Пример #1
def dump_val_res(img1, img2, x1, x2, mask_before, mask_after, cx1, cy1, f1,
                 cx2, cy2, f2, R, t, dump):

    if not os.path.exists(dump):

    # Images
    img1 = img1.transpose(1, 2, 0)
    img2 = img2.transpose(1, 2, 0)
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dump, "img1.png"), img1)
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dump, "img2.png"), img2)

    dump_dict = {}
    dump_dict["x1"] = x1
    dump_dict["cx1"] = cx1
    dump_dict["cy1"] = cy1
    dump_dict["f1"] = f1
    dump_dict["x2"] = x2
    dump_dict["cx2"] = cx2
    dump_dict["cy2"] = cy2
    dump_dict["f2"] = f2
    dump_dict["R"] = R
    dump_dict["t"] = t

    if mask_before is not None:
        dump_dict["mask_before"] = mask_before
    if mask_after is not None:
        dump_dict["mask_after"] = mask_after

    saveh5(dump_dict, os.path.join(dump, "dump.h5"))
Пример #2
def dump_data_pair(args):
    dump_dir, idx, ii, jj, queue = args

    # queue for monitoring
    if queue is not None:

    dump_file = os.path.join(dump_dir, "idx_sort-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj))
    #   txt_dict = os.path.join(dump_dir, "idx_sort-{}-{}.txt".format(ii, jj))

    if not os.path.exists(dump_file):
        # Load descriptors for ii
        desc_ii = loadh5(os.path.join(dump_dir,
        desc_jj = loadh5(os.path.join(dump_dir,

        # compute decriptor distance matrix
        distmat = np.sqrt(
                (np.expand_dims(desc_ii, 1) - np.expand_dims(desc_jj, 0))**2,
        # Choose K best from N
        idx_sort = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)[:, :config.obj_num_nn]
        idx_sort = (np.repeat(np.arange(distmat.shape[0])[..., None],
                              axis=1), idx_sort)
        distmat = distmat[idx_sort]
        # Dump to disk
        dump_dict = {}
        dump_dict["idx_sort"] = idx_sort
        saveh5(dump_dict, dump_file)
Пример #3
def dump_data_pair(args):
    dump_dir, idx, ii, jj, queue = args

    # queue for monitoring
    if queue is not None:

    dump_file = os.path.join(
        dump_dir, "idx_sort-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj))
    dump_file_mutual_ratio = os.path.join(
        dump_dir, "mutual_ratio-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj))

    if not os.path.exists(dump_file) or not os.path.exists(dump_file_mutual_ratio):
    # if 1==1:
        # Load descriptors for ii
        desc_ii = loadh5(
            os.path.join(dump_dir, "kp-z-desc-{}.h5".format(ii)))["desc"]
        desc_jj = loadh5(
            os.path.join(dump_dir, "kp-z-desc-{}.h5".format(jj)))["desc"]
        # compute decriptor distance matrix
        # distmat = np.sqrt(
        #     np.sum(
        #         (np.expand_dims(desc_ii, 1) - np.expand_dims(desc_jj, 0))**2,
        #         axis=2))
        ##### replace with faster distmat computation
        distmat = np.sqrt(np.sum(desc_ii**2, axis=1, keepdims=True) +
                          np.sum(desc_jj**2, axis=1) -
                          2 * np.dot(desc_ii, desc_jj.T))

        # Choose K best from N
        idx_sort0 = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)[:, :1]
        idx_sort = (np.repeat(np.arange(distmat.shape[0])[..., None],idx_sort0.shape[1], axis=1),idx_sort0)

        # saving the ratio
        idx_sort_2nd = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1)[:, :2]
        idx_sort_2nd = (np.repeat(np.arange(distmat.shape[0])[..., None],idx_sort_2nd.shape[1], axis=1),idx_sort_2nd)
        dist2nd = distmat[idx_sort_2nd]
        ratio = dist2nd[:, 0] / dist2nd[:, 1]

        # saving mutual neighbor information
        # Please note that crossCheck in opencv doesn't work properly and thus is deprecated in this code.
        idx_sort1 = np.argsort(distmat, axis=0)[0, :]
        mutual_neigh = idx_sort1[idx_sort0.squeeze()] == np.arange(idx_sort0.shape[0])

        # Dump to disk
        dump_dict = {}
        dump_dict_mutual_ratio = {}
        dump_dict["idx_sort"] = idx_sort
        dump_dict_mutual_ratio["ratio"] = ratio
        dump_dict_mutual_ratio["mutual"] = mutual_neigh

        # Looks ugly because we just add ratio and mutual neighboring information to CNe dataset  
        if not os.path.exists(dump_file):  
            saveh5(dump_dict, dump_file)
        if not os.path.exists(dump_file_mutual_ratio):
            saveh5(dump_dict_mutual_ratio, dump_file_mutual_ratio)
Пример #4
 def dump_nn(self, ii, jj):
     dump_file = os.path.join(self.intermediate_dir, "nn-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj))
     if not os.path.exists(dump_file):
         image_i, image_j = self.image_fullpath_list[ii], self.image_fullpath_list[jj]
         desc_ii = loadh5(image_i+'.'+self.desc_name+'.hdf5')["descriptors"]
         desc_jj = loadh5(image_j+'.'+self.desc_name+'.hdf5')["descriptors"]
         idx_sort, ratio_test, mutual_nearest = computeNN(desc_ii, desc_jj)
         # Dump to disk
         dump_dict = {}
         dump_dict["idx_sort"] = idx_sort
         dump_dict["ratio_test"] = ratio_test
         dump_dict["mutual_nearest"] = mutual_nearest
         saveh5(dump_dict, dump_file)
Пример #5
    def _compute_desc(self):
        """Compute Descriptors """

        total_time = 0.0

        # Read image
        start_time = time.clock()
        cur_data = self.dataset.load_data()
        end_time = time.clock()
        load_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Time taken to load patches is {} ms".format(load_time))
        total_time += load_time

        # Test using the test function
        start_time = time.clock()
        descs = self._test_multibatch(cur_data)
        end_time = time.clock()
        compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Time taken to compute is {} ms".format(compute_time))
        total_time += compute_time

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Total time for descriptor is {} ms".format(total_time))

        # Overwrite angle
        kps = cur_data["kps"].copy()
        kps[:, 3] = cur_data["angle"][:, 0]

        # Save as h5 file
        save_dict = {}
        # save_dict['keypoints'] = cur_data["kps"]
        save_dict['keypoints'] = kps
        save_dict['descriptors'] = descs

        saveh5(save_dict, self.config.test_out_file)
Пример #6
def make_xy(pair_index, img, kp, desc, aff, K, R, t, cur_folder):
    kp_initial = copy.deepcopy(kp)
    xs = []
    xs_initial = []
    ys = []
    Rs = []
    ts = []
    img1s = []
    img2s = []
    cx1s = []
    cy1s = []
    f1s = []
    cx2s = []
    cy2s = []
    f2s = []
    affine = []
    # Create a random folder in scratch
    dump_dir = os.path.join(cur_folder, "dump")
    if not os.path.exists(dump_dir):

    pool_arg = []

    for idx in range(pair_index.shape[0]):
        ii = pair_index[idx, 0]
        jj = pair_index[idx, 1]

        print("\rExtracting keypoints {} / {}".format(idx,

        # Check and extract keypoints if necessary
        for i in [ii, jj]:
            i = int(i)
            dump_file = os.path.join(dump_dir, "kp-aff-desc-{}.h5".format(i))
            if not os.path.exists(dump_file):
                # Correct coordinates using K
                cx = K[i, 2]
                cy = K[i, 5]

                # Correct focals
                fx = K[i, 0]
                fy = K[i, 4]

                kp[i] = (kp[i] - np.array([[cx, cy]])) / np.asarray([[fx, fy]])

                # Write descs to harddisk to parallize
                dump_dict = {}
                dump_dict["kp_normal"] = kp[i]
                dump_dict["kp"] = kp_initial[i]
                dump_dict["desc"] = desc[i]
                dump_dict["aff"] = aff[i]
                saveh5(dump_dict, dump_file)
                dump_dict = loadh5(dump_file)
                kp[i] = dump_dict["kp_normal"]
                kp_initial[i] = dump_dict["kp"]
                desc[i] = dump_dict["desc"]
                aff[i] = dump_dict["aff"]

        pool_arg += [(dump_dir, idx, int(ii), int(jj))]

    # Run mp job
    ratio_CPU = 0.9
    number_of_process = int(ratio_CPU * mp.cpu_count())
    pool = mp.Pool(processes=number_of_process)
    manager = mp.Manager()
    queue = manager.Queue()
    for idx_arg in xrange(len(pool_arg)):
        pool_arg[idx_arg] = pool_arg[idx_arg] + (queue, )
    # map async
    pool_res = pool.map_async(dump_data_pair, pool_arg)
    # monitor loop
    while True:
        if pool_res.ready():
            size = queue.qsize()
            print("\rDistMat {} / {}".format(size, len(pool_arg)), end="")
    # Pack data
    idx = 0
    total_num = 0
    good_num = 0
    bad_num = 0
    ratio1 = []
    ratio2 = []

    for idx in range(pair_index.shape[0]):
        ii = int(pair_index[idx, 0])
        jj = int(pair_index[idx, 1])

        print("\rWorking on {} / {}".format(idx, pair_index.shape[0]), end="")

        K1 = K[ii].reshape(3, 3)
        K2 = K[jj].reshape(3, 3)

        # ------------------------------
        # Get dR
        R_i = R[ii].reshape(3, 3)
        R_j = R[jj].reshape(3, 3)
        dR = np.dot(R_j, R_i.T)
        # Get dt
        t_i = t[ii].reshape(3, 1)
        t_j = t[jj].reshape(3, 1)
        dt = t_j - np.dot(dR, t_i)
        # ------------------------------
        # Get keypoints for the first image
        x1 = kp[ii]
        y1 = np.concatenate((kp[ii], np.ones((kp[ii].shape[0], 1))), axis=1)
        # Project the first points into the second image
        y1p = np.matmul(dR[None], y1[..., None]) + dt[None]
        # move back to the canonical plane
        x1p = y1p[:, :2, 0] / y1p[:, 2, 0][..., None]
        # ------------------------------
        # Get keypoints for the second image
        x2 = kp[jj]
        # # DEBUG ------------------------------
        # # Check if the image projections make sense
        # draw_val_res(
        #     img[ii],
        #     img[jj],
        #     x1, x1p, np.random.rand(x1.shape[0]) < 0.1,
        #     (img[ii][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     (img[ii][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][ii, 0, 0],
        #     (img[jj][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     (img[jj][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][jj, 0, 0],
        #     "./debug_imgs/",
        #     "debug_img{:04d}.png".format(idx)
        # )
        # ------------------------------
        # create x1, y1, x2, y2 as a matrix combo
        x1mat = np.repeat(x1[:, 0][..., None], len(x2), axis=-1)
        y1mat = np.repeat(x1[:, 1][..., None], len(x2), axis=1)
        x1pmat = np.repeat(x1p[:, 0][..., None], len(x2), axis=-1)
        y1pmat = np.repeat(x1p[:, 1][..., None], len(x2), axis=1)
        x2mat = np.repeat(x2[:, 0][None], len(x1), axis=0)
        y2mat = np.repeat(x2[:, 1][None], len(x1), axis=0)
        # Load precomputed nearest neighbors
        idx_sort = loadh5(
            os.path.join(dump_dir, "idx_sort-{}-{}.h5".format(ii,
        # Move back to tuples
        idx_sort = (idx_sort[0], idx_sort[1])
        x1mat = x1mat[idx_sort]
        y1mat = y1mat[idx_sort]
        x1pmat = x1pmat[idx_sort]
        y1pmat = y1pmat[idx_sort]
        x2mat = x2mat[idx_sort]
        y2mat = y2mat[idx_sort]
        # Turn into x1, x1p, x2
        x1 = np.concatenate(
            [x1mat.reshape(-1, 1), y1mat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
        x1p = np.concatenate([x1pmat.reshape(-1, 1),
                              y1pmat.reshape(-1, 1)],
        x2 = np.concatenate(
            [x2mat.reshape(-1, 1), y2mat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)

        # make xs in NHWC
        xs += [
            np.concatenate([x1, x2], axis=1).T.reshape(4, 1, -1).transpose(
                (1, 2, 0))
        # ------------------------------
        # Get the geodesic distance using with x1, x2, dR, dt

        if config.obj_geod_type == "sampson":
            geod_d = get_sampsons(x1, x2, dR, dt)
        elif config.obj_geod_type == "episqr":
            geod_d = get_episqr(x1, x2, dR, dt)
        elif config.obj_geod_type == "episym":
            geod_d = get_episym(x1, x2, dR, dt)
        #   geod_d = get_episym(x1, x2, dR, dt, K1_inv, K2_inv, K1, K2)
        # Get *rough* reprojection errors. Note that the depth may be noisy. We
        # ended up not using this...
        reproj_d = np.sum((x2 - x1p)**2, axis=1)
        # count inliers and outliers
        total_num += len(geod_d)
        good_num += np.sum((geod_d < config.obj_geod_th))
        bad_num += np.sum((geod_d >= config.obj_geod_th))
        mask = np.zeros(len(geod_d))
        for i in range(len(geod_d)):
            if geod_d[i] < config.obj_geod_th:
                mask[i] = 1
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(dump_dir, "mask-{}-{}.txt".format(ii, jj)), mask)
        ys += [np.stack([geod_d, reproj_d], axis=1)]

        # Save R, t for evaluation
        Rs += [np.array(dR).reshape(3, 3)]
        # normalize t before saving
        dtnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(dt**2))
        assert (dtnorm > 1e-5)
        dt /= dtnorm
        ts += [np.array(dt).flatten()]

        # Save img1 and img2 for display
        img1s += [img[ii]]
        img2s += [img[jj]]

        cx = K[ii, 2]
        cy = K[ii, 5]
        cx1s += [cx]
        cy1s += [cy]
        cx = K[jj, 2]
        cy = K[jj, 5]
        cx2s += [cx]
        cy2s += [cy]

        fx = K[ii, 0]
        fy = K[ii, 4]
        if np.isclose(fx, fy):
            f = fx
            f = (fx, fy)
        f1s += [f]
        fx = K[jj, 0]
        fy = K[jj, 4]
        if np.isclose(fx, fy):
            f = fx
            f = (fx, fy)
        f2s += [f]

        # Generate xs_initial and T-transform
        x1 = kp_initial[ii]
        x2 = kp_initial[jj]

        aff1 = aff[ii]
        aff2 = aff[jj]

        aff1 = np.repeat(aff1[:, :][..., None], len(aff2),
                         axis=-1).transpose(0, 2, 1)
        aff2 = np.repeat(aff2[:, :][None], len(aff1), axis=0)

        x1mat = np.repeat(x1[:, 0][..., None], len(x2), axis=-1)
        y1mat = np.repeat(x1[:, 1][..., None], len(x2), axis=1)
        x2mat = np.repeat(x2[:, 0][None], len(x1), axis=0)
        y2mat = np.repeat(x2[:, 1][None], len(x1), axis=0)
        idx_sort = loadh5(
            os.path.join(dump_dir, "idx_sort-{}-{}.h5".format(ii,
        # Move back to tuples
        idx_sort = (idx_sort[0], idx_sort[1])
        x1mat = x1mat[idx_sort]
        y1mat = y1mat[idx_sort]
        x2mat = x2mat[idx_sort]
        y2mat = y2mat[idx_sort]
        aff1 = aff1[idx_sort]
        aff2 = aff2[idx_sort]

        # Turn into x1, x1p, x2
        x1 = np.concatenate(
            [x1mat.reshape(-1, 1), y1mat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
        x2 = np.concatenate(
            [x2mat.reshape(-1, 1), y2mat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)

        affine += [
                [aff1.reshape(-1, 9), aff2.reshape(-1, 9)], axis=1)
        xs_initial += [
            np.concatenate([x1, x2], axis=1).T.reshape(4, 1, -1).transpose(
                (1, 2, 0))

    # Do *not* convert to numpy arrays, as the number of keypoints may differ
    # now. Simply return it
    print(".... done")
    if total_num > 0:
        print(" Good pairs = {}, Total pairs = {}, Ratio = {}".format(
            good_num, total_num,
            float(good_num) / float(total_num)))
        print(" Bad pairs = {}, Total pairs = {}, Ratio = {}".format(
            bad_num, total_num,
            float(bad_num) / float(total_num)))

    res_dict = {}
    res_dict["xs"] = xs
    res_dict["xs_initial"] = xs_initial
    res_dict["affine"] = affine
    res_dict["ys"] = ys
    res_dict["Rs"] = Rs
    res_dict["ts"] = ts
    res_dict["img1s"] = img1s
    res_dict["cx1s"] = cx1s
    res_dict["cy1s"] = cy1s
    res_dict["f1s"] = f1s
    res_dict["img2s"] = img2s
    res_dict["cx2s"] = cx2s
    res_dict["cy2s"] = cy2s
    res_dict["f2s"] = f2s

    return res_dict
Пример #7
    def _compute_desc(self):
        """Compute Descriptors """

        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()
        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d' %
                  (scene_name, duration / 60, duration % 60))
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.DES_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.DES_DIR, scene_name))
            for img_key in range(1, cst.MAX_IMG_NUM + 1):
                if ((scene_name == 'v_feast' and img_key == 6)
                        or (scene_name == 'v_wall' and img_key == 6)):
                    if cst.DATA == 'hpatches':
                img_fn = os.path.join(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name,
                                      '%d.ppm' % (img_key))
                new_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name,
                                         '%d_kp.txt' % (img_key))
                des_fn = os.path.join(cst.DES_DIR, scene_name,
                                      '%d.h5' % (img_key))

                # Read image
                start_time = time.clock()
                cur_data = self.dataset.my_load_data(img_fn, new_kp_fn,

                end_time = time.clock()
                load_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to load patches is {} ms".format(
                #    load_time
                total_time += load_time

                # import IPython
                # IPython.embed()

                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Test using the test function
                start_time = time.clock()
                descs = self._test_multibatch(cur_data)
                end_time = time.clock()
                compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to compute is {} ms".format(
                #    compute_time
                total_time += compute_time
                #print("Total time for descriptor is {} ms".format(total_time))

                # Overwrite angle
                kps = cur_data["kps"].copy()
                kps[:, 3] = cur_data["angle"][:, 0]

                # Save as h5 file
                save_dict = {}
                # save_dict['keypoints'] = cur_data["kps"]
                save_dict['keypoints'] = kps
                save_dict['descriptors'] = descs

                saveh5(save_dict, des_fn)
Пример #8
def make_xy(num_sample, pairs, kp, z, desc, img, geom, vis, depth, geom_type,

    xs = []
    ys = []
    Rs = []
    ts = []
    mutuals = []
    ratios = []
    img1s = []
    img2s = []
    cx1s = []
    cy1s = []
    f1s = []
    cx2s = []
    cy2s = []
    f2s = []

    # Create a random folder in scratch
    dump_dir = os.path.join(cur_folder, "dump")
    if not os.path.exists(dump_dir):

    # randomly suffle the pairs and select num_sample amount
    cur_pairs = [
        pairs[_i] for _i in np.random.permutation(len(pairs))[:num_sample]
    idx = 0
    for ii, jj in cur_pairs:
        idx += 1
            "\rExtracting keypoints {} / {}".format(idx, len(cur_pairs)),

        # Check and extract keypoints if necessary
        for i in [ii, jj]:
            dump_file = os.path.join(dump_dir, "kp-z-desc-{}.h5".format(i))
            if not os.path.exists(dump_file):
                if kp[i] is None:
                    cv_kp, cv_desc = sift.detectAndCompute(img[i].transpose(
                        1, 2, 0), None)
                    cx = (img[i][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5
                    cy = (img[i][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5
                    # Correct coordinates using K
                    cx += parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][i, 0, 2]
                    cy += parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][i, 1, 2]
                    xy = np.array([_kp.pt for _kp in cv_kp])
                    # Correct focals
                    fx = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][i, 0, 0]
                    fy = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][i, 1, 1]
                    kp[i] = (
                        xy - np.array([[cx, cy]])
                    ) / np.asarray([[fx, fy]])
                    desc[i] = cv_desc
                if z[i] is None:
                    cx = (img[i][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5
                    cy = (img[i][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5
                    fx = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][i, 0, 0]
                    fy = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][i, 1, 1]
                    xy = kp[i] * np.asarray([[fx, fy]]) + np.array([[cx, cy]])
                    if len(depth) > 0:
                        z[i] = depth[i][
                            np.round(xy[:, 1]).astype(int),
                            np.round(xy[:, 0]).astype(int)][..., None]
                        z[i] = np.ones((xy.shape[0], 1))
                # Write descs to harddisk to parallize
                dump_dict = {}
                dump_dict["kp"] = kp[i]
                dump_dict["z"] = z[i]
                dump_dict["desc"] = desc[i]
                saveh5(dump_dict, dump_file)
                dump_dict = loadh5(dump_file)
                kp[i] = dump_dict["kp"]
                z[i] = dump_dict["z"]
                desc[i] = dump_dict["desc"]

    # Create arguments
    pool_arg = []
    idx = 0
    for ii, jj in cur_pairs:
        idx += 1
        pool_arg += [(dump_dir, idx, ii, jj)]
    # Run mp job
    ratio_CPU = 0.8
    number_of_process = int(ratio_CPU * mp.cpu_count())
    pool = mp.Pool(processes=number_of_process)
    manager = mp.Manager()
    queue = manager.Queue()

    # for debugging in dump_data_pair
    # dump_data_pair(pool_arg[1] + (queue,))

    for idx_arg in xrange(len(pool_arg)):
        pool_arg[idx_arg] = pool_arg[idx_arg] + (queue,)
    # map async
    pool_res = pool.map_async(dump_data_pair, pool_arg)
    # monitor loop
    while True:
        if pool_res.ready():
            size = queue.qsize()
            print("\rDistMat {} / {}".format(size, len(pool_arg)), end="")
    # Pack data
    idx = 0
    total_num = 0
    good_num = 0
    bad_num = 0
    for ii, jj in cur_pairs:
        idx += 1
        print("\rWorking on {} / {}".format(idx, len(cur_pairs)), end="")

        # ------------------------------
        # Get dR
        R_i = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["R"][ii]
        R_j = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["R"][jj]
        dR = np.dot(R_j, R_i.T)
        # Get dt
        t_i = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["t"][ii].reshape([3, 1])
        t_j = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["t"][jj].reshape([3, 1])
        dt = t_j - np.dot(dR, t_i)
        # ------------------------------
        # Get sift points for the first image
        x1 = kp[ii]
        y1 = np.concatenate([kp[ii] * z[ii], z[ii]], axis=1)
        # Project the first points into the second image
        y1p = np.matmul(dR[None], y1[..., None]) + dt[None]
        # move back to the canonical plane
        x1p = y1p[:, :2, 0] / y1p[:, 2, 0][..., None]
        # ------------------------------
        # Get sift points for the second image
        x2 = kp[jj]
        # # DEBUG ------------------------------
        # # Check if the image projections make sense
        # draw_val_res(
        #     img[ii],
        #     img[jj],
        #     x1, x1p, np.random.rand(x1.shape[0]) < 0.1,
        #     (img[ii][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     (img[ii][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][ii, 0, 0],
        #     (img[jj][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     (img[jj][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5,
        #     parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][jj, 0, 0],
        #     "./debug_imgs/",
        #     "debug_img{:04d}.png".format(idx)
        # )
        # ------------------------------
        # create x1, y1, x2, y2 as a matrix combo
        x1mat = np.repeat(x1[:, 0][..., None], len(x2), axis=-1)
        y1mat = np.repeat(x1[:, 1][..., None], len(x2), axis=1)
        x1pmat = np.repeat(x1p[:, 0][..., None], len(x2), axis=-1)
        y1pmat = np.repeat(x1p[:, 1][..., None], len(x2), axis=1)
        x2mat = np.repeat(x2[:, 0][None], len(x1), axis=0)
        y2mat = np.repeat(x2[:, 1][None], len(x1), axis=0)
        # Load precomputed nearest neighbors, ratios and mutual
        idx_sort = loadh5(os.path.join(
            dump_dir, "idx_sort-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj)))["idx_sort"]
        mutual = loadh5(os.path.join(
            dump_dir, "mutual_ratio-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj)))["mutual"]
        ratio = loadh5(os.path.join(
            dump_dir, "mutual_ratio-{}-{}.h5".format(ii, jj)))["ratio"]
        mutuals += [mutual]
        ratios += [ratio]

        # Move back to tuples
        idx_sort = (idx_sort[0], idx_sort[1])
        x1mat = x1mat[idx_sort]
        y1mat = y1mat[idx_sort]
        x1pmat = x1pmat[idx_sort]
        y1pmat = y1pmat[idx_sort]
        x2mat = x2mat[idx_sort]
        y2mat = y2mat[idx_sort]
        # Turn into x1, x1p, x2
        x1 = np.concatenate(
            [x1mat.reshape(-1, 1), y1mat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
        x1p = np.concatenate(
            [x1pmat.reshape(-1, 1),
             y1pmat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
        x2 = np.concatenate(
            [x2mat.reshape(-1, 1), y2mat.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)

        # make xs in NHWC
        xs += [
            np.concatenate([x1, x2], axis=1).T.reshape(4, 1, -1).transpose(
                (1, 2, 0))

        # ------------------------------
        # Get the geodesic distance using with x1, x2, dR, dt
        if config.obj_geod_type == "sampson":
            geod_d = get_sampsons(x1, x2, dR, dt)
        elif config.obj_geod_type == "episqr":
            geod_d = get_episqr(x1, x2, dR, dt)
        elif config.obj_geod_type == "episym":
            geod_d = get_episym(x1, x2, dR, dt)
        # Get *rough* reprojection errors. Note that the depth may be noisy. We
        # ended up not using this...
        reproj_d = np.sum((x2 - x1p)**2, axis=1)
        # count inliers and outliers
        total_num += len(geod_d)
        good_num += np.sum((geod_d < config.obj_geod_th))
        bad_num += np.sum((geod_d >= config.obj_geod_th))
        ys += [np.stack([geod_d, reproj_d], axis=1)]
        # Save R, t for evaluation
        Rs += [np.array(dR).reshape(3, 3)]
        # normalize t before saving
        dtnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(dt**2))
        assert (dtnorm > 1e-5)
        dt /= dtnorm
        ts += [np.array(dt).flatten()]

        # Save img1 and img2 for display
        img1s += [img[ii]]
        img2s += [img[jj]]
        cx = (img[ii][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5
        cy = (img[ii][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5
        # Correct coordinates using K
        cx += parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][ii, 0, 2]
        cy += parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][ii, 1, 2]
        fx = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][ii, 0, 0]
        fy = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][ii, 1, 1]
        if np.isclose(fx, fy):
            f = fx
            f = (fx, fy)
        cx1s += [cx]
        cy1s += [cy]
        f1s += [f]
        cx = (img[jj][0].shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5
        cy = (img[jj][0].shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5
        # Correct coordinates using K
        cx += parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][jj, 0, 2]
        cy += parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][jj, 1, 2]
        fx = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][jj, 0, 0]
        fy = parse_geom(geom, geom_type)["K"][jj, 1, 1]
        if np.isclose(fx, fy):
            f = fx
            f = (fx, fy)
        cx2s += [cx]
        cy2s += [cy]
        f2s += [f]

    # Do *not* convert to numpy arrays, as the number of keypoints may differ
    # now. Simply return it
    print(".... done")
    if total_num > 0:
        print(" Good pairs = {}, Total pairs = {}, Ratio = {}".format(
            good_num, total_num, float(good_num) / float(total_num)))
        print(" Bad pairs = {}, Total pairs = {}, Ratio = {}".format(
            bad_num, total_num, float(bad_num) / float(total_num)))

    res_dict = {}
    res_dict["xs"] = xs
    res_dict["ys"] = ys
    res_dict["Rs"] = Rs
    res_dict["ts"] = ts
    res_dict["img1s"] = img1s
    res_dict["cx1s"] = cx1s
    res_dict["cy1s"] = cy1s
    res_dict["f1s"] = f1s
    res_dict["img2s"] = img2s
    res_dict["cx2s"] = cx2s
    res_dict["cy2s"] = cy2s
    res_dict["f2s"] = f2s
    res_dict["mutuals"] = mutuals
    res_dict["ratios"] = ratios 
    res_dict["pairs"] = cur_pairs

    return res_dict
Пример #9
def createDump(args):
    # print("createDump called")

    idx_jpg, jpg_file, train_data_dir, dump_data_dir, tmp_patch_dir, scale_hist, scale_hist_c, out_dim, param, queue = args

    # print(idx_jpg)
    # print(jpg_file)
    # print(args)
    # queue for monitoring
    if queue is not None:

    final_dump_file_name = os.path.join(
        os.path.basename(jpg_file).split(".")[0] + ".h5")
    # print(final_dump_file_name)
    if not os.path.exists(final_dump_file_name):
        # load image
        bUseColorImage = getattr(param.patch, "bUseColorImage", False)
        if not bUseColorImage:
            bUseDebugImage = getattr(param.patch, "bUseDebugImage", False)
            if not bUseDebugImage:
                img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(jpg_file), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                # debug image contains keypoints survive the SfM
                # pipeline (blue) and the rest (in red)
                img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(jpg_file), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                # debug_jpg = train_data_dir + jpg_file.replace(".jpg", "-kp-minsc-" + str(param.dataset.fMinKpSize) +".jpg")
                debug_jpg = os.path.splitext(jpg_file)[0] + "-kp-minsc-" + str(
                    param.dataset.fMinKpSize) + ".jpg"
                imgd = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(debug_jpg), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                img = cv2.resize(imgd, img.shape[:2][::-1])

            in_dim = 1
            img = cv2.imread(train_data_dir + jpg_file)
            in_dim = 3
            assert (img.shape[-1] == in_dim)

        # ----------------------------------------
        # load kp data
        # Note that data is in order of [x,y,scale,angle,pointid,setid]]
        # guessing here: pointid is the point id number for the keypoint in the two 2d image
        # or maybe it's a unique idx for a point in a list of all points?
        # of maybe its the index of a point for all points in a set?(I think it's this last one, maybe)
        # setid is the id num for the pair which is created from the image keypoints (this would keep a uniform )

        # For positive: select randomly from "valid_keypoints"
        pos_kp_file_name = jpg_file.replace(
            ".jpg", "-kp-minsc-" + str(param.dataset.fMinKpSize) + ".h5")
        # print(pos_kp_file_name)
        with h5py.File(pos_kp_file_name, "r") as h5file:
            sfm_kp = h5file["valid_keypoints"][()]
            non_sfm_kp = h5file["other_keypoints"][()]
            # add two dummy fields to non_sfm since they don"t have id
            # and group. THis means pointid,setid are set to -1 for non_sfm_kp
            # non_sfm_kp = np.concatenate([non_sfm_kp, -np.ones((non_sfm_kp.shape[0], 2))],axis=1)

        # if there are no keypoints which were leveraged in SFM
        if (len(sfm_kp) == 0):
            sfm_kp = np.empty([0, 6])

        if (len(non_sfm_kp) == 0):
            non_sfm_kp = np.empty([0, 6])
            # return None

        # print(sfm_kp)
        # print(type(sfm_kp))
        # print(sfm_kp.shape)
        # print(non_sfm_kp)
        # print(type(non_sfm_kp))
        # print(non_sfm_kp.shape)

        pos_kp = np.concatenate(
            (sfm_kp, np.ones((sfm_kp.shape[0], 1), dtype="float")), axis=1)
        if (len(sfm_kp) == 0):
            pos_kp = pos_kp[1:, :]

        if (len(non_sfm_kp) == 0):
            non_sfm_kp = non_sfm_kp[1:, :]

        # Select subset for positives (assuming we have same coordinates for all image)
        # dump_file_name = dump_data_dir + jpg_file.replace(".jpg","_idxPosSel.h5")
        dump_file_name = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(jpg_file).split(".")[0] + "_idxPosSel.h5")

        # if dump file not exist, create it; otherwise load it
        if not os.path.exists(dump_file_name):
            # idxPosShuffle = np.argsort(pos_kp[3,:])[::-1] # sort backwards
            idxPosShuffle = np.random.permutation(
                len(pos_kp))  # random shuffle
            pos_2_keep = len(idxPosShuffle)
            if param.dataset.nPosPerImg > 0:
                pos_2_keep = min(pos_2_keep, param.dataset.nPosPerImg)
            idxPosSel = idxPosShuffle[:pos_2_keep]  # shuffle the points
            to_save = {"saveval": idxPosSel}
            # print(to_save)
            saveh5(to_save, dump_file_name)
            to_load = loadh5(dump_file_name)
            idxPosSel = to_load["saveval"]
        pos_kp = pos_kp[idxPosSel]
        # print(pos_kp)

        # negative sampling:
        # 1) only use Sfm points, too close keypoints will be rejected as
        # negative pair (because of high potential overlapping)
        # 2) Use all SIFT points, when the overlapping of two feature context
        # windows is larger than a threshold, it will be rejected as a negative
        # pair (because it shares too much common regions..). In this step, we
        # concatenate sfm_kp and non_sfm_kp to form keypoint class.
        neg_mine_method = getattr(param.patch, "sNegMineMethod",
        if neg_mine_method == "use_only_SfM_points":
            # print("mining sfm points...")
            # exit()
            # where is
            neg_kp = random_mine_non_kp_with_2d_distance(
                img, sfm_kp, scale_hist, scale_hist_c, param)
        elif neg_mine_method == "use_all_SIFT_points":
            # print("mining SIFT  points...")
            # exit()
            max_iter = getattr(param.patch, "nMaxRandomNegMineIter", 100)

            # print(sfm_kp)
            # print(type(sfm_kp))
            # print(sfm_kp.shape)
            # print(non_sfm_kp)
            # print(type(non_sfm_kp))
            # print(non_sfm_kp.shape)

            # print(pos_kp)
            # print(type(pos_kp))
            # print(pos_kp.shape)

                sift_kp = np.concatenate([sfm_kp, non_sfm_kp], axis=0)
                neg_kp = random_mine_non_kp_with_3d_blocking(img,
                # neg_kp = random_mine_non_kp_with_3d_blocking(img, sift_kp, scale_hist, scale_hist_c, param, neg_per_iter = 10, max_iter=max_iter)
            except ValueError as err:
                # print(err)
                # print("Possibly no non_sfm_keypoints?")
                neg_kp = np.empty([0, 6])

            raise ValueError(
                "Mining method {} is not supported!".format(neg_mine_method))
        # add another dim indicating good or bad
        neg_kp = np.concatenate(
            (neg_kp, np.zeros((len(neg_kp), 1), dtype="float")), axis=1)
        # concatenate negative and positives
        # print(pos_kp)
        # print(type(pos_kp))
        # print(pos_kp.shape)
        # print(neg_kp)
        # print(type(neg_kp))
        # print(neg_kp.shape)

        kp = np.concatenate((pos_kp, neg_kp), axis=0)
        # print(kp)

        # Retrive target values, 1 for pos and 0 for neg
        y = kp[:, 6]

        # Retrieve angles
        angle = kp[:, 3]

        # Assign ID to keypoints (for sfm points, ID = 3d point ind; for non
        # sfm kp, ID = -1)
        ID = kp[:, 4]

        # load patches with id (drop out of boundary)
        bPerturb = getattr(param.patch, "bPerturb", False)
        fPerturbInfo = getattr(param.patch, "fPerturbInfo", np.zeros((3, )))
        nAugmentedRotations = getattr(param.patch, "nAugmentedRotations", 1)
        fAugmentRange = getattr(param.patch, "fAugmentRange", 0)
        fAugmentCenterRandStrength = getattr(param.patch,
                                             "fAugmentCenterRandStrength", 0)
        sAugmentCenterRandMethod = getattr(param.patch,

        cur_data_set = load_patches(
        # save dump as dictionary using saveh5
        # from here Kernel died, because of not finding "MKL_intel_thread.dll"

        # pdb.set_trace()
        # here the data are saved in tmp_dump file, keys are numbers [0,1..]
        tmpdict = dict(
            (str(_idx), np.asarray(_data))
            for _idx, _data in zip(np.arange(len(cur_data_set)), cur_data_set))
        saveh5(tmpdict, final_dump_file_name)

    return idx_jpg
Пример #10
def comp_process(mode, data, res_dir, config):

    # Unpack some references
    xs = data["xs"]
    ys = data["ys"]
    Rs = data["Rs"]
    ts = data["ts"]
    img1s = data["img1s"]
    cx1s = data["cx1s"]
    cy1s = data["cy1s"]
    f1s = data["f1s"]
    img2s = data["img2s"]
    cx2s = data["cx2s"]
    cy2s = data["cy2s"]
    f2s = data["f2s"]

    # Make fs numpy array
    f1s = np.array(f1s)
    f2s = np.array(f2s)

    # Prepare directory
    if not os.path.exists(res_dir):

    print("[{}] {}: Start testing".format(config.data_tr, time.asctime()))
    # Validation
    num_sample = len(xs)

    if config.use_lift:
        comp_list = [
            # "usac5point", "usac8point",
            # "usacnolo5point", "usacnolo8point"
        # comp_list = [
        #     "lmeds", "ransac", "top8_8point", "top50_lmeds", "top50_ransac",
        #     "gms", "gms_orb", "gms_default",
        #     "gms_orb_resize", "gms_orb_resize_ransac",
        #     "gms_orb_resize_tt", "gms_orb_resize_ransac_tt",
        #     "mlesac",
        # ]
        comp_list = [
            # "usac5point", "usac8point",
            # "usacnolo5point", "usacnolo8point"
        if config.obj_num_kp == 2000:
            comp_list += [

    # Initialize arrays that will store measurements
    err_q = {}
    err_t = {}
    num = {}
    for _comp in comp_list:
        err_q[_comp] = np.zeros(num_sample)
        err_t[_comp] = np.zeros(num_sample)
        num[_comp] = np.zeros(num_sample)

    NUM_KP = config.obj_num_kp
    # batch_size = config.val_batch_size
    # num_batch = int(len(xs) / batch_size)

    from gms_matcher import GmsMatcher

    # SIFT
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(nfeatures=NUM_KP,
    if cv2.__version__.startswith('3'):
        sift_matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2)
        sift_matcher = cv2.BFMatcher_create(cv2.NORM_L2)
    sift_gms = GmsMatcher(sift, sift_matcher)

    # ORB
    orb = cv2.ORB_create(10000)
    if cv2.__version__.startswith('3'):
        orb_matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING)
        orb_matcher = cv2.BFMatcher_create(cv2.NORM_HAMMING)
    orb_gms = GmsMatcher(orb, orb_matcher)

    for method_name in comp_list:

        # Check res_dir if we have the dump ready
        dump_dir = os.path.join(res_dir, mode, method_name)
        if not os.path.exists(dump_dir):
        # Check for full dump
        full_dump_file = os.path.join(dump_dir, "qtn_all.h5")
        if not os.path.exists(full_dump_file) or config.vis_dump:
            for _idx in xrange(num_sample):
                print("\rWorking on {} / {}".format(_idx + 1, num_sample),
                dump_file = os.path.join(dump_dir, "qtn_{}.txt".format(_idx))
                # If dump exists, just load it
                if os.path.exists(dump_file) and not config.vis_dump:
                    with open(dump_file, "r") as ifp:
                        dump_res = ifp.read()
                    dump_res = parse("{err_q:e}, {err_t:e}, {num_inlier:d}\n",
                    _err_q = dump_res["err_q"]
                    _err_t = dump_res["err_t"]
                    _num_inlier = dump_res["num_inlier"]
                    # Otherwise compute
                    _xs = xs[_idx][:, :, :].reshape(1, 1, -1, 4)
                    _ys = ys[_idx][:, :].reshape(1, -1, 2)
                    _dR = Rs[_idx]
                    _dt = ts[_idx]
                    # Eval decompose for all pairs
                    _xs = _xs.reshape(-1, 4)
                    # x coordinates
                    _x1 = _xs[:, :2]
                    _x2 = _xs[:, 2:]

                    # Prepare input
                    if method_name == "lmeds":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose
                        _method = cv2.LMEDS
                        _mask = None
                    elif method_name == "ransac":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose
                        _method = cv2.RANSAC
                        _mask = None
                    elif method_name == "mlesac":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose
                        _method = "MLESAC"
                        _mask = None
                    elif method_name == "gms":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose_8points
                        _method = None
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = sift_gms.compute_matches(
                            np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0)),
                            np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0)),
                    elif method_name == "gms_default":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose_8points
                        _method = None
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = orb_gms.compute_matches(
                            np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0)),
                            np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0)),
                    elif method_name == "gms_orb_resize_ransac_tt":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose
                        _method = cv2.RANSAC
                        _img1 = np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _img2 = np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _h1, _w1 = _img1.shape[:2]
                        _h2, _w2 = _img2.shape[:2]
                        _s1 = 480.0 / _h1
                        _s2 = 480.0 / _h2
                        _h1 = int(_h1 * _s1)
                        _w1 = int(np.round(_w1 * _s1))
                        _h2 = int(_h2 * _s2)
                        _w2 = int(np.round(_w2 * _s2))
                        _img1 = cv2.resize(_img1, (_w1, _h1))
                        _img2 = cv2.resize(_img2, (_w2, _h2))
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = orb_gms.compute_matches(
                            cx1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cx2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            cy1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cy2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            f1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            f2s[_idx] * _s2,
                    elif method_name == "gms_orb_resize_tt":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose_8points
                        _method = None
                        _img1 = np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _img2 = np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _h1, _w1 = _img1.shape[:2]
                        _h2, _w2 = _img2.shape[:2]
                        _s1 = 480.0 / _h1
                        _s2 = 480.0 / _h2
                        _h1 = int(_h1 * _s1)
                        _w1 = int(np.round(_w1 * _s1))
                        _h2 = int(_h2 * _s2)
                        _w2 = int(np.round(_w2 * _s2))
                        _img1 = cv2.resize(_img1, (_w1, _h1))
                        _img2 = cv2.resize(_img2, (_w2, _h2))
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = orb_gms.compute_matches(
                            cx1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cx2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            cy1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cy2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            f1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            f2s[_idx] * _s2,
                    elif method_name == "gms_orb_resize_ransac":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose
                        _method = cv2.RANSAC
                        _img1 = np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _img2 = np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _h1, _w1 = _img1.shape[:2]
                        _h2, _w2 = _img2.shape[:2]
                        _s1 = 480.0 / _h1
                        _s2 = 480.0 / _h2
                        _h1 = int(_h1 * _s1)
                        _w1 = int(np.round(_w1 * _s1))
                        _h2 = int(_h2 * _s2)
                        _w2 = int(np.round(_w2 * _s2))
                        _img1 = cv2.resize(_img1, (_w1, _h1))
                        _img2 = cv2.resize(_img2, (_w2, _h2))
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = orb_gms.compute_matches(
                            cx1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cx2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            cy1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cy2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            f1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            f2s[_idx] * _s2,
                    elif method_name == "gms_orb_resize":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose_8points
                        _method = None
                        _img1 = np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _img2 = np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0))
                        _h1, _w1 = _img1.shape[:2]
                        _h2, _w2 = _img2.shape[:2]
                        _s1 = 480.0 / _h1
                        _s2 = 480.0 / _h2
                        _h1 = int(_h1 * _s1)
                        _w1 = int(np.round(_w1 * _s1))
                        _h2 = int(_h2 * _s2)
                        _w2 = int(np.round(_w2 * _s2))
                        _img1 = cv2.resize(_img1, (_w1, _h1))
                        _img2 = cv2.resize(_img2, (_w2, _h2))
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = orb_gms.compute_matches(
                            cx1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cx2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            cy1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            cy2s[_idx] * _s2,
                            f1s[_idx] * _s1,
                            f2s[_idx] * _s2,
                    elif method_name == "gms_orb":
                        eval_func = eval_decompose_8points
                        _method = None
                        _x1, _x2, _mask = orb_gms.compute_matches(
                            np.transpose(img1s[_idx], (1, 2, 0)),
                            np.transpose(img2s[_idx], (1, 2, 0)),

                    # Compute errors
                    _err_q, _err_t, _, _, _num_inlier, _mask_after = eval_func(
                        _x1, _x2, _dR, _dt, mask=_mask, method=_method)

                    if config.vis_dump:
                            os.path.join(res_dir, mode, "match", method_name,
                        # Write dump
                        with open(dump_file, "w") as ofp:
                            ofp.write("{:e}, {:e}, {:d}\n".format(
                                _err_q, _err_t, _num_inlier))

                # Load them in list
                err_q[method_name][_idx] = _err_q
                err_t[method_name][_idx] = _err_t
                num[method_name][_idx] = _num_inlier

            if not config.vis_dump:
                # Save to full dump
                dump_dict = {}
                dump_dict["err_q"] = err_q[method_name]
                dump_dict["err_t"] = err_t[method_name]
                dump_dict["num"] = num[method_name]
                saveh5(dump_dict, full_dump_file)

            # Remove all intermediate cache
            for _f in os.listdir(dump_dir):
                if _f.startswith("qtn_") and _f.endswith(".txt"):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(dump_dir, _f))

        # Load the full dump file
            dump_dict = loadh5(full_dump_file)
            err_q[method_name] = dump_dict["err_q"]
            err_t[method_name] = dump_dict["err_t"]
            num[method_name] = dump_dict["num"]

            # Remove all intermediate cache
            for _f in os.listdir(dump_dir):
                if _f.startswith("qtn_") and _f.endswith(".txt"):
                    os.remove(os.path.join(dump_dir, _f))


    if config.vis_dump:

    # Report results
    for _tag in comp_list:
        # For median error
        ofn = os.path.join(res_dir, mode, "median_err_q_{}.txt".format(_tag))
        with open(ofn, "w") as ofp:
        ofn = os.path.join(res_dir, mode, "median_err_t_{}.txt".format(_tag))
        with open(ofn, "w") as ofp:
        ofn = os.path.join(res_dir, mode, "median_num_{}.txt".format(_tag))
        with open(ofn, "w") as ofp:

        # For accuracy AUC
        ths = np.arange(7) * 5
        cur_err_q = np.array(err_q[_tag]) * 180.0 / np.pi
        cur_err_t = np.array(err_t[_tag]) * 180.0 / np.pi
        # Get histogram
        q_acc_hist, _ = np.histogram(cur_err_q, ths)
        t_acc_hist, _ = np.histogram(cur_err_t, ths)
        qt_acc_hist, _ = np.histogram(np.maximum(cur_err_q, cur_err_t), ths)
        num_pair = float(len(cur_err_q))
        q_acc_hist = q_acc_hist.astype(float) / num_pair
        t_acc_hist = t_acc_hist.astype(float) / num_pair
        qt_acc_hist = qt_acc_hist.astype(float) / num_pair
        q_acc = np.cumsum(q_acc_hist)
        t_acc = np.cumsum(t_acc_hist)
        qt_acc = np.cumsum(qt_acc_hist)
        for _idx_th in xrange(1, len(ths)):
            # for q_auc
            ofn = os.path.join(res_dir, mode,
                               "acc_q_auc{}_{}.txt".format(ths[_idx_th], _tag))
            with open(ofn, "w") as ofp:
            # for t_auc
            ofn = os.path.join(res_dir, mode,
                               "acc_t_auc{}_{}.txt".format(ths[_idx_th], _tag))
            with open(ofn, "w") as ofp:
            # for qt_auc
            ofn = os.path.join(
                res_dir, mode,
                "acc_qt_auc{}_{}.txt".format(ths[_idx_th], _tag))
            with open(ofn, "w") as ofp:

    print("[{}] {}: End testing".format(config.data_tr, time.asctime()))
Пример #11
    def _compute_desc(self):
        """Compute Descriptors """

        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()
        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            print('scene_name: %s'%scene_name)
            img_dir = '%s/%s/'%(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name)
            img_list = [ l for l in sorted(os.listdir(img_dir)) if l[-3:]=='png']
            img_num = len(img_list)

            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d'%(scene_name, duration/60,
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.DES_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.DES_DIR, scene_name))
            for img_id in range(img_num):
                root_name = '%04d'%img_id

                img_fn = os.path.join(img_dir, '%s.png'%root_name)
                new_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name,'%s.txt'%(root_name))
                des_fn = os.path.join(cst.DES_DIR, scene_name, '%s.h5'%(root_name))

                # Read image
                start_time = time.clock()
                cur_data = self.dataset.my_load_data(img_fn, new_kp_fn,

                end_time = time.clock()
                load_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to load patches is {} ms".format(
                #    load_time
                total_time += load_time

                # import IPython
                # IPython.embed()

                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Test using the test function
                start_time = time.clock()
                descs = self._test_multibatch(cur_data)
                end_time = time.clock()
                compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to compute is {} ms".format(
                #    compute_time
                total_time += compute_time
                #print("Total time for descriptor is {} ms".format(total_time))

                # Overwrite angle
                kps = cur_data["kps"].copy()
                kps[:, 3] = cur_data["angle"][:, 0]

                # Save as h5 file
                save_dict = {}
                # save_dict['keypoints'] = cur_data["kps"]
                save_dict['keypoints'] = kps
                save_dict['descriptors'] = descs

                saveh5(save_dict, des_fn)
Пример #12
def get_list_of_img(train_data_dir, dump_data_dir, param, mode):

    # Check if split file exists
    split_prefix = train_data_dir + 'split-'
    split_prefix += str(param.dataset.nTrainPercent) + '-'
    split_prefix += str(param.dataset.nValidPercent) + '-'
    split_prefix += str(param.dataset.nTestPercent) + '-'

    # If it does not exist, create one
    if not os.path.exists(split_prefix + mode + '.txt'):

        # Read list of images
        list_png_file = []
        for files in os.listdir(train_data_dir):
            if files.endswith(".png"):
                list_png_file = list_png_file + [files]

        # Shuffle the image list
        if not os.path.exists(dump_data_dir + 'permute_png_idx.h5'):
            print(' -- ' + mode + ': '
                  'Creating new shuffle for reading images')
            permute_png_idx = np.random.permutation(len(list_png_file))
            to_save = {"saveval": permute_png_idx}
            saveh5(to_save, dump_data_dir + 'permute_png_idx.h5')
            # dt.save(permute_png_idx,
            #         dump_data_dir + 'permute_png_idx.h5')
            print(' -- ' + mode + ': '
                  'Loading shuffle for reading images from '
            to_load = loadh5(dump_data_dir + 'permute_png_idx.h5')
            permute_png_idx = to_load["saveval"]
            # permute_png_idx = dt.load(dump_data_dir +
            #                           'permute_png_idx.h5')

        list_png_file = [
            for idx in range(len(list_png_file))

        # Write to file (all three)
        f_train = open(split_prefix + 'train.txt', 'w')
        f_valid = open(split_prefix + 'valid.txt', 'w')
        f_test = open(split_prefix + 'test.txt', 'w')

        train_end = int(
            float(param.dataset.nTrainPercent) / 100.0 * len(list_png_file))
        valid_end = int(
            float(param.dataset.nTrainPercent + param.dataset.nValidPercent) /
            100.0 * len(list_png_file))

        for idx_png in six.moves.xrange(len(list_png_file)):
            if idx_png > valid_end:
                print(list_png_file[idx_png], file=f_test)
            elif idx_png > train_end:
                print(list_png_file[idx_png], file=f_valid)
                print(list_png_file[idx_png], file=f_train)


    # Read the list
    list_png_file = list(np.loadtxt(split_prefix + mode + '.txt', dtype='str'))

    return list_png_file
Пример #13
    def _create_pairs(self, task, use_cache=True, overwrite=False):
        """Generate the pairs from ID

        This function should return the pair indices given the task. The return
        type is expected to be a dictionary, where you can access by doing
        res["P1"], for example.


        # Use the cache file if asked
        if use_cache:
            pairs_file = os.path.join(
                self.pair_dir, "{}.h5".format(task))
            if not os.path.exists(self.pair_dir):
            if os.path.exists(pairs_file) and not overwrite:
                if self.config.use_augmented_set:
                    # Add rotation augmentation if it does not exist (compat)
                    _f = h5py.File(pairs_file, "r+")
                    for name in ["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4"]:
                        if (name + "_rot_aug") not in _f:
                                name + "_rot_aug", data=2 *
                                np.pi * self.rng.rand(_f[name].size))
                return loadh5(pairs_file)

        # Make a lookup table for getting the indices of each sample. This can
        # be easily done by sorting by ID, and storing the indices to a
        # dictionary
        if self.LUT_kp[task] is None:
            # Create empty dictionary
            self.LUT_kp[task] = {}
            self.LUT_nonkp[task] = {}
            if hasattr(self, "th_dist"):
                self.LUT_below_th[task] = {}
                # Build list of indices
                dist_idx_reverse = np.zeros(
                    self.data[task]["ID"].max() + 1,
                dist_idx_reverse[self.data[task]["dist_idx"]] = range(
                    1, self.data[task]["dist_idx"].size + 1)
                dist_idx_reverse -= 1
            # Argsort the ID
            print("[{}] sorting IDs...".format(task))
            ID = self.data[task]["ID"]
            ind = np.argsort(ID)
            # Go through them one by one -- the easy way
            print("[{}] building LUT...".format(task))
            start = 0
            start_ID = ID[ind[start]]
            for end in xrange(1, len(ind)):
                if end % 100 == 0:
                    print("\r --- working on {}/{}".format(
                        end + 1, len(ind)), end="")

                # Check if indices have changed or we reached the end
                if start_ID != ID[ind[end]] or end == len(ind) - 1:
                    # Store them in proper LUT
                    if start_ID < 0:
                        self.LUT_nonkp[task][-1] = ind[start:end]
                        self.LUT_kp[task][start_ID] = ind[start:end]
                        if hasattr(self, "th_dist"):
                            v = dist_idx_reverse[start_ID]
                            assert v >= 0, "Invalid index"
                            d = self.data[task]["dist_mat"][v]
                            # 3D points are 1-indexed
                            self.LUT_below_th[task][start_ID] = 1 + \
                                np.where((d > 0) & (d < self.th_dist))[0]
                    # Update start position
                    start = end
                    start_ID = ID[ind[start]]
            print("\r --- done.                              ")

        # The dictionary to return
        cur_pairs = {}
        for name in ["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4"]:
            cur_pairs[name] = []

        # For each kp item, create a random pair
        # Note that this is different from what we used to do. This way seems
        # better as we will look at each keypoint once.
        print("[{}] creating pairs...".format(task))
        num_kp = len(self.LUT_kp[task])
        for i in xrange(num_kp):
            if i % 100 == 0:
                print("\r --- working on {}/{}".format(
                    i + 1, num_kp), end="")
            _kp = list(self.LUT_kp[task].keys())[i]

            # Check if we have enough views of this point and skip
            if len(self.LUT_kp[task][_kp]) < 2:

            # For P1 and P2 -- Select two random patches
            P1, P2 = self.rng.choice(
                self.LUT_kp[task][_kp], 2, replace=False)

            # For P3 -- Select a different keypoint randomly
            # Generate a list of keys
            valid_keys = set(self.LUT_kp[task])
            # Remove self
            valid_keys -= set([_kp])
            # Remove points below the distance threshold
            if hasattr(self, "th_dist"):
                valid_keys -= set(valid_keys.intersection(

            _kp2 = self.rng.choice(list(valid_keys))
            P3 = self.rng.choice(self.LUT_kp[task][_kp2], 1)[0]

            # For P4 -- Select a random nonkp
            P4 = self.rng.choice(self.LUT_nonkp[task][-1], 1)[0]

            # Append to the list
            for name in ["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4"]:
        print("\r --- done.                              ")

        # Convert them to np arrays
        for name in ["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4"]:
            cur_pairs[name] = np.asarray(cur_pairs[name])

        # Augment pairs with rotation data
        if self.config.use_augmented_set:
            for name in ["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4"]:
                cur_pairs[name + "_rot_aug"] = 2 * np.pi * \

        # Save to cache if asked
        if use_cache:
            if not os.path.exists(self.pair_dir):
            saveh5(cur_pairs, pairs_file)

        return cur_pairs