def footPrintCost(self, robot_pose, footprint_points): #if (footprint_points == None): # footprint_points = self.mapBaseFootprint cell = utils.worldToMap(robot_pose, self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) if (not cell): return -3.0 line_cost = 0.0 footprint_cost = 0.0 for i in range(len(footprint_points) - 1): # get first point p1 = utils.worldToMap(footprint_points[i], self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) if (p1 == None): return -3.0 # get last ppoint pLast = utils.worldToMap(footprint_points[i + 1], self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) if (pLast == None): return -3.0 # form a line and see if any point along line is affected line_cost = self.lineCost(p1, pLast) footprint_cost = max(line_cost, footprint_cost) if (line_cost < 0): return line_cost # get first point p1 = utils.worldToMap(footprint_points[-1], self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) if (p1 == None): return -3.0 # get last ppoint pLast = utils.worldToMap(footprint_points[0], self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) if (pLast == None): return -3.0 # form a line and see if any point along line is affected line_cost = self.lineCost(p1, pLast) footprint_cost = max(line_cost, footprint_cost) if (line_cost < 0): return line_cost return footprint_cost
def footprintWorldToMap(self, worldFootprint): mapFootprint = set() for point in worldFootprint: print(point) cell = utils.worldToMap(point, self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) if cell not in mapFootprint: mapFootprint.add(cell) return mapFootprint
def footPrintCostRadius(self, robot_pos): #print("Robot base: ", self.robotRadiusInCells) cur_pos = utils.worldToMap(robot_pos, self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution()) #print(cur_pos) grid = self.getBinnedGrid() #dont use raw grid for this #print(self.mapBaseFootprint) for x in self.mapBaseFootprint: temp = [0, 0] temp[0] = x[0] + cur_pos[0] temp[1] = x[1] + cur_pos[1] if (temp[0] >= len(grid) or temp[0] < 0 or temp[1] >= len(grid[0]) or temp[1] < 0): #print("Invalid point") return -3.0 if (grid[temp[0]][temp[1]] != 0): #print("Invalid point") return -3.0 return 0.0
def getfrontier(mapData, botPos, binned_grid): print("Getting frontiers") data = w = h = #print("Map height: ", h) #print("Map width: ", w) resolution = Xstartx = Xstarty = checkOcc = np.uint8(np.array(data).reshape(h, w)) #element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(ERODE_PIXELS,ERODE_PIXELS)) #img4 = cv2.erode(binned_grid,element) #return binned_grid #ret,img2 = cv2.threshold(checkOcc,2,255,0) #This should always be thicker, cuz it' the one being minused off. On the other hand, the canny output cant be too thick cuz that's the one that remains element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (DILATE_PIXELS, DILATE_PIXELS)) img4 = cv2.dilate(binned_grid, element) #return img4 100, 350, 50,350 canny_output = cv2.Canny( checkOcc, 25, 350 ) #cv2.Canny(checkOcc, 225, 250)#cv2.Canny(checkOcc, 100, 150), 125, 350 25,350 #cv2.Canny(checkOcc, 225, 250) #works on gazebo element = cv2.getStructuringElement( cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (2, 2) ) #(3,3) maybe too thick so may produce random spots. Thicker may form longer contoues but that isn't priority. Correctness is priority # (1,1) looks clean but calculating moments inaccurate, will result in [0,0] cuz not enclosed #(2,2) abit thick but abit no choice ah. Is there better ways to find moments? # Possibility: (2,2) for moments, (1,1) for final #Correction: Those white spots appear anyways even with 2,2 thick_canny_output = cv2.dilate(canny_output, element) # thick_canny_output = edge_output #return canny_output #getUnknownEdgesGrid(checkOcc,canny_output,w,h) edge_output = getUnknownEdgesGrid2(thick_canny_output, img4, w, h) #to surpress small frontiers? # # This link kinda prompts the possiblity of making my own kernel # """ element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS,(3,3)) edge_output = cv2.dilate(edge_output,element) element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(3,3)) #(2,2) edge_output = cv2.erode(edge_output,element) """ kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(shape=cv2.MORPH_RECT, ksize=(2, 2)) #(3,3) edge_output = cv2.morphologyEx(edge_output, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) #return edge_output contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edge_output, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # erode abit so that can see the exact frontier? Not exacly working #element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(2,2)) #MORPH_ELLIPSE,(1,1),MORPH_CROSS #edge_output = cv2.erode(edge_output,element) #main_contour = contours[3] #contoured_image = cv2.drawContours(edge_output, [main_contour], 0, (0,255,0), 1) contoured_image = cv2.drawContours( edge_output, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), 1) #when it outputs 0,0 means failed to find moment? #return contoured_image all_pts = [] all_world_pts = [] #print(len(contours)) if len(contours) > 0: for i in range(0, len(contours)): cnt = contours[i] #print("Cnt: ", cnt) M = cv2.moments(cnt) cx = int(M['m10'] / (M['m00'] + 1e-5)) cy = int(M['m01'] / (M['m00'] + 1e-5)) if (cx == 0 and cy == 0): #discard frontier continue xr = cx * resolution + Xstartx yr = cy * resolution + Xstarty pt = [np.array((cy, cx))] w_pt = Point() w_pt.x = xr w_pt.y = yr #w_pt = [np.array((xr,yr))] if len(all_pts) > 0: all_pts = np.vstack([all_pts, pt]) all_world_pts.append(w_pt) #all_world_pts = np.vstack([all_world_pts,w_pt]) else: all_pts = pt all_world_pts = [w_pt] #print(all_pts) res = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) for points in all_pts: res[points[0]][points[1]] = 255 #print("World origin: ", Xstartx, Xstarty) """ for world_points in all_world_pts: print(world_points[0], " ", world_points[1]) """ #print("Bot position in map: ", botPos) mBotPos = utils.worldToMap(botPos,, resolution) #print("Bot position in cells: ", mBotPos[0], mBotPos[1]) #print("Bot position in map again: ", utils.mapToWorld2(mBotPos,,resolution)) res[mBotPos[0]][mBotPos[1]] = 255 #just for makring positions element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (7, 7)) #5,5 3,3 res = cv2.dilate(res, element) contoured_image += res element = cv2.getStructuringElement( cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5)) #5,8,5MORPH_CROSS, MORPH_ELLIPSE (1,1), (2,2) img5 = cv2.dilate(binned_grid, element) return contoured_image, all_pts, all_world_pts, mBotPos, binned_grid, img5 #img4,binned_grid,canny_output,thick_canny_output, img5
def worldToMap(self, point): return utils.worldToMap(point, self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution())
def setRobotPoseCell(self, robot_pose_pos): self._robot_cell_pose = utils.worldToMap(robot_pose_pos, self.getMapOrigin(), self.getMapResolution())