Пример #1
def playlist_add(name, filename):
    if not utils.verify_file(filename):
        return False

    with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as client:
        # connecting client to server

        # will sending operation flag

        # sending name

        # sending file name

        # sending file
        file = open(filename, 'rb')
        data = file.read(settings.EXCHANGE_SIZE)

        while data:
            data = file.read(settings.EXCHANGE_SIZE)


    return True
Пример #2
def generate_html():
    calenders = ['July-2018', 'August-2018', 'September-2018']
    file_path = self.app.pargs.file_path
    if verify_file(file_path):
        self.app.log.info('Parsing spreadsheet %s' % file_path)
        self.app.log.error('%s does not exist' % file_path)
Пример #3
def handle_subtitles():
        Handler function for root url.
        It shows the page in with an empty form in the case of a 'GET' request and.
        In the case of a 'POST' request, returns the repaired subtitles file when the form validates and successfully
        repairs it. When any step fails, returns the page with the form containing the error messages.

    if request.method == "GET":
        # in the case of a 'GET' request, gets an instance of the form and renders the page with it
        subtitle_form = SubtitleUploadForm()
        return render_template('app.html', subtitle_form=subtitle_form)

    elif request.method == "POST":
        # in the case of a 'POST' request, gets an instance of the form populated with the request parameters on the
        # request and initializes auxiliary variables as None
        subtitle_form = SubtitleUploadForm(request.form)
        error = None
        filename = None
        result_content = None

        if subtitle_form.validate():
            # if the form contains valid data
                # reads uploaded file content
                file_data = request.files[subtitle_form.subtitle_file.name].read()
                # gets its filename
                filename = request.files[subtitle_form.subtitle_file.name].filename
                # and gets from the form the value in seconds to add or subtract from the time pattern matches
                seconds = int(request.form['adjustment'])

                if verify_file(file_data, filename):
                    # if the file content and its extension are compatible with the expectations, calls function to
                    # proceed with the file repairing and stores its results (repaired string with file content)
                    result_content = fix_file(file_data, seconds)
                    # otherwise, creates the error message to be shown to the user
                    error = "File is not in the expected format and/or does not contain expected content."
            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                # with any error occurs, composes another erro message to be shown to the user
                error = "Something went wrong on your submission, please again to submit a valid file."

            if error:
                # if there is an error message, add it to the form errors and render the page with the form containing
                # the errors to be shown
                subtitle_form.errors['subtitle_file'] = error
                return render_template('app.html', subtitle_form=subtitle_form)

                # otherwise, returns the repaired file as an attachment
                response = make_response(result_content)
                response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename={0}".format("fixed_" + filename)
                return response

        # renders the page again with the form erros if form does not validate
        return render_template('app.html', subtitle_form=subtitle_form)
Пример #4
    def _run(starting_from_here=False):
        fasta_to_blast = new_good_proteomes or config.good_proteins
        blast_out = config.blast_out + "_2" if new_good_proteomes else config.blast_out

        res = 10
        if not on_cluster:
            # threads
            res = _blast(fasta_to_blast, blast_out, threads=max_jobs)

            qsub = which("qsub")
            if not qsub:
                log.warn("No qsub in system: running multuthreaded")
                res = _blast(fasta_to_blast, blast_out, threads=max_jobs)
                total_seqs = sum(1 for _ in SeqIO.parse(fasta_to_blast, "fasta"))
                num_seqs_for_one_job = max(500, total_seqs / max_jobs)
                num_jobs = total_seqs / num_seqs_for_one_job or 1
                # num_seqs_for_one_job = total_seqs/2  # DEBUG
                # num_jobs = 2                         # DEBUG

                if num_jobs == 1:
                    # one single threaded run
                    res = _blast(fasta_to_blast, blast_out, threads=1)

                    # jobs
                    timestamp = str(datetime.now()).replace("-", "_").replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_")

                    log.info("Splitting data for " + str(num_jobs) + " cluster jobs.")

                    class BlastJob:
                        def __init__(self, i):
                            self.i = i
                            self.job_name = workflow_id + "_" + timestamp + "_" + str(i)
                            self.prot_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, "proteins_" + str(i) + ".fasta")
                            self.out_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, "blasted_part_" + str(i) + ".tsv")
                            self.log_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, "run_blast_" + str(i) + ".log")
                            self.runner_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, "run_blast_" + str(i) + ".sh")
                            cmd = (
                                "blastp "
                                + " ".join(map(str, _blast_basic_params))
                                + " -query "
                                + realpath(self.prot_fpath)
                                + " -out "
                                + realpath(self.out_fpath)
                            with open(self.runner_fpath, "w") as f:
                                f.write(". /etc/profile.d/modules.sh\n")
                                f.write("module load blast\n")
                                f.write(cmd + "\n")

                        def submit(self):
                            cmdl = "-pe pe_smp 1 -S /bin/bash -cwd -j y -q batch.q -N {0} -o {1} " "{2}".format(
                                self.job_name, realpath(self.log_fpath), realpath(self.runner_fpath)
                            # cmdl = '-pe pe_smp 1 -S /bin/bash -cwd -j y -o {0} -q batch.q ' \
                            #        '{1}'.format(self.log_fpath, self.runner_fpath)
                            log.debug("submitting job " + str(self.i))
                            res = cmdline("qsub", parameters=cmdl.split())()
                            log.debug("submitted, res = " + str(res))
                            return res

                    blast_jobs = []
                    i, i_recs = 1, []
                    for rec in SeqIO.parse(fasta_to_blast, "fasta"):
                        if len(i_recs) > num_seqs_for_one_job:
                            blast_job = BlastJob(i)
                            SeqIO.write(i_recs, blast_job.prot_fpath, "fasta")
                            i, i_recs = i + 1, []
                    if i_recs:
                        blast_job = BlastJob(i)
                        SeqIO.write(i_recs, blast_job.prot_fpath, "fasta")

                    for bj in blast_jobs:
                        res = bj.submit()
                        if res != 0:
                            log.info("qsub returned exit code " + str(res))
                            return res

                    results_script_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, "collect_blasted" + ".sh")
                    collect_log_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, "collect_blasted.log")
                    if isfile(collect_log_fpath):
                    with open(results_script_fpath, "w") as f:
                        f.write("touch " + collect_log_fpath + "\n")

                    cmdl = "-hold_jid {0} -S /bin/bash -cwd -j y -q batch.q {1}".format(
                        ",".join(j.job_name for j in blast_jobs), realpath(results_script_fpath)
                    log.debug("wating for jobs...")
                    res = cmdline("qsub", parameters=cmdl.split())()
                    if res != 0:
                        return res

                    log.info("Waiting for blast jobs to finish...")
                    while not isfile(collect_log_fpath):
                    log.info("All blast finished, proceeding.")

                    # cat_params = ''
                    ok = True
                    for bj in blast_jobs:
                        if not verify_file(bj.out_fpath):
                            ok = False
                            log.debug(bj.out_fpath + " exists, ok")
                        # cat_params += ' ' + bj.prot_fpath
                    if not ok:
                        return 3

                    # res = cmdline('cat',
                    #               parameters=cat_params,
                    #               stdout=blast_out)
                    with open(blast_out, "w") as out:
                        for bj in blast_jobs:
                            with open(bj.out_fpath) as bjout:

                    if not verify_file(blast_out):
                        log.debug(blast_out + " not exist, return 4")
                        return 4
                    print res
                    if res != 0:
                        return res

        if new_good_proteomes:
            log.info("   Appending " + config.blast_out + "_2 to " + config.blast_out)

            with open(config.blast_out, "a") as b_out:
                with open(config.blast_out + "_2") as b_out_2:
        return res
Пример #5
    def _run(starting_from_here=False):
        fasta_to_blast = new_good_proteomes or config.good_proteins
        blast_out = config.blast_out + '_2' if new_good_proteomes else config.blast_out

        res = 10
        if not on_cluster:
            # threads
            res = _blast(fasta_to_blast, blast_out, threads=max_jobs)

            qsub = which('qsub')
            if not qsub:
                log.warn('No qsub in system: running multuthreaded')
                res = _blast(fasta_to_blast, blast_out, threads=max_jobs)
                total_seqs = sum(1 for _ in SeqIO.parse(fasta_to_blast, 'fasta'))
                num_seqs_for_one_job = max(500, total_seqs/max_jobs)
                num_jobs = total_seqs/num_seqs_for_one_job or 1
                # num_seqs_for_one_job = total_seqs/2  # DEBUG
                # num_jobs = 2                         # DEBUG

                if num_jobs == 1:
                    # one single threaded run
                    res = _blast(fasta_to_blast, blast_out, threads=1)

                    # jobs
                    timestamp = str(datetime.now()).replace('-', '_').replace(':', '_').replace(' ', '_')

                    log.info('Splitting data for ' + str(num_jobs) + ' cluster jobs.')

                    class BlastJob:
                        def __init__(self, i):
                            self.i = i
                            self.job_name = workflow_id + '_' + timestamp + '_' + str(i)
                            self.prot_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, 'proteins_' + str(i) + '.fasta')
                            self.out_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, 'blasted_part_' + str(i) + '.tsv')
                            self.log_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, 'run_blast_' + str(i) + '.log')
                            self.runner_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, 'run_blast_' + str(i) + '.sh')
                            cmd = ('blastp ' +
                                   ' '.join(map(str, _blast_basic_params)) +
                                   ' -query ' + realpath(self.prot_fpath) +
                                   ' -out ' + realpath(self.out_fpath))
                            with open(self.runner_fpath, 'w') as f:
                                f.write('. /etc/profile.d/modules.sh\n')
                                f.write('module load blast\n')
                                f.write(cmd + '\n')

                        def submit(self):
                            cmdl = '-pe pe_smp 1 -S /bin/bash -cwd -j y -q batch.q -N {0} -o {1} ' \
                                   '{2}'.format(self.job_name, realpath(self.log_fpath), realpath(self.runner_fpath))
                            # cmdl = '-pe pe_smp 1 -S /bin/bash -cwd -j y -o {0} -q batch.q ' \
                            #        '{1}'.format(self.log_fpath, self.runner_fpath)
                            log.debug('submitting job ' + str(self.i))
                            res = cmdline('qsub', parameters=cmdl.split())()
                            log.debug('submitted, res = ' + str(res))
                            return res

                    blast_jobs = []
                    i, i_recs = 1, []
                    for rec in SeqIO.parse(fasta_to_blast, 'fasta'):
                        if len(i_recs) > num_seqs_for_one_job:
                            blast_job = BlastJob(i)
                            SeqIO.write(i_recs, blast_job.prot_fpath, 'fasta')
                            i, i_recs = i + 1, []
                    if i_recs:
                        blast_job = BlastJob(i)
                        SeqIO.write(i_recs, blast_job.prot_fpath, 'fasta')

                    for bj in blast_jobs:
                        res = bj.submit()
                        if res != 0:
                            log.info('qsub returned exit code ' + str(res))
                            return res

                    results_script_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, 'collect_blasted' + '.sh')
                    collect_log_fpath = join(config.intermediate_dir, 'collect_blasted.log')
                    if isfile(collect_log_fpath):
                    with open(results_script_fpath, 'w') as f:
                        f.write('touch ' + collect_log_fpath + '\n')

                    cmdl = '-hold_jid {0} -S /bin/bash -cwd -j y -q batch.q {1}'.format(
                        ','.join(j.job_name for j in blast_jobs), realpath(results_script_fpath))
                    log.debug('wating for jobs...')
                    res = cmdline('qsub', parameters=cmdl.split())()
                    if res != 0:
                        return res

                    log.info('Waiting for blast jobs to finish...')
                    while not isfile(collect_log_fpath):
                    log.info('All blast finished, proceeding.')

                    # cat_params = ''
                    ok = True
                    for bj in blast_jobs:
                        if not verify_file(bj.out_fpath):
                            ok = False
                            log.debug(bj.out_fpath + ' exists, ok')
                        # cat_params += ' ' + bj.prot_fpath
                    if not ok:
                        return 3

                    # res = cmdline('cat',
                    #               parameters=cat_params,
                    #               stdout=blast_out)
                    with open(blast_out, 'w') as out:
                        for bj in blast_jobs:
                            with open(bj.out_fpath) as bjout:

                    if not verify_file(blast_out):
                        log.debug(blast_out + ' not exist, return 4')
                        return 4
                    print res
                    if res != 0:
                        return res

        if new_good_proteomes:
            log.info('   Appending ' + config.blast_out + '_2 to ' + config.blast_out)

            with open(config.blast_out, 'a') as b_out:
                with open(config.blast_out + '_2') as b_out_2:
        return res