        # vector in the direction of the goal heading, axis of desired motion
        goal_vector = (goal_vector_x, goal_vector_y, 0.0)

        val = dot_product(relative_position, goal_vector)

        if abs(val) < .0001:
            return 0.0

        return -val
Пример #22
    def summary(self):
        average x, y, heading
        x_sum = 0.0
        y_sum = 0.0
        heading_dx = 0.0
        heading_dy = 0.0
        count = float(len(self.particles))

        for particle in self.particles:
            if rospy.is_shutdown():
            x_sum += float(particle.state.pose.pose.position.x)
            y_sum += float(particle.state.pose.pose.position.y)
            heading_t = float(quaternion_to_heading(particle.state.pose.pose.orientation))
            heading_dx += cos(heading_t)
            heading_dy += sin(heading_t)

        x = x_sum / count
        y = y_sum / count
        heading = math.atan2(heading_dy, heading_dx)
        return (x, y, heading,)
Пример #23
    def probability_of_match(self, state, blob, feature):
        Calculate the probability that a state and a blob observation match a
        given feature

            Odometry state
            Blob blob
            Feature feature
            float (probability)

        f_mean = feature.mean  # [x, y, r, b, g]
        f_covar = feature.covar

        f_x = f_mean[0]
        f_y = f_mean[1]

        s_x = state.pose.pose.position.x
        s_y = state.pose.pose.position.y
        s_heading = quaternion_to_heading(state.pose.pose.orientation)

        # rospy.loginfo('atan2(%f - %f, %f - %f) - %f' % (f_y, s_y, f_x, s_x, s_heading,))

        expected_bearing = math.atan2(f_y - s_y, f_x - s_x) - s_heading
        observed_bearing = blob.bearing

        # rospy.loginfo('%f vs. %f' % (expected_bearing, observed_bearing,))
        # rospy.loginfo('feature mean: %s' % str(f_mean))
        # rospy.loginfo('state (%f, %f, %f,) and blob %f, size(%f)' % (s_x, s_y, s_heading, observed_bearing, blob.size))

        del_bearing = observed_bearing - expected_bearing
        # while(del_bearing > math.pi*2):
        #     del_bearing = del_bearing - math.pi*2
        # while(del_bearing < math.pi*-2):
        #     del_bearing = del_bearing + math.pi*2
        # if(del_bearing > math.pi):
        #     del_bearing = math.pi*-2 + del_bearing
        # if(del_bearing < -math.pi):
        #     del_bearing = math.pi*2 + del_bearing

        color_distance = (math.pow(blob.color.r - f_mean[2], 2) +
                          math.pow(blob.color.g - f_mean[3], 2) +
                          math.pow(blob.color.b - f_mean[4], 2))

        # add the 500s to boost small numbers away from 0. Everything gets the
        #   multiple, but it should make the multiplication of the two numbers
        #   less likely to hit 0 unless one of them really is 0

        if abs(del_bearing) > 0.5:
            # rospy.loginfo('color distance was ... %f' % color_distance)
            # rospy.loginfo('bearing exit')
            return 0.0
            # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            bearing_prob = 500.0 * self.prob_position_match(
                f_mean, f_covar, s_x, s_y, observed_bearing)

        if abs(color_distance) > 300:
            # rospy.loginfo('%d %d %d | %d %d %d' % (blob.color.r, blob.color.g, blob.color.b, f_mean[2], f_mean[3], f_mean[4]))
            # rospy.loginfo('color exit')
            return 0.0
            color_prob = 500.0 * self.prob_color_match(f_mean, f_covar, blob)
            # rospy.loginfo('bp: %f' % bearing_prob)
            # rospy.loginfo('cp: %f' % color_prob)

        if not isinstance(bearing_prob, float):
            rospy.loginfo('type(bearing_prob) %s' % str(type(bearing_prob)))
        if not isinstance(color_prob, float):
            rospy.loginfo('type(color_prob) %s' % str(type(color_prob)))

        return bearing_prob * color_prob / (250000.0)
Пример #24
def odom_cb(odom):
    global start
    global count
    global goals
    if start is None:
        start = odom.pose.pose

    positions[0] = odom
    if len(goals) <= 0:
        # set speed to 0 and return
        if DRIVER is not None:
            if distance(end, odom.pose.pose) > .01:
                rospy.loginfo('Driver: get a new set of goals')
                if rrt:
                    reset_root(positions[0].pose.pose, end)
                goals = get_plan(odom.pose.pose, end).allpoints
                if (len(goals) == 0):
                    rospy.loginfo('Driver: arrived at goal')
                    global crash_flag
                    crash_flag = True
                    for pose in goals:
                        ps = PoseStamped()
                        ps.pose = pose
                        ps.header.frame_id = '/odom'
                        if PATHVIZ is not None:
                rospy.loginfo('Driver: empty goals list')
                goals = get_plan(odom.pose.pose, end).allpoints
                if (len(goals) == 0):
                    rospy.loginfo('Driver: arrived at goal')
    elif distance(odom.pose.pose, goals[0]) < .05:
        # if I'm on the goal, remove the current goal, set the speed to 0
        count += 1
        if DRIVER is not None:
            # rospy.loginfo('Driver: next goal')
        # find the deltas between my position and the angle to the next goal
        # drive towards the goal position
        # rospy.loginfo('odom pose: %s', odom.pose.pose)
        hz = 10.0
        dt = 1.0/hz

        rospy.loginfo('Driver: moving on to %d/%d' % (count, len(goals),))
        t = Twist()
        current_position = odom.pose.pose
        next_ = goals[0]

        t.angular.z = 0.0

        dx = next_.position.x - current_position.position.x
        dy = next_.position.y - current_position.position.y

        goal_direction = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        current_direction = quaternion_to_heading(current_position.orientation)

        dtheta = goal_direction - current_direction
        dtheta = minimize(dtheta)

        t.angular.z = dtheta/(2.0*dt)

        if t.angular.z > 0.25:
            t.angular.z = 0.25
        if t.angular.z < -0.25:
            t.angular.z = -0.25

        t.linear.x = 0.0
        rospy.loginfo('dtheta %f if.' % (dtheta,))
        if abs(dtheta) < .01:
            # I'm pointing in the right direction, go forward
            dist = distance(next_, end)
            t.linear.x = 0.2 + dist*dist
            rospy.loginfo('if. dist %f' % (t.linear.x,))

        if t.linear.x > 0.5:
            t.linear.x = 0.5
        if t.linear.x < -0.5:
            t.linear.x = -0.5

        rospy.loginfo('D.p(%f,%f)' % (t.linear.x, t.angular.z,))

Пример #25
def odom_cb(odom):
    global start
    global count
    global goals
    if start is None:
        start = odom.pose.pose

    positions[0] = odom
    if len(goals) <= 0:
        # set speed to 0 and return
        if DRIVER is not None:
            if distance(end, odom.pose.pose) > .01:
                rospy.loginfo('Driver: get a new set of goals')
                goals = get_plan(odom.pose.pose, end).allpoints
                if (len(goals) == 0):
                    rospy.loginfo('Driver: arrived at goal')
                    global crash_flag
                    crash_flag = True
                rospy.loginfo('Driver: empty goals list')
                goals = get_plan(odom.pose.pose, end).allpoints
                if (len(goals) == 0):
                    rospy.loginfo('Driver: arrived at goal')
                    import sys
    elif distance(odom.pose.pose, goals[0]) < .02:
        # if I'm on the goal, remove the current goal, set the speed to 0
        to_print = goals.pop(0)
        count += 1
        # rospy.loginfo('@ '+str(to_print))
        if DRIVER is not None:
            # rospy.loginfo('Driver: next goal')
        # find the deltas between my position and the angle to the next goal
        # drive towards the goal position
        # rospy.loginfo('odom pose: %s', odom.pose.pose)
        hz = 10.0
        dt = 1.0/hz

        rospy.loginfo('Driver: moving on to %d/%d' % (count, len(goals),))
        t = Twist()
        current_position = odom.pose.pose
        next_ = goals[0]

        t.angular.z = 0.0

        dx = next_.position.x - current_position.position.x
        dy = next_.position.y - current_position.position.y

        goal_direction = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        current_direction = quaternion_to_heading(current_position.orientation)

        dtheta = goal_direction - current_direction

        while dtheta >= 2*math.pi:
            dtheta = dtheta - 2*math.pi
        while dtheta <= -2*math.pi:
            dtheta = dtheta + 2*math.pi
        if dtheta > math.pi:
            dtheta = -2*math.pi + dtheta
        if dtheta < -math.pi:
            dtheta = 2*math.pi + dtheta

        t.angular.z = dtheta/(2.0*dt)

        if t.angular.z > 0.25:
            t.angular.z = 0.25
        if t.angular.z < -0.25:
            t.angular.z = -0.25

        t.linear.x = 0.0
        rospy.loginfo('dtheta %f if.' % (dtheta,))
        if abs(dtheta) < .01:
            # I'm pointing in the right direction, go forward
            dist = distance(next_, end)
            t.linear.x = 0.2 + dist*dist
            rospy.loginfo('if. dist %f' % (t.linear.x,))

        if t.linear.x > 0.5:
            t.linear.x = 0.5
        if t.linear.x < -0.5:
            t.linear.x = -0.5

        rospy.loginfo('D.p(%f,%f)' % (t.linear.x, t.angular.z,))

Пример #26
    def probability_of_match(self, state, blob, feature):
        Calculate the probability that a state and a blob observation match a
        given feature

            Odometry state
            Blob blob
            Feature feature
            float (probability)

        f_mean = feature.mean # [x, y, r, b, g]
        f_covar = feature.covar

        f_x = f_mean[0]
        f_y = f_mean[1]

        s_x = state.pose.pose.position.x
        s_y = state.pose.pose.position.y
        s_heading = quaternion_to_heading(state.pose.pose.orientation)

        # rospy.loginfo('atan2(%f - %f, %f - %f) - %f' % (f_y, s_y, f_x, s_x, s_heading,))

        expected_bearing = math.atan2(f_y-s_y, f_x-s_x) - s_heading
        observed_bearing = blob.bearing

        # rospy.loginfo('%f vs. %f' % (expected_bearing, observed_bearing,))
        # rospy.loginfo('feature mean: %s' % str(f_mean))
        # rospy.loginfo('state (%f, %f, %f,) and blob %f, size(%f)' % (s_x, s_y, s_heading, observed_bearing, blob.size))

        del_bearing = observed_bearing - expected_bearing
        # while(del_bearing > math.pi*2):
        #     del_bearing = del_bearing - math.pi*2
        # while(del_bearing < math.pi*-2):
        #     del_bearing = del_bearing + math.pi*2
        # if(del_bearing > math.pi):
        #     del_bearing = math.pi*-2 + del_bearing
        # if(del_bearing < -math.pi):
        #     del_bearing = math.pi*2 + del_bearing

        color_distance = (math.pow(blob.color.r - f_mean[2], 2) +
                            math.pow(blob.color.g - f_mean[3], 2) +
                            math.pow(blob.color.b - f_mean[4], 2))

        # add the 500s to boost small numbers away from 0. Everything gets the
        #   multiple, but it should make the multiplication of the two numbers
        #   less likely to hit 0 unless one of them really is 0

        if abs(del_bearing) > 0.5:
            # rospy.loginfo('color distance was ... %f' % color_distance)
            # rospy.loginfo('bearing exit')
            return 0.0
            # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            bearing_prob = 500.0*self.prob_position_match(f_mean, f_covar, s_x, s_y, observed_bearing)

        if abs(color_distance) > 300:
            # rospy.loginfo('%d %d %d | %d %d %d' % (blob.color.r, blob.color.g, blob.color.b, f_mean[2], f_mean[3], f_mean[4]))
            # rospy.loginfo('color exit')
            return 0.0
            color_prob = 500.0*self.prob_color_match(f_mean, f_covar, blob)
            # rospy.loginfo('bp: %f' % bearing_prob)
            # rospy.loginfo('cp: %f' % color_prob)

        if not isinstance(bearing_prob, float):
            rospy.loginfo('type(bearing_prob) %s' % str(type(bearing_prob)))
        if not isinstance(color_prob, float):
            rospy.loginfo('type(color_prob) %s' % str(type(color_prob)))
        return bearing_prob*color_prob / (250000.0)