def convert_single_core(proc_id, image_set, categories, source_folder, segmentations_folder, VOID=0): annotations = [] for working_idx, image_info in enumerate(image_set): if working_idx % 100 == 0: print('Core: {}, {} from {} images converted'.format( proc_id, working_idx, len(image_set))) file_name = '{}.png'.format(image_info['file_name'].rsplit('.')[0]) try: original_format = np.array( os.path.join(source_folder, file_name)), dtype=np.uint32) except IOError: raise KeyError('no prediction png file for id: {}'.format( image_info['id'])) pan = OFFSET * original_format[:, :, 0] + original_format[:, :, 1] pan_format = np.zeros( (original_format.shape[0], original_format.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) id_generator = IdGenerator(categories) l = np.unique(pan) segm_info = [] for el in l: sem = el // OFFSET if sem == VOID: continue if sem not in categories: raise KeyError('Unknown semantic label {}'.format(sem)) mask = pan == el segment_id, color = id_generator.get_id_and_color(sem) pan_format[mask] = color segm_info.append({"id": int(segment_id), "category_id": int(sem)}) annotations.append({ 'image_id': image_info['id'], 'file_name': file_name, "segments_info": segm_info }) Image.fromarray(pan_format).save( os.path.join(segmentations_folder, file_name)) print('Core: {}, all {} images processed'.format(proc_id, len(image_set))) return annotations
def convert_detection_to_panoptic_coco_format_single_core( proc_id, coco_detection, img_ids, categories, segmentations_folder): id_generator = IdGenerator(categories) annotations_panoptic = [] for working_idx, img_id in enumerate(img_ids): if working_idx % 100 == 0: print('Core: {}, {} from {} images processed'.format( proc_id, working_idx, len(img_ids))) img = coco_detection.loadImgs(int(img_id))[0] pan_format = np.zeros((img['height'], img['width'], 3), dtype=np.uint8) overlaps_map = np.zeros((img['height'], img['width']), dtype=np.uint32) anns_ids = coco_detection.getAnnIds(img_id) anns = coco_detection.loadAnns(anns_ids) panoptic_record = {} panoptic_record['image_id'] = img_id file_name = '{}.png'.format(img['file_name'].rsplit('.')[0]) panoptic_record['file_name'] = file_name segments_info = [] for ann in anns: if ann['category_id'] not in categories: raise Exception( 'Panoptic coco categories file does not contain \ category with id: {}'.format(ann['category_id'])) segment_id, color = id_generator.get_id_and_color( ann['category_id']) mask = coco_detection.annToMask(ann) overlaps_map += mask pan_format[mask == 1] = color ann.pop('segmentation') ann.pop('image_id') ann['id'] = segment_id segments_info.append(ann) if np.sum(overlaps_map > 1) != 0: raise Exception( "Segments for image {} overlap each other.".format(img_id)) panoptic_record['segments_info'] = segments_info annotations_panoptic.append(panoptic_record) Image.fromarray(pan_format).save( os.path.join(segmentations_folder, file_name)) print('Core: {}, all {} images processed'.format(proc_id, len(img_ids))) return annotations_panoptic
def __init__(self): self._buffer = bytearray() self.state = self.IDLE self.idGenerator = IdGenerator()
class MQTTProtocol(Protocol): worker = None IDLE = 0 CONNECTING = 1 CONNECTED = 2 def __init__(self): self._buffer = bytearray() self.state = self.IDLE self.idGenerator = IdGenerator() def connect(self, worker): print("INFO: Connecting Protocol") self.worker = worker self.state = self.CONNECTING msg = Connect(self.worker.clientId, self.worker.version, username=self.worker.username, password=self.worker.appKey) self.transport.write(msg.pack()) def joined(self): d = self.worker.joined() def dataReceived(self, data): print("************ Data Received ***************", data) self._buffer.extend(data) length = None while len(self._buffer): if length is None: # Start on a new packet # Haven't got enough data to start a new packet, wait for some more if len(self._buffer) < 2: break lenLen = 1 # Calculate the length of the length field while lenLen < len(self._buffer): if not self._buffer[lenLen] & 0x80: break lenLen += 1 # We still haven't got all of the remaining length field if lenLen < len(self._buffer) and self._buffer[lenLen] & 0x80: return length = decodeLength(self._buffer[1:]) if len(self._buffer) >= length + lenLen + 1: chunk = self._buffer[:length + lenLen + 1] self._processPacket(chunk) self._buffer = self._buffer[length + lenLen + 1:] length = None else: break def _processPacket(self, packet): """ Generic MQTT packet decoder """ packet_type = (packet[0] & 0xF0) >> 4 packet_flags = (packet[0] & 0x0F) if packet_type == CONNECT: self._handleConnect(packet) elif packet_type == CONNACK: self._handleConnack(packet) elif packet_type == PUBLISH: self._handlePublish(packet) elif packet_type == PUBACK: self._handlePuback(packet) elif packet_type == PUBREC: self._handlePubrec(packet) elif packet_type == PUBREL: self._handlePubrel(packet) elif packet_type == PUBCOMP: self._handlePubcomp(packet) elif packet_type == SUBSCRIBE: self._handleSubscribe(packet) elif packet_type == SUBACK: self._handleSuback(packet) elif packet_type == UNSUBSCRIBE: self._handleUnsubscribe(packet) elif packet_type == UNSUBACK: self._handleUnsuback(packet) elif packet_type == PINGREQ: self._handlePingreq(packet) elif packet_type == PINGRESP: self._handlePingresp(packet) elif packet_type == DISCONNECT: self._handleDisconnect(packet) else: print("ERROR: Invalid Packet Type: %s -- Aborting Connection" %(packet_type)) self.transport.abortConnection() def _handleConnect(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received CONNECT") def _handleConnack(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received CONNACK") res = Connack.unpack(packet) if res.resultCode == 0: self.state = self.CONNECTED # XXX To Do implement keepAlive self.joined() else: self.state = self.IDLE print("ERROR: Connection Refused -- Aborting Connection") self.transport.abortConnection() def _handlePublish(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PUBLISH") res = Publish.unpack(packet) func = self.worker.getTopic(res.topic) if func: func(res.payload) def _handlePuback(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PUBACK") def _handlePubrec(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PUBREC") def _handlePubrel(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PUBREL") def _handlePubcomp(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PUBCOMP") def _handleSubscribe(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received SUBSCRIBE") def _handleSuback(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received SUBACK") res = Suback.unpack(packet) d = self.worker.getSubscribeRequest(res._id, remove=True) if d: d.callback(res.subscribed) def _handleUnsubscribe(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received UNSUBSCRIBE") def _handleUnsuback(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received UNSUBACK") def _handlePingreq(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PINGREQ") def _handlePingresp(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received PINGRESP") def _handleDisconnect(self, packet): print("DEBUG: Received DISCONNECT") def subscribe(self, topic, function, qos=0): print("DEBUG: Subscribing to topic %s"%(topic)) # XXX Check if number of in fligth suscribe is not > than window # if len(self.factory.windowSubscribe[self.addr]) == self._window: # raise MQTTWindowError("subscription requests exceeded limit", self._window) if not ( 0<= qos < 3): raise Exception("Invalid QOS") # XXX To do Add time out check. _id = msg = Subscribe(_id=_id, topics=[(topic, qos)]) d = Deferred() self.worker.addSubscribeRequest(msg, d) self.worker.addTopic(topic, function) self.transport.write(msg.pack()) return d def publish(self, topic, message, qos=0, retain=False): if not ( 0<= qos < 3): raise Exception("Invalid QOS") _id = msg = Publish(_id=_id, topic=topic, payload=message, qos=qos, retain=retain, dup=False) if msg.qos == QOS_0: d = succeed(None) else: d = Deferred() # XXX To DO: Add timer to check timeout self.worker.addPublishRequest(msg, d) self.transport.write(msg.pack()) return d
def panoptic_converter(original_format_folder, out_folder, out_file): if not os.path.isdir(out_folder): print("Creating folder {} for panoptic segmentation PNGs".format( out_folder)) os.mkdir(out_folder) categories = [] for idx, el in enumerate(labels): if el.ignoreInEval: continue categories.append({ 'id':, 'name':, 'color': el.color, 'supercategory': el.category, 'isthing': 1 if el.hasInstances else 0 }) categories_dict = {cat['id']: cat for cat in categories} file_list = sorted( glob.glob( os.path.join(original_format_folder, '*/*_gtFine_instanceIds.png'))) images = [] annotations = [] for working_idx, f in enumerate(file_list): if working_idx % 10 == 0: print(working_idx, len(file_list)) original_format = np.array( file_name = f.split('/')[-1] image_id = file_name.rsplit('_', 2)[0] image_filename = '{}_leftImg8bit.png'.format(image_id) # image entry, id for image is its filename without extension images.append({ "id": image_id, "width": original_format.shape[1], "height": original_format.shape[0], "file_name": image_filename }) pan_format = np.zeros( (original_format.shape[0], original_format.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) id_generator = IdGenerator(categories_dict) idx = 0 l = np.unique(original_format) segm_info = [] for el in l: if el < 1000: semantic_id = el is_crowd = 1 else: semantic_id = el // 1000 is_crowd = 0 if semantic_id not in categories_dict: continue if categories_dict[semantic_id]['isthing'] == 0: is_crowd = 0 mask = original_format == el segment_id, color = id_generator.get_id_and_color(semantic_id) pan_format[mask] = color area = np.sum(mask) # segment area computation # bbox computation for a segment hor = np.sum(mask, axis=0) hor_idx = np.nonzero(hor)[0] x = hor_idx[0] width = hor_idx[-1] - x + 1 vert = np.sum(mask, axis=1) vert_idx = np.nonzero(vert)[0] y = vert_idx[0] height = vert_idx[-1] - y + 1 bbox = [x, y, width, height] segm_info.append({ "id": int(segment_id), "category_id": int(semantic_id), "area": area, "bbox": bbox, "iscrowd": is_crowd }) annotations.append({ 'image_id': image_id, 'file_name': file_name, "segments_info": segm_info }) Image.fromarray(pan_format).save(os.path.join(out_folder, file_name)) d = { 'images': images, 'annotations': annotations, 'categories': categories, } with open(out_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(d, f)
def main(image_id): # whether from the PNG are used or new colors are generated generate_new_colors = True json_file = 'panoptic_val2017.json' segmentations_folder = './panoptic_val2017/' pred_folder = './panoptic_pred2017/' img_folder = '/Users/wuyangxin/Desktop/cv/dataset/coco/val2017' panoptic_coco_categories = './panoptic_coco_categories.json' with open(json_file, 'r') as f: coco_d = json.load(f) # ann = np.random.choice(coco_d['annotations']) ann = None for a in coco_d['annotations']: if a['image_id'] == image_id: ann = a break with open(panoptic_coco_categories, 'r') as f: categories_list = json.load(f) categegories = {category['id']: category for category in categories_list} # find input img that correspond to the annotation img = None pred_img = None for image_info in coco_d['images']: if image_info['id'] == ann['image_id']: try: img = np.array( os.path.join(img_folder, image_info['file_name']))) pred_img = os.path.join(pred_folder, image_info['file_name'].replace('jpg', 'png'))) except: print("Undable to find correspoding input image.") break segmentation = np.array( os.path.join(segmentations_folder, ann['file_name'])), dtype=np.uint8) segmentation_id = rgb2id(segmentation) # find segments boundaries boundaries = find_boundaries(segmentation_id, mode='thick') if generate_new_colors: segmentation[:, :, :] = 0 color_generator = IdGenerator(categegories) for segment_info in ann['segments_info']: color = color_generator.get_color(segment_info['category_id']) mask = segmentation_id == segment_info['id'] segmentation[mask] = color # depict boundaries # segmentation[boundaries] = [0, 0, 0] if img is None: plt.figure() plt.imshow(segmentation) plt.axis('off') else: plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(segmentation) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(pred_img) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() os.path.join(img_folder, image_info['file_name']))) except: print("Undable to find correspoding input image.") break segmentation = np.array( os.path.join(segmentations_folder, ann['file_name'])), dtype=np.uint8) segmentation_id = rgb2id(segmentation) # find segments boundaries boundaries = find_boundaries(segmentation_id, mode='thick') if generate_new_colors: segmentation[:, :, :] = 0 color_generator = IdGenerator(categegories) for segment_info in ann['segments_info']: color = color_generator.get_color(segment_info['category_id']) mask = segmentation_id == segment_info['id'] segmentation[mask] = color # depict boundaries segmentation[boundaries] = [0, 0, 0] if img is None: plt.figure() plt.imshow(segmentation) plt.axis('off') else: plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.subplot(121)
def combine_to_panoptic_single_core(proc_id, img_ids, img_id2img, inst_by_image, sem_by_image, segmentations_folder, overlap_thr, stuff_area_limit, categories): panoptic_json = [] id_generator = IdGenerator(categories) for idx, img_id in enumerate(img_ids): img = img_id2img[img_id] if idx % 100 == 0: print('Core: {}, {} from {} images processed.'.format( proc_id, idx, len(img_ids))) pan_segm_id = np.zeros((img['height'], img['width']), dtype=np.uint32) used = None annotation = {} try: annotation['image_id'] = int(img_id) except Exception: annotation['image_id'] = img_id annotation['file_name'] = img['file_name'].replace('.jpg', '.png') segments_info = [] for ann in inst_by_image[img_id]: area = COCOmask.area(ann['segmentation']) if area == 0: continue if used is None: intersect = 0 used = copy.deepcopy(ann['segmentation']) else: intersect = COCOmask.area( COCOmask.merge([used, ann['segmentation']], intersect=True)) if intersect / area > overlap_thr: continue used = COCOmask.merge([used, ann['segmentation']], intersect=False) mask = COCOmask.decode(ann['segmentation']) == 1 if intersect != 0: mask = np.logical_and(pan_segm_id == 0, mask) segment_id = id_generator.get_id(ann['category_id']) panoptic_ann = {} panoptic_ann['id'] = segment_id panoptic_ann['category_id'] = ann['category_id'] pan_segm_id[mask] = segment_id segments_info.append(panoptic_ann) for ann in sem_by_image[img_id]: mask = COCOmask.decode(ann['segmentation']) == 1 mask_left = np.logical_and(pan_segm_id == 0, mask) if mask_left.sum() < stuff_area_limit: continue segment_id = id_generator.get_id(ann['category_id']) panoptic_ann = {} panoptic_ann['id'] = segment_id panoptic_ann['category_id'] = ann['category_id'] pan_segm_id[mask_left] = segment_id segments_info.append(panoptic_ann) annotation['segments_info'] = segments_info panoptic_json.append(annotation) Image.fromarray(id2rgb(pan_segm_id)).save( os.path.join(segmentations_folder, annotation['file_name'])) return panoptic_json