Пример #1
def _rename_or_copy_files(build, frm, to, rename=True, ignore_patterns=None):
	if ignore_patterns is None:
		ignore_patterns = []

	from_, to = utils.render_string(build.config, frm), utils.render_string(build.config, to)
	if path.isdir(from_):
		ignore_func = git_ignore(from_, ignore_patterns)
		ignore_func = None

	if rename:
		build.log.debug('renaming {from_} to {to}'.format(**locals()))
		shutil.move(from_, to)
		if '*' in to:
			# looks like a glob - last directory in path might not exist.
			tos = glob.glob(path.dirname(to))
			tos = [path.join(t,path.basename(to)) for t in tos]
			# don't glob in case the to path doesn't exist yet
			tos = [to]
		for found_to in tos:
			build.log.debug('copying {from_} to {found_to}'.format(**locals()))
			if path.isdir(from_):
				shutil.copytree(from_, found_to, ignore=ignore_func)
				shutil.copy(from_, found_to)
Пример #2
def find_and_replace(build, *files, **kwargs):
	'''replace one string with another in a set of files
	:param kwargs: must contain ``find`` and ``replace`` keys, 
	representing the string to look for, and string to replace
	with, respectively.
	:param kwargs: can also contain the ``template`` boolean
	argument, which determines if we will run the ``replace``
	argument through genshi templating first (defaults to True).
	:param files: array of glob patterns to select files
	:param kwargs: must contain ``find`` and ``replace`` keys
	if "in" in kwargs:
		files = kwargs['in']
	if "find" not in kwargs:
		raise ConfigurationError("Find not passed in to find_and_replace")
	if "replace" not in kwargs:
		raise ConfigurationError("Replace not passed in to find_and_replace")
	template = kwargs.get('template', True)
	find = kwargs["find"]
	replace = kwargs['replace']
	if template:
		replace = utils.render_string(build.config, replace)

	replace_summary = replace[:60]+'...' if len(replace) > 60 else replace
	build.log.debug("replacing %s with %s" % (find, repr(replace_summary)))

	for glob_str in files:
		found_files = glob.glob(utils.render_string(build.config, glob_str))
		if len(found_files) == 0:
			build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' % glob_str)
		for _file in found_files:
			_replace_in_file(build, _file, find, replace)
Пример #3
def extract_files(build, **kw):
	if 'from' not in kw or 'to' not in kw:
		raise ConfigurationError('extract_files requires "from" and "to" keyword arguments')

	build.log.debug('Extracting %s to %s' % (utils.render_string(build.config,kw['from']), utils.render_string(build.config, kw['to'])))
	zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(utils.render_string(build.config, kw['from']))
	zipf.extractall(utils.render_string(build.config, kw['to']))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, mapping, csv_line):
        """Initialize CSV flash card."""
        self.csv_line = csv_line
        self.file_name = self.csv_line[mapping['filename_field']]

        self.card_props = {
            'card_front' : render_string(mapping['front_mask'], mapping['front_fields'], csv_line),
            'card_back' : render_string(mapping['back_mask'], mapping['back_fields'], csv_line)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, mapping, csv_line):
        """Initialize LaTeX flash card."""
        self.csv_line = csv_line
        self.file_name = self.csv_line[mapping['filename_field']]
        self.card_props = {
                "card_footer" : render_string(mapping['footer_mask'], mapping['footer_fields'], csv_line),
                "card_header" : render_string(mapping['header_mask'], mapping['header_fields'], csv_line),
                "card_front"  : render_string(mapping['front_mask'], mapping['front_fields'], csv_line),
                "card_back"   : render_string(mapping['back_mask'], mapping['back_fields'], csv_line)

        self.CARD_TEMPLATE = u"""\\cardfrontfoot{%s}\\begin{flashcard}[%s]{%s}\Large{%s}\\end{flashcard}"""
Пример #6
def set_attribute_value_xml(build, file, value, attribute, element=None):
	'''set contents of an XML element's attribute

	:param build: the current build.Build
	:param file: filename or file object
	:param value: the new attribute value (will be templated)
	:param attribute: attribute name
	:param element: tag name or path to change (defaults to root node)
	xml = ElementTree.ElementTree()
	if element is None:
		el = xml.getroot()
		el = xml.find(element, dict((v,k) for k,v in ElementTree._namespace_map.items()))
	# set is not aware of namespaces, so we have to replace "namespace" with "{schema}"
	namespaces = dict((v,k) for k,v in ElementTree._namespace_map.items())
	if ":" in attribute:
		parts = attribute.split(":")
		attribute = "{%s}%s" % (namespaces[parts[0]], parts[1])
	el.set(attribute, utils.render_string(build.config, value))
Пример #7
def remove_files(build, *removes):
	build.log.info('deleting %d files' % len(removes))
	for rem in removes:
		real_rem = utils.render_string(build.config, rem)
		build.log.debug('deleting %s' % real_rem)
		if path.isfile(real_rem):
			shutil.rmtree(real_rem, ignore_errors=True)
def write_config(build, filename, content):
	# We hang various things we shouldn't off config, this is pretty horrible
	clean_config = copy(build.config)
	if 'json' in clean_config:
	if 'plugin_url_prefix' in clean_config:
	content = utils.render_string({'config': json.dumps(clean_config, indent=4, sort_keys=True)}, content)

	with open(filename, 'w') as fileobj:
Пример #9
def write_config(build, filename, content):
    # We hang various things we shouldn't off config, this is pretty horrible
    clean_config = copy(build.config)
    if "json" in clean_config:
    if "plugin_url_prefix" in clean_config:
    content = utils.render_string({"config": json.dumps(clean_config, indent=4, sort_keys=True)}, content)

    with open(filename, "w") as fileobj:
Пример #10
def regex_replace_in_file(build, filename, find, replace, template=False):
	build.log.debug("regex replace in {filename}".format(**locals()))
	if template:
		replace = utils.render_string(build.config, replace)
	tmp_file = uuid.uuid4().hex
	in_file_contents = read_file_as_str(filename)
	in_file_contents = re.sub(find, replace, in_file_contents)
	with codecs.open(tmp_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as out_file:
	shutil.move(tmp_file, filename)
def copy_jquery(build, **kw):
	if 'to' not in kw:
		raise ConfigurationError('copy_jquery needs "to" keyword arguments')

	_from = 'common-v2/libs/jquery/jquery-' + build.config.get('plugins')['jquery']['config']['version'] + '.min.js'
	_to = utils.render_string(build.config, kw['to'])

	dir = ''
	for next_dir in _to.split('/'):
		dir += next_dir + '/'
		if not os.path.isdir(dir):

	shutil.copy(_from, _to)
Пример #12
def set_in_biplist(build, filename, key, value):
    # biplist import must be done here, as in the server context, biplist doesn't exist
    import biplist

    value = utils.render_string(build.config, value)

    build.log.debug("settings {key} to {value} in {files}".format(key=key, value=value, files=filename))

    found_files = glob.glob(filename)
    if len(found_files) == 0:
        build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' % filename)
    for found_file in found_files:
        plist = biplist.readPlist(found_file)
        plist[key] = value
        biplist.writePlist(plist, found_file)
def insert_head_tag(build, root_dir, tag, file_suffixes=("html",), template=False, **kw):
	'''For all files ending with one of the suffixes, under the root_dir, insert ``tag`` as
	early as possible after the <head> tag but after any <meta> tags.
	if template:
		tag = utils.render_string(build.config, tag)

	build.log.debug("inserting {tag} into <head> of {files}".format(
		tag=tag, files="{0}/**/*.{1}".format(root_dir, file_suffixes)

	find = r'<head>((\s*<meta[^>]+>)*)'
	replace = r'<head>\1\n' + tag

	find_and_replace_in_dir(build, root_dir, find, replace, file_suffixes)
Пример #14
def set_in_config(build, key, value):
	if isinstance(value, str):
		value = utils.render_string(build.config, value)

	build.log.debug("Setting {key} to {value} in app_config.json".format(key=key, value=value))

	key = key.split(".")
	last = key.pop()
	at = build.config
	for part in key:
		if not part in at or not isinstance(at[part], dict):
			at[part] = {}
		at = at[part]

	at[last] = value
Пример #15
def find_and_replace(build, *files, **kwargs):
    '''replace one string with another in a set of files
	:param kwargs: must contain ``find`` and ``replace`` keys, 
	representing the string to look for, and string to replace
	with, respectively.
	:param kwargs: can also contain the ``template`` boolean
	argument, which determines if we will run the ``replace``
	argument through genshi templating first (defaults to True).
	:param files: array of glob patterns to select files
	:param kwargs: must contain ``find`` and ``replace`` keys
    if "in" in kwargs:
        files = kwargs['in']
    if "find" not in kwargs:
        raise ConfigurationError("Find not passed in to find_and_replace")
    if "replace" not in kwargs:
        raise ConfigurationError("Replace not passed in to find_and_replace")
    template = kwargs.get('template', True)
    find = kwargs["find"]
    replace = kwargs['replace']
    if template:
        replace = utils.render_string(build.config, replace)

    replace_summary = replace[:60] + '...' if len(replace) > 60 else replace
    build.log.debug("replacing %s with %s" % (find, repr(replace_summary)))

    for glob_str in files:
        found_files = glob.glob(utils.render_string(build.config, glob_str))
        if len(found_files) == 0:
            build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' %
        for _file in found_files:
            _replace_in_file(build, _file, find, replace)
Пример #16
def set_element_value_xml(build, file, value, element=None):
	'''set text contents of an XML element

	:param build: the current build.Build
	:param file: filename or file object
	:param value: the new element contents (will be templated)
	:param element: tag name or path to change (defaults to root node)
	xml = ElementTree.ElementTree()
	if element is None:
		el = xml.getroot()
		el = xml.find(element, dict((v,k) for k,v in ElementTree._namespace_map.items()))
	el.text = utils.render_string(build.config, value)
Пример #17
def set_in_config(build, key, value):
    if isinstance(value, str):
        value = utils.render_string(build.config, value)

    build.log.debug("Setting {key} to {value} in app_config.json".format(
        key=key, value=value))

    key = key.split(".")
    last = key.pop()
    at = build.config
    for part in key:
        if not part in at or not isinstance(at[part], dict):
            at[part] = {}
        at = at[part]

    at[last] = value
Пример #18
def set_in_biplist(build, filename, key, value):
    # biplist import must be done here, as in the server context, biplist doesn't exist
    import biplist

    value = utils.render_string(build.config, value)

    build.log.debug("settings {key} to {value} in {files}".format(
        key=key, value=value, files=filename))

    found_files = glob.glob(filename)
    if len(found_files) == 0:
        build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' %
    for found_file in found_files:
        plist = biplist.readPlist(found_file)
        plist[key] = value
        biplist.writePlist(plist, found_file)
def add_to_json_array(build, filename, key, value):
    if isinstance(value, str):
        value = utils.render_string(build.config, value)

    build.log.debug("adding '{value}' to '{key}' in {files}".format(key=key, value=value, files=filename))

    found_files = glob.glob(filename)
    if len(found_files) == 0:
        build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' % filename)
    for found_file in found_files:
        file_json = {}
        with open(found_file, "r") as opened_file:
            file_json = json.load(opened_file)
            # TODO: . separated keys?
        with open(found_file, "w") as opened_file:
            json.dump(file_json, opened_file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
Пример #20
def set_element_value_xml(build, file, value, element=None):
    '''set text contents of an XML element

	:param build: the current build.Build
	:param file: filename or file object
	:param value: the new element contents (will be templated)
	:param element: tag name or path to change (defaults to root node)
    xml = ElementTree.ElementTree()
    if element is None:
        el = xml.getroot()
        el = xml.find(
            element, dict(
                (v, k) for k, v in ElementTree._namespace_map.items()))
    el.text = utils.render_string(build.config, value).decode('utf8',
Пример #21
def add_to_json_array(build, filename, key, value):
    if isinstance(value, str):
        value = utils.render_string(build.config, value)

    build.log.debug("adding '{value}' to '{key}' in {files}".format(
        key=key, value=value, files=filename))

    found_files = glob.glob(filename)
    if len(found_files) == 0:
        build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' %
    for found_file in found_files:
        file_json = {}
        with open(found_file, "r") as opened_file:
            file_json = json.load(opened_file)
            # TODO: . separated keys?
        with open(found_file, "w") as opened_file:
            json.dump(file_json, opened_file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
Пример #22
def find_and_replace_in_dir(build, root_dir, find, replace, file_suffixes=("html",), template=False, **kw):
	'For all files ending with one of the suffixes, under the root_dir, replace ``find`` with ``replace``'
	if template:
		replace = utils.render_string(build.config, replace)

	build.log.debug("replacing {find} with {replace} in {files}".format(
		find=find, replace=replace, files="{0}/**/*.{1}".format(root_dir, file_suffixes)
	found_roots = glob.glob(root_dir)
	if len(found_roots) == 0:
		build.log.warning('No files were found to match pattern "%s"' % root_dir)
	for found_root in found_roots:
		for root, _, files, depth in walk_with_depth(found_root):
			for file_ in files:
				if file_.rpartition('.')[2] in file_suffixes:
					find_with_fixed_path = find.replace("%{back_to_parent}%", "../" * (depth+1))
					replace_with_fixed_path = replace.replace("%{back_to_parent}%", "../" * (depth+1))
					_replace_in_file(build, path.join(root, file_), find_with_fixed_path, replace_with_fixed_path)
Пример #23
def insert_head_tag(build,
                    file_suffixes=("html", ),
    '''For all files ending with one of the suffixes, under the root_dir, insert ``tag`` as
	early as possible after the <head> tag but after any <meta> tags.
    if template:
        tag = utils.render_string(build.config, tag)

    build.log.debug("inserting {tag} into <head> of {files}".format(
        tag=tag, files="{0}/**/*.{1}".format(root_dir, file_suffixes)))

    find = r'<head>((\s*<meta[^>]+>)*)'
    replace = r'<head>\1\n' + tag

    find_and_replace_in_dir(build, root_dir, find, replace, file_suffixes)
Пример #24
def get_scene(request):
    return render_string(phy.json_dump(), mimetype="text/javascript+json")
Пример #25
def add_block(request):
    specs = json.loads(request.values.get("poly"))
    return render_string("OK!")
Пример #26
def add_circle(request):
    specs = json.loads(request.values.get("circle"))
    return render_string("OK!")
Пример #27
def reset_scene(request):
    return render_string("OK!")
Пример #28
def minify_in_place(build, *files):
    '''Minify a JS or CSS file, without renaming it.
    real_files = [utils.render_string(build.config, f) for f in files]
    minify.minify_in_place(build.source_dir, *real_files)
Пример #29
def minify_in_place(build, *files):
	'''Minify a JS or CSS file, without renaming it.
	real_files = [utils.render_string(build.config, f) for f in files]
	minify.minify_in_place(build.source_dir, *real_files)