def fill_table_psector(self, widget, table_name, column_id): """ Set a model with selected filter. Attach that model to selected table """ # Set model self.model = QSqlTableModel() self.model.setTable(self.schema_name + "." + table_name) self.model.setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel.OnManualSubmit) self.model.setSort(0, 0) # Check for errors if self.model.lastError().isValid(): self.controller.show_warning(self.model.lastError().text()) # Attach model to table view widget.setModel(self.model) # put combobox in qtableview sql = "SELECT * FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + table_name + " ORDER BY " + column_id rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) for x in range(len(rows)): combo = QComboBox() sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(priority) FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + table_name row = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(combo, row, False) row = rows[x] priority = row[4] utils_giswater.setSelectedItem(combo, str(priority)) i = widget.model().index(x, 4) widget.setIndexWidget(i, combo) #combo.setStyleSheet("background:#F2F2F2") combo.setStyleSheet("background:#E6E6E6") combo.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.update_combobox_values, widget, combo, x))
def go2epa_result_selector(self): """ Button 25. Result selector """ # Create the dialog and signals self.dlg = ResultCompareSelector() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) self.dlg.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.result_selector_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(self.close_dialog) # Set values from widgets of type QComboBox sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(result_id) FROM " + self.schema_name + ".rpt_cat_result ORDER BY result_id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("rpt_selector_result_id", rows) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("rpt_selector_compare_id", rows) # Get current data from tables 'rpt_selector_result' and 'rpt_selector_compare' sql = "SELECT result_id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".rpt_selector_result" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("rpt_selector_result_id", row["result_id"]) sql = "SELECT result_id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".rpt_selector_compare" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("rpt_selector_compare_id", row["result_id"]) # Open the dialog self.dlg.exec_()
def go2epa_result_selector(self): """ Button 29: Epa result selector """ # Create the dialog and signals self.dlg_go2epa_result = EpaResultCompareSelector() self.load_settings(self.dlg_go2epa_result) self.dlg_go2epa_result.btn_accept.clicked.connect(self.result_selector_accept) self.dlg_go2epa_result.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg_go2epa_result)) self.dlg_go2epa_result.rejected.connect(partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg_go2epa_result)) # Set values from widgets of type QComboBox sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(result_id) FROM " + self.schema_name + ".v_ui_rpt_cat_result ORDER BY result_id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_go2epa_result, self.dlg_go2epa_result.rpt_selector_result_id, rows) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_go2epa_result, self.dlg_go2epa_result.rpt_selector_compare_id, rows) # Get current data from tables 'rpt_selector_result' and 'rpt_selector_compare' sql = "SELECT result_id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".rpt_selector_result" row = self.controller.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText(self.dlg_go2epa_result, self.dlg_go2epa_result.rpt_selector_result_id, row["result_id"]) sql = "SELECT result_id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".rpt_selector_compare" row = self.controller.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText(self.dlg_go2epa_result, self.dlg_go2epa_result.rpt_selector_compare_id, row["result_id"]) # Open the dialog self.dlg_go2epa_result.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) self.dlg_go2epa_result.exec_()
def master_config_master(self): """ Button 99: Open a dialog showing data from table 'config_param_system' """ # Create the dialog and signals self.dlg = ConfigMaster() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) self.load_settings(self.dlg) self.dlg.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.master_config_master_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg)) self.dlg.rejected.connect(partial(self.save_settings, self.dlg)) # Get records from tables 'config' and 'config_param_system' and fill corresponding widgets self.select_config("config") self.select_config_param_system("config_param_system") self.dlg.om_path_url.clicked.connect(partial(self.open_web_browser, "om_visit_absolute_path")) self.dlg.om_path_doc.clicked.connect(partial(self.get_folder_dialog, "om_visit_absolute_path")) self.dlg.doc_path_url.clicked.connect(partial(self.open_web_browser, "doc_absolute_path")) self.dlg.doc_path_doc.clicked.connect(partial(self.get_folder_dialog, "doc_absolute_path")) if self.project_type == 'ws': self.dlg.tab_topology.removeTab(1) sql = "SELECT name FROM" + self.schema_name + ".plan_psector ORDER BY name" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("psector_vdefault", rows) sql = "SELECT parameter, value FROM " + self.schema_name + ".config_param_user" sql += " WHERE parameter = 'psector_vdefault'" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setChecked("chk_psector_enabled", True) utils_giswater.setWidgetText(str(row[0]), str(row[1])) self.dlg.exec_()
def init_replace_node_form(self): # Create the dialog and signals dlg_nodereplace = Node_replace() utils_giswater.setDialog(dlg_nodereplace) dlg_nodereplace.btn_accept.pressed.connect( partial(self.get_values, dlg_nodereplace)) dlg_nodereplace.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(dlg_nodereplace.close) sql = ("SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_work ORDER BY id") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) if rows: utils_giswater.fillComboBox(dlg_nodereplace.workcat_id_end, rows) utils_giswater.set_autocompleter(dlg_nodereplace.workcat_id_end) sql = 'SELECT value FROM ' + self.schema_name + '.config_param_user' sql += ' WHERE "cur_user" = current_user AND parameter = ' + "'workcat_vdefault'" row = self.controller.get_row(sql) if row: dlg_nodereplace.workcat_id_end.setCurrentIndex( dlg_nodereplace.workcat_id_end.findText(row[0])) sql = 'SELECT value FROM ' + self.schema_name + '.config_param_user' sql += ' WHERE "cur_user" = current_user AND parameter = ' + "'enddate_vdefault'" row = self.controller.get_row(sql) if row: self.enddate_aux = datetime.strptime(row[0], '%Y-%m-%d').date() else: self.enddate_aux = datetime.strptime( QDate.currentDate().toString('yyyy-MM-dd'), '%Y-%m-%d').date() dlg_nodereplace.enddate.setDate(self.enddate_aux) dlg_nodereplace.exec_()
def master_estimate_result_selector(self): """ Button 49: Estimate result selector """ # Create dialog self.dlg = EstimateResultSelector() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) # Set signals self.dlg.btn_accept.clicked.connect(self.master_estimate_result_selector_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(self.close_dialog) # Fill combo box sql = "SELECT result_id FROM "+self.schema_name+".plan_result_cat " sql += " WHERE cur_user = current_user ORDER BY result_id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) if not rows: return utils_giswater.fillComboBox("rpt_selector_result_id", rows, False) # Get selected value from table 'plan_selector_result' sql = "SELECT result_id FROM "+self.schema_name+".plan_selector_result" sql += " WHERE cur_user = current_user" row = self.controller.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setSelectedItem("rpt_selector_result_id", str(row[0])) elif row is None and self.controller.last_error: self.controller.log_info(sql) return # Manage i18n of the form and open it self.controller.translate_form(self.dlg, 'estimate_result_selector') self.dlg.exec_()
def change_elem_type(self, feature): # Create the dialog, fill node_type and define its signals self.dlg = ChangeNodeType() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) self.load_settings(self.dlg) # Get nodetype_id from current node project_type = self.controller.get_project_type() if project_type == 'ws': node_type = feature.attribute('nodetype_id') if project_type == 'ud': node_type = feature.attribute('node_type') sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_node ORDER BY id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("node_nodecat_id", rows, allow_nulls=False) self.dlg.node_node_type.setText(node_type) self.dlg.node_node_type_new.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.edit_change_elem_type_get_value) self.dlg.btn_catalog.pressed.connect(partial(self.open_catalog_form, project_type, 'node')) self.dlg.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.edit_change_elem_type_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(self.close_dialog) # Fill 1st combo boxes-new system node type sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM " + self.schema_name + ".node_type ORDER BY id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("node_node_type_new", rows) # Open dialog self.open_dialog(self.dlg, dlg_name='change_node_type', maximize_button=False)
def mg_result_selector(self): ''' Button 25. Result selector ''' # Create the dialog and signals self.dlg = ResultCompareSelector() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) self.dlg.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.mg_result_selector_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(self.close_dialog) # Set values from widgets of type QComboBox sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(result_id) FROM "+self.schema_name+".rpt_cat_result ORDER BY result_id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("rpt_selector_result_id", rows) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("rpt_selector_compare_id", rows) # Get current data from tables 'rpt_selector_result' and 'rpt_selector_compare' sql = "SELECT result_id FROM "+self.schema_name+".rpt_selector_result" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("rpt_selector_result_id", row["result_id"]) sql = "SELECT result_id FROM "+self.schema_name+".rpt_selector_compare" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("rpt_selector_compare_id", row["result_id"]) # Open the dialog self.dlg.exec_()
def fill_fields(self): """ Fill dates and combo cat_work """ sql = ( "SELECT value FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".config_param_user " " WHERE parameter = 'enddate_vdefault' and cur_user = current_user" ) row = self.controller.get_row(sql, log_info=False) if row: enddate = QDate.fromString(row[0], 'yyyy-MM-dd') else: enddate = QDate.currentDate() utils_giswater.setCalendarDate(self.dlg_work_end, "enddate", enddate) sql = ("SELECT id FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".cat_work") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_work_end, self.dlg_work_end.workcat_id_end, rows, allow_nulls=False) utils_giswater.set_autocompleter(self.dlg_work_end.workcat_id_end) sql = ( "SELECT value FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".config_param_user " " WHERE parameter = 'workcat_vdefault' and cur_user = current_user" ) row = self.controller.get_row(sql, log_info=False) if row: utils_giswater.setWidgetText(self.dlg_work_end, self.dlg_work_end.workcat_id_end, row[0])
def fill_filter2(self, wsoftware, geom_type): # Get values from filters mats = utils_giswater.getWidgetText(self.dlg_cat.matcat_id) # Set SQL query sql_where = "" sql = ("SELECT DISTINCT(" + self.field2 + ")" " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_" + geom_type) # Build SQL filter if mats != "null": if sql_where == "": sql_where = " WHERE" sql_where += " matcat_id = '" + mats + "'" if wsoftware == 'ws' and self.node_type_text is not None: if sql_where == "": sql_where = " WHERE" else: sql_where += " AND" sql_where += " " + geom_type + "type_id = '" + self.node_type_text + "'" sql += sql_where + " ORDER BY " + self.field2 rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_cat.filter2, rows) self.fill_filter3(wsoftware, geom_type)
def populate_combo(self, widget, table_name, field_name="id"): ''' Executes query and fill combo box ''' sql = "SELECT "+field_name+" FROM "+self.schema_name+"."+table_name+" ORDER BY "+field_name rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(widget, rows) if len(rows) > 0: utils_giswater.setCurrentIndex(widget, 1);
def filter_cbx_by_text(self, tablename, widgettxt, widgetcbx): sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + str( tablename) sql += " WHERE name LIKE '%" + str(widgettxt.text()) + "%'" sql += " ORDER BY name " rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(widgetcbx, rows, False) self.update_labels()
def filter_elementcat_id(self): """ Filter QComboBox @elementcat_id according QComboBox @elementtype_id """ sql = ("SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_element" " WHERE elementtype_id = '" + utils_giswater.getWidgetText(self.dlg_add_element, "element_type") + "'" " ORDER BY id") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_add_element, "elementcat_id", rows, False)
def fill_arc_type(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_arctype_id' ''' cat_arctype_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", False) sql = "SELECT id, man_table, epa_table FROM "+self.schema_name+".arc_type" sql+= " WHERE epa_default = '"+self.epa_type+"' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("cat_arctype_id", rows) utils_giswater.setWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", cat_arctype_id)
def fill_arc_type(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_arctype_id' ''' cat_arctype_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", False) sql = "SELECT id, man_table, epa_table FROM " + self.schema_name + ".arc_type" sql += " WHERE epa_default = '" + self.epa_type + "' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("cat_arctype_id", rows) utils_giswater.setWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", cat_arctype_id)
def change_arc_type(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'arccat_id_dummy' ''' cat_arctype_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", True) sql = "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".cat_arc" sql+= " WHERE arctype_id = "+cat_arctype_id+" ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("arccat_id_dummy", rows, False) # Select first item by default self.change_arc_cat()
def fill_connec_type_id(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_connectype_id_dummy' ''' sql = "SELECT" sql+= " FROM "+self.schema_name+".connec_type INNER JOIN "+self.schema_name+".cat_connec ON = cat_connec.type" sql+= " GROUP BY ORDER BY" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("cat_connectype_id_dummy", rows, False) utils_giswater.setWidgetText("cat_connectype_id_dummy", self.connec_type)
def fillNodeType(self): """ Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_nodetype_id' """ cat_nodetype_id = utils_giswater.getSelectedItem("cat_nodetype_id") sql = "SELECT id, man_table, epa_table FROM "+self.schema_name+".arc_type WHERE epa_default = '"+self.epa_type+"' UNION " sql+= "SELECT id, man_table, epa_table FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type WHERE epa_default = '"+self.epa_type+"' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) self.cbo_cat_nodetype_id = self.dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "cat_nodetype_id") utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.cbo_cat_nodetype_id, rows) utils_giswater.setSelectedItem('cat_nodetype_id', cat_nodetype_id)
def populate_combo(self, widget, table_name, field_name="id"): """ Executes query and fill combo box """ sql = "SELECT " + field_name sql += " FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + table_name + " ORDER BY " + field_name rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(widget, rows) if len(rows) > 0: utils_giswater.setCurrentIndex(widget, 1)
def changeNodeType(self, index): """ Define and execute query to populate combo 'nodecat_id_dummy' """ cat_nodetype_id = utils_giswater.getSelectedItem("cat_nodetype_id") sql = "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".cat_arc WHERE arctype_id = '"+cat_nodetype_id+"' UNION " sql+= "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".cat_node WHERE nodetype_id = '"+cat_nodetype_id+"' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) self.cbo_nodecat_id = self.dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "nodecat_id_dummy") utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.cbo_nodecat_id, rows, False) self.changeNodeCat(0)
def change_arc_type(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'arccat_id_dummy' ''' cat_arctype_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", True) sql = "SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_arc" sql += " WHERE arctype_id = " + cat_arctype_id + " ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("arccat_id_dummy", rows, False) # Select first item by default self.change_arc_cat()
def set_parameter_id_combo(self): """set parameter_id combo basing on current selections.""" sql = ("SELECT id" " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".om_visit_parameter" " WHERE UPPER (parameter_type) = '" + self.parameter_type_id.currentText().upper() + "'" " AND UPPER (feature_type) = '" + self.feature_type.currentText().upper() + "'" " ORDER BY id") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql, commit=self.autocommit) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("parameter_id", rows, allow_nulls=False)
def update_location_cmb(self): element_type = utils_giswater.getWidgetText(self.dlg_add_element, self.dlg_add_element.element_type) sql = ("SELECT location_type FROM " + self.schema_name + ".man_type_location" " WHERE feature_type = 'ELEMENT' " " AND (featurecat_id = '"+str(element_type)+"' OR featurecat_id is null)" " ORDER BY location_type") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql, log_sql=True, commit=self.autocommit) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_add_element, "location_type", rows) if rows: utils_giswater.setCurrentIndex(self.dlg_add_element, "location_type", 0)
def fillNodeType(self): """ Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_nodetype_id' """ cat_nodetype_id = utils_giswater.getSelectedItem("cat_nodetype_id") sql = "SELECT id, man_table, epa_table FROM " + self.schema_name + ".arc_type WHERE epa_default = '" + self.epa_type + "' UNION " sql += "SELECT id, man_table, epa_table FROM " + self.schema_name + ".node_type WHERE epa_default = '" + self.epa_type + "' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) self.cbo_cat_nodetype_id = self.dialog.findChild( QComboBox, "cat_nodetype_id") utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.cbo_cat_nodetype_id, rows) utils_giswater.setSelectedItem('cat_nodetype_id', cat_nodetype_id)
def populate_combo(self, dialog, widget, table_name, field_name="id"): """ Executes query and fill combo box """ sql = ("SELECT " + field_name + "" " FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + table_name + "" " ORDER BY " + field_name) rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql, commit=self.autocommit) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(dialog, widget, rows) if rows: utils_giswater.setCurrentIndex(dialog, widget, 0)
def changeNodeType(self, index): """ Define and execute query to populate combo 'nodecat_id_dummy' """ cat_nodetype_id = utils_giswater.getSelectedItem("cat_nodetype_id") sql = "SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_arc WHERE arctype_id = '" + cat_nodetype_id + "' UNION " sql += "SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_node WHERE nodetype_id = '" + cat_nodetype_id + "' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) self.cbo_nodecat_id = self.dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "nodecat_id_dummy") utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.cbo_nodecat_id, rows, False) self.changeNodeCat(0)
def mg_mincut_management(self): """ Button 27: Mincut management """ self.action = "mg_mincut_management" # Create the dialog and signals self.dlg_min_edit = Mincut_edit() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg_min_edit) self.tbl_mincut_edit = self.dlg_min_edit.findChild( QTableView, "tbl_mincut_edit") self.txt_mincut_id = self.dlg_min_edit.findChild( QLineEdit, "txt_mincut_id") self.tbl_mincut_edit.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) # Adding auto-completion to a QLineEdit self.completer = QCompleter() self.txt_mincut_id.setCompleter(self.completer) model = QStringListModel() sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM " + self.schema_name + ".anl_mincut_result_cat " rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) values = [] for row in rows: values.append(str(row[0])) model.setStringList(values) self.completer.setModel(model) self.txt_mincut_id.textChanged.connect( partial(self.filter_by_id, self.tbl_mincut_edit, self.txt_mincut_id, "anl_mincut_result_cat")) self.dlg_min_edit.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.open_mincut) self.dlg_min_edit.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(self.dlg_min_edit.close) self.dlg_min_edit.btn_delete.clicked.connect( partial(self.delete_mincut_management, self.tbl_mincut_edit, "anl_mincut_result_cat", "id")) # Fill ComboBox state sql = ("SELECT id" " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".anl_mincut_cat_state" " ORDER BY id") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("state_edit", rows) self.dlg_min_edit.state_edit.activated.connect( partial(self.filter_by_state, self.tbl_mincut_edit, self.dlg_min_edit.state_edit, "anl_mincut_result_cat")) # Set a model with selected filter. Attach that model to selected table self.fill_table_mincut_management( self.tbl_mincut_edit, self.schema_name + ".anl_mincut_result_cat") self.mincut.set_table_columns(self.tbl_mincut_edit, "anl_mincut_result_cat")
def open_catalog_form(self, wsoftware, geom_type, node_type=None): """ Set dialog depending water software """ node_type = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("node_node_type_new") if wsoftware == 'ws': self.dlg_cat = WScatalog() self.field2 = 'pnom' self.field3 = 'dnom' elif wsoftware == 'ud': self.dlg_cat = UDcatalog() self.field2 = 'shape' self.field3 = 'geom1' utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg_cat) self.node_type_text = None if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'node': self.node_type_text = node_type sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(matcat_id) as matcat_id " sql += " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_" + geom_type if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'node': sql += " WHERE " + geom_type + "type_id = '" + self.node_type_text + "'" sql += " ORDER BY matcat_id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_cat.matcat_id, rows) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(" + self.field2 + ")" sql += " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_" + geom_type if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'node': sql += " WHERE " + geom_type + "type_id = '" + self.node_type_text + "'" sql += " ORDER BY " + self.field2 rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_cat.filter2, rows) self.fill_filter3(wsoftware, geom_type) # Set signals and open dialog self.dlg_cat.btn_ok.pressed.connect( partial(self.fill_geomcat_id, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.btn_cancel.pressed.connect( partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg_cat)) self.dlg_cat.matcat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.fill_catalog_id, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.matcat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.fill_filter2, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.matcat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.fill_filter3, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.filter2.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.fill_catalog_id, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.filter2.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.fill_filter3, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.filter3.currentIndexChanged.connect( partial(self.fill_catalog_id, wsoftware, geom_type))
def change_node_type_id(self, index): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_nodetype_id' ''' node_type_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("node_type_dummy", False) if node_type_id: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("node_type", node_type_id) sql = "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".cat_node" sql+= " WHERE nodetype_id = '"+node_type_id+"' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("nodecat_id_dummy", rows, False) if index == -1: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("nodecat_id_dummy", self.nodecat_id) self.change_node_cat()
def open_catalog_form(self, wsoftware, geom_type): """ Set dialog depending water software """ node_type = utils_giswater.getWidgetText(self.dlg_chg_node_type, "node_node_type_new") if node_type == 'null': message = "Select a Custom node Type" self.controller.show_warning(message) return if wsoftware == 'ws': self.dlg_cat = WScatalog() self.field2 = 'pnom' self.field3 = 'dnom' elif wsoftware == 'ud': self.dlg_cat = UDcatalog() self.field2 = 'shape' self.field3 = 'geom1' self.load_settings(self.dlg_cat) self.node_type_text = None if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'node': self.node_type_text = node_type sql = ("SELECT DISTINCT(matcat_id) as matcat_id " " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_" + geom_type) if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'node': sql += " WHERE " + geom_type + "type_id = '" + self.node_type_text + "'" sql += " ORDER BY matcat_id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_cat, self.dlg_cat.matcat_id, rows) sql = ("SELECT DISTINCT(" + self.field2 + ")" " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_" + geom_type) if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'node': sql += " WHERE " + geom_type + "type_id = '" + self.node_type_text + "'" sql += " ORDER BY " + self.field2 rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_cat, self.dlg_cat.filter2, rows) self.fill_filter3(wsoftware, geom_type) # Set signals and open dialog self.dlg_cat.btn_ok.clicked.connect(self.fill_geomcat_id) self.dlg_cat.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg_cat)) self.dlg_cat.rejected.connect(partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg_cat)) self.dlg_cat.matcat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial(self.fill_catalog_id, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.matcat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial(self.fill_filter2, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.matcat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial(self.fill_filter3, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.filter2.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial(self.fill_catalog_id, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.filter2.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial(self.fill_filter3, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.dlg_cat.filter3.currentIndexChanged.connect(partial(self.fill_catalog_id, wsoftware, geom_type)) self.open_dialog(self.dlg_cat)
def change_arc_type_id(self, index): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_arctype_id' ''' arc_type_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", False) if arc_type_id: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("cat_arctype_id", arc_type_id) sql = "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".cat_arc" sql+= " WHERE arctype_id = '"+arc_type_id+"' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("arccat_id_dummy", rows, False) if index == -1: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("arccat_id_dummy", self.arccat_id) self.change_arc_cat()
def mg_change_elem_type_get_value(self, index): #@UnusedVariable ''' Just select item to 'real' combo 'nodecat_id' (that is hidden) ''' # Get selected value from 1st combobox self.value_combo1 = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("node_type_type_new") # When value is selected, enabled 2nd combo box if self.value_combo1 != 'null': self.dlg.node_node_type_new.setEnabled(True) # Fill 2nd combo_box-custom node type sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type WHERE type='"+self.value_combo1+"'" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("node_node_type_new", rows)
def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: self.cancel_map_tool() return # Get the click x = event.pos().x() y = event.pos().y() event_point = QPoint(x, y) snapped_feat = None # Snapping (retval, result) = self.snapper.snapToCurrentLayer(event_point, 2) # @UnusedVariable # That's the snapped features if result: # Get the first feature snapped_feat = result[0] point = QgsPoint(snapped_feat.snappedVertex) #@UnusedVariable snapped_feat = next( snapped_feat.layer.getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( snapped_feat.snappedAtGeometry))) if snapped_feat: self.node_id = snapped_feat.attribute('node_id') self.dlg_fusion = ArcFusion() self.load_settings(self.dlg_fusion) # Fill ComboBox workcat_id_end sql = ("SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_work ORDER BY id") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_fusion, "workcat_id_end", rows, False) # Set QDateEdit to current date current_date = QDate.currentDate() utils_giswater.setCalendarDate(self.dlg_fusion, "enddate", current_date) # Set signals self.dlg_fusion.btn_accept.clicked.connect(self.exec_fusion) self.dlg_fusion.btn_cancel.clicked.connect( partial(self.close_dialog, self.dlg_fusion)) self.dlg_fusion.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
def ws_times(self): """ Open dialog ws_times.ui""" dlg_wstimes = WStimes() utils_giswater.setDialog(dlg_wstimes) dlg_wstimes.duration.setValidator(QIntValidator()) sql = "SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".inp_value_times ORDER BY id" rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("statistic", rows, False) dlg_wstimes.btn_accept.pressed.connect( partial(self.insert_or_update, True, 'inp_times', dlg_wstimes)) dlg_wstimes.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(dlg_wstimes.close) self.go2epa_options_get_data('inp_times') dlg_wstimes.exec_()
def ppoint_field_zone(self): ''' Executed when field_zone is activated ''' # Filter combo 'ppoint_number' with value selected in combo 'ppoint_field_zone' text = utils_giswater.getSelectedItem(self.dlg.ppoint_field_zone) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT("+self.params['ppoint_field_number']+"::int4)" sql+= " FROM "+self.controller.schema_name+"."+self.params['ppoint_layer'] if text != 'null': sql+= " WHERE "+self.params['ppoint_field_zone']+" = '"+str(text)+"'" sql+= " ORDER BY "+self.params['ppoint_field_number'] rows = self.controller.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg.ppoint_number, rows) # Make zoom to selected elements self.ppoint_zoom()
def urban_field_zone(self): ''' Executed when 'urban_propierties_field_pzone' is activated ''' # Filter combo 'urban_properties_block' with value selected in combo 'urban_properties_zone' text = utils_giswater.getSelectedItem(self.dlg.urban_properties_zone) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT("+self.params['urban_propierties_field_block']+"::int4)" sql+= " FROM "+self.controller.schema_name+"."+self.params['urban_propierties_layer'] if text != 'null': sql+= " WHERE "+self.params['urban_propierties_field_pzone']+" = '"+str(text)+"'" sql+= " ORDER BY "+self.params['urban_propierties_field_block'] print sql rows = self.controller.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg.urban_properties_block, rows) # Make zoom to selected elements self.urban_zoom()
def fill_arc_type_id(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'node_type_dummy' ''' # Get node_type.type from sql = "SELECT type FROM "+self.schema_name+".arc_type" if self.arc_type: sql+= " WHERE id = '"+self.arc_type+"'" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: arc_type_type = row[0] sql = "SELECT" sql+= " FROM "+self.schema_name+".arc_type INNER JOIN "+self.schema_name+".cat_arc ON = cat_arc.arctype_id" sql+= " WHERE type = '"+arc_type_type+"' GROUP BY ORDER BY" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("cat_arctype_id_dummy", rows, False) utils_giswater.setWidgetText("cat_arctype_id_dummy", self.arc_type)
def fill_node_type_id(self): ''' Define and execute query to populate combo 'node_type_dummy' ''' # Get node_type.type from sql = "SELECT type FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type" sql+= " WHERE id = '"+self.node_type+"'" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: node_type_type = row[0] sql = "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type" sql+= " WHERE type = '"+node_type_type+"' ORDER BY id" sql = "SELECT" sql+= " FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type INNER JOIN "+self.schema_name+".cat_node ON = cat_node.nodetype_id" sql+= " WHERE type = '"+node_type_type+"' GROUP BY ORDER BY" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("node_type_dummy", rows, False) utils_giswater.setWidgetText("node_type_dummy", self.node_type)
def mg_change_elem_type(self): ''' Button 28: User select one node. A form is opened showing current node_type.type Combo to select new node_type.type Combo to select new Combo to select new TODO: Trigger 'gw_trg_edit_node' has to be disabled temporarily ''' # Check if at least one node is checked layer = self.iface.activeLayer() count = layer.selectedFeatureCount() if count == 0: message = "You have to select at least one feature!" self.controller.show_info(message, context_name='ui_message' ) return elif count > 1: message = "More than one feature selected. Only the first one will be processed!" self.controller.show_info(message, context_name='ui_message' ) # Get selected features (nodes) features = layer.selectedFeatures() feature = features[0] # Get node_id form current node self.node_id = feature.attribute('node_id') # Get node_type from current node node_type = feature.attribute('node_type') # Create the dialog, fill node_type and define its signals self.dlg = ChangeNodeType() self.dlg.node_node_type.setText(node_type) self.dlg.node_type_type_new.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.mg_change_elem_type_get_value) self.dlg.node_node_type_new.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.mg_change_elem_type_get_value_2) self.dlg.node_nodecat_id.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.mg_change_elem_type_get_value_3) self.dlg.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.mg_change_elem_type_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(self.close_dialog) # Fill 1st combo boxes-new system node type sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(type) FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type ORDER BY type" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("node_type_type_new", rows) # Manage i18n of the form and open it self.controller.translate_form(self.dlg, 'change_node_type') self.dlg.exec_()
def edit_change_elem_type_get_value(self, index): """ Just select item to 'real' combo 'nodecat_id' (that is hidden) """ if index == -1: return # Get selected value from 2nd combobox node_node_type_new = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("node_node_type_new") # When value is selected, enabled 3rd combo box if node_node_type_new != 'null': # Fill 3rd combo_box-catalog_id utils_giswater.setWidgetEnabled(self.dlg.node_nodecat_id, True) sql = ("SELECT DISTINCT(id)" " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_node" " WHERE nodetype_id = '" + str(node_node_type_new) + "'") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg.node_nodecat_id, rows)
def load_tab_analysis(self): """ Load data from tab 'Analysis' """ if self.epa_type == "JUNCTION": # Load combo 'pattern_id' combo = self.epa_table + "_pattern_id" table_name = "inp_pattern" sql = "SELECT pattern_id FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + table_name + " ORDER BY pattern_id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(combo, rows) self.fields_junction = ["demand", "pattern_id"] sql = "SELECT " for i in range(len(self.fields_junction)): sql += self.fields_junction[i] + ", " sql = sql[:-2] sql += " FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + self.epa_table + " WHERE node_id = '" + + "'" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: for i in range(len(self.fields_junction)): widget_name = self.epa_table + "_" + self.fields_junction[i] utils_giswater.setWidgetText(widget_name, str(row[i])) elif self.epa_type == "TANK": # Load combo 'curve_id' combo = self.epa_table + "_curve_id" table_name = "inp_curve_id" sql = "SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".inp_curve_id ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(combo, rows) self.fields_tank = ["initlevel", "minlevel", "maxlevel", "diameter", "minvol", "curve_id"] sql = "SELECT " for i in range(len(self.fields_tank)): sql += self.fields_tank[i] + ", " sql = sql[:-2] sql += ( " FROM " + self.schema_name + "." + self.epa_table + " WHERE " + self.field_id + " = '" + + "'" ) row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: for i in range(len(self.fields_tank)): widget_name = self.epa_table + "_" + self.fields_tank[i] utils_giswater.setWidgetText(widget_name, str(row[i]))
def mg_change_elem_type_get_value_2(self, index): ''' Just select item to 'real' combo 'nodecat_id' (that is hidden) ''' if index == -1: return # Get selected value from 2nd combobox self.value_combo2 = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("node_node_type_new") # When value is selected, enabled 3rd combo box if self.value_combo2 != 'null': # Get selected value from 2nd combobox self.dlg.node_nodecat_id.setEnabled(True) # Fill 3rd combo_box-catalog_id sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(id)" sql+= " FROM "+self.schema_name+".cat_node" sql+= " WHERE nodetype_id='"+self.value_combo2+"'" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("node_nodecat_id", rows)
def fill_filter3(self, wsoftware, geom_type): # Get values from filters mats = utils_giswater.getWidgetText(self.dlg_cat.matcat_id) filter2 = utils_giswater.getWidgetText(self.dlg_cat.filter2) # Set SQL query sql_where = "" if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type != 'connec': sql = "SELECT " + self.field3 sql += " FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(regexp_replace(trim(' nm' FROM " + self.field3 + "),'-','', 'g')) as x, " + self.field3 elif wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type == 'connec': sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(TRIM(TRAILING ' ' from " + self.field3 + ")) as " + self.field3 else: sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(" + self.field3 + ")" sql += " FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_" + geom_type # Build SQL filter if wsoftware == 'ws' and self.node_type_text is not None: sql_where = " WHERE " + geom_type + "type_id = '" + self.node_type_text + "'" if mats != "null": if sql_where == "": sql_where = " WHERE" else: sql_where += " AND" sql_where += " matcat_id = '" + mats + "'" if filter2 != "null": if sql_where == "": sql_where = " WHERE" else: sql_where += " AND" sql_where += " " + self.field2 + " = '" + filter2 + "'" if wsoftware == 'ws' and geom_type != 'connec': sql += sql_where + " ORDER BY x) AS " + self.field3 else: sql += sql_where + " ORDER BY " + self.field3 rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(self.dlg_cat.filter3, rows) self.fill_catalog_id(wsoftware, geom_type)
def workcat_populate(self, combo): """ Fill @combo """ sql = ("SELECT DISTINCT(workcat_id) FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".arc" " WHERE workcat_id LIKE '%%' or workcat_id is NULL" " UNION" " SELECT DISTINCT(workcat_id) FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".connec" " WHERE workcat_id LIKE '%%' or workcat_id is NULL" " UNION" " SELECT DISTINCT(workcat_id) FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".node" " WHERE workcat_id LIKE '%%' or workcat_id is NULL") if self.project_type == 'ud': sql += (" UNION" " SELECT DISTINCT(workcat_id) FROM " + self.controller.schema_name + ".gully" " WHERE workcat_id LIKE '%%' or workcat_id is NULL") rows = self.controller.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(combo, rows) return rows
def load_tab_analysis(self): ''' Load data from tab 'Analysis' ''' if self.epa_type == 'JUNCTION': # Load combo 'pattern_id' combo = self.epa_table+"_pattern_id" table_name = "inp_pattern" sql = "SELECT pattern_id FROM "+self.schema_name+"."+table_name+" ORDER BY pattern_id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(combo, rows) self.fields_junction = ['demand', 'pattern_id'] sql = "SELECT " for i in range(len(self.fields_junction)): sql+= self.fields_junction[i]+", " sql = sql[:-2] sql+= " FROM "+self.schema_name+"."+self.epa_table+" WHERE node_id = '""'" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: for i in range(len(self.fields_junction)): widget_name = self.epa_table+"_"+self.fields_junction[i] utils_giswater.setWidgetText(widget_name, str(row[i])) elif self.epa_type == 'TANK': # Load combo 'curve_id' combo = self.epa_table+"_curve_id" table_name = "inp_curve_id" sql = "SELECT id FROM "+self.schema_name+".inp_curve_id ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox(combo, rows) self.fields_tank = ['initlevel', 'minlevel', 'maxlevel', 'diameter', 'minvol', 'curve_id'] sql = "SELECT " for i in range(len(self.fields_tank)): sql+= self.fields_tank[i]+", " sql = sql[:-2] sql+= " FROM "+self.schema_name+"."+self.epa_table+" WHERE "+self.field_id+" = '""'" row = self.dao.get_row(sql) if row: for i in range(len(self.fields_tank)): widget_name = self.epa_table+"_"+self.fields_tank[i] utils_giswater.setWidgetText(widget_name, str(row[i]))
def mg_config(self): ''' Button 99 - Open a dialog showing data from table "config" User can changge its values ''' # Create the dialog and signals self.dlg = Config() utils_giswater.setDialog(self.dlg) self.dlg.btn_accept.pressed.connect(self.mg_config_accept) self.dlg.btn_cancel.pressed.connect(self.close_dialog) # Set values from widgets of type QComboBox sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(type) FROM "+self.schema_name+".node_type ORDER BY type" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("nodeinsert_catalog_vdefault", rows) # Get data from tables: 'config', 'config_search_plus' and 'config_extract_raster_value' self.generic_columns = self.mg_config_get_data('config') self.search_plus_columns = self.mg_config_get_data('config_search_plus') self.raster_columns = self.mg_config_get_data('config_extract_raster_value') # Manage i18n of the form and open it self.controller.translate_form(self.dlg, 'config') self.dlg.exec_()
def change_node_type_id(self, index): """ Define and execute query to populate combo 'cat_nodetype_id' """ node_type_id = utils_giswater.getWidgetText("node_type_dummy", False) if node_type_id: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("node_type", node_type_id) sql = "SELECT id FROM " + self.schema_name + ".cat_node" sql += " WHERE nodetype_id = '" + node_type_id + "' ORDER BY id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("nodecat_id_dummy", rows, False) if index == -1: utils_giswater.setWidgetText("nodecat_id_dummy", self.nodecat_id) self.change_node_cat() if self.loaded: sql = "SELECT epa_default FROM " + self.schema_name + ".node_type" sql += " WHERE id = '" + node_type_id + "'" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.setWidgetText("epa_type", rows[0][0]) utils_giswater.setSelectedItem("epa_type", rows[0][0]) self.change_epa_type(-1) else: self.loaded = True
def fill_tbl_document(self, widget, table_name, filter_): ''' Fill the table control to show documents''' # Get widgets doc_user = self.dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "doc_user") doc_type = self.dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "doc_type") doc_tag = self.dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "doc_tag") self.date_document_to = self.dialog.findChild(QDateEdit, "date_document_to") self.date_document_from = self.dialog.findChild(QDateEdit, "date_document_from") # Set signals doc_user.activated.connect(partial(self.set_filter_table, widget)) doc_type.activated.connect(partial(self.set_filter_table, widget)) doc_tag.activated.connect(partial(self.set_filter_table, widget)) self.date_document_to.dateChanged.connect(partial(self.set_filter_table, widget)) self.date_document_from.dateChanged.connect(partial(self.set_filter_table, widget)) self.tbl_document.doubleClicked.connect(self.open_selected_document) # Fill ComboBox tagcat_id sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(tagcat_id)" sql+= " FROM "+table_name sql+= " ORDER BY tagcat_id" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("doc_tag", rows) # Fill ComboBox doccat_id sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(doc_type)" sql+= " FROM "+table_name sql+= " ORDER BY doc_type" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("doc_type", rows) # Fill ComboBox doc_user sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(user_name)" sql+= " FROM "+table_name sql+= " ORDER BY user_name" rows = self.dao.get_rows(sql) utils_giswater.fillComboBox("doc_user", rows) # Set model of selected widget self.set_model_to_table(widget, table_name, filter_)