def main(): # SET THE PARAMETERS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=1e-3, help='Initial learning rate (default: 1e-3)') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=100, help='Maximum number of epochs (default: 100)') parser.add_argument('--patience', type=int, default=10, help='lr scheduler patience (default: 10)') parser.add_argument('--batch', type=int, default=4, help='Batch size (default: 4)') parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, default='Prueba', help='Name of the current test (default: Prueba)') parser.add_argument('--load_model', type=str, default='best_acc', help='Weights to load (default: best_acc)') parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_false', default=True, help='Only test the model') parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', default=False, help='Continue training a model') parser.add_argument('--load_path', type=str, default=None, help='Name of the folder with the pretrained model') parser.add_argument('--ft', action='store_true', default=False, help='Fine-tune a model') parser.add_argument('--psFactor', type=float, default=1, help='Fine-tune a model') parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=str, default='0', help='GPU(s) to use (default: 0)') args = parser.parse_args() training = args.test os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.gpu if args.ft: args.resume = True args.patch_size = [int(128*args.psFactor), int(128*args.psFactor), int(96*args.psFactor)] args.num_classes = 2 # PATHS AND DIRS save_path = os.path.join('TRAIN', out_path = os.path.join(save_path, 'Val') load_path = save_path if args.load_path is not None: load_path = os.path.join('TRAIN/', args.load_path) root = '../../Data/Heart' train_file = 'train_paths.csv' test_file = 'val_paths.csv' if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) os.makedirs(out_path) # SEEDS np.random.seed(12345) torch.manual_seed(12345) cudnn.deterministic = False cudnn.benchmark = True # CREATE THE NETWORK ARCHITECTURE model = GNet(num_classes=args.num_classes, backbone='xception') print('---> Number of params: {}'.format( sum([ for p in model.parameters()]))) model = model.cuda() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=1e-5, amsgrad=True) model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level="O1") annealing = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer, verbose=True, patience=args.patience, threshold=0.001, factor=0.5, threshold_mode="abs") criterion = utils.segmentation_loss(alpha=1) metrics = utils.Evaluator(args.num_classes) # LOAD A MODEL IF NEEDED (TESTING OR CONTINUE TRAINING) args.epoch = 0 best_acc = 0 if args.resume or not training: name = 'epoch_' + args.load_model + '.pth.tar' checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join(load_path, name), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) args.epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] best_acc = checkpoint['best_acc'] = checkpoint['lr'] print('Loading model and optimizer {}.'.format(args.epoch)) amp.load_state_dict(checkpoint['amp']) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'], strict=(not args.ft)) if not args.ft: optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) # DATALOADERS train_loader = Read_data.MRIdataset(True, train_file, root, args.patch_size) val_loader = Read_data.MRIdataset(True, test_file, root, args.patch_size, val=True) test_loader = Read_data.MRIdataset(False, test_file, root, args.patch_size) train_loader = DataLoader(train_loader, shuffle=True, sampler=None, batch_size=args.batch, num_workers=10) val_loader = DataLoader(val_loader, shuffle=False, sampler=None, batch_size=args.batch * 2, num_workers=10) test_loader = DataLoader(test_loader, shuffle=False, sampler=None, batch_size=1, num_workers=0) # TRAIN THE MODEL is_best = True if training: torch.cuda.empty_cache() out_file = open(os.path.join(save_path, 'progress.csv'), 'a+') for epoch in range(args.epoch + 1, args.epochs + 1): args.epoch = epoch lr = utils.get_lr(optimizer) print('--------- Starting Epoch {} --> {} ---------'.format( epoch, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) print('Learning rate:', lr) train_loss = train(args, model, train_loader, optimizer, criterion) val_loss, acc = val(args, model, val_loader, criterion, metrics) acc = acc.item() out_file.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format( args.epoch, train_loss, val_loss, acc)) out_file.flush() annealing.step(val_loss) save_graph(save_path) is_best = best_acc < acc best_acc = max(best_acc, acc) state = { 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), 'amp': amp.state_dict(), 'loss': [train_loss, val_loss], 'lr': lr, 'acc': acc, 'best_acc': best_acc} checkpoint = epoch % 20 == 0 utils.save_epoch(state, save_path, epoch, checkpoint=checkpoint, is_best=is_best) if lr <= ( / (10 ** 3)): print('Stopping training: learning rate is too small') break out_file.close() # TEST THE MODEL if not is_best: checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join(save_path, 'epoch_best_acc.pth.tar'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) args.epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] print('Testing epoch with best dice ({}: acc {})'.format( args.epoch, checkpoint['acc'])) test(args, model, test_loader, out_path, test_file)
def train(batch_size=32, vocab_threshold=5, vocab_from_file=True, embed_size=256, hidden_size=512, num_epochs=10, latest_model=None, cocoapi_dir="./Coco/"): # Keep track of train and validation losses and validation Bleu-4 scores by epoch train_losses = [] # Define a transform to pre-process the training images transform_train = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(256), transforms.RandomCrop(224), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)) ]) # Build data loader, applying the transforms train_loader = get_loader(transform=transform_train, mode='train', batch_size=batch_size, vocab_threshold=vocab_threshold, vocab_from_file=vocab_from_file, cocoapi_loc=cocoapi_dir) # The size of the vocabulary vocab_size = len(train_loader.dataset.vocab) # Initialize the encoder and decoder checkpoint = None if latest_model: checkpoint = torch.load(latest_model) start_epoch = 1 if checkpoint: train_losses = checkpoint['train_losses'] val_losses = checkpoint['val_losses'] start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] encoder = EncoderCNN(embed_size) decoder = DecoderRNN(embed_size, hidden_size, vocab_size) if checkpoint: encoder.load_state_dict(checkpoint['encoder']) decoder.load_state_dict(checkpoint['decoder']) # Move models to GPU if CUDA is available if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.set_device(1) encoder.cuda() decoder.cuda() # Define the loss function loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available( ) else nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # Specify the learnable parameters of the model params = list(decoder.parameters()) + list( encoder.embed.parameters()) + list( # Define the optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=params, lr=0.001) if checkpoint: optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) # Set the total number of training and validation steps per epoch total_train_step = math.ceil( len(train_loader.dataset.caption_lengths) / train_loader.batch_sampler.batch_size) start_time = time.time() for epoch in range(start_epoch, num_epochs + 1): train_loss = train_one(train_loader, encoder, decoder, loss, optimizer, vocab_size, epoch, total_train_step) train_losses.append(train_loss) # Save the entire model anyway, regardless of being the best model so far or not filename = os.path.join("./models", "model-{}.pkl".format(epoch)) save_epoch(filename, encoder, decoder, optimizer, train_losses, epoch) print("Epoch [%d/%d] took %ds" % (epoch, num_epochs, time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): train_loss = train(train_loader, encoder, decoder, criterion, optimizer, vocab_size, epoch, total_train_step) train_losses.append(train_loss) val_loss, val_bleu = validate(val_loader, encoder, decoder, criterion, train_loader.dataset.vocab, epoch, total_val_step) val_losses.append(val_loss) val_bleus.append(val_bleu) if val_bleu > best_val_bleu: print( "Validation Bleu-4 improved from {:0.4f} to {:0.4f}, saving model to best-model.pkl" .format(best_val_bleu, val_bleu)) best_val_bleu = val_bleu filename = os.path.join("./models", "best-model.pkl") save_epoch(filename, encoder, decoder, optimizer, train_losses, val_losses, val_bleu, val_bleus, epoch) else: print( "Validation Bleu-4 did not improve, saving model to model-{}.pkl". format(epoch)) # Save the entire model anyway, regardless of being the best model so far or not filename = os.path.join("./models", "model-{}.pkl".format(epoch)) save_epoch(filename, encoder, decoder, optimizer, train_losses, val_losses, val_bleu, val_bleus, epoch) print("Epoch [%d/%d] took %ds" % (epoch, num_epochs, time.time() - start_time)) if epoch > 5: # Stop if the validation Bleu doesn't improve for 3 epochs if early_stopping(val_bleus, 3): break start_time = time.time()
def testing_data_routine(): for s_id, sbj_name in enumerate(f_names_test): epoch_filepath = os.path.join(epoch_test_loc, f'{sbj_name}_epoch.npy') features_test_filepath = os.path.join(features_test_folder, f'{sbj_name}_features.npy') # TODO: Corrigir a forma como pegar o conjunto de treinos dentro da área de teste csp_filepath = os.path.join(csp_folder, f'{f_names_train[s_id]}_Wcsp.npy') if os.path.exists(epoch_filepath): X = np.load(epoch_filepath, allow_pickle=True).item() else: X = dict() for sbj_idx in range(n_runs): # Carrega o arquivo raw e o conjunto de eventos referentes a ele raw, eve = utils.pick_file(raw_fif_folder, sbj_name, sbj_idx + 1) # Separa o arquivo em epocas e aplica o ica x_temp = utils.epoch_raw_data( raw, eve, e_dict, t_start, t_end, ica_start, ica_end ) # Tenta adicionar a epoca atual ao dicionário, se não conseguir, reinicia o dicionário for i in e_classes: if sbj_idx == 0: X[i] = x_temp[i] else: X[i].add_epoch(x_temp[i].data) utils.save_epoch(epoch_filepath, X) del x_temp, raw, eve Wfb = np.load(csp_filepath, allow_pickle=True).item() # Verifica se já existe um arquivo de caracteristicas de teste if not os.path.exists(features_test_filepath): # Se não existir, cria f = dict() for k, (i, j) in product(X, combinations(e_classes, 2)): # k - Classes do conjunto de dados X # i, j - Todas as combinações de CSP possíveis a partir das classes em e_dict if k not in e_classes: continue # Laço Passando por todos os sinais de um conjunto de matrizes for n in range(X[k].n_trials): # Cálculo dos vetores de características utilizando a corrente classe de W e de X f_temp = np.append( Wfb[f'{i}{j}'].csp_feature(X[k].data[:, :, n]).transpose(), [[k_id for k_id in e_dict if e_dict[k_id] == k]], axis=1 ) # Tenta adicionar esse vetor de características na matriz de caracteristicas try: f[f'{i}{j}'] = np.append(f[f'{i}{j}'], f_temp, axis=0) except KeyError: f[f'{i}{j}'] = f_temp utils.save_csp(features_test_filepath, f)
def training_data_routine(): for sbj_name in f_names_train: epoch_filepath = os.path.join(epoch_train_loc, f'{sbj_name}_epoch.npy') csp_filepath = os.path.join(csp_folder, f'{sbj_name}_Wcsp.npy') features_filepath = os.path.join(features_train_folder, f'{sbj_name}_features.npy') if os.path.exists(epoch_filepath): X = Epochs.dict_from_filepath(epoch_filepath) else: X = dict() for sbj_idx in range(n_runs): # Carrega o arquivo raw e o conjunto de eventos referentes a ele raw, eve = utils.pick_file(raw_fif_folder, sbj_name, sbj_idx + 1) # Do arquivo raw, retorna as epocas, após ter sido passado pelo processo de ICA x_temp = utils.epoch_raw_data( raw, eve, e_dict, t_start, t_end, ica_start, ica_end) # Salva os dados epocados no dicionário de épocas X for i in e_classes: if sbj_idx == 0: X[i] = x_temp[i] else: X[i].add_epoch(x_temp[i].data) utils.save_epoch(epoch_filepath, X) del x_temp, raw, eve # %% ============== Calculo das matrizes de projeção Espacial ===================== if os.path.exists(csp_filepath): W = np.load(csp_filepath, allow_pickle=True).item() else: # Calcula-se a matriz se projeção espacial de um único sujeito print('Calculo das matrizes de projeção Espacial do sujeito {}'.format(sbj_name)) W = dict() for i, j in combinations(e_classes, 2): W[f'{i}{j}'] = FBCSP(X[i], X[j], m=m, filterbank=fb_freqs) utils.save_csp(csp_filepath, W) # ====================== Construção do vetor de caracteristicas ================== if not os.path.exists(features_filepath): # Se os arquivos não existirem, então calcule-os e salve em seguida print('Criando os vetores de caracteristicas do sujeito {}'.format(sbj_name)) features = dict() # Realiza o CSP e extrai as caracteristicas entre todas as classes possíveis for i, j in combinations(e_classes, 2): # Executa a extração das características em todas as combinações de classes features[f'{i}{j}'] = W[f'{i}{j}'].generate_train_features( X[i], X[j], dict(zip(e_dict.values(), e_dict.keys())) ) utils.save_csp(features_filepath, features)