def load_files(tasks_nb, datafile_name): with open(datafile_name, 'rb') as input: data_saved_data = pickle.load(input) train_datasets, test_datasets = get_datasets(task_number=tasks_nb, batch_size_train=128, batch_size_test=4096, saved_data=data_saved_data) kfacs = [] all_models = {} for i in range(tasks_nb): model_name = '{:d}-0'.format(i) model = Net().cuda() model.load_state_dict(torch.load('models/{:s}.pt'.format(model_name))) all_models[model_name] = model with open('kfacs/{:d}_weights.pkl'.format(i), 'rb') as input: weights = pickle.load(input) with open('kfacs/{:d}_maa.pkl'.format(i), 'rb') as input: m_aa = pickle.load(input) with open('kfacs/{:d}_mgg.pkl'.format(i), 'rb') as input: m_gg = pickle.load(input) kfac = KFAC(model, train_datasets[i], False) kfac.weights = weights kfac.m_aa = m_aa kfac.m_gg = m_gg kfacs.append([kfac]) return train_datasets, test_datasets, kfacs, all_models
class Process(object): def __init__(self, args): self.file_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)) # current file path self.use_cuda = args.use_cuda self.scale = args.scale self.dir = args.dir self.grasp_angle = args.grasp_angle self.voxel_size = args.voxel_size self.color_topic = args.color_topic self.depth_topic = args.depth_topic self.episode = args.episode = self.num_objs = args.num_objs self.save_root = self.file_path + "/exp_2/{}/ep{}_run{}".format( self.dir, self.episode, self._create_directories() self.suck_weight = 1.0 self.grasp_weight = 0.25 self.count = 0 self.last_iter_fail = None self.last_fail_primitive = None self.gripper_angle_list = [0, -45, -90, 45] # 0 1 2 3 self.bridge = CvBridge() self.background_color = self.file_path + "/" + args.color_bg self.background_depth = self.file_path + "/" + args.depth_bg self.action_wrapper = ActionWrapper() # Service self.service = rospy.Service( "~start", Empty, self.callback) # Start process, until workspace is empty self.save_background = rospy.Service( "~save_bg", Empty, self.save_cb) # Save bin background color and depth image self.reset_service = rospy.Service( "~reset", Empty, self.reset_cb ) # Reset `self.episode`, `` and create new save root # Service client self.record_bag_client = rospy.ServiceProxy( "/autonomous_recording_node/start_recording", recorder) self.stop_record_client = rospy.ServiceProxy( "/autonomous_recording_node/stop_recording", Empty) try: self.camera_info = rospy.wait_for_message(self.color_topic.replace( "image_raw", "camera_info"), CameraInfo, timeout=5.0) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logerr( "Can't get camera intrinsic after 5 seconds, terminate node..." ) rospy.signal_shutdown("No intrinsic") sys.exit(0) load_ts = time.time() rospy.loginfo("Loading model...") self.suck_net = Net(args.n_classes) self.grasp_net = Net(args.n_classes) self.suck_net.load_state_dict( torch.load(self.file_path + "/" + args.suck_model)) self.grasp_net.load_state_dict( torch.load(self.file_path + "/" + args.grasp_model)) if self.use_cuda: self.suck_net = self.suck_net.cuda() self.grasp_net = self.grasp_net.cuda() rospy.loginfo("Load complete, time elasped: {}".format(time.time() - load_ts)) rospy.loginfo("current episode: \t{}".format(self.episode)) rospy.loginfo("current run: \t{}".format( rospy.loginfo("current code: \t{}".format( self.encode_index(self.episode, rospy.loginfo("Service ready") # encode recording index def encode_index(self, episode, run): res = 30000 + episode * 10 + run return res # Create directories for saving data def _create_directories(self): self.save_paths = [ self.save_root + "/color/", # color image from camera self.save_root + "/depth/", # depth image from camera self.save_root + "/color_heightmap/", # converted color heightmap self.save_root + "/depth_heightmap/", # converted depth heightmap self.save_root + "/mixed_img/", # color image and prediction heatmap self.save_root + "/pc/", # pointcloud pcd files self.save_root + "/viz/" ] # corresponding action and symbols for path in self.save_paths: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Save bin background color and depth image def save_cb(self, req): color_topic = rospy.wait_for_message(self.color_topic, Image) depth_topic = rospy.wait_for_message(self.depth_topic, Image) color_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(color_topic, desired_encoding="passthrough") color_img = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) depth_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth_topic, desired_encoding="passthrough") cv2.imwrite(self.file_path + "/color_background.jpg", color_img) cv2.imwrite(self.file_path + "/depth_background.png", depth_img) rospy.loginfo("Background images saved") return EmptyResponse() # Forward pass and get suck prediction def _suck(self, color, depth): fg_mask = utils.background_subtraction(color, depth, self.background_color, self.background_depth) color_tensor, depth_tensor = utils.preprocessing(color, depth) if self.use_cuda: color_tensor = color_tensor.cuda() depth_tensor = depth_tensor.cuda() predict = self.suck_net.forward(color_tensor, depth_tensor) suctionable = predict.detach().cpu().numpy()[0, 1] suctionable = cv2.resize(suctionable, dsize=(suctionable.shape[1] * self.scale, suctionable.shape[0] * self.scale)) suctionable[fg_mask == 0] = 0.0 # Background return suctionable # Forward pass and get grasp prediction (with number `self.grasp_angle`) def _grasp(self, color, depth): color_heightmap, depth_heightmap = utils.generate_heightmap( color, depth, self.camera_info, self.background_color, self.background_depth, self.voxel_size) graspable = np.zeros((self.grasp_angle, depth_heightmap.shape[1], depth_heightmap.shape[0])) for i in range(self.grasp_angle): angle = -np.degrees(np.pi / self.grasp_angle * i) rotated_color_heightmap, rotated_depth_heightmap = utils.rotate_heightmap( color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, angle) color_tensor, depth_tensor = utils.preprocessing( rotated_color_heightmap, rotated_depth_heightmap) if self.use_cuda: color_tensor = color_tensor.cuda() depth_tensor = depth_tensor.cuda() predict = self.grasp_net.forward(color_tensor, depth_tensor) grasp = predict.detach().cpu().numpy()[0, 1] affordance = cv2.resize(grasp, dsize=(grasp.shape[1] * self.scale, grasp.shape[0] * self.scale)) affordance[rotated_depth_heightmap == 0] = 0.0 # Background # affordance[depth_heightmap==0] = 0.0 # Background graspable[i, :, :] = affordance return color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, graspable # Start process, until workspace is empty def callback(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Receive start command") self.action_wrapper.reset() empty = False iter_count = 0 valid_count = 0 grasped_count = 0 primitive = [] # `best_action_idx` `pixel y` `pixel x` position = [] # execution position in `base_link` frame suck_fail = 0 grasp_fail = 0 suck_weight = self.suck_weight grasp_weight = self.grasp_weight # Start recording self.record_bag_client( recorderRequest(self.encode_index(self.episode, while empty is not True and iter_count < 2 * self.num_objs: rospy.loginfo("Baseline method, iter: {}".format(iter_count)) # Get color and depth images color_topic = rospy.wait_for_message(self.color_topic, Image) depth_topic = rospy.wait_for_message(self.depth_topic, Image) color_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2( color_topic, desired_encoding="passthrough") color_img = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) depth_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2( depth_topic, desired_encoding="passthrough") suckable = self._suck(color_img, depth_img) color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, graspable = self._grasp( color_img, depth_img) cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[0] + "{:06}.png".format(iter_count), color_img) # color cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[1] + "{:06}.png".format(iter_count), depth_img) # depth cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[2] + "{:06}.png".format(iter_count), color_heightmap) # color heightmap cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[3] + "{:06}.png".format(iter_count), depth_heightmap) # depth heightmap # Last-fail punishment (From Appendix A. `Avoid repeating unsuccessful attempts`) if self.last_iter_fail: if self.last_fail_primitive[0] == 0: # suction y = self.last_fail_primitive[1] x = self.last_fail_primitive[2] z_cam = self.last_fail_primitive[3] punish_mask = utils.create_mask( suckable.shape, y, x, 0.02, img_type="image", camera_info=self.camera_info, z=z_cam) suckable = np.multiply(suckable, punish_mask) else: # gripper y = self.last_fail_primitive[1] x = self.last_fail_primitive[2] punish_mask = utils.create_mask(graspable[0].shape, y, x, 0.02, img_type="heightmap", voxel_size=self.voxel_size) graspable[self.last_fail_primitive[0] - 1] = np.multiply( graspable[self.last_fail_primitive[0] - 1], punish_mask) # Prevent unsuccessful grasping with same primitive (From Appendix A. `Encouraging exploration upon repeat failure`) if suck_fail == 2: suck_weight = 0.5 * self.suck_weight elif suck_fail >= 3: suck_weight = 0.25 * self.suck_weight if grasp_fail == 2: grasp_weight = 0.5 * self.grasp_weight elif grasp_fail >= 3: grasp_weight = 0.25 * self.grasp_weight rospy.loginfo("suck weight: {}\tgrasp weight: {}".format( suck_weight, grasp_weight)) # Multiply by primitive weight (From Appendix A. `Suction first, grasp later.`) suckable *= suck_weight graspable *= grasp_weight suck_hm = utils.viz_affordance(suckable) suck_combined = cv2.addWeighted(color_img, 0.8, suck_hm, 0.8, 0) cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[4] + "suck_{:06}.png".format(iter_count), suck_combined) # mixed grasps_combined = [] for i in range(self.grasp_angle): angle = -np.degrees(np.pi / self.grasp_angle * i) rotated_color_heightmap, _ = utils.rotate_heightmap( color_heightmap, depth_heightmap, angle) grasp_hm = utils.viz_affordance(graspable[i]) grasp_combined = cv2.addWeighted(rotated_color_heightmap, 0.8, grasp_hm, 0.8, 0) cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[4] + "/grasp_{:06}_{}.png".format(iter_count, i), grasp_combined) # mixed grasps_combined.append( grasp_combined) # Stored rotated combined image '''angle = np.degrees(np.pi/self.grasp_angle*i) rotate_predict = utils.rotate_img(graspable[i], angle) grasp_hm = utils.viz_affordance(rotate_predict) grasp_combined = cv2.addWeighted(color_heightmap, 0.8, grasp_hm, 0.8, 0) cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[4]+"/grasp_{:06}_{}.png".format(iter_count, i), grasp_combined) # mixed grasp_combined = utils.rotate_img(grasp_combined, -angle) grasps_combined.append(grasp_combined)''' # Select action and get position best_action = [ np.max(suckable), np.max(graspable[0]), np.max(graspable[1]), np.max(graspable[2]), np.max(graspable[3]) ] print "Action value: ", best_action best_action_idx = np.where( best_action == np.max(best_action))[0][0] gripper_angle = 0 targetPt = np.zeros((3, 1)) static = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]]) tool_id = 3 will_collide = False if best_action_idx == 0: # suck rospy.loginfo("Use \033[1;31msuction\033[0m") suck_pixel = np.where(suckable == np.max(suckable)) suck_pixel = [suck_pixel[1][0], suck_pixel[0][0]] # x, y primitive.append( [best_action_idx, suck_pixel[1], suck_pixel[0]]) cam_z = (depth_img[suck_pixel[1], suck_pixel[0]]).astype( np.float32) / 1000 cam_x = (suck_pixel[0] - self.camera_info.K[2]) * cam_z / self.camera_info.K[0] cam_y = (suck_pixel[1] - self.camera_info.K[5]) * cam_z / self.camera_info.K[4] camPt = np.array([[cam_x], [cam_y], [cam_z], [1.0]]) camera_pose = np.loadtxt(self.file_path + "/camera_pose.txt") cam2arm = np.matmul(static.T, camera_pose[:3]) targetPt = np.matmul(cam2arm, camPt).reshape(3) action = utils.draw_action(suck_combined, suck_pixel) cv2.imwrite(self.save_paths[6] + "action_{:06}.png".format(iter_count), action) # viz else: # gripper tool_id = 1 best_angle_idx = best_action_idx - 1 angle = np.degrees(np.pi / self.grasp_angle * best_angle_idx) gripper_angle = self.gripper_angle_list[best_angle_idx] rospy.loginfo( "Use \033[1;31mparallel-jaw gripper with angle: {}\033[0m". format(gripper_angle)) binMiddleBottom = np.loadtxt(self.file_path + "/bin_pose.txt") rotate_predict = utils.rotate_img(graspable[best_angle_idx], angle) grasp_pixel = np.where( rotate_predict == np.max(rotate_predict)) grasp_pixel = [grasp_pixel[1][0], grasp_pixel[0][0]] # x, y primitive.append( [best_action_idx, grasp_pixel[1], grasp_pixel[0]]) u = grasp_pixel[0] - graspable[best_angle_idx].shape[0] / 2 v = grasp_pixel[1] - graspable[best_angle_idx].shape[1] / 2 tempPt = np.zeros((3, 1)) # Position in fake link tempPt[0] = binMiddleBottom[0] + u * self.voxel_size # X tempPt[1] = binMiddleBottom[1] + v * self.voxel_size # Y tempPt[2] = depth_heightmap[grasp_pixel[1], grasp_pixel[0]].astype( np.float32) / 1000 # Z targetPt = np.matmul(static, tempPt).reshape(3) targetPt[2] = -targetPt[2] - binMiddleBottom[2] # Have no idea gripper_center = np.where(graspable[best_angle_idx] == np.max( graspable[best_angle_idx])) gripper_center = [gripper_center[1][0], gripper_center[0][0]] action = utils.draw_action(grasps_combined[best_angle_idx], gripper_center, "grasp") if angle != 0: # Then rotate back action_rotate = utils.rotate_img(action, angle) else: action_rotate = action action_rotate[np.where( color_heightmap == np.array([0, 0, 0]))] = 0 cv2.imwrite( self.save_paths[6] + "action_{:06}.png".format(iter_count), action_rotate) self.action_wrapper.get_pc( self.save_paths[5] + "{:06}_before.png".format(iter_count)) will_collide = self.action_wrapper.check_if_collide( targetPt, np.radians(gripper_angle)) print "Target position: [{}, {}, {}]".format( targetPt[0], targetPt[1], targetPt[2]) position.append(targetPt) # Check if out of range in_range = False bin_range = np.loadtxt( self.file_path + "/bin_range.txt") # Range in `base_link` frame if bin_range[0][0] < targetPt[0] < bin_range[0][1] and \ bin_range[1][0] < targetPt[1] < bin_range[1][1] and \ bin_range[2][0] < targetPt[2] < bin_range[2][1]: in_range = True if will_collide or not in_range: self.last_iter_fail = True if best_action_idx == 0: self.last_fail_primitive = [ best_action_idx, suck_pixel[1], suck_pixel[0], camPt[2] ] else: self.last_fail_primitive = [ best_action_idx, grasp_pixel[1], grasp_pixel[0] ] if will_collide: rospy.logwarn("Will collide, abort action") if not in_range: rospy.logwarn("Out of range, abort action") iter_count += 1 if best_action_idx == 0: suck_fail += 1 if best_action_idx != 0: grasp_fail += 1 self.action_wrapper.publish_data(iter_count, -1, False) continue self.action_wrapper.take_action( tool_id, targetPt, np.radians(gripper_angle)) # execute action valid_count += 1 action_success = self.action_wrapper.check_if_success( tool_id, self.save_paths[5] + "{:06}_check.pcd".format(iter_count)) self.action_wrapper.publish_data(iter_count, best_action_idx, action_success) if not action_success: # fail self.last_iter_fail = True if best_action_idx == 0: # suction fail self.last_fail_primitive = [ best_action_idx, suck_pixel[1], suck_pixel[0], camPt[2] ] # suction, y, x (pixel), z (meter in camera coordinate) suck_fail += 1 else: # gripper fail self.last_fail_primitive = [ best_action_idx, gripper_center[1], gripper_center[0] ] # gripper, y, x (pixel) grasp_fail += 1 rospy.loginfo("Action fail") self.action_wrapper.reset() rospy.sleep(1.0) else: # success grasped_count += 1 suck_fail = grasp_fail = 0 suck_weight = self.suck_weight grasp_weight = self.grasp_weight self.last_iter_fail = False self.last_fail_primitive = [] rospy.loginfo("Action success") self.action_wrapper.get_pc(self.save_paths[5] + "{:06}_after.pcd".format(iter_count)) empty = self.action_wrapper.check_if_empty( self.save_paths[5] + "{:06}_after.pcd".format(iter_count)) iter_count += 1 rospy.sleep(1.0) self.stop_record_client() self.last_iter_fail = None self.last_fail_primitive = [] rospy.loginfo("Complete") print("================================================") print("Number of iterations: {}".format(iter_count)) print("Valid iterations: {}".format(valid_count)) print("Grasped objects: {}".format(grasped_count)) print("Pass test: {}".format(empty)) print("================================================") f = open( self.save_root + "/{}.txt".format(self.encode_index(self.episode,, 'w') f.write("Number of iterations: {}\n".format(iter_count)) f.write("Valid iterations: {}\n".format(valid_count)) f.write("Grasped objects: {}\n".format(grasped_count)) f.write("Pass test: {}\n".format(empty)) f.close() np.savetxt(self.save_root + "/position.csv", position, delimiter=",") np.savetxt(self.save_root + "/action_target.csv", primitive, delimiter=",") return EmptyResponse() # Reset `self.episode`, `` and create new save root def reset_cb(self, req): rospy.loginfo("current episode: \t{}".format(self.episode)) rospy.loginfo("current run: \t{}".format( new_episode = int(raw_input("Input new episode: ")) new_run = int(raw_input("Input new run: ")) rospy.loginfo("episode set from {} to {}".format( self.episode, new_episode)) rospy.loginfo("run set from {} to {}".format(, new_run)) self.episode = new_episode = new_run rospy.loginfo("current code: \t{}".format( self.encode_index(self.episode, self.save_root = self.file_path + "/exp_2/{}/ep{}_run{}".format( self.dir, self.episode, self._create_directories() self.last_iter_fail = None self.last_fail_primitive = [] return EmptyResponse()
def main(): # Training settings parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PyTorch MNIST Example') parser.add_argument( '--test-batch-size', type=int, default=100, metavar='N', help='input batch size for testing (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', action='store_true', default=False, help='disables CUDA training') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1, metavar='S', help='random seed (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--dataset', choices=['mnist', 'fashion-mnist'], default='mnist', metavar='D', help='mnist/fashion-mnist (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--nonlin', choices=['softplus', 'sigmoid', 'tanh'], default='softplus', metavar='D', help='softplus/sigmoid/tanh (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--num-layers', choices=['2', '3', '4'], default=2, metavar='N', help='2/3/4 (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--epsilon', type=float, default=1.58, metavar='E', help='ball radius (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--test-epsilon', type=float, default=1.58, metavar='E', help='ball radius (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument( '--step-size', type=float, default=0.005, metavar='L', help='step size for finding adversarial example (default: %(default)s)' ) parser.add_argument( '--num-steps', type=int, default=200, metavar='L', help= 'number of steps for finding adversarial example (default: %(default)s)' ) parser.add_argument( '--beta', type=float, default=0.005, metavar='L', help='regularization coefficient for Lipschitz (default: %(default)s)') args = parser.parse_args() use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() if args.dataset == 'mnist': dataset = datasets.MNIST elif args.dataset == 'fashion-mnist': dataset = datasets.FashionMNIST else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset %s', args.dataset) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True} if use_cuda else {} test_loader = './' + args.dataset, train=False, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])), batch_size=args.test_batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs) model = Net(int(args.num_layers), args.nonlin).to(device) model_name = 'saved_models/' + args.dataset + '_' + str( args.num_layers) + '_' + args.nonlin + '_L2_' + str( args.epsilon) + '_EIGEN_' + str(args.beta) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_name)) print(args) print(model_name) acc, empirical_acc = test_standard_adv(args, model, device, test_loader) certified_acc = test_cert(args, model, device, test_loader) print('Accuracy: {:.4f}, Empirical Robust Accuracy: {:.4f}, Certified Robust Accuracy: {:.4f}\n'.\ format(acc, empirical_acc, certified_acc))
class temp_tracking(): global gesture_id def __init__(self): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') self.out = cv2.VideoWriter('G3_01123.avi',fourcc, 20.0, (640,480)) self.hand_mask = [] self.trigger = False self.after_trigger = False if torch.cuda.is_available(): = Net().cuda() else: = Net()'/home/intuitivecompting/catkin_ws/src/ur5/ur5_with_gripper/icl_phri_robotiq_control/src/model')) self.last_select = None self.tip_deque = deque(maxlen=20) self.tip_deque1 = deque(maxlen=20) self.tip_deque2 = deque(maxlen=20) self.mode = None = None self.onehand_center = None self.two_hand_mode = None self.pick_center = None self.gesture_mode = None self.pick_tip = None def test(self, box ,draw_img): global gesture_id net = frame = self.image.copy() preprocess = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((50, 50)), transforms.ToTensor()]) #preprocess = transforms.Compose([transforms.Pad(30), # transforms.ToTensor()]) x,y,w,h = box temp = frame[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] #temp = cv2.cvtColor(temp,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) temp = cv2.blur(temp,(5,5)) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(temp,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) temp = cv2.inRange(hsv, Hand_low, Hand_high) image = Image.fromarray(temp) img_tensor = preprocess(image) img_tensor.unsqueeze_(0) img_variable = Variable(img_tensor).cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available(): img_variable = Variable(img_tensor).cuda() out = np.argmax(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0]) #print(np.max(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0])) else: img_variable = Variable(img_tensor) out = np.argmax(net(img_variable).data.numpy()[0]) # if np.max(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0]) > 0.3: # out = np.argmax(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0]) # else: # out = -1 #cv2.rectangle(draw_img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255, 0, 0),2) #cv2.putText(draw_img,str(out + 1),(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) gesture_id = int(out +1) return int(out) + 1 def get_current_frame(self): self.cap.release() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) OK, origin = if OK: rect = camrectify(origin) warp = warp_img(rect) return warp.copy() def update(self): ''' gesture flag for distinguish different scenario ''' global color_flag OK, origin = x = None if OK: #print(self.mode) rect = camrectify(origin) # self.out.write(rect) # rect = cv2.flip(rect,0) # rect = cv2.flip(rect,1) warp = warp_img(rect) thresh = get_objectmask(warp) cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh) self.image = warp.copy() draw_img1 = warp.copy() self.get_bound(draw_img1, thresh, visualization=True) cx, cy = None, None lx, rx = None, None # self.handls = [] # hsv = cv2.cvtColor(warp.copy(),cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # hand_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, Hand_low, Hand_high) # hand_mask = cv2.dilate(hand_mask, kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)) # (_,hand_contours, hand_hierarchy)=cv2.findContours(hand_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # for i , contour in enumerate(hand_contours): # area = cv2.contourArea(contour) # if area>600 and area < 100000 and hand_hierarchy[0, i, 3] == -1: # x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # self.handls.append([x, y, w, h]) result = hand_tracking(warp_img(rect), cache(10), cache(10)).get_result() num_hand_view = len(result) # if num_hand_view == 0: # self.tip_deque.clear() # self.tip_deque1.clear() # self.tip_deque2.clear() if num_hand_view == 0: if len(self.hand_mask) > 0 and self.after_trigger: if color_flag is not None: object_mask = get_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) if color_flag == "yellow": color_mask = get_yellow_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) elif color_flag == "blue": color_mask = get_blue_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) # elif color_flag == "green": # color_mask = get_green_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) mask = self.hand_mask[0] for i in range(1, len(self.hand_mask), 1): mask = cv2.bitwise_or(self.hand_mask[i],mask) mask = cv2.bitwise_and(mask,color_mask) temp_result = [] for cx, cy in self.surfacels: if mask[cy, cx] == 255: temp_result.append((cx, cy)) else: object_mask = get_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) mask = self.hand_mask[0] for i in range(1, len(self.hand_mask), 1): mask = cv2.bitwise_or(self.hand_mask[i],mask) mask = cv2.bitwise_and(mask,object_mask) temp_result = [] for cx, cy in self.surfacels: if mask[cy, cx] == 255: temp_result.append((cx, cy)) ''' multihand ''' self.draw = draw_img1 print("getting bitwise and when there is one finger after palm") #print([temp_result, tips[0], center,3]) #self.hand_mask = [] #self.after_trigger = False #netsend(temp_result, flag=1, need_unpack=True) self.last_select = temp_result self.mode = 3 # = center #return [temp_result, tips[0], center,3] else: netsend([777,888], need_unpack=False, flag=-19) ''' one hand in the view ''' if num_hand_view == 1: center = result[0][0] tips = result[0][1] radius = result[0][2] box = result[0][3] fake_tip, fake_center = result[0][4] app = result[0][5] cv2.drawContours(draw_img1, [app],-1,(255, 0, 0),1) for k in range(len(tips)):,tips[k],10,(255, 0, 0),2) cv2.line(draw_img1,tips[k],center,(255, 0, 0),2) num_tips = len(tips) label = self.test(box, draw_img1) self.onehand_center = center #print(box) #label = -1 #label = classifier(draw_img1,self.image, box) #self.tip_deque.appendleft(tips) # ''' # one hand and one finger, flag == 1 # ''' #rospy.loginfo("mask, trigger:{},{}".format(len(self.hand_mask), self.after_trigger)) #if num_tips == 1 and len(self.boxls) > 0 and label == 1: if len(self.hand_mask) > 0 and self.after_trigger: if color_flag is not None: object_mask = get_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) if color_flag == "yellow": color_mask = get_yellow_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) netsend([777,888], need_unpack=False, flag=-200) elif color_flag == "blue": color_mask = get_blue_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) netsend([777,888], need_unpack=False, flag=-100) # elif color_flag == "green": # color_mask = get_green_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) mask = self.hand_mask[0] for i in range(1, len(self.hand_mask), 1): mask = cv2.bitwise_or(self.hand_mask[i],mask) mask = cv2.bitwise_and(mask,color_mask) temp_result = [] for cx, cy in self.surfacels: if mask[cy, cx] == 255: temp_result.append((cx, cy)) else: object_mask = get_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) mask = self.hand_mask[0] for i in range(1, len(self.hand_mask), 1): mask = cv2.bitwise_or(self.hand_mask[i],mask) #print(mask.dtype, object_mask.dtype) mask = cv2.bitwise_and(mask,object_mask) temp_result = [] for cx, cy in self.surfacels: if mask[cy, cx] == 255: temp_result.append((cx, cy)) ''' multihand ''' self.draw = draw_img1 print("getting bitwise and when there is one finger after palm") if len(tips) == 0: rospy.logwarn("no finger tips") else: #print([temp_result, tips[0], center,3]) #self.hand_mask = [] #self.after_trigger = False self.last_select = temp_result self.mode = 3 = center return [temp_result, tips[0], center,3] if len(self.boxls) > 0 and num_tips == 1 and label != 4: if len(self.hand_mask) == 0 or not self.after_trigger: #rospy.loginfo("single pointing") #point = max(tips, key=lambda x: np.sqrt((x[0]- center[0])**2 + (x[1] - center[1])**2)) point = tips[0] self.tip_deque.appendleft(point) # length_ls = [] for x, y, w, h in self.boxls: length_ls.append((get_k_dis((point[0], point[1]), (center[0], center[1]), (x+w/2, y+h/2)), (x+w/2, y+h/2))) length_ls = filter(lambda x: (point[1] - x[1][1]) * (point[1] - center[1]) <= 0, length_ls) length_ls = filter(lambda x: x[1][1] - point[1] < 0, length_ls) length_ls = filter(lambda x: x[0] < 15, length_ls) if len(length_ls) > 0: x,y = min(length_ls, key=lambda x: distant((x[1][0], x[1][1]), (point[0], point[1])))[1] ind = test_insdie((x, y), self.boxls) x, y, w, h = self.boxls[ind] cx, cy = self.surfacels[ind] cv2.rectangle(draw_img1,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2), (cx, cy), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) #cv2.putText(draw_img1,"pointed",(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) ''' flag is 1 ''' if self.trigger: self.pick_tip = tuple([point[0],point[1]]) self.draw = draw_img1 self.last_select = [(cx, cy)] netsend([cx, cy], need_unpack=False) self.mode = 1 self.pick_center = center return [[point[0],point[1]],(cx, cy), center,1] else: self.draw = draw_img1 self.mode = 1 self.pick_center = center return [[point[0],point[1]], center,1] # ''' # one hand and two finger, flag == 2 # ''' elif num_tips == 2 and len(self.boxls) > 0 and label != 4: boxls = deepcopy(self.boxls) length_lsr = [] length_lsl = [] rpoint, lpoint = tips for x, y, w, h in self.boxls: length_lsr.append((get_k_dis((rpoint[0], rpoint[1]), (center[0], center[1]), (x+w/2, y+h/2)), (x+w/2, y+h/2))) length_lsr = filter(lambda x: (rpoint[1] - x[1][1]) * (rpoint[1] - center[1]) <= 0, length_lsr) length_lsr = filter(lambda x: x[0] < 20, length_lsr) if len(length_lsr) > 0: rx,ry = min(length_lsr, key=lambda x: distant((x[1][0], x[1][1]), (rpoint[0], rpoint[1])))[1] rind = test_insdie((rx, ry), self.boxls) rx, ry = self.surfacels[rind] x, y, w, h = self.boxls[rind] #rx, ry = int(x+w/2), int(y+h/2) del boxls[rind] cv2.rectangle(draw_img1,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2) #cv2.putText(draw_img1,"pointed_right",(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) if len(boxls) > 0: for x, y, w, h in boxls: length_lsl.append((get_k_dis((lpoint[0], lpoint[1]), (center[0], center[1]), (x+w/2, y+h/2)), (x+w/2, y+h/2))) length_lsl = filter(lambda x: (lpoint[1] - x[1][1]) * (lpoint[1] - center[1]) <= 0, length_lsl) length_lsl = filter(lambda x: x[0] < 20, length_lsl) if len(length_lsl) > 0: lx,ly = min(length_lsl, key=lambda x: distant((x[1][0], x[1][1]), (lpoint[0], lpoint[1])))[1] lind = test_insdie((lx, ly), boxls) lx, ly = self.surfacels[lind] x, y, w, h = boxls[lind] #lx, ly = int(x+w/2), int(y+h/2) cv2.rectangle(draw_img1,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2) #cv2.putText(draw_img1,"pointed_left",(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) ''' flag is 2 ''' self.draw = draw_img1 self.last_select = [[rx, ry], [lx, ly]] netsend([[rx, ry], [lx, ly]]) self.mode = 2 = center self.pick_center = center return [[tips[0][0], tips[0][1]], [tips[1][0], tips[1][1]], [rx, ry], [lx, ly], center,2] # ''' # one hand and multi finger, flag == 3 # ''' elif num_tips > 0 and label == 3: temp_center = (center[0], center[1] - 30) if not self.trigger: netsend(list(temp_center), need_unpack=False, flag=-18) elif self.trigger: # surface = np.ones(self.image.shape) #, center, 120, (255, 255, 255), -1) # grayscaled = cv2.cvtColor(surface,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # retval, threshold = cv2.threshold(grayscaled, 10, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # self.hand_mask.append(threshold) self.hand_mask = [] self.hand_mask.append(get_handmask(deepcopy(self.image), center)) rospy.loginfo("get brushed") self.draw = draw_img1 self.trigger = False self.mode = 3 rospy.loginfo("send center information :{}".format(list(temp_center))) netsend(list(temp_center), need_unpack=False, flag=-8) self.pick_center = center = center return [temp_center,3] elif label == 4 and len(self.boxls) > 0 and len(tips) > 0 and len(tips) < 4: #point = max(tips, key=lambda x: np.sqrt((x[0]- center[0])**2 + (x[1] - center[1])**2)) point = fake_tip center = fake_center length_ls = [] for x, y, w, h in self.boxls: length_ls.append((get_k_dis((point[0], point[1]), (center[0], center[1]), (x+w/2, y+h/2)), (x+w/2, y+h/2))) #length_ls = filter(lambda x: (point[1] - x[1][1]) * (point[1] - center[1]) <= 0, length_ls) #length_ls = filter(lambda x: (point[0] - x[1][0]) * (center[0] - x[1][0]) > 0, length_ls) length_ls = filter(lambda x: x[1][1] - point[1] < 0, length_ls) #print("haha", len(length_ls)) length_ls = filter(lambda x: x[0] < 50, length_ls) #print("ddd", len(length_ls)) sub_result = [] if color_flag is not None: object_mask = get_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) if color_flag == "yellow": color_mask = get_yellow_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) elif color_flag == "blue": color_mask = get_blue_objectmask(deepcopy(self.image)) if len(length_ls) > 0: for i in range(len(length_ls)): # x,y = min(length_ls, key=lambda x: distant((x[1][0], x[1][1]), (point[0], point[1])))[1] # ind = test_insdie((x, y), self.boxls) x,y = length_ls[i][1] ind = test_insdie((x, y), self.boxls) x, y, w, h = self.boxls[ind] cx, cy = self.surfacels[ind] if color_mask[cy, cx] == 255: sub_result.append((cx, cy)) cv2.rectangle(draw_img1,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2), (cx, cy), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) #cv2.putText(draw_img1,"general",(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) ''' flag is 1 ''' self.draw = draw_img1 self.last_select = sub_result self.mode = 6 self.pick_center = center = center return [sub_result, center ,6] else: self.draw = draw_img1 return None else: if len(length_ls) > 0: for i in range(len(length_ls)): # x,y = min(length_ls, key=lambda x: distant((x[1][0], x[1][1]), (point[0], point[1])))[1] # ind = test_insdie((x, y), self.boxls) x,y = length_ls[i][1] ind = test_insdie((x, y), self.boxls) x, y, w, h = self.boxls[ind] cx, cy = self.surfacels[ind] sub_result.append((cx, cy)) cv2.rectangle(draw_img1,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2), (cx, cy), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) #cv2.putText(draw_img1,"general",(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) netsend(sub_result, need_unpack=True) self.draw = draw_img1 self.last_select = sub_result self.mode = 6 self.pick_center = center = center return [sub_result, center ,6] else: self.draw = draw_img1 return None ''' two hand in the view ''' if num_hand_view == 2: lcenter = result[0][0] ltips = result[0][1] lnum_tips = len(ltips) lradius = result[0][2] lbox = result[0][3] llabel = self.test(lbox, draw_img1) app = result[0][5] cv2.drawContours(draw_img1, [app],-1,(255, 0, 0),1) for k in range(len(ltips)):,ltips[k],10,(255, 0, 0),2) cv2.line(draw_img1,ltips[k],lcenter,(255, 0, 0),2) rcenter = result[1][0] rtips = result[1][1] rnum_tips = len(rtips) rradius = result[1][2] rbox = result[1][3] rlabel = self.test(rbox, draw_img1) lapp = result[1][5] cv2.drawContours(draw_img1, [lapp],-1,(255, 0, 0),1) for k in range(len(rtips)):,rtips[k],10,(255, 0, 0),2) cv2.line(draw_img1,rtips[k],rcenter,(255, 0, 0),2) # ''' # two hand is both one finger pointing, ONLY PLACE # ''' if set([lnum_tips, rnum_tips]) == set([1,1]) and len(self.boxls) > 0 and set([llabel, rlabel]) == set([1,1]): self.draw = draw_img1 ''' flag is 4 ''' self.mode = 4 self.two_hand_mode =4 self.tip_deque1.appendleft((ltips[0][0], ltips[0][1])) self.tip_deque2.appendleft((rtips[0][0], rtips[0][1])) = [list(lcenter), list(rcenter)] return [[rtips[0][0], rtips[0][1]], [ltips[0][0], ltips[0][1]], [list(rcenter), list(lcenter)], 4] elif max(set([lnum_tips, rnum_tips])) >= 2 and min(set([lnum_tips, rnum_tips])) == 1 and max(set([llabel, rlabel])) < 4 and self.onehand_center: #sub_result = filter(lambda x: len(x[1]) == 1 , [[rcenter, rtips], [lcenter, ltips]]) sub_result = max([[rcenter, rtips], [lcenter, ltips]], key=lambda x: distant(x[0], self.onehand_center)) center = sub_result[0] tips = sub_result[1] # center = sub_result[0][0] # tips = sub_result[0][1] self.tip_deque.appendleft((tips[0][0], tips[0][1])) self.draw = draw_img1 if max(set([lnum_tips, rnum_tips])) == 2 and set([lnum_tips, rnum_tips]) == set([1,2]): self.mode = 1 self.two_hand_mode = 1 return [[tips[0][0], tips[0][1]], 1] else: self.mode = 5 self.two_hand_mode = 5 return [[tips[0][0], tips[0][1]], 5] elif min(set([lnum_tips, rnum_tips])) == 1 and max(set([llabel, rlabel])) == 4 and self.onehand_center: #sub_result = filter(lambda x: len(x[1]) == 1 , [[rcenter, rtips], [lcenter, ltips]]) sub_result = max([[rcenter, rtips], [lcenter, ltips]], key=lambda x: distant(x[0], self.onehand_center)) center = sub_result[0] tips = sub_result[1] # center = sub_result[0][0] # tips = sub_result[0][1] self.tip_deque.appendleft((tips[0][0], tips[0][1])) self.draw = draw_img1 self.mode = 1 self.two_hand_mode = 1 #rospy.loginfo("jdjdjdjjs") return [[tips[0][0], tips[0][1]], 1] self.draw = draw_img1 def get_bound(self, image, object_mask, visualization=True): self.surfacels = [] self.boxls = [] (_,object_contours, object_hierarchy)=cv2.findContours(object_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(object_contours) > 0: for i , contour in enumerate(object_contours): area = cv2.contourArea(contour) if area>250 and area < 800 and object_hierarchy[0, i, 3] == -1: M = cv2.moments(contour) cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00']) x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) self.surfacels.append((int(x+w/2), int(y+h/2))) self.boxls.append((x, y, w, h)) if len(self.boxls) > 0: boxls_arr = np.array(self.boxls) self.boxls = boxls_arr[boxls_arr[:, 0].argsort()].tolist() sur_array = boxls_arr = np.array(self.surfacels) self.surfacels = sur_array[boxls_arr[:, 0].argsort()].tolist() #print(self.surfacels) # for x, y, w, h in self.boxls: # sub = image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] # hsv = cv2.cvtColor(sub,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # top_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, Top_low, Top_high) # (_,top_contours, object_hierarchy)=cv2.findContours(top_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # max_area = 0 # for i , contour in enumerate(top_contours): # area = cv2.contourArea(contour) # if area>max_area and object_hierarchy[0, i, 3] == -1: # M = cv2.moments(contour) # cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00']) # cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00']) # max_area = area # self.surfacels.append((cx+x, cy+y)) def reset(self): self.tip_deque.clear() self.tip_deque1.clear() self.tip_deque2.clear() self.two_hand_mode = None self.mode = 0 self.last_select = None = None self.pick_tip = None self.pick_center = None self.hand_mask = [] self.onehand_center = None def __del__(self): self.cap.release() self.out.release()
class object_detector(): def __init__(self, start): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.start_time = start self.stored_flag = False self.trained_flag = False self.milstone_flag = False self.incremental_train_flag = False self.tracking_flag = False self.boxls = None self.count = 1 self.new_count = 1 self.path = "/home/intuitivecompting/Desktop/color/Smart-Projector/script/datasets/" if MODE == 'all': self.file = open(self.path + "read.txt", "w") self.milestone_file = open(self.path + "mileston_read.txt", "w") self.user_input = 0 self.predict = None self.memory = cache(10) self.memory1 = cache(10) self.hand_memory = cache(10) self.node_sequence = [] #-----------------------create GUI-----------------------# self.gui_img = np.zeros((130,640,3), np.uint8),(160,50),30,(255,0,0),-1) cv2.putText(self.gui_img,"start",(130,110),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(255,0,0)),(320,50),30,(0,255,0),-1) cv2.putText(self.gui_img,"stop",(290,110),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,255,0)),(480,50),30,(0,0,255),-1) cv2.putText(self.gui_img,"quit",(450,110),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) cv2.namedWindow('gui_img') cv2.namedWindow('gui_img1') cv2.setMouseCallback('gui_img',self.gui_callback) cv2.setMouseCallback('gui_img1',self.gui_callback) #-----------------------Training sign--------------# self.training_surface = np.ones((610,640,3), np.uint8) * 255 cv2.putText(self.training_surface,'Training...',(120,300),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 3.0,(255,192,203), 5) #----------------------new coming item id------------------# self.new_come_id = None self.old_come_id = None self.new_come_side = None self.old_come_side = None self.new_coming_lock = True self.once_lock = True #---------------------set some flag-------------------# self.storing = None self.quit = None self.once = True #---------------------set gui image----------------------# self.temp_surface = None #----------------------for easlier developing-----------------# if MODE == 'test': if not GPU: = Net() else: = Net().cuda() + 'model')) self.user_input = 5 self.stored_flag = True def update(self, save=True, train=False): self.boxls = [] OK, origin = if OK: rect = self.camrectify(origin) #-------------warp the image---------------------# warp = self.warp(rect) #-------------segment the object----------------# hsv = cv2.cvtColor(warp,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) green_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, Green_low, Green_high) # green_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, np.array([45,90,29]), np.array([85,255,255])) hand_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, Hand_low, Hand_high) hand_mask = cv2.dilate(hand_mask, kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)) skin_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, Skin_low, Skin_high) skin_mask = cv2.dilate(skin_mask, kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)) thresh = 255 - green_mask thresh = cv2.subtract(thresh, hand_mask) thresh = cv2.subtract(thresh, skin_mask) thresh[477:, 50:610] = 0 #thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, kernel = np.ones((11,11),np.uint8)) cv2.imshow('afg', thresh) draw_img1 = warp.copy() draw_img2 = warp.copy() draw_img3 = warp.copy() self.train_img = warp.copy() #-------------get the bounding box-------------- self.get_bound(draw_img1, thresh, hand_mask, only=False, visualization=True) #--------------get bags of words and training-------# if MODE == 'all': #----------------------------storing image for each item---------# if not self.stored_flag: self.temp_surface = np.vstack((draw_img1, self.gui_img)) self.stored_flag = cv2.imshow('gui_img', self.temp_surface) #--------------------------training, just once------------------# if self.stored_flag and not self.trained_flag: cv2.destroyWindow('gui_img') #cv2.imshow('training', self.training_surface) self.trained_flag = self.train() #------------------------assembling and saving milstone---------# if self.trained_flag and not self.milstone_flag: self.test(draw_img2) self.temp_surface = np.vstack((draw_img2, self.gui_img)) cv2.imshow('gui_img1', self.temp_surface) #-----------------------training saved milstone image---------# if self.milstone_flag and not self.incremental_train_flag: cv2.destroyWindow('gui_img1') self.incremental_train_flag = self.train(is_incremental=True) #-----------------------finalized tracking------------------# if self.incremental_train_flag and not self.tracking_flag: self.test(draw_img3, is_tracking=True) cv2.imshow('tracking', draw_img3) elif MODE == 'test': self.test(draw_img2) self.temp_surface = np.vstack((draw_img2, self.gui_img)) cv2.imshow('gui_img', self.temp_surface) #cv2.imshow('track', draw_img2) #-----------------------training saved milstone image---------# if self.milstone_flag and not self.incremental_train_flag: cv2.destroyWindow('gui_img') self.incremental_train_flag = self.train(is_incremental=True) #-----------------------finalized tracking------------------# if self.incremental_train_flag and not self.tracking_flag: self.test(draw_img3, is_tracking=True) cv2.imshow('gui_img1', draw_img3) elif MODE == 'train': if not self.trained_flag: #cv2.destroyWindow('gui_img') #cv2.imshow('training', self.training_surface) self.trained_flag = self.train() #------------------------assembling and saving milstone---------# if self.trained_flag and not self.milstone_flag: self.test(draw_img2) self.temp_surface = np.vstack((draw_img2, self.gui_img)) cv2.imshow('gui_img1', self.temp_surface) #-----------------------training saved milstone image---------# if self.milstone_flag and not self.incremental_train_flag: cv2.destroyWindow('gui_img1') self.incremental_train_flag = self.train(is_incremental=True) #-----------------------finalized tracking------------------# if self.incremental_train_flag and not self.tracking_flag: self.test(draw_img3, is_tracking=True) cv2.imshow('tracking', draw_img3) def get_bound(self, img, object_mask, hand_mask, only=True, visualization=True): (_,object_contours, object_hierarchy)=cv2.findContours(object_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) (_,hand_contours, hand_hierarchy)=cv2.findContours(hand_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) hand_m_ls = [] object_m_ls = [] if len(hand_contours) > 0: for i , contour in enumerate(hand_contours): area = cv2.contourArea(contour) if area>600 and area < 100000 and hand_hierarchy[0, i, 3] == -1: M = cv2.moments(contour) cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00']) hand_m_ls.append((cx, cy)) if len(object_contours) > 0: for i , contour in enumerate(object_contours): area = cv2.contourArea(contour) if area>100 and area < 100000 and object_hierarchy[0, i, 3] == -1: M = cv2.moments(contour) cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00']) cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00']) object_m_ls.append((cx, cy)) x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) self.boxls.append([x, y, w, h]) temp_i = [] temp_j = [] for (x3, y3) in hand_m_ls: for i in range(len(object_m_ls)): for j in range(i + 1, len(object_m_ls)): x1, y1 = object_m_ls[i] x2, y2 = object_m_ls[j] d12 = distant((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) d13 = distant((x1, y1), (x3, y3)) d23 = distant((x2, y2), (x3, y3)) # dis = d13 * d23 / d12 # if dis < 60 and d12 < 140 and d13 < 100 and d23 < 100: # temp_i.append(i) # temp_j.append(j) dis = self.get_k_dis((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)) if dis < 60 and d12 < 140 and d13 < 100 and d23 < 100: temp_i.append(i) temp_j.append(j) # print(dis, d12, d13, d23) if len(temp_i) > 0 and len(temp_j) > 0 and len(self.boxls) >= 1: for (i, j) in zip(temp_i, temp_j): if self.boxls[i] != 0 and self.boxls[j] != 0: x, y = np.min([self.boxls[i][0], self.boxls[j][0]]), np.min([self.boxls[i][1], self.boxls[j][1]]) x_max, y_max = np.max([self.boxls[i][0] + self.boxls[i][2], self.boxls[j][0] + self.boxls[j][2]]), np.max([self.boxls[i][1] + self.boxls[i][3], self.boxls[j][1] + self.boxls[j][3]]) w, h = x_max - x, y_max - y self.boxls[i] = 0 self.boxls[j] = [x, y, w, h] self.boxls = filter(lambda a: a != 0, self.boxls) #---------------sorting the list according to the x coordinate of each item if len(self.boxls) > 0: boxls_arr = np.array(self.boxls) self.boxls = boxls_arr[boxls_arr[:, 0].argsort()].tolist() for i in range(len(self.boxls)): if visualization: ind = max(range(len(self.boxls)), key=lambda i:self.boxls[i][2]*self.boxls[i][3]) x,y,w,h = self.boxls[ind] cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2) cv2.putText(img,str(self.user_input),(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) def gui_callback(self, event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK and (self.temp_surface[y, x] == np.array([255, 0, 0])).all() and not self.storing: self.count = 1 self.user_input += 1 self.storing = True if self.user_input > 5: if self.once: temp_node = node((self.new_come_id, self.old_come_id), (self.new_come_side, self.old_come_side),self.user_input) self.once = False else: temp_node = node((self.new_come_id, self.user_input - 1), (self.new_come_side, self.old_come_side), self.user_input) self.node_sequence.append(temp_node) print("start") if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK and (self.temp_surface[y, x] == np.array([0, 255, 0])).all() and self.storing: self.storing = False self.new_coming_lock = True self.new_come_id = None self.old_come_id = None self.new_come_side = None self.old_come_side = None print("stop") if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK and (self.temp_surface[y, x] == np.array([0, 0, 255])).all(): self.storing = None self.quit = True print("quit") if self.stored_flag: x,y,w,h = self.boxls[0] sub_img = self.train_img[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] cv2.imwrite('test_imgs/saved' + str(self.user_input) + '.jpg', sub_img) # if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK and (self.temp_surface[y, x] == np.array([255, 0, 255])).all(): # self.saving_milstone = True # self.user_input += 1 def store(self, is_milestone=False): # if is_milestone: # file = self.milestone_file # img_dir = os.path.join(self.path + "milestone_image", str(self.count) + ".jpg") # self.createFolder(self.path + "milestone_image") # else: if is_milestone: self.file = open(self.path + "read.txt", "a") img_dir = os.path.join(self.path + "image", "milstone" + str(self.new_count) + ".jpg") else: img_dir = os.path.join(self.path + "image", str(self.new_count) + ".jpg") file = self.file self.createFolder(self.path + "image") if self.quit: file.close() print('finish output') return True if len(self.boxls) > 0: if self.storing: cv2.putText(self.temp_surface,"recording",(450,50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255), 2) frame = self.train_img ind = max(range(len(self.boxls)), key=lambda i:self.boxls[i][2]*self.boxls[i][3]) #-------------capturing img for each of item--------------# x,y,w,h = self.boxls[ind] temp = frame[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] cv2.imwrite(img_dir, temp) file.write(img_dir + " " + str(self.user_input) + "\n") if self.count % 100 == 0: print('output imgs ' + str(self.count) + 'img' ) self.count += 1 self.new_count += 1 return False #-----------------get to the next item----------- else: return False def train(self, is_incremental=False): if is_incremental: pickle.dump(node.pair_list ,open("node.p", "wb")) start_time = time.time() if not is_incremental: reader_train = self.reader(self.path, "read.txt") if not GPU: = Net() else: = Net().cuda() else: if not GPU: = Net() else: = Net().cuda() reader_train = self.reader(self.path, "read.txt") + 'model')) optimizer = optim.SGD(, lr=LR, momentum=MOMENTUM, nesterov=True) #optimizer = optim.Adam(, lr=LR, weight_decay=0.01) schedule = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=STEP, gamma=GAMMA) trainset = CovnetDataset(reader=reader_train, transforms=transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((200, 100)), transforms.ToTensor() ])) #trainset = CovnetDataset(reader=reader_train, transforms=transforms.Compose([transforms.Pad(30), # transforms.ToTensor() # ])) trainloader = DataLoader(dataset=trainset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=2) #-----------------------------------training---------------------------------------------------------------- if True: loss_ls = [] count = 0 count_ls = [] t = tqdm.trange(EPOTH, desc='Training') temp = 0 for _ in t: # loop over the dataset multiple times schedule.step() running_loss = 0.0 i = 0 for data in trainloader: # get the inputs inputs, labels = data if GPU: inputs, labels = inputs.cuda(), labels.cuda() inputs, labels = Variable(inputs), Variable(labels.long()) # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize outputs = # print(outputs) # print(labels.view(1, -1)[0]) loss = F.cross_entropy(outputs, labels.view(1, -1)[0]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() t.set_description('loss=%g' %(temp)) loss_ls.append(loss.item()) count += 1 count_ls.append(count) running_loss += loss.item() if i % 10 == 9: temp = running_loss/10 running_loss = 0.0 i += 1 plt.plot(count_ls, loss_ls) print('Finished Training, using {} second'.format(int(time.time() - start_time))) self.quit = None if not is_incremental: self.user_input = 5, f=self.path + 'model') else:, f=self.path + 'milestone_model') # try: # node_file = open(self.path + "node.txt", "w") # for pair in node.pair_list: # node_file.write(str(pair[0][0]) + "" + str(pair[0][1]) + "" +str(pair[1][0]) + "" + str(pair[1][1]) + "\n") # except: # print("fail to save") return True #---------------------------------testing----------------------------------------------- def test(self, draw_img, is_tracking=False): self.predict = [] net = num_object = len(self.boxls) frame = self.train_img preprocess = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((200, 100)), transforms.ToTensor()]) #preprocess = transforms.Compose([transforms.Pad(30), # transforms.ToTensor()]) for i in range(num_object): x,y,w,h = self.boxls[i] temp = frame[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] temp = cv2.cvtColor(temp,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = Image.fromarray(temp) img_tensor = preprocess(image) img_tensor.unsqueeze_(0) img_variable = Variable(img_tensor).cuda() if GPU: img_variable = Variable(img_tensor).cuda() out = np.argmax(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0]) else: img_variable = Variable(img_tensor) out = np.argmax(net(img_variable).data.numpy()[0]) # if np.max(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0]) > 0.9: # out = np.argmax(net(img_variable).cpu().data.numpy()[0]) # else: # out = -1 cv2.rectangle(draw_img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2) cv2.putText(draw_img,str(out),(x,y),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0,(0,0,255)) self.predict.append(((x, y, w, h), out)) if not is_tracking: if self.old_come_side is not None and self.new_come_side is None: cv2.putText(draw_img,"Point to next!",(220,50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7,(0,0,255), 2) if self.new_come_side is not None and self.old_come_side is not None: cv2.putText(draw_img,"Start Assemble! Click Start when finish",(180,50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7,(0,0,255), 2) lab, color, ind, coord = self.store_side(frame) if lab: self.get_pair(frame.copy(), num_object, lab, color, ind, coord) self.milstone_flag = # self.memory.append(self.predict) #print(len(self.memory.list)) def store_side(self, frame): img = frame.copy() point, center = hand_tracking(img, self.hand_memory).get_result() if point and len(self.boxls) > 0: red_center = side_finder(img, color='red') blue_center = side_finder(img, color='blue') tape = red_center + blue_center length_ls = [] for (x, y) in tape: length_ls.append((self.get_k_dis((point[0], point[1]), (center[0], center[1]), (x, y)), (x, y))) x,y = min(length_ls, key=lambda x: x[0])[1], (x,y), 10, [255, 255, 0], -1) ind = test_insdie((x, y), self.boxls) # x,y,w,h = self.boxls[ind] # line_canvas = np.zeros((h, w)) # cx, cy = center # x1, y1 = point # k = (y1-cy)/float(x1-cx) # cv2.line(line_canvas, point, (x1-50, y1-50*k), (255,0,0), 5) # frame_copy = frame.copy() # sub_img = frame_copy[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] # hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # object_mask = cv2.subtract(cv2.inRange(hsv, Green_low, Green_high),cv2.inRange(hsv, Hand_low, Hand_high)) # object_mask = 255 - object_mask # (_,object_contours, object_hierarchy)=cv2.findContours(object_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # max_area = 0 # cnt = None # for i , contour in enumerate(object_contours): # area = cv2.contourArea(contour) # if object_hierarchy[0, i, 3] == -1 and area > max_area: # max_area = area # cnt = contour # cnt_canvas = np.zeros((h, w)) # cv2.imshow("point", img) # print(ind, self.predict) if ind is not None: color = None if (x, y) in red_center: color = 'red' elif (x, y) in blue_center: color = 'blue' return self.predict[ind][1], color, ind, (x, y) else: return None, None, None, None else: return None, None, None, None # def get_pair(self,image, num_object, label, color, index, coord): ''' pointing from left to right ''' if self.once and self.once_lock and num_object == 2: if index == 0: self.memory.append(self.predict[0][1]) if self.memory.full and self.new_come_id is None: self.old_come_id = max(set(self.memory.list), key=self.memory.list.count) # if self.new_come_id == label: self.old_come_side = self.draw_point(image, coord, index) #, coord, 5, (125, 125), 1) # x,y,w,h = self.boxls[index] # sub_img = image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] # cv2.imwrite('saved' + str(self.predict[0][1]) + '.jpg', sub_img) # else: # self.memory.clear() if self.memory.full and index == 1: self.memory1.append(self.predict[-1][1]) if self.memory1.full: self.new_come_id = max(set(self.memory1.list), key=self.memory1.list.count) # if self.old_come_id == label: self.new_come_side = self.draw_point(image, coord, index) #, coord, 5, (125, 125), 1) # x,y,w,h = self.boxls[index] # sub_img = image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] # cv2.imwrite('saved' + str(self.predict[-1][1]) + '.jpg', sub_img) # else: # self.memory1.clear() if self.memory.full and self.memory1.full: self.once_lock = False self.memory.clear() self.memory1.clear() print("new_come_id:{}, old_come_id:{}".format(self.new_come_id, self.old_come_id)) print("new_come_side:{}, old_come_side:{}".format(self.new_come_side, self.old_come_side)) print(self.new_come_side, self.old_come_side) ''' pointing from left to right ''' if not self.once and num_object == 2 and self.new_coming_lock: if index == 0: self.memory.append(0) if self.memory.full: self.old_come_side = self.draw_point(image, coord, index, is_milestone=True) self.memory.clear() #, coord, 5, (125, 125), 1) # x,y,w,h = self.boxls[index] # sub_img = image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] # cv2.imwrite('saved' + str(self.user_input + 1) + '.jpg', sub_img) elif index == 1 and self.new_come_id is None: self.memory1.append(self.predict[-1][1]) if self.memory1.full: self.new_come_id = max(set(self.memory1.list), key=self.memory1.list.count) self.new_come_side = self.draw_point(image, coord, index) self.memory1.clear() #, coord, 5, (125, 125), 1) # x,y,w,h = self.boxls[index] # sub_img = image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :] # cv2.imwrite('saved' + str(self.predict[1][1]) + '.jpg', sub_img) if self.new_come_side and self.old_come_side: self.new_coming_lock = False print("new_come_id:{}".format(self.new_come_id)) print("new_come_side:{}, old_come_side:{}".format(self.new_come_side, self.old_come_side)) def draw_point(self, image, coord, index, is_milestone=False):, coord, 5, (125, 125), 1) x,y,w,h = self.boxls[index] sub_img = image[y:y+h, x:x+w, :], (coord[0] - x, coord[1] - y) , 5, (125, 125), -1) if not is_milestone: cv2.imwrite('test_imgs/saved' + str(self.predict[index][1]) + '.jpg', sub_img) return (coord[0] - x, coord[1] - y) else: cv2.imwrite('test_imgs/saved' + str(self.user_input) + '.jpg', sub_img) return (coord[0] - x, coord[1] - y) def warp(self, img): #pts1 = np.float32([[115,124],[520,112],[2,476],[640,480]]) pts1 = np.float32([[101,160],[531,133],[0,480],[640,480]]) pts2 = np.float32([[0,0],[640,0],[0,480],[640,480]]) M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1,pts2) dst = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(640,480)) return dst @staticmethod def get_k_dis((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x, y)): coord = ((x, y), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) return Polygon(coord).area / distant((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
class DQN: def __init__(self, memory_size=50000, batch_size=128, gamma=0.99, lr=1e-3, n_step=500000): self.device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.gamma = gamma # memory self.memory_size = memory_size self.Memory = ReplayMemory(self.memory_size) self.batch_size = batch_size # network self.target_net = Net().to(self.device) self.eval_net = Net().to(self.device) self.target_update() # initialize same weight self.target_net.eval() # optim self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.eval_net.parameters(), lr=lr) def select_action(self, state, eps): prob = random.random() if prob > eps: return self.eval_net.act(state), False else: return (torch.tensor( [[random.randrange(0, 9)]], device=self.device, dtype=torch.long, ), True) def select_dummy_action(self, state): state = state.reshape(3, 3, 3) open_spots = state[:, :, 0].reshape(-1) p = open_spots / open_spots.sum() return np.random.choice(np.arange(9), p=p) def target_update(self): self.target_net.load_state_dict(self.eval_net.state_dict()) def learn(self): if self.Memory.__len__() < self.batch_size: return # random batch sampling transitions = self.Memory.sampling(self.batch_size) batch = Transition(*zip(*transitions)) non_final_mask = torch.tensor( tuple(map(lambda s: s is not None, batch.next_state)), device=self.device, dtype=torch.bool, ) non_final_next_states = [s for s in batch.next_state if s is not None]).to(self.device) state_batch = action_batch = reward_batch = # Q(s) Q_s = self.eval_net(state_batch).gather(1, action_batch) # maxQ(s') no grad for target_net Q_s_ = torch.zeros(self.batch_size, device=self.device) Q_s_[non_final_mask] = self.target_net(non_final_next_states).max( 1)[0].detach() # Q_target=R+γ*maxQ(s') Q_target = reward_batch + (Q_s_ * self.gamma) # loss_fnc---(R+γ*maxQ(s'))-Q(s) # huber loss with delta=1 loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(Q_s, Q_target.unsqueeze(1)) # Optimize the model self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() for param in self.eval_net.parameters():, 1) self.optimizer.step() def load_net(self, name): self.action_net = torch.load(name).cpu() def load_weight(self, name): self.eval_net.load_state_dict(torch.load(name)) self.eval_net = self.eval_net.cpu() def act(self, state): with torch.no_grad(): p = F.softmax(self.action_net.forward(state)).cpu().numpy() valid_moves = (state.cpu().numpy().reshape( 3, 3, 3).argmax(axis=2).reshape(-1) == 0) p = valid_moves * p return p.argmax()