Пример #1
class AssignGTtoDefaultBox(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_box = dboxes300()
        self.encoder = Encoder(self.default_box)

    def __call__(self, image, target):
        # boxes : target bounding boxes in shape [batch, n_objects, 4]
        # labels : target labels in shape [batch, n_objects]
        boxes = target['boxes']
        labels = target['labels']

        # assign ground truth to default bounding boxes
        # bboxes_out : [batch, 8732, 4]
        # labels_out : [batch, 8732]
        bboxes_out, labels_out = self.encoder.encode(boxes, labels)
        target['boxes'] = bboxes_out
        target['labels'] = labels_out

        return image, target
Пример #2
    ('Hruskova', 'Czech'),
    ('Veverka', 'Czech'),
    ('Antonopoulos', 'Greek'),
    ('Leontarakis', 'Greek'),
    ('Fujishima', 'Japanese'),
    ('Hayashi', 'Japanese'),
    ('Park', 'Korean'),
    ('Seok', 'Korean'),
    ('Álvarez', 'Spanish'),
    ('Pérez', 'Spanish'),

# Encoded dataset: a list of (input, output) pairs encoded as tensors.  The
# list is populated below.
enc_data: List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = []

# Encoding

# Create the encoder for the input characters
char_enc = Encoder(char for name, _ in data for char in name)
# Create the encoder for the output languages
lang_enc = Encoder(lang for _, lang in data)

# Encode the dataset
for name, lang in data:
    enc_inp = torch.tensor([char_enc.encode(char) for char in name])
    enc_out = torch.tensor(lang_enc.encode(lang))
    enc_data.append((enc_inp, enc_out))
def test_box_encoder():

    # np.random.seed(0)

    # source boxes
    box_list = []
    for _ in range(128):
    N, bboxes_cat, offsets, bboxes = load_bboxes(box_list, True)
    # N, bboxes_cat, offsets, bboxes = load_bboxes([b1[:2,:], b1[:2,:]])

    print(N, bboxes_cat, offsets)

    label_numpy = np.random.randn(offsets[-1]) * 10
    labels = torch.tensor(label_numpy.astype(np.int64)).cuda()

    # target boxes are default boxes from SSD
    dboxes = dboxes300_coco()
    dboxes = torch.tensor(np.array(dboxes(order='ltrb')).astype(np.float32))

    # print(dboxes[:10, :])

    start = time.time()
    bbox_out, label_out = C.box_encoder(N, bboxes_cat, offsets, labels,
                                        dboxes.cuda(), 0.5)
    end = time.time()

    cuda_time = end - start

    # print('bbox_out: {}'.format(bbox_out.shape))
    # print(bbox_out.cpu())

    # print('label_out: {}'.format(label_out.shape))
    # print(label_out.cpu())

    # reference
    dboxes = dboxes300_coco()
    encoder = Encoder(dboxes)

    labels_ref = torch.tensor(label_numpy.astype(np.int64))
    start = time.time()

    ref_boxes = []
    ref_labels = []
    for i, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
        label_slice = labels_ref[offsets[i]:offsets[i + 1]]
        bbox_ref_out, label_ref_out = encoder.encode(bbox.cpu(),
    end = time.time()
    ref_time = end - start

    ref_boxes = torch.cat(ref_boxes)
    ref_labels = torch.cat(ref_labels)

    # print('ref bbox: {}'.format(ref_boxes.shape))
    # print(bbox_ref_out)

    r = np.isclose(ref_boxes.numpy(), bbox_out.cpu().numpy())
    # r = np.isclose(bbox_ref_out.numpy(), bbox_out.cpu().numpy())

    num_fail = 0
    for i, res in enumerate(r):
        if not res.any():
            num_fail += 1
            print(i, res, ref_boxes[i, :], bbox_out[i, :])

    print('{} bboxes failed'.format(num_fail))

    label_out = label_out.cpu().numpy()
    # r2 = np.isclose(label_out, label_ref_out.cpu().numpy())
    r2 = np.isclose(label_out, ref_labels.cpu().numpy())
    num_fail = 0
    for i, res in enumerate(r2):
        if not res:
            num_fail += 1
            print('label: ', i, res, label_out[i], ref_labels.numpy()[i])

    print('{} labels failed'.format(num_fail))

    print('CUDA took {}, numpy took: {}'.format(cuda_time, ref_time))
Пример #4
def encode_data(data_set: List[Tuple[Name, Lang]]) \
        -> List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]:
    """Encode a dataset of name/language pairs with tensors.

    See `sample_data_set` above for an example of a non-encoded dataset.


    >>> data = [('Bach', 'German'), ('Mann', 'German'), ('Miles', 'English')]
    >>> enc_data = encode_data(data)
    The `enc_data` object should at this point look like this:
        [ (tensor([0, 1, 2, 3]), tensor(0))
        , (tensor([4, 1, 5, 5]), tensor(0))
        , (tensor([4, 6, 7, 8, 9]), tensor(1))
    although the exact values inside may differ (e.g. you may use
    index `0` to represent character `a`)

    >>> assert len(enc_data) == len(data)
    >>> for (inp, out), (x, y) in zip(data, enc_data):
    ...    assert len(inp) == len(x)
    ...    assert isinstance(x, Tensor)
    ...    assert isinstance(y, Tensor)

    # There are 10 distinct characters in the dataset
    >>> set(ix.item() for x, y in enc_data for ix in x)
    {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

    # And 2 distinct languages
    >>> set(y.item() for x, y in enc_data)
    {0, 1}

    # Finally, some tests with the sample data set
    >>> enc_data = encode_data(sample_data_set)
    >>> set(y.item() for x, y in enc_data)
    {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
    >>> set(ix.item() for x, y in enc_data for ix in x) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    {0, 1, ..., 36, 37}

    # The number of occurrences of the most frequent character
    >>> from collections import Counter
    >>> cnt = Counter(char for name, lang in sample_data_set for char in name)
    >>> cnt.most_common(1)[0]
    ('e', 16)
    >>> cnt = Counter(ix.item() for x, y in enc_data for ix in x)
    >>> cnt.most_common(1)[0][1]
    # Create the encoders for the input characters and the output languages
    char_enc = Encoder(char for name, lang in data_set for char in name)
    lang_enc = Encoder(lang for name, lang in data_set)
    # Use them to encode the dataset
    enc_data = []
    for name, lang in data_set:
        enc_name = torch.tensor([char_enc.encode(char) for char in name])
        enc_lang = torch.tensor(lang_enc.encode(lang))
        enc_data.append((enc_name, enc_lang))
    return enc_data
Пример #5

# Pre-processing

def preprocess(inp: Inp) -> Inp:
    """Lower-case all words in the input sentence."""
    return [x.lower() for x in inp]

# Apply the pre-processing function to the dataset
for i in range(len(data)):
    inp, out = data[i]
    data[i] = preprocess(inp), out

# Encoding

# Create the encoder fo the input words
word_enc = Encoder(word for inp, _ in data for word in inp)
# Create the encoder for the POS tags
tag_enc = Encoder(pos for _, out in data for pos in out)

for inp, out in data:
    enc_inp = torch.tensor([word_enc.encode(word) for word in inp])
    enc_out = torch.tensor([tag_enc.encode(pos) for pos in out])
    enc_data.append((enc_inp, enc_out))