Пример #1
    def manage_editUserRoles(self, user_dn, role_dns=[], REQUEST=None):
        """ Edit the roles (groups) of a user """
        all_groups = self.getGroups(attr='dn')
        cur_groups = self.getGroups(dn=user_dn, attr='dn')
        operations = []
        luf = self.getLUF()

        user = self.getUserByDN(user_dn)
        if user is None:

        for role_dn in role_dns:
            if role_dn not in all_groups:
                newgroup_type = 'groupOfUniqueNames'
                newgroup_member = GROUP_MEMBER_MAP.get(newgroup_type)
                newgroup_name = luf._delegate.explode_dn(role_dn, 1)[0]
                connection = luf._connect()
                attr_list = [ ('objectClass', ['top', newgroup_type])
                            , ('cn', newgroup_name)
                            , (newgroup_member, [user_dn, luf._binduid])
                connection.add_s(role_dn, attr_list)

        for group in all_groups:
            if group in cur_groups and group not in role_dns:
                operations.append({ 'op'     : luf._delegate.DELETE
                                  , 'target' : group
                                  , 'type'   : luf.getGroupType(group)
                                  } )
            elif group in role_dns and group not in cur_groups:
                operations.append({ 'op'     : luf._delegate.ADD
                                  , 'target' : group
                                  , 'type'   : luf.getGroupType(group)
                                  } )

        if operations:
            connection = luf._connect()

            for to_do in operations:
                mod_list = ( ( to_do['op']
                             , GROUP_MEMBER_MAP.get(to_do['type'])
                             , user_dn
                             ), )
                    connection.modify_s(to_do['target'], mod_list)
                except Exception, e:
                    msg = str(e)

            msg = 'Roles changed for %s' % (user_dn)
Пример #2
    def getGroupedUsers(self, groups=None):
        """ Retrieve all users that in the groups i know about """
        all_dns = {}
        users = []
        luf = self.getLUF()
        possible_members = GROUP_MEMBER_MAP.values()

        if groups is None:
            groups = self.getGroups()

        for group_id, group_dn in groups:
            group_details = self.getGroupDetails(group_id)

            for attribute_name, dn_list in group_details:
                if attribute_name in possible_members:
                    for dn in dn_list:
                        all_dns[dn] = 1

        for dn in all_dns.keys():
            user = luf.getUserByDN(dn)

            if user is not None:

        return tuple(users)