Пример #1
    def _initInternalDict(self):

        self.dict = CachedItemDictionary()

        strings_ids = self.strings_ids.getRawData()
        instance_type = Data.getInstance(strings_ids)

        self.dict.fillPairsDict(instance_type, strings_ids,
                                lambda x: IndexedItemsValues(x.get_off()))

        type_ids = self.type_ids.getRawData()
        instance_type = Data.getInstance(type_ids)

            instance_type, type_ids,
            lambda x: IndexedItemsValues(x.get_descriptor_idx()))
Пример #2
    def saveSectionChanges(self, section):

        andro_obj = section.getAndroguardObj()
        if andro_obj:
            mapped_obj = Data.getInstance(andro_obj)
            if mapped_obj:
                # Really, what i am thinking.
                # Maybe the slowest, but i think it is unavoidable?
                # self.__map.get_item_type(TYPE_MAP_ITEM[mapped_obj.get_type()])
                # = copy.deepcopy(andro_obj)
Пример #3
    def _placeItems(self):

        elem = Data.getInstance(self.object)
        According to source code we have that sections:
        - header
        - stringids
        - typeids
        - protoids
        - fieldids
        - methodids
        - classdefs
        are extending UniformItemSection which has the following
        implementation to calculate WriteSize:
        (It is a constant independed number instead on relying on
         the class value like StringDataItem)

        public final int writeSize() {
            Collection<? extends Item> items = items();
            int sz = items.size();
            if (sz == 0) {
                return 0;
            // Since each item has to be the same size, we can pick any.
            return sz * items.iterator().next().writeSize();
        We can easily point out now that, in order to calculate the
        writesize of our section, we must first check what kind of
        class we are holding on and then, calculate the data size with
        the help of Androguard's functions.
        It is possible, due to being CPU-consuming, to perform some
        other calculations here too which are based on the kind of instance
        that self.object is pointed to.

        # TODO - Combine in an OR clause the items that have the same writesize
        # also use else if?
        if isinstance(elem, HeaderItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/HeaderItem.java#55
            self.instance_write_size = HEADER_SIZE
            self.data = self.object
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeHeaderSection

        if isinstance(elem, StringIdItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/StringIdItem.java#29
            self.instance_write_size = 4
            # Assign array of Items to .data property
            self.data = self.object
            # Set write size
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size * len(self.data)
            # set write callback
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeStringIdSection

        if isinstance(elem, TypeHIdItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/TypeIdItem.java#29
            self.instance_write_size = 4
            # Assign array of Items to .data property
            self.data = self.object.get_type()
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size * len(self.data)
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeTypeIdSection

        if isinstance(elem, ProtoHIdItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/ProtoIdItem.java#32
            self.instance_write_size = 12
            # Assign array of Items to .data property
            self.data = self.object.get_obj()
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size * len(self.data)
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeProtoIdSection

        if isinstance(elem, FieldHIdItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/MemberIdItem.java#30
            self.instance_write_size = 8
            # Assign array of Items to .data property
            self.data = self.object.get_obj()
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size * len(self.data)
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeFieldIdSection

        if isinstance(elem, MethodHIdItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/MemberIdItem.java#30
            self.instance_write_size = 8
            # Assign array of Items to .data property
            self.data = self.object.get_obj()
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size * len(self.data)
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeMethodIdSection

        if isinstance(elem, ClassHDefItem):
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/ClassDefItem.java#46
            self.instance_write_size = 32
            # Assign array of Items to .data property
            self.data = self.object.get_obj()
            self.write_size = self.instance_write_size * len(self.data)
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeClassDefSection
Пример #4
    def _placeItems(self):
        elem = Data.getInstance(self.object)
        writer_offset = 0

        if isinstance(elem, StringDataItem):
            self.data = self.object
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeStringDataSection
            # How convinient to have access to such great methods :)
            for item in self.data:
                # https://github.com/androguard/androguard/blob/v2.0/androguard/core/bytecodes/dvm.py#L1775
                off = Data.toAligned(self.alignment, writer_offset)
                # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/MixedItemSection.java#319
                # print binascii.hexlify(writeuleb128(item.get_utf16_size()))
                writer_offset = off + \
                    (len(writeuleb128(item.get_utf16_size())) +
                     len(item.get_data()) + 1)

            # With a little luck, it might work ...
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeStringDataSection

        elif isinstance(elem, ClassDataItem):
            self.data = self.object
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeClassDataSection
            for item in self.object:
                off = Data.toAligned(self.alignment, writer_offset)
                # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/MixedItemSection.java#319
                # https://github.com/androguard/androguard/blob/v2.0/androguard/core/bytecodes/dvm.py#L3167
                writer_offset = off + item.get_length()

        elif isinstance(elem, CodeItem):
            self.data = self.object.get_obj()
            # https://github.com/androguard/androguard/blob/v2.0/androguard/core/bytecodes/dvm.py#L6667
            for item in self.data:
                # We are looping through DalvikCode items
                off = Data.toAligned(self.alignment, writer_offset)
                writer_offset = off + item.get_size()

            if writer_offset != self.object.get_length():
                print '[-] Expected a total length of {0} but generated {1}'.format(
                    self.object.get_length(), writer_offset)

        elif isinstance(elem, TypeList):
            self.data = self.object
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeTypeListSection
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/TypeListItem.java#48
            self.instance_write_size = 2
            #self.write_size = len(self.data * self.instance_write_size) + 4
            for items in self.data:
                its = items.get_list()
                writer_offset += (len(its) * self.instance_write_size) + 4
            Androguard does not have at v2 functions or properties related
            to offsets.
            So, this :
            for item in self.object.get_list():
                off = Data.toAligned(writer_offset)
                item.off = off
                writer_offset = off + self.instance_write_size
            Is not necessary for now.

        elif isinstance(elem, MapList):
            self.data = self.object.map_item
            # https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+/master/dexgen/src/com/android/dexgen/dex/file/MapItem.java#32
            self.instance_write_size = 3 * 4
            self.callback = SectionWriter.writeMapItemSection
            self.write_size = len(
                self.object.get_obj()) * self.instance_write_size
            # Abuse of property - wish there was a function instead for optical
            # pleasure :/
            for item in self.data:
                off = Data.toAligned(self.alignment, writer_offset)
                # Abuse of property again :/ :/
                item.off = off
                writer_offset = off + self.instance_write_size

        # Set  write size
        if self.write_size == 0:
            self.write_size = writer_offset