Пример #1
    def initialBearingTo(self, other, **unused):
        '''Compute the initial bearing (forward azimuth) from this
           to an other point.

           @param other: The other point (L{LatLon}).
           @param unused: Optional keyword argument B{C{wrap}} ignored.

           @return: Initial bearing (compass C{degrees360}).

           @raise Crosserror: This point coincides with the B{C{other}}
                              point or the C{NorthPole}, provided
                              L{crosserrors} is C{True}.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{other}} point is not L{LatLon}.


           >>> p1 = LatLon(52.205, 0.119)
           >>> p2 = LatLon(48.857, 2.351)
           >>> b = p1.initialBearingTo(p2)  # 156.2

           @JSname: I{bearingTo}.
        self.others(other, name='other')
        # see <https://MathForum.org/library/drmath/view/55417.html>
        n = self.toNvector()
        #       gc1 = self.greatCircleTo(other)
        gc1 = n.cross(other.toNvector(), raiser='points')  # .unit()
        #       gc2 = self.greatCircleTo(NorthPole)
        gc2 = n.cross(NorthPole, raiser='pole')  # .unit()
        return degrees360(gc1.angleTo(gc2, vSign=n))
Пример #2
def compassAngle(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, adjust=True, wrap=False):
    '''Return the angle from North for the direction vector
       M{(lon2 - lon1, lat2 - lat1)} between two points.

       Suitable only for short, non-near-polar vectors up to a few
       hundred Km or Miles.  Use function L{bearing} for longer

       @param lat1: From latitude (C{degrees}).
       @param lon1: From longitude (C{degrees}).
       @param lat2: To latitude (C{degrees}).
       @param lon2: To longitude (C{degrees}).
       @keyword adjust: Adjust the longitudinal delta by the
                        cosine of the mean latitude (C{bool}).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap and L{unroll180} longitudes (C{bool}).

       @return: Compass angle from North (C{degrees360}).

       @note: Courtesy Martin Schultz.

       @see: U{Local, flat earth approximation
    d_lon, _ = unroll180(lon1, lon2, wrap=wrap)
    if adjust:  # scale delta lon
        d_lon *= _scaled(lat1, lat2)
    return degrees360(atan2(d_lon, lat2 - lat1))
Пример #3
    def _direct(self, distance, bearing, llr, height=None):
        '''(INTERNAL) Direct Vincenty method.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{other}} point is not L{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: If this and the B{C{other}} point's L{Datum}
                              ellipsoids are not compatible.

           @raise VincentyError: Vincenty fails to converge for the current
                                 L{LatLon.epsilon} and L{LatLon.iterations}
        E = self.ellipsoid()

        c1, s1, t1 = _r3(self.lat, E.f)

        i = radians(bearing)  # initial bearing (forward azimuth)
        si, ci = sincos2(i)
        s12 = atan2(t1, ci) * 2

        sa = c1 * si
        c2a = 1 - sa**2
        if c2a < EPS:
            c2a = 0
            A, B = 1, 0
        else:  # e22 == (a / b)**2 - 1
            A, B = _p2(c2a * E.e22)

        s = d = distance / (E.b * A)
        for _ in range(self._iterations):
            ss, cs = sincos2(s)
            c2sm = cos(s12 + s)
            s_, s = s, d + _ds(B, cs, ss, c2sm)
            if abs(s - s_) < self._epsilon:
            raise VincentyError('%s, %r' % ('no convergence', self))

        t = s1 * ss - c1 * cs * ci
        # final bearing (reverse azimuth +/- 180)
        r = degrees360(atan2(sa, -t))
        if llr:
            # destination latitude in [-90, 90)
            a = degrees90(atan2(s1 * cs + c1 * ss * ci,
                                (1 - E.f) * hypot(sa, t)))
            # destination longitude in [-180, 180)
            b = degrees180(atan2(ss * si, c1 * cs - s1 * ss * ci) -
                          _dl(E.f, c2a, sa, s, cs, ss, c2sm) +
            h = self.height if height is None else height
            r = self.classof(a, b, height=h, datum=self.datum), r
        return r
Пример #4
    def rhumbBearingTo(self, other):
        '''Return the initial bearing (forward azimuth) from this to
           an other point along a rhumb (loxodrome) line.

           @param other: The other point (spherical C{LatLon}).

           @return: Initial bearing (compass C{degrees360}).

           @raise TypeError: The I{other} point is not spherical.


           >>> p = LatLon(51.127, 1.338)
           >>> q = LatLon(50.964, 1.853)
           >>> b = p.rhumbBearingTo(q)  # 116.7
        _, db, dp = self._rhumb3(other)
        return degrees360(atan2(db, dp))
Пример #5
def nearestOn4(point, points, closed=False, wrap=False, **options):
    '''Locate the point on a path or polygon closest to an other point.

       If the given point is within the extent of a polygon edge,
       the closest point is on that edge, otherwise the closest
       point is the nearest of that edge's end points.

       Distances are approximated by function L{equirectangular_},
       subject to the supplied I{options}.

       @param point: The other, reference point (C{LatLon}).
       @param points: The path or polygon points (C{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword closed: Optionally, close the path or polygon (C{bool}).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap and L{unroll180} longitudes and longitudinal
                      delta (C{bool}) in function L{equirectangular_}.
       @keyword options: Other keyword arguments for function

       @return: 4-Tuple (lat, lon, I{distance}, I{angle}) all in
                C{degrees}.  The I{distance} is the L{equirectangular_}
                distance between the closest and the reference I{point}
                in C{degrees}.  The I{angle} from the reference I{point}
                to the closest point is in compass C{degrees360}, like
                function L{compassAngle}.

       @raise LimitError: Lat- and/or longitudinal delta exceeds
                          I{limit}, see function L{equirectangular_}.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.

       @see: Function L{nearestOn3}.  Use function L{degrees2m} to
             convert C{degrees} to C{meter}.
    n, points = points2(points, closed=closed)

    def _d2yx(p2, p1, u, i):
        w = wrap if (not closed or i < (n - 1)) else False
        # equirectangular_ returns a 4-tuple (distance in
        # degrees squared, delta lat, delta lon, p2.lon
        # unroll/wrap); the previous p2.lon unroll/wrap
        # is also applied to the next edge's p1.lon
        return equirectangular_(p1.lat,
                                p1.lon + u,

    # point (x, y) on axis rotated ccw by angle a:
    #   x' = y * sin(a) + x * cos(a)
    #   y' = y * cos(a) - x * sin(a)
    # distance (w) along and perpendicular (h) to
    # a line thru point (dx, dy) and the origin:
    #   w = (y * dy + x * dx) / hypot(dx, dy)
    #   h = (y * dx - x * dy) / hypot(dx, dy)
    # closest point on that line thru (dx, dy):
    #   xc = dx * w / hypot(dx, dy)
    #   yc = dy * w / hypot(dx, dy)
    # or
    #   xc = dx * f
    #   yc = dy * f
    # with
    #   f = w / hypot(dx, dy)
    # or
    #   f = (y * dy + x * dx) / (dx**2 + dy**2)

    i, m = _imdex2(closed, n)
    p2 = c = points[i]
    u2 = u = 0
    d, dy, dx, _ = _d2yx(p2, point, u2, i)
    for i in range(m, n):
        p1, u1, p2 = p2, u2, points[i]
        # iff wrapped, unroll lon1 (actually previous
        # lon2) like function unroll180/-PI would've
        d21, y21, x21, u2 = _d2yx(p2, p1, u1, i)
        if d21 > EPS:
            # distance point to p1, y01 and x01 inverted
            d2, y01, x01, _ = _d2yx(point, p1, u1, n)
            if d2 > EPS:
                w2 = y01 * y21 + x01 * x21
                if w2 > 0:
                    if w2 < d21:
                        # closest is between p1 and p2, use
                        # original delta's, not y21 and x21
                        f = w2 / d21
                        p1 = LatLon_(favg(p1.lat, p2.lat, f=f),
                                     favg(p1.lon, p2.lon + u2, f=f))
                        u1 = 0
                    else:  # p2 is closest
                        p1, u1 = p2, u2
                    d2, y01, x01, _ = _d2yx(point, p1, u1, n)
            if d2 < d:  # p1 is closer, y01 and x01 inverted
                c, u, d, dy, dx = p1, u1, d2, -y01, -x01
    return c.lat, c.lon + u, hypot(dx, dy), degrees360(atan2(dx, dy))
Пример #6
 def bearing(self):
     '''Get the bearing of this NED vector (compass C{degrees360}).
     if self._bearing is None:
         self._bearing = degrees360(atan2(self.east, self.north))
     return self._bearing
Пример #7
    def _inverse(self, other, azis, wrap):
        '''(INTERNAL) Inverse Vincenty method.

           @raise TypeError: The other point is not L{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: If this and the I{other} point's L{Datum}
                              ellipsoids are not compatible.

           @raise VincentyError: Vincenty fails to converge for the current
                                 L{LatLon.epsilon} and L{LatLon.iterations}
                                 limit and/or if this and the I{other} point
                                 are near-antipodal or coincide.
        E = self.ellipsoids(other)

        c1, s1, _ = _r3(self.lat, E.f)
        c2, s2, _ = _r3(other.lat, E.f)

        c1c2, s1c2 = c1 * c2, s1 * c2
        c1s2, s1s2 = c1 * s2, s1 * s2

        dl, _ = unroll180(self.lon, other.lon, wrap=wrap)
        ll = dl = radians(dl)
        for _ in range(self._iterations):
            cll, sll, ll_ = cos(ll), sin(ll), ll

            ss = hypot(c2 * sll, c1s2 - s1c2 * cll)
            if ss < EPS:  # coincident, ...
                d = 0.0  # like Karney, ...
                if azis:  # return zeros
                    d = d, 0, 0
                return d

            cs = s1s2 + c1c2 * cll
            s = atan2(ss, cs)

            sa = c1c2 * sll / ss
            c2a = 1 - sa**2
            if abs(c2a) < EPS:
                c2a = 0  # equatorial line
                ll = dl + E.f * sa * s
                c2sm = cs - 2 * s1s2 / c2a
                ll = dl + _dl(E.f, c2a, sa, s, cs, ss, c2sm)

            if abs(ll - ll_) < self._epsilon:
            # <http://GitHub.com/ChrisVeness/geodesy/blob/master/latlon-vincenty.js>
            # omitted and applied only after failure to converge, see footnote under
            # Inverse at <http://WikiPedia.org/wiki/Vincenty's_formulae>

#           elif abs(ll) > PI and self.isantipodeTo(other, eps=self._epsilon):
#              raise VincentyError('%r antipodal to %r' % (self, other))
            t = 'antipodal ' if self.isantipodeTo(other,
                                                  eps=self._epsilon) else ''
            raise VincentyError('no convergence, %r %sto %r' %
                                (self, t, other))

        if c2a:  # e22 == (a / b)**2 - 1
            A, B = _p2(c2a * E.e22)
            s = A * (s - _ds(B, cs, ss, c2sm))

        b = E.b
        #       if self.height or other.height:
        #           b += self._havg(other)
        d = b * s

        if azis:  # forward and reverse azimuth
            cll, sll = cos(ll), sin(ll)
            f = degrees360(atan2(c2 * sll, c1s2 - s1c2 * cll))
            r = degrees360(atan2(c1 * sll, -s1c2 + c1s2 * cll))
            d = d, f, r
        return d