def test_write_read_files(self): '''test_write_read_files will test the functions write_file and read_file ''' print("Testing utils.write_file...") from utils import write_file import json tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os.remove(tmpfile) write_file(tmpfile, "hello!") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tmpfile)) print("Testing utils.read_file...") from utils import read_file content = read_file(tmpfile)[0] self.assertEqual("hello!", content) from utils import write_json print("Testing utils.write_json...") print("Case 1: Providing bad json") bad_json = {"Wakkawakkawakka'}": [{True}, "2", 3]} tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os.remove(tmpfile) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: write_json(bad_json, tmpfile) print("Case 2: Providing good json") good_json = {"Wakkawakkawakka": [True, "2", 3]} tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os.remove(tmpfile) write_json(good_json, tmpfile) content = json.load(open(tmpfile, 'r')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, dict)) self.assertTrue("Wakkawakkawakka" in content)
def get_seeding(self) -> None: """ Get seeding link from common crawl using seeding detail """ self.get_seeding_links(self.links) write_json(self.final_seed, "seeding_final_data.json") print("Done saving seeding file !!!")
def __init__(self, config_name): self.config_name = config_name self.config = read_json(self.config_name) # set save_dir where trained models and log will be saved save_dir = Path(self.config['trainer']['save_dir']) experiment_name = self.config['name'] run_id ='%m%d_%H%M%S') self.save_dir = save_dir / 'models' / experiment_name / run_id self.log_dir = save_dir / 'logs' / experiment_name / run_id # make directory for saving checkpoints and log exist_ok = False self.save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok) self.log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok) # save updated config file to the checkpoint dir write_json(self.config, self.save_dir / 'config.json') # configure logging module setup_logging(self.log_dir) self.log_levels = { 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG }
def _gen_vocab(self): word_counter = Counter() for sent in['question']: word_counter.update( [word for word in jieba.cut(sent) if]) write_json(word_counter, self.config['vocab_path']) return word_counter
def create(): print("==========\nArgs:{}\n==========".format(args)) print( "Goal: randomly split data for {} times, {:.1%} for training and the rest for testing" .format(args.num_splits, args.train_percent)) print("Loading dataset from {}".format(args.dataset)) dataset = h5py.File(args.dataset, 'r') keys = dataset.keys() num_videos = len(keys) num_train = int(math.ceil(num_videos * args.train_percent)) num_test = num_videos - num_train print( "Split breakdown: # total videos {}. # train videos {}. # test videos {}" .format(num_videos, num_train, num_test)) splits = [] for split_idx in range(args.num_splits): train_keys, test_keys = split_random(keys, num_videos, num_train) splits.append({ 'train_keys': train_keys, 'test_keys': test_keys, }) saveto = osp.join(args.save_dir, args.save_name + '.json') write_json(splits, saveto) print("Splits saved to {}".format(saveto)) dataset.close()
def get_token(**kwargs): token = kwargs.get("token") or read_json(PLEX_TOKEN_PATH).get("token") if token: return token token = plex_token_auth(kwargs["login"], kwargs["password"]) write_json({"token": token}, PLEX_TOKEN_PATH) return token
def save_configuration_overrides(self): """ Saving the configuration file Any updates that have been made to either the integration location or the logging location. Users have the option to have this so the next time the UI is loaded, it will load these values by default """ _logging_location = self.configuration_widgets.logging_location_label.text( ).replace('Logging Location: ', '') _output_location = self.configuration_widgets.integrate_location_label.text( ).replace('Output Location: ', '') _DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'loggingLocation': self.configuration_widgets.logging_location_label.text().replace( 'Logging Location: ', ''), 'outputLocation': self.configuration_widgets.integrate_location_label.text().replace( 'Output Location: ', ''), 'loggingStatus': 'True' if self.configuration_widgets.logging_status_checkBox.isChecked() else 'False' } write_json(_DEFAULT_CONFIG)
def main(args): output_dir = args.output_dir mkdir_if_missing(osp.join(args.output_dir, 'cam_0')) mkdir_if_missing(osp.join(args.output_dir, 'cam_1')) num_identities = 971 identities = [0] * num_identities for i in xrange(num_identities): p_images = [[], []] for j in xrange(4): cam_id = j // 2 src_file = '{:04d}{:03d}.png'.format(i + 1, j + 1) tgt_file = 'cam_{}/{:05d}_{:05d}.png'.format(cam_id, i, j % 2) shutil.copy(osp.join(args.cuhk01_dir, src_file), osp.join(args.output_dir, tgt_file)) p_images[cam_id].append(tgt_file) identities[i] = p_images # Save meta information into a json file meta = {'name': 'cuhk01', 'shot': 'multiple', 'num_cameras': 2} meta['identities'] = identities write_json(meta, osp.join(output_dir, 'meta.json')) # Randomly create a training and test split num = len(identities) pids = np.random.permutation(num) trainval_pids = sorted(pids[:num // 2]) test_pids = sorted(pids[num // 2:]) split = { 'trainval': trainval_pids, 'test_probe': test_pids, 'test_gallery': test_pids } write_json(split, osp.join(output_dir, 'split.json'))
def post(self): config_data = utils.read_json_data(self.config_file) if not config_data: abort(404, message="No valid config file found.") args = config_parser.parse_args() args_dict = dict(args) for key in args_dict: if not args_dict[key]: continue if not key in config_data: abort(404, message="Category {} is not valid.".format(key)) pair = args_dict[key].split(':') if not len(pair) == 2: abort( 404, message= "No valid config value provided. Format is str(parameter:value)." ) config_data[key][pair[0]] = pair[1] utils.write_json(config_data, self.config_file) return config_data, 200
def main(): config = utils.read_json("config/config.json") artist_name = config["artist_name"] mongo_driver = MongoDBDriver(config["mongodb"]) chord_collector = UltimateGuitarCollector(config["ultimate_guitar"]) genius_collector = GeniusCollector(config["genius"]) spotify_collector = SpotifyCollector(config["spotify"]) genius_df = genius_collector.collect(config["artist_id"], store_json=True) spotify_df = spotify_collector.collect(artist_name, config["album_blacklist"], store_json=True) left_key = spotify_df["name"].apply(utils.simplify_str) right_key = genius_df["title"].apply(utils.simplify_str) df = pd.merge(spotify_df, genius_df, how='left', left_on=left_key, right_on=right_key, suffixes=("_spotify", "_genius")).drop(columns=["key_0", "title"]) df = df.fillna("") df["artist"] = artist_name df["chords"] = df.apply( lambda x: chord_collector.collect(artist_name, x["name"]), axis=1) # mongo_driver.clean_db() # mongo_driver.add_discography(artist_name, df) utils.write_json("data/data.json", df.to_dict("records"))
def __init__(self, config, resume=None, run_id=None): """ class to parse configuration json file. Handles hyperparameters for training, initializations of modules, checkpoint saving and logging module. :param config: Dict containing configurations, hyperparameters for training. contents of `config.json` file for example. :param resume: String, path to the checkpoint being loaded. :param run_id: Unique Identifier for training processes. Used to save checkpoints and training log. Timestamp is being used as default """ self._config = config self.resume = resume if self.config['trainer']['save_dir'] == '': return = self.config['name'] self.run_id = run_id if run_id is None: self.run_id = r'%m%d_%H%M%S') # use timestamp as default run-id self.result_dir = Path(self.config['trainer']['save_dir']) self.save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save updated config file to the checkpoint dir write_json(self.config, self.save_dir / 'config.json') # configure logging module setup_logging(self.log_dir, log_config='src/logger/logger_config.json')
async def create(ctx, game, time, *args): if game not in game_format: await ctx.send(em.get("select_game")) return elif not (pattern.match(time)): await ctx.send(em.get("time")) return elif len(args) != len(set(lowercase_players(args))): await ctx.send(em.get("duplicate_player")) return elif len(args) >= max_players.get(game): await ctx.send(em.get("too_many_players")) return server_id = str( data = read_json("src/teams.json") players = [] if len(args) > 0: for p in args: players.append(p) if server_id in data: server_teams = data.get(server_id) count = len(server_teams) id = int(server_teams[count - 1].get("id")) + 1 if count > 0 else 1 new_team = {"id": id, "game": game, "time": time, "players": players} server_teams.append(new_team) else: id = 1 new_team = {"id": 1, "game": game, "time": time, "players": players} data[server_id] = [new_team] write_json(data) await ctx.send("Created Team {}.".format(id)) await ctx.send(embed=embed_team(new_team))
def __init__(self, config, resume=None, modification=None, run_id=None): """ class to parse configuration json file. Handles hyperparameters for training, initializations of modules, checkpoint saving and logging module. :param config: Dict containing configurations, hyperparameters for training. contents of `config.json` file for example. :param resume: String, path to the checkpoint being loaded. :param modification: Dict keychain:value, specifying position values to be replaced from config dict. :param run_id: Unique Identifier for training processes. Used to save checkpoints and training log. Timestamp is being used as default """ # load config file and apply modification self._config = _update_config(config, modification) self.resume = resume # set save_dir where trained model and log will be saved. save_dir = Path(self.config['save_dir']) exper_name = self.config['name'] if run_id is None: # use timestamp as default run-id run_id ='%m%d_%H%M%S') if resume is None: self._save_dir = save_dir / 'models' / exper_name / run_id else: self._save_dir = resume.parent self._log_dir = save_dir / 'log' / exper_name / run_id self.save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save updated config file to the checkpoint dir write_json(self.config, self.save_dir / 'config.json') self.log_levels = { 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG }
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Available Parameters:") parser.add_argument("--n_hidden_units", default=64, type=int) parser.add_argument("--n_hidden_layers", default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument("--train_epochs", default=100, type=int) parser.add_argument("--write_output", default=True, type=bool) args = parser.parse_args() torch.manual_seed(0) np.random.seed(0) profiles = pd.read_csv("../data/new_profiles_200t.csv") comments = pd.read_csv("../data/new_comments_200t.csv") comments = comments.drop_duplicates() profiles = preprocessing.categorical_to_numerical(profiles, col="category_1") all_users = set(profiles.profile_username.values) data = preprocessing.scale(profiles.drop(columns=["category_1", "profile_username"]).values) name_to_record = {name: record for name, record in zip(all_users, data)} input_dim, output_dim = data.shape[1], len(profiles.category_1.unique()) + 1 user_to_label = {user: category for user, category in profiles[["profile_username", "category_1"]].values} K = 5 skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=K) models_metrics, models_histories = defaultdict(dict), defaultdict(list) for kth_fold, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(skf.split(profiles.profile_username.values, profiles.category_1.values), start=1): print("Starting {}th Fold".format(kth_fold)) authors = profiles.profile_username.values username_to_index = utils.get_users_indices(authors) interactions = utils.get_interactions(comments, username_to_index) edge_index = utils.get_edge_index(interactions) x = utils.get_x(authors, name_to_record, input_dim=input_dim) y = utils.get_y(user_to_label, authors) train_mask = [True if i in train_idx else False for i in range(len(x))] test_mask = [True if i in test_idx else False for i in range(len(x))] device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') data = Data(x=x, y=y, edge_index=edge_index, train_mask=train_mask, test_mask=test_mask).to(device) assert len(x)==len(y), "Train Input and Output tensor do not have the same dimensions" models = utils.get_models(data.num_nodes, input_dim, output_dim, args.n_hidden_units, args.n_hidden_layers, device=device, lr=0.005) histories = utils.train(data, models, epochs=args.train_epochs) models_histories = utils.update_histories(models_histories, histories) current_metrics = utils.test(data, models) utils.update_metrics_dict(models_metrics, current_metrics) print('\n') models_histories = {model: list(history/K) for model, history in models_histories.items()} # Get mean traces models_metrics = utils.calculate_statistics(models_metrics) if args.write_output: utils.write_json("../data/results/models_metrics_{}e_{}l_{}u.json".format(args.train_epochs, args.n_hidden_layers, args.n_hidden_units), models_metrics) utils.write_json("../data/results/models_histories_{}e_{}l_{}u.json".format(args.train_epochs, args.n_hidden_layers, args.n_hidden_units), models_histories)
def parse_organism_ppi(org, ppi_path, node_path, edge_path): with open(ppi_path, 'r') as index: # list of all protein codes nodes = set() # list of all protein interactions edges = [] while True: line = index.readline() if line == '': break elif line[:(len(org))] != org: continue line = line.strip() words = line.split() prot1 = words[0] prot2 = words[1] score = words[2] if int(score) > cs.INTERACTION_THR: nodes.add(prot1) nodes.add(prot2) edges.append(words) utils.write_json(list(nodes), node_path) utils.write_json(edges, edge_path)
def final_grades(ctx, term): mytru.login(ctx) classes = mytru.extract_final_grades(ctx, term) old = read_json('final_grades') diff = jsondiff.diff(old, json.loads(json.dumps(classes))) if diff: write_json('final_grades', classes) click.echo("Changes detected! Current standings:\n{}".format( mytru.format_final_grades(classes))) if # Email mode detected if not ctx.obj.sendgrid_api_key: logging.error( "No api key provided for SendGrid! Please specify " "a --sendgrid-api-key") end(ctx, status=1) response = sendgrid_send_email( ctx.obj.sendgrid_api_key, ctx.obj.sender,, 'mytruCLI: Changes in Final Grades detected', "Current results:\n {}\n\n Difference:\n {}".format( mytru.format_final_grades(classes), diff)) else: click.echo('No changes detected.') end(ctx, status=0)
def _process_dir(self, dir_path, json_path, relabel): if osp.exists(json_path): print("=> {} generated before, awesome!".format(json_path)) split = read_json(json_path) return split['tracklets'] print( "=> Automatically generating split (might take a while for the first time, have a coffe)" ) pdirs = glob.glob(osp.join(dir_path, '*')) # avoid .DS_Store print("Processing '{}' with {} person identities".format( dir_path, len(pdirs))) pid_container = set() for pdir in pdirs: pid = int(osp.basename(pdir)) pid_container.add(pid) pid2label = {pid: label for label, pid in enumerate(pid_container)} tracklets = [] for pdir in pdirs: pid = int(osp.basename(pdir)) if relabel: pid = pid2label[pid] tdirs = glob.glob(osp.join(pdir, '*')) for tdir in tdirs: raw_img_paths = glob.glob(osp.join(tdir, '*.jpg')) num_imgs = len(raw_img_paths) if num_imgs < self.min_seq_len: continue img_paths = [] for img_idx in range(num_imgs): # some tracklet starts from 0002 instead of 0001 img_idx_name = 'F' + str(img_idx + 1).zfill(4) res = glob.glob( osp.join(tdir, '*' + img_idx_name + '*.jpg')) if len(res) == 0: print( "Warn: index name {} in {} is missing, jump to next" .format(img_idx_name, tdir)) continue img_paths.append(res[0]) img_name = osp.basename(img_paths[0]) if img_name.find('_') == -1: # old naming format: 0001C6F0099X30823.jpg camid = int(img_name[5]) - 1 else: # new naming format: 0001_C6_F0099_X30823.jpg camid = int(img_name[6]) - 1 img_paths = tuple(img_paths) tracklets.append((img_paths, pid, camid)) print("Saving split to {}".format(json_path)) split_dict = { 'tracklets': tracklets, } write_json(split_dict, json_path) return tracklets
def outputs_to_json(file_path, dataset, classif, c_value=None): """ Create json file for visualization""" file_path = file_path.format(dataset, classif) results = np.load(file_path).item() if c_value is not None and not isinstance(c_value, list): c_value = [c_value] elif c_value is None: c_value = results.keys() for c_val in c_value: conf_mats = results[c_val]["confusions"]["train"] to_json = {"points":[], "P":int(conf_mats[0][1].sum()), "N":int(conf_mats[0][0].sum()), "beta":1.0, "C":c_val, "dataset":dataset, "classif":classif} for conf_i, conf_mat in enumerate(conf_mats): to_json["points"].append({"t":float(results[c_val]["t_values"][conf_i]), "fp":int(conf_mat[0, 1]), "fn":int(conf_mat[1, 0])}) utils.write_json("%s_C%s.json"%(file_path.replace(".npy", ""), str(c_val).replace(".", "")), to_json)
def test_write_read_files(self): '''test_write_read_files will test the functions write_file and read_file ''' print("Testing utils.write_file...") from utils import write_file import json tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os.remove(tmpfile) write_file(tmpfile,"hello!") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tmpfile)) print("Testing utils.read_file...") from utils import read_file content = read_file(tmpfile)[0] self.assertEqual("hello!",content) from utils import write_json print("Testing utils.write_json...") print("Case 1: Providing bad json") bad_json = {"Wakkawakkawakka'}":[{True},"2",3]} tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os.remove(tmpfile) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: write_json(bad_json,tmpfile) print("Case 2: Providing good json") good_json = {"Wakkawakkawakka":[True,"2",3]} tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] os.remove(tmpfile) write_json(good_json,tmpfile) content = json.load(open(tmpfile,'r')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(content,dict)) self.assertTrue("Wakkawakkawakka" in content)
async def add(ctx, id, *args): server_id = str( data = read_json("src/teams.json") for t in data[server_id]: if str(t.get("id")) == id: players = t.get("players") lc_players = lowercase_players(players) if not in lc_players: await ctx.send(em.get("non_member")) elif len(players) == max_players.get(t.get("game")): await ctx.send(em.get("team_full")) elif len(args) != len(set(lowercase_players(args))): await ctx.send(em.get("duplicate_player")) elif len(args) + len(players) > max_players.get(t.get("game")): await ctx.send(em.get("too_many_players")) else: new_players = [] for p in args: if p.lower() not in lc_players: players.append(p) new_players.append(p) else: await ctx.send("{} is already part of the team!".format(p)) write_json(data) if len(new_players) > 0: await ctx.send( "{} have been added to Team {}.".format( ", ".join(new_players), id ) ) if len(new_players) > 1 else await ctx.send( "{} has been added to Team {}.".format(new_players[0], id) ) await ctx.send(embed=embed_team(t)) return await ctx.send(em.get("team_not_found"))
def parse_organism_seq(org, in_path=cs.STRING_PATH, out_path=cs.JSON_PATH): seq_name = '{}.protein.sequences.v10.5.fa'.format(org) pseq_name = '{}_parsed_sequences.json'.format(org) seq_path = utils.join_path(in_path, seq_name) pseq_path = utils.join_path(out_path, pseq_name) with open(seq_path, 'r') as index: # list of all protein sequences proteins = [] prt = '' seq = '' while True: line = index.readline() line = line.strip() if line == '': proteins.append({'code': prt, 'sequence': seq}) break elif line[0] == '>': proteins.append({'code': prt, 'sequence': seq}) prt = line[1:] seq = '' else: seq += line utils.write_json(proteins, pseq_path)
def process_images(): hists = read_json() latest = int(max(hists.keys() if hists.keys() else 0, 1)) max_ = max(10001, latest + 1000) for i in range(latest, max_): hists[i] = list(test_main(f'data/corel10K/{i}.jpg')) write_json(hists)
def _validate_and_prepare_dir(self, app_dir_path, undo_ops, python_exe): results = run_installed_tests_as_subprocess(app_dir_path, self.django_settings_module, python_exe_path=python_exe, read_config_file=False) if len(results.error_messages)>0: for error in results.error_messages: logger.error("ERROR>> %s" % error) if len(results.warning_messages)>0: for warning in results.warning_messages: logger.warning("WARNING>> %s" % warning) results.print_final_status_message(logger) if results.get_return_code() != SUCCESS_RC: return results.get_return_code() config = django_config_from_validation_results(self.django_settings_module, VERSION, results) write_json(config.to_json(), os.path.join(app_dir_path, DJANGO_CFG_FILENAME)) # undo the changes we made for (op_fun, args) in undo_ops: op_fun(*args) # delete all the .pyc files find_files(app_dir_path, "\.pyc$", os.remove) # (re)create the archive if self.archive_type == "zip": archive = ZipfileHandler(self.archive_file, "w") else: archive = TarfileHandler(self.archive_file, "w:gz") archive.create_new_from_dir(app_dir_path) archive.close() return SUCCESS_RC
def __init__(self, args, options='', timestamp=True): # parse default and custom cli options for opt in options: args.add_argument(*opt.flags, default=None, type=opt.type) args = args.parse_args() self._name = None if hasattr(args, 'device'): if args.device: os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.device self.cfg_fname = None if hasattr(args, 'resume'): if args.resume: self.resume = Path(args.resume) if hasattr(args, 'config') and args.config is not None: self.cfg_fname = Path(args.config) else: self.cfg_fname = self.resume.parent / 'config.json' if self.cfg_fname is None: if hasattr(args, 'config'): msg_no_cfg = "Configuration file need to be specified. Add '-c config.json', for example." assert args.config is not None, msg_no_cfg self.resume = None self.cfg_fname = Path(args.config) if hasattr(args, 'name'): if self._name = str( # load config file and apply custom cli options config = read_json(self.cfg_fname) self._config = _update_config(config, options, args) # set save_dir where trained model and log will be saved. save_dir = Path(self.config['trainer']['save_dir']) timestamp = r'%d%m%y_%H%M%S') if timestamp else '' exper_name = self.config['name'] self._save_dir = save_dir / 'models' / exper_name / timestamp self._log_dir = save_dir / 'log' / exper_name / timestamp self._temp_dir = save_dir / 'temp' / exper_name / timestamp self.save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.temp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # save updated config file to the checkpoint dir write_json(self.config, self.save_dir / 'config.json') # configure logging module setup_logging(self.log_dir) self.log_levels = { 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG }
def __init__(self, config, resume=None, modification=None, run_id=None): """ class to parse configuration json file. Handles hyperparameters for training, initializations of modules, checkpoint saving and logging module. :param config: Dict containing configurations, hyperparameters for training. contents of `config.json` file for example. :param resume: String, path to the checkpoint being loaded. :param modification: Dict keychain:value, specifying position values to be replaced from config dict. :param run_id: Unique Identifier for training processes. Used to save checkpoints and training log. Timestamp is being used as default """ # load config file and apply modification self._config = _update_config(config, modification) self.resume = resume # set save_dir where trained model and log will be saved. save_dir = Path(self.config['trainer']['save_dir']) exper_name = self.config['name'] if run_id is None: # use timestamp as default run-id run_id ='%m%d_%H%M%S') else: run_id ='%m%d_%H%M%S') + '_' + run_id print("save dir name : {}".format(run_id)) # ZIP code [ default choice ] from utils.ZIPCODE import ZIPCODE import time import os target_path = './saved/code/' if not os.path.isdir(target_path): os.mkdir(target_path) target_name = run_id + '.zip' source_path = './' except_dir = ['saved', '__pycache__', '.ipynb_checkpoints', '.git'] except_file = ['pth'] ZIPCODE(target_path, target_name, source_path, except_dir, except_file) self._save_dir = save_dir / 'models' / exper_name / run_id self._log_dir = save_dir / 'log' / exper_name / run_id self._obj_dir = save_dir / 'obj' / exper_name / run_id # Save 3D obj # path = os.path.join('./saved','obj',exper_name,run_id) # make directory for saving checkpoints and log. exist_ok = run_id == '' self.save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok) self.log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok) self.obj_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=exist_ok) # save updated config file to the checkpoint dir write_json(self.config, self.save_dir / 'config.json') # configure logging module setup_logging(self.log_dir) self.log_levels = { 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG }
def _create_extract(dataset_id): '''Given the unique identifier for a TweetSets dataset, submits a task to generate the extracts (ID\'s, JSON, CSV) for the whole dataset and saves to local storage.''' def get_file_limits(): '''Returns the limits for each type of extract, as set in environment variables, or uses the default.''' return (app.config['MAX_PER_TXT_FILE'], app.config['MAX_PER_JSON_FILE'], app.config['MAX_PER_CSV_FILE']) def construct_path(dataset_id): '''Constructs the path to save the extract, given its unique ID, creating the directory if necessary.''' path = _dataset_path(dataset_id, full_dataset=True) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def get_tweet_count(dataset_params): '''Retrieve total count of Tweets in dataset from ES index, using the dataset ID provided as a field in dataset_params.''' search = dataset_params_to_search(dataset_params, skip_aggs=True) search_response = search.execute() return # Dataset path dataset_path = construct_path(dataset_id) # Create the minimally necessary params for this extract dataset_params = { 'tweet_type_original': 'true', 'tweet_type_quote': 'true', 'tweet_type_retweet': 'true', 'tweet_type_reply': 'true' } dataset_params.update({ 'source_dataset': dataset_id, 'dataset_name': 'full-extract-of-{}'.format(dataset_id) }) # Save to disk write_json(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'dataset_params.json'), dataset_params) # Create the task definitions keys = ['tweet_ids', 'tweet_json', 'tweet_csv'] # File limits task_defs = { key: { 'max_per_file': value } for key, value in zip(keys, get_file_limits()) } # Email for notification task_defs['requester_email'] = app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL'] # URL for extract task_defs['dataset_url'] = app.config['HOST'] # Total tweets in index total_tweets = get_tweet_count(dataset_params) task = _generate_tasks.delay(task_defs, dataset_params, total_tweets, dataset_path) generate_tasks_filepath = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'generate_tasks.json') write_json(generate_tasks_filepath, {'id':}) return
def get_timetable(self, force_parse=False): json_file = self.tt_file.with_suffix(".json") if not json_file.exists() or force_parse: self._timetable = parse_files(self.tt_file, self.midsem_file) write_json(json_file, self._timetable) else: self._timetable = read_json(json_file) return self._timetable
async def on_message_delete(self, message): id = str( if not and not user_info[id][ 'isAdmin'] and random.uniform(0, 1) < user_info[id]['luck']: await f"{}, did something suspicious") user_info[id]['lastmsg'] = message.content write_json('users.json', user_info)
def record_changed_files(pr_event, test_name): pr_processor = PrProcessor(pr_event) resp = pr_processor.setup() changed_files = pr_processor.get_changed_files() out_filename = Mockable.get_test_filename_from_test_name( test_name, CHANGED_FILES_FILENAME) write_json(changed_files, out_filename) print('Wrote changed files to %s' % out_filename)
def write_all_features(path): features = {} for config_type in config_file: features[config_type] = {} for feature_type in config_file[config_type].feature_type: features[config_type][feature_type] = list(config_file[config_type].feature_type[feature_type]) write_json(features, f'{path}config_features.json')
def main(): data = get_api_data(API_URL) articles = get_news_body(data.keys()) for k, v in articles.items(): data[k]['body'] = v write_json('api_news', data)
def execute(self): """ Loops through Trakt lists and adds each video to a json file with each collection, holiday, oscar status and tag appropriate for the video. This makes it easier to match Plex videos for updates. Example: { { "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring": { "collections": ["Middle Earth"], "nominees": ["Oscars Best Picture"] }, ... } """ movies = {} shows = {} lists = self.get_user_lists() groups = self.generate_grouped_lists(lists=lists) video_lists = groups["videos"] for list_id, list_name in video_lists.items(): list_details = self.get_list(list_id=list_id) for video in list_details: video_type = video["type"] title = "{title} ({year})".format( title=video[video_type]['title'], year=video[video_type]['year']) for trakt_tag, tag_config in settings.TRAKT_TAGS.items(): if trakt_tag != "PEOPLE": if list_name.startswith(trakt_tag): short_list_name = list_name.replace( "{trakt_tag} - ".format(trakt_tag=trakt_tag), "") if video_type == "movie": movies[title] = self._add_to_collection_dict( video=movies, title=title, list_name=short_list_name, group=tag_config["group"]) elif video_type == "show": shows[title] = self._add_to_collection_dict( video=shows, title=title, list_name=short_list_name, group=tag_config["group"]) # TODO add people process utils.write_json(group="movies", data=movies) utils.write_json(group="shows", data=shows)
def crawl_blog_posts_for_query_per_date(query, date, db_pool=None): def get_keys_from_page(query, date, pagenum): root = html.parse(listurl % (query, date, date, pagenum)) items = root.xpath('//ul[@class="list_type_1 search_list"]')[0] blog_ids = items.xpath('./input[@name="blogId"]/@value') log_nos = items.xpath('./input[@name="logNo"]/@value') times = [utils.format_datetime(utils.parse_datetime(time))\ for time in items.xpath('./li/div[@class="list_data"]/span[@class="date"]/text()')] return {(b, l): t for b, l, t in zip(blog_ids, log_nos, times)} if db_pool is None: # make directories subdir = '/'.join([DATADIR, query, date.split('-')[0]]) utils.checkdir(subdir) if REMOTE: rsubdir = '/'.join([REMOTE['dir'], query, date.split('-')[0]]) utils.rcheckdir(sftp, rsubdir) # check number of items try: nitems = get_nitems_for_query(query, date, date) except IndexError: print query, date, 'None' return # crawl items for pagenum in range(int(nitems/10.)): keys = get_keys_from_page(query, date, pagenum + 1) tags = get_tags_for_items(keys) for (blog_id, log_no), written_time in keys.items(): try: info = crawl_blog_post(blog_id, log_no, tags, written_time, verbose=False) if db_pool is None: localpath = '%s/%s.json' % (subdir, log_no) utils.write_json(info, localpath) if REMOTE: remotepath = '%s/%s.json' % (rsubdir, log_no) sftp.put(localpath, remotepath) else: db_pool.insert_blog_to_db(info) except IndexError: print Exception(\ 'Crawl failed for' % (blog_id, log_no)) time.sleep(SLEEP) overwrite_queries(query, date) print query, date, nitems
def write_routes(routes): route_list = list(routes.values()) route_list.sort(key=lambda r: (r['date'], r['name'])) data = { 'routes': route_list, } write_json(os.path.join(exec_root, '..', 'preprocessor', 'input.json'), data, { 'indent': ' ', 'item_sort_key': lambda i: [ 'name', 'date', 'link', 'terrain', 'length', 'ascent', 'difficulty', 'strenuousness', 'duration', 'water', 'food', 'terrains', 'traces', 'routes', 'trailhead'].index(i[0]), 'ensure_ascii': False, })
def process(sources, output, force): """Download sources and process the file to the output directory. \b SOURCES: Source JSON file or directory of files. Required. OUTPUT: Destination directory for generated data. Required. """ for path in utils.get_files(sources): pathparts = utils.get_path_parts(path) pathparts[0] = output.strip(os.sep) pathparts[-1] = pathparts[-1].replace('.json', '.geojson') outdir = os.sep.join(pathparts[:-1]) outfile = os.sep.join(pathparts) source = utils.read_json(path) urlfile = urlparse(source['url']).path.split('/')[-1] if not hasattr(adapters, source['filetype']): utils.error('Unknown filetype', source['filetype'], '\n') continue if os.path.isfile(outfile) and not force: utils.error('Skipping', path, 'since generated file exists.', 'Use --force to regenerate.', '\n') continue'Downloading', source['url']) try: fp =['url']) except IOError: utils.error('Failed to download', source['url'], '\n') continue'Reading', urlfile) try: geojson = getattr(adapters, source['filetype']).read(fp, source['properties']) except IOError: utils.error('Failed to read', urlfile) continue finally: os.remove( utils.make_sure_path_exists(outdir) utils.write_json(outfile, geojson) utils.success('Done. Processed to', outfile, '\n')
def parse_page(assembly_id, bill_id, meta, directory): fn = '%s/%s.json' % (directory, bill_id) d = extract_specifics(assembly_id, bill_id, meta) d['proposers'] = extract_proposers(assembly_id, bill_id) d['summaries'] = extract_summaries(assembly_id, bill_id) d['withdrawers'] = extract_withdrawers(assembly_id, bill_id) d['proposed_date'] = include(meta, bill_id, 'proposed_date') d['decision_date'] = include(meta, bill_id, 'decision_date') d['link_id'] = include(meta, bill_id, 'link_id') d['proposer_type'] = include(meta, bill_id, 'proposer_type') d['status'] = "계류" if include(meta, bill_id, 'status')==1 else "처리" utils.write_json(d, fn)
def crawl_movie(movie_id): items = [] for page_num in range(10): # limit to 100 recent ratings per movie url = MOVIEURL % (movie_id, page_num + 1) page_items, npages = crawl_rating_page(url) items.extend(page_items) if len(items)==0: return [] if page_num >= npages - 1: break if items: utils.write_json(items, '%s/%s.json' % (DATADIR, movie_id)) return items else: return []
def run(self): if self.django_settings_module: ds_mod = self.django_settings_module django_config = None else: config_file = os.path.join(self.app_dir_path, DJANGO_CFG_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(config_file): raise FileMissingError("Missing configuration file %s" % config_file) with open(config_file, "rb") as fileobj: django_config = django_config_from_json(, COMPATIBLE_PACKAGER_VERSION) ds_mod = django_config.django_settings_module results = validate_settings(self.app_dir_path, ds_mod, django_config) write_json(results.to_json(), self.results_file) results.print_final_status_message(logger) return results.get_return_code()
def identify(fondz_dir): """ Will run identification over the source bags, and write out the format report to the js/formats.json file in the fondz directory. """ results = [] src_dir = os.path.join(fondz_dir, "originals") for f in os.listdir(src_dir): data_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, f, 'data') if os.path.isdir(data_dir): results.extend(identify_dir(data_dir)) for f in results: f['path'] = os.path.relpath(f['path'], fondz_dir) formats_file = os.path.join(fondz_dir, "js", "formats.json") write_json(results, formats_file) return results
def main(filename): """ Normalize each entry found in csv filename file into standard JSON. Write to file result.out """ abspath = os.path.abspath(filename) with open(abspath) as infile: entries = [] errors = [] line_count = 0 for line in infile: try: entries.append(produce_entry(line)) except DataValueError as e: logging.error(e.err_type+"\t"+e.value) errors.append(line_count) finally: line_count += 1 entries.sort(key=lambda x: (x['lastname'], x['firstname'])) result = {'entries': entries, 'errors': errors} write_json(result, 'result.out') return entries
def run(options): # can limit it to one chamber chamber = options.get("chamber", None) if chamber and (chamber in ("house", "senate")): chambers = chamber else: chambers = ("house", "senate") load_by = options.get("load_by", None) # Load the committee metadata from the congress-legislators repository and make a # mapping from thomas_id and house_id to the committee dict. For each committee, # replace the subcommittees list with a dict from thomas_id to the subcommittee. utils.require_congress_legislators_repo() committees = {} for c in utils.yaml_load("congress-legislators/committees-current.yaml"): committees[c["thomas_id"]] = c if "house_committee_id" in c: committees[c["house_committee_id"] + "00"] = c c["subcommittees"] = dict((s["thomas_id"], s) for s in c.get("subcommittees", [])) if "senate" in chambers: print "Fetching Senate meetings..." meetings = fetch_senate_committee_meetings(committees, options) print "Writing Senate meeting data to disk." utils.write_json(meetings, output_for("senate")) if "house" in chambers: if load_by == None: print "Fetching House meetings..." meetings = fetch_house_committee_meetings(committees, options) else: print "Fetching House meetings by event_id..." meetings = fetch_meeting_from_event_id(committees, options, load_by) print "Writing House meeting data to disk." utils.write_json(meetings, output_for("house"))
def _validate_and_prepare_dir_old(self, app_dir_path, undo_ops): """Called by the subclass run() method after setting up the directory. """ results = validate_settings(app_dir_path, self.django_settings_module) if results.get_return_code() != SUCCESS_RC: results.print_final_status_message(logger) return results.get_return_code() config = django_config_from_validation_results(self.django_settings_module, VERSION, results) write_json(config.to_json(), os.path.join(app_dir_path, DJANGO_CFG_FILENAME)) # undo the changes we made for (op_fun, args) in undo_ops: op_fun(*args) # delete all the .pyc files find_files(app_dir_path, "\.pyc$", os.remove) # (re)create the archive if self.archive_type == "zip": archive = ZipfileHandler(self.archive_file, "w") else: archive = TarfileHandler(self.archive_file, "w:gz") archive.create_new_from_dir(app_dir_path) archive.close() return SUCCESS_RC
def export_place(opts, place, count): exportdir = os.path.join(opts.outdir, place) if not os.path.exists(exportdir): os.makedirs(exportdir)"export %s (%s records)" % (place, count)) dump = "%s.txt" % place path_dump = os.path.join(exportdir, dump) fh = open(path_dump, 'w') missing = "%s-nogeo.csv" % place path_missing = os.path.join(exportdir, missing) writer = csv.writer(open(path_missing, 'w')) writer.writerow(('woeid', 'name', 'iso')) point_features = {} poly_features = {} solr = pysolr.Solr(opts.solr) query = 'placetype:%s' % place start = 0 rows = 10000 while start <= count: args = { 'q': query, 'fq': '-woeid_superseded_by:*', 'rows': rows, 'start': start } rsp =**args) for doc in io = StringIO.StringIO() utils.write_json(doc, io) fh.write( + "\n") woeid = doc['woeid'] parent = doc.get('woeid_parent', -1) name = doc['name'].encode('utf8') iso = doc.get('iso', 'ZZ') # mainly aerotrpolii - needs to be fixed (20130317/straup) centroid = doc.get('centroid', None) if not centroid: writer.writerow((woeid, name, iso)) continue props = { 'name': name, 'woeid': woeid, 'parent': parent, } # Make compatible props for # at least until I can patch it to generate GeoJSON... (20130319/straup) if opts.compat: props['place_type'] = place props['woe_id'] = woeid props['label'] = name # place_id # place_ty_1 (place_type_id) lat,lon = map(float, centroid.split(',')) point = { 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': props, 'geometry': { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [ lon, lat ] }, 'id': woeid } if point_features.get(iso, False): point_features[iso].append(point) else: point_features[iso] = [ point ] geometry = None if doc.get('geometry_default', False): geometry = json.loads(doc['geometry_default']) elif doc.get('sw_corner', False): swlat,swlon = map(float, doc['sw_corner'].split(',')) nelat,nelon = map(float, doc['ne_corner'].split(',')) coords = [[ [swlon, swlat], [swlon, nelat], [nelon, nelat], [nelon, swlat], [swlon, swlat], ]] geometry = { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': coords } else: pass if not geometry: continue poly = { 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': props, 'geometry': geometry, 'id': woeid } if poly_features.get(iso, False): poly_features[iso].append(poly) else: poly_features[iso] = [ poly ] start += rows # Write points (by country) for iso, features in point_features.items(): geojson = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features } fname = "%s-%s-centroid.json" % (place, iso) path = os.path.join(exportdir, fname) fh = open(path, 'w')"write %s" % fname) utils.write_json(geojson, fh) # Write all points all_points = [] for ignore, features in point_features.items(): all_points.extend(features) geojson = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': all_points } fname = "%s-centroid.json" % (place) path = os.path.join(exportdir, fname) fh = open(path, 'w')"write %s" % fname) utils.write_json(geojson, fh) # Write polys by country for iso, features in poly_features.items(): geojson = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features } fname = "%s-%s-poly.json" % (place, iso) path = os.path.join(exportdir, fname) fh = open(path, 'w')"write %s" % fname) utils.write_json(geojson, fh) # Write all polys all_polys = [] for ignore, features in poly_features.items(): all_polys.extend(features) geojson = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': all_polys } fname = "%s-poly.json" % (place) path = os.path.join(exportdir, fname) fh = open(path, 'w')"write %s" % fname) utils.write_json(geojson, fh)
if __name__ == "__main__": # Nome do arquivo json que queremos fazer as operações json_filename = '../database_new.json' # Nome do arquivo com as urls novas que queremos adicionar no json input_filename = 'music_urls.txt' # Leitura do arquivo json. Caso não exista, retorna uma lista vazia database_array = read_json(json_filename) # Leitura do arquivo de urls urls_array = read_urls_file(input_filename) # Aqui colocamos a entrada desejada # Leitura das urls via input do usuário # urls_array = read_urls_input() # Chama a função para crawl das letras retornando uma lista de dicionários lyrics_array = crawl_lyrics(urls_array) # Adicionamos a nova lista ao final da lista de músicas que estavam # no banco de dados database_array.extend(classify_lyrics(lyrics_array)) # Escrevemos no arquivo json write_json(json_filename, database_array) # Exibimos o total de musicas por sentimento no json sentiment_count(json_filename)
def save(self): data = [{'name': self._name, 'avatar_name': self._avatar_name, 'colour': self._colour}] path = os.path.join("players", "%s.json" % self._name) u.write_json(path, data, sort_keys=True)
geom = f['geometry'] geom = shapely.geometry.asShape(geom) f['bbox'] = geom.bounds geojson = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [ f ] } woeid = f['id'] tree = utils.woeid2path(woeid) fname = "%s.json" % woeid root = os.path.join(opts.outdir, tree) path = os.path.join(root, fname) if not os.path.exists(root):"create %s" % root) os.makedirs(root)"write %s" % path) out = open(path, 'w') utils.write_json(geojson, out) logging.debug("done") sys.exit()
woeid = tmp[iso] ports = countries[woeid]"%s (%s) : %s airports" % (iso, woeid, len(ports))) writer.writerow((iso, woeid, len(ports))) csv_fh.close() # Now generate files for each country for woeid, features in countries.items(): iso = iso_codes[woeid] collection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features, 'properties': { 'woe:country': woeid, 'iso': iso } } co_path = os.path.join(metadir, "%s.json" % iso)"write %s" % co_path) co_fh = open(co_path, 'w') utils.write_json(collection, co_fh) co_fh.close()
cmd.append('') # we can leave root path empty as our file list contains absolute pathes cmd.append(list_file) cmd.append(out_dir) utils.run_command(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': print('\nConverting labels into SSD format...') convert_labels() print('\nMaking image list files...') make_train_test_file_lists() print('\nMaking training lmdb...') make_lmdb(TRAIN_FILE_LIST, TRAIN_LMDB) print('\nMaking testing lmdb...') make_lmdb(TEST_FILE_LIST, TEST_LMDB) # Save some info about prepared data to resue it in training script. utils.write_json('info.json', { 'num_classes': len(LABEL_MAP), 'img_width': TARGET_IMG_W, 'img_height': TARGET_IMG_H, 'train_img_count': TRAIN_IMG_COUNT, 'test_img_count': TEST_IMG_COUNT }) print('\nOK') print('Use "train" command key to start training session')
props[k] = v p = f['geometry'] p = shapely.geometry.asShape(p) bbox = p.bounds f['type'] = 'Feature' f['properties'] = props f['bbox'] = bbox f['id'] = props['woe_id'] geojson = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [ f ] } tree = utils.woeid2path(f['id']) fname = "%s.json" % f['id'] root = os.path.join(jsondir, tree) path = os.path.join(root, fname) if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) fh = open(path, 'w') indent = None utils.write_json(geojson, fh, indent) print path
# census_2000_energy = {} # for row in reader: # census_2000_energy[row[2]] = \ # [float(row[3]), float(row[6]), float(row[4])] # # test to see how much overlap in census blocks and print out a # # message about matching between spreadsheet block IDs and census # # block IDs # spreadsheet_blocks = set(census_2000_energy.keys()) # chicago_blocks = set(CENSUS_BLOCK_2000.keys()) # print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown blocks in spreadsheet: %s" % \ # spreadsheet_blocks.difference(chicago_blocks) # print >> sys.stderr, "# of Missing blocks in spreadsheet: %s" % \ # len(chicago_blocks.difference(spreadsheet_blocks)) # --------------------------------------------- maybe read in census information # --------------------------------------- aggregate metrics and write JSON files for zoom_level in [ NEIGHBORHOOD, ]: aggregate_dict = aggregate_metrics( zoom_level, CENSUS_BLOCK_2010, CENSUS_BLOCK_2010_INDEX, # census_2000_energy, ) write_json(aggregate_dict, None)
failures.append(path) continue finally: os.remove( if(len(geojson['features'])) == 0: utils.error("Result contained no features for " + path) continue excluded_keys = ['filetype', 'url', 'properties', 'filter', 'filenameInZip'] properties = {k:v for k,v in source.iteritems() if k not in excluded_keys} properties['source_url'] = source['url'] properties['feature_count'] = len(geojson['features']) geojson['properties'] = properties utils.make_sure_path_exists(outdir) utils.write_json(outfile, geojson)"Generating label points") label_geojson = geoutils.get_label_points(geojson) label_pathparts = list(pathparts) label_pathparts[-1] = label_pathparts[-1].replace('.geojson', '.labels.geojson') label_path = os.sep.join(label_pathparts) utils.write_json(label_path, label_geojson) utils.success('Done. Processed to', outfile, '\n') properties['path'] = "/".join(pathparts[path_parts_to_skip:]) catalog_entry = { 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': properties, 'geometry': geoutils.get_union(geojson)
def cleanup(): with open(op.join(path, "maskedfreqs.json"), mode="w") as f: utils.write_json(maskedfreqs, f)
from utils import write_json, chk_dir from ..utils.counter import get_words def make_dictionary(documents, stoplist, dictfile, jsonfile, option='batch'): if option=='batch': texts = [get_words(document, stoplist) for document in documents] tokens = [k for k, v in Counter(sum(texts, [])).items() if v>1] texts = [[word for word in text if word in tokens] for text in texts] dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts) elif option=='online': words = [[word for word in regex.findall(ur'[\p{Hangul}|\p{Latin}|\p{Han}]+', doc.lower()) if len(word)>1] for doc in documents] dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(words) stop_ids = [dictionary.token2id[stopword] for stopword in stoplist if stopword in dictionary.token2id] once_ids = [tokenid for tokenid, docfreq in dictionary.dfs.iteritems()\ if docfreq==1] dictionary.filter_tokens(stop_ids + once_ids) dictionary.compactify() else: dictionary = None write_json(dictionary.token2id, jsonfile) return dictionary
def start(self): self.status.set("Estado: -") self.leng.set("Iteración: -/- y Número: -/-") self.totaltime.set("Tiempo total: -") self.ones.set("Total de unos: -") self.types.set("Progreso: -") self.startButton.config(state = 'disabled') self.browseButton.config(state = 'disabled') self.cancelButton.config(state = 'normal') self.maxnumberSpinbox.config(state = 'disabled') self.complexSpinbox.config(state = 'disabled') if int(self.complexSpinbox.get()) in (1,2,3,4,5) and int(self.maxnumberSpinbox.get()) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) and self.completeName != "": start_time = time.time() if'.')[1] == 'csv': self.g = generator.Generator(self.maxnumberSpinbox.get(), self.complexSpinbox.get(), utils.read_csv(self.completeName), self.cancelButton, self.types) else: self.g = generator.Generator(self.maxnumberSpinbox.get(), self.complexSpinbox.get(), utils.read_json(self.completeName), self.cancelButton, self.types) self.g.count_one() self.ones.set("Total de unos: {0}".format(len(self.g.table_uno))) i = 0 while self.g.maxim > 1: i += 1 self.leng.set("Iteración: {0}/{1} y Número: {2}".format(i, self.complexSpinbox.get(), self.g.maxim)) self.status.set("Estado: Generando puzzle...") self.g.step_one() tim = utils.sec_to(int(time.time() - start_time)) self.totaltime.set("Tiempo total: {0}h:{1}m:{2}s".format(tim[0], tim[1], tim[2])) self.status.set("Estado: Aplicando condición uno...") self.g.cond_dos(1) tim = utils.sec_to(int(time.time() - start_time)) self.totaltime.set("Tiempo total: {0}h:{1}m:{2}s".format(tim[0], tim[1], tim[2])) self.status.set("Estado: Aplicando condición dos...") self.g.cond_dos(2) tim = utils.sec_to(int(time.time() - start_time)) self.totaltime.set("Tiempo total: {0}h:{1}m:{2}s".format(tim[0], tim[1], tim[2])) if self.g.maxim >= 4: self.status.set("Estado: Aplicando condición tres...") self.g.cond_dos(3) tim = utils.sec_to(int(time.time() - start_time)) self.totaltime.set("Tiempo total: {0}h:{1}m:{2}s".format(tim[0], tim[1], tim[2])) self.g.count_one() self.ones.set("Total de unos: {0}".format(len(self.g.table_uno))) if i == self.g.iters: self.g.maxim -= 1 i = 0 if'.')[1] == 'csv': utils.write_csv(self.g.table_all) else: utils.write_json(self.g.table_all) if self.g.cancel: self.status.set("Estado: Cancelado") else: self.status.set("Estado: Completado") self.g = None self.startButton.config(state = 'normal') self.browseButton.config(state = 'normal') self.cancelButton.config(state = 'disabled') self.maxnumberSpinbox.config(state = 'normal') self.complexSpinbox.config(state = 'normal')