def removeEnemySpawnLimit(EnemiesWereRandomized): if EnemiesWereRandomized: enemyWeightValue = 0x8 curFile = "00objentry.bin" if copyKHFile(curFile): writeRandomizationLog(curFile) fileBin = open(curFile, 'rb+') fileSize = os.path.getsize(curFile) #Get size since bin doesnt have an amount of objects offset = 0 if PS3Version(): fileSize-= 0x10 offset = 0x10 amtOfObjects = int(math.floor(fileSize/0x60)) for objectEntry in range(amtOfObjects):*0x60)+offset,0),1) #Skip to UCM code UCM = readAndUnpack(fileBin,4), 1) #Skip unknown Data Object_STR = ("utf-8") #PS3 Version Name endian order was left unchanged. ObjectMSET_STR = ("utf-8"), 1) # Skip to spawn limit value previousWeightValue = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 1) if previousWeightValue > enemyWeightValue: #??? if CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM,enemy_table) and Object_STR[:2] == "M_": writeIntOrHex(fileBin,enemyWeightValue,1) #Write lower spawn limit value! if CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM,boss_table) or CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM,superBoss_table) and Object_STR[:2] == "B_": writeIntOrHex(fileBin,enemyWeightValue,1) #Write lower spawn limit value! if CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM,ally_table) and Object_STR[:2] == "N_": writeIntOrHex(fileBin,enemyWeightValue,1) #Write lower spawn limit value!
def ModifyExtraFilePosition(fileBin, position): #PS3 Version Only #Extra files are at the end of the normal bar file. #Position is assumed to have a bar offset total #These extra files 99% of the time replace something already present in the bar file. HD textures & so on. #File position of new file, file position of Old file, New file size. if PS3Version(): oldPos = fileBin.tell(), 0) barOffset = findBarHeader(fileBin), 0) writeIntOrHex(fileBin, position - barOffset, 4) #Write new bar size amtOfExtraFileEntries = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) for x in range(amtOfExtraFileEntries): + (x * 0x30), 0), 1) #skip string extraFilePos = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) #Read position offset = position - extraFilePos #New position minus old position ,getting, 1) # go back extraFilePos += offset writeIntOrHex(fileBin, extraFilePos, 4) oldFileOldPos = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 4) oldFileOldPos -= 0x20000000 fileBin.write(b'\x20') writeIntOrHex(fileBin, oldFileOldPos + offset, 3), 0) else: return False
def appendToSpecificPos( fileName, position, header, data): #Add new data to a specific position and update bar headers fileBin_A = open(fileName, 'ab+'), 0) lastpos = fileBin_A.tell() furtherData =, 0) fileBin_A.truncate() newDataSize = len(data) fileBin_A.write(data) fileBin_A.write(furtherData) fileBin_A.close() fileBin_RW = open(fileName, 'rb+') barHeaderPos = findBarHeader(fileBin_RW) + 0x4, 0) barEntries = readAndUnpack(fileBin_RW, 4) foundBarHeader = False for x in range(barEntries): + 0x10 + (x * 0x10), 0), 1) barString = ReverseEndianString('\x00'), 1, False) if foundBarHeader: OldPos = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin_RW, 4) OldPos += newDataSize writeIntOrHex(fileBin_RW, OldPos, 4) if barString == header: foundBarHeader = True, 1) OldSize = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin_RW, 4) OldSize += newDataSize writeIntOrHex(fileBin_RW, OldSize, 4) + 0x10 + ((barEntries - 1) * 0x10), 0), 1) LastPos = readAndUnpack(fileBin_RW, 4) LastSize = readAndUnpack(fileBin_RW, 4) TotalBarSize = LastPos + LastSize ModifyExtraFilePosition(fileBin_RW, TotalBarSize + 0x10) #add for total file offset
def itemShopBuyingSellingPrices(): findHeaderinBAR(fileBin, 'item', True), 1) itemsToChange = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) OrgPos = fileBin.tell() for item in range(itemsToChange): + (item * 0x18), 0) itemID = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 2), 1) BuyPriceExisting = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 2) #loop through and find item in list newItem = -1 for item_x in ItemList_Shop: if item_x.codeReturn() == itemID: newItem = item_x break if newItem != -1 and item_x.shopPrice != -1: writeIntOrHex(fileBin, item_x.shopPrice, 2) #Write new shop buy money writeIntOrHex( fileBin, int(item_x.shopPrice * 0.50), 2 ) #Write new shop sell money times 0.50 of buy price
def randomizeMusic(ranMusic): if ranMusic: offSetSeed(50) print("Modifying music...") path = "export/KH2/ard" if PS3Version(): path = "export/ard/us" fileList = getAllFileNamesInFolder(path) for j in fileList: musicOccurenceNum = 0 musicListUsed= [] filename = j currentWorld = filename[0:2].upper() currentRoom = int(filename[2:4]) # shutil.copyfile(path+ "/" +filename, "ard/"+filename) #Move to native folder regionExtraFolder = "" if PS3Version(): regionExtraFolder = "us/" filename = "ard/"+regionExtraFolder + filename if copyKHFile(filename): writeRandomizationLog(filename) fileBin = open(filename, 'rb+') """ Notes: Affecting music data also affects the space of ram. Great. Some places may softlock because of this..... Another music weighting system based on file size? EVT Data: Amt of entries not given. Size of entries not given. Anything after the evt bar entry in the main header will be in evt, btl header sometimes Start of EVT entry depending on event type: Event ID, Used by a general event. EX: Bosses with their respective cutscene on death/enter Empty? Event 2ndID, Possibly a type? Changes and isnt very consistent. Event 2ndID's when a boss is assigned to an eventId may be: 2C if 48 (Super Boss?) 22 if 44 (Normal Boss?) possibly use an if statement if an value is above an amount Music event starts with 10 00 01? Wow, what a waste of time trying to decipher this 5 Unknown Bytes, Music Num Data, 0C == Current World music? 09 == Current World Battle Music? Empty, Music Num Data, FF Sometimes ends the data, sometimes it doesn't. """ if findHeaderinBAR(fileBin, 'evt', False):, 1) evtSize = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) """ Useless eventIDList = [] if findHeaderinBAR(fileBin, 'map', False):, 1) mapSize = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) findHeaderinBAR(fileBin, 'map', True) # go back and start going through filePosition = fileBin.tell() mapFileText =, 0) difBytes = [b'\x01\x00\x02'] for differentEvtTypes in difBytes: curPos = 0 while (mapFileText.count(differentEvtTypes, curPos) != 0): curPos = mapFileText.find(differentEvtTypes, curPos) # Skip 5 bytes + curPos, 0), 1) # Go back, find 2nd id eventIDList.append(readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 1)) curPos += 1 if len(eventIDList) != 0: debughi = 0 """ findHeaderinBAR(fileBin, 'evt', True) # go back and start going through filePosition = fileBin.tell() evtFileText =, 0) difBytes = [b'\x10\x00\x01'] for differentEvtTypes in difBytes: curPos = 0 while (evtFileText.count(differentEvtTypes, curPos) != 0): curPos = evtFileText.find(differentEvtTypes, curPos) # Skip 5 bytes + curPos, 0) if not CheckIfMusicBlackList(currentWorld,currentRoom,musicOccurenceNum):, 1) # Go back, find 2nd id evtFirstEventID = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 1), 1) evtSecondEventID = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 1), 1), 1) # skip over what we just found, 1) # skip empty firstMusicID = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 1) random.shuffle(musicList) chooseNewMusic = musicList[0] for xd in musicListUsed: if evtFirstEventID == xd[0]: chooseNewMusic =xd[1] writeIntOrHex(fileBin, chooseNewMusic, 1), 1) # skip empty firstMusicID2 = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin, 1) writeIntOrHex(fileBin, chooseNewMusic, 1) usedOnce = False for xd in musicListUsed: if evtFirstEventID == xd[0]: usedOnce = True if not usedOnce: musicListUsed.append((evtFirstEventID,chooseNewMusic)) curPos += 1 musicOccurenceNum+=1 fileBin.close()
def RandomizeARD(randomizeEnemies, randomizeBosses,randomizeAllies, KH2SoraForced,PS2EnemyOptimizations,SuperBossEncounterRate): """ Bosses when doing their DM go to the 0,0,0 XYZ point in the map Which sucks cause we have two options: Move the map data to a better location and also re adjust positions somehow Remove DMs from the boss """ def FixMulanMSNSoftlock(): findHeaderinBAR(fileBin, 'btl', True) stringToFind = ReverseEndianString('MU02_MS103B', 2, True,True).encode() posBefore = fileBin.tell() readData = newPos = readData.find(stringToFind) + newPos, 0) #MSNFile text ID location : 0x14 from the first position == textid #MSNFile Help/Continue Pause button toggler: 0x16 from first position and needs to be 0x18 to work """ What mission file seems to determine: First Mission Bar Entry: If enemies should drop items How pausing should work What text ID to display on the information tab Second Mission Bar Entry: ??? Probably controls when enemies should attack during the camera movement phase Anything Else after these two entries: Camera Movement & Panning at the start of the mission Camera Movement & Panning when a boss dies or something fails The graphical effect when you defeat a boss ^ intrestingly unique for many fights. Take a look at Lingering Will's defeat camera and effect VS when roxas is defeated What images should be displayed EX: Luxord time bar, Mulan's Heartless Count and Motivation bar Seems like how enemies should spawn in is determined by ARD files not by MSN files MSN Files are loaded through reference in the ard file from 'BTL' and usually is assigned to an entry starting with 'b_' """ newMSNFile_Location = msnFileCreate_NonBoss('MU02_MS103A') fileBin.write(ReverseEndianString('MU02_MS103A_R', 2, True, True).encode()) MsnFileBin = open(newMSNFile_Location, 'rb+') findHeaderinBAR(MsnFileBin, 'MU02', True), 1) writeIntOrHex(MsnFileBin, 0x0C, 4) MsnFileBin.close() def ucmPropertyModify(UCM,enemyType):, 0) if EnemyPropertyExists(UCM,enemyType): if EnemyProperty(UCM,enemyType).extraEnemyData != -1:, 1) # Skip 20, find super boss variable writeIntOrHex(fileBin, EnemyProperty(UCM,enemyType).extraEnemyData, 4) #Seems like its 4 bytes. else:, 1) # Skip 20, find super boss variable writeIntOrHex(fileBin, 0, 4) if EnemyProperty(UCM,enemyType).extraEnemyData2 != -1:, 0), 1) # Skip 20,move past last variable find super boss variable writeIntOrHex(fileBin, EnemyProperty(UCM,enemyType).extraEnemyData2, 4) oldPos = [0,0,0] #Modify XYZ, 0) #Skip UCM digit for i in range(len(oldPos)): oldPos[i] = unpackfromBinaryByte(,'f') for i in range(len(oldPos)): oldPos[i] += EnemyProperty(UCM,enemyType).positionOffset[i] for i in range(len(oldPos)): + 4 + (i * 4), 0) writeFloat(fileBin, oldPos[i], 4), 0) offSetSeed(2) filteredBossList = filterUcmProperty(BossList) bossListWeights = [] randomLittleChests = [0x140,0x141,0x142,0x143,0x332,0x333,0x334,0x335,0x336,0x337,0x338,0x339,0x85e,0x8BB] randomBigChests = [0x144,0x145,0x33a,0x33b,0x33c,0x33d,0x33e,0x33f,0x340,0x341,0x342,0x343,0x343,0x08BC,0x9EC] for i in range(len(filteredBossList)): bossListWeights.append(random.uniform(0.7,1.0)) #random cause why the hell not def subSpawnChanging(var): nonlocal spawnData,fileBin,TotalSubSpawn if spawnData[var].noExtraData > 0 : noTransforms = 0 + 2,0) noTransforms = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) TotalSubSpawn += 0x8 + (noTransforms* 0xC) if spawnData[var].noExtraData2 > 0 : TotalSubSpawn += (0x10 * spawnData[var].noExtraData2) if spawnData[var].noExtraData3 > 0 : TotalSubSpawn += (8 * spawnData[var].noExtraData3) print("Modifying enemies & bosses...") path = "export/KH2/ard" if PS3Version(): path = "export/ard/us" fileList = getAllFileNamesInFolder(path) path2 = "export/KH2/msn/jp/" if PS3Version(): path2 = "export/msn/jp/" msnFileList = getAllFileNamesInFolder(path2) if randomizeBosses: removeDMFromBosses() KHMapReplacer().ReplaceMAP('hb32','tt14') for j in fileList: EntryName = [] EntryPositions = [] EntrySizes = [] filename = j currentWorld =filename[0:2] currentRoom =filename[2:4] """Memory usage notes: Can't have too many unique enemies/ too many high memory usage enemies either All enemy data is loaded on room loadin and stored to prevent having to find a model file on every enemy spawn It explains why the game might crash sometimes on room loads, we run out of memory simply. We can check if a room's memory is low by loading in a help tutorial where images are simply not loaded because it costs too much. """ #shutil.copyfile(path+ "/" +filename, "ard/"+filename) #Move to native folder regionExtraFolder = "" if PS3Version(): regionExtraFolder = "us/" filename = "ard/"+regionExtraFolder+filename noEntries = 0 if copyKHFile(filename): writeRandomizationLog(filename) fileBin = open(filename, 'rb+') if currentWorld.upper() == 'MU' and currentRoom == '02': FixMulanMSNSoftlock() barHeaderOffset= findBarHeader(fileBin),0) noEntries = readAndUnpack(fileBin,4); UniqueEnemyID = 0 if noEntries > 0: for k in range(noEntries): EntryName.append("") EntryPositions.append(0) EntrySizes.append(0) + (0x10 * k), 0) buffer = read and then somehow change the last hex num into a 0! EntryPositions[k] = barHeaderOffset + readAndUnpack(fileBin,4) EntrySizes[k] = readAndUnpack(fileBin,4) EntryName[k] = buffer; for l in range(noEntries): check = EntryName[l].decode("utf-8") check =ReverseEndianString(check, 1) entrySize = EntrySizes[l] starterNames = ["b_","m_","z_","p_","e_"] if(check[0:2] in starterNames) and entrySize > 0 and filename[len(filename)-8:] not in {"al08.ard","po10.ard","eh23.ard"}: noSubSpawns = 0[l]+0x4,0) noSubSpawns = readAndUnpack(fileBin,4) if noSubSpawns > 0: spawnData = [] for x in range(noSubSpawns+1): #Create list in place of original codes vector and populate it with objects spawnData.append(SpawnData())[l] + 0xC,0) spawnData[0].noUCMSpawn = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[0].noLocationSpawn = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[0].noExtraData = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[0].noExtraData2 = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[0].noExtraData3 = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) TotalSubSpawn = EntryPositions[l] + 0x34 + ((spawnData[0].noUCMSpawn + spawnData[0].noLocationSpawn) * 0x40) spawnData[0].positionInFile = EntryPositions[l] + 8 subSpawnChanging(0) #Get all spawn data. for c in range(1,noSubSpawns): spawnData[c].positionInFile = TotalSubSpawn,0) spawnData[c].noUCMSpawn = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[c].noLocationSpawn = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[c].noExtraData = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[c].noExtraData2 = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) spawnData[c].noExtraData3 = readAndUnpack(fileBin,2) TotalSubSpawn += 0x2C + ((spawnData[c].noUCMSpawn + spawnData[c].noLocationSpawn)* 0x40) subSpawnChanging(c) randomizedUniqueEnemyList = [] randomizedUniqueEnemyListcodes = [] EnemiesWrote = 0 #For turning off memory optimizations MaxEnemies = 4#For turning off memory optimizations uniqueEnemyList = [] enemiesMaxWrittenUsage = [0, 0, 0] enemiesUniqueMaxWrittenUsage = [0, 0, 0] randomenemiesWrittenUsage = [0, 0, 0] randomEnemiesUniqueWrittenUsage = [0, 0, 0] if PS2EnemyOptimizations: #Gathering data about the subspawns for s in range(noSubSpawns): noUCMSpawns = spawnData[s].noUCMSpawn noSpawnObjects = spawnData[s].noLocationSpawn UCM = 0 for b in range(noUCMSpawns): position = spawnData[s].positionInFile + 0x2C + (b * 0x40), 0) UCM = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) if CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM, enemy_table) and randomizeEnemies: # find weight of enemyenemiesMaxWrittenUsage memUsageFound = list(filter(lambda x: (x.code == UCM), EnemyList))[0].memoryUsage enemiesMaxWrittenUsage[memUsageFound] += 1 if UCM not in uniqueEnemyList: enemiesUniqueMaxWrittenUsage[memUsageFound] += 1 uniqueEnemyList.append(UCM) # Modifiying the spawns for s in range(noSubSpawns): noUCMSpawns = spawnData[s].noUCMSpawn noSpawnObjects = spawnData[s].noLocationSpawn UCM = 0 for b in range(noUCMSpawns): position = spawnData[s].positionInFile + 0x2C + (b * 0x40) #EntryLimit = (EntryPositions[l] + EntrySizes[l]) #if(position > EntryLimit),0) UCM = readUnpackGoBack(fileBin,4),1) #Skip 20, find if its a super boss version of a regular boss or not. #Spawn Order Group Byte #Spawn Order Sub Group Byte #writeIntOrHex(fileBin,8*b,2)#2 bytes --- Enemy Unique Spawn ID, size doesn't matter here only if it was unique or not or else the game wont spawn the character object and it wont be counted against winning the mission DataBoss = readAndUnpack(fileBin,4) DataBoss2 = readAndUnpack(fileBin, 4) #avoidUCMList = [0x237,0x238,0x319,0x31A,0x3EE] this is obsolete. if(not CheckIfEnemyBlackListed(currentWorld,currentRoom,UniqueEnemyID) and not CheckIfGroupBlackListed(currentWorld,currentRoom,check) ):,0) randomValue = 0 def enemyBTLMSNEdit(): #PS3 Version Note: Little Endian to Big Endian change: every 2 bytes is swapped. GREAT. #Bytearray= "BB"[::-1] + "50"[::-1] + "M_"[::-1] + "1S"[::-1] + "40"[::-1] +".B"[::-1] """ def replaceAllMSN(): #very destructive, has problems with ard files that has multiple bosses nonlocal x # write new mission file BeforeReplaced = # i assume 18 is the most?????, 0) replace1 = BeforeReplaced.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\x00') strLength = len(bossMSNTable[x]) strLength2 = len(replace1) spacingNum = strLength2 - strLength beforeEncode = bossMSNTable[x] beforeEncode = msnFileCreate(beforeEncode, currentWorld, currentRoom) for x in range(spacingNum): beforeEncode += '\x00' for x in range(-spacingNum): replace1 += '\x00' replace2 = str.encode(beforeEncode) replace1 = str.encode(replace1) # note: we should add extra bytes based on length so we dont offset the file if we replace stuff allData = allData = allData.replace(replace1, replace2) # oh my god i forget to store it back and i was wondering why it wasnt working, 0) fileBin.write(allData) """ def replaceOneMSN(newMSN): # write new mission file BeforeReplaced = # i assume 18 is the most????? BeforeReplaced = BeforeReplaced.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\x00') BeforeReplaced = ReverseEndianString(BeforeReplaced,2,True), 1) beforeEncode = msnFileCreate(newMSN,currentWorld,currentRoom,BeforeReplaced) """ All of this doesn't work when trying to fix Final Xemnas MSN softlocking. Great. exportFolderName = "msn/jp/" if PS3Version(): exportFolderName = "msn/us/" fileBin_MSN = open(exportFolderName + beforeEncode+'.bar','rb+') findHeaderinBAR(fileBin_MSN,newMSN[:4],True) fileBin_MSN.write(bytearray([0x00, 0x02, 0x01 ,0x11 ,0x11 ,0x71])) findHeaderinBAR(fileBin_MSN, newMSN[:4], False),1) barSize = readAndUnpack(fileBin_MSN,4) findHeaderinBAR(fileBin_MSN, newMSN[:4], True),1) beforePos = fileBin_MSN.tell() findHeaderinBAR(fileBin_MSN,newMSN[:4],False) + 0x4,1) #Skip down an entry and move to New location newPos = readAndUnpack(fileBin_MSN,4) offsetPos = findBarHeader(fileBin_MSN),0) writingString = 'eh20_ms113'.ljust(0x10,'\x00').encode() #Write new mission objective fileBin_MSN.write(writingString) fileBin_MSN.close() appendToSpecificPos(exportFolderName + beforeEncode+'.bar',beforePos,newMSN[:4],bytearray([0x08, 0xD1, 0x00, 0x04 ,0x00 ,0x00, 0x00, 0x00])) """ beforeEncode = ReverseEndianString(beforeEncode, 2, True,True) spacingNum = 0x20 - len(beforeEncode) # note: we should add extra bytes based on length so we dont offset the file if we replace stuff for x in range(spacingNum): beforeEncode += '\x00' replace2 = str.encode(beforeEncode) fileBin.write(replace2), 1) #Write, go back and we're done. #eh20_ms113 == replace ms_boss if the final boss mission is being replaced #end of utility functions. start of main function #This maybe need to be looked at again. btl_String = 'btl' findHeaderinBAR(fileBin,btl_String,True) # find "btl" header thing # go to position from the btl header endcodedCheck = ReverseEndianString(check,2,True).encode('utf-8') # get entry name ex: b_00 posBeforeRead = fileBin.tell() data2 = seekToRead = data2.find(endcodedCheck), 0), 1) # goto name closest # find original msn by backing up a lil so we find the currentworld string posBeforeRead = fileBin.tell() seekToRead = -1 offset = 0 #15 00 09 find this byte and offset foward by 4 bytes and write this way while seekToRead != 0: # This is slow..... But the best I can do ATM., 0) offset += 1 if offset > 300: return #We probrably can't find anything because an boss has already taken its place. In this case, we will just stop the function - offset, 0) data3 = findThing =data3.find(b'\x15\x00\x09') if findThing == 0: seekToRead = findThing+3+4 #Skip the byte we found and the following 4 bytes to get to the string break;, 1), 0), 1) offset = 0 if not PS3Version(): offset = 1, 1) testRead = testRead = ReverseEndianString(testRead.decode('utf-8'),2,True).rstrip('\x00'), 1) if not testRead == 'EH20_MS113': # Final Xemnas Specific dont edit if testRead== "HB38_FM_MAR" or testRead == 'CA01_MS204': #Replace Marluxia MSN as it softlocks at the start of battle and Grim Reaper Mission cause it crashes on PS3 replaceOneMSN("HB33_FM_LAR") #Generic Battle MSN file enemyBTLMSNEdit() # Try again...... else: for x in bossMSNTable: if enemyToWrite.code == x: replaceOneMSN(bossMSNTable[x]) if CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM, boss_table) and ( DataBoss2 != 1) and randomizeBosses and replaceableUCMproperty(UCM,enemyType.Boss): # get Random boss UCM value here! if random.random() < 0.07*SuperBossEncounterRate and SuperBossEncounterRate > 0: enemyToWrite = random.choices(SuperBossList_Non,k=1)[0] writeIntOrHex(fileBin, enemyToWrite.code, 4), 0) else: enemyToWrite = random.choices(filteredBossList, bossListWeights)[0] if UCM != enemyToWrite.code: index = filteredBossList.index(enemyToWrite) bossListWeights[index] *= 0.26 # Decrease weight of object we just spawned for lesser chance of being picked next time writeIntOrHex(fileBin, enemyToWrite.code, 4), 0) ucmPropertyModify(enemyToWrite.code, enemyToWrite.type) writeOutCome_Enemy(currentWorld, int(currentRoom), UniqueEnemyID, UCM,, check,enemyType.Boss,enemyToWrite.type) enemyBTLMSNEdit() elif CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM, enemy_table) and randomizeEnemies and replaceableUCMproperty(UCM,enemyType.Normal): # Get random Enemy UCM value here! # Choose 3 enemies to put in list as backup curEnemyList= filterUcmProperty(EnemyList) currentEnemyList = curEnemyList if PS2EnemyOptimizations: currentEnemyList = curEnemyList for maxwritten in range(len(enemiesUniqueMaxWrittenUsage)): # Filter out if reached maximum enemies allowed if randomEnemiesUniqueWrittenUsage[maxwritten] == enemiesUniqueMaxWrittenUsage[maxwritten]: currentEnemyList = list(filter(lambda x: (x.memoryUsage != maxwritten), currentEnemyList)) currentEnemyList = currentEnemyList + randomizedUniqueEnemyList # memUsageFound = list(filter(lambda x: (x.code == UCM), EnemyList))[0].memoryUsage # currentEnemyList = list(filter(lambda x: (x.memoryUsage == memUsageFound),currentEnemyList)) for maxwritten in range(len(enemiesMaxWrittenUsage)): # Filter out if reached maximum enemies allowed if randomenemiesWrittenUsage[maxwritten] == enemiesMaxWrittenUsage[maxwritten]: currentEnemyList = list(filter(lambda x: (x.memoryUsage != maxwritten), currentEnemyList)) if not PS2EnemyOptimizations and EnemiesWrote >= MaxEnemies: # If enemy optimizations are off to provide a quick cap currentEnemyList = randomizedUniqueEnemyList random.shuffle(currentEnemyList) enemyToWrite = currentEnemyList[0] randomenemiesWrittenUsage[enemyToWrite.memoryUsage] += 1 EnemiesWrote+=1 ucmPropertyModify(enemyToWrite.code, enemyToWrite.type) writeIntOrHex(fileBin, enemyToWrite.code, 4) writeOutCome_Enemy(currentWorld, int(currentRoom), UniqueEnemyID, UCM,, check,enemyType.Normal,enemyToWrite.type) if enemyToWrite.code not in randomizedUniqueEnemyListcodes: randomEnemiesUniqueWrittenUsage[enemyToWrite.memoryUsage] += 1 randomizedUniqueEnemyList.append(enemyToWrite) randomizedUniqueEnemyListcodes.append(enemyToWrite.code) elif CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM, superBoss_table) and randomizeBosses and replaceableUCMproperty(UCM,enemyType.SuperBoss): # if not (currentWorld.upper() == "HB" and currentRoom == "33" and UCM == 0x933): #SOMEONE put vexen data into a place where he isnt suppost to be random.shuffle(SuperBossList) enemyToWrite = SuperBossList.pop(0) if UCM != enemyToWrite.code: writeIntOrHex(fileBin, enemyToWrite.code, 4), 0) ucmPropertyModify(enemyToWrite.code, enemyToWrite.type) writeOutCome_Enemy(currentWorld, int(currentRoom), UniqueEnemyID, UCM,, check,enemyType.SuperBoss,enemyToWrite.type) enemyBTLMSNEdit() elif CheckIfEnemyTypeInTable(UCM, ally_table) and randomizeBosses and replaceableUCMproperty(UCM,enemyType.Ally): curEnemyList = filterUcmProperty(AllyList) # if not (currentWorld.upper() == "HB" and currentRoom == "33" and UCM == 0x933): #SOMEONE put vexen data into a place where he isnt suppost to be random.shuffle(curEnemyList) enemyToWrite = curEnemyList[0] ucmPropertyModify(enemyToWrite.code, enemyType.Ally) writeIntOrHex(fileBin, enemyToWrite.code, 4) writeOutCome_Enemy(currentWorld, int(currentRoom), UniqueEnemyID, UCM,, check,enemyType.Ally,enemyToWrite.type) elif UCM == 0x5AB and KH2SoraForced: # replace roxas skateboards with sora writeIntOrHex(fileBin, 0x81A, 4) elif UCM == 0x236 and currentWorld.upper() == "TT" and currentRoom == "34" and KH2SoraForced: # replace Sora with roxas for this fight writeIntOrHex(fileBin, 0x5A, 4) elif UCM == 0x236 and check == "b_42" and currentWorld.upper() == "TT" and currentRoom == "10" and KH2SoraForced: # replace Sora with roxas for this event writeIntOrHex(fileBin, 0x5A, 4) elif UCM == 0x236 and check == "b_40" and currentWorld.upper() == "TT" and currentRoom == "12" and KH2SoraForced: # replace Sora with roxas for this event writeIntOrHex(fileBin, 0x5A, 4) elif UCM in randomLittleChests: # replace Sora with roxas for this event writeIntOrHex(fileBin, random.choice(randomLittleChests), 4) elif UCM in randomBigChests: # replace Sora with roxas for this event writeIntOrHex(fileBin, random.choice(randomBigChests), 4) elif UCM == 0x988: # todo randomize puzzle pieces pass elif UCM in blackListUCM_List: writeIntOrHex(fileBin, 0, 4) # Write nothing. UniqueEnemyID+=1 #End of noentries if statement fileBin.close()