def recycleAssets(self, path, srcNames): """ remove file or tree to trush folder """ removedPath = self.removedpath(path, timetag() ) for name in srcNames: srcPath = self.joinpath(path, name) dstPath = self.joinpath(removedPath, name) self.moveAsset(srcPath, dstPath)
def walkTrashBox(self, top_path='/', days=0, cmp_result=0): """ -1: older than history day; 0: all; 1: greater than history day """ # XXX need to rewrite cur_date = datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime()[:7]) history_date = cur_date - datetime.timedelta(days) history_date_name = timetag(history_date) if top_path != '/': removeNames = self.listRemoves(top_path) if cmp_result != 0: removeNames = [removeName for removeName in removeNames if cmp(removeName, history_date_name) == cmp_result] if removeNames: yield top_path, removeNames for parent_path, dirnames, filenames in self.walk(top_path): for dirname in dirnames: dir_vpath = self.joinpath(parent_path, dirname) removeNames = self.listRemoves(dir_vpath) if cmp_result != 0: removeNames = [removeName for removeName in removeNames if cmp(removeName, history_date_name) == cmp_result] if removeNames: yield dir_vpath, removeNames
def walkTrashBox(self, top_path='/', days=0, cmp_result=0): """ -1: older than history day; 0: all; 1: greater than history day """ # XXX need to rewrite cur_date = datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime()[:7]) history_date = cur_date - datetime.timedelta(days) history_date_name = timetag(history_date) if top_path != '/': removeNames = self.listRemoves(top_path) if cmp_result != 0: removeNames = [ removeName for removeName in removeNames if cmp(removeName, history_date_name) == cmp_result ] if removeNames: yield top_path, removeNames for parent_path, dirnames, filenames in self.walk(top_path): for dirname in dirnames: dir_vpath = self.joinpath(parent_path, dirname) removeNames = self.listRemoves(dir_vpath) if cmp_result != 0: removeNames = [ removeName for removeName in removeNames if cmp(removeName, history_date_name) == cmp_result ] if removeNames: yield dir_vpath, removeNames
def archive(self, path, id=None, **archiveInfo): archivePath = self.archivedpath(path) if not self.exists(archivePath): self.makedirs(archivePath) if not id: ext = self.splitext(path)[-1] id = timetag() + ext dstpath = self.joinpath(archivePath, id) self.copyAsset(path, dstpath, copycache=0, copy_archiveinfo=0) ai_path = self.archiveinfopath(dstpath) ai = ArchiveInfo(id=id, filename=self.basename(path), **archiveInfo) ai.write2xml(open(self.ospath(ai_path), 'w'))