def revert_to_backup(ibs): r""" Args: db_dir (?): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --exec-revert_to_backup Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='GZ_Master1') >>> result = revert_to_backup(ibs) >>> print(result) """ db_path = ibs.get_db_core_path() ibs.disconnect_sqldatabase() backup_dir = ibs.backupdir ut.move(db_path, ut.get_nonconflicting_path(db_path + 'revertfrom.%d.orig')) # Carefull may invalidate the cache fname, ext = splitext(db_path) path_list = sorted(ut.glob(backup_dir, '*%s' % ext)) previous_backup = path_list[-1] ut.copy(previous_backup, db_path)
def ensure_ctags_win32(): import utool as ut from os.path import join dpath = ut.grab_zipped_url('') """ TODO: Download the zipfile, then unzip and take ONLY the file ctags58/ctags58/ctags.exe and move it somewhere in the path the best place might be C;\ProgFiles\Git\mingw64\bin ALSO: make a win setup file Downloads fonts from """ ctags_fname = 'ctags.exe' ctags_src = join(dpath, ctags_fname) def find_mingw_bin(): pathdirs = ut.get_path_dirs() copydir = None # hueristic for finding mingw bin for pathdir in pathdirs: pathdir_ = pathdir.lower() ismingwbin = (pathdir_.find('mingw') > -1 and pathdir_.endswith('bin')) if ismingwbin: issmaller = (copydir is None or len(pathdir) < len(copydir)) if issmaller: copydir = pathdir return copydir copydir = find_mingw_bin() ctags_dst = join(copydir, ctags_fname) ut.copy(ctags_src, ctags_dst, overwrite=False)
def copy_ibeisdb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir): # TODO: rectify with rsync, script, and merge script. from os.path import normpath import ibeis exclude_dirs_ = (ibeis.const.EXCLUDE_COPY_REL_DIRS + ['_hsdb', '.hs_internals']) exclude_dirs = [ut.ensure_unixslash(normpath(rel)) for rel in exclude_dirs_] rel_tocopy = ut.glob(source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=True, with_dirs=False, fullpath=False) rel_tocopy_dirs = ut.glob(source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=False, with_dirs=True, fullpath=False) src_list = [join(source_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] dst_list = [join(dest_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] # ensure directories exist rel_tocopy_dirs = [dest_dbdir] + [join(dest_dbdir, dpath_) for dpath_ in rel_tocopy_dirs] for dpath in rel_tocopy_dirs: ut.ensuredir(dpath) # copy files ut.copy(src_list, dst_list)
def flush_copy_tasks(self): # Execute all copy tasks and empty the lists if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('[DRAW_RESULT] copying %r summaries' % (len(self.cp_task_list))) for src, dst in self.cp_task_list: ut.copy(src, dst, verbose=False) del self.cp_task_list[:]
def init_console2(): assert ut.WIN32, 'win32 only script' url = '' unzipped_fpath = ut.grab_zipped_url(url) # FIXME: bugged unzipped_fpath2 = join(dirname(unzipped_fpath), 'Console2') win32_bin = ut.truepath('~/local/PATH') ut.copy(, win32_bin)
def labeler_train(ibs, species_list=None, species_mapping=None, viewpoint_mapping=None, ensembles=3, **kwargs): from ibeis_cnn.ingest_ibeis import get_cnn_labeler_training_images_pytorch from ibeis.algo.detect import densenet species = '-'.join(species_list) args = (species, ) data_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'extracted-labeler-%s' % args) extracted_path = get_cnn_labeler_training_images_pytorch( ibs, category_list=species_list, category_mapping=species_mapping, viewpoint_mapping=viewpoint_mapping, dest_path=data_path, **kwargs) weights_path_list = [] for ensemble_num in range(ensembles): args = ( species, ensemble_num, ) output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'labeler-%s-ensemble-%d' % args) if exists(output_path): ut.delete(output_path) weights_path = densenet.train(extracted_path, output_path, blur=False, flip=False) weights_path_list.append(weights_path) args = (species, ) output_name = 'labeler.%s' % args ensemble_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', output_name) ut.ensuredir(ensemble_path) archive_path = '' % (ensemble_path) ensemble_weights_path_list = [] for index, weights_path in enumerate(sorted(weights_path_list)): assert exists(weights_path) ensemble_weights_path = join(ensemble_path, 'labeler.%d.weights' % (index, )) ut.copy(weights_path, ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list.append(ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list = [ensemble_path] + ensemble_weights_path_list ut.archive_files(archive_path, ensemble_weights_path_list, overwrite=True, common_prefix=True) return archive_path
def canonical_classifier_train(ibs, species, ensembles=3, extracted_path=None, **kwargs): from wbia.other.detectexport import ( get_cnn_classifier_canonical_training_images_pytorch, ) from wbia.algo.detect import densenet args = (species, ) data_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'extracted-classifier-canonical-%s' % args) if extracted_path is None: extracted_path = get_cnn_classifier_canonical_training_images_pytorch( ibs, species, dest_path=data_path, ) weights_path_list = [] for ensemble_num in range(ensembles): args = ( species, ensemble_num, ) output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'classifier-canonical-%s-ensemble-%d' % args) if exists(output_path): ut.delete(output_path) weights_path = densenet.train(extracted_path, output_path, blur=False, flip=False) weights_path_list.append(weights_path) args = (species, ) output_name = 'classifier.canonical.%s' % args ensemble_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', output_name) ut.ensuredir(ensemble_path) archive_path = '' % (ensemble_path) ensemble_weights_path_list = [] for index, weights_path in enumerate(sorted(weights_path_list)): assert exists(weights_path) ensemble_weights_path = join( ensemble_path, 'classifier.canonical.%d.weights' % (index, )) ut.copy(weights_path, ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list.append(ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list = [ensemble_path] + ensemble_weights_path_list ut.archive_files(archive_path, ensemble_weights_path_list, overwrite=True, common_prefix=True) return archive_path
def detector_train(ibs): results = ibs.localizer_train() localizer_weight_path, localizer_config_path, localizer_class_path = results classifier_model_path = ibs.classifier_binary_train() labeler_model_path = ibs.labeler_train() output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'detector') ut.ensuredir(output_path) ut.copy(localizer_weight_path, join(output_path, 'localizer.weights')) ut.copy(localizer_config_path, join(output_path, 'localizer.config')) ut.copy(localizer_class_path, join(output_path, 'localizer.classes')) ut.copy(classifier_model_path, join(output_path, 'classifier.npy')) ut.copy(labeler_model_path, join(output_path, 'labeler.npy'))
def build_pyinstaller(): """ build_pyinstaller creates build/ibeis/* and dist/ibeis/* """ print('[installer] +--- BUILD_PYINSTALLER ---') # 1) RUN: PYINSTALLER # Run the pyinstaller command (does all the work) utool_python_path = dirname(dirname(ut.__file__)) #import os #os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([utool_python_path] + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].strip(os.pathsep).split(os.pathsep)) import os sys.path.insert(1, utool_python_path) if not ut.WIN32: pathcmd = 'export PYTHONPATH=%s%s$PYTHONPATH && ' % (utool_python_path, os.pathsep) else: pathcmd = '' installcmd = '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/ _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y' output, err, ret = ut.cmd(pathcmd + installcmd) if ret != 0: raise AssertionError('Pyinstalled failed with return code = %r' % (ret, )) #ut.cmd(installcmd) #ut.cmd('pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y') #else: #ut.cmd('pyinstaller', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec', '-y') #ut.cmd('pyinstaller', '--runtime-hook', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec') # 2) POST: PROCESSING # Perform some post processing steps on the mac if sys.platform == 'darwin' and exists('dist/'): copy_list = [ ('ibsicon.icns', 'Resources/icon-windowed.icns'), ('Info.plist', 'Info.plist'), ] srcdir = '_installers' dstdir = 'dist/' for srcname, dstname in copy_list: src = join(srcdir, srcname) dst = join(dstdir, dstname) ut.copy(src, dst) # TODO: make this take arguments instead of defaulting to ~/code/ibeis/build #print("RUN: sudo ./_installers/") app_fpath = get_dist_app_fpath() print('[installer] app_fpath = %s' % (app_fpath, )) print('[installer] L___ FINISH BUILD_PYINSTALLER ___')
def database_backup(db_dir, db_fname, backup_dir, max_keep=MAX_KEEP, manual=True): fname, ext = splitext(db_fname) src_fpath = join(db_dir, db_fname) #now = now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if manual: now_str = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') else: now_str = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_00_00_00') #dst_fpath = join(backup_dir, '%s_backup_%s%s' % (fname, now_str, ext)) dst_fname = ''.join((fname, '_backup_', now_str, ext)) dst_fpath = join(backup_dir, dst_fname) if exists(src_fpath) and not exists(dst_fpath): print('[ensure_daily_database_backup] Daily backup of database: %r -> %r' % (src_fpath, dst_fpath, )) ut.copy(src_fpath, dst_fpath) # Clean-up old database backups remove_old_backups(backup_dir, ext, max_keep)
def canonical_localizer_train(ibs, species, ensembles=3, **kwargs): from ibeis_cnn.ingest_ibeis import get_cnn_localizer_canonical_training_images_pytorch from ibeis.algo.detect import canonical args = (species, ) data_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'extracted-localizer-canonical-%s' % args) extracted_path = get_cnn_localizer_canonical_training_images_pytorch( ibs, species, dest_path=data_path, ) weights_path_list = [] for ensemble_num in range(ensembles): args = ( species, ensemble_num, ) output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'localizer-canonical-%s-ensemble-%d' % args) weights_path = canonical.train(extracted_path, output_path) weights_path_list.append(weights_path) args = (species, ) output_name = 'localizer.canonical.%s' % args ensemble_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', output_name) ut.ensuredir(ensemble_path) archive_path = '' % (ensemble_path) ensemble_weights_path_list = [] for index, weights_path in enumerate(sorted(weights_path_list)): assert exists(weights_path) ensemble_weights_path = join( ensemble_path, 'localizer.canonical.%d.weights' % (index, )) ut.copy(weights_path, ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list.append(ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list = [ensemble_path] + ensemble_weights_path_list ut.archive_files(archive_path, ensemble_weights_path_list, overwrite=True, common_prefix=True) return archive_path
def build_pyinstaller(): clean_pyinstaller() # Run the pyinstaller command (does all the work) utool.cmd('pyinstaller', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec') # Perform some post processing steps on the mac if sys.platform == 'darwin' and exists("dist/"): copy_list = [ ('ibsicon.icns', 'Resources/icon-windowed.icns'), ('Info.plist', 'Info.plist'), ] srcdir = '_installers' dstdir = 'dist/' for srcname, dstname in copy_list: src = join(srcdir, srcname) dst = join(dstdir, dstname) utool.copy(src, dst) print("RUN: ./_installers/")
def classifier_cameratrap_densenet_train(ibs, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, ensembles=3, **kwargs): from wbia.other.detectexport import ( get_cnn_classifier_cameratrap_binary_training_images_pytorch, ) from wbia.algo.detect import densenet data_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'extracted-classifier-cameratrap') extracted_path = get_cnn_classifier_cameratrap_binary_training_images_pytorch( ibs, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, dest_path=data_path, image_size=densenet.INPUT_SIZE, **kwargs, ) weights_path_list = [] for ensemble_num in range(ensembles): args = (ensemble_num, ) output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'classifier-cameratrap-ensemble-%d' % args) weights_path = densenet.train(extracted_path, output_path, blur=True, flip=True) weights_path_list.append(weights_path) archive_name = '' archive_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', archive_name) ensemble_weights_path_list = [] for index, weights_path in enumerate(sorted(weights_path_list)): assert exists(weights_path) ensemble_weights_path = 'classifier.cameratrap.%d.weights' % (index, ) ut.copy(weights_path, ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list.append(ensemble_weights_path) ut.archive_files(archive_path, ensemble_weights_path_list, overwrite=True, common_prefix=True) return archive_path
def build_pyinstaller(): """ build_pyinstaller creates build/ibeis/* and dist/ibeis/* """ print('[installer] +--- BUILD_PYINSTALLER ---') # 1) RUN: PYINSTALLER # Run the pyinstaller command (does all the work) utool_python_path = dirname(dirname(ut.__file__)) #import os #os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([utool_python_path] + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].strip(os.pathsep).split(os.pathsep)) import os sys.path.insert(1, utool_python_path) if not ut.WIN32: pathcmd = 'export PYTHONPATH=%s%s$PYTHONPATH && ' % (utool_python_path, os.pathsep) else: pathcmd = '' installcmd = 'pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y' output, err, ret = ut.cmd(pathcmd + installcmd) if ret != 0: raise AssertionError('Pyinstalled failed with return code = %r' % (ret,)) #ut.cmd(installcmd) #ut.cmd('pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y') #else: #ut.cmd('pyinstaller', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec', '-y') #ut.cmd('pyinstaller', '--runtime-hook', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec') # 2) POST: PROCESSING # Perform some post processing steps on the mac if sys.platform == 'darwin' and exists('dist/'): copy_list = [ ('ibsicon.icns', 'Resources/icon-windowed.icns'), ('Info.plist', 'Info.plist'), ] srcdir = '_installers' dstdir = 'dist/' for srcname, dstname in copy_list: src = join(srcdir, srcname) dst = join(dstdir, dstname) ut.copy(src, dst) # TODO: make this take arguments instead of defaulting to ~/code/ibeis/build #print("RUN: sudo ./_installers/") app_fpath = get_dist_app_fpath() print('[installer] app_fpath = %s' % (app_fpath,)) print('[installer] L___ FINISH BUILD_PYINSTALLER ___')
def copy_ibeisdb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir): # TODO; rectify with rsycn script from os.path import normpath import ibeis exclude_dirs = [ut.ensure_unixslash(normpath(rel)) for rel in ibeis.const.EXCLUDE_COPY_REL_DIRS + ['_hsdb', '.hs_internals']] rel_tocopy = ut.glob(source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=True, with_dirs=False, fullpath=False) rel_tocopy_dirs = ut.glob(source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=False, with_dirs=True, fullpath=False) src_list = [join(source_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] dst_list = [join(dest_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] # ensure directories exist rel_tocopy_dirs = [dest_dbdir] + [join(dest_dbdir, dpath_) for dpath_ in rel_tocopy_dirs] for dpath in rel_tocopy_dirs: ut.ensuredir(dpath) # copy files ut.copy(src_list, dst_list)
def ensure_local_war(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Ensures tomcat has been unpacked and the war is localized CommandLine: ibeis ensure_local_war Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> result = ensure_local_war() >>> print(result) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory try: output = subprocess.check_output(['java', '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _java_version = output.split('\n')[0] _java_version = _java_version.replace('java version ', '') java_version = _java_version.replace('"', '') print('java_version = %r' % (java_version, )) if not java_version.startswith('1.7'): print('Warning wildbook is only supported for java 1.7') except OSError: output = None if output is None: raise ImportError( 'Cannot find java on this machine. ' 'Please install java:') tomcat_dpath = find_or_download_tomcat() assert tomcat_dpath is not None, 'Could not find tomcat' redownload = ut.get_argflag('--redownload-war') war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile(redownload=redownload) war_fname = basename(war_fpath) # Move the war file to tomcat webapps if not there webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') deploy_war_fpath = join(webapps_dpath, war_fname) if not ut.checkpath(deploy_war_fpath, verbose=verbose): ut.copy(war_fpath, deploy_war_fpath) wb_target = splitext(war_fname)[0] return tomcat_dpath, webapps_dpath, wb_target
def ensure_local_war(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Ensures tomcat has been unpacked and the war is localized CommandLine: ibeis ensure_local_war Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> result = ensure_local_war() >>> print(result) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory try: output = subprocess.check_output(['java', '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _java_version = output.split('\n')[0] _java_version = _java_version.replace('java version ', '') java_version = _java_version.replace('"', '') print('java_version = %r' % (java_version,)) if not java_version.startswith('1.7'): print('Warning wildbook is only supported for java 1.7') except OSError: output = None if output is None: raise ImportError( 'Cannot find java on this machine. ' 'Please install java:') tomcat_dpath = find_or_download_tomcat() assert tomcat_dpath is not None, 'Could not find tomcat' redownload = ut.get_argflag('--redownload-war') war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile(redownload=redownload) war_fname = basename(war_fpath) # Move the war file to tomcat webapps if not there webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') deploy_war_fpath = join(webapps_dpath, war_fname) if not ut.checkpath(deploy_war_fpath, verbose=verbose): ut.copy(war_fpath, deploy_war_fpath) wb_target = splitext(war_fname)[0] return tomcat_dpath, webapps_dpath, wb_target
def publish(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None): """ Sets this as the default normalizer available for download ONLY DEVELOPERS CAN PERFORM THIS OPERATION Args: cachedir (str): CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-publish Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> dstcnvs_normer = testdata_distinctiveness()[0] >>> dstcnvs_normer.rebuild() >>> >>> result = dstcnvs_normer.publish(cachedir) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ from os.path import basename, join assert ut.is_developer(), 'ONLY DEVELOPERS CAN PERFORM THIS OPERATION' cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir archive_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.archive(cachedir, overwrite=True) archive_fname = basename(archive_fpath) publish_dpath = PUBLISH_DIR publish_fpath = join(publish_dpath, archive_fname) if ut.checkpath(publish_fpath, verbose=True):'Overwriting model') 'old nBytes(publish_fpath) = %s' % (ut.get_file_nBytes_str(publish_fpath),) ) 'new nBytes(archive_fpath) = %s' % (ut.get_file_nBytes_str(archive_fpath),) ) else:'Publishing model')'publish_fpath = %r' % (publish_fpath,)) ut.copy(archive_fpath, publish_fpath)
def train_part_detector(): """ Problem: healthy sharks usually have a mostly whole body shot injured sharks usually have a close up shot. This distribution of images is likely what the injur-shark net is picking up on. The goal is to train a detector that looks for things that look like the distribution of injured sharks. We will run this on healthy sharks to find the parts of """ import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb('WS_ALL') imgset = ibs.imagesets(text='Injured Sharks') injured_annots = imgset.annots[0] # NOQA # config = { # 'dim_size': (224, 224), # 'resize_dim': 'wh' # } from pydarknet import Darknet_YOLO_Detector data_path = ibs.export_to_xml() output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'localizer') ut.ensuredir(output_path) dark = Darknet_YOLO_Detector() results = dark.train(data_path, output_path) del dark localizer_weight_path, localizer_config_path, localizer_class_path = results classifier_model_path = ibs.classifier_train() labeler_model_path = ibs.labeler_train() output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'detector') ut.ensuredir(output_path) ut.copy(localizer_weight_path, join(output_path, 'localizer.weights')) ut.copy(localizer_config_path, join(output_path, 'localizer.config')) ut.copy(localizer_class_path, join(output_path, 'localizer.classes')) ut.copy(classifier_model_path, join(output_path, 'classifier.npy')) ut.copy(labeler_model_path, join(output_path, 'labeler.npy'))
def testdata_ensure_unconverted_hsdb(): r""" Makes an unconverted test datapath CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.ingest_hsdb --test-testdata_ensure_unconverted_hsdb Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.dbio.ingest_hsdb import * # NOQA >>> result = testdata_ensure_unconverted_hsdb() >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut assert ut.is_developer(), 'dev function only' # Make an unconverted test database ut.ensurepath('/raid/tests/tmp') ut.delete('/raid/tests/tmp/Frogs') ut.copy('/raid/tests/Frogs', '/raid/tests/tmp/Frogs') hsdb_dir = '/raid/tests/tmp/Frogs' return hsdb_dir
def publish(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None): """ Sets this as the default normalizer available for download ONLY DEVELOPERS CAN PERFORM THIS OPERATION Args: cachedir (str): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-publish Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> dstcnvs_normer = testdata_distinctiveness()[0] >>> dstcnvs_normer.rebuild() >>> >>> result = dstcnvs_normer.publish(cachedir) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ from os.path import basename, join assert ut.is_developer(), 'ONLY DEVELOPERS CAN PERFORM THIS OPERATION' cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir archive_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.archive(cachedir, overwrite=True) archive_fname = basename(archive_fpath) publish_dpath = PUBLISH_DIR publish_fpath = join(publish_dpath, archive_fname) if ut.checkpath(publish_fpath, verbose=True): print('Overwriting model') print('old nBytes(publish_fpath) = %s' % (ut.get_file_nBytes_str(publish_fpath),)) print('new nBytes(archive_fpath) = %s' % (ut.get_file_nBytes_str(archive_fpath),)) else: print('Publishing model') print('publish_fpath = %r' % (publish_fpath,)) ut.copy(archive_fpath, publish_fpath)
def ensure_ctags_win32(): import utool as ut from os.path import join dpath = ut.grab_zipped_url("") ctags_fname = "ctags.exe" ctags_src = join(dpath, ctags_fname) def find_mingw_bin(): pathdirs = ut.get_path_dirs() copydir = None # hueristic for finding mingw bin for pathdir in pathdirs: pathdir_ = pathdir.lower() ismingwbin = pathdir_.find("mingw") > -1 and pathdir_.endswith("bin") if ismingwbin: issmaller = copydir is None or len(pathdir) < len(copydir) if issmaller: copydir = pathdir return copydir copydir = find_mingw_bin() ctags_dst = join(copydir, ctags_fname) ut.copy(ctags_src, ctags_dst, overwrite=False)
def export(ibs, aid_pairs=None): """ 3 - 4 different animals 2 views of each matching keypoint coordinates on each annotation """ if aid_pairs is None: if ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_MOTHERS': aid_pair_list = MOTHERS_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS if ibs.get_dbname() == 'GZ_ALL': aid_pair_list = GZ_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS ibs.update_query_cfg(ratio_thresh=1.6) export_path = expanduser('~/Dropbox/Assignments/dataset') #utool.view_directory(export_path) # MOTHERS EG: for aid_pair in aid_pair_list: qaid2_qres = ibs.query_intra_encounter(aid_pair) #ibeis.viz.show_qres(ibs, qaid2_qres.values()[1]); df2.iup() mrids_list = [] mkpts_list = [] for qaid, qres in six.iteritems(qaid2_qres): print('Getting kpts from %r' % qaid) #qres.show_top(ibs) posrid_list = utool.ensure_iterable(qres.get_classified_pos()) mrids_list.extend([(qaid, posrid) for posrid in posrid_list]) mkpts_list.extend(qres.get_matching_keypoints(ibs, posrid_list)) mkey2_kpts = {} for mrids_tup, mkpts_tup in zip(mrids_list, mkpts_list): assert len(mrids_tup) == 2, 'must be a match tuple' mrids_ = np.array(mrids_tup) sortx = mrids_.argsort() mrids_ = mrids_[sortx] mkpts_ = np.array(mkpts_tup)[sortx] if sortx[0] == 0: pass mkey = tuple(mrids_.tolist()) try: kpts_list = mkey2_kpts[mkey] print('append to mkey=%r' % (mkey,)) except KeyError: print('new mkey=%r' % (mkey,)) kpts_list = [] kpts_list.append(mkpts_) mkey2_kpts[mkey] = kpts_list mkeys_list = mkey2_kpts.keys() mkeys_keypoints = mkey2_kpts.values() for mkeys, mkpts_list in zip(mkeys_list, mkeys_keypoints): print(mkeys) print(len(kpts_list)) kpts1_m = np.vstack([mkpts[0] for mkpts in mkpts_list]) kpts2_m = np.vstack([mkpts[1] for mkpts in mkpts_list]) match_lines = [ repr( ( tuple(kp1[ktool.LOC_DIMS].tolist()), tuple(kp2[ktool.LOC_DIMS].tolist()), ) ) + ', ' for kp1, kp2 in zip(kpts1_m, kpts2_m)] mcpaths_list = ibs.get_annot_cpaths(mkeys) fnames_list = map(lambda x: split(x)[1], mcpaths_list) for path in mcpaths_list: utool.copy(path, export_path) header_lines = ['# Exported keypoint matches (might be duplicates matches)', '# matching_aids = %r' % (mkey,)] header_lines += ['# img%d = %r' % (count, fname) for count, fname in enumerate(fnames_list)] header_lines += ['# LINE FORMAT: match_pts = [(img1_xy, img2_xy) ... ]'] header_text = '\n'.join(header_lines) match_text = '\n'.join(['match_pts = ['] + match_lines + [']']) matchfile_text = '\n'.join([header_text, match_text]) matchfile_name = ('match_aids(%d,%d).txt' % mkey) matchfile_path = join(export_path, matchfile_name) utool.write_to(matchfile_path, matchfile_text) print(header_text) print(utool.truncate_str(match_text, maxlen=500))
def localizer_lightnet_train( ibs, species_list, cuda_device='0', batches=60000, validate_with_accuracy=True, deploy_tag=None, cleanup=True, cleanup_all=True, deploy=True, cache_species_str=None, **kwargs, ): from wbia.algo.detect import lightnet import subprocess import datetime import math import sys assert species_list is not None species_list = sorted(species_list) lightnet_training_kit_url = lightnet._download_training_kit() _localizer_lightnet_validate_training_kit(lightnet_training_kit_url) hashstr = ut.random_nonce()[:16] if cache_species_str is None: cache_species_str = '-'.join(species_list) cache_path = join(ibs.cachedir, 'training', 'lightnet') ut.ensuredir(cache_path) training_instance_folder = 'lightnet-training-%s-%s' % (cache_species_str, hashstr) training_instance_path = join(cache_path, training_instance_folder) ut.copy(lightnet_training_kit_url, training_instance_path) backup_path = join(training_instance_path, 'backup') bin_path = join(training_instance_path, 'bin') cfg_path = join(training_instance_path, 'cfg') data_path = join(training_instance_path, 'data') deploy_path = join(training_instance_path, 'deploy') weights_path = join(training_instance_path, '') results_path = join(training_instance_path, 'results.txt') dataset_py_path = join(bin_path, '') labels_py_path = join(bin_path, '') test_py_path = join(bin_path, '') train_py_path = join(bin_path, '') config_py_path = join(cfg_path, '') ibs.export_to_xml(species_list=species_list, output_path=data_path, **kwargs) species_str_list = ['%r' % (species, ) for species in species_list] species_str = ', '.join(species_str_list) replace_dict = { '_^_YEAR_^_': str(, '_^_DATA_ROOT_^_': data_path, '_^_SPECIES_MAPPING_^_': species_str, '_^_NUM_BATCHES_^_': str(batches), } dataset_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( dataset_py_path, replace_dict) labels_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( labels_py_path, replace_dict) test_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( test_py_path, replace_dict) train_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( train_py_path, replace_dict) config_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( config_py_path, replace_dict) assert exists(dataset_py_path) assert exists(labels_py_path) assert exists(test_py_path) assert exists(train_py_path) assert exists(config_py_path) assert not exists(backup_path) assert not exists(results_path) python_exe = sys.executable cuda_str = ('' if cuda_device in [-1, None] or len(cuda_device) == 0 else 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%s ' % (cuda_device, )) # Call labels call_str = '%s %s' % (python_exe, labels_py_path), shell=True) # Call training # Example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=X python bin/ -c -n cfg/ -c args = ( cuda_str, python_exe, train_py_path, config_py_path, backup_path, weights_path, ) call_str = '%s%s %s -c -n %s -b %s %s' % args, shell=True) assert exists(backup_path) """ x = ( 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ', '/virtualenv/env3/bin/python', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/bin/', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/cfg/', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/results.txt', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/backup', True, '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/deploy', True, None, False, True, '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/bin', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/cfg', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/data', '/data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/', 'wilddog' ) cuda_str, python_exe, test_py_path, config_py_path, results_path, backup_path, validate_with_accuracy, deploy_path, deploy, deploy_tag, cleanup, cleanup_all, bin_path, cfg_path, data_path, weights_path, cache_species_str = x call_str = 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 /home/jason.parham/virtualenv/wildme3.6/bin/python /data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/bin/ -c -n /data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/cfg/ --results /data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/results.txt /data/db/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/lightnet/lightnet-training-right_whale-right_whale+body-right_whale+fluke-right_whale+head-right_whale+peduncle-a36054bf78166a05/backup/*' """ # Call testing # Example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=X python bin/ -c -n cfg/ args = ( cuda_str, python_exe, test_py_path, config_py_path, results_path, backup_path, ) call_str = '%s%s %s -c -n %s --results %s %s/*' % args, shell=True) assert exists(results_path) # Validate results with open(results_path, 'r') as results_file: line_list = results_file.readlines() if len(line_list) < 10:'VALIDATION ERROR!') ut.embed() result_list = [] for line in line_list: # line = line.strip().split(',') if len(line) != 3: continue model_path, loss, accuracy = line loss = float(loss) accuracy = float(accuracy) if math.isnan(accuracy): continue miss_rate = (100.0 - accuracy) / 100.0 if validate_with_accuracy: assert not math.isnan(miss_rate) result = (miss_rate, loss, model_path) else: assert not math.isnan(loss) result = (loss, miss_rate, model_path)'\t%r' % (result, )) result_list.append(result) result_list = sorted(result_list) best_result = result_list[0] best_model_filepath = best_result[-1] # Copy best model, delete the rest ut.ensuredir(deploy_path) deploy_model_filepath = join(deploy_path, 'detect.lightnet.weights') deploy_config_filepath = join(deploy_path, '') ut.copy(best_model_filepath, deploy_model_filepath) ut.copy(config_py_path, deploy_config_filepath) # Cleanup if cleanup: ut.delete(backup_path) ut.delete(results_path) if cleanup_all: ut.delete(bin_path) ut.delete(cfg_path) ut.delete(data_path) ut.delete(weights_path) # Deploy final_path = join('/', 'data', 'public', 'models') if deploy: assert exists(final_path), 'Cannot deploy the model on this machine' if deploy_tag is None: deploy_tag = cache_species_str counter = 0 while True: final_config_prefix = 'detect.lightnet.%s.v%d' % (deploy_tag, counter) final_config_filename = '' % (final_config_prefix, ) final_config_filepath = join(final_path, final_config_filename) if not exists(final_config_filepath): break counter += 1 final_model_filename = '%s.weights' % (final_config_prefix, ) final_model_filepath = join(final_path, final_model_filename) assert not exists(final_model_filepath) assert not exists(final_config_filepath) ut.copy(deploy_model_filepath, final_model_filepath) ut.copy(deploy_config_filepath, final_config_filepath) retval = ( final_model_filepath, final_config_filepath, ) else: retval = ( deploy_model_filepath, deploy_config_filepath, ) return retval
def export(ibs, aid_pairs=None): """ 3 - 4 different animals 2 views of each matching keypoint coordinates on each annotation """ if aid_pairs is None: if ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_MOTHERS': aid_pair_list = MOTHERS_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS if ibs.get_dbname() == 'GZ_ALL': aid_pair_list = GZ_VIEWPOINT_EXPORT_PAIRS ibs.update_query_cfg(ratio_thresh=1.6) export_path = expanduser('~/Dropbox/Assignments/dataset') #utool.view_directory(export_path) # MOTHERS EG: for aid_pair in aid_pair_list: cm_list, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(aid_pair, aid_pair) #ibeis.viz.show_qres(ibs, qaid2_qres.values()[1]); df2.iup() mrids_list = [] mkpts_list = [] for cm in cm_list: qaid = cm.qaid print('Getting kpts from %r' % qaid) #cm.show_top(ibs) posrid_list = utool.ensure_iterable(cm.get_classified_pos()) mrids_list.extend([(qaid, posrid) for posrid in posrid_list]) mkpts_list.extend(cm.get_matching_keypoints(ibs, posrid_list)) mkey2_kpts = {} for mrids_tup, mkpts_tup in zip(mrids_list, mkpts_list): assert len(mrids_tup) == 2, 'must be a match tuple' mrids_ = np.array(mrids_tup) sortx = mrids_.argsort() mrids_ = mrids_[sortx] mkpts_ = np.array(mkpts_tup)[sortx] if sortx[0] == 0: pass mkey = tuple(mrids_.tolist()) try: kpts_list = mkey2_kpts[mkey] print('append to mkey=%r' % (mkey, )) except KeyError: print('new mkey=%r' % (mkey, )) kpts_list = [] kpts_list.append(mkpts_) mkey2_kpts[mkey] = kpts_list mkeys_list = mkey2_kpts.keys() mkeys_keypoints = mkey2_kpts.values() for mkeys, mkpts_list in zip(mkeys_list, mkeys_keypoints): print(mkeys) print(len(kpts_list)) kpts1_m = np.vstack([mkpts[0] for mkpts in mkpts_list]) kpts2_m = np.vstack([mkpts[1] for mkpts in mkpts_list]) match_lines = [ repr(( tuple(kp1[ktool.LOC_DIMS].tolist()), tuple(kp2[ktool.LOC_DIMS].tolist()), )) + ', ' for kp1, kp2 in zip(kpts1_m, kpts2_m) ] mcpaths_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(mkeys) fnames_list = list(map(lambda x: split(x)[1], mcpaths_list)) for path in mcpaths_list: utool.copy(path, export_path) header_lines = [ '# Exported keypoint matches (might be duplicates matches)', '# matching_aids = %r' % (mkey, ) ] header_lines += [ '# img%d = %r' % (count, fname) for count, fname in enumerate(fnames_list) ] header_lines += [ '# LINE FORMAT: match_pts = [(img1_xy, img2_xy) ... ]' ] header_text = '\n'.join(header_lines) match_text = '\n'.join(['match_pts = ['] + match_lines + [']']) matchfile_text = '\n'.join([header_text, match_text]) matchfile_name = ('match_aids(%d,%d).txt' % mkey) matchfile_path = join(export_path, matchfile_name) utool.write_to(matchfile_path, matchfile_text) print(header_text) print(utool.truncate_str(match_text, maxlen=500))
def netrun(): r""" CommandLine: # --- UTILITY python -m ibeis_cnn --tf get_juction_dpath --show # --- DATASET BUILDING --- # Build Dataset Aliases python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_MTEST --acfg ctrl --ensuredata --show python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master1 --acfg timectrl --ensuredata python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master1 --acfg timectrl:pername=None --ensuredata python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master1 --acfg timectrl:pername=None --ensuredata python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db mnist --ensuredata --show python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db mnist --ensuredata --show --datatype=category python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db mnist --ensuredata --show --datatype=siam-patch python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master1 --acfg ctrl:pername=None,excluderef=False,contributor_contains=FlankHack --ensuredata --show --datatype=siam-part # Parts based datasets python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_MTEST --acfg ctrl --datatype=siam-part --ensuredata --show % Patch based dataset (big one) python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master1 --acfg default:is_known=True,qmin_pername=2,view=primary,species=primary,minqual=ok --ensuredata --show --vtd python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds pzm4 --weights=new --arch=siaml2_128 --train --monitor python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds pzm4 --arch=siaml2_128 --test python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds pzm4 --arch=siaml2_128 --veryverbose --no-flask # --- TRAINING --- python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master1 --acfg default:is_known=True,qmin_pername=2,view=primary,species=primary,minqual=ok --weights=new --arch=siaml2_128 --train --monitor python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds timectrl_pzmaster1 --acfg ctrl:pername=None,excluderef=False,contributor_contains=FlankHack --train --weights=new --arch=siaml2_128 --monitor # NOQA python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds timectrl_pzmaster1 --acfg ctrl:pername=None,excluderef=False --train --weights=new --arch=siaml2_128 --monitor # NOQA python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds pzmtest --weights=new --arch=siaml2_128 --train --monitor --DEBUG_AUGMENTATION python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds pzmtest --weights=new --arch=siaml2_128 --train --monitor python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds flankhack --weights=new --arch=siaml2_partmatch --train --monitor --learning_rate=.00001 python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds flankhack --weights=new --arch=siam_deepfaceish --train --monitor --learning_rate=.00001 # Different ways to train mnist python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db mnist --weights=new --arch=mnist_siaml2 --train --monitor --datatype=siam-patch python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db mnist --weights=new --arch=mnist-category --train --monitor --datatype=category # --- INITIALIZED-TRAINING --- python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --ds pzmtest --arch=siaml2_128 --weights=gz-gray:current --train --monitor # --- TESTING --- python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db liberty --weights=liberty:current --arch=siaml2_128 --test python -m ibeis_cnn --tf netrun --db PZ_Master0 --weights=combo:current --arch=siaml2_128 --testall Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis_cnn.netrun import * # NOQA >>> netrun() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ ut.colorprint('[netrun] NET RUN', 'red') requests, hyperparams, tags = parse_args() ds_tag = tags['ds_tag'] datatype = tags['datatype'] extern_ds_tag = tags['extern_ds_tag'] arch_tag = tags['arch_tag'] checkpoint_tag = tags['checkpoint_tag'] # ---------------------------- # Choose the main dataset ut.colorprint('[netrun] Ensuring Dataset', 'yellow') dataset = ingest_data.grab_dataset(ds_tag, datatype) if extern_ds_tag is not None: extern_dpath = ingest_data.get_extern_training_dpath(extern_ds_tag) else: extern_dpath = None print('dataset.training_dpath = %r' % (dataset.training_dpath,)) print('Dataset Alias Key: %r' % (dataset.alias_key,)) print('Current Dataset Tag: %r' % ( ut.invert_dict(DS_TAG_ALIAS2).get(dataset.alias_key, None),)) if requests['ensuredata']: # Print alias key that maps to this particular dataset if ut.show_was_requested(): interact_ = dataset.interact() # NOQA return print('...exiting') sys.exit(1) # ---------------------------- # Choose model architecture # TODO: data will need to return info about number of labels in viewpoint models # Specify model archichitecture ut.colorprint('[netrun] Architecture Specification', 'yellow') if arch_tag == 'siam2stream': model = models.SiameseCenterSurroundModel( data_shape=dataset.data_shape, training_dpath=dataset.training_dpath, **hyperparams) elif arch_tag.startswith('siam'): model = models.SiameseL2( data_shape=dataset.data_shape, arch_tag=arch_tag, training_dpath=dataset.training_dpath, **hyperparams) elif arch_tag == 'mnist-category': model = models.MNISTModel( data_shape=dataset.data_shape, output_dims=dataset.output_dims, arch_tag=arch_tag, training_dpath=dataset.training_dpath, **hyperparams) pass else: raise ValueError('Unknown arch_tag=%r' % (arch_tag,)) ut.colorprint('[netrun] Initialize archchitecture', 'yellow') model.init_arch() # ---------------------------- # Choose weight initialization ut.colorprint('[netrun] Setting weights', 'yellow') if checkpoint_tag == 'new': ut.colorprint('[netrun] * Initializing new weights', 'lightgray') model.reinit_weights() else: checkpoint_tag = model.resolve_fuzzy_checkpoint_pattern( checkpoint_tag, extern_dpath) ut.colorprint('[netrun] * Resolving weights checkpoint_tag=%r' % (checkpoint_tag,), 'lightgray') if extern_dpath is not None: model.load_extern_weights(dpath=extern_dpath, checkpoint_tag=checkpoint_tag) elif model.has_saved_state(checkpoint_tag=checkpoint_tag): model.load_model_state(checkpoint_tag=checkpoint_tag) else: model_state_fpath = model.get_model_state_fpath( checkpoint_tag=checkpoint_tag) print('model_state_fpath = %r' % (model_state_fpath,)) ut.checkpath(model_state_fpath, verbose=True) print('Known checkpoints are: ' + ut.repr3(model.list_saved_checkpoints())) raise ValueError(('Unresolved weight init: ' 'checkpoint_tag=%r, extern_ds_tag=%r') % ( checkpoint_tag, extern_ds_tag,)) #print('Model State:') #print(model.get_state_str()) # ---------------------------- if not model.is_train_state_initialized(): ut.colorprint('[netrun] Need to initialize training state', 'yellow') X_train, y_train = dataset.subset('train') model.ensure_data_params(X_train, y_train) # Run Actions if requests['train']: ut.colorprint('[netrun] Training Requested', 'yellow') # parse training arguments config = ut.argparse_dict(dict( era_size=15, max_epochs=1200, rate_decay=.8, )) model.monitor_config.update(**config) X_train, y_train = dataset.subset('train') X_valid, y_valid = dataset.subset('valid'), y_train, X_valid=X_valid, y_valid=y_valid) elif requests['test']: #assert model.best_results['epoch'] is not None ut.colorprint('[netrun] Test Requested', 'yellow') if requests['testall']: ut.colorprint('[netrun] * Testing on all data', 'lightgray') X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('all') flat_metadata = dataset.subset_metadata('all') else: ut.colorprint('[netrun] * Testing on test subset', 'lightgray') X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('test') flat_metadata = dataset.subset_metadata('test') data, labels = X_test, y_test dataname = dataset.alias_key experiments.test_siamese_performance(model, data, labels, flat_metadata, dataname) else: if not ut.get_argflag('--cmd'): raise ValueError('nothing here. need to train or test') if requests['publish']: ut.colorprint('[netrun] Publish Requested', 'yellow') publish_dpath = ut.truepath('~/Dropbox/IBEIS') published_model_state = ut.unixjoin( publish_dpath, model.arch_tag + '_model_state.pkl') ut.copy(model.get_model_state_fpath(), published_model_state) ut.view_directory(publish_dpath) print('You need to get the dropbox link and ' 'register it into the appropriate file') # pip install dropbox # # import dropbox # need oauth #client.share('/myfile.txt', short_url=False) # if ut.get_argflag('--cmd'): ut.embed()
def validate_model( cuda_str, python_exe, test_py_path, config_py_path, results_path, backup_path, validate_with_accuracy, deploy_path, deploy, deploy_tag, cleanup, cleanup_all, bin_path, cfg_path, data_path, weights_path, cache_species_str, ): import subprocess # Call testing # Example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=X python bin/ -c -n cfg/ args = ( cuda_str, python_exe, test_py_path, config_py_path, results_path, backup_path, ) call_str = '%s%s %s -c -n %s --results %s %s/*' % args, shell=True) assert exists(results_path) # Validate results with open(results_path, 'r') as results_file: line_list = results_file.readlines() if len(line_list) < 10:'VALIDATION ERROR!') ut.embed() result_list = [] for line in line_list: line = line.strip().split(',') if len(line) != 3: continue model_path, loss, accuracy = line loss = float(loss) accuracy = float(accuracy) miss_rate = (100.0 - accuracy) / 100.0 if validate_with_accuracy: result = (miss_rate, loss, model_path) else: result = (loss, miss_rate, model_path)'\t%r' % (result, )) result_list.append(result) result_list = sorted(result_list) best_result = result_list[0] best_model_filepath = best_result[-1] # Copy best model, delete the rest ut.ensuredir(deploy_path) deploy_model_filepath = join(deploy_path, 'detect.lightnet.weights') deploy_config_filepath = join(deploy_path, '') ut.copy(best_model_filepath, deploy_model_filepath) ut.copy(config_py_path, deploy_config_filepath) # Cleanup if cleanup: ut.delete(backup_path) ut.delete(results_path) if cleanup_all: ut.delete(bin_path) ut.delete(cfg_path) ut.delete(data_path) ut.delete(weights_path) # Deploy final_path = join('/', 'data', 'public', 'models') if deploy: assert exists(final_path), 'Cannot deploy the model on this machine' if deploy_tag is None: deploy_tag = cache_species_str counter = 0 while True: final_config_prefix = 'detect.lightnet.%s.v%d' % ( deploy_tag, counter, ) final_config_filename = '' % (final_config_prefix, ) final_config_filepath = join(final_path, final_config_filename) if not exists(final_config_filepath): break counter += 1 final_model_filename = '%s.weights' % (final_config_prefix, ) final_model_filepath = join(final_path, final_model_filename) assert not exists(final_model_filepath) assert not exists(final_config_filepath) ut.copy(deploy_model_filepath, final_model_filepath) ut.copy(deploy_config_filepath, final_config_filepath) retval = ( final_model_filepath, final_config_filepath, ) else: retval = ( deploy_model_filepath, deploy_config_filepath, ) return retval
def update_schema_version(ibs, db, schema_spec, version, version_target, dobackup=True, clearbackup=False): """ version_target = version_expected clearbackup = False FIXME: AN SQL HELPER FUNCTION SHOULD BE AGNOSTIC TO CONTROLER OBJECTS """ def _check_superkeys(): all_tablename_list = db.get_table_names() # always ignore the metadata table. ignore_tables_ = ['metadata'] tablename_list = [tablename for tablename in all_tablename_list if tablename not in ignore_tables_] for tablename in tablename_list: superkey_colnames_list = db.get_table_superkey_colnames(tablename) # some tables seem to only have old constraints and aren't # properly updated to superkeys... weird. old_constraints = db.get_table_constraints(tablename) assert len(superkey_colnames_list) > 0 or len(old_constraints) > 0, ( 'ERROR UPDATING DATABASE, SUPERKEYS of %s DROPPED!' % (tablename,)) print('[_SQL] update_schema_version') db_fpath = db.fpath if dobackup: db_dpath, db_fname = split(db_fpath) db_fname_noext, ext = splitext(db_fname) db_backup_fname = ''.join((db_fname_noext, '_backup', '_v', version, ext)) db_backup_fpath = join(db_dpath, db_backup_fname) count = 0 # TODO MAKE UTOOL THAT DOES THIS (there might be one in util_logging) while ut.checkpath(db_backup_fpath, verbose=True): db_backup_fname = ''.join((db_fname_noext, '_backup', '_v', version, '_copy', str(count), ext)) db_backup_fpath = join(db_dpath, db_backup_fname) count += 1 ut.copy(db_fpath, db_backup_fpath) legacy_update_funcs = schema_spec.LEGACY_UPDATE_FUNCTIONS for legacy_version, func in legacy_update_funcs: if compare_string_versions(version, legacy_version) == -1: func(db) db_versions = schema_spec.VALID_VERSIONS valid_versions = sorted(db_versions.keys(), compare_string_versions) try: start_index = valid_versions.index(version) + 1 except IndexError: raise AssertionError('[!update_schema_version]' ' The current database version is unknown') try: end_index = valid_versions.index(version_target) + 1 except IndexError: raise AssertionError('[!update_schema_version]' ' The target database version is unknown') try: print('Update path: %r ' % (valid_versions[start_index:end_index])) for index in range(start_index, end_index): next_version = valid_versions[index] print('Updating database to version: %r' % (next_version)) pre, update, post = db_versions[next_version] if pre is not None: pre(db, ibs=ibs) if update is not None: update(db, ibs=ibs) if post is not None: post(db, ibs=ibs) _check_superkeys() except Exception as ex: if dobackup: msg = 'The database update failed, rolled back to the original version.' ut.printex(ex, msg, iswarning=True) ut.remove_file(db_fpath) ut.copy(db_backup_fpath, db_fpath) if clearbackup: ut.remove_file(db_backup_fpath) raise else: ut.printex(ex, ( 'The database update failed, and no backup was made.'), iswarning=False) raise if dobackup and clearbackup: ut.remove_file(db_backup_fpath)
def localizer_lightnet_train(ibs, species_list, cuda_device='0', batches=60000, validate_with_accuracy=True, deploy_tag=None, cleanup=True, cleanup_all=True, deploy=True, **kwargs): from ibeis.algo.detect import lightnet import subprocess import datetime import sys assert species_list is not None species_list = sorted(species_list) lightnet_training_kit_url = lightnet._download_training_kit() _localizer_lightnet_validate_training_kit(lightnet_training_kit_url) hashstr = ut.random_nonce()[:16] cache_species_str = '-'.join(species_list) cache_path = join(ibs.cachedir, 'training', 'lightnet') ut.ensuredir(cache_path) training_instance_folder = 'lightnet-training-%s-%s' % ( cache_species_str, hashstr, ) training_instance_path = join(cache_path, training_instance_folder) ut.copy(lightnet_training_kit_url, training_instance_path) backup_path = join(training_instance_path, 'backup') bin_path = join(training_instance_path, 'bin') cfg_path = join(training_instance_path, 'cfg') data_path = join(training_instance_path, 'data') deploy_path = join(training_instance_path, 'deploy') weights_path = join(training_instance_path, '') results_path = join(training_instance_path, 'results.txt') dataset_py_path = join(bin_path, '') labels_py_path = join(bin_path, '') test_py_path = join(bin_path, '') train_py_path = join(bin_path, '') config_py_path = join(cfg_path, '') ibs.export_to_xml(species_list=species_list, output_path=data_path, **kwargs) species_str_list = ['%r' % (species, ) for species in species_list] species_str = ', '.join(species_str_list) replace_dict = { '_^_YEAR_^_': str(, '_^_DATA_ROOT_^_': data_path, '_^_SPECIES_MAPPING_^_': species_str, '_^_NUM_BATCHES_^_': str(batches), } dataset_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( dataset_py_path, replace_dict) labels_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( labels_py_path, replace_dict) test_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( test_py_path, replace_dict) train_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( train_py_path, replace_dict) config_py_path = _localizer_lightnet_template_replace( config_py_path, replace_dict) assert exists(dataset_py_path) assert exists(labels_py_path) assert exists(test_py_path) assert exists(train_py_path) assert exists(config_py_path) assert not exists(backup_path) assert not exists(results_path) python_exe = sys.executable cuda_str = '' if cuda_device in [-1, None] or len( cuda_device) == 0 else 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%s ' % (cuda_device, ) # Call labels call_str = '%s %s' % ( python_exe, labels_py_path, ) print(call_str), shell=True) # Call training # Example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python bin/ -c -n cfg/ -c args = (cuda_str, python_exe, train_py_path, config_py_path, backup_path, weights_path) call_str = '%s%s %s -c -n %s -b %s %s' % args print(call_str), shell=True) assert exists(backup_path) # Call testing # Example: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICE=0 python bin/ -c -n cfg/ args = ( cuda_str, python_exe, test_py_path, config_py_path, results_path, backup_path, ) call_str = '%s%s %s -c -n %s --results %s %s/*' % args print(call_str), shell=True) assert exists(results_path) # Validate results with open(results_path, 'r') as results_file: line_list = results_file.readlines() result_list = [] for line in line_list: line = line.strip().split(',') if len(line) != 3: continue model_path, loss, accuracy = line loss = float(loss) accuracy = float(accuracy) miss_rate = (100.0 - accuracy) / 100.0 if validate_with_accuracy: result = (miss_rate, loss, model_path) else: result = (loss, miss_rate, model_path) result_list.append(result) result_list = sorted(result_list) best_result = result_list[0] best_model_filepath = best_result[-1] # Copy best model, delete the rest ut.ensuredir(deploy_path) deploy_model_filepath = join(deploy_path, 'detect.lightnet.weights') deploy_config_filepath = join(deploy_path, '') ut.copy(best_model_filepath, deploy_model_filepath) ut.copy(config_py_path, deploy_config_filepath) # Cleanup if cleanup: ut.delete(backup_path) ut.delete(results_path) if cleanup_all: ut.delete(bin_path) ut.delete(cfg_path) ut.delete(data_path) ut.delete(weights_path) # Deploy final_path = join('/', 'data', 'public', 'models') if deploy: assert exists(final_path), 'Cannot deploy the model on this machine' if deploy_tag is None: deploy_tag = cache_species_str counter = 0 while True: final_config_prefix = 'detect.lightnet.%s.v%d' % ( deploy_tag, counter, ) final_config_filename = '' % (final_config_prefix, ) final_config_filepath = join(final_path, final_config_filename) if not exists(final_config_filepath): break counter += 1 final_model_filename = '%s.weights' % (final_config_prefix, ) final_model_filepath = join(final_path, final_model_filename) assert not exists(final_model_filepath) assert not exists(final_config_filepath) ut.copy(deploy_model_filepath, final_model_filepath) ut.copy(deploy_config_filepath, final_config_filepath) retval = ( final_model_filepath, final_config_filepath, ) else: retval = ( deploy_model_filepath, deploy_config_filepath, ) return retval
def classifier_multiclass_densenet_train(ibs, gid_list, label_list, ensembles=3, **kwargs): """ >>> import uuid >>> manifest_filepath = join(ibs.dbdir, 'flukebook_groundtruth.csv') >>> with open(manifest_filepath, 'r') as manifest_file: >>> line_list = manifest_file.readlines() >>> >>> label_dict = { >>> 'Left Dorsal Fin' : 'left_dorsal_fin', >>> 'Right Dorsal Fin' : 'right_dorsal_fin', >>> 'Tail Fluke' : 'tail_fluke', >>> } >>> >>> uuid_list = [] >>> label_list = [] >>> for line in line_list: >>> line = line.strip().split(',') >>> assert len(line) == 2 >>> uuid_, label_ = line >>> uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_) >>> label_ = label_.strip() >>> print(uuid_, label_) >>> uuid_list.append(uuid_) >>> label_ = label_dict.get(label_, None) >>> assert label_ is not None >>> label_list.append(label_) >>> >>> gid_list = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(uuid_list) >>> assert None not in gid_list >>> # archive_path = ibs.classifier_multiclass_densenet_train(gid_list, label_list) >>> ibs.classifier2_precision_recall_algo_display(test_gid_list=gid_list, test_label_list=label_list) """ from ibeis_cnn.ingest_ibeis import get_cnn_classifier_multiclass_training_images_pytorch from ibeis.algo.detect import densenet data_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'extracted-classifier-multiclass') extracted_path = get_cnn_classifier_multiclass_training_images_pytorch( ibs, gid_list, label_list, dest_path=data_path, image_size=densenet.INPUT_SIZE, **kwargs) weights_path_list = [] for ensemble_num in range(ensembles): args = (ensemble_num, ) output_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', 'classifier-multiclass-ensemble-%d' % args) weights_path = densenet.train(extracted_path, output_path, blur=True, flip=False) weights_path_list.append(weights_path) archive_name = '' archive_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'training', archive_name) ensemble_weights_path_list = [] for index, weights_path in enumerate(sorted(weights_path_list)): assert exists(weights_path) ensemble_weights_path = 'classifier.multiclass.%d.weights' % (index, ) ut.copy(weights_path, ensemble_weights_path) ensemble_weights_path_list.append(ensemble_weights_path) ut.archive_files(archive_path, ensemble_weights_path_list, overwrite=True, common_prefix=True) return archive_path
def install_wildbook(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Script to setup wildbook on a unix based system (hopefully eventually this will generalize to win32) CommandLine: # Reset python -m ibeis --tf reset_local_wildbook # Setup python -m ibeis --tf install_wildbook # Startup python -m ibeis --tf startup_wildbook_server --show --exec-mode # Reset python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-reset_local_wildbook # Setup python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-install_wildbook # Startup python -m ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs --test-startup_wildbook_server --show --exec-mode Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> result = install_wildbook() >>> print(result) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory from os.path import basename, splitext, join import time import re import subprocess try: output = subprocess.check_output(['java', '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _java_version = output.split('\n')[0] _java_version = _java_version.replace('java version ', '') java_version = _java_version.replace('"', '') print('java_version = %r' % (java_version,)) if not java_version.startswith('1.7'): print('Warning wildbook is only supported for java 1.7') except OSError: output = None if output is None: raise ImportError( 'Cannot find java on this machine. ' 'Please install java:') tomcat_dpath = find_or_download_tomcat() assert tomcat_dpath is not None, 'Could not find tomcat' war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile() war_fname = basename(war_fpath) wb_target = splitext(war_fname)[0] # Ensure environment variables #os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = find_java_jvm() #os.environ['TOMCAT_HOME'] = tomcat_dpath #os.environ['CATALINA_HOME'] = tomcat_dpath # Move the war file to tomcat webapps if not there webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') deploy_war_fpath = join(webapps_dpath, war_fname) if not ut.checkpath(deploy_war_fpath, verbose=verbose): ut.copy(war_fpath, deploy_war_fpath) # Ensure that the war file has been unpacked unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) if not ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=verbose): # Need to make sure you start catalina in the same directory otherwise # the derby databsae gets put in in cwd tomcat_startup_dir = get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir() with ut.ChdirContext(tomcat_startup_dir): # Starting and stoping catalina should be sufficient to unpack the # war startup_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') shutdown_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(startup_fpath)) print('It is NOT ok if the fails\n') # wait for the war to be unpacked for retry_count in range(0, 6): time.sleep(1) if ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=True): break else: print('Retrying') # ensure that the server is ruuning import requests print('Checking if we can ping the server') response = requests.get('http://localhost:8080') if response is None or response.status_code != 200: print('There may be an error starting the server') else: print('Seem able to ping the server') # assert tht the war was unpacked ut.assertpath(unpacked_war_dpath, ( 'Wildbook war might have not unpacked correctly. This may ' 'be ok. Try again. If it fails a second time, then there is a ' 'problem.'), verbose=True) # shutdown the server ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(shutdown_fpath)) print('It is ok if the fails') time.sleep(.5) # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = ('^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix) match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line,) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub(pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, ( 'text should have changed') if new_permission_text != permission_text: print('Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else: print('Permission file seems to be ok') print('Wildbook is installed and waiting to be started')
# '-dNOPAUSE', # '-dQUIET', # '-dBATCH', # '-sOutputFile=' + output_pdf_fpath, # pdf_fpath # ) # ut.cmd(*cmd_list) # return output_pdf_fpath if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: ./ """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: abs_file = abspath(__file__) pdf_fpath = join(dirname(abs_file), 'main.pdf') output_fname = basename(dirname(abs_file)) import re output_fname = re.sub('\d', '', output_fname).strip('-').strip('_') else: pdf_fpath = sys.argv[1] output_fname = None output_pdf_fpath = ut.compress_pdf(pdf_fpath, output_fname=output_fname) PUBLISH = True if PUBLISH: publish_path = ut.truepath('~/Dropbox/crall') ut.copy(output_pdf_fpath, publish_path)
version = 'valid' output_path_folders = output_path_valid_folders output_path_manifest = output_path_valid_manifest # if aid in test_aid_set: # assert aid not in valid_aid_set # version = 'test' # output_path_folders = output_path_test_folders # output_path_manifest = output_path_test_manifest name_output_path = join(output_path_folders, name_text) if not exists(name_output_path): ut.ensuredir(name_output_path) annot_output_filepath = join(name_output_path, '%s.jpg' % (uuid_str, )) assert not exists(annot_output_filepath) ut.copy(chip_filepath, annot_output_filepath, verbose=False) annot_output_filename = '%s.jpg' % (uuid_str, ) annot_output_filepath = join(output_path_manifest, annot_output_filename) assert not exists(annot_output_filepath) ut.copy(chip_filepath, annot_output_filepath, verbose=False) manifest_line = '%s,%s,%s' % ( annot_output_filename, name_text, named_humpback_unixtime, ) manifest_dict[version].append(manifest_line) for manifest_key in manifest_dict: manifest_list = manifest_dict[manifest_key] manifest_list = sorted(manifest_list)