Пример #1
def forms():# body param. maybe from put so not post
    ctype = ctx.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower()
    def process_fieldstorage(fs):
        if isinstance(fs, list):
            return [process_fieldstorage(x) for x in fs]
        elif fs.filename is None:
            return fs.value
            return fs

    if ctype.startswith('multipart/'):

        safe_env = {'QUERY_STRING':''} # Build a safe environment for cgi
            if key in ctx.environ: safe_env[key] = ctx.environ[key]

        fp = StringIO(data())
        args = dict(fp=fp, environ=safe_env, keep_blank_values=True)
        a = cgi.FieldStorage(**args)
        a = a.list or []
        return storage([(k, process_fieldstorage(v)) for k, v in a.items()])

    elif ctype == 'application/json':
            return json.loads(data())
            ctx.status = "500 json load error"
            raise badrequest()
        #pairs = parse_qsl(tonat(self._get_body_string(), 'latin1'))
        return storage(parse_qsl(data())) #give up the tonat fun of bottle
Пример #2
 def get_tokens(text):
     readline = iter([text]).next
     end = None
     for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
         t = storage(type=t[0], value=t[1], begin=t[2], end=t[3])
         if end is not None and end != t.begin:
             _, x1 = end
             _, x2 = t.begin
             yield storage(type=-1, value=text[x1:x2], begin=end, end=t.begin)
         end = t.end
         yield t
Пример #3
 def get_tokens(text):
     readline = iter([text]).next
     end = None
     for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
         t = storage(type=t[0], value=t[1], begin=t[2], end=t[3])
         if end is not None and end != t.begin:
             _, x1 = end
             _, x2 = t.begin
             yield storage(type=-1,
         end = t.end
         yield t
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        self.name = name

        # sql parameters
        self._sql_col = kwargs.get("sql_col", name)
        self._sql_table = kwargs.get("sql_table", name + "_terms")
        if self._sql_table:
            sql_query = (
                "select %s from %s " % (self._sql_col, self._sql_table) + "where id in ($id) order by field(id, $id)"
            sql_query = None
        self._sql_query = kwargs.get("sql_query", sql_query)

        # sphinx variables
        self._attr = kwargs.get("attr", self._sql_col + "_attr")
        self._func = kwargs.get("func", sphinxapi.SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR)
        self._group_sort = kwargs.get("group_sort", "@count desc")
        self._set_select = kwargs.get("set_select", "@groupby, @count")
        self._sph_field = kwargs.get("sph_field", name)

        # facets variables
        self._order_by = kwargs.get("order_by", lambda v: v["@term"])
        self._order_by_desc = False
        self._max_num_values = kwargs.get("max_num_values", 15)
        self._cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 0)
        self._augment = kwargs.get("augment", True)

        # sphinx and db clients
        self._cl = kwargs.get("cl")
        self._db = kwargs.get("db")

        # the returning values
        self.results = utils.storage(time=0, total_found=0, error="", warning="", matches=[])
Пример #5
def test():
    import sys
    verbose = '-v' in sys.argv
    def assertEqual(a, b):
        if a == b:
            if verbose:
            assert a == b, "\nexpected: %s\ngot: %s" % (repr(b), repr(a))
    from utils import storage, group
    t = Template

    tests = [
        lambda: t('1')(),                                                   '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with ()\n1')(),                                     '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1),                                  '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(1),                                '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(a=1),                              '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if 1: 1')(),                                            '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if 1:\n    1')(),                                       '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if 0: 0\n$elif 1: 1')(),                                '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if 0: 0\n$elif None: 0\n$else: 1')(),                   '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if (0 < 1) and (1 < 2): 1')(),                          '1\n',
        lambda: t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]: $x')(),                             '1\n2\n3\n',
        lambda: t('$for x in []: 0\n$else: 1')(),                           '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$while a and a.pop(): 1')([1, 2, 3]),     '1\n1\n1\n',
        lambda: t('$while 0: 0\n$else: 1')(),                               '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = 1\n$a')(),                                         '1\n',
        lambda: t('$# 0')(),                                                '',
        lambda: t('$def with (d)\n$for k, v in d.iteritems(): $k')({1: 1}), '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$(a)')(1),                                '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1),                                  '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a.b')(storage(b=1)),                     '1\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a[0]')([1]),                             '1\n',
        lambda: t('${0 or 1}')(),                                           '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = [1]\n$a[0]')(),                                    '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = {1: 1}\n$a.keys()[0]')(),                          '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = []\n$if not a: 1')(),                              '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = {}\n$if not a: 1')(),                              '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = -1\n$a')(),                                        '-1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = "1"\n$a')(),                                       '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if 1 is 1: 1')(),                                       '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if not 0: 1')(),                                        '1\n',
        lambda: t('$if 1:\n    $if 1: 1')(),                                '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = 1\n$a')(),                                         '1\n',
        lambda: t('$ a = 1.\n$a')(),                                        '1.0\n',
        lambda: t('$({1: 1}.keys()[0])')(),                                 '1\n',
        lambda: t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]:\n\t$x') (),                         '    1\n    2\n    3\n',
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$:a')(1),                                 '1\n',

    for func, value in group(tests, 2):
        assertEqual(func(), value)

    j = Template("$var foo: bar")()
    assertEqual(str(j), '')
    assertEqual(j.foo, 'bar\n')
    if verbose: sys.stderr.write('\n')
Пример #6
    def _SetValues(self, query, sphinx_results, db):
        """Used internally to set the facet terms and additional values in this facet.
        # reset the facet values and stats
        self.results = utils.storage(time=0, total_found=0, error="", warning="", matches=[])

        # fetch the facet terms from the db
        db_fetch = DBFetch(db, self._sql_query, getter=lambda x: x["attrs"]["@groupby"])
        hits = db_fetch.Fetch(sphinx_results)

        # let's get the stats from the results
        for k in self.results.keys():
            if k != "matches":
                self.results[k] = hits[k]

        # finally let's setup the facet values
        for match in hits.matches:
            # get all virtual attributes
            value = dict((k, v) for k, v in match["attrs"].items() if k.startswith("@"))
            # get the facet term
            value["@term"] = match["@hit"][match["@hit"].keys()[-1]]
            # get the value of the grouping func
            value["@groupfunc"] = value.get("@groupfunc", value["@count"])
            # and whether the facet has been selected
            value["@selected"] = "@%s %s" % (self._sph_field, value["@term"]) in query
            # append each value
Пример #7
 def get_tokens(text):
     """tokenize text using python tokenizer.
     Python tokenizer ignores spaces, but they might be important in some cases. 
     This function introduces dummy space tokens when it identifies any ignored space.
     Each token is a storage object containing type, value, begin and end.
     readline = iter([text]).next
     end = None
     for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
         t = storage(type=t[0], value=t[1], begin=t[2], end=t[3])
         if end is not None and end != t.begin:
             _, x1 = end
             _, x2 = t.begin
             yield storage(type=-1, value=text[x1:x2], begin=end, end=t.begin)
         end = t.end
         yield t
Пример #8
 def get_tokens(text):
     """tokenize text using python tokenizer.
     Python tokenizer ignores spaces, but they might be important in some cases. 
     This function introduces dummy space tokens when it identifies any ignored space.
     Each token is a storage object containing type, value, begin and end.
     readline = iter([text]).next
     end = None
     for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(readline):
         t = storage(type=t[0], value=t[1], begin=t[2], end=t[3])
         if end is not None and end != t.begin:
             _, x1 = end
             _, x2 = t.begin
             yield storage(type=-1, value=text[x1:x2], begin=end, end=t.begin)
         end = t.end
         yield t
Пример #9
    def internal(*a, **kw):
        web.data() # cache it

        tmpctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
        web._context[threading.currentThread()] = utils.storage(web.ctx.copy())

        def newfunc():
            web._context[threading.currentThread()] = tmpctx
            # Create new db cursor if there is one else background thread
            # overwrites foreground cursor causing rubbish data into dbase
            if web.config.get('db_parameters'):
                import db
            func(*a, **kw)
            myctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
            for k in myctx.keys():
                if k not in ['status', 'headers', 'output']:
                    try: del myctx[k]
                    except KeyError: pass
        t = threading.Thread(target=newfunc)
        background.threaddb[id(t)] = t
        web.ctx.headers = []
        return seeother(changequery(_t=id(t)))
Пример #10
    def query(self, sql_query, vars=None, processed=False, _test=False):
	if vars is None: vars = {}

	if not processed and not isinstance(sql_query, SQLQuery):
	    sql_query = reparam(sql_query, vars)

	if _test: return sql_query

	db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
	self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

	if db_cursor.description:
	    names = [x[0] for x in db_cursor.description]
	    def iterwrapper():
		row = db_cursor.fetchone()
		while row:
		    yield storage(dict(zip(names, row)))
		    row = db_cursor.fetchone()
	    out = iterbetter(iterwrapper())
	    out.__len__ = lambda: int(db_cursor.rowcount)
	    # data, fields
	    out.list = lambda: [storage(dict(zip(names, x))) \
		    for x in db_cursor.fetchall()]

	    #table fields
	    out.fields = names
	    out = db_cursor.rowcount

	if not self.ctx.transactions:
	return out
Пример #11
    def _SetValues(self, query, sphinx_results, db):
        """Used internally to set the facet terms and additional values in this facet.
        # reset the facet values and stats
        self.results = utils.storage(time=0,

        # fetch the facet terms from the db
        db_fetch = DBFetch(db,
                           getter=lambda x: x['attrs']['@groupby'])
        hits = db_fetch.Fetch(sphinx_results)

        # let's get the stats from the results
        for k in self.results.keys():
            if k != 'matches':
                self.results[k] = hits[k]

        # finally let's setup the facet values
        for match in hits.matches:
            # get all virtual attributes
            value = dict(
                (k, v) for k, v in match['attrs'].items() if k.startswith('@'))
            # get the facet term
            value['@term'] = match['@hit'][match['@hit'].keys()[-1]]
            # get the value of the grouping func
            value['@groupfunc'] = value.get('@groupfunc', value['@count'])
            # and whether the facet has been selected
            value['@selected'] = '@%s %s' % (self._sph_field,
                                             value['@term']) in query
            # append each value
Пример #12
    def internal(*a, **kw):
        web.data()  # cache it

        tmpctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
        web._context[threading.currentThread()] = utils.storage(web.ctx.copy())

        def newfunc():
            web._context[threading.currentThread()] = tmpctx
            # Create new db cursor if there is one else background thread
            # overwrites foreground cursor causing rubbish data into dbase
            if web.config.get('db_parameters'):
                import db
            func(*a, **kw)
            myctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
            for k in myctx.keys():
                if k not in ['status', 'headers', 'output']:
                        del myctx[k]
                    except KeyError:

        t = threading.Thread(target=newfunc)
        background.threaddb[id(t)] = t
        web.ctx.headers = []
        return seeother(changequery(_t=id(t)))
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.store = store
        self._initializer = initializer
        self._last_cleanup_time = 0
        self._config = utils.storage(web.config.session_parameters)

        if app:
Пример #14
 def _InitResults(self):
     # the returning values
     self.results = utils.storage(time=0,
     self.query = ''
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.__dict__['store'] = store
        self.__dict__['_initializer'] = initializer
        self.__dict__['_last_cleanup_time'] = 0
        self.__dict__['_config'] = utils.storage(web.config.session_parameters)

        if app:
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.__dict__['store'] = store
        self.__dict__['_initializer'] = initializer
        self.__dict__['_last_cleanup_time'] = 0
        self.__dict__['_config'] = utils.storage(web.config.session_parameters)

        if app:
Пример #17
 def _FetchInternal(self, hits):
     ids = [self._getter(m) for m in hits.matches]
     if ids:
         s_ids = ','.join(map(str, ids))
         if not self._sql:
             values = (storage(id=str(id)) for id in ids)
             values = self._db.query(self._sql.replace('$id', s_ids))
         for hit, match in zip(values, hits.matches):
             match['@hit'] = hit
     hits.ids = ids
Пример #18
 def _FetchInternal(self, hits):
     ids = [self._getter(m) for m in hits.matches]
     if ids:
         s_ids = ','.join(map(str, ids))
         if not self._sql:
             values = (utils.storage(id=str(id)) for id in ids)
             values = self._db.query(self._sql.replace('$id', s_ids))
         for value, match in zip(values, hits.matches):
             match['@hit'] = value
         for p in self._post_processors:
     hits.ids = ids
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.store = store
        self._initializer = initializer
        self._last_cleanup_time = 0
        self._config = utils.storage(web.config.session_parameters)
        self._data = utils.threadeddict()

        self.__getitem__ = self._data.__getitem__
        self.__setitem__ = self._data.__setitem__
        self.__delitem__ = self._data.__delitem__

        if app:
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.store = store
        self._initializer = initializer
        self._config = utils.storage(web.config.session_parameters)
        self._data = utils.threadeddict()
        self._last_cleanup_time = 0

        self.__getitem__ = self._data.__getitem__
        self.__setitem__ = self._data.__setitem__
        self.__delitem__ = self._data.__delitem__

        if app:
Пример #21
 def _FetchInternal(self, hits):
     ids = [self._getter(m) for m in hits.matches]
     if ids:
         s_ids = ','.join(map(str, ids))
         if not self._sql:
             values = (utils.storage(id=str(id)) for id in ids)
             values = self._db.query(self._sql.replace('$id', s_ids))
         for value, match in zip(values, hits.matches):
             match['@hit'] = value
         for p in self._post_processors:
     hits.ids = ids
Пример #22
    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.__dict__['store'] = store
        self.__dict__['_initializer'] = initializer
        self.__dict__['_last_cleanup_time'] = 0
        # GREENPLUM - to allow multiple instances to run
        if initializer.has_key('gpperfmon_instance_name'):
            web.config.session_parameters['cookie_name'] = 'gpperfmon_instance_%s' % initializer['gpperfmon_instance_name']

        self.__dict__['_config'] = utils.storage(web.config.session_parameters)

        if app:
Пример #23
def load():
    Loads a new context for the thread.
    You can ask for a function to be run at loadtime by 
    adding it to the dictionary `loadhooks`.
    _context[threading.currentThread()] = storage()
    ctx.status = '200 OK'
    ctx.headers = []
    if config.get('db_parameters'):
        import db
    for x in loadhooks.values(): x()
Пример #24
def load():
    Loads a new context for the thread.
    You can ask for a function to be run at loadtime by 
    adding it to the dictionary `loadhooks`.
    _context[threading.currentThread()] = storage()
    ctx.status = '200 OK'
    ctx.headers = []
    if config.get('db_parameters'):
        import db
    for x in loadhooks.values(): x()
Пример #25
def rawinput(method=None):
    """Returns storage object with GET or POST arguments.
    method = method or "both"
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    def dictify(fs): 
        # hack to make web.input work with enctype='text/plain.
        if fs.list is None:
            fs.list = [] 

        return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()])
    e = ctx.env.copy()
    a = b = {}
    if method.lower() in ['both', 'post', 'put']:
        if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['POST', 'PUT']:
            if e.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/'):
                # since wsgi.input is directly passed to cgi.FieldStorage, 
                # it can not be called multiple times. Saving the FieldStorage
                # object in ctx to allow calling web.input multiple times.
                a = ctx.get('_fieldstorage')
                if not a:
                    fp = e['wsgi.input']
                    a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
                    ctx._fieldstorage = a
                fp = StringIO(data())
                a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
            a = dictify(a)

    if method.lower() in ['both', 'get']:
        e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
        b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1))

    def process_fieldstorage(fs):
        if isinstance(fs, list):
            return [process_fieldstorage(x) for x in fs]
        elif fs.filename is None:
            return fs.value
            return fs

    return storage([(k, process_fieldstorage(v)) for k, v in dictadd(b, a).items()])
Пример #26
 def query(self, sql_query, vars=None, processed=False, _test=False, _rawdata=False, _rawcur=False): 
     Execute SQL query `sql_query` using dictionary `vars` to interpolate it.
     If `processed=True`, `vars` is a `reparam`-style list to use 
     instead of interpolating.
         >>> db = DB(None, {})
         >>> db.query("SELECT * FROM foo", _test=True)
         <sql: 'SELECT * FROM foo'>
         >>> db.query("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = $x", vars=dict(x='f'), _test=True)
         <sql: "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = 'f'">
         >>> db.query("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = " + sqlquote('f'), _test=True)
         <sql: "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = 'f'">
     if vars is None: vars = {}
     if not processed and not isinstance(sql_query, SQLQuery):
         sql_query = reparam(sql_query, vars)
     if _test: return sql_query
     db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
     self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)
     if _rawcur:
         return db_cursor
     if db_cursor.description:
         names = [x[0] for x in db_cursor.description]
         def iterwrapper():
             row = db_cursor.fetchone()
             while row:
                 yield row if _rawdata else storage(dict(zip(names, row)))
                 row = db_cursor.fetchone()
         out = iterbetter(iterwrapper())
         out.__len__ = lambda: int(db_cursor.rowcount)
         out.list = lambda: [x if _rawdata else storage(dict(zip(names, x))) \
                            for x in db_cursor.fetchall()]
         if _rawdata:
             out.names = names
         out = db_cursor.rowcount
     if not self.ctx.transactions: 
     return out
Пример #27
def rawinput(method=None):
    """Returns storage object with GET or POST arguments.
    method = method or "both"
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    def dictify(fs):
        # hack to make web.input work with enctype='text/plain.
        if fs.list is None:
            fs.list = []

        return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()])

    e = ctx.env.copy()
    a = b = {}

    if method.lower() in ['both', 'post', 'put']:
        if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['POST', 'PUT']:
            if e.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/'):
                # since wsgi.input is directly passed to cgi.FieldStorage,
                # it can not be called multiple times. Saving the FieldStorage
                # object in ctx to allow calling web.input multiple times.
                a = ctx.get('_fieldstorage')
                if not a:
                    fp = e['wsgi.input']
                    a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
                    ctx._fieldstorage = a
                fp = StringIO(data())
                a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
            a = dictify(a)

    if method.lower() in ['both', 'get']:
        e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
        b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1))

    def process_fieldstorage(fs):
        if isinstance(fs, list):
            return [process_fieldstorage(x) for x in fs]
        elif fs.filename is None:
            return fs.value
            return fs

    return storage([(k, process_fieldstorage(v))
                    for k, v in dictadd(b, a).items()])
Пример #28
    def query(self, sql_query, vars=None, processed=False, _test=False):
        Execute SQL query `sql_query` using dictionary `vars` to interpolate it.
        If `processed=True`, `vars` is a `reparam`-style list to use 
        instead of interpolating.
            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> db.query("SELECT * FROM foo", _test=True)
            <sql: 'SELECT * FROM foo'>
            >>> db.query("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = $x", vars=dict(x='f'), _test=True)
            <sql: "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = 'f'">
            >>> db.query("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = " + sqlquote('f'), _test=True)
            <sql: "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE x = 'f'">
        if vars is None: vars = {}

        if not processed and not isinstance(sql_query, SQLQuery):
            sql_query = reparam(sql_query, vars)

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

        if db_cursor.description:
            names = [x[0] for x in db_cursor.description]

            def iterwrapper():
                row = db_cursor.fetchone()  # fetchone()
                while row:
                    yield storage(dict(zip(names, row)))
                    row = db_cursor.fetchone()

            out = iterbetter(iterwrapper())
            out.__len__ = lambda: int(db_cursor.rowcount)
            out.list = lambda: [
                storage(dict(zip(names, x))) for x in db_cursor.fetchall()
            ]  # fetchall()
            out = db_cursor.rowcount

        if not self.ctx.transactions:
        return out
Пример #29
    def internal(*a, **kw):
        web.data() # cache it

        tmpctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
        web._context[threading.currentThread()] = utils.storage(web.ctx.copy())

        def newfunc():
            web._context[threading.currentThread()] = tmpctx
            func(*a, **kw)
            myctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
            for k in myctx.keys():
                if k not in ['status', 'headers', 'output']:
                    try: del myctx[k]
                    except KeyError: pass
        t = threading.Thread(target=newfunc)
        background.threaddb[id(t)] = t
        web.ctx.headers = []
        return seeother(changequery(_t=id(t)))
Пример #30
    def internal(*a, **kw):
        web.data() # cache it

        tmpctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
        web._context[threading.currentThread()] = utils.storage(web.ctx.copy())

        def newfunc():
            web._context[threading.currentThread()] = tmpctx
            func(*a, **kw)
            myctx = web._context[threading.currentThread()]
            for k in myctx.keys():
                if k not in ['status', 'headers', 'output']:
                    try: del myctx[k]
                    except KeyError: pass
        t = threading.Thread(target=newfunc)
        background.threaddb[id(t)] = t
        web.ctx.headers = []
        return seeother(changequery(_t=id(t)))
Пример #31
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        self.name = name

        # sql parameters
        self._sql_col = kwargs.get('sql_col', name)
        self._sql_table = kwargs.get('sql_table', name + '_terms')
        if self._sql_table:
            sql_query = \
                'select %s from %s ' % (self._sql_col, self._sql_table) + \
                'where id in ($id) order by field(id, $id)'
            sql_query = None
        self._sql_query = kwargs.get('sql_query', sql_query)

        # sphinx variables
        self._attr = kwargs.get('attr', self._sql_col + '_attr')
        self._func = kwargs.get('func', sphinxapi.SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR)
        self._group_sort = kwargs.get('group_sort', '@count desc')
        self._set_select = kwargs.get('set_select', '@groupby, @count')
        self._sph_field = kwargs.get('sph_field', name)

        # facets variables
        self._order_by = kwargs.get('order_by', lambda v: v['@term'])
        self._order_by_desc = False
        self._max_num_values = kwargs.get('max_num_values', 15)
        self._cutoff = kwargs.get('cutoff', 0)
        self._augment = kwargs.get('augment', True)

        # sphinx and db clients
        self._cl = kwargs.get('cl')
        self._db = kwargs.get('db')

        # the returning values
        self.results = utils.storage(time=0,
Пример #32
def rawinput(method=None):
    method = method or "both"
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    def dictify(fs):
        if fs.list is None:
            fs.list = []
        return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()])
    e = ctx.env.copy()
    a = b = {}

    if method.lower() in ['both', 'post', 'put']:
        if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['POST', 'PUT']:
            a = ctx.get('_fieldstorage')
            if not a:
                fp = e['wsgi.input']
                a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
                ctx._fieldstorage = a
                fp = StringIO(data())
                a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
            a = dictify(a)

    if methods.lower() in ['both', 'get']:
        e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
        b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1))
    def process_fieldstorage(fs):
        if isinstance(fs, list):
            return [process_fieldstorage(x) for x in fs]
        elif fs.filename is None:
            return fs.value
            return fs

    return storage([(k, process_fieldstorage(v)) for k, v in dictadd(b, a).items()])
def rawinput(method=None):
    """Returns storage object with GET or POST arguments.
    method = method or "both"
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    def dictify(fs): 
        # hack to make web.input work with enctype='text/plain.
        if fs.list is None:
            fs.list = [] 

        return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()])
    e = ctx.env.copy()
    a = b = {}
    if method.lower() in ['both', 'post', 'put']:
        if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['POST', 'PUT']:
            if e.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/'):
                # since wsgi.input is directly passed to cgi.FieldStorage, 
                # it can not be called multiple times. Saving the FieldStorage
                # object in ctx to allow calling web.input multiple times.
                a = ctx.get('_fieldstorage')
                if not a:
                    fp = e['wsgi.input']

                    # length= int(e.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
                    # body= StringIO(e['wsgi.input'].read(length))

                    # post_env['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
                    # post = cgi.FieldStorage(
                    #     fp=e['wsgi.input'],
                    #     environ=post_env,
                    #     keep_blank_values=True
                    # )
                    # print post
                    # print type(fp.read()),'----------------------------'
                    # fil  = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\2.doc"
                    # f = open(fil , "w")
                    # # f.write(d.read())
                    # f.close();
                    a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
                    ctx._fieldstorage = a
                    # print a,'----------------------'
                    # # print a.getfirst('file')
                    # fil  = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\2.doc"
                    # f = open(fil , "w")
                    # f.write(a.getfirst('file'))
                    # f.close();

                fp = StringIO(data())
                a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=fp, environ=e, keep_blank_values=1)
            a = dictify(a)

    if method.lower() in ['both', 'get']:
        e['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
        b = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1))

    def process_fieldstorage(fs):
        if isinstance(fs, list):
            return [process_fieldstorage(x) for x in fs]
        elif fs.filename is None:
            return fs.value
            return fs

    return storage([(k, process_fieldstorage(v)) for k, v in dictadd(b, a).items()])
Пример #34
except ImportError:
    datetime = None

try: set
except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set
from utils import threadeddict, storage, iters, iterbetter, safestr, safeunicode

    # db module can work independent of web.py
    from webapi import debug, config
    import sys
    debug = sys.stderr
    config = storage()

class UnknownDB(Exception):
    """raised for unsupported dbms"""

class _ItplError(ValueError): 
    def __init__(self, text, pos):
        self.text = text
        self.pos = pos
    def __str__(self):
        return "unfinished expression in %s at char %d" % (
            repr(self.text), self.pos)

class TransactionError(Exception): pass
Пример #35
 def iterwrapper():
     row = db_cursor.fetchone()
     while row:
         yield storage(dict(zip(names, row)))
         row = db_cursor.fetchone()
Пример #36
    datetime = None

except NameError:
    from sets import Set as set

from utils import threadeddict, storage, iters, iterbetter, safestr, safeunicode

    # db module can work independent of web.py
    from webapi import debug, config
    import sys
    debug = sys.stderr
    config = storage()

class UnknownDB(Exception):
    """raised for unsupported dbms"""

class _ItplError(ValueError):
    def __init__(self, text, pos):
        self.text = text
        self.pos = pos

    def __str__(self):
        return "unfinished expression in %s at char %d" % (repr(
Пример #37
 def iterwrapper():
     row = db_cursor.fetchone()
     while row:
         yield storage(dict(zip(names, row)))
         row = db_cursor.fetchone()
Пример #38
# ==== [TW start] adding lock
import threading

# ==== [TW stop] adding lock
import utils
import webapi as web

__all__ = ["Session", "SessionExpired", "Store", "DiskStore", "DBStore"]

web.config.session_parameters = utils.storage(
        "cookie_name": "webpy_session_id",
        "cookie_domain": None,
        "cookie_path": None,
        "timeout": 86400,  # 24 * 60 * 60, # 24 hours in seconds
        "ignore_expiry": True,
        "ignore_change_ip": True,
        "secret_key": "fLjUfxqXtfNoIldA0A0J",
        "expired_message": "Session expired",
        "httponly": True,
        "secure": False,

class SessionExpired(web.HTTPError):
    def __init__(self, message):
        web.HTTPError.__init__(self, "200 OK", {}, data=message)

class Session(object):
    """Session management for web.py
Пример #39
def run(connection_string, sql_query):
    db = sa.create_engine(connection_string)
    conn = db.connect()
    rows = conn.execute(sql_query).fetchall()
    data = [storage(zip(row.keys(), row)) for row in rows]
    return publishjson(data)
Пример #40
 def _InitResults(self):
     # the returning values
     self.results = utils.storage(time=0, total_found=0, error="", warning="", matches=[])
     self.query = ""
Пример #41
import utils
import webapi as web

__all__ = [

web.config.session_parameters = utils.storage({
    'cookie_name': 'webpy_session_id',
    'cookie_domain': None,
    'timeout': 86400,  #24 * 60 * 60, # 24 hours in seconds
    'ignore_expiry': True,
    'ignore_change_ip': True,
    'secret_key': 'fLjUfxqXtfNoIldA0A0J',
    'expired_message': 'Session expired',
    'httponly': True

class SessionExpired(web.HTTPError):
    def __init__(self, message):
        web.HTTPError.__init__(self, '200 OK', {}, data=message)

class Session(object):
    """Session management for web.py
    __slots__ = [
Пример #42
def query():
    """Returns storage object with GET or POST arguments.  """
    return  storage(parse_qsl(ctx.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')))
Пример #43
__all__ = ["runsimple"]

import sys, os
from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
import urllib
import posixpath

import webapi as web
import net
import utils

from OpenSSL import SSL

web.config.ssl_parameters = utils.storage({
    'ssl_options': SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3,
    'ssl_cipher_list': 'HIGH:RC4-SHA:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXP:!LOW:!3DES:!MD5:!PSK:!DSS:!SEED@STRENGTH'

def runbasic(func, server_address=("", 8080)):
    Runs a simple HTTP server hosting WSGI app `func`. The directory `static/` 
    is hosted statically.

    Based on [WsgiServer][ws] from [Colin Stewart][cs].
  [ws]: http://www.owlfish.com/software/wsgiutils/documentation/wsgi-server-api.html
  [cs]: http://www.owlfish.com/
    # Copyright (c) 2004 Colin Stewart (http://www.owlfish.com/)
    # Modified somewhat for simplicity
    # Used under the modified BSD license:
Пример #44

__all__ = [
    "config", "badrequest", "notfound", "gone", "internalerror", "header",
    "output", "flush", "debug", "input", "data", "setcookie", "cookies", "ctx",
    "loadhooks", "load", "unloadhooks", "unload", "_loadhooks", "wsgifunc"

import sys, os, cgi, threading, Cookie, pprint, traceback
    import itertools
except ImportError:
from utils import storage, storify, threadeddict, dictadd, intget, lstrips

config = storage()
config.__doc__ = """
A configuration object for various aspects of web.py.

   : A dictionary containing the parameters to be passed to `connect`
     when `load()` is called.
   : Set to `True` if you would like SQL queries and timings to be
     printed to the debug output.


def badrequest():
    """Return a `400 Bad Request` error."""
Пример #45
 def next(self):
     type, t, begin, end, line = self.tokens.next()
     row, col = end
     self.index = col
     return storage(type=type, value=t, begin=begin, end=end)
Пример #46
def test():
    import sys
    verbose = '-v' in sys.argv

    def assertEqual(a, b):
        if a == b:
            if verbose:
            assert a == b, "\nexpected: %s\ngot: %s" % (repr(b), repr(a))

    from utils import storage, group

    class t:
        def __init__(self, text):
            self.text = text

        def __call__(self, *a, **kw):
            return TestResult(self.text, Template(self.text)(*a, **kw))

    class TestResult:
        def __init__(self, source, value):
            self.source = source
            self.value = value

        def __eq__(self, other):
            if self.value == other:
                if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'FAIL:', repr(
                    self.source), 'expected', repr(other), ', got', repr(

    t('1')() == '1\n'
    t('$def with ()\n1')() == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(a=1) == '1\n'
    t('$if 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 1:\n    1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 0: 0\n$elif 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 0: 0\n$elif None: 0\n$else: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if (0 < 1) and (1 < 2): 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]: $x')() == '1\n2\n3\n'
    t('$for x in []: 0\n$else: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$while a and a.pop(): 1')([1, 2, 3]) == '1\n1\n1\n'
    t('$while 0: 0\n$else: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = 1\n$a')() == '1\n'
    t('$# 0')() == ''
    t('$def with (d)\n$for k, v in d.iteritems(): $k')({1: 1}) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$(a)')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a.b')(storage(b=1)) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a[0]')([1]) == '1\n'
    t('${0 or 1}')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = [1]\n$a[0]')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = {1: 1}\n$a.keys()[0]')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = []\n$if not a: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = {}\n$if not a: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = -1\n$a')() == '-1\n'
    t('$ a = "1"\n$a')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 1 is 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if not 0: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 1:\n    $if 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = 1\n$a')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = 1.\n$a')() == '1.0\n'
    t('$({1: 1}.keys()[0])')() == '1\n'
    t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]:\n\t$x')() == '    1\n    2\n    3\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$:a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a')(u'\u203d') == '\xe2\x80\xbd\n'
    t(u'$def with (f)\n$:f("x")')(lambda x: x) == 'x\n'

    j = Template("$var foo: bar")()
    assertEqual(str(j), '')
    assertEqual(j.foo, 'bar\n')
    if verbose: sys.stderr.write('\n')
Пример #47
 def next(self):
     type, t, begin, end, line = self.tokens.next()
     row, col = end
     self.index = col
     return storage(type=type, value=t, begin=begin, end=end)
Пример #48
def test():
    import sys
    verbose = '-v' in sys.argv
    def assertEqual(a, b):
        if a == b:
            if verbose:
            assert a == b, "\nexpected: %s\ngot: %s" % (repr(b), repr(a))
    from utils import storage, group

    class t:
        def __init__(self, text):
            self.text = text

        def __call__(self, *a, **kw):
            return TestResult(self.text, Template(self.text)(*a, **kw))

    class TestResult:
        def __init__(self, source, value):
            self.source = source
            self.value = value

        def __eq__(self, other):
            if self.value == other:
                if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'FAIL:', repr(self.source), 'expected', repr(other), ', got', repr(self.value)
    t('1')() == '1\n'
    t('$def with ()\n1')() == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(a=1) == '1\n'
    t('$if 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 1:\n    1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 0: 0\n$elif 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 0: 0\n$elif None: 0\n$else: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if (0 < 1) and (1 < 2): 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]: $x')() == '1\n2\n3\n'
    t('$for x in []: 0\n$else: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$while a and a.pop(): 1')([1, 2, 3]) == '1\n1\n1\n'
    t('$while 0: 0\n$else: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = 1\n$a')() == '1\n'
    t('$# 0')() == ''
    t('$def with (d)\n$for k, v in d.iteritems(): $k')({1: 1}) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$(a)')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a.b')(storage(b=1)) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a[0]')([1]) == '1\n'
    t('${0 or 1}')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = [1]\n$a[0]')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = {1: 1}\n$a.keys()[0]')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = []\n$if not a: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = {}\n$if not a: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = -1\n$a')() == '-1\n'
    t('$ a = "1"\n$a')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 1 is 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if not 0: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$if 1:\n    $if 1: 1')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = 1\n$a')() == '1\n'
    t('$ a = 1.\n$a')() == '1.0\n'
    t('$({1: 1}.keys()[0])')() == '1\n'
    t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]:\n\t$x')() == '    1\n    2\n    3\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$:a')(1) == '1\n'
    t('$def with (a)\n$a')(u'\u203d') == '\xe2\x80\xbd\n'

    j = Template("$var foo: bar")()
    assertEqual(str(j), '')
    assertEqual(j.foo, 'bar\n')
    if verbose: sys.stderr.write('\n')
Пример #49
    import sha
    sha1 = sha.new

import utils
import webapi as web

__all__ = [
    'Session', 'SessionExpired',
    'Store', 'DiskStore', 'DBStore',

web.config.session_parameters = utils.storage({
    'cookie_name': 'webpy_session_id',
    'cookie_domain': None,
    'timeout': 86400, #24 * 60 * 60, # 24 hours in seconds
    'ignore_expiry': True,
    'ignore_change_ip': True,
    'secret_key': 'fLjUfxqXtfNoIldA0A0J',
    'expired_message': 'Session expired',

class SessionExpired(web.HTTPError):
    def __init__(self, message):
        web.HTTPError.__init__(self, '200 OK', {}, data=message)

class Session(utils.ThreadedDict):
    """Session management for web.py

    def __init__(self, app, store, initializer=None):
        self.__dict__['store'] = store
Пример #50
    "badrequest", "notfound", "gone", "internalerror",
    "header", "output", "flush", "debug",
    "input", "data",
    "setcookie", "cookies",
    "loadhooks", "load", "unloadhooks", "unload", "_loadhooks",

import sys, os, cgi, threading, Cookie, pprint, traceback
try: import itertools
except ImportError: pass
from utils import storage, storify, threadeddict, dictadd, intget, lstrips, utf8

config = storage()
config.__doc__ = """
A configuration object for various aspects of web.py.

   : A dictionary containing the parameters to be passed to `connect`
     when `load()` is called.
   : Set to `True` if you would like SQL queries and timings to be
     printed to the debug output.


def badrequest():
    """Return a `400 Bad Request` error."""
    ctx.status = '400 Bad Request'
Пример #51
 def _get_d(self): #@@ should really be form.attr, no?
     return utils.storage([(i.name, i.get_value()) for i in self.inputs])
def test():
    import sys
    verbose = '-v' in sys.argv

    def assertEqual(a, b):
        if a == b:
            if verbose:
            assert a == b, "\nexpected: %s\ngot: %s" % (repr(b), repr(a))

    from utils import storage, group
    t = Template

    tests = [
        lambda: t('1')(),
        lambda: t('$def with ()\n1')(),
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1),
        lambda: t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(1),
        lambda: t('$def with (a=0)\n$a')(a=1),
        lambda: t('$if 1: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$if 1:\n    1')(),
        lambda: t('$if 0: 0\n$elif 1: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$if 0: 0\n$elif None: 0\n$else: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$if (0 < 1) and (1 < 2): 1')(),
        lambda: t('$for x in [1, 2, 3]: $x')(),
        lambda: t('$for x in []: 0\n$else: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$while a and a.pop(): 1')([1, 2, 3]),
        lambda: t('$while 0: 0\n$else: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = 1\n$a')(),
        lambda: t('$# 0')(),
        lambda: t('$def with (d)\n$for k, v in d.iteritems(): $k')({
            1: 1
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$(a)')(1),
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a')(1),
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a.b')(storage(b=1)),
        lambda: t('$def with (a)\n$a[0]')([1]),
        lambda: t('${0 or 1}')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = [1]\n$a[0]')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = {1: 1}\n$a.keys()[0]')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = []\n$if not a: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = {}\n$if not a: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = -1\n$a')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = "1"\n$a')(),
        lambda: t('$if 1 is 1: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$if not 0: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$if 1:\n    $if 1: 1')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = 1\n$a')(),
        lambda: t('$ a = 1.\n$a')(),
        lambda: t('$({1: 1}.keys()[0])')(),

    for func, value in group(tests, 2):
        assertEqual(func(), value)

    j = Template("$var foo: bar")()
    assertEqual(str(j), '')
    assertEqual(j.foo, 'bar\n')
    if verbose: sys.stderr.write('\n')