Пример #1
def main():
    #p = processing(prediction_fname='etr.csv')

    id = int(sys.argv[1])

    train_fpath = config.train_folder + "ACT%d_competition_training.csv" % id
    test_fpath = config.test_folder + "ACT%d_competition_test.csv" % id
    train_data, train_descriptors, train_molecules, train_targets = utils.read_train(train_fpath)
    test_data, test_descriptors, test_molecules = utils.read_test(test_fpath)

    # Combine data and targets
    train_all = np.column_stack((train_data, train_targets))

    num = train_all.shape[0] * 0.8
    train = train_all[0:num, ]
    test = train_all[num:, ]
    train_x = train[:, 0:(train.shape[1]-1)]
    train_y = train[:, -1]
    test_x = test[:, 0:(test.shape[1]-1)]
    test_y = test[:, -1]

    for i in range(1000, 1500, 100):
        #fh = open(config.result_folder + "etr_%d.csv" % i, "w")

        model = extratree(train_x, train_y, i)
        prediction = model.predict(test_x)

        print "%d: %f" % (i, r_squared(prediction, test_y))
Пример #2
def load_data(if_norm=True):
    print('Loading data set ...')
    load_time = time.time()
    test_data = read_test('./data/test.csv')
    test_data = np.array(test_data)
    train_data = read_train('./data/train.csv')
    train_data = np.array(train_data)
    loaded_time = time.time() - load_time
    print('test_data: {0}, train_data shape: {1}'.format(
        test_data.shape, train_data.shape))
    train_features, train_labels = train_data[:,
                                              1:-1], train_data[:,
    test_features = test_data[:, 1:]
    if if_norm is True:
        test_min, test_max = test_features.min(), test_features.max()
        test_features_norm = (test_features - test_min) / (test_max - test_min)
        train_min, train_max = train_features.min(), train_features.max()
        train_features_norm = (train_features - train_min) / (train_max -
        print('Data set loaded successfully in {0:.4f} seconds.'.format(
        return test_features_norm, train_features_norm, train_labels
        print('Data set loaded successfully in {0:.4f} seconds.'.format(
        return test_features, train_features, train_labels
def main(ID):

    train_file = 'train_data.txt'
    test_file = 'test_data.txt'
    variables = [
        'ID', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10',
        'f11', 'class'

    print("========= Reading train dataset =========")
    # TO DO:
    # print("Here")
    train_dict = read_data(train_file)
    # print(train_dict[1:3])
    # use the read data function you created to read the train data
    print("======== Done reading =========.\n")

    print("========= Reading test data =========")
    # TO-DO
    test_dict = read_test(test_file)
    # Read the test  data
    print("========= Done reading =========.\n")

    print("==== Training classifier =====")
    # TO-DO
    model = RuleBasedModel()

    # Initialize the classifier you built in model.py and return the necessary values
    print("======== Done training classifier ===========.\n")

    print("========= Classifying test samples =======")
    # TO-DO
    list_predict = model.predict(test_dict, test=True)
    # use your classifier to do predictions on all the test samples
    print("========== Done classifying =======")
    accuracy, numCorrect, total_samples = model.calculate_accuracy(test_dict,
    # TO-DO
    # Evalutate your classifier with the Accuracy function you implemented and return the necessary outputs
        f"Model's Accuracy {round(accuracy)} %, model correctly predicted {numCorrect} out of {total_samples}"
    if ID != None:
        prediction_for_id = model.predict_with_ID(ID, test=True)
            f"The prediction of row with id:{ID} in the test set is class:{prediction_for_id}"

Пример #4
def main():
    id = int(sys.argv[1])

    train_fpath = config.train_folder + "ACT%d_competition_training.csv" % id
    test_fpath = config.test_folder + "ACT%d_competition_test.csv" % id
    train_data, train_descriptors, train_molecules, train_targets = utils.read_train(train_fpath)
    test_data, test_descriptors, test_molecules = utils.read_test(test_fpath)

    model = randomforest(train_data, train_targets, 1000)

    #for ind, fi in enumerate(model.feature_importances_):

    prediction = model.predict(test_data)

    write_pred(id, test_molecules, prediction)
Пример #5
def main():
    #path="/Users/benjaminbenteke/Desktop/AMMI_bootCampProject/AMMI2021_Bootcamp_project/" #change the path in
    train_file = "train_data.txt"
    test_file = "test_data.txt"
    variables = [
        'ID', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10',
        'f11', 'class'

    print("========= Reading train dataset =========")

    # TO DO:
    train = read_data(variables, train_file)

    # use the read data function you created to read the train data
    print("======== Done reading =========.\n")

    print("========= Reading test data =========")
    # TO-DO
    test = read_test(variables, test_file)

    # Read the test  data
    print("========= Done reading =========.\n")

    print("==== Training classifier =====")
    # TO-DO
    dt = RuleBasedModel(train, test)
    # Initialize the classifier you built in model.py and return the necessary values
    print("======== Done training classifier ===========.\n")

    print("========= Classifying test samples =======")
    # TO-DO
    # use your classifier to do predictions on all the test samples
    print("========== Done classifying =======")

    # TO-DO
    # class_test=dt.
    # Evalutate your classifier with the Accuracy function you implemented and return the necessary outputs
    accu = dt.accuracy()
    numCorrect = (accu * len(test)) / 100
    total_samples = len(test)
    print("Model's Accuracy {}% model correctly predicted {} out of {}".format(
        accu, numCorrect, total_samples))
    #print(f"Model's Accuracy {round(accu)} %, model correctly predicted {numCorrect} out of {total_samples}")
Пример #6
def read_test_nb(filename, transformers):
    lines = []
    ids = []

    for parts in utils.read_test(filename, True):
        # desc = cleantext.clean(parts[4], False)
        desc = parts[4]

    features = lines
    for transformer in transformers:
        features = transformer.transform(features)

    print 'features: ', features.shape[0]
    print 'ids: ', len(ids)

    return features, ids
Пример #7
def main():
    for i in range(7, 8):
        fh = open(config.result_folder + "lasso.csv", "w")

        train_fpath = config.train_folder + "ACT%d_competition_training.csv" % i
        test_fpath = config.test_folder + "ACT%d_competition_test.csv" % i 
        train_data, train_descriptors, train_molecules, train_targets = utils.read_train(train_fpath)
        test_data, test_descriptors, test_molecules = utils.read_test(test_fpath)

        model = lasso(train_data, train_targets)

        results = model.predict(test_data)

        for ind, result in enumerate(results):
            fh.write("%s,%f\n" % (test_molecules[ind], result))

Пример #8
def check_solutions(solutions_: List[Solution],
                    tasks: List[str]) -> List[List[int]]:
    def check(task, func, input_, iterations):
        max_score = 0
        for _ in range(iterations):
            max_score = max(max_score, test(task, func, input_))
        return max_score

    results = []
    for solution in solutions_:
        curr_result = []
        total = 0
        for task in tasks:
            input_ = read_test(task)
            sc = check(task, solution.func, input_, solution.iterations)
            total += sc
    return results
Пример #9
def main():
    #global n_words
    # Prepare training and testing data

    opt = COptions(args)
    opt_t = COptions(args)
    # opt_t.n_hid = opt.n_z

    loadpath = (opt.data_dir + "/" + opt.data_name) #if opt.not_philly else '/hdfs/msrlabs/xiag/pt-data/cons/data_cleaned/twitter_small.p'
    print "loadpath:" + loadpath
    x = cPickle.load(open(loadpath, "rb"))
    train, val, test = x[0], x[1], x[2]
    wordtoix, ixtoword = x[3], x[4]

    if opt.test:
        test_file = opt.data_dir + opt.test_file 
        test = read_test(test_file, wordtoix)
        # test = [ x for x in test if all([2<len(x[t])<opt.maxlen - 4 for t in range(opt.num_turn)])]
    # train_filtered = [ x for x in train if all([2<len(x[t])<opt.maxlen - 4 for t in range(opt.num_turn)])]
    # val_filtered = [ x for x in val if all([2<len(x[t])<opt.maxlen - 4 for t in range(opt.num_turn)])]
    # print ("Train: %d => %d" % (len(train), len(train_filtered)))
    # print ("Val: %d => %d" % (len(val), len(val_filtered)))
    # train, val = train_filtered, val_filtered
    # del train_filtered, val_filtered

    opt.n_words = len(ixtoword) 
    opt_t.n_words = len(ixtoword)
    opt_t.maxlen = opt_t.maxlen - opt_t.filter_shape + 1
    print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
    print dict(opt)
    print('Total words: %d' % opt.n_words)

    # print dict(opt)
    # if opt.model == 'cnn_rnn':
    #     opt_t.maxlen = opt_t.maxlen - opt_t.filter_shape + 1
    #     opt_t.update_params(args)
        # print dict(opt_t)

    #for d in ['/gpu:0', '/gpu:1', '/gpu:2', '/gpu:3']:
    for d in ['/gpu:0']:
        with tf.device(d):
            src_ = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[opt.batch_size, opt.sent_len]) for _ in range(opt.n_context)]
            tgt_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[opt_t.batch_size, opt_t.sent_len])
            z_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[opt_t.batch_size , opt.n_z * (2 if opt.local_feature else 1)])
            is_train_ = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name = 'is_train')
            res_1_ = get_features(src_, tgt_, is_train_, opt, opt_t)
            res_2_ = generate_resp(src_, tgt_, z_, is_train_, opt, opt_t)
            merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

    #tensorboard --logdir=run1:/tmp/tensorflow/ --port 6006
    #writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(opt.log_path, graph=tf.get_default_graph())

    uidx = 0
    #config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement = False, allow_soft_placement=True, graph_options=tf.GraphOptions(build_cost_model=1))
    config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement = False, allow_soft_placement=True, graph_options=graph_options)
    # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.70
    #config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU':0})
    #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()

    with tf.Session(config = config) as sess:
        train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_path + '/train', sess.graph)
        test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_path + '/test', sess.graph)
        if opt.restore:
                t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()  
                #t_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) #tf.trainable_variables()

                # if opt.load_from_pretrain:
                #     d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('d_')]
                #     g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('g_')]
                #     g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('g_')]
                #     g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('g_')]
                #     g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('g_')]
                #     g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('g_')]
                #     l_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('l_')]
                #     #restore_from_save(g_vars, sess, opt, prefix = 'g_', load_path=opt.restore_dir + "/save/generator2")
                #     restore_from_save(d_vars, sess, opt, load_path = opt.restore_dir + "/save/" + opt.global_d)
                #     if opt.local_feature:
                #         restore_from_save(l_vars, sess, opt, load_path = opt.restore_dir + "/save/" + opt.local_d)
                # else:
                loader = restore_from_save(t_vars, sess, opt, load_path = opt.save_path)

            except Exception as e:
                print 'Error: '+str(e)
                print("No saving session, using random initialization")
        loss_d , loss_g = 0, 0

        if opt.test:
            iter_num = np.int(np.floor(len(test)/opt.batch_size))+1
            res_all = []
            val_tgt_all =[]
            for i in range(iter_num):
                test_index = range(i * opt.batch_size,(i+1) * opt.batch_size)
                sents = [test[t%len(test)] for t in test_index]
                for idx in range(opt.n_context,opt.num_turn):
                    src = [[sents[i][idx-turn] for i in range(opt.batch_size)] for turn in range(opt.n_context,0,-1)]
                    tgt = [sents[i][idx] for i in range(opt.batch_size)] 
                    if opt.feed_generated and idx!= opt.n_context:
                        src[-1] = [[x for x in p if x!=0] for p in res_all[-opt.batch_size:]]

                    x_batch = [prepare_data_for_cnn(src_i, opt) for src_i in src] # Batch L
                    y_batch = prepare_data_for_rnn(tgt, opt_t, is_add_GO = False) 
                    feed = merge_two_dicts( {i: d for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {tgt_: y_batch, is_train_: 0}) # do not use False
                    res_1 = sess.run(res_1_, feed_dict=feed)
                    z_all = np.array(res_1['z'])

                    feed = merge_two_dicts( {i: d for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {tgt_: y_batch, z_: z_all, is_train_: 0}) # do not use False
                    res_2 = sess.run(res_2_, feed_dict=feed)

                    # bp()
            val_tgt_all = reshaping(val_tgt_all, opt)
            res_all = reshaping(res_all, opt)
            save_path = opt.log_path + '.resp.txt'
            if os.path.exists(save_path):
            for idx in range(len(test)*(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context)):
                with open(save_path, "a") as resp_f:
                    resp_f.write(u' '.join([ixtoword[x] for x in res_all[idx] if x != 0 and x != 2]).encode('utf-8').strip() + ('\n' if idx%(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context) == opt.num_turn-opt.n_context-1 else '\t') )
            print ("save to:" + save_path)

            if opt.verbose:
                save_path = opt.log_path + '.tgt.txt'
                if os.path.exists(save_path):
                for idx in range(len(test)*(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context)):
                    with open(save_path, "a") as tgt_f:
                        tgt_f.write(u' '.join([ixtoword[x] for x in val_tgt_all[idx] if x != 0 and x != 2]).encode('utf-8').strip() + ('\n' if idx%(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context) == opt.num_turn-opt.n_context-1 else '\t') )
                print ("save to:" + save_path)

            val_set = [prepare_for_bleu(s) for s in val_tgt_all]
            gen = [prepare_for_bleu(s) for s in res_all]
            [bleu1s,bleu2s,bleu3s,bleu4s] = cal_BLEU_4(gen, {0: val_set}, is_corpus = opt.is_corpus)
            etp_score, dist_score = cal_entropy(gen)

            # print save_path
            print 'Val BLEU: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (bleu1s,bleu2s,bleu3s,bleu4s)])
            # print 'Val Rouge: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (rouge1,rouge2,rouge3,rouge4)])
            print 'Val Entropy: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (etp_score[0],etp_score[1],etp_score[2],etp_score[3])])
            print 'Val Diversity: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (dist_score[0],dist_score[1],dist_score[2],dist_score[3])])
            # print 'Val Relevance(G,A,E): ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (rel_score[0],rel_score[1],rel_score[2])])
            print 'Val Avg. length: ' + str(round(np.mean([len([y for y in x if y!=0]) for x in res_all]),3)) 
            if opt.embedding_score:
                with open("../../ssd0/consistent_dialog/data/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.p", 'rb') as pfile:
                    embedding = cPickle.load(pfile)
                rel_score = cal_relevance(gen, val_set, embedding)
                print 'Val Relevance(G,A,E): ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (rel_score[0],rel_score[1],rel_score[2])])

            if not opt.global_feature or opt.bit == None: exit(0)

        if opt.test:
            iter_num = np.int(np.floor(len(test)/opt.batch_size))+1 
            for int_idx in range(opt.int_num):
                res_all = []
                z1,z2,z3 = [],[],[]
                val_tgt_all =[]
                for i in range(iter_num):
                    test_index = range(i * opt.batch_size,(i+1) * opt.batch_size)
                    sents = [test[t%len(test)] for t in test_index]
                    for idx in range(opt.n_context,opt.num_turn):
                        src = [[sents[i][idx-turn] for i in range(opt.batch_size)] for turn in range(opt.n_context,0,-1)]
                        tgt = [sents[i][idx] for i in range(opt.batch_size)]
                        if opt.feed_generated and idx!= opt.n_context:
                            src[-1] = [[x for x in p if x!=0] for p in res_all[-opt.batch_size:]]

                        x_batch = [prepare_data_for_cnn(src_i, opt) for src_i in src] # Batch L
                        y_batch = prepare_data_for_rnn(tgt, opt_t, is_add_GO = False) 
                        feed = merge_two_dicts( {i: d for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {tgt_: y_batch, is_train_: 0}) # do not use False
                        res_1 = sess.run(res_1_, feed_dict=feed)
                        z_all = np.array(res_1['z'])
                        z_all[:,opt.bit] = np.array([1.0/np.float(opt.int_num-1) * int_idx for _ in range(opt.batch_size)])
                        feed = merge_two_dicts( {i: d for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {tgt_: y_batch, z_: z_all, is_train_: 0}) # do not use False
                        res_2 = sess.run(res_2_, feed_dict=feed)
                        # bp()

                val_tgt_all = reshaping(val_tgt_all, opt)
                res_all = reshaping(res_all, opt)
                z1 = reshaping(z1, opt)
                z2 = reshaping(z2, opt)
                z3 = reshaping(z3, opt)
                save_path = opt.log_path  + 'bit' + str(opt.bit) + '.'+ str(1.0/np.float(opt.int_num-1) * int_idx) +'.int.txt'
                if os.path.exists(save_path):
                for idx in range(len(test)*(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context)):
                    with open(save_path, "a") as resp_f:
                        resp_f.write(u' '.join([ixtoword[x] for x in res_all[idx] if x != 0 and x != 2]).encode('utf-8').strip() + ('\n' if idx%(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context) == opt.num_turn-opt.n_context-1 else '\t') )
                print ("save to:" + save_path)

                save_path_z = opt.log_path  + 'bit' + str(opt.bit) + '.'+ str(1.0/np.float(opt.int_num-1) * int_idx) +'.z.txt'
                if os.path.exists(save_path_z):
                for idx in range(len(test)*(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context)):
                    with open(save_path_z, "a") as myfile:
                        #ary = np.array([z1[idx][opt.bit], z2[idx][opt.bit], z3[idx][opt.bit]])
                        #myfile.write(np.array2string(ary, formatter={'float_kind':lambda x: "%.2f" % x}) + ('\n' if idx%(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context) == opt.num_turn-opt.n_context-1 else '\t'))
                        myfile.write(str(z3[idx][opt.bit]) + ('\n' if idx%(opt.num_turn-opt.n_context) == opt.num_turn-opt.n_context-1 else '\t'))

                val_set = [prepare_for_bleu(s) for s in val_tgt_all]
                gen = [prepare_for_bleu(s) for s in res_all]
                [bleu1s,bleu2s,bleu3s,bleu4s] = cal_BLEU_4(gen, {0: val_set}, is_corpus = opt.is_corpus)
                etp_score, dist_score = cal_entropy(gen)

                print save_path
                print 'Val BLEU: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (bleu1s,bleu2s,bleu3s,bleu4s)])
                # print 'Val Rouge: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (rouge1,rouge2,rouge3,rouge4)])
                print 'Val Entropy: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (etp_score[0],etp_score[1],etp_score[2],etp_score[3])])
                print 'Val Diversity: ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (dist_score[0],dist_score[1],dist_score[2],dist_score[3])])
                # print 'Val Relevance(G,A,E): ' + ' '.join([str(round(it,3)) for it in (rel_score[0],rel_score[1],rel_score[2])])
                print 'Val Avg. length: ' + str(round(np.mean([len([y for y in x if y!=0]) for x in res_all]),3)) 
Пример #10
def main():
    #global n_words
    # Prepare training and testing data

    opt = COptions(args)
    opt_t = COptions(args)

    loadpath = (opt.data_dir + "/" + opt.data_name)
    print "loadpath:" + loadpath
    x = cPickle.load(open(loadpath, "rb"))
    train, val, test = x[0], x[1], x[2]
    wordtoix, ixtoword = x[3], x[4]

    if opt.test:
        test_file = opt.data_dir + "/newdata2/test.txt"
        test = read_test(test_file, wordtoix)
        test = [
            x for x in test if all(
                [2 < len(x[t]) < opt.maxlen - 4 for t in range(opt.num_turn)])
    train_filtered = [
        x for x in train
        if all([2 < len(x[t]) < opt.maxlen - 4 for t in range(opt.num_turn)])
    val_filtered = [
        x for x in val
        if all([2 < len(x[t]) < opt.maxlen - 4 for t in range(opt.num_turn)])
    print("Train: %d => %d" % (len(train), len(train_filtered)))
    print("Val: %d => %d" % (len(val), len(val_filtered)))
    train, val = train_filtered, val_filtered
    del train_filtered, val_filtered

    opt.n_words = len(ixtoword)
    opt_t.n_words = len(ixtoword)
    opt_t.maxlen = opt_t.maxlen - opt_t.filter_shape + 1
    print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
    print dict(opt)
    print('Total words: %d' % opt.n_words)

    for d in ['/gpu:0']:
        with tf.device(d):
            src_ = [
                tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[opt.batch_size, opt.sent_len])
                for _ in range(opt.n_context)
            tgt_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,
                                  shape=[opt_t.batch_size, opt_t.sent_len])
            is_train_ = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_train')
            res_, gan_cost_g_, train_op_g = conditional_s2s(
                src_, tgt_, is_train_, opt, opt_t)
            merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

    uidx = 0
    graph_options = tf.GraphOptions(build_cost_model=1)
    config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False,
    config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.90

    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()

    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
        train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_path + '/train',
        test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_path + '/test', sess.graph)
        if opt.restore:

                t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()

                if opt.load_from_pretrain:
                    d_vars = [
                        var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('d_')
                    g_vars = [
                        var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('g_')
                    l_vars = [
                        var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('l_')
                                      load_path=opt.restore_dir + "/save/" +
                    if opt.local_feature:
                                          load_path=opt.restore_dir +
                                          "/save/" + opt.local_d)
                    loader = restore_from_save(t_vars,

            except Exception as e:
                print 'Error: ' + str(e)
                print("No saving session, using random initialization")
        loss_d, loss_g = 0, 0

        if opt.test:
            iter_num = np.int(np.floor(len(test) / opt.batch_size)) + 1
            res_all = []
            for i in range(iter_num):
                test_index = range(i * opt.batch_size,
                                   (i + 1) * opt.batch_size)
                sents = [val[t] for t in test_index]
                for idx in range(opt.n_context, opt.num_turn):
                    src = [[
                        sents[i][idx - turn] for i in range(opt.batch_size)
                    ] for turn in range(opt.n_context, 0, -1)]
                    tgt = [sents[i][idx] for i in range(opt.batch_size)]
                    x_batch = [
                        prepare_data_for_cnn(src_i, opt) for src_i in src
                    ]  # Batch L
                    y_batch = prepare_data_for_rnn(tgt, opt_t, is_add_GO=False)
                    feed = merge_two_dicts(
                        {i: d
                         for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {
                             tgt_: y_batch,
                             is_train_: 0
                         })  # do not use False
                    res = sess.run(res_, feed_dict=feed)

            # bp()
            res_all = reshaping(res_all, opt)

            for idx in range(len(test) * (opt.num_turn - opt.n_context)):
                with open(opt.log_path + '.resp.txt', "a") as resp_f:
                    resp_f.write(u' '.join([
                        ixtoword[x] for x in res_all[idx] if x != 0 and x != 2
                    ]).encode('utf-8').strip() + (
                        '\n' if idx %
                        (opt.num_turn - opt.n_context) == 0 else '\t'))
            print("save to:" + opt.log_path + '.resp.txt')

        for epoch in range(opt.max_epochs):
            print("Starting epoch %d" % epoch)
            kf = get_minibatches_idx(len(train), opt.batch_size, shuffle=True)
            for _, train_index in kf:
                uidx += 1
                sents = [train[t] for t in train_index]
                for idx in range(opt.n_context, opt.num_turn):
                    src = [[
                        sents[i][idx - turn] for i in range(opt.batch_size)
                    ] for turn in range(opt.n_context, 0, -1)]
                    tgt = [sents[i][idx] for i in range(opt.batch_size)]

                    x_batch = [
                        prepare_data_for_cnn(src_i, opt) for src_i in src
                    ]  # Batch L

                    y_batch = prepare_data_for_rnn(tgt, opt_t, is_add_GO=False)

                    feed = merge_two_dicts(
                        {i: d
                         for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {
                             tgt_: y_batch,
                             is_train_: 1

                    _, loss_g = sess.run([train_op_g, gan_cost_g_],

                if uidx % opt.print_freq == 0:
                    print("Iteration %d: loss G %f" % (uidx, loss_g))
                    res = sess.run(res_, feed_dict=feed)
                    if opt.global_feature:
                        print "z loss: " + str(res['z_loss'])
                    if "nn" in opt.agg_model:
                        print "z pred_loss: " + str(res['z_loss_pred'])
                    print "Source:" + u' '.join(
                        [ixtoword[x] for s in x_batch
                         for x in s[0] if x != 0]).encode('utf-8').strip()
                    print "Target:" + u' '.join([
                        ixtoword[x] for x in y_batch[0] if x != 0
                    print "Generated:" + u' '.join([
                        ixtoword[x] for x in res['syn_sent'][0] if x != 0
                    print ""

                    summary = sess.run(merged, feed_dict=feed)
                    train_writer.add_summary(summary, uidx)

                if uidx % opt.valid_freq == 1:
                    VALID_SIZE = 4096
                    valid_multiplier = np.int(
                        np.floor(VALID_SIZE / opt.batch_size))
                    res_all, val_tgt_all, loss_val_g_all = [], [], []
                    if opt.global_feature:
                        z_loss_all = []
                    for val_step in range(valid_multiplier):
                        valid_index = np.random.choice(len(val),
                        sents = [val[t] for t in valid_index]
                        for idx in range(opt.n_context, opt.num_turn):
                            src = [[
                                sents[i][idx - turn]
                                for i in range(opt.batch_size)
                            ] for turn in range(opt.n_context, 0, -1)]
                            tgt = [
                                sents[i][idx] for i in range(opt.batch_size)


                            x_batch = [
                                prepare_data_for_cnn(src_i, opt)
                                for src_i in src
                            ]  # Batch L

                            y_batch = prepare_data_for_rnn(tgt,

                            feed = merge_two_dicts(
                                {i: d
                                 for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {
                                     tgt_: y_batch,
                                     is_train_: 0
                                 })  # do not use False

                            loss_val_g = sess.run([gan_cost_g_],

                            res = sess.run(res_, feed_dict=feed)
                        if opt.global_feature:

                    print("Validation:  loss G %f " %
                    if opt.global_feature:
                        print "z loss: " + str(np.mean(z_loss_all))
                    print "Val Source:" + u' '.join(
                        [ixtoword[x] for s in x_batch
                         for x in s[0] if x != 0]).encode('utf-8').strip()
                    print "Val Target:" + u' '.join([
                        ixtoword[x] for x in y_batch[0] if x != 0
                    print "Val Generated:" + u' '.join([
                        ixtoword[x] for x in res['syn_sent'][0] if x != 0
                    print ""
                    if opt.global_feature:
                        with open(opt.log_path + '.z.txt', "a") as myfile:
                            myfile.write("Iteration" + str(uidx) + "\n")
                            myfile.write("z_loss %f" % (np.mean(z_loss_all)) +
                            myfile.write("Val Source:" + u' '.join([
                                ixtoword[x] for s in x_batch
                                for x in s[0] if x != 0
                            ]).encode('utf-8').strip() + "\n")
                            myfile.write("Val Target:" + u' '.join(
                                [ixtoword[x] for x in y_batch[0]
                                 if x != 0]).encode('utf-8').strip() + "\n")
                            myfile.write("Val Generated:" + u' '.join([
                                for x in res['syn_sent'][0] if x != 0
                            ]).encode('utf-8').strip() + "\n")
                            myfile.write("Z_input, Z_recon, Z_tgt")
                                                    lambda x: "%.2f" % x
                                                }) + "\n")
                                                    lambda x: "%.2f" % x
                                                }) + "\n\n")
                                                    lambda x: "%.2f" % x
                                                }) + "\n\n")

                    val_set = [prepare_for_bleu(s) for s in val_tgt_all]
                    gen = [prepare_for_bleu(s) for s in res_all]
                    [bleu1s, bleu2s, bleu3s,
                     bleu4s] = cal_BLEU_4(gen, {0: val_set},
                    etp_score, dist_score = cal_entropy(gen)

                    print 'Val BLEU: ' + ' '.join([
                        str(round(it, 3))
                        for it in (bleu1s, bleu2s, bleu3s, bleu4s)
                    print 'Val Entropy: ' + ' '.join([
                        str(round(it, 3))
                        for it in (etp_score[0], etp_score[1], etp_score[2],
                    print 'Val Diversity: ' + ' '.join([
                        str(round(it, 3))
                        for it in (dist_score[0], dist_score[1], dist_score[2],
                    print 'Val Avg. length: ' + str(
                                len([y for y in x if y != 0]) for x in res_all
                            ]), 3))
                    print ""
                    summary = sess.run(merged, feed_dict=feed)
                    summary2 = tf.Summary(value=[
                        tf.Summary.Value(tag="bleu-2", simple_value=bleu2s),

                    test_writer.add_summary(summary, uidx)
                    test_writer.add_summary(summary2, uidx)

                if uidx % opt.save_freq == 0:
                    saver.save(sess, opt.save_path)
Пример #11
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

import argparse
import datasets
import requests
import time

from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from tabulate import tabulate
from tqdm import tqdm

from utils import nli_label2int, read_dev, read_test

_option2dataset = {
    'dev': read_dev(),
    'test': read_test(),

def main(dataset_option: str, endpoint: str, batch_size=32):

        languages, premises, hypotheses, labels = _option2dataset[
    except KeyError as e:
        logging.error(f'{e} is not a valid choice as a dataset_option')
            f'This should have failed through argparse. Contact the teaching assistants.'
    except Exception as e:
Пример #12
def main():

    opt = COptions(args)
    opt_t = COptions(args)

    loadpath = (opt.data_dir + "/" + opt.data_name) 
    print "loadpath:" + loadpath
    x = cPickle.load(open(loadpath, "rb"))
    train, val, test = x[0], x[1], x[2]
    wordtoix, ixtoword = x[3], x[4]

    if opt.test:
        test_file = opt.data_dir + opt.test_file 
        test = read_test(test_file, wordtoix)
    opt.n_words = len(ixtoword) 
    opt_t.n_words = len(ixtoword)
    opt_t.maxlen = opt_t.maxlen - opt_t.filter_shape + 1
    print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y")
    print dict(opt)
    print('Total words: %d' % opt.n_words)

    for d in ['/gpu:0']:
        with tf.device(d):
            src_ = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[opt.batch_size, opt.sent_len]) for _ in range(opt.n_context)]
            tgt_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[opt_t.batch_size, opt_t.sent_len])
            is_train_ = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name = 'is_train')
            res_1_ = get_features(src_, tgt_, is_train_, opt, opt_t)
            merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

    uidx = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement = False, allow_soft_placement=True, graph_options=graph_options)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()

    with tf.Session(config = config) as sess:
        train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_path + '/train', sess.graph)
        test_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(opt.log_path + '/test', sess.graph)
        if opt.restore:
                t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()  
                if opt.load_from_pretrain:
                    d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('d_')]
                    l_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('l_')]
                    restore_from_save(d_vars, sess, opt, load_path = opt.restore_dir + "/save/" + opt.global_d)
                    if opt.local_feature:
                        restore_from_save(l_vars, sess, opt, load_path = opt.restore_dir + "/save/" + opt.local_d)
                    loader = restore_from_save(t_vars, sess, opt, load_path = opt.save_path)

            except Exception as e:
                print 'Error: '+str(e)
                print("No saving session, using random initialization")
        loss_d , loss_g = 0, 0

        if opt.test:
            iter_num = np.int(np.floor(len(test)/opt.batch_size))+1 
            z_all, z_all_l = [], []
            for i in range(iter_num):
                test_index = range(i * opt.batch_size,(i+1) * opt.batch_size)
                sents = [test[t%len(test)] for t in test_index]
                src = [[sents[i][0] for i in range(opt.batch_size)]]
                tgt = [sents[i][0] for i in range(opt.batch_size)]
                x_batch = [prepare_data_for_cnn(src_i, opt) for src_i in src] 
                print "Source:" + u' '.join([ixtoword[x] for s in x_batch for x in s[0] if x != 0]).encode('utf-8').strip()
                y_batch = prepare_data_for_rnn(tgt, opt_t, is_add_GO = False) 
                feed = merge_two_dicts( {i: d for i, d in zip(src_, x_batch)}, {tgt_: y_batch, is_train_: 0}) 
                res_1 = sess.run(res_1_, feed_dict=feed)

            save_path_z = opt.log_path + '.global.z.txt'
            print save_path_z
            if os.path.exists(save_path_z):
            with open(save_path_z, "a") as myfile:
                for line in z_all[:len(test)]:
                    for z_it in line:
                        myfile.write(str(z_it) + '\t')
            save_path_z = opt.log_path + '.local.z.txt'
            print save_path_z
            if os.path.exists(save_path_z):
            with open(save_path_z, "a") as myfile:
                for line in z_all_l[:len(test)]:
                    for z_it in line:
                        myfile.write(str(z_it) + '\t')