def plot_overlap(self): current_time = self.start_time_msec + self.index * self.delay_msec self.vidcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC,(current_time)) success, frame_next = if success: frame_next = undistort(frame_next) frame_next = downscale(frame_next, 1000, False, pad_img=False) if len(self.M_list) < self.index: M = homography(self.frame_start, frame_next, draw_matches=False) self.M_list.append(M) else: M = self.M_list[self.index - 1] warped, shift = warp_image(frame_next, M, alpha_channel=False) warped_blue = color_img(warped, [255, 0, 0]) overlapped_img_color, _, _ = merge_images(self.frame_start_red, warped_blue, shift) self.overlapped_img, self.offset_start, self.offset_end = merge_images(self.frame_start, warped, shift) plt.figure() plt.imshow(overlapped_img_color[...,::-1]) print msec2string(current_time)
def main_first(self, img): height = img.shape[0] warped, _ = utils.perspective(utils.undistort(img, self.objpoints, self.imgpoints)) warped_edge = utils.edge(warped) left_base, right_base = utils.base(warped_edge) left_fit, _ = utils.fit_first(warped_edge, left_base) right_fit, _ = utils.fit_first(warped_edge, right_base) return left_fit, right_fit
def process_pipeline(frame, keep_state=True): """ Apply whole lane detection pipeline to an input color frame. :param frame: input color frame :param keep_state: if True, lane-line state is conserved (this permits to average results) :return: output blend with detected lane overlaid """ global line_lt, line_rt, processed_frames # undistort the image using coefficients found in calibration undistorted_img = undistort(frame, mtx, dist) # binarize the frame and highlight lane lines binarized_img = binarize(undistorted_img) # perspective transform to obtain bird's eye view birdeye_img, matrix, inversed_matrix = birdeye(binarized_img, visualise=False) # 2 order polynomial curve fit onto lane lines found if processed_frames > 0 and keep_state and line_lt.detected and line_rt.detected: find_lane_by_previous_fits(birdeye_img, line_lt, line_rt, visualise=False) else: find_lane_by_sliding_windows(birdeye_img, line_lt, line_rt, n_windows=9, visualise=False) # compute offset in meter from center of the lane offset_meter = offset_from_lane_center(line_lt, line_rt, frame_width=frame.shape[1]) # draw the surface enclosed by lane lines back onto the original frame blend_on_road = draw_back_onto_the_road(undistorted_img, inversed_matrix, line_lt, line_rt, keep_state) mean_curvature_meter = np.mean( [line_lt.curvature_meter, line_rt.curvature_meter]) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(blend_on_road, 'Curvature radius: {:.02f}m'.format(mean_curvature_meter), (60, 60), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(blend_on_road, 'Offset from center: {:.02f}m'.format(offset_meter), (60, 90), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2) processed_frames += 1 return blend_on_road
def save_and_continue(self): if self.index > 0: self.start_time_msec = self.start_time_msec + self.index * self.delay_msec self.index = 0 self.M_list = [] self.vidcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC,(self.start_time_msec)) success, self.frame_start = self.frame_start = undistort(self.frame_start) self.frame_start = downscale(self.frame_start, 1000, False, pad_img=False) self.frame_start_red = color_img(self.frame_start, [0, 0, 255])
def main_rest(self, img, prev_left_fit, prev_right_fit): height = img.shape[0] width = img.shape[1] warped, M = utils.perspective(utils.undistort(img, self.objpoints, self.imgpoints)) warped_edge = utils.edge(warped) left_base, right_base = utils.base(warped_edge) left_fit, left_fit_m = utils.fit_rest(warped_edge, prev_left_fit) right_fit, right_fit_m = utils.fit_rest(warped_edge, prev_right_fit) curv = utils.curvature(left_fit_m, right_fit_m, height) shif = utils.shift(left_fit_m, right_fit_m, height, width) return left_fit, right_fit, curv, shif, M
def update(self): # Get a frame from the video source ret, frame = self.vid.get_frame() if ret: if _CALIBRATE: frame = undistort(frame) frame = cv2.resize(frame, self.resize_to_fit) photo = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=PIL.Image.fromarray(frame)) self.canvas_vid.create_image(0, 0, image=photo, anchor=Tkinter.NW) self.canvas_vid.image = photo self.window.after(self.delay, self.update)
def snapshot(self): # Get a frame from the video source ret, frame = self.vid.get_frame() if ret: if _CALIBRATE: frame = undistort(frame) img_path = "./snapshots/frame-" + time.strftime( "%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S") + ".jpg" cv2.imwrite(img_path, cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) display_image(img_path, self.frame_2_1, 1, 0, resize_to=self.resize_to_fit) btn_snapshot = Tkinter.Button(self.frame_2_1, text="Segment", width=10, command=self.segment_image) btn_snapshot.grid(row=2, column=0) self.image_path = img_path
def __init__(self, video_path, start_time, fps, json_path, save_dir): self.index = 0 self.M_list = [] self.start_time_msec = string2msec(start_time) self.delay_msec = int(1000 * (1 / fps)) self.vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) self.vidcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC,(self.start_time_msec)) success, self.frame_start = self.frame_start = undistort(self.frame_start) self.frame_start = downscale(self.frame_start, 1000, False, pad_img=False) self.frame_start_red = color_img(self.frame_start, [0, 0, 255]) self.json_path = json_path if not os.path.exists(json_path): os.mknod(json_path) json_data = dict() json_data['fps'] = fps json_data['video_path'] = video_path json_data['save_dir'] = save_dir json_data['sections'] = [] with open(json_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_data, f) self.save_dir = save_dir
arrayCounter = 0 arrayCurve = np.zeros([noOfArrayValues]) myVals = [] utils.initializeTrackers(intialTracbarVals) while True: success, img = #img = cv2.imread('test3.jpg') if cameraFeed == False: img = cv2.resize(img, (frameWidth, frameHeight), None) imgWarpPoints = img.copy() imgFinal = img.copy() imgCanny = img.copy() imgUndis = utils.undistort(img) imgThres, imgCanny, imgColor = utils.thresholding(imgUndis) src = utils.valTrackbars() imgWarp = utils.perspective_warp(imgThres, dst_size=(frameWidth, frameHeight), src=src) imgWarpPoints = utils.drawPoints(imgWarpPoints, src) imgSliding, curves, lanes, ploty = utils.sliding_window(imgWarp, draw_windows=True) try: curverad = utils.get_curve(imgFinal, curves[0], curves[1]) lane_curve = np.mean([curverad[0], curverad[1]]) imgFinal = utils.draw_lanes(img, curves[0], curves[1],
def start_single_record(counter, cap, cam, controller, listener, q, left_coord, left_coeff, right_coord, right_coeff): directory_rr = "./single_data/{}/R/raw".format(counter) directory_lr = "./single_data/{}/L/raw".format(counter) directory_ru = "./single_data/{}/R/undistorted".format(counter) directory_lu = "./single_data/{}/L/undistorted".format(counter) directory_leap_info = "./single_data/{}/leap_motion/tracking_data".format( counter) directory_rgb = "./single_data/{}/rgb".format(counter) directory_z = "./single_data/{}/depth/z".format(counter) directory_ir = "./single_data/{}/depth/ir".format(counter) list_img_rr = [] list_img_ru = [] list_img_lr = [] list_img_lu = [] list_json = [] list_img_rgb = [] list_img_z = [] list_img_ir = [] record_if_valid = False frame_counter = 0 if not cap: print("error rgb cam") exit(-1) error_queue = False cam.startCapture() while True: # print(frame_counter) if (cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('s') and record_if_valid and frame_counter > args.n_min_frames) \ or error_queue: # print(error_queue) break frame = controller.frame() # controllo di validità per inizio registrazione (OPZIONALE) # inizia a registrare i frame solo se leap motion rileva correttamente la mano # print(self.listener.recording) if utils.hand_is_valid(frame) and not record_if_valid: print('\nhand is valid -> ready to start') record_if_valid = True # print(self.listener.recording) print("start gesture") listener.setRecording(True) # print(self.listener.recording) if record_if_valid: print("\rrecord valid -> showing {}".format(frame_counter), end="") utils.draw_ui(text="recording - press S to stop", circle=True, thickness=-1) # RGB CAM # get rgb image # print(1) ret, img_rgb = # print(2) # resize dim img rgb if not ret: print("\nrgb cam not working") exit(-1) # cv2.imshow('img_rgb', img_rgb) # cv2.waitKey(1) # Leap Motion if frame.is_valid: image_l = frame.images[0] image_r = frame.images[1] # print(3) else: print("\rframe {} not valid".format(frame_counter), end="") continue if image_l.is_valid and image_r.is_valid: # print(4) raw_img_l = utils.get_raw_image(image_l) raw_img_r = utils.get_raw_image(image_r) # undistorted images undistorted_left = utils.undistort(image_l, left_coord, left_coeff, 400, 400) undistorted_right = utils.undistort(image_r, right_coord, right_coeff, 400, 400) # print(5) # show images # previous position cv2.imshow() # cv2.imshow('img_leap', undistorted_right) # json json_obj = utils.frame2json_struct(frame) # print(6) # PICOFLEXX # imgs == (z, ir) ret_pico, imgs = utils.get_images_from_picoflexx(q) # print("ret_pico, z, ir", ret_pico, imgs[0], imgs[1]) if not ret_pico: print("pico image not valid") error_queue = True continue cv2.moveWindow('img_rgb', -700, 325) cv2.moveWindow('img_leap', -1150, 400) cv2.moveWindow('img_ir', -1500, 600) cv2.imshow('img_leap', undistorted_right) cv2.imshow('img_rgb', img_rgb) cv2.imshow('img_ir', imgs[1]) # print(7) list_img_rr.append(raw_img_r.copy()) list_img_ru.append(undistorted_right.copy()) list_img_lr.append(raw_img_l.copy()) list_img_lu.append(undistorted_left.copy()) list_img_rgb.append(img_rgb.copy()) list_json.append(json_obj) list_img_z.append(imgs[0].copy()) list_img_ir.append(imgs[1].copy()) # list_img_z.append(z.copy()) # list_img_ir.append(ir.copy()) frame_counter += 1 # print(8) else: print('image not valid') else: print("\rerror in getting valid leap motion frame", end="") # print(self.listener.recording) listener.setRecording(False) cam.stopCapture() cap.release() #write single record print("saving record") utils.draw_ui(text="Saving session...") utils.save_single_record(list_img_rr, list_img_ru, list_img_lr, list_img_lu, list_json, list_img_rgb, list_img_z, list_img_ir, directory_rr, directory_ru, directory_lr, directory_lu, directory_leap_info, directory_rgb, directory_z, directory_ir)
def record(self): list_img_rr = [] list_img_ru = [] list_img_lr = [] list_img_lu = [] list_json = [] list_img_rgb = [] list_img_z = [] list_img_ir = [] record_if_valid = False frame_counter = 0 # print("ready to go") # open rgb camera # cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) # # cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280.0) # cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720.0) # print(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) if not self.cap: print("error rgb cam") exit(-1) error_queue = False while True: # print(frame_counter) if (cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('s') and record_if_valid and frame_counter > args.n_min_frames)\ or error_queue: # print(error_queue) break frame = self.controller.frame() # controllo di validità per inizio registrazione (OPZIONALE) # inizia a registrare i frame solo se leap motion rileva correttamente la mano # print(self.listener.recording) if utils.hand_is_valid(frame) and not record_if_valid: print('\nhand is valid -> ready to start') record_if_valid = True # print(self.listener.recording) print("start gesture") self.listener.setRecording(True) # print(self.listener.recording) if record_if_valid: print("\rrecord valid -> showing {}".format(frame_counter), end="") utils.draw_ui(text="recording - press S to stop", circle=True, thickness=-1) # RGB CAM # get rgb image # print(1) ret, img_rgb = # print(2) # resize dim img rgb if not ret: print("\nrgb cam not working") exit(-1) # cv2.imshow('img_rgb', img_rgb) # cv2.waitKey(1) # Leap Motion if frame.is_valid: image_l = frame.images[0] image_r = frame.images[1] # print(3) else: print("\rframe {} not valid".format(frame_counter), end="") continue if image_l.is_valid and image_r.is_valid: # print(4) raw_img_l = utils.get_raw_image(image_l) raw_img_r = utils.get_raw_image(image_r) # undistorted images undistorted_left = utils.undistort(image_l, self.left_coord, self.left_coeff, 400, 400) undistorted_right = utils.undistort( image_r, self.right_coord, self.right_coeff, 400, 400) # print(5) # show images # previous position cv2.imshow() # cv2.imshow('img_leap', undistorted_right) # json json_obj = utils.frame2json_struct(frame) # print(6) # PICOFLEXX #imgs == (z, ir) ret_pico, imgs = utils.get_images_from_picoflexx(self.q) # print("ret_pico, z, ir", ret_pico, imgs[0], imgs[1]) if not ret_pico: print("pico image not valid") error_queue = True continue cv2.moveWindow('img_rgb', -700, 325) cv2.moveWindow('img_leap', -1150, 400) cv2.moveWindow('img_ir', -1500, 600) cv2.imshow('img_leap', undistorted_right) cv2.imshow('img_rgb', img_rgb) cv2.imshow('img_ir', imgs[1]) # print(7) list_img_rr.append(raw_img_r.copy()) list_img_ru.append(undistorted_right.copy()) list_img_lr.append(raw_img_l.copy()) list_img_lu.append(undistorted_left.copy()) list_img_rgb.append(img_rgb.copy()) list_json.append(json_obj) list_img_z.append(imgs[0].copy()) list_img_ir.append(imgs[1].copy()) # list_img_z.append(z.copy()) # list_img_ir.append(ir.copy()) frame_counter += 1 # print(8) else: print('image not valid') else: print("\rerror in getting valid leap motion frame", end="") # print(self.listener.recording) self.listener.setRecording(False) # print(self.listener.recording) # release rgb camera # cap.release() print('\nrecord {}/2 of g{} completed'.format(self.record_number, self.gesture_id)) record_if_valid = False # scrittura su disco # if not args.on_disk: if self.rewrite: rewrite = True else: rewrite = False return utils.GestureData(self.gesture_id, list_img_rr, list_img_ru, list_img_lr, list_img_lu, list_json, list_img_rgb, list_img_z, list_img_ir, self.directory_rr, self.directory_ru, self.directory_lr, self.directory_lu, self.directory_leap_info, self.directory_rgb, self.directory_z, self.directory_ir, rewrite=rewrite)
def calibrate_with_ChArUco_board(result_filepath_no_ext, calibImages, calib_result_format, dictionary, squareL, markerL, tb, lr, pixels_per_mm, isUndistort=False, isPrintResult=False, undistort_res_dirpath=None): """Caribrate the camera using images of specified ChArUco board.""" board, _ = utils.get_A4_board(dictionary, squareL, markerL, tb, lr, pixels_per_mm) # detect checker board intersection of ChArUco allCharucoCorners = [] allCharucoIds = [] charucoCorners, charucoIds = [0, 0] decimator = 0 num_images_to_use = 0 # critetion for sub pixel corner detection criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 0.00001) decimation_interval = 2 # 1 means not applied for calImg in calibImages: calImg = cv2.cvtColor(calImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # convert to gray # find ArUco markers corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = \ aruco.detectMarkers(calImg, dictionary) # find ChArUco corners if len(corners) > 0: # sub pixel detection # corners = cv2.cornerSubPix( # calImg, # corners, # winSize=(3,3), # zeroZone=(-1,-1), # criteria=criteria) res2 = aruco.interpolateCornersCharuco(corners, ids, calImg, board) if (res2[1] is not None) and\ (res2[2] is not None) and\ (len(res2[1]) > 5) and\ (decimator % decimation_interval == 0): allCharucoCorners.append(res2[1]) allCharucoIds.append(res2[2]) num_images_to_use += 1 decimator += 1 aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(calImg, corners, ids) print("\n Use " + str(num_images_to_use) + " images for this calibration.") try: imgSize = calibImages[0].shape[:2] calib_params = aruco.calibrateCameraCharucoExtended( allCharucoCorners, allCharucoIds, board, imgSize, None, None) except Exception as e: print("Failed to calibrate..., ", e.args) return -1 if isPrintResult: utils.show_calibration_params(calib_params) _, camMat, distCoef, rvecs, tvecs, stdIn, stdEx, peojErr = calib_params save_param_list = [camMat, distCoef, rvecs, tvecs, stdIn, stdEx] # save the camera parameters if calib_result_format == 'json': cam_param_path = result_filepath_no_ext + '.json' with open(cam_param_path, mode='w') as f: data = { "camera_matrix": cameraMatrix.tolist(), "dist_coeff": distCoeffs.tolist(), "rvecs": rvecs, "tvecs": tvecs } json.dump(data, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) elif calib_result_format == 'pkl': cam_param_path = result_filepath_no_ext + '.pkl' with open(cam_param_path, mode='wb') as f: pickle.dump(save_param_list, f, protocol=-1) print("Saved " + cam_param_path) if isUndistort: if undistort_res_dirpath is None: print("Error: Please specify save path for undistort images.") return -1 with open(cam_param_path, 'rb') as f: camera_params = pickle.load(f) cam_mat, dist_coeffs, rvecs, tvecs, stdIn, stdEx = camera_params utils.undistort(cam_mat, dist_coeffs, calibImages, undistort_res_dirpath)