Пример #1
    def grad_loss(self, *args):
        Compute the gradient logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.
        - reg: (float) regularization strength.

        Returns: A tuple containing:
        - loss as a single float
        - gradient with respect to self.theta; an array of the same shape as theta
        theta,X,y,reg = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        grad = np.zeros((dim,))
        # Compute the gradient of the loss function for unregularized logistic   #
        # regression                                                             #
        # TODO: 1 line of code expected                                          #
        grad = X.T.dot((utils.sigmoid(X.dot(theta)) - y)) / m + reg * theta / m
        grad[0] = X[:, :1].T.dot((utils.sigmoid(X.dot(theta)) - y)) / m

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return grad
Пример #2
def logistic_predict(weights, data):
    Compute the probabilities predicted by the logistic classifier.

    Note: N is the number of examples and 
          M is the number of features per example.

        weights:    (M+1) x 1 vector of weights, where the last element
                    corresponds to the bias (intercepts).
        data:       N x M data matrix where each row corresponds 
                    to one data point.
        y:          :N x 1 vector of probabilities. This is the output of the classifier.
    # In case of MNIST classification of 4 and 9, output will be integer values
    # TODO: Finish this function
    N, M = data.shape
    y = [0]*N
    for i in range(0, N):
        z = 0
        for j in range(0, M):
            z = z + weights[j] * data[i,j] + weights[-1]
        y[i] = sigmoid(z)
        #iprint 'z y[i]', z, y[i]
    augdata = np.ones((N, M+1))
    augdata[:, :-1] = data
    z = np.dot(augdata, weights) # z is N x 1
    y = sigmoid(z)
    return y
Пример #3
 def cost(self, theta1, theta2):
     z1 = np.dot(self.train, theta1)
     a2 = utils.sigmoid(z1)
     a2 = np.append(np.ones((a2.shape[0],1)), a2, 1)
     z2 = np.dot(a2, theta2)
     h = utils.sigmoid(z2)
     return -sum(sum(self.goal*np.log(h) + (1-self.goal)*np.log(1-h)))/self.m
Пример #4
 def forward(self, x_t, h_tm1, c_tm1):
     i_t = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, self.W_xi) + T.dot(h_tm1, self.W_hi) + c_tm1 * self.W_ci)
     f_t = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, self.W_xf) + T.dot(h_tm1, self.W_hf) + c_tm1 * self.W_cf)
     c_t = f_t * c_tm1 + i_t * self.activation(T.dot(x_t, self.W_xc) + T.dot(h_tm1, self.W_hc))
     o_t = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, self.W_xo) + T.dot(h_tm1, self.W_ho) + c_t * self.W_co)
     h_t = o_t * self.activation(c_t)
     return h_t, c_t
Пример #5
		def _step(x_t, ct_1, ht_1, Wi, Wf, Wo, Wc, Whi, Whf, Who, Whc, bi, bf, bo, bc):
			i = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, Wi) + T.dot(ht_1, Whi) + bi)
			f = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, Wf) + T.dot(ht_1, Whf) + bf)
			o = sigmoid(T.dot(x_t, Wo) + T.dot(ht_1, Who) + bo)
			c = tanh(T.dot(x_t, Wc) + T.dot(ht_1, Whc) + bc)
			c_new = i * c + f * ct_1
			h_new = o * tanh(c_new)
			return c_new, h_new
Пример #6
		def _step(x_t, ct_1, ht_1, W, Wh, b, dim):
			tmp = T.dot(x_t, W) + T.dot(ht_1, Wh) + b
			i = sigmoid(_slice(tmp, 0, dim))
			f = sigmoid(_slice(tmp, 1, dim))
			o = sigmoid(_slice(tmp, 2, dim))
			c = tanh(_slice(tmp, 3, dim))
			c_new = i * c + f * ct_1
			h_new = o * tanh(c_new)
			return c_new, h_new
Пример #7
 def predict(self, newData=None):
     if newData is None:
         newData = self.train
         newData = np.append(np.ones((newData.shape[0],1)), newData, 1)
     z = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(newData, self.inputWeight))
     z = np.append(np.ones((z.shape[0],1)), z, 1)
     digitProb = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(z, self.hiddenWeight))
     return np.argmax(digitProb,1)
Пример #8
		def _step_index(x_t, ct_1, ht_1, Wi, Wf, Wo, Wc, Whi, Whf, Who, Whc, bi, bf, bo, bc):
			# x_t: array of type int32
			# use indexing on Wi, Wf, Wo and Wc matrices instead of computing the product with the one-hot representation of the input for computational and memory efficiency
			i = sigmoid(Wi[x_t] + T.dot(ht_1, Whi) + bi)
			f = sigmoid(Wf[x_t] + T.dot(ht_1, Whf) + bf)
			o = sigmoid(Wo[x_t] + T.dot(ht_1, Who) + bo)
			c = tanh(Wc[x_t] + T.dot(ht_1, Whc) + bc)
			c_new = i * c + f * ct_1
			h_new = o * tanh(c_new)
			return c_new, h_new
Пример #9
		def _step_index(x_t, ct_1, ht_1, W, Wh, b, dim):
			# x_t: array of type int32
			# use indexing on W matrix instead of computing dot product with the one-hot representation of the input for computational and memory efficiency
			tmp = W[x_t] + T.dot(ht_1, Wh) + b
			i = sigmoid(_slice(tmp, 0, dim))
			f = sigmoid(_slice(tmp, 1, dim))
			o = sigmoid(_slice(tmp, 2, dim))
			c = tanh(_slice(tmp, 3, dim))
			c_new = i * c + f * ct_1
			h_new = o * tanh(c_new)
			return c_new, h_new
Пример #10
def forward(network, x):
  W1, W2, W3 = network['W1'], network['W2'], network['W3']
  b1, b2, b3 = network['b1'], network['b2'], network['b3']

  a1 = np.dot(x, W1) + b1
  z1 = sigmoid(a1)
  a2 = np.dot(z1, W2) + b2
  z2 = sigmoid(a2)
  a3 = np.dot(z2, W3) + b3
  y = identity_function(a3)

  return y
Пример #11
    def get_reconstruction_cross_entropy(self):
        pre_sigmoid_activation_h = numpy.dot(self.input, self.W) + self.hbias
        sigmoid_activation_h = sigmoid(pre_sigmoid_activation_h)
        pre_sigmoid_activation_v = numpy.dot(sigmoid_activation_h, self.W.T) + self.vbias
        sigmoid_activation_v = sigmoid(pre_sigmoid_activation_v)

        cross_entropy = -numpy.mean(
            numpy.sum(self.input * numpy.log(sigmoid_activation_v) + 
            (1 - self.input) * numpy.log(1 - sigmoid_activation_v),  axis=1))
        return cross_entropy
Пример #12
	def _CD1(self, visible_data, weights, visible_bias, hidden_bias):
		N = np.shape(visible_data)[0]
		# Positive phase
		visible_state = visible_data
		if self.visible_type == "SIGMOID" :
			visible_state = self._samplebinary(visible_state)
		elif self.visible_type == "LINEAR" :
			visible_state = self._add_gaussian_noise(visible_state);

		nw = np.dot(visible_state, weights) + np.tile(hidden_bias, (N, 1))
		if self.hidden_type == "SIGMOID":
			hidden_probability = u.sigmoid(nw) 
			hidden_state = self._samplebinary(hidden_probability)
		elif self.hidden_type == "LINEAR":
			hidden_state = self._add_gaussian_noise(nw)
		gradient1 = self._gradient_weights(visible_state, hidden_state, weights)
		visible_biases1 = self._gradient_biases(visible_state, visible_bias)
		hidden_biases1 = self._gradient_biases(hidden_state, hidden_bias)

		# Negative phase
		# Skip sampling as well...
		visible_state = np.dot(hidden_state, weights.T) + np.tile(visible_bias, (N, 1))
		if self.visible_type == "SIGMOID":
			visible_state = u.sigmoid(visible_state)
			#visible_probability = u.sigmoid(visible_state)
			#visible_state = self._samplebinary(visible_probability)
		# skip sampling here
		nw = np.dot(visible_state, weights) + np.tile(hidden_bias, (N, 1))
		if self.hidden_type == "SIGMOID":
			hidden_probability = hidden_probability = u.sigmoid(nw) 
			hidden_state = hidden_probability
		elif self.hidden_type == "LINEAR" :
			hidden_state = nw

		gradient2 = self._gradient_weights(visible_state, hidden_state, weights)
		visible_biases2 = self._gradient_biases(visible_state, visible_bias)
		hidden_biases2 = self._gradient_biases(hidden_state, hidden_bias)
		# gradients
		weights = gradient1 - gradient2;
		visible_biases = visible_biases1 - visible_biases2;
		hidden_biases= hidden_biases1 - hidden_biases2;

		return weights, visible_biases, hidden_biases
Пример #13
def train(set_, dimension, lambda_):
    temp_w = np.zeros(dimension)
    w0 = 0.
    w = temp_w

    # print ("Lambda: " + str(lambda_))

    prev_error = 0.

    h = [0.5] * len(set_)
    current_error = calc_error(set_, w, lambda_, h, dimension)
    # num_iter = 0

    while abs(current_error - prev_error) > 0.001:
        delta_w0 = 0.
        delta_w = np.zeros(dimension)

        # print ("Current error: " + str(current_error))

        for i in range(len(set_)):
            h = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(set_[i][1], w) + w0)
            y = set_[i][0]

            delta_w0 += float(h) - y
            temp_x = (float(h) - y) * set_[i][1]
            delta_w = delta_w + temp_x

        n, error, w, w0 = line_search(set_, dimension, lambda_, w, w0,
            delta_w, delta_w0, current_error)

        # print ("Line search result: ")
        # print (str(w0) + " " + str(w))

        if n == 0:

        # num_iter += 1

        prev_error = current_error
        current_error = error
        # print (current_error)

    # print ("Num iter: " + str(num_iter))
    # print ("params found: " + str(w0) + str(w))
    # print ("-------------------------------")
    # print()
    h = [float(utils.sigmoid(np.dot(tup[1], w) + w0)) 
        for tup in set_]
    return w, w0, calc_error(set_, w, 0, h, dimension)
Пример #14
    def minibatch_update(self,x,y,lr,regularization):
        n_sample = x.shape[0]
        info = x
        hidden_cache = []
        for i in xrange(self.n_hidden + 1):
            if i == self.n_hidden:
                probs = softmax(info.dot(self.W[i]) + self.b[i])
                info = sigmoid(info.dot(self.W[i]) + self.b[i])
        loss = neg_log_likelihood(probs,y)
        probs[np.arange(n_sample),y] -= 1.0
        errors = probs
        for i in range(self.n_hidden,-1,-1):
            if i >= 1:
                hidden_out = hidden_cache[i - 1]
                grad_hidden_out = errors.dot(self.W[i].T)
                self.W[i] -= (lr * (hidden_out.T).dot(errors) + regularization * self.W[i])
                self.b[i] -= lr * np.sum(errors,axis = 0)
                errors = hidden_out * (1 - hidden_out) * grad_hidden_out
                hidden_out = x
                self.W[i] -= (lr * (hidden_out.T).dot(errors) + regularization * self.W[i])
                self.b[i] -= lr * np.sum(errors,axis = 0)

        return loss
Пример #15
def logistic(weights, data, targets, hyperparameters):
    Calculate negative log likelihood and its derivatives with respect to weights.
    Also return the predictions.

    Note: N is the number of examples and 
          M is the number of features per example.

        weights:    (M+1) x 1 vector of weights, where the last element
                    corresponds to bias (intercepts).
        data:       N x M data matrix where each row corresponds 
                    to one data point.
        targets:    N x 1 vector of binary targets. Values should be either 0 or 1.
        hyperparameters: The hyperparameters dictionary.

        f:       The sum of the loss over all data points. This is the objective that we want to minimize.
        df:      (M+1) x 1 vector of derivative of f w.r.t. weights.
        y:       N x 1 vector of probabilities.
    # TODO: Finish this function
    N, M = data.shape
    z = [0.0]*N
    df = np.zeros((M+1, 1))
    f = 0.0
    augdata = np.ones((N, M+1))
    augdata[:, :-1] = data
    z = np.dot(augdata, weights) # z is N x 1
    f = float(np.dot(np.transpose(1-targets), z)[0] + sum(np.log(np.exp(-z) + 1))) # f is scalar
    df = (np.dot(np.transpose(augdata), np.subtract(sigmoid(z).reshape((N, 1)), targets.reshape((N, 1)))))
    y = np.array(logistic_predict(weights, data))
    return f, df, y
Пример #16
    def loss(self, *args):
        Compute the logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.
        - reg: (float) regularization strength.

        Returns: A tuple containing:
        - loss as a single float
        - gradient with respect to self.theta; an array of the same shape as theta
        theta,X,y,reg = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        J = 0

        # Compute the loss function for regularized logistic regression          #
        # TODO: 1-2 lines of code expected                                       #
        hx = utils.sigmoid(X.dot(theta))
        J = -1*(np.log(hx).T.dot(y)+(np.log(1-hx)).T.dot(1-y)) / m + reg * theta[1:].T.dot(theta[1:]) / (2 * m)

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return J
Пример #17
    def loss(self, *args):
        Compute the logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.

        Returns: loss as a single float
        theta,X,y = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        J = 0

        # Compute the loss function for unregularized logistic regression        #
        # TODO: 1-2 lines of code expected                                       #
        hx = utils.sigmoid(X.dot(theta))
        J = -1*(np.log(hx).T.dot(y)+(np.log(1-hx)).T.dot(1-y)) / m
        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return J
Пример #18
    def propup(self, v):
        # stacking 2d convolutions here along depth dimension
        # https://github.com/lmjohns3/py-rbm/blob/master/lmj/rbm.py seems
        # to use 1-d convolutions, and I'm not sure is that's ok
        # not going to escape a couple of loops though

        # using theano's conventions:
        # h is 4d matrix (num_examples, num_feature_maps,
        # feature_map_height, feature_map_width)
        # one feature map kinda corresponds to one hidden unit
        # by the same convention, v is 4d matrix too: (num_examples,
        # num_images per example (1, or 3 for RGB), image_height,
        # image_widht)
        # the same format is for weights: (number of feature maps for visible
        # layer (1 or 3), number of feature maps for hidden layer,
        # filter height, filter width)

        num_examples = v.shape[0]
        activations = np.zeros(
                self.img_height - self.fm_height + 1,
                self.img_width - self.fm_width + 1
        for i in xrange(num_examples):
            for j in xrange(self.num_fm):
                activations[i, j, :, :] = convolve2d(v[i, 0, :, :], self.w[0, j, ::-1, ::-1], mode='valid')
        return sigmoid(activations + self.b_hid[None, :, None, None])
Пример #19
    def predict(self, X):
        Use the trained weights of this linear classifier to predict labels for
        data points.

        - X: m x d array of training data. 

        - y_pred: Predicted output for the data in X. y_pred is a 1-dimensional
          array of length m, and each element is a class label from one of the
          set of labels -- the one with the highest probability

        y_pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0])

        # Compute the predicted outputs for X                                     #
        # TODO: 2 lines of code expected                                          #
        hx = utils.sigmoid(X.dot(self.theta.T))
        y_pred = np.argmax(hx, axis=1)

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return y_pred
Пример #20
def get_prediction(feature_vector, w):
        sum_val = w[0]
        for feature in feature_vector:
                feature_id = int(feature.split(':')[0])
                # strength of each feature is 1.0 so we skip multiplying it.
                sum_val += w[feature_id]
        return sigmoid(sum_val)
Пример #21
 def _get_p(self, xt, wt=None):
     if wt is None:
         wt = self._get_w(xt)
     wTx = sum(wt)
     # bounded sigmoid
     wTx = max(min(wTx, 20.), -20.)
     return sigmoid(wTx)
Пример #22
 def feed_forward(self, train_input):
     self.layers[0].input = train_input
     self.layers[0].output = train_input
     for i in xrange(len(self.layers) - 1):
         self.layers[i + 1].input = (self.weights[i].transpose() * self.layers[i].output) + self.bias[i]
         self.layers[i + 1].output = sigmoid(self.layers[i + 1].input)
     return self.layers[-1].output
Пример #23
    def loss(self, *args):
        Compute the logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.
        - reg: (float) regularization strength.

        Returns: A tuple containing:
        - loss as a single float
        - gradient with respect to self.theta; an array of the same shape as theta
        theta,X,y,reg = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        J = 0

        # Compute the loss function for regularized logistic regression          #
        # TODO: 1-2 lines of code expected                                       #
        J = 1. / m * sum([-y[i] * np.log(utils.sigmoid(theta.dot(X[i]))) - (1 - y[i]) * np.log(1 - utils.sigmoid(theta.dot(X[i]))) for i in xrange(m)])
        J += reg / (2. * m) * sum(theta[1:] ** 2)

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return J
Пример #24
    def loss(self, *args):
        Compute the logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.

        Returns: loss as a single float
        theta,X,y = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        J = 0

        # Compute the loss function for unregularized logistic regression        #
        # TODO: 1-2 lines of code expected                                       #
        J = 1. / m * sum([-y[i] * np.log(utils.sigmoid(theta.dot(X[i]))) - (1 - y[i]) * np.log(1 - utils.sigmoid(theta.dot(X[i]))) for i in xrange(m)])

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return J
Пример #25
    def grad_loss(self, *args):
        Compute the gradient logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.

        Returns:  gradient with respect to theta; an array of the same shape as theta
        theta,X,y = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        grad = np.zeros((dim,))

        # Compute the gradient of the loss function for unregularized logistic   #
        # regression                                                             #
        # TODO: 1 line of code expected                                          #
        for j in xrange(dim):
            grad[j] = 1. / m * sum([(utils.sigmoid(theta.dot(X[i])) - y[i]) * X[i][j] for i in xrange(m)])

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return grad
Пример #26
    def grad_loss(self, *args):
        Compute the gradient logistic loss function 

        - X: N x D array of data; each row is a data point.
        - y: 1-dimensional array of length N with real values.
        - reg: (float) regularization strength.

        Returns: A tuple containing:
        - loss as a single float
        - gradient with respect to self.theta; an array of the same shape as theta
        theta,X,y,reg = args
        m,dim = X.shape
        grad = np.zeros((dim,))
        # Compute the gradient of the loss function for unregularized logistic   #
        # regression                                                             #
        # TODO: 1 line of code expected                                          #
        for j in xrange(dim):
            grad[j] = 1. / m * sum([(utils.sigmoid(theta.dot(X[i])) - y[i]) * X[i][j] for i in xrange(m)])
            grad[j] += 1. * reg / m * theta[j] if j >= 1 else 0

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return grad
Пример #27
def logistic(weights, data, targets, hyperparameters):
    Calculate negative log likelihood and its derivatives with respect to weights.
    Also return the predictions.

    Note: N is the number of examples and 
          M is the number of features per example.

        weights:    (M+1) x 1 vector of weights, where the last element
                    corresponds to bias (intercepts).
        data:       N x M data matrix where each row corresponds 
                    to one data point.
        targets:    N x 1 vector of binary targets. Values should be either 0 or 1.
        hyperparameters: The hyperparameters dictionary.

        f:       The sum of the loss over all data points. This is the objective that we want to minimize.
        df:      (M+1) x 1 vector of derivative of f w.r.t. weights.
        y:       N x 1 vector of probabilities.
    t = np.transpose(np.repeat(np.reshape(weights[:-1], (len(weights)-1, 1)), len(data), axis = 1))
    f_e = data * t
    z_sums = np.sum(f_e, axis=1)
    y = sigmoid(z_sums +weights[-1])
    f = np.sum(np.log(1 + np.exp(-z_sums - weights[-1])) + (1 - np.transpose(targets)) * (z_sums + weights[-1]))
    df = np.sum(data * np.transpose(((-np.exp(-z_sums - weights[-1]) / (1 + np.exp(-z_sums - weights[-1]))) + (1 - np.transpose(targets)))), axis = 0)
    df = np.append(df, np.sum(np.transpose(((-np.exp(-z_sums - weights[-1]) / (1 + np.exp(-z_sums - weights[-1]))) + (1 - np.transpose(targets)))), axis = 0))
    df = np.reshape(df, ((len(df), 1)))

    return f, df, np.reshape(y, (len(y), 1))
Пример #28
    def predict(self, X):
        Use the trained weights of this linear classifier to predict labels for
        data points.

        - X: N x D array of training data. Each row is a D-dimensional point.

        - y_pred: Predicted output for the data in X. y_pred is a 1-dimensional
        array of length N, and each element is a real number.
        y_pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0])

        # Compute the predicted outputs for X                                     #
        # TODO: 1 line of code expected                                           #
        #                                                                         #
        y_pred = np.round(utils.sigmoid(self.theta.T.dot(X.T)))

        #                           END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return y_pred
Пример #29
	def think(self, inputs):
		cur = inputs
		states = [cur]
		for syn in self.synapses:
			cur = utils.sigmoid(np.dot(cur, syn))
		return states
Пример #30
def logistic_predict(weights, data):
    Compute the probabilities predicted by the logistic classifier.

    Note: N is the number of examples and 
          M is the number of features per example.

        weights:    (M+1) x 1 vector of weights, where the last element
                    corresponds to the bias (intercepts).
        data:       N x M data matrix where each row corresponds 
                    to one data point.
        y:          :N x 1 vector of probabilities. This is the output of the classifier.

    # TODO: Finish this function
    y = []
    b = weights[-1]
    w = weights[:-1]
    sig_list = []
    #print ("len of data",len(data))
    for i in xrange(len(data)):
        sig_val = sigmoid(np.dot(w.T, data[i]) + b)
    for i in sig_list:
    return y
Пример #31
 def gradient(self, beta):
         beta (TYPE): (D+1)-dim parameter (including bias) parametrising conditional probilities in logistic regression.
         TYPE: (D+1)-dim gradient of total loglikelihood with respect to beta
     sigmas = sigmoid(np.dot(self.X_ext, beta.T))
     vect = (self.y - sigmas) * self.X_ext
     return sum(vect)
Пример #32
 def policy_network_forward_pass(self, x):
     """Computes forward pass of the policy network.
         Policy network spits out a softmax over possible actions (i.e. P(going  left) )
         Network also uses relu activations in hidden layer
     h = np.dot(
         self.model['W1'], x.T
     )  # W1 is a row but x is also a row. we want a column so transpose
     h[h < 0] = 0  # relu on hidden state
     p_left = np.dot(self.model['W2'], h)
     p_left = utils.sigmoid(p_left)
     return p_left, h
Пример #33
def predict(
    X, weights
):  # Used for predicting the output after the updation of weights to check the results.
    n = len(weights) // 2
    for i in range(0, n - 1):
        Z = np.dot(X,
                   weights["W" + str(i + 1)].T) + weights["b" + str(i + 1)].T
        A = utils.relu(Z)
        X = A
    Z = np.dot(X, weights["W" + str(n)].T) + weights["b" + str(n)].T
    A = utils.sigmoid(Z)
    return A
Пример #34
    def excite(self, inputs, bias, filter_sigmoid=False):
        '''excites this layer with the inputs and the bias and returns the
        outputs as a tuple. if filter sigmoid is True, output from each neuron
        is filtered through the sigmoid response curve.'''
        outputs = []
        for n in self:
            res = n.excite(inputs, bias)
            if filter_sigmoid:
                res = sigmoid(res)

        return outputs
Пример #35
    def tensor_factorization_loss(self):
        # function to compute and monitor the tensor factorization loss (not directly minimized by the model)
        samples = [
            np.sort(sample_without_replacement(n_population=vsize, n_samples=32))
            for vsize in self.vsizes

        ijk_ = self.all_tuples_indices[self.all_tuples.isin(it.product(*samples[:-1]))]

        num = self.tensor[ijk_][:, samples[-1]]
        if self.sp:
            num = num.toarray()

        den = self.marginals[0][samples[0]]
        for i in range(1, self.order):
            den = np.tensordot(den, self.marginals[i][samples[i]], axes=0)
        PMI_np = np.log(num.ravel()/den.ravel() + 1e-30)

        batch = cartesian(samples)
        return  np.sum(np.abs(sigmoid(PMI_np - np.log(self.k_neg))\
            - sigmoid(self.model(tf.tuple([batch[:,i] for i in range(self.order)])))))
Пример #36
    def _predict(self, Xi):
        """Auxiliary function of predict.

            Xi {list} -- 1d list object with int or float

            float -- prediction of yi

        z = self._linear(Xi)
        return sigmoid(z)
Пример #37
	def mean_pseudo_likelihood(self, x, idx):
		xfe = self.free_energy(x)
		# swaps the ith bit of each image
		# flip the i-th visible unit
		x[:, idx] = 1 - x[:, idx]
		nxfe = self.free_energy(x)
		# flip back the i-th visible unit
		x[:, idx] = 1 - x[:, idx]
		#logsig = np.log(sigmoid(nxfe - xfe))

		cost = np.mean(self.nvisible * np.log(sigmoid(nxfe - xfe)))
		return cost
Пример #38
    def __predict_nodes(self, nodes_idx: list, relations_idx: list,
                        known_triples: set):
        scores = np.zeros((len(nodes_idx), self._gp.num_vertices))

        doubler_score_node, doubler_score_doc = self._doubler.predict_nodes(
            nodes_idx, relations_idx)
        if self._normalize_score:
            doubler_score_node = utils.sigmoid(doubler_score_node)
            if doubler_score_doc is not None:
                doubler_score_doc = utils.sigmoid(doubler_score_doc)
        scores = np.sum([scores, doubler_score_node], axis=0)
        if doubler_score_doc is not None:
            scores = np.sum([scores, doubler_score_doc], axis=0)

        ranks = []
        num_scores = len(scores)
        for idx, row in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(scores),
                                  desc='> Compute Ranking'):
            is_head = idx % 2 == 0
            node_idx_given = nodes_idx[idx]
            relation_idx_given = relations_idx[idx]
            node_idx_wanted = nodes_idx[idx +
                                        1] if is_head else nodes_idx[idx - 1]
            threshold_lower = row[node_idx_wanted]

            rank_cleaned = 1
            for node_idx, score in enumerate(row):
                if score <= threshold_lower:
                elif is_head and not (node_idx_given, relation_idx_given,
                                      node_idx) in known_triples:
                    rank_cleaned += 1
                elif not is_head and not (node_idx, relation_idx_given,
                                          node_idx_given) in known_triples:
                    rank_cleaned += 1


        return ranks, scores
Пример #39
    def sample(self, h_prev, c_prev, num_char):
        hs = np.copy(h_prev)
        cs = np.copy(c_prev)
        x = np.zeros((self.len_of_vocab, 1))
        x[np.random.randint(0, self.len_of_vocab), 0] = 1
        idxs = []
        for _ in range(num_char):

            I = np.dot(self.Wi, x) + np.dot(self.Ri,
                                            hs) + self.Pi * cs + self.bi
            i_gate = sigmoid(I)

            F = np.dot(self.Wf, x) + np.dot(self.Rf,
                                            hs) + self.Pf * cs + self.bo
            f_gate = sigmoid(F)

            Z = np.dot(self.Wz, x) + np.dot(self.Rz, hs) + self.bz
            z = np.tanh(Z)

            cs = i_gate * z + f_gate * cs

            O = np.dot(self.Wo, x) + np.dot(self.Ro,
                                            hs) + self.Po * cs + self.bo
            o_gate = sigmoid(O)

            hs = o_gate * np.tanh(cs)

            if self.mode == 'lstm':
                out = np.dot(self.Wout, hs) + self.bout

            if self.mode == 'blstm':
                out = np.dot(self.Wout, hs)

            p = softmax(out)
            idx = np.random.choice(self.len_of_vocab, 1, p=p.ravel())[0]
            x = np.zeros((self.len_of_vocab, 1))
            x[idx, 0] = 1

        print(''.join(idx_to_char[c] for c in idxs))
Пример #40
    def loadGameData(self, filePath):
        numWeights = len(self.weights)
        ret = []
        with open(filePath, 'r') as f:
            data = f.readlines()

            # cleanup
            data = [i.rstrip(' \n') for i in data]
            data = [i.rstrip('\n') for i in data]

            for i in range(self.numberOfGames):
                newGame = SingleGame()
                counter = 0
                while data[counter] != 'END':
                    counter += 1
                        featureValues = [
                            float(i) for i in data[counter].split(' ')
                        print([i for i in data[counter].split(' ')])

                    if (counter % 4 == 3):
                        #player 2's move, so features need to be interchanged
                        t = len(featureValues)
                        featureValues = featureValues[t /
                                                      2:] + featureValues[:t /

                        sigmoid(dotProduct(featureValues, self.weights)))

                    if (data[counter + 1] == 'END'):
                        #Victory & loss score
                            -1] = 1.0  #+ 0.01*newGame.featureValuesList[ -1][params.features.index("OppRingsCount")]
                        newGame.stateValues[-2] = 0.0

                        assert (len(
                            newGame.featureValuesList[-1]) == numWeights)
                    except AssertionError:

                    counter += 1
        return ret
Пример #41
    def _forward_propagate(self, x, l):

        ai, i = np.concatenate(([1], x)), 0
        acts = [ai]

        #Forward propagation
        while i < l:
            ai = sigmoid(np.dot(self.W[i], ai))
            ai = np.concatenate(([1], ai))
            i = i + 1

        return acts
Пример #42
    def sample(self, seed, number_of_characters_to_generate):
        h = self.h
        C = self.C
        x = char_to_one_hot(seed)
        ixes = []
        for t in range(number_of_characters_to_generate):
            x = np.matmul(self.W_1, x) + self.b_1
            f = sigmoid(np.matmul(self.W_f, np.concatenate((h, x))) + self.b_f)
            i = sigmoid(np.matmul(self.W_i, np.concatenate((h, x))) + self.b_i)
            C_hat = np.tanh(
                np.matmul(self.W_c, np.concatenate((h, x))) + self.b_c)
            C = f * C + i * C_hat
            o = sigmoid(np.matmul(self.W_o, np.concatenate((h, x))) + self.b_o)
            h = o * np.tanh(C)
            y = np.matmul(self.W_2, h) + self.b_2

            p = np.exp(y) / np.sum(np.exp(y))
            ix = np.random.choice(range(alphabet_size), p=p)
            x = np.zeros(alphabet_size)
            x[ix] = 1
        return indices_to_string(ixes)
Пример #43
    def forward(self, h_prev, c_prev):
        self.hs = {}
        self.cs = {}
        self.i_gate = {}
        self.f_gate = {}
        self.o_gate = {}
        self.z = {}
        self.hs[-1] = np.copy(h_prev)
        self.cs[-1] = np.copy(c_prev)
        self.p = {}
        self.loss = 0
        for t in range(self.time_steps):
            x = np.zeros((self.len_of_vocab, 1))
            x[self.input[t], 0] = 1

            I = np.dot(self.Wi, x) + np.dot(
                self.Ri, self.hs[t - 1]) + self.Pi * self.cs[t - 1] + self.bi
            self.i_gate[t] = sigmoid(I)

            F = np.dot(self.Wf, x) + np.dot(
                self.Rf, self.hs[t - 1]) + self.Pf * self.cs[t - 1] + self.bf
            self.f_gate[t] = sigmoid(F)

            Z = np.dot(self.Wz, x) + np.dot(self.Rz, self.hs[t - 1]) + self.bz
            self.z[t] = np.tanh(Z)

            self.cs[t] = self.i_gate[t] * self.z[t] + self.f_gate[t] * self.cs[
                t - 1]

            O = np.dot(self.Wo, x) + np.dot(
                self.Ro, self.hs[t - 1]) + self.Po * self.cs[t] + self.bo
            self.o_gate[t] = sigmoid(O)

            self.hs[t] = self.o_gate[t] * np.tanh(self.cs[t])

            if self.mode == 'lstm':
                out = np.dot(self.Wout, self.hs[t]) + self.bout
                self.p[t] = softmax(out)
                self.loss += -np.log(self.p[t][self.output[t], 0])
Пример #44
    def forwardProp(self, input_vectors):
        input_vector can be tuple, list or ndarray
        for i in np.arange(1, len(self.structure)):
            layer = self.structure[i]
            prev_layer = self.structure[i - 1]

            if prev_layer['bias_node']:
                input_vectors = np.concatenate(
                    (input_vectors, np.ones((input_vectors.shape[0], 1))),
                    axis=1)  # change 1. to self.bias?

            output_vectors = np.dot(layer['weight_matrix'], input_vectors.T).T

            # activation functions
            if layer['dropout_prob'] != 0:
                if layer['activation'] == 'relu':
                    layer['output_vectors'] = layer['dropout_vector'] * relu(
                elif layer['activation'] == 'softmax':
                    layer['output_vectors'] = layer[
                        'dropout_vector'] * softmax(output_vectors.T).T
                elif layer['activation'] == 'sigmoid':
                    layer['output_vectors'] = layer[
                        'dropout_vector'] * sigmoid(output_vectors)
                    raise Exception('Activation function not recognised')
                if layer['activation'] == 'relu':
                    layer['output_vectors'] = relu(output_vectors)
                elif layer['activation'] == 'softmax':
                    layer['output_vectors'] = softmax(output_vectors.T).T
                elif layer['activation'] == 'sigmoid':
                    layer['output_vectors'] = sigmoid(output_vectors)
                    raise Exception('Activation function not recognised')

            input_vectors = layer['output_vectors']
Пример #45
 def predictions(self, beta, tau=0.5):
         beta (TYPE): (D+1)-dim parameter (including bias) parametrising conditional probilities in logistic regression.
         tau (float, optional): threshold for predictions
         TYPE: 1-D array with predicted labels assigning 1 if conditional prob of 1 (given by logistic regression) > tau
     sigmas = sigmoid(np.dot(self.X_ext, beta.T))
     self.y_pred = np.array(sigmas > tau * np.ones((self.N, 1)), dtype=int)
     return self.y_pred
Пример #46
    def predict(self, X):
        Z = np.dot(self.w.T, X) + self.b
        A = sigmoid(Z)

        m = X.shape[1]
        Y_pred = np.zeros((1, m))
        for i in range(A.shape[1]):
            if A[0, i] >= 0.5:
                Y_pred[0, i] = 1
                Y_pred[0, i] = 0

        return Y_pred
Пример #47
    def fit(self, x, y, learningRate=0.001, noEpochs=1000):
        self.coef_ = [0.0 for _ in range(1 + len(x[0]))]  # y = w0 + w1 * x1 + w2 * x2 + ...

        for epoch in range(noEpochs):
            for i in range(len(x)):  # for each sample from the training data
                ycomputed = sigmoid(self.eval(x[i], self.coef_))  # estimate the output
                crtError = float(ycomputed) - float(y[i])  # compute the error for the current sample
                for j in range(0, len(x[0])):  # update the coefficients
                    self.coef_[j + 1] = self.coef_[j + 1] - learningRate * crtError * float(x[i][j])
                self.coef_[0] = self.coef_[0] - learningRate * crtError * 1

        self.intercept_ = self.coef_[0]
        self.coef_ = self.coef_[1:]
Пример #48
def forward_propagation(X, params):
    X -- Input data of shape (n_x, m) n_x -> no of input nodes; m -> no of training examples
    params -- Dictionary with the initialized weights and the biases
    A2 -- Sigmoid output of 2nd or output layer of shape (n_y, m)
    neuron_functions -- Dictionary containing the computed linear function Z and activation function A for each neuron
    W1 = params["W1"]
    b1 = params["b1"]
    W2 = params["W2"]
    b2 = params["b2"]

    # Compute the linear function Z and sigmoid Activation function for each neuron
    Z1 = np.dot(W1, X) + b1
    A1 = utils.sigmoid(Z1)
    Z2 = np.dot(W2, A1) + b2
    A2 = utils.sigmoid(Z2)

    neuron_functions = {"Z1": Z1, "A1": A1, "Z2": Z2, "A2": A2}
    return A2, neuron_functions
Пример #49
def lstm_numpy(x, W, U, b):
    z = numpy.dot(x, W) + b
    n_hidden = b.shape[0] / 4
    h = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], n_hidden), dtype=x.dtype)
    prev_h = numpy.zeros(n_hidden, dtype=x.dtype)
    prev_c = numpy.zeros(n_hidden, dtype=x.dtype)

    def _slice(_x, n, dim):
        return _x[n * dim:(n + 1) * dim]

    for n in range(len(h)):
        preact = numpy.dot(prev_h, U) + z[n]
        i = utils.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 0, n_hidden))
        f = utils.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 1, n_hidden))
        o = utils.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 2, n_hidden))
        c = utils.tanh(_slice(preact, 3, n_hidden))

        c = f * prev_c + i * c
        h[n] = o * utils.tanh(c)
        prev_c = c
        prev_h = h[n]
    return h
Пример #50
 def _linear_activation_forward(self, A_prev, W, b, activation):
     Get Activation A for a layer with given parameters.
     Returns cache to use in backward propagation.
     if activation == "sigmoid":
         Z, linear_cache = self._linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
         A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)
     elif activation == "relu":
         Z, linear_cache = self._linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
         A, activation_cache = relu(Z)
     cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)
     return A, cache
    def forward_propagation(self, input):
        Executes forward propagation.
        Notice that the z and a of the first layer (l = 0) are equal to the NN's input.

        :param input: input to the network.
        :type input: (num_inputs, 1) numpy matrix.
        :return z: values computed by applying weights and biases at each layer of the NN.
        :rtype z: 3-dimensional list of (num_neurons[l], 1) numpy matrices.
        :return a: activations computed by applying the activation function to z at each layer.
        :rtype a: 3-dimensional list of (num_neurons[l], 1) numpy matrices.
        z = [None] * 3
        a = [None] * 3
        z[0] = input
        a[0] = input
        # Add logic for neural network inference
        z[1] = self.weights[1] * a[0] + self.biases[1]
        a[1] = sigmoid(z[1])
        z[2] = self.weights[2] * a[1] + self.biases[2]
        a[2] = sigmoid(z[2])
        return z, a
Пример #52
    def _loss_and_gradient_sigmoid(self, X, y):
        二分类 sigmoid
        :param X: NxD  m_samples, n_features np.ndarray
        :param y: N
        m_samples, n_features = X.shape

        loss = 0.0

        for m in range(m_samples):
            interaction = 0.0
            for i in range(n_features):
                for j in range(i + 1, n_features):
                    interaction += np.dot(self.V[i, self.featureToField[j]],
                                          self.V[j, self.featureToField[i]])

            y_pred = self.wo + np.dot(self.W, X[m]) + interaction

            delta = (sigmoid(y[m] * y_pred) - 1) * y[m]

            # 更新参数
            self.wo = self.wo - self.learning_rate * delta
            for i in range(n_features):
                if X[m, i] != 0:
                    self.W[i] = self.W[i] - self.learning_rate * delta * X[m,
                    for j in range(i + 1, n_features):
                        self.V[i, self.featureToField[
                            j]] -= self.learning_rate * delta * self.V[
                                j, self.featureToField[i]] * X[m, i] * X[m, j]
                        self.V[j, self.featureToField[
                            i]] -= self.learning_rate * delta * self.V[
                                i, self.featureToField[j]] * X[m, i] * X[m, j]
            # 计算loss
            loss += -np.log(sigmoid(y[m] * y_pred))
        print(loss / m_samples)
def predict(X, user, parameters, layers_dim):
    A_prev = X
    L = len(layers_dim)
    for l in range(L-2):
        Z = np.dot(parameters["W" + str(l+1)], A_prev) + parameters["b" + str(l+1)]
        A = sigmoid(Z)
        A_prev = A

    ZL = np.dot(parameters["W" + str(L-1)], A_prev) + parameters["b" + str(L-1)]
    AL = softmax(ZL)
    print (AL)
    Y = np.argmax(AL)
    return Y
Пример #54
def lrCostFunction(theta, X, y, lambda_):
    m = y.size
    if y.dtype == bool:
        y = y.astype(int)
    J = 0

    grad = np.zeros(theta.shape)
    for i in range(0, n):
        a = 0
        for j in range(0, m):
            a = a + ((utils.sigmoid(np.dot(X[j, :], np.reshape(theta, (n, 1)))) - y[j]) * X[j, i])
        if i == 0:
            grad[i] = a / m
            grad[i] = a / m + (lambda_ / m) * theta[i]

    grad = np.reshape(grad,(1,n))
    return J, grad
Пример #55
    def _negative_phase(self, neg_data):
        """Evaluate the negative phase.

            neg_data: shape = [`_batch_size`, `_num_hidden`]
        # Hidden states, using probability itself. Shape = [_batch_size, _num_hidden]
        neg_h_probs = utils.sigmoid(np.matmul(neg_data, self.weight) +
                                    np.tile(self.hidden_bias, (self._batch_size, 1)))
        self._neg_products = np.matmul(neg_data.transpose(), neg_h_probs)
        # Shape = [1, _num_visible] / [1, _num_hidden]
        self._neg_visible_act = np.mean(neg_data, axis=0)
        self._neg_hidden_act = np.mean(neg_h_probs, axis=0)
Пример #56
    def get_batch(self, batch_size, delayed_reward, discount_factor):
        memory = zip(reversed(self.memory_sample[-batch_size:]),
        sample_batch = np.zeros(
            (batch_size, self.num_steps, self.num_features))
        x_sample_next = np.zeros(
            (batch_size, self.num_steps, self.num_features))
        y_value = np.zeros((batch_size, self.agent.NUM_ACTIONS))
        y_value2 = np.zeros((batch_size, self.agent.NUM_ACTIONS))
        y_policy = np.full((batch_size, self.agent.NUM_ACTIONS), .5)
        y_target_value = np.zeros((batch_size, self.agent.NUM_ACTIONS))
        y_target_policy = np.full((batch_size, self.agent.NUM_ACTIONS), .5)
        rewards = np.zeros(batch_size)
        action_batch = np.asarray([data[1] for data in memory])
        value_max_next = 0
        value_max_next2 = 0
        target_max_next = 0
        x_sample_next[0] = self.memory_sample[-1]
        reward_next = self.memory_reward[-1]

        for i, (sample, action, value, policy, reward,target_policy,target_action, value2) \
                in enumerate(memory):
            sample_batch[i] = sample
            y_value[i] = value
            y_value2[i] = value2
            y_policy[i] = policy
            q1_vals = self.critic.target_model1_predict(sample)
            q2_vals = self.critic.target_model2.predict(sample)
            y_target_value[i] = np.min(np.vstack(
                [q1_vals.transpose(), q2_vals.transpose()]),
            y_target_policy[i] = target_policy
            rewards[i] = (delayed_reward + reward_next - reward * 2) * 100
            y_target_value[i, target_action] = rewards[
                i] + discount_factor * target_max_next  # q_value
            #     # y_target_policy[i, target_action] = sigmoid(target_value[target_action])
            y_value[i, action] = value_max_next  # q_value
            y_value2[i, action] = value_max_next2  # q_value
            y_policy[i, action] = sigmoid(y_value[action])
            target_max_next = y_target_value.max()
            value_max_next = value.max()
            value_max_next2 = value2.max()
            reward_next = reward

        return sample_batch, y_policy, y_value, y_value2, y_target_value
Пример #57
def nnCostFunction(nn_params,
    t1 = nn_params[:(input_layer_size + 1) * hidden_layer_size].reshape(
        hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size + 1)
    t2 = nn_params[(input_layer_size + 1) * hidden_layer_size:].reshape(
        output_layer_size, hidden_layer_size + 1)
    m = X.shape[0]
    X = np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), X], axis=1)
    z2 = (np.dot(X, t1.T))
    a2 = utils.sigmoid(z2)  ### 5000*25
    z3 = (np.dot(np.concatenate([np.ones((m, 1)), a2], axis=1), t2.T))
    h = utils.sigmoid(z3)

    y_matrix = np.zeros((m, output_layer_size))
    for i in range(m):
        y_matrix[i, y[i]] = 1.

    ####regularized costFunction
    J = 1.*(1/m)*(-y_matrix*np.log(h) - (1-y_matrix)*np.log(1-h)).sum(axis=1).sum() \
        + lambda_*(0.5/m)*((t1**2)[:,1:].sum().sum()+(t2**2)[:,1:].sum().sum())

    ###back propagation
    delta3 = h - y_matrix  ##5000*10   t2: 10*26  t1:25*401
    delta2 = np.dot(delta3, t2) * np.concatenate(
        [np.zeros((m, 1)), a2 * (1 - a2)], axis=1)  ## 5000*26

    grad2 = (1/m) * np.dot(delta3.T,np.concatenate([np.ones((m,1)),a2], axis=1)) \
            + (lambda_/m)*np.concatenate([np.zeros((t2.shape[0],1)),t2[:,1:]],axis=1)
    grad1 = (1/m) * np.dot(delta2.T[1:],X) \
            + (lambda_/m)*np.concatenate([np.zeros((t1.shape[0],1)),t1[:,1:]],axis=1)
    grad = np.concatenate((grad1.ravel(), grad2.ravel()))

    return J, grad
Пример #58
def predictive_novelty(state):
    global Q, prev_state, prev_action, novelty_coeff, novelty_thresh
    This function will implement predictive novelty motivation as described in P.Y.Oudeye
    Variables needed: 
    previous estimate 

        this value will be then passed to the sigmoid function to get   
    # Find the next best action based om the current state
    best_option = np.argwhere(Q[state[0],state[1],:] == np.amax(Q[state[0],state[1],:]))
    num_options = len(best_option)
    best_option = (random.choice(best_option))
    action = best_option[0]
    diff_array = np.zeros([4])
    # this finds the new values for all the states. 
    for a in range(len(Q[state[0], state[1], :])):
        diff_array[a] = utils.sigmoid(Q[state[0], state[1], a])
        Q[state[0],state[1], a] =+ (diff_array[a] - novelty_thresh)*novelty_coeff
    #Feed the Q values to the sigmoid function. 
    prev_estimate = utils.sigmoid(Q[prev_state[0], prev_state[1], prev_action])
    this_estimate = utils.sigmoid(Q[state[0], state[1], action])
    # make an array of deltas 
    # print('Prev estimate ', prev_estimate)
    # print('This estimate ', this_estimate)
    # delta = this_estimate - prev_estimate
    diff_array = diff_array - 0.5
    #print('Predictive novelty:', diff_array)
    delta = diff_array.max()

    # lets see what happens if I add this to the Q values? 
    return delta
Пример #59
    def getAvgLoss(self, W, V, usr2NonzeroCols, usr2negsNonzeroCols,
                   usr2itemsIndx, pooler):
        loss = 0.0
        cnt = 0
        for usrid in usr2itemsIndx:
                usrloss = 0.0
                usr_rep = pooler.pool_all(usr2itemsIndx[usrid], V)

                # 0. -log( sigmoid( usr_rep * sumedW_y) )
                y_nonzeroCols = usr2NonzeroCols[usrid]
                sumedW_y = sumOverW(W, y_nonzeroCols)
                usrloss += (-1) * math.log(

                # 1. summation log( sigmoid( usr_rep * sumedW_neg ) )
                y_negsNonzeroCols = usr2negsNonzeroCols[usrid]
                sumedW_negs = map(
                    lambda y_negNonzeroCols: sumOverW(W, y_negNonzeroCols).
                    reshape(self.ITEM_FIELDS_NUM, 1), y_negsNonzeroCols)
                usrloss += (-1) * sum(
                        lambda sumedW_neg: math.log(
                                (-1) * usr_rep.transpose().dot(sumedW_neg))),

                # 2. l2 norm
                l2norm = np.linalg.norm(W) + sum(
                    map(lambda v: np.linalg.norm(v), V))
                usrloss += l2norm

                loss += usrloss
                cnt += 1
                loss += 0.0
                cnt += 0
        return loss / cnt
Пример #60
 def __init__(self, link='softplus'):
     :param link: link function, either 'exp' or 'softplus' (note that the link is modified with an offset)
     if link == 'exp':
         self.link_fn = lambda mu: np.exp(mu - 0.5)
         self.dlink_fn = lambda mu: np.exp(mu - 0.5)
     elif link == 'softplus':
         self.link_fn = lambda mu: softplus(mu - 0.5) + 1e-10
         self.dlink_fn = lambda mu: sigmoid(mu - 0.5)
         raise NotImplementedError('link function not implemented')
     self.name = 'Heteroscedastic Noise'