Пример #1
    def _get_round_winner_message(self, black_text, white_cards_text):
        def format_cards(cards_iter, class_iter):
            message_parts = list(cards_iter)
            if message_parts[-1] == '.':
                message_parts = message_parts[:-1]
            last = len(message_parts) - 1
            return [{
                "class": class_iter.next(),
                "text": x.rstrip('.') if i < last else x
            } for i, x in enumerate(message_parts)]

        if not "{}" in black_text:
            css_class = cycle(["black", "white"])
            white_cards_text[0] = ' ' + white_cards_text[0]
            return format_cards(roundrobin([black_text], white_cards_text),
        elif black_text.startswith("{}"):
            black_parts = black_text.split("{}")
            css_class = cycle(["white", "black"])
            return format_cards(roundrobin(white_cards_text, black_parts),
            black_parts = black_text.split("{}")
            css_class = cycle(["black", "white"])
            return format_cards(roundrobin(black_parts, white_cards_text),
Пример #2
def merge_hits(hits_positive_strand, hits_negative_strand, only_best):
    Merges the hits from both strands.

    :arg hits_positive_strand: The list of hits on the positive strand.
    :type hits_positive_strand: list of :class:`HIT`
    :arg hits_negative_strand: The list of hits on the negative strand.
    :type hits_negative_strand: list of :class:`HIT`
    :arg only_best: Boolean set to True only if the best TFBS hit in the
        sequence is to be kept.
    :type only_best: bool

    :returns: A list containing the TFBS hits (empty if no hit).
    :rtype: list

    :note: The two input lists are required to be ordered following the
        positions on the sequence.  The best hit per position is given. When
        no hit has been found at a position, the constant None is used.


    if only_best:
        return [best_hit(hits_positive_strand, hits_negative_strand)]
        return [hit for hit in utils.roundrobin(hits_positive_strand,
Пример #3
    def order_pred(self, query, docs_scores, cluster_order='relevance'):
        docs_to_cluster = [doc_id for (doc_id, _) in docs_scores[:self.N]]
        clusters = self.clustering.cluster_documents(docs_to_cluster)
        docs_ranked = []

        if cluster_order == 'docs_count':
            ordered_clusters = self.order_cluster_by_docs_count(
                clusters, docs_scores)

        elif cluster_order == 'relevance':
            ordered_clusters = self.order_cluster_by_relevance(
                clusters, docs_scores)

            print('implement cluster order!!')

        docs_grouped_by_clusters = []
        for cluster_id in ordered_clusters:
            clusters_docs = [d for d, c in clusters.items() if c == cluster_id]
            clusters_docs_ordered = self.order_docs_by_relevance(
                clusters_docs, docs_scores)

        ordered_docs = list(roundrobin(*docs_grouped_by_clusters))
        return [(doc_id, rank) for rank, doc_id in enumerate(ordered_docs)]
Пример #4
 def warp(self):
     if not self.convexOnly:
         pairs = [pair for pair in pairwise(self.hullVertices)]
         for p1, p2 in pairs:
             # TODO: implement min distance check?
             mdpt = midpoint(p1, p2)
             angle = random.randint(self.minWarpAngle, self.maxWarpAngle)
             newPoint = endpoint(p1, mdpt, angle, 'd')
         # interleave self.hullVertices and newPoints
         self.hullVertices = [point for point in roundrobin(self.hullVertices, self.addedPoints)]
Пример #5
    def _get_round_winner_message(self, black_text, white_cards_text):
        def format_cards(cards_iter, class_iter):
            message_parts = list(cards_iter)
            if message_parts[-1] == '.':
                message_parts = message_parts[:-1]
            last = len(message_parts) - 1
            return [{
                        "class": class_iter.next(),
                        "text": x.rstrip('.') if i < last else x
                    } for i, x in enumerate(message_parts)]

        if not "{}" in black_text:
            css_class = cycle(["black", "white"])
            white_cards_text[0] = ' ' + white_cards_text[0]
            return format_cards(roundrobin([black_text], white_cards_text), css_class)
        elif black_text.startswith("{}"):
            black_parts = black_text.split("{}")
            css_class = cycle(["white", "black"])
            return format_cards(roundrobin(white_cards_text, black_parts), css_class)
            black_parts = black_text.split("{}")
            css_class = cycle(["black", "white"])
            return format_cards(roundrobin(black_parts, white_cards_text), css_class)
Пример #6
def criterium_balanced(uncertainty, correct, keys, labels, num_samples_to_choose):

    classes = {}
    for label, key, unc in zip(labels, keys, uncertainty):
        if label not in classes:
            classes[label] = []

        if unc > config.UNCERTAINTY_THRESOLD:
            classes[label].append((unc, key))

    for key in classes.keys():
        classes[key].sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
        classes[key] = [x[1] for x in classes[key]]

    samples_per_class = 2 * num_samples_to_choose / len(classes.keys())
    for key in classes.keys():
        classes[key] = classes[key][:samples_per_class]

    chosen_keys = list(utils.roundrobin(*classes.values()))

    print 'Chosen {0} keys with threshold {1}'.format(len(chosen_keys), config.UNCERTAINTY_THRESOLD)
    return chosen_keys[:num_samples_to_choose]
Пример #7
    def _decode(self, s):
        # rails = OrderedDict()
        # keys = range(self.key)
        # z = utils.zigzag(keys)
        # rail_counts = Counter(itertools.islice(z, len(s)))
        # print(rail_counts)

        # could easily start at zero, again [TODO] to test use of counter
        # and dict as being robust and superior over array/list
        rails_in_order = list(range(1, self.key+1))

        z = utils.zigzag(rails_in_order)

        #### using str here to ensure that OrderedCounter below actually works
        # as opposed to typical Counter, which will preserve order of int keys
        ## [TODO] remove str() before final version
        rail_slices = list(str(n) for n in itertools.islice(z, len(s)))
        # rail_slices = list(itertools.islice(z, len(s)))
        # z = utils.zigzag(rails_in_order)
        # zippy = (list(zip(z, s)))
        #### c is not guaranteed to store keys in order

        period = 2 * (self.key - 1)
        one_period_of_zigzags = rail_slices[:period]

        #### combine with OrderedDict
        # c = Counter(rail_slices)  # how many characters are in each row?
        d = OrderedCounter(rail_slices)
        # print(d)
        # rail_lengths = { rail: rail_len for rail, rail_len in d.items() }
        # rail_counts = [ (rail,c[rail]) for rail in rails_in_order]
        # rail_counts2 = [(rail, crail) for rail,crail in d.items()]
        # print('---')
        # print(rail_counts)
        # print(rail_counts2)
        # print('===')

        t = iter(s)
        # rails = [iter(take(c[rail], t)) for rail in rails_in_order]
        fence = {k: iter(take(v, t)) for k, v in d.items()} # rail: count
        # rail_iters = (rails[rail] for rail in rail_slices)
        rail_iters2 = (fence[rail] for rail in one_period_of_zigzags)

        # out = map(next, rail_iters)
        # out = [next(rail_iter) for rail_iter in rail_iters]
        out = utils.roundrobin(*rail_iters2)

        # x = [take(c[rail], t) for rail in rails_in_order]
        # y = itertools.tee(t, self.key)
        # [take(c[rail], m) for m in r
        # ends = itertools.accumulate(c[rail] for rail in rails_in_order)

        # rails = { rail: iter(list(itertools.islice(t, c[rail])))
        #           for rail in rails_in_order }
        # rails = { rail: iter(x[rail]) for rail in rails_in_order }
        # rails = [iter(x[rail]) for rail in rails_in_order]
        # rails = { rail: iter( list( next(t) for __ in range(count) ))
        #               for rail, count in c.items() }

        # out = map(next, (rails[rail] for rail in rail_slices))
        ### use roundrobin?

        # out = map(next, map(rails.__getitem__, rail_slices))
        # out = [next(rail_contents) for rail_contents in
        #     (rails[rail] for rail in rail_slices)]

        return ''.join(out)
Пример #8
 def _decode(self, s):
     groups = grouper(s, len(s) // self.key, fillvalue=NULLCHAR)
     return roundrobin(*groups)
Пример #9
 def _encode(self, s):
     groups = grouper(s, self.key, fillvalue=NULLCHAR)
     return roundrobin(*groups)