Пример #1
def rd_fr_classify(tran_data, test_data):
    forests = random_fr(tran_data)
    res_clses = []
    cls = []

    for tree in forests:

    clses_T = map(list, zip(*res_clses))

    for c in clses_T:
        vote_cls = collections.Counter(c).most_common(1)[0][0]

    accurcy = check_accurcy(test_data, cls)
    return accurcy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #dataset =  read_data("breast-cancer-assignment5.txt")
    dataset =  read_data("german-assignment5.txt")
    DiscType = get_disc_val(dataset)
    attrset = range(len(dataset[0]))
    #forests = random_fr(dataset)
    #accurcy = rd_fr_classify(dataset, dataset[1:])
    #print accurcy
    print fcv(dataset, rd_fr_classify)
Пример #2
def main(_):
    print('Loading data info ...')
    FLAGS.word2id, FLAGS.max_sentence_len, FLAGS.max_aspect_len = get_data_info(FLAGS.train_fname, FLAGS.test_fname, FLAGS.data_info, FLAGS.pre_processed)

    print('Loading training data and testing data ...')
    train_data = read_data(FLAGS.train_fname, FLAGS.word2id, FLAGS.max_sentence_len, FLAGS.max_aspect_len, FLAGS.train_data, FLAGS.pre_processed)
    test_data = read_data(FLAGS.test_fname, FLAGS.word2id, FLAGS.max_sentence_len,  FLAGS.max_aspect_len, FLAGS.test_data, FLAGS.pre_processed)

    print('Loading pre-trained word vectors ...')
    FLAGS.word2vec = load_word_embeddings(FLAGS.embedding_fname, FLAGS.embedding_dim, FLAGS.word2id)

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        model = RAM(FLAGS, sess)
        model.run(train_data, test_data)
Пример #3
def main():
    logging.info("[Normalized + Feature Selection] Features: Mean, Std")
    print "Reading data..."
    X, Y = utils.read_data("../files/train.csv")
    print "Preprocessing..."
    X = preprocess(X)
    print "Extracting Features..."
    X = extractFeatures(X)
    Y = [int(x) for x in Y]
    X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
    classMap = sorted(list(set(Y)))
    accs = []
    rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, n_jobs=-1)
    print "Selecting Features..."
    X = selectFeatures(X, Y, rf)
    folds = 5
    stf = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(Y, folds)
    logging.info("CV Folds: " + str(folds))
    loss = []
    print "Testing..."
    for i, (train, test) in enumerate(stf):
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train], X[test], Y[train], Y[test]
        rf.fit(X_train, y_train)
        predicted = rf.predict(X_test)
        probs = rf.predict_proba(X_test)
        probs = [[min(max(x, 0.001), 0.999) for x in y]
                       for y in probs]
        loss.append(utils.logloss(probs, y_test, classMap))
        accs.append(utils.accuracy(predicted, y_test))
        logging.info("Accuracy(Fold {0}): ".format(i) + str(accs[len(accs) - 1]))
        logging.info("Loss(Fold {0}): ".format(i) + str(loss[len(loss) - 1]))
    logging.info("Mean Accuracy: " + str(np.mean(accs)))
    logging.info("Mean Loss: " + str(np.mean(loss)))
Пример #4
def main():
    probes, links = read_data()
    with open("data/nearest_link.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        nearest_link = cPickle.load(fin)
    with open("data/probe_ids.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        probe_ids = cPickle.load(fin)
    dir_angles = []
    for idx, (probe, nearest, probe_id) in enumerate(izip(probes, nearest_link, probe_ids)):
        # print "probe", idx
        if nearest is not None:
            nearest_idx, nearest_dis = nearest
            road_vec = calc_road_vec(probe, links[nearest_idx])
            # print road_vec
            cosine = None
            if idx > 0 and probe_ids[idx - 1] == probe_id:
                cosine = get_cosine(probes[idx - 1], probe, road_vec)

            if idx < len(probe) - 1 and probe_ids[idx + 1] == probe_id:
                cosine1 = get_cosine(probe, probes[idx + 1], road_vec)
                if cosine is None or np.abs(cosine1) > np.abs(cosine):
                    cosine = cosine1
            if cosine is None:
                cosine = 1
        if idx % 10000 == 0:
            print idx
    print len(dir_angles)
    with open("data/dir_angles.pkl", "wb") as fout:
        cPickle.dump(dir_angles, fout, 2)
Пример #5
def main():
    training, target = utils.read_data("../files/train.csv")
    training = [x[1:] for x in training]
    target = [float(x) for x in target]
    test, throwaway = utils.read_data("../files/test.csv")
    test = [x[1:] for x in test]

    rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, min_samples_split=2)
    rf.fit(training, target)
    predicted_probs = rf.predict_proba(test)
    predicted_probs = [[min(max(x,0.001),0.999) for x in y]
                       for y in predicted_probs]
    print utils.logloss(predicted_probs, test)
    predicted_probs = [["%f" % x for x in y] for y in predicted_probs]
Пример #6
def func():
    print "Reading train data"
    train, target = read_data("data/train.csv")

    pca_components = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 70, 100]
    pca_components = [1, 20, 50, 75, 100]
    pca_fits = []
Пример #7
def show(dir='data'):
	"""show all the result in the same figure

	get all the data from data dir
	if not os.path.isdir(dir):
		raise ValueError('dir is not exist')

	dirs = os.listdir(dir)
	align = 3
	q, r = divmod(len(dirs), align)
	q = q + 1 if r != 0 else q
	rows = q * 100
	columns = align * 10 
	start = 1
	# read all the data
	for index, file in enumerate(dirs):
		x, y, ys = read_data(os.path.join(dir, file))
		number = rows + columns + start + index
		# plot the data	
		plt.title(file.split('.')[0], color='red')
		plt.plot(x, y, 'bo-', x, ys, 'r^-')

	# show the image
	red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='source data')
	blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='scipy fit func')
	plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch], bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
Пример #8
def main():
    link_candidates = cPickle.load(open("data/link_candidates.pkl", "rb"))
    print len(link_candidates), " link candidates"
    probes, links = read_data()
    print len(probes), " probes"
    print len(links), " links"
    idx = 0
    nearest_links = []
    for probe, candidates in izip(probes, link_candidates):
        link_dis = dict()
        for cand_id in candidates:
            dis = probe_to_link_dist(links[cand_id], probe)
            if dis < 100:
                link_dis[cand_id] = dis
        # print sorted(link_dis.items(), key=itemgetter(1))[:3]
        if len(link_dis) == 0:
            nearest_link = min(link_dis.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        idx += 1
        if idx % 10000 == 0:
            print idx
    with open("data/nearest_link.pkl", "wb") as fout:
        cPickle.dump(nearest_links, fout, 2)
Пример #9
def optimize(rep, all_bins, filename, all_heights, spikes, output,
             no_threads, mode):
    '''initialize and start several optimizations'''
    init_tree, data = utils.read_data(filename)    
    info_tree = [init_tree, data, all_bins, all_heights, spikes]
    tree = FullTree(info_tree[0], info_tree[1], info_tree[2], info_tree[3],
    no_pop = tree.no_pop
    mutex = multiprocessing.Lock()
    runs_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
    optim_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
    for i in range(no_threads):
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=threaded_optimize,
                                    args=(mutex, runs_queue, optim_queue,
                                          info_tree, ))
        p.deamon = True
    # put the runs in the queue
    param = tree.guess_param()
    runs_queue.put([0, param])    
    for i in range(1, rep):
        # generate random initial values around the guessed ones
        init_param = [p + nprand.uniform(-p, p) for p in param]
        runs_queue.put([i, init_param])
    # put sentinel for each process
    for i in range(no_threads):
    # I am done, report results
    report_results(rep, optim_queue, tree, output, mode)
Пример #10
def main():
    train_x, train_y = read_data(train_fname)
    ID, test_x = read_data(test_fname, train_mode=False)

    ind = random.shuffle(range(train_x[0]))
    # train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y = split_data(train_x, train_y, val_ratio=0.2)

    tr = xgb.DMatrix(train_x, label=train_y)
    # val = xgb.DMatrix(val_x, label=val_y)
    te = xgb.DMatrix(test_x)

    param = {'bst:max_depth':3, 'bst:eta':0.1, 'silent':0, 'objective':'binary:logistic' }
    param['nthread'] = 16
    param['eval_metric'] = 'auc'

    num_round = 100

    xgb.cv(param, tr, num_round, nfold=5, metrics={"error"})

    model = xgb.train(param, tr, num_round, early_stopping_rounds=10)

    ypred = model.predict(xgmat, ntree_limit=model.best_ntree_limit)

    clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500,

    clf.fit(X=train_x, y=train_y)
    print(clf.score(train_x, train_y))
    pred = clf.predict(X=test_x)
    pred_prob = clf.predict_proba(X=test_x)[:,1]

    write_answer(output_fname, ID, pred, print_prob=False)
    write_answer("prob_"+output_fname, ID, pred_prob, print_prob=True)
Пример #11
	def __init__(self, dataPath, vectorizedPath, kmeansPath, vectorizerPath):
		# Loading model.
		self.km = joblib.load(kmeansPath)
		if not self.km:
			raise NameError('Model not found named %s' % kmeansPath)

		# Load vactorizer.
		self.vectorizer = joblib.load(vectorizerPath)
		# Load vectorized data.
		self.vectorized = sp.sparse.csr.csr_matrix(np.load(vectorizedPath))
		# Vectorize existing data.
		self.data = utils.read_data(dataPath)
Пример #12
def main():
    train_x, train_y = read_data(train_fname)
    ID, test_x = read_data(test_fname, train_mode=False)

    clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500,

    clf.fit(X=train_x, y=train_y)
    print(clf.score(train_x, train_y))
    pred = clf.predict(X=test_x)
    pred_prob = clf.predict_proba(X=test_x)[:,1]

    write_answer(output_fname, ID, pred, print_prob=False)
    write_answer("prob_"+output_fname, ID, pred_prob, print_prob=True)
Пример #13
def eventsview(request):
    if len(Vendor.objects.all()) == 0:
        content = read_data("http://offthegridsf.com/vendors#food")
        vendors = parse_HTML(content)
    fb_data = read_data(facebookurl)
    if len(Event.objects.all()) > 0 and fb_data != "ERROR":
        event_data_ready = check_recent_fb_json(fb_data["data"])
    elif fb_data != "ERROR":
        print "WERE here"
        next_parameter = fb_data["paging"]["cursors"]["after"]
        next_set = transform_url(facebookurl, next_parameter)
        second = read_data(next_set)
        fulldata = fb_data["data"] + second["data"]
        events = check_less_thirty(fulldata)
    event_list = Event.objects.all().order_by("-event_time")
    context_dict = {"events": event_list}
    return render(request, "GingerBites/events.html", context_dict)
Пример #14
def main():
    probes, links = read_data()
    link_points, belong = flatten_uniq(links)

    print "%d probe points loaded" % len(probes)
    print "%d link points loaded" % len(link_points)

    # probes = np.array(random.sample(probes, 10000))
    # print probes

    probes = np.array(probes)
    link_points = np.array(link_points)
    probes_rad = np.deg2rad(probes)
    link_points_rad = np.deg2rad(link_points)

    knns_kd = nearest_kdtree(probes_rad, link_points_rad, n=100, is_filter=False)
    link_candidates = [set([bel for lat, lon in link_points_[knns] for bel in belong[lat, lon]]) for knns in knns_kd]
    with open("data/link_candidates.pkl", "wb") as fout:
        cPickle.dump(link_candidates, fout, 2)
Пример #15
def main():
    "main program"
    loansData = read_data()
    numeric_vars = get_numeric_vars()
    train_df, train_y, test_df, test_y = load_data(loansData, numeric_vars)
    print("train_df head\n", train_df[:3])
    print("train_y head\n", train_y[:3])
    plotdir = make_plotdir() 

# add scaling
    train_X, my_scaler = scale_train_data(train_df)
    test_X = scale_test_data(my_scaler, test_df)
    regr = linreg()
    regr.fit(train_X, train_y)
#    print('regr methods', dir(regr))
#   print('columns', list(train_df.columns), 'Intercept')
#   print('coefs', regr.coef_, regr.intercept_)
    coefs = sort_coefs(list(train_df.columns), regr.coef_, regr.intercept_)

    fitpts = regr.predict(train_X)
    plot_predict_scatter(plotdir, "train", fitpts, train_y)

    cross_validate(regr, train_X, train_y, cv=10, print_out=True)
    score = regr.score(train_X, train_y)
    print('Regression fit R^2 score %.4f' % score)
    pred = regr.predict(test_X)
#    pscore = sum(np.array(test_y) == pred)  # need np.tol.diff
    pscore = sum(np.abs(test_y - pred)) / len(test_y)
    print('Regression predict diff average %.4f' % pscore)
#    pscore = np.sqrt(sum( (test_y - pred)*(test_y - pred) ))
    pscore = regr.score(test_X, test_y)
    print('Regression predict R^2 score %.4f' % pscore)

    plot_predict_scatter(plotdir, "test", pred, test_y)

    # try fit with fewer top variables: 5, 4, 3, 2
    for top in range(5, 1, -1):
       new_vars = get_top_vars(coefs, top)
       print('new_vars', new_vars)
       run_var_list(new_vars, loansData)
Пример #16
def main():
    print "Reading data..."
    X, Y = utils.read_data("../files/train_10.csv")
    print "Preprocessing..."
    X = preprocess(X)
    print "Extracting Features..."
    X = extractFeatures(X)
    Y = [int(x) for x in Y]
    X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
    classMap = sorted(list(set(Y)))
    accs = []
    rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, n_jobs=-1, compute_importances=True, oob_score=True)
    rf.fit(X, Y)
    importantFeatures = []
    for x,i in enumerate(rf.feature_importances_):
        print len(rf.feature_importances_)
        print x, i
        if i>np.average(rf.feature_importances_):
    print 'Most important features:', ', '.join(importantFeatures)
    print rf.oob_score_
Пример #17
def main():
    X, Y = utils.read_data("../files/train_10.csv")
    n_target = len(set(Y))
    Y = map(int, Y)
    folds = 5
    stf = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(Y, folds)
    loss = []
    accs = []
    classMap = sorted(list(set(Y)))
    X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
    print "Testing..."
    for i, (train, test) in enumerate(stf):
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train], X[test], Y[train], Y[test]
        probs = [[0.001 for x in range(n_target)]
                           for y in range(len(y_test))]
        loss.append(utils.logloss(probs, y_test, classMap))
        accs.append(utils.accuracy([1]*len(y_test), y_test))
        print "Accuracy(Fold {0}): ".format(i) + str(accs[len(accs) - 1])
        print "Loss(Fold {0}): ".format(i) + str(loss[len(loss) - 1])
    print "Mean Accuracy: " + str(np.mean(accs))
    print "Mean Loss: " + str(np.mean(loss))
Пример #18
def main():
    probes, links = read_data()
    with open("data/link_lengths.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        link_lengths = cPickle.load(fin)
    with open("data/nearest_link.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        nearest_link = cPickle.load(fin)
    idx = 0
    dis_ref_nonref_list = []
    for probe, nearest in izip(probes, nearest_link):
        if nearest is not None:
            nearest_idx, nearest_dis = nearest
            dis_ref, dis_nonref = dis_ref_nonref(probe, links[nearest_idx], nearest_dis, link_lengths[nearest_idx])
            dis_ref_nonref_list.append((dis_ref, dis_nonref))
            idx += 1
            if idx % 10000 == 0:
                print idx
    print len(dis_ref_nonref_list)
    with open("data/dis_ref_nonref.pkl", "wb") as fout:
        cPickle.dump(dis_ref_nonref_list, fout, 2)
Пример #19
def test():
    probes, links = read_data()
    link_points, belong = flatten_uniq(links)
    print "%d probe points loaded" % len(probes)
    print "%d link points loaded" % len(link_points)

    probes = np.array(random.sample(probes, 100))
    # print probes
    link_points = np.array(link_points)
    probes_rad = np.deg2rad(probes)
    link_points_rad = np.deg2rad(link_points)

    knns_kd = evaluate(lambda: nearest_kdtree(probes_rad, link_points_rad, n=30, is_filter=True), "kdtree")
    knns_force = evaluate(lambda: nearest_force(probes_rad, link_points_rad, n=30), "brute force")

    for idx, (k1, k2) in enumerate(izip(knns_kd, knns_force)):
        diff = np.setdiff1d(k2, k1)
        if diff.size > 0:
            print diff
            print probes[idx]
            print link_points[diff]
            print haversine_np(probes_rad[idx], link_points_rad[diff])
Пример #20
def main():
    probes, links = read_data()
    with open("data/nearest_link.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        nearest_link = cPickle.load(fin)
    with open("data/link_ids.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        link_ids = cPickle.load(fin)
    with open("data/dis_ref_nonref.pkl", "rb") as fin: 
        dis_ref_nonref = cPickle.load(fin)
    with open("data/dir_angles.pkl", "rb") as fin:
        dir_angles = cPickle.load(fin)
    with open("data/probe_points.csv", "r") as fin, open("data/Partition6467MatchedPoints.csv", "w") as fout:
        for idx, (line, nearest, dir_angle, dis_pair) in enumerate(izip(fin, nearest_link, dir_angles, dis_ref_nonref)):
            if nearest is not None:
                nearest_idx, nearest_dis = nearest
                line = line.strip()
                dis_ref, dis_nonref = dis_pair
                dir_chr = "F" if dir_angle > 0 else "T" 
                link_id = link_ids[nearest_idx]
                line += "," + ",".join([link_id, dir_chr, str(dis_ref), str(dis_nonref)])
                print line
                # fout.write(line + "\n")
            if idx > 10:
Пример #21
def test():
    link_candidates = cPickle.load(open("data/link_candidates.pkl", "rb"))
    probes, links = read_data()
    d = dict()
    indices = random.sample(range(len(probes)), 10000)
    for idx in indices:
    # for probe, candidates in izip(probes, link_candidates):
        probe = probes[idx]
        candidates = link_candidates[idx]
        link_dis = dict()
        for cand_id in candidates:
            dis = probe_to_link_dist(links[cand_id], probe)
            if dis < 100:
                link_dis[cand_id] = dis
        link_dis = link_dis.items()
        if len(link_dis):
            min_dis = min(link_dis, key=itemgetter(1))[1]
            # print min_dis
            link_dis = [x for x in link_dis if x[1] < min_dis + 10 and min_dis * 3 > x[1]]
            l = len(link_dis)
            if l == 4:
                print link_dis
            d[l] = d.get(l, 0) + 1
    print d
Пример #22
def decode():
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # Create model.
        print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.size))
        model = create_model(sess, False)

        # Read data into buckets and compute their sizes.
        print("Reading development and training data (limit: %d)."
              % FLAGS.max_train_data_size)

        _, _, all_data_labels = utils.read_data(_buckets, data_dir=FLAGS.data_dir, sequence_len=FLAGS.seq_len)

        all_data, all_labels = all_data_labels
        all_states = []
        for bucket_id in range(len(_buckets)):
            if len(all_data[bucket_id]) == 0:
                print("  eval: empty bucket %d" % bucket_id)
            idx = 0
            total_eval_loss = 0
            i = 0
            total_len = len(all_data[bucket_id])
            while idx < total_len:
                encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, idx = model.get_batch(all_data, bucket_id, idx)
                _, eval_loss, _, states = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights, bucket_id, True)
                total_eval_loss += eval_loss
                i += 1
                print('\rBucket {}, item {}/{}'.format(bucket_id, idx, total_len), end='\r')

            print("  eval: bucket %d loss %.2f" % (bucket_id, total_eval_loss / i))
        np.savez(os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, 'decoded_states.npz'),
                 states=np.vstack(all_states), labels=all_labels)
Пример #23
def main():
    X, Y = utils.read_data("../files/train_10.csv")
    Y = map(int, Y)
    folds = 5
    stf = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(Y, folds)
    loss = []
    svc = svm.SVC(probability=True)
    accs = []
    classMap = sorted(list(set(Y)))
    X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
    print "Testing..."
    for i, (train, test) in enumerate(stf):
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = X[train], X[test], Y[train], Y[test]
        svc.fit(X_train, y_train)
        predicted = svc.predict(X_test)
        probs = svc.predict_proba(X_test)
        probs = [[min(max(x, 0.001), 0.999) for x in y]
                       for y in probs]
        loss.append(utils.logloss(probs, y_test, classMap))
        accs.append(utils.accuracy(predicted, y_test))
        print "Accuracy(Fold {0}): ".format(i) + str(accs[len(accs) - 1])
        print "Loss(Fold {0}): ".format(i) + str(loss[len(loss) - 1])
    print "Mean Accuracy: " + str(np.mean(accs))
    print "Mean Loss: " + str(np.mean(loss))
Пример #24
        temp = arg_value.split(",")
        services = temp
        print "\n** Error ! Unrecognized argument ! Let me print the help **"
        print "\n  ----------------------------------------------------------\n"

#                   #
#       Mode        #
#                   #

import ModeKfold

# we read the datas
data = utils.read_data(filename)

obj0 = ModeKfold.ModeKfold()

# we do a mode k-fold cross-validation
res0, time0 = obj0.cross_validation(data,k, "")

if "mode" in services:
    # we print the results
    print_results("Mode", res0, time0, 0)

#                   #
#       BigML       #
#                   #

if "bigml" in services:
Пример #25
import progressbar

import os
p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
if not p in sys.path:

import utils
from models import LR, FM, PNN1, PNN2, FNN, CCPM

train_file = '../../output/fm/train.fm'
test_file = '../../output/fm/test.fm'

input_dim = utils.INPUT_DIM

train_data = utils.read_data(train_file)
# train_data = pkl.load(open('../data/train.yx.pkl', 'rb'))
train_data = utils.shuffle(train_data)
test_data = utils.read_data(test_file)
# test_data = pkl.load(open('../data/test.yx.pkl', 'rb'))
# pkl.dump(train_data, open('../data/train.yx.pkl', 'wb'))
# pkl.dump(test_data, open('../data/test.yx.pkl', 'wb'))

if train_data[1].ndim > 1:
    print('label must be 1-dim')
print('read finish')
print('train data size:', train_data[0].shape)
print('test data size:', test_data[0].shape)

train_size = train_data[0].shape[0]
Пример #26
from utils import read_data
from intcode.vm import IntcodeVM

raw = read_data(21)[0].split(",")

def attempt(instructions, part):
    assert part in [1, 2]
    if part == 1:

    text_input = [ord(i) for i in "\n".join(instructions) + "\n"]
    vm = IntcodeVM(raw, input_=text_input)
    out = vm.collect_all_outputs()

    row = []
    for i in out:
        if i == 10:
            # print("".join(row))
            row = []
            except ValueError:
                # final instruction is puzzle result
                print("Part {}:".format(part))

Пример #27
from collections import Counter
from typing import List
from utils import read_data

INPUT = read_data()

def make_counters(data: List[str]) -> List[Counter]:
    pos_counters = [Counter() for _ in range(8)]

    for line in data:
        for index, char in enumerate(line):
    return pos_counters

def part_one(counters: List[Counter]) -> str:
    return "".join([
        sorted(counters[i], key=lambda x: counters[i][x])[-1] for i in range(8)

def part_two(counters: List[Counter]) -> str:
    return "".join([
        sorted(counters[i], key=lambda x: counters[i][x])[0] for i in range(8)

processed_input = make_counters(INPUT.split("\n"))
print(f"Part one password: {part_one(processed_input)}")
print(f"Part two password: {part_two(processed_input)}")
Пример #28
import tensorflow as tf

import utils
from model import Model
from utils import read_data

from flags import parse_args
FLAGS, unparsed = parse_args()

    '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s',

vocabulary = read_data(FLAGS.text)
print('Data size', len(vocabulary))

with open(FLAGS.dictionary, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
    dictionary = json.load(inf, encoding='utf-8')

with open(FLAGS.reverse_dictionary, encoding='utf-8') as inf:
    reverse_dictionary = json.load(inf, encoding='utf-8')

model = Model(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate,

with tf.Session() as sess:
    summary_string_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.output_dir, sess.graph)
Пример #29

def evaluate_part_two(expression: str) -> int:
    expression = expression.replace(" ", "")
    while '(' in expression:
        parens = find_matching_parens(expression)
        first_paren = min(parens.keys())
        sub_problem = expression[first_paren + 1:parens[first_paren]]
        sub_value = evaluate_part_two(sub_problem)
        expression = str(sub_value).join(
            (expression[:first_paren], expression[parens[first_paren] + 1:]))
    while '+' in expression:
        plus_loc = expression.index("+")
        left_num, left_num_start = get_left_num(expression, plus_loc)
        right_num, right_num_end = get_right_num(expression, plus_loc)
        expression = str(left_num + right_num).join(
            (expression[:left_num_start], expression[right_num_end + 1:]))
    while '*' in expression:
        mult_loc = expression.index("*")
        left_num, left_num_start = get_left_num(expression, mult_loc)
        right_num, right_num_end = get_right_num(expression, mult_loc)
        expression = str(left_num * right_num).join(
            (expression[:left_num_start], expression[right_num_end + 1:]))
    return int(expression)

INPUT = read_data().split("\n")
part_one_answers = [evaluate_part_one(line) for line in INPUT]
print(f'Part one: {sum(evaluate_part_one(line) for line in INPUT)}')
print(f"Part two: {sum(evaluate_part_two(line) for line in INPUT)}")
Пример #30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar 10 15:05:25 2020

@author: Mathias
import os

from utils import read_data, clean_seqs, eight_to_three_state

path = '../DATA/CB513_formatted.txt'

proteins, seqs, structures = read_data(path, 'DSSP')
seqs, structures = clean_seqs(seqs, structures)

structures_3_state = eight_to_three_state(structures, method='method_1')

#### KEY FIGURES ####

# Number of seqs
print("Number of seqs: {}".format(len(proteins)))

# Total number of aa's
length = 0
for seq in seqs:
    length += len(seq)

print("Total number os aa's: {}".format(length))
Пример #31
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

import utils
from models import LR, FM, PNN1, PNN2, FNN, CCPM

#train_file = '../data/train.yx.txt'
#test_file = '../data/test.yx.txt'
train_file = '../data/train.txt'
test_file = '../data/test.txt'

# fm_model_file = '../data/fm.model.txt'

input_dim = utils.INPUT_DIM

train_data = utils.read_data(train_file)
train_data = utils.shuffle(train_data)
test_data = utils.read_data(test_file)

if train_data[1].ndim > 1:
    print 'label must be 1-dim'
print('read finish')

train_size = train_data[0].shape[0]
test_size = test_data[0].shape[0]
num_feas = len(utils.FIELD_SIZES)

min_round = 1
num_round = 1000
early_stop_round = 50
Пример #32
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn import linear_model
import sys
import utils
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit

train_file = "./data/A1_Data/train.json"
dev_file = "./data/A1_Data/dev.json"
model_file = 'model.pkl'

train_file = sys.argv[1]
dev_file = sys.argv[2]
model_file = sys.argv[3]

train_sent, train_y = utils.read_data(train_file)
dev_sent, dev_y = utils.read_data(dev_file)
print(len(train_sent), len(dev_sent))

print("Cleaning data")
train_x = utils.clean_data(train_sent)
dev_x = utils.clean_data(dev_sent)

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=1000000,
                             ngram_range=(1, 2))
temp = train_x + dev_x
print("Transforming data to tdidf")
train_test_x_tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform(temp)
train_x_tfidf = train_test_x_tfidf[0:len(train_x)]
Пример #33
import numpy as np
from utils import read_data
import tensorflow as tf
import argparse

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--data', type=str, default='banana',
					help='Name of the dataset')
args = parser.parse_args()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

X, y, Xt, yt = read_data(key=args.data)

# labels should 0-1
y = ((y + 1)/2).reshape(len(y), 1)
yt = ((yt + 1)/2).reshape(len(yt), 1)

dim = X.shape[1]

inp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, dim])
labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1])

# params
hsize = 1024
W1 = tf.get_variable("W1", shape=[dim, hsize], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
b1 = tf.get_variable("b1", shape=[hsize], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())

W2 = tf.get_variable("W2", shape=[hsize, hsize], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
b2 = tf.get_variable("b2", shape=[hsize], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
Пример #34
from apriori import Apriori
from fpgrowth import FPGrowth
from utils import read_data
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    transactions, items = read_data('Online Retail.xlsx')
    # transactions, items = {'T1': ['pasta', 'lemon', 'bread', 'orange'],
    #                        'T2': ['pasta', 'lemon'],
    #                        'T3': ['pasta', 'orange', 'cake'],
    #                        'T4': ['pasta', 'lemon', 'orange', 'cake']}, ['pasta', 'lemon', 'bread', 'orange', 'cake']

    t1 = time.time()
    apriori = Apriori()
    apriori.fit(transactions=transactions, items=items, min_support=0.03)
    # result = apriori.predict(['pasta', 'lemon'])
    result = apriori.predict(['84029G', '84029E'])
    t2 = time.time()
    print(t2 - t1)


    t1 = time.time()
    fp_growth = FPGrowth()
    fp_growth.fit(transactions=transactions, items=items, min_support=0.03)
    result = fp_growth.predict(['84029G', '84029E'])
    # result = fp_growth.predict(['pasta', 'lemon'])
    t2 = time.time()
Пример #35
    def train(self, Config):

        data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(Config.checkpoint_dir),
                                Config.data_dir)  #获取训练数据的地址

        train_data, train_label = read_data(data_dir, Config)
        update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
        with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
            self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(Config.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss)

        #self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(Config.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss)
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(
            global_step * Config.batch_size,
            40 * len(train_data) * Config.batch_size,

        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
        self.train_op = optimizer.minimize(self.loss,

        #gradient clip
        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
        #learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(Config.learning_rate, global_step*Config.batch_size, 5*len(train_data)*Config.batch_size, 0.1, staircase=True)        
        opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=Config.learning_rate)
        grad_and_value = opt.compute_gradients(self.loss)
        clip = tf.Variable(Config.clip_grad, name='clip') 
        def ClipIfNotNone(grad):
            if grad is None:
                return grad
            return tf.clip_by_value(grad, -clip, clip)
        capped_gvs = [(ClipIfNotNone(grad), var) for grad, var in grad_and_value]
        self.train_op = opt.apply_gradients(capped_gvs, global_step=global_step)


        summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./graph",

        counter = 0
        start_time = time.time()

        if self.load(self.checkpoint_dir):
            print("Load SUCCESS.")
            print("Load failed!")


        for ep in range(Config.epoch):
            batch_idxs = len(train_data) // Config.batch_size

            permutation = np.random.permutation(train_data.shape[0])
            #train_data = train_data[permutation,:, :, :]
            #train_label = train_label[permutation,:, :, :]

            for idx in range(0, batch_idxs):
                batch_images = train_data[permutation[idx *
                                                      Config.batch_size:(idx +
                                                                         1) *
                batch_labels = train_label[permutation[idx *
                                                       Config.batch_size:(idx +
                                                                          1) *

                #permutation = np.random.choice(train_data.shape[0], Config.batch_size)
                #batch_images = train_data[permutation,:, :, :]
                #batch_labels = train_label[permutation,:, :, :]

                counter += 1
                _, err = self.sess.run([self.train_op, self.loss],
                                           self.images: batch_images,
                                           self.labels: batch_labels

                if counter % 100 == 0:
                    summary = self.sess.run(self.merged,
                                                self.images: batch_images,
                                                self.labels: batch_labels
                    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, counter)
                    print("Epoch: [%2d], step: [%2d], time: [%4.4f], loss: [%.8f]" \
                             % ((ep+1), counter, time.time()-start_time, err))

                #if counter % 1000 == 0:
                #   self.save(Config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
                #if err < 0.015:
                #    self.save(Config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
            self.save(Config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
Пример #36
    return params

def test(parameters):
    test classifier with test data - no labels

    params - the trained params
    fd = open("test.pred", 'w')
    counter = 0
    test_ans = ''
    test_data = ut.read_data('test')
    for label, feature in test_data:
        pred = mlp1.predict(feats_to_vec(feature), parameters)
        for l, i in ut.L2I.items():
            if i == pred:
                test_ans = l
        counter += 1
        fd.write(test_ans + "\n")
        #print 'line: ', counter, 'prediction: ', test_ans

if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_data = ut.read_data('train')
    dev_data = ut.read_data('dev')
    params = mlp1.create_classifier(len(ut.F2I), HIDDEN_SIZE, len(ut.L2I))
    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, EPOCH, LR, params)
    print trained_params
Пример #37
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
import argparse
import os
import json
import utils

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cost1 = []
    cost2 = []
    for group in utils.listGroups():
        for fn in utils.listGroupInstances(group):
            topology = fn.split('.')[0]
            data = utils.read_data(group, 'minCover', topology)
            assert data != None, topology
            c = int(data['initialCoverSeg'])
            data = utils.read_data(group, 'minCover_complete', topology)
            assert data != None, topology
            c = int(data['initialCoverSeg'])
    groups = [str(i) for i in range(max(len(cost1), len(cost2)))]
    cost1 = utils.data_to_bar(cost1)
    cost2 = utils.data_to_bar(cost2)
    utils.make_g_barplot([cost1, cost2], groups,
                         ['original IGP', 'ECMP-free and complete IGP'],
                         ['#3CAEA3', '#ED553B'], 'segment cost',
                         'percentage of topologies', '',
                         '../data/plot/minSegCover_segcost_complete.eps', 5)
Пример #38
        im_name = "im_test"
        # obatin image
        result = get_image(im_name)
        # get target coordinate
        target_cam = get_target()
        target_cam = np.matrix(
                (np.array(target_cam).transpose(), np.ones(
                    [1, len(target_cam)])),
        # get transformation matrix
        H, error = calibrate(data_file)
        write_data(data_file, H, "H", type="mat")
        H = read_data(data_file, "H")
        # get target pose in robot base
        target_r = np.dot(H, target_cam)
        # transform from homogeneous coordinate to Cartesian coordinate
        target_r[:3, :] = target_r[:3, :] / target_r[3, :]
        target_r = target_r[:3, :]
        target_r = list(target_r.transpose())
        # execution for each task
        for target in target_r:
            current_pose = group.get_current_pose().pose
            current_pose.position.x = target[0, 0]
            current_pose.position.y = target[0, 1]
            plan_execute(current_pose, mode)
            str = raw_input(
Пример #39
import math
from utils import read_data

raw = read_data(22)

def brute_force(data, N):
    cards = list(range(N))
    for row in data:
        if row == "deal into new stack":
            # Reverse ordering
            cards = list(reversed(cards))

        elif row.startswith("cut"):
            cut = int(row[4:])
            if cut < 0:
                cut += N
            cards = cards[cut:] + cards[:cut]

        elif row.startswith("deal with increment"):
            increment = int(row.split()[3])
            new = [0] * N

            for i in range(N):
                new[(i * increment) % N] = cards[i]
            cards = new

            raise Exception("Unexpected row: {}".format(row))

    return cards
Пример #40
def main(param):
    model_name = param.model_name
    param["model_name"] = "pseudo_" + model_name

    print('read csv...')
    train, test, submit = utils.read_data("./data")
    train = make_pseudo_labeled_data(train, test)
    print('read wave data...')
    train_wave = utils.read_wave("./data/ecg/" + train["Id"] + ".npy")
    test_wave = utils.read_wave("./data/ecg/" + test["Id"] + ".npy")
    train_y = train["target"]

    train["sex"] = train["sex"].replace({"male": 0, "female": 1})
    test["sex"] = test["sex"].replace({"male": 0, "female": 1})

    human_mask = train['label_type'] == 'human'

    train_meta_human = train[human_mask][["sex", "age"]]
    train_wave_human = train_wave[human_mask]

    train_meta_auto = train[~human_mask][["sex", "age"]]
    train_wave_auto = train_wave[~human_mask]

    train_y_human = train_y[human_mask]
    train_y_auto = train_y[~human_mask]

    kf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=10, shuffle=True)

    val_preds = np.zeros(train_meta_human.shape[0])

    for (fold, (train_index, val_index)) in enumerate(kf.split(train_meta_human, train_y_human)):
        print(f"{'=' * 20} fold {fold + 1} {'=' * 20}")

        # foldごとに定義しないとリークしてしまう
        model = MODEL_NAMES_DICT[model_name](param)

        train_input_wave = np.concatenate([

        train_input_meta = np.concatenate([

        train_y_concat = np.concatenate([

        val_input_wave = train_wave_human[val_index]

        val_input_meta = train_meta_human.iloc[val_index]

        val_y_concat = train_y_human.iloc[val_index]

        val_pred = model.fit(
            [train_input_wave, train_input_meta],
            [val_input_wave, val_input_meta],

        # foldを忘れないよう注意. fitの帰り値はval_pred

        val_preds[val_index] += val_pred

    print("AUC score:", roc_auc_score(train_y[human_mask], val_preds))
Пример #41
import argparse
import os
import json

import utils

if __name__ == '__main__':
  runtime1 = [ ]
  runtime2 = [ ]
  skip = [ ]
  for group in utils.listGroups():
    for fn in utils.listGroupInstances(group):
      topology = fn.split('.')[0]
      data = utils.read_data(group, 'maxEDPSegmentModel', topology)
      if data == None:
      res = data['pairResults']
      for r in res:
        runtime2.append(float(r['runtime']) / 1e9)
      data = utils.read_data(group, 'maxEDPMip', topology)
      assert data != None, topology
      res = data['pairResults']
      for r in res:
        runtime1.append(float(r['runtime']) / 1e9)  
  x, y = utils.cdf(runtime1, 0.01)
  ax = plt.subplot()
def _kidney_disease(config):
    tmp_df1 = pd.DataFrame(
        utils.read_data(config.dataset_dir + '/kidney_disease_data.txt'))
    tmp_df2 = pd.DataFrame(
        utils.read_data(config.dataset_dir + '/kidney_disease_labels.txt'))
    data_df = pd.concat([tmp_df1, tmp_df2], axis=1)
    data_df.columns = [str(x) for x in range(len(data_df.columns))]
    target_col = str(len(data_df.columns) - 1)
    data_df[[target_col]] = data_df[[target_col]].replace(-1, 0)

    data_df_dropped = data_df.dropna()


    df = data_df_dropped.drop(columns=[target_col])
    cols = df.columns.tolist()

    data_df = data_df[~data_df[target_col].isnull()]
    null_df = data_df[data_df.isnull().any(axis=1)]
    filled_df = null_df.fillna(np.nan)

    y_test = np.asarray(filled_df[target_col])
    x_test = filled_df.drop(columns=[target_col]).values

    y = np.asarray(data_df_dropped[target_col])

    df = data_df_dropped.drop(columns=[target_col])
    cols = df.columns.tolist()
    print("x_test {}, y_test {}".format(x_test.shape, y_test.shape))
    print("df {}, y {}".format(df.shape, y.shape))
    if config.mod_split == 'none':
        X = df.values
        data = {'0': X, 'y': y, '0_test': x_test, 'y_test': y_test}

    elif config.mod_split == 'random':
        X = random_split(config, df.values)
        data = {'y': y}
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            data[str(i)] = x

    elif config.mod_split == 'computation_split':
        X = feature_split(config, df.values)
        data = {'y': y}
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            data[str(i)] = x

        clusters = feature_split(config, df.values, return_split_sizes=True)
        X_test_split = []
        for cluster in set(clusters):
            indices = [
                j for j in range(len(clusters)) if clusters[j] == cluster
            X_test_split.append(x_test[:, indices])

        for i, x in enumerate(X_test_split):
            data["{}_test".format(i)] = x

        data['y_test'] = y_test
    return data
Пример #43
from diane.analysis_tools import Histogram1D
from utils import read_data

iters, betas = read_data()

workers = {}

for B in betas:
    for t in iters[B]:
        wid = t[2]
            h = workers[wid]
        except KeyError:
            h = Histogram1D(0, 50000, 100, "execution time of subsequent tasks on the same worker node (master.log)")
            workers[wid] = h
        h.add(t[1] - t[0])

dispersion = Histogram1D(
    "relative std deviation of the execution time of subsequent iterations on the same worker node (master.log)",
samples = Histogram1D(0.5, 50.5, 50, "number of subsequent iterations on the same worker node (master.log)")
# absdisp = Histogram1D(0,1000,100)
for w in workers:
    h = workers[w]
    if h.hits > 1:
        dispersion.add(h.stddev / h.mean)
#    absdisp.add(h.stddev)
Пример #44
    def train(self, Config):

        data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(Config.checkpoint_dir),

        train_data_mos, train_data_r, train_data_b, train_label_r, train_label_g, train_label_b = read_data(
            data_dir, Config)

        self.train_g = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(Config.learning_rate).minimize(
            self.loss_g, var_list=self.vars_g)
        self.train_r = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(Config.learning_rate).minimize(
            self.loss_r, var_list=self.vars_r)
        self.train_b = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(Config.learning_rate).minimize(
            self.loss_b, var_list=self.vars_b)
        self.train_rgb = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(Config.learning_rate).minimize(
            self.loss_rgb, var_list=[self.vars_r, self.vars_g, self.vars_b])


        counter = 0
        start_time = time.time()

        if self.load(self.checkpoint_dir):
            print("Load SUCCESS.")
            print("Load failed!")


        for ep in range(Config.epoch):
            batch_idxs = len(train_data_mos) // Config.batch_size

            permutation = np.random.permutation(train_data_mos.shape[0])

            minn = 10000
            for idx in range(0, batch_idxs):
                batch_images_mos = train_data_mos[
                    permutation[idx * Config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *
                batch_images_r = train_data_r[
                    permutation[idx * Config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *
                batch_images_b = train_data_b[
                    permutation[idx * Config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *
                batch_labels_g = train_label_g[
                    permutation[idx * Config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *
                batch_labels_r = train_label_r[
                    permutation[idx * Config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *
                batch_labels_b = train_label_b[
                    permutation[idx * Config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *

                counter += 1
                if ep < Config.epoch // 4 * 1:
                    _, err = self.sess.run([self.train_g, self.loss_g], feed_dict={self.images_mos: batch_images_mos, self.labels_g: batch_labels_g})
                elif ep < Config.epoch // 4 * 2:
                    _, err = self.sess.run([self.train_r, self.loss_r], feed_dict={self.images_mos: batch_images_mos, self.images_r: batch_images_r, self.labels_r: batch_labels_r, self.labels_g: batch_labels_g})
                elif ep < Config.epoch // 4 * 3:
                    _, err = self.sess.run([self.train_b, self.loss_b], feed_dict={self.images_mos: batch_images_mos, self.images_b: batch_images_b, self.labels_b: batch_labels_b, self.labels_g: batch_labels_g})
                    _, err = self.sess.run([self.train_rgb, self.loss_rgb], feed_dict={self.images_mos: batch_images_mos, self.images_r: batch_images_r, self.images_b: batch_images_b, self.labels_r: batch_labels_r, self.labels_g: batch_labels_g, self.labels_b: batch_labels_b})
                _, err = self.sess.run(
                    [self.train_rgb, self.loss_rgb],
                        self.images_mos: batch_images_mos,
                        self.images_r: batch_images_r,
                        self.images_b: batch_images_b,
                        self.labels_r: batch_labels_r,
                        self.labels_g: batch_labels_g,
                        self.labels_b: batch_labels_b

                if counter % 100 == 0:
                    print("Epoch: [%2d], step: [%2d], time: [%4.4f], loss: [%.8f]" \
                             % ((ep+1), counter, time.time()-start_time, err))

                if counter % 10000 == 0:
                    self.save(Config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
                if err <= minn:
                    minn = err
                    self.save(Config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
            self.save(Config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
Пример #45
from utils import read_data, save_submission
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sys import argv, exit

#this file is an attempt to throw everything sklearn has to create a whole bunch of submissions which will then be averaged out.

train_features, train_labels, test_features, ids, outfile = read_data()

def train_et():
 et = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators = 500, max_depth = 35, min_samples_split=4, min_samples_leaf=2, criterion="entropy")
 et.fit(train_features, train_labels)
 probs = et.predict_proba(test_features)[:,1]
 save_submission(outfile+"_et", ids, probs)
# print cross_val_score(et, train_features, train_labels, scoring="log_loss")

def train_rf():
 rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 100, max_depth = 10, min_samples_split=4, min_samples_leaf=2, criterion="entropy")
 rf.fit(train_features, train_labels)
 probs = rf.predict_proba(test_features)[:,1]
 save_submission(outfile+"_rf", ids, probs)
 print cross_val_score(rf, train_features, train_labels, scoring="log_loss")

def train_ada():
    def evaluate(self, testing_data_path):
        tokens, labels = read_data(testing_data_path)

        tokens_transform = self.preprocess_token_transform(tokens)
        labels_transform = self.preprocess_label_transform(labels)

        tf_unary_scores, tf_transition_params, tf_sequence_lengths = self.sess.run(
            [self.logits_tensor, self.tensor_transition_params, self.sequence_lengths],
                self.tensor_tokens: tokens_transform

        label_corre_cnt = 0
        label_total_cnt = 0
        sentence_corre_cnt = 0
        sentence_total_cnt = len(labels)

        # err_dir = self.params[constants.PARAM_KEY_MODEL_ERR_DIR]
        # err_file = err_dir+'_new_one_entity_oeo2oso.txt'
        # err_file = open(err_file,'w')

        # true_dir = self.params[constants.PARAM_KEY_MODEL_ERR_DIR]
        true_file = '/Users/liuxiaoan/Downloads/fund_raw_data_new/true_data_new.txt'
        true_file = open(true_file, 'w')

        err_entity = self.read_errdata('/Users/liuxiaoan/Downloads/raw_data/data/music_valid_data_new_entity.txt')
        # print len(err_entity)
        for tf_unary_scores_, y_, sequence_length_, data_index in zip(tf_unary_scores, labels_transform, tf_sequence_lengths, range(len(labels_transform))):
            # Remove padding from the scores and tag sequence.
            tf_unary_scores_ = tf_unary_scores_[:sequence_length_]
            y_ = y_[:sequence_length_]

            # Compute the highest scoring sequence.
            viterbi_sequence, _ = tf.contrib.crf.viterbi_decode(
                tf_unary_scores_, tf_transition_params)
            # Evaluate accuracy.
            # change o e o to o s o
            if True:
                labels_str = ''.join(str(i) for i in viterbi_sequence)
                    i = labels_str.index('121')
                    viterbi_sequence[i+1] = 4
                    i = labels_str.index('131')
                    viterbi_sequence[i + 1] = 5
            sentence_corre = True
            label_total_cnt += sequence_length_
            sencence_label_corre_ = np.sum(np.equal(viterbi_sequence, y_))
            label_corre_cnt += sencence_label_corre_

            if sencence_label_corre_ == sequence_length_:
                sentence_corre_cnt += 1
                true_file.write(" ".join(tokens[data_index]) + '\n')
                true_file.write(" ".join(labels[data_index]) + '\n')
                true_file.write(" ".join(self.predict([tokens[data_index]])[0]).strip() + '\n')
                # err_file.write(err_entity[data_index] + '\n')
            # else:
            #     if True:
            #         try:
            #             err_file.write(",".join(tokens[data_index])+ '\n')
            #             err_file.write(",".join(labels[data_index]) + '\n')
            #             err_file.write(",".join(self.predict([tokens[data_index]])[0]).strip().replace(' ',',') + '\n')
            #             err_file.write(err_entity[data_index]+'\n')
            #         except:
            #             continue
        # err_file.close()

        logging.info("total label count: %d, label accuracy: %.2f", label_total_cnt,
                     1.0 * label_corre_cnt / label_total_cnt)
        logging.info("total sentence count: %d, sentence accuracy: %.2f", sentence_total_cnt,
                     1.0 * sentence_corre_cnt / sentence_total_cnt)
Пример #47
#     timeperiod=moving_average
# )
# average_true_range = average_true_range_list[-1]
# code_name = ('300623', '捷捷微电')
# code_name = ('600145', '*ST新亿')
# code_name = ('601700', '风范股份')
# code_name = ('000725', '京东方A')
code_name = ('002157', '正邦科技')
# code_name = ('300663', '科蓝软件')
# end = '2017-09-26'
end = '2019-02-15'

data = utils.read_data(code_name)
# print(data)
result = enter.check_volume(code_name, data, end_date=end)
print("low atr check {0}'s result: {1}".format(code_name, result))
# rolling_window = 21
# moving_average = 20
# average_true_range = ATR(
#         data.high.values[-rolling_window:],
#         data.low.values[-rolling_window:],
#         data.close.values[-rolling_window:],
#         timeperiod=moving_average
#     )
# print(data['high'].values)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import svm
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, train_test_split
import sys
import os

from utils import read_data, plot_data, plot_decision_function

# Read data
x, labels = read_data("points_class_0.txt", "points_class_1.txt")

# Split data to train and test on 80-20 ratio
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, labels, test_size = 0.2, random_state=0)

print("Displaying data. Close window to continue.")
# Plot data
plot_data(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)

print("Training SVM with C=1 ...")
# make a classifier and fit on training data
clf_1 = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=1)
clf_1.fit(X_train, y_train)

print("Display decision function (C=1) ...")
# Plot decision function on training and test data
plot_decision_function(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, clf_1)

print("Training SVM with C=1 ...")
Пример #49
def train():
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # Create model.
        print("Creating %d layers of %d units." % (FLAGS.num_layers, FLAGS.size))
        model = create_model(sess, False)

        # Read data into buckets and compute their sizes.
        print("Reading development and training data (limit: %d)."
              % FLAGS.max_train_data_size)

        train_set, dev_set, _ = utils.read_data(_buckets, data_dir=FLAGS.data_dir, sequence_len=FLAGS.seq_len)

        train_bucket_sizes = [len(train_set[b]) for b in range(len(_buckets))]
        train_total_size = float(sum(train_bucket_sizes))

        # A bucket scale is a list of increasing numbers from 0 to 1 that we'll use
        # to select a bucket. Length of [scale[i], scale[i+1]] is proportional to
        # the size if i-th training bucket, as used later.
        train_buckets_scale = [sum(train_bucket_sizes[:i + 1]) / train_total_size
                               for i in range(len(train_bucket_sizes))]

        # This is the training loop.
        step_time, loss = 0.0, 0.0
        current_step = 0
        previous_losses = []
        while True:
            # Choose a bucket according to data distribution. We pick a random number
            # in [0, 1] and use the corresponding interval in train_buckets_scale.
            random_number_01 = np.random.random_sample()
            bucket_id = min([i for i in range(len(train_buckets_scale))
                             if train_buckets_scale[i] > random_number_01])

            # Get a batch and make a step.
            start_time = time.time()
            encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch(
                train_set, bucket_id)
            _, step_loss, _, _ = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs,
                                            target_weights, bucket_id, False)
            step_time += (time.time() - start_time) / FLAGS.steps_per_checkpoint
            loss += step_loss / FLAGS.steps_per_checkpoint
            current_step += 1

            # Once in a while, we save checkpoint, print statistics, and run evals.
            if current_step % FLAGS.steps_per_checkpoint == 0:
                # Print statistics for the previous epoch.
                # perplexity = math.exp(loss) if loss < 300 else float('inf')
                print("global step %d learning rate %.4f step-time %.2f loss "
                      "%.2f" % (model.global_step.eval(), model.learning_rate.eval(),
                                step_time, loss))
                # Decrease learning rate if no improvement was seen over last 3 times.
                if len(previous_losses) > 2 and loss > max(previous_losses[-3:]):
                # Save checkpoint and zero timer and loss.
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, "translate.ckpt")
                model.saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=model.global_step)
                step_time, loss = 0.0, 0.0
                # Run evals on development set and print their perplexity.
                for bucket_id in range(len(_buckets)):
                    if len(dev_set[bucket_id]) == 0:
                        print("  eval: empty bucket %d" % (bucket_id))
                    encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, target_weights = model.get_batch(
                        dev_set, bucket_id)
                    _, eval_loss, _, _ = model.step(sess, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs,
                                                    target_weights, bucket_id, True)
                    # eval_ppx = math.exp(eval_loss) if eval_loss < 300 else float('inf')
                    print("  eval: bucket %d loss %.2f" % (bucket_id, eval_loss))
import utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import models
import os

data_by_paramters, data_parameters = utils.read_data("trainingDataOnlyKFixed.csv") #Read in CSV data into two lists. First contains the data organized by different action potential firign paramters. Second contains a list of the firing paramters used.
cropped_data_by_paramters = utils.crop_data(data_by_paramters,1000) #Crop data of constant voltage
rand_data_by_parameters, rand_data_parameters = utils.randomize_data(cropped_data_by_paramters, data_parameters) #Randomize the dataset in a way that keeps the parameters and firing data associated with those paramters at the same index
scaled_rand_data_by_parameters = utils.scale_data_using_data_removal(rand_data_by_parameters,2) #Shrink the random data to be smaller
normalized_data = utils.normalize_data(scaled_rand_data_by_parameters,(-1,1)) #Normalize the data to values between -1 and 1 so that high values dont prevent the model from training properly
parameters_split = utils.prepare_tags(rand_data_parameters) #Split string tags into numbers
tensor_data = torch.from_numpy(normalized_data).float() #Conevrt Normalized and preprocessed data into a tensor that can be fed into the network
tensor_parameters = torch.from_numpy(parameters_split).float() #Convert paramters into a tensor that can be fed into the network

time_series_dims = normalized_data[0].ndim #Get size of time series data recordings in this case it is only voltage
LSTM_hidden_layer = 200 #How many LSTMS are in this layer
num_of_parameters = parameters_split[0].size #Get number of parameters that need to be predicted
learning_rate = 0.000001 #Learning rate for model
epochs=2000 #How many times will the model go through the data
model_save_increments = 50 #How often will loss be measured and will the model be saved
time_series_length = len(normalized_data[0])
hidden_layer_size = 500
num_of_layers = 1

model_type = "models/LSTMDeepModel"
path = model_type + "_" + str(LSTM_hidden_layer) + "_" + str(learning_rate) + "/"
Пример #51
 def test_read_data(self):
     invalid_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/Offthegridsf/events?date_form=U&fields=id,cover,name,description,start_time,location,end_time,going&access_token=FAKE"  
     data = read_data(invalid_url)
     self.assertEqual(data, "ERROR")
Пример #52
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import utils
from methods import methods
from visualization import plots

FILENAME = 'datasets/ILThermo_Tm.csv'
MODEL = 'mlp_regressor'
DIRNAME = 'my_test'

descs = sys.argv[1:] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None

# Get X matrix and response vector y
df, y_error = utils.read_data(FILENAME)
X, y = utils.molecular_descriptors(df, descs)

Y = np.empty((y.shape[0], 2))
Y[:, 0] = y.ravel()
Y[:, 1] = y_error.ravel()

X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.10)

y_train = Y_train[:, 0]
y_test = Y_test[:, 0]
e_train = Y_train[:, 1]
e_test = Y_test[:, 1]

# Normalize testing data using training data
X_train, X_mean, X_std = utils.normalization(X_train)
Пример #53
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout
from keras.optimizers import RMSprop, Adam, Nadam  # Just trying different optimizer
from utils import (plot_feature_corr, plot_clusters, plot_pca,
                   plot_feature_importance, pr_curve,
                   print_classfication_report, read_data, write_data,
from sklearn import metrics

batch_size = 128
epochs = 50

X_train, y_train, X_test = read_data()

# Feature Diagnostic

plot_feature_corr(np.vstack(X_test), stem='test')
plot_pca(X_train, y_train)
plot_clusters(X_train, y_train)
indices_ci = plot_feature_importance(X_train, y_train)

skf = StratifiedKFold(y_train, n_folds=4)
train_index, dev_index = next(iter(skf))

X_dev = X_train[dev_index]
y_dev = y_train[dev_index]
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
import argparse
import os
import json
import utils

if __name__ == '__main__':
  cost1 = [ ]
  for group in utils.listGroups():
    for fn in utils.listGroupInstances(group):
      topology = fn.split('.')[0]
      data = utils.read_data(group, 'identificationCost', topology)
      assert data != None, topology
      c = int(max(data['originalIGP']))
  groups = [ str(i) for i in range(len(cost1)) ]
  cost1 = utils.data_to_bar(cost1)
  utils.make_g_barplot([cost1], groups, ['original IGP'], ['#3CAEA3'], 'maximum identification sr-cylce segment cost', 'percentage of topologies', '', '../data/plot/minSegCover_identification_orig.eps', 50)
  ax = plt.subplot()
  plot(x, y)
  plt.xlabel("Topology size |G|")
  plt.ylabel("Runtime in seconds")
  plt.savefig('../data/plot/minSegCover_runtime_by_size_complete.eps', format='eps', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')  
Пример #55
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
import argparse
import os
import json

import utils

if __name__ == '__main__':
    times = []
    for group in utils.listGroups():
        for fn in utils.listGroupInstances(group):
            topology = fn.split('.')[0]
            data = utils.read_data(group, 'cycleCoverGreedyRounding', topology)
            assert data != None, topology
            t = int(data['runtime'])
            times.append(t / 1e9 / 60)

    x, y = utils.cdf(times, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.xlabel("Runtime of the cycle cover CG algorithm (in minutes)")
    plt.ylabel("Percentage of topologies")
Пример #56
    for file in sim_list:
        img = cv2.imread('./sim/' + file)
        cvt = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
        resized = cv2.resize(cvt, (400, 200))
        # cv2.imshow("check", resized)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)

    labels = predict(path, np.array(images))
    show(images, labels)

def pre_trained():
    model = fcn(learning=True)
    #Don't use this model
    return model

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # train('last_try.h5', fcn_cv, 'full')

    data = read_data(13)
    imgs, _ = next(synt_generator(data, 'full')(15))

    # # USe this model
    labels = predict('./last_try.h5', imgs, fcn_cv)
    show_color(imgs, labels)

Пример #57
    if 1.0 - sum(data_wh[:-1]) < 0:
        print "less than 0-------------------------", 1-sum(data_wh[:-1])
    data_wh[-1] = 1.0 - sum(data_wh[:-1])             #确保权重之和为1

def get_pre_res(dataset, res_cls):
    pre_statis = []
    for d, cls in zip(dataset, res_cls):
        if d[-1] == cls:
    return pre_statis

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #datasets =  read_data("german-assignment5.txt")
    datasets =  read_data("breast-cancer-assignment5.txt")
    #datasets =  read_data("test.txt")
    DiscType = get_disc_val(datasets)
    AttrSet = range(len(datasets[0]))

    #print ada_classify(datasets[1:255], datasets[255:])
    #print ada_classify(datasets[1:10], datasets[10:])

    print fcv(datasets, ada_classify)
Пример #58
    def train(self, config):
        #os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
        # if config.is_train:
        #   input_setup(self.sess, config)
        # else:
        #   nx, ny,loc = input_setup(self.sess, config)

        if config.is_train:
            data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir),
            train_data, train_label = read_data(data_dir,
                                                ["train_inpt", "train_labl"])
            data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir),
            train_data, train_label, test_mask = read_data(
                data_dir, ["test_train", "test_label", "test_mask"])

        # Stochastic gradient descent with the standard backpropagation
        self.train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(

        # tensorboard
        merged = tf.summary.merge_all()  # 将图形、训练过程等数据合并在一起
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.getcwd() + '/logs',
                                       self.sess.graph)  # 将训练日志写入到logs文件夹下
        counter = 0

        start_time = time.time()

        if self.load(self.checkpoint_dir):
            print(" [*] Load SUCCESS")
            print(" [!] Load failed...")

        if config.is_train:
            # data_dir = os.path.join('./{}'.format(config.checkpoint_dir), "data_test.h5")
            # test_data, test_label = read_data(data_dir, ["test_train", "test_label"])
            # with h5py.File(os.getcwd()+"/checkpoint/data_origin_246.h5", 'r') as hf:
            #   origin_image_246 = np.array(hf.get("origin_data_246"))
            # # 找到无关数据
            # zorelist = []
            # for i in range(origin_image_246.shape[0]):
            #   for j in range(origin_image_246.shape[1]):
            #     if origin_image_246[i][j] == 0.0:
            #       zorelist.append([i, j])

            for ep in xrange(config.epoch):
                # Run by batch images
                batch_idxs = len(train_data) // config.batch_size
                for idx in xrange(0, batch_idxs):
                    batch_images = train_data[idx *
                                              config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *
                    batch_labels = train_label[idx *
                                               config.batch_size:(idx + 1) *

                    counter += 1
                    _, err = self.sess.run([self.train_op, self.loss],
                                               self.images: batch_images,
                                               self.labels: batch_labels
                    if counter % 10 == 0:
                        print("Epoch: [%2d], step: [%2d], time: [%4.4f], loss: [%.8f]" \
                              % ((ep + 1), counter, time.time() - start_time, err))

                    if counter % 500 == 0:
                        self.save(config.checkpoint_dir, counter)
                        # self.image_size=258
                        # self.label_size=246
                        # result= self.pred.eval({self.images:test_data, self.labels:test_label})
                        # self.image_size=33
                        # self.label_size=21
                        # result = result.reshape([246, 246])
                        # for i in range(result.shape[0]):
                        #   for j in range(result.shape[1]):
                        #     if [i, j] in zorelist:
                        #       result[i][j] = 0.0
                        # self.psnr = tf.assign(self.psnr, compare_psnr(origin_image_246, result))
                        # self.sess.run(self.psnr)
                        summary, acc = self.sess.run([merged, self.loss],
                        writer.add_summary(summary, counter)


            # with h5py.File(os.getcwd()+"/checkpoint/data_test.h5", 'r') as hf:
            #     test_train = np.array(hf.get("test_train"))
            #     test_label = np.array(hf.get("test_label"))
            #     test_psnr = np.array(hf.get("test_psnr"))
            # result = self.pred.eval({self.images: test_train, self.labels: test_label})
            # cont = 0
            # for i in range(result.shape[0]):
            #   label = test_label[i]
            #   label = label.reshape([21,21])
            #   train = result[i]
            #   train = train.reshape([21,21])
            #   srcnn_psnr=compare_psnr(label, train)
            #   if(srcnn_psnr > test_psnr[i]):
            #     cont=cont+1
            #     print("**********psnr srcnn:%.3f | bicubic:%.3f**********" % (srcnn_psnr,test_psnr[i]))
            #   else:
            #     print("psnr srcnn:%.3f | bicubic:%.3f" % (srcnn_psnr,test_psnr[i]))
            # print("超过数:%d/%d" % (cont, result.shape[0]))

            #使用原始模型的测试方式 makeimage33()
            # with h5py.File(os.getcwd()+"/checkpoint/data_test.h5", 'r') as hf:
            #     test_train = np.array(hf.get("test_train"))
            #     test_label = np.array(hf.get("test_label"))
            #     mask = np.array(hf.get("mask"))
            #     loc = np.array((hf.get("loc")))
            #     nx = np.array((hf.get("nx")))
            #     ny = np.array((hf.get("ny")))
            # result = self.pred.eval({self.images: test_train, self.labels: test_label})
            # result = merge_test(result, [nx, ny, loc])
            # result = result.squeeze()
            # #result = result*mask
            # # 使用matplotlib
            # fig = plt.figure()
            # plt.suptitle("Test")
            # # 原图
            # h, w = loc[len(loc) - 1][0] + 21, loc[len(loc) - 1][1] + 21
            # img = np.zeros((h, w, 1))
            # for i, image in enumerate(train_label):
            #     x, y = loc[i]
            #     img[x:x + 21, y:y + 21] = image
            # img = img.squeeze()
            # a = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
            # plt.imshow(result, cmap="gray")
            # a.set_title("srcnn:%.4f" % compare_psnr(img, result))
            # print("SRCNN:%.4f ssim:%.4f" % (compare_psnr(img, result), compare_ssim(img, result)))
            # a = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
            # plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")
            # a.set_title("origin")
            # imgorigin = img[2:, 2:]
            # # bicubic
            # img = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(img[2:, 2:], (1. / 3), prefilter=False)
            # img = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(img, (3 / 1.), prefilter=False)
            # print("bicubic:%.4f ssim:%.4f" % (compare_psnr(imgorigin, img), compare_ssim(imgorigin, img)))
            # a = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
            # plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")
            # a.set_title("bicubic:%.4f" % compare_psnr(imgorigin, img))
            # plt.show()
            # print("getResult...")

            # with h5py.File(os.getcwd()+"/checkpoint/singleimage.h5", 'r') as hf:
            #     trian_data = np.array(hf.get("trian_data"))
            #     train_label = np.array(hf.get("train_label"))
            #     bicubicpsinr = np.array((hf.get("bicubicpsinr")))
            # result = self.pred.eval({self.images: trian_data, self.labels: train_label})
            # result = result.reshape([result.shape[1], result.shape[2]])
            # train_label = train_label.reshape([train_label.shape[1], train_label.shape[2]])
            # print("srcnn%.4f  bicubic%.4f" % (compare_psnr(train_label, result),bicubicpsinr))
            # plt.figure()
            # plt.imshow(result, cmap="gray")
            # plt.show()
            # 单个测试结束

            # with h5py.File(os.getcwd()+"/checkpoint/data_origin_246.h5", 'r') as hf:
            #   origin_image_246 = np.array(hf.get("origin_data_246"))
            # with h5py.File(os.getcwd()+"/checkpoint/data_origin_258.h5", 'r') as hf:
            #   origin_image_258 = np.array(hf.get("origin_data_258"))
            # count =0
            # sum =0
            # for i in range(train_data.shape[0]):
            #     result = train_data[i]
            #     result_label = train_label[i]
            #     maskimage = test_mask[i]
            #     result = result.reshape([1,result.shape[0], result.shape[1], 1])
            #     result_label = result_label.reshape([1,result_label.shape[0],result_label.shape[1], 1])
            #     result = self.pred.eval({self.images: result, self.labels: result_label})
            #     result = result.reshape([result.shape[1], result.shape[2]])
            #     result =result*maskimage
            #     train_image = train_data[i].reshape([train_data[i].shape[0], train_data[i].shape[1]])
            #     psnrsrcnn = compare_psnr(origin_image_246[i],result)
            #     psnrorigin = compare_psnr(origin_image_258[i],train_image)
            #     plt.figure()
            #     plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
            #     plt.imshow(origin_image_258[i], cmap="gray")
            #     plt.title("orgin:%d"% i)
            #     plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
            #     plt.imshow(result, cmap="gray")
            #     plt.title("srcnn:%.4f" % psnrsrcnn)
            #     plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
            #     plt.imshow(train_image, cmap="gray")
            #     plt.title("bicubic:%.4f" % psnrorigin)
            #     plt.show()
            #     if psnrsrcnn > psnrorigin:
            #       print("**************第%d张 srcnn:%.4f|bicubic:%.4f**************" %  (i, psnrsrcnn, psnrorigin))
            #       count= count+1
            #     else:
            #       print("第%d张 srcnn:%.4f|bicubic:%.4f "  % (i,psnrsrcnn,psnrorigin))
            #     sum=sum+1
            # print("超过数:",count,"/",sum)

            with h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/checkpoint/data_origin_339.h5",
                           'r') as hf:
                origin_image_246 = np.array(hf.get("origin_data_339"))
            with h5py.File(os.getcwd() + "/checkpoint/data_origin_351.h5",
                           'r') as hf:
                origin_image_258 = np.array(hf.get("origin_data_352"))
            count = 0
            sum = 0
            bh_psnr = []
            sh_psnr = []
            bh_ssim = []
            sh_ssim = []
            for i in range(train_data.shape[0]):
                result = train_data[i]
                result_label = train_label[i]
                maskimage = test_mask[i]
                result = result.reshape([1, 351, 351, 1])
                result_label = result_label.reshape([1, 339, 339, 1])
                result = self.pred.eval({
                    self.images: result,
                    self.labels: result_label
                result = result.reshape([339, 339])
                # for j in range(maskimage.shape[0]):
                #   for k in range(maskimage.shape[1]):
                #     if maskimage[j][k] == 0:
                #       result[j][k] = 0.0
                result = result * maskimage
                train_image = train_data[i].reshape([351, 351])
                psnrsrcnn = compare_psnr(origin_image_246[i], result)
                psnrorigin = compare_psnr(origin_image_258[i], train_image)
                ssimsrcnn = compare_ssim(origin_image_246[i], result)
                ssimorigin = compare_ssim(origin_image_258[i], train_image)
                # num = num + psnrsrcnn
                # plt.figure()
                # plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
                # plt.imshow(origin_image_258[i], cmap="gray")
                # plt.title("orgin:%d" % i)
                # plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
                # plt.imshow(result, cmap="gray")
                # plt.title("srcnn:%.4f" % psnrsrcnn)
                # plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
                # plt.imshow(train_image, cmap="gray")
                # plt.title("bicubic:%.4f" % psnrorigin)
                # plt.show()

                if psnrsrcnn > psnrorigin:
                        "**************第%d张 srcnn:%.4f|bicubic:%.4f**************"
                        % (i, psnrsrcnn, psnrorigin))
                    count = count + 1
                    print("第%d张 srcnn:%.4f|bicubic:%.4f " %
                          (i, psnrsrcnn, psnrorigin))
                sum = sum + 1
            print("超过数:", count, "/", sum, "平均-psnr:",
                  np.mean(sh_psnr), "平均-ssim:", np.mean(sh_ssim), "标准差:",
                  np.std(sh_psnr, ddof=1), np.std(sh_ssim, ddof=1))
            print("bicubic平均-psnr:", np.mean(sh_psnr), "bicubic平均-ssim:",
                  np.mean(sh_ssim), "标准差:", np.std(bh_psnr, ddof=1),
                  np.std(bh_ssim, ddof=1))
Пример #59
def main():
	ask for year of interest
	ask for region
	ask for income
	print top 10 life expectancies
	print bottom 10 life expectancies

	returns None
    data = utils.filter_countries(utils.read_data(
        "worldbank_life_expectancy"))  #read data and filter for countries

    #User Input

    year_of_interest = int(input(
        "Enter a year of interest (-1 to quit): "))  #ask for year of interest
    if year_of_interest == -1:
        return None
    region = input("Enter a region (all for all regions): ")  #ask for region
    income = input("Enter an income category (all for all categories): "
                   )  #ask for income category

    while True:  #loop until user quits loop
        newdata = data
        if year_of_interest < 1960 or year_of_interest > 2015:
            print("valid years are 1960 to 2015")
            bool = True
            if region != "all":
                if utils.valid_region(data, region):
                    newdata = utils.filter_region(data, region)
                    bool = False
                    print("not valid region")
            if income != "all":
                if utils.valid_income(data, income):
                    newdata = utils.filter_income(data, income)
                    bool = False
                    print("not valid income")
            if bool:
                countries = sorted_ranking_data(newdata, year_of_interest)
                print("\nTop 10 life expectancies for %d:" % year_of_interest)
                for i in range(len(countries)):
                    if i < 10:
                        print("%d: %s %f" % (
                            (i + 1), countries[i].country, countries[i].value))
                print("\nBottom 10 life expectancies for %d:" %
                for i in range(len(countries)):
                    if (len(countries) - i) < 10:
                        print("%d: %s %f" % (
                            (i + 1), countries[i].country, countries[i].value))

        #User Input

        year_of_interest = int(input("Enter a year of interest (-1 to quit): ")
                               )  #ask for year of interest
        if year_of_interest == -1:
            return None
        region = input(
            "Enter a region (all for all regions): ")  #ask for region
        income = input("Enter an income category (all for all categories): "
                       )  #ask for income category
Пример #60
    rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_features='auto',
    clf = GridSearchCV(estimator=rf,
    clf.fit(X, y)

    print('#### Best Params')
    print('#### Best Score')
    return clf.grid_scores_

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Train Data
    train_x = read_data(config.d_xtrain)
    train_y = read_data(config.d_ytrain)

    # Test Data
    test_x = read_data(config.d_xtest)
    report = grid_model(param_grid, train_x, train_y, cv=5)

    write_data(config.grid_report_rf, report)