Пример #1
    def __init__(self, context):
        self._logFileName = context["reserveStateLogCSVFilePath"]
        with open(context["reserveStateCSVFilePath"], 'r') as f:
            self._fileName = context["reserveStateCSVFilePath"]

            reader = csv.reader(f)
            # TODO: この書き方だとUnboundLocalErrorが起きてしまうし、カッコ悪いので修正したい
            for row in reader:
                last_row_list = row

            self._timestamp = utils.strToDatetime(last_row_list[0])
            self._onoff = last_row_list[1]
            self._settime = int(last_row_list[2])  # 数値にする min
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, context):
        # TODO: 現状、インスタンス毎に設定コンテキストを指定しているので、
        # 管理用のプログラムを書き、参照するCSVファイルの指定を
        # さらに抽象的なレベルで行いたい

        self._logFileName = context["acStateLogCSVFilePath"]
        with open(context["acStateCSVFilePath"], 'r') as f:
            self._fileName = context["acStateCSVFilePath"]

            reader = csv.reader(f)
            for row in reader:
                last_row_list = row
            # row = next(reader)

            self._timestamp = utils.strToDatetime(last_row_list[0])
            self._onoff = last_row_list[1]
            self._operating = last_row_list[2]
            self._temperature = int(last_row_list[3])
            self._wind = last_row_list[4]
Пример #3
# startTimes = [ utils.strToDatetime(date_str).timestamp() for date_str in  trip[:25000].starttime.values ]
# utils.plotHistogram(startTimes,'Tempos de chegada')
# tripDurations = [ float(milisec.replace('.','')) for milisec in  trip[:25000].tripduration.values ] # get 25000 tripduration in milisec
# utils.plotHistogram(tripDurations,'Tempo de viagens')

# simulation
env = simpy.Environment()

e1 = Entidades.Estacao(env, 'CBD-06', simpy.Resource(env, capacity=5))

cont = 0
usuarios = list()
for registry in trip[:7].values:
    cont += 1
    nomeUsuario = 'Usuario' + str(cont)
    tempoChegada = utils.strToDatetime(registry[0]).timestamp()
    tempoViagem = utils.strSecToMilisec(registry[3])

    print(nomeUsuario, tempoChegada, tempoViagem, sep=',')
        Entidades.Usuario(env, nomeUsuario, tempoChegada, tempoViagem))

for usuario in usuarios:


# station = pd.read_csv('data/station.csv', sep =',', names=stationFields) # read data stations

# dictStations = { name:{'bikes':0, 'docks':count,'docksAvailable':count} for name,count in station.values }