def _spawner(func, *args, **kwargs): if wait != 0: print('Waiting for background process (%s) to spin up' % (ut.get_funcname(func,))) proc = ut.spawn_background_process(func, *args, **kwargs) time.sleep(wait) assert proc.is_alive(), 'proc (%s) died too soon' % (ut.get_funcname(func,)) return proc
def _spawner(func, *args, **kwargs): if wait != 0: print('Waiting for background process (%s) to spin up' % (ut.get_funcname(func, ))) proc = ut.spawn_background_process(func, *args, **kwargs) # time.sleep(wait) assert proc.is_alive(), 'proc (%s) died too soon' % ( ut.get_funcname(func, )) return proc
def format_cell(cell): if ut.is_funclike(cell): header = '# ' + ut.to_title_caps(ut.get_funcname(cell)) code = (header, ut.get_func_sourcecode(cell, stripdef=True, stripret=True)) else: code = (None, cell) return generate_notebook.format_cells(code)
def _debug_button(func, r_next, refresh=True): def _simple_onevent(event): func() if refresh: self.show_page() _add_button(ut.get_funcname(func), _simple_onevent, r_next())
def _spawner(func, *args, **kwargs): if thread: # mp.set_start_method('spawn') _spawner_func_ = ut.spawn_background_daemon_thread else: _spawner_func_ = ut.spawn_background_process if wait != 0: print('Waiting for background process (%s) to spin up' % (ut.get_funcname(func, ))) proc = _spawner_func_(func, *args, **kwargs) # time.sleep(wait) assert proc.is_alive(), 'proc (%s) died too soon' % ( ut.get_funcname(func, )) return proc
def gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args=tuple(), show_func=None): """ gridsearch for a function that produces a single image """ import plottool as pt cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = param_info.get_gridsearch_input( defaultslice=slice(0, 10)) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) if show_func is None: show_func = pt.imshow lbl = ut.get_funcname(test_func) cfgresult_list = [ test_func(*args, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ut.ProgressIter(cfgdict_list, lbl=lbl) ] onclick_func = None ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images(show_func, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, cfgresult_list, fnum=fnum, figtitle=lbl, unpack=False, max_plots=25, onclick_func=onclick_func) pt.iup()
def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return flask.url_for(ut.get_funcname(index), sort=col_key, direction=direction)
def _register_nn_simple_weight_func(func): """ Used for things that dont require a normalizer like const """ filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_match_weighter', '').lower() if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nn_weights] registering simple func: %r' % (filtkey, )) NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = func return func
def _register_nn_simple_weight_func(func): """ Used for things that dont require a normalizer like const, cos, and borda """ filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_match_weighter', '').lower() if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nn_weights] registering simple func: %r' % (filtkey,)) NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = func return func
def make_complete(r): import utool as ut import rob_interface modname = 'rob' testnames = [ut.get_funcname(func) for func in ut.get_module_owned_functions(rob_interface)] line = 'complete -W "%s" "%s"' % (' '.join(testnames), modname) print('add the following line to your bashrc') print(line)
def register_command(self, name): import utool as ut if ut.is_funclike(name): func = name name = ut.get_funcname(func) self._register_command(name, func) return func else: def _wrap(func): self._register_command(name, func) return _wrap
def partial_imap_1to1(func, si_func): import functools @functools.wraps(si_func) def wrapper(input_): if not ut.isiterable(input_): return func(si_func(input_)) else: return list(map(func, si_func(input_))) ut.set_funcname(wrapper, ut.get_callable_name(func) + '_mapper_' + ut.get_funcname(si_func)) return wrapper
def make_complete(r): import utool as ut import rob_interface modname = 'rob' testnames = [ ut.get_funcname(func) for func in ut.get_module_owned_functions(rob_interface) ] line = 'complete -W "%s" "%s"' % (' '.join(testnames), modname) print('add the following line to your bashrc') print(line)
def generate_all(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts --exec-generate_all --vim python -m ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts --exec-generate_all python -m ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts --exec-generate_all --full ./ Example: >>> from ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts import * # NOQA >>> generate_all() """ #script_names = ['sh ' + func()[0] for func in TEST_GEN_FUNCS] script_lines = ut.flatten([ ['\n\n### ' + ut.get_funcname(func), '# python -m ibeis.scripts.gen_cand_expts --exec-' + ut.get_funcname(func)] + make_standard_test_scripts(func())[2] for func in TEST_GEN_FUNCS]) fname, script, line_list = write_script_lines(script_lines, '') if ut.get_argflag('--vim'): ut.editfile(fname) return fname, script, line_list
def _register_nn_normalized_weight_func(func): r""" Decorator for weighting functions Registers a nearest neighbor normalized weighting Used for LNBNN """ global NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_fn', '').lower() if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nn_weights] registering norm func: %r' % (filtkey, )) filtfunc = functools.partial(nn_normalized_weight, func) NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = filtfunc return func
def _register_nn_normalized_weight_func(func): r""" Decorator for weighting functions Registers a nearest neighbor normalized weighting Used for LNBNN """ global NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_fn', '').lower() if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nn_weights] registering norm func: %r' % (filtkey,)) filtfunc = functools.partial(nn_normalized_weight, func) NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = filtfunc return func
def ensure_task_table(): if not hasattr(app, 'DBTaskTable'): class DBTaskTable(flask_table.Table): allow_sort = True def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return flask.url_for(ut.get_funcname(index), sort=col_key, direction=direction) col_nice_lookup = {} columns = [ 'index', 'dbname', ('task', task_link), # ('link', task_link) ] for tup in columns: if isinstance(tup, tuple): colname, link = tup colnice = col_nice_lookup.get(colname, colname) url_kwargs = {a: a for a in ut.get_func_argspec(link).args} endpoint = ut.get_funcname(link) link_kw = dict( name=colnice, attr=colname, endpoint=endpoint, url_kwargs=url_kwargs, allow_sort=True, show=True, ) new_col = flask_table.LinkCol(**link_kw) elif isinstance(tup, six.string_types): colname = tup colnice = col_nice_lookup.get(colname, colname) new_col = flask_table.Col(name=colnice, attr=colname, allow_sort=True, show=True) else: assert False, 'unkonown tup' DBTaskTable.add_column(colname, new_col) app.DBTaskTable = DBTaskTable return app.DBTaskTable
def test_transforms(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis_cnn.augment --test-test_transforms --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis_cnn.augment import * # NOQA >>> test_transforms() """ from ibeis_cnn import ingest_data, utils, draw_results data, labels = ingest_data.testdata_patchmatch() cv2_data = utils.convert_theano_images_to_cv2_images(data) patches_ = cv2_data[::2] transform_list = ut.flatten(all_transforms) num_random = 5 import vtool as vt for x in range(num_random): affine_kw = random_affine_kwargs() func = functools.partial(vt.affine_warp_around_center, **affine_kw) transform_list.append(func) orig_list = [] warped_list = [] name_list = [] for patch, func in zip(patches_, transform_list): if isinstance(func, functools.partial): name = ut.get_partial_func_name(func) else: name = ut.get_funcname(func) print(name) warped = func(patch) orig_list.append(patch) name_list.append(name) warped_list.append(warped) index_list = list(range(len(orig_list))) label_list = None tup = draw_results.get_patch_sample_img(orig_list, warped_list, label_list, {'text': name_list}, index_list, (1, len(index_list))) stacked_img, stacked_offsets, stacked_sfs = tup ut.quit_if_noshow() import plottool as pt pt.imshow(stacked_img) ut.show_if_requested()
def gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args=tuple(), show_func=None): """ gridsearch for a function that produces a single image """ import plottool as pt cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = param_info.get_gridsearch_input(defaultslice=slice(0, 10)) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) if show_func is None: show_func = pt.imshow lbl = ut.get_funcname(test_func) cfgresult_list = [ test_func(*args, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ut.ProgressIter(cfgdict_list, lbl=lbl) ] onclick_func = None ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images( show_func, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, cfgresult_list, fnum=fnum, figtitle=lbl, unpack=False, max_plots=25, onclick_func=onclick_func) pt.iup()
def _register_misc_weight_func(func): filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_match_weighter', '').lower() if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nn_weights] registering simple func: %r' % (filtkey,)) MISC_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = func return func
def _inject_getter_attrs(metaself, objname, attrs, configurable_attrs, depc_name=None, depcache_attrs=None, settable_attrs=None, aliased_attrs=None): """ Used by the metaclass to inject methods and properties into the class inheriting from ObjectList1D """ if settable_attrs is None: settable_attrs = [] settable_attrs = set(settable_attrs) # Inform the class of which variables will be injected metaself._settable_attrs = settable_attrs metaself._attrs = attrs metaself._configurable_attrs = configurable_attrs if depcache_attrs is None: metaself._depcache_attrs = [] else: metaself._depcache_attrs = [ '%s_%s' % (tbl, col) for tbl, col in depcache_attrs ] if aliased_attrs is not None: metaself._attrs_aliases = aliased_attrs else: metaself._attrs_aliases = {} # if not getattr(metaself, '__needs_inject__', True): # return attr_to_aliases = ut.invert_dict(metaself._attrs_aliases, unique_vals=False) # What is difference between configurable and depcache getters? # Could depcache getters just be made configurable? # I guess its just an efficincy thing. Actually its config2_-vs-config # FIXME: rectify differences between normal / configurable / depcache # getter def _make_caching_setter(attrname, _rowid_setter): def _setter(self, values, *args, **kwargs): if self._ibs is None: self._internal_attrs[attrname] = values else: if self._caching and attrname in self._internal_attrs: self._internal_attrs[attrname] = values _rowid_setter(self, self._rowids, values) ut.set_funcname(_setter, '_set_' + attrname) return _setter def _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter): def _getter(self): if self._ibs is None or (self._caching and attrname in self._internal_attrs): data = self._internal_attrs[attrname] else: data = _rowid_getter(self, self._rowids) if self._caching: self._internal_attrs[attrname] = data return data ut.set_funcname(_getter, '_get_' + attrname) return _getter # make default version use implicit rowids and another # that takes explicit rowids. def _make_setters(objname, attrname): ibs_funcname = 'set_%s_%s' % (objname, attrname) def _rowid_setter(self, rowids, values, *args, **kwargs): ibs_callable = getattr(self._ibs, ibs_funcname) ibs_callable(rowids, values, *args, **kwargs) ut.set_funcname(_rowid_setter, '_rowid_set_' + attrname) _setter = _make_caching_setter(attrname, _rowid_setter) return _rowid_setter, _setter # --- def _make_getters(objname, attrname): ibs_funcname = 'get_%s_%s' % (objname, attrname) def _rowid_getter(self, rowids): ibs_callable = getattr(self._ibs, ibs_funcname) data = ibs_callable(rowids) if self._asarray: data = np.array(data) return data ut.set_funcname(_rowid_getter, '_rowid_get_' + attrname) _getter = _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter) return _rowid_getter, _getter def _make_cfg_getters(objname, attrname): ibs_funcname = 'get_%s_%s' % (objname, attrname) def _rowid_getter(self, rowids): ibs_callable = getattr(self._ibs, ibs_funcname) data = ibs_callable(rowids, config2_=self._config) if self._asarray: data = np.array(data) return data ut.set_funcname(_rowid_getter, '_rowid_get_' + attrname) _getter = _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter) return _rowid_getter, _getter def _make_depc_getters(depc_name, attrname, tbl, col): def _rowid_getter(self, rowids): depc = getattr(self._ibs, depc_name) data = depc.get(tbl, rowids, col, config=self._config) if self._asarray: data = np.array(data) return data ut.set_funcname(_rowid_getter, '_rowid_get_' + attrname) _getter = _make_caching_getter(attrname, _rowid_getter) return _rowid_getter, _getter # Collect setter / getter functions and properties rowid_getters = [] getters = [] setters = [] properties = [] for attrname in attrs: _rowid_getter, _getter = _make_getters(objname, attrname) if attrname in settable_attrs: _rowid_setter, _setter = _make_setters(objname, attrname) setters.append(_setter) else: _setter = None prop = property(fget=_getter, fset=_setter) rowid_getters.append((attrname, _rowid_getter)) getters.append(_getter) properties.append((attrname, prop)) for attrname in configurable_attrs: _rowid_getter, _getter = _make_cfg_getters(objname, attrname) prop = property(fget=_getter) rowid_getters.append((attrname, _rowid_getter)) getters.append(_getter) properties.append((attrname, prop)) if depcache_attrs is not None: for tbl, col in depcache_attrs: attrname = '%s_%s' % (tbl, col) _rowid_getter, _getter = _make_depc_getters( depc_name, attrname, tbl, col) prop = property(fget=_getter, fset=None) rowid_getters.append((attrname, _rowid_getter)) getters.append(_getter) properties.append((attrname, prop)) aliases = [] # Inject all gathered information for attrname, func in rowid_getters: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) setattr(metaself, funcname, func) # ensure aliases have rowid getters for alias in attr_to_aliases.get(attrname, []): alias_funcname = '_rowid_get_' + alias setattr(metaself, alias_funcname, func) for func in getters: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) setattr(metaself, funcname, func) for func in setters: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) setattr(metaself, funcname, func) for attrname, prop in properties: setattr(metaself, attrname, prop) for alias in attr_to_aliases.pop(attrname, []): aliases.append((alias, attrname)) setattr(metaself, alias, prop) if ut.get_argflag('--autogen-core'): # TODO: turn on autogenertion given a flag def expand_closure_source(funcname, func): source = ut.get_func_sourcecode(func) closure_vars = [ (k, v.cell_contents) for k, v in zip(func.func_code.co_freevars, func.func_closure) ] source = ut.unindent(source) import re for k, v in closure_vars: source = re.sub('\\b' + k + '\\b', ut.repr2(v), source) source = re.sub('def .*\(self', 'def ' + funcname + '(self', source) source = ut.indent(source.strip(), ' ') + '\n' return source explicit_lines = [] # build explicit version for jedi? for funcname, func in getters: source = expand_closure_source(funcname, func) explicit_lines.append(source) # build explicit version for jedi? for funcname, func in setters: source = expand_closure_source(funcname, func) explicit_lines.append(source) for attrname, prop in properties: getter_name = None if prop.fget is None else ut.get_funcname( prop.fget) setter_name = None if prop.fset is None else ut.get_funcname( prop.fset) source = ' %s = property(%s, %s)' % (attrname, getter_name, setter_name) explicit_lines.append(source) for alias, attrname in aliases: source = ' %s = %s' % (alias, attrname) explicit_lines.append(source) explicit_source = '\n'.join([ 'from ibeis import _ibeis_object', '', '', 'class _%s_base_class(_ibeis_object.ObjectList1D):', ' __needs_inject__ = False', '', ]) % (objname, ) explicit_source += '\n'.join(explicit_lines) explicit_fname = '' % (objname, ) from os.path import dirname, join ut.writeto(join(dirname(__file__), explicit_fname), explicit_source + '\n') if attr_to_aliases: raise AssertionError('Unmapped aliases %r' % (attr_to_aliases, ))
def _register_misc_weight_func(func): filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_match_weighter', '').lower() if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nn_weights] registering simple func: %r' % (filtkey, )) MISC_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = func return func
def get_layer_info(layer): r""" Args: layer (?): Returns: ?: layer_info CommandLine: python -m ibeis_cnn.net_strs get_layer_info --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis_cnn.net_strs import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis_cnn import models >>> model = models.mnist.MNISTModel(batch_size=8, data_shape=(24, 24, 1), output_dims=10) >>> model.init_arch() >>> nn_layers = model.get_all_layers() >>> for layer in nn_layers: >>> layer_info = get_layer_info(layer) >>> print(ut.repr3(layer_info, nl=1)) """ import operator import ibeis_cnn.__LASAGNE__ as lasagne # Information that contributes to RAM usage import numpy as np # Get basic layer infos output_shape = lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(layer) input_shape = getattr(layer, 'input_shape', []) # Get number of outputs ignoring the batch size num_outputs = functools.reduce(operator.mul, output_shape[1:]) if len(input_shape): num_inputs = functools.reduce(operator.mul, input_shape[1:]) else: num_inputs = 0 # TODO: if we can ever support non float32 calculations this must change #layer_type = 'float32' layer_dtype = np.dtype('float32') # Get individual param infos param_infos = [] for param, tags in layer.params.items(): value = param.get_value() pbasename = param_basename(layer, param) param_info = ut.odict([ ('name',, ('basename', pbasename), ('tags', tags), ('shape', value.shape), ('size', value.size), ('itemsize', value.dtype.itemsize), ('dtype', str(value.dtype)), ('bytes', value.size * value.dtype.itemsize), ]) def initializer_info(initclass): initclassname = initclass.__class__.__name__ if initclassname == 'Constant': spec = initclass.val else: spec = ut.odict() spec['type'] = initclassname for key, val in initclass.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, lasagne.init.Initializer): spec[key] = initializer_info(val) elif isinstance(val, type) and issubclass(val, lasagne.init.Initializer): spec[key] = val.__name__ #initializer_info(val()) else: spec[key] = val return spec if hasattr(layer, '_initializers'): #print('layer = %r' % (layer,)) initclass = layer._initializers[param] spec = initializer_info(initclass) param_info['init'] = spec param_infos.append(param_info) # Combine param infos param_str = surround(', '.join( [paramstr(layer, p, tags) for p, tags in layer.params.items()]), '[]') param_type_str = surround(', '.join( [repr(p.type) for p, tags in layer.params.items()]), '[]') num_params = sum([info['size'] for info in param_infos]) classalias_map = { 'ElemwiseSumLayer': 'ElemwiseSum', 'Conv2DCCLayer' : 'Conv2D', 'Conv2DDNNLayer' : 'Conv2D', 'Conv2DLayer' : 'Conv2D', 'MaxPool2DLayer': 'MaxPool2D', 'MaxPool2DCCLayer' : 'MaxPool2D', 'MaxPool2DDNNLayer' : 'MaxPool2D', 'LeakyRectify' : 'LReLU', 'InputLayer' : 'Input', 'GaussianNoiseLayer': 'Noise', 'DropoutLayer' : 'Dropout', 'DenseLayer' : 'Dense', 'NonlinearityLayer' : 'Nonlinearity', 'FlattenLayer' : 'Flatten', 'L2NormalizeLayer' : 'L2Norm', 'BatchNormLayer' : 'BatchNorm', 'BatchNormLayer2' : 'BatchNorm', } layer_attrs_ignore_dict = { 'MaxPool2D' : ['mode', 'ignore_border'], 'Dropout' : ['rescale'], 'Conv2D' : ['convolution'], 'BatchNorm': ['epsilon', 'mean', 'inv_std', 'axes', 'beta', 'gamma'], 'BatchNorm2': ['epsilon', 'mean', 'inv_std', 'axes', 'beta', 'gamma'], #'ElemwiseSum': ['merge_function', 'cropping'], #'ElemwiseSum': [], 'FeaturePoolLayer': ['axis'], } layer_attrs_dict = { #'ElemwiseSum': ['coeffs'], #'ElemwiseSum': ['coeffs', 'merge_function', 'cropping'], 'Noise' : ['sigma'], 'Input' : ['shape'], 'Dropout' : ['p', 'shared_axes'], 'Conv2D' : ['num_filters', 'filter_size', 'stride', 'output_shape', 'num_groups'], 'MaxPool2D' : ['stride', 'pool_size', 'output_shape'], # 'mode'], 'Dense' : ['num_units', 'num_leading_axes'], 'SoftMax' : ['num_units', 'num_leading_axes'], 'L2Norm' : ['axis'], 'BatchNorm' : ['alpha'], 'BatchNorm2' : ['alpha'], 'FeaturePoolLayer': ['pool_size', 'pool_function'] } #layer_attrs_dict = {} all_ignore_attrs = ['nonlinearity', 'b', 'W', 'get_output_kwargs', 'name', 'input_shapes', 'input_layers', 'input_shape', 'input_layer', 'input_var', 'untie_biases', '_initializers', 'flip_filters', 'pad', 'params', 'n', '_is_main_layer'] classname = layer.__class__.__name__ classalias = classalias_map.get(classname, classname) #if classalias == 'FeaturePoolLayer' and ut.get_funcname(layer.pool_function) == 'max': # classalias = 'MaxOut' if classalias == 'Dense' and ut.get_funcname(layer.nonlinearity) == 'softmax': classalias = 'SoftMax' layer_attrs = ut.odict([ (key, getattr(layer, key)) for key in layer_attrs_dict.get(classalias, []) ]) ignore_attrs = (all_ignore_attrs + layer_attrs_ignore_dict.get(classalias, [])) if classalias not in layer_attrs_dict or (classalias == classname and len(layer_attrs) == 0): layer_attrs = layer.__dict__.copy() ut.delete_dict_keys(layer_attrs, ignore_attrs) for key in list(layer_attrs.keys()): val = layer_attrs[key] if ut.is_funclike(val): layer_attrs[key] = ut.get_funcname(val) attr_key_list = list(layer_attrs.keys()) missing_keys = (set(layer.__dict__.keys()) - set(ignore_attrs) - set(attr_key_list)) missing_keys = [k for k in missing_keys if not k.startswith('_')] #if layer_type == 'Conv2DCCLayer': # ut.embed() DEBUG = True if DEBUG and len(missing_keys) > 0: print('---') print(' * ' + classname) print(' * missing keys: %r' % (missing_keys,)) print(' * has keys: %r' % (attr_key_list,)) if True: #import utool #with utool.embed_on_exception_context: #raise AssertionError('MISSING KEYS') pass # handle None batch sizes if output_shape[0] is None: size =[1:]) else: size = layer_info = ut.odict([ ('name',, ('classname', classname), ('classalias', classalias), ('output_shape', output_shape), ('input_shape', input_shape), ('num_outputs', num_outputs), ('num_inputs', num_inputs), ('size', size), ('itemsize', layer_dtype.itemsize), ('dtype', str(layer_dtype)), ('num_params', num_params), ('param_infos', param_infos), ('param_str', param_str), ('param_type_str', param_type_str), ('layer_attrs', layer_attrs), ('nonlinearity', None), ]) if hasattr(layer, 'nonlinearity'): try: nonlinearity = layer.nonlinearity.__name__ except AttributeError: nonlinearity = layer.nonlinearity.__class__.__name__ layer_info['nonlinearity'] = ut.odict([]) layer_info['nonlinearity']['type'] = nonlinearity layer_info['nonlinearity'].update(layer.nonlinearity.__dict__) #attr_str_list.append('nonlinearity={0}'.format(nonlinearity)) param_bytes = sum([info['bytes'] for info in param_infos]) layer_bytes = layer_info['size'] * layer_info['itemsize'] #if classname in ['BatchNormLayer', 'NonlinearityLayer']: # layer_bytes = 0 layer_info['bytes'] = layer_bytes layer_info['param_bytes'] = param_bytes layer_info['total_bytes'] = layer_bytes + param_bytes layer_info['total_memory'] = ut.byte_str2(layer_info['total_bytes']) return layer_info
def gridsearch_chipextract(): r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.chip --test-gridsearch_chipextract --show Example: >>> # GRIDSEARCH >>> from vtool.chip import * # NOQA >>> gridsearch_chipextract() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 test_func = extract_chip_from_img if False: gpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') bbox = (100, 3, 100, 100) theta = 0.0 new_size = (58, 34) else: gpath = '/media/raid/work/GZ_Master1/_ibsdb/images/1524525d-2131-8770-d27c-3a5f9922e9e9.jpg' bbox = (450, 373, 2062, 1124) theta = 0.0 old_size = bbox[2:4] #target_area = 700 ** 2 target_area = 1200 ** 2 new_size = get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, [old_size])[0] print('old_size = %r' % (old_size,)) print('new_size = %r' % (new_size,)) #new_size = (677, 369) imgBGR = gtool.imread(gpath) args = (imgBGR, bbox, theta, new_size) param_info = ut.ParamInfoList('extract_params', [ ut.ParamInfo('interpolation', cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, varyvals=[ cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_NEAREST, #cv2.INTER_AREA ],) ]) show_func = None # Generalize import plottool as pt pt.imshow(imgBGR) # HACK cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = param_info.get_gridsearch_input(defaultslice=slice(0, 10)) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) if show_func is None: show_func = pt.imshow lbl = ut.get_funcname(test_func) cfgresult_list = [ test_func(*args, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ut.ProgressIter(cfgdict_list, lbl=lbl) ] onclick_func = None ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images( show_func, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, cfgresult_list, fnum=fnum, figtitle=lbl, unpack=False, max_plots=25, onclick_func=onclick_func) pt.iup()
def spawn_background_process(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Run a function in the background (like rebuilding some costly data structure) References: Args: func (function): CommandLine: python -m utool.util_parallel --test-spawn_background_process Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_parallel import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> import time >>> from os.path import join >>> # build test data >>> fname = 'test_bgfunc_output.txt' >>> dpath = ut.get_app_resource_dir('utool') >>> ut.ensuredir(dpath) >>> fpath = join(dpath, fname) >>> # ensure file is not around >>> sleep_time = 1 >>> ut.delete(fpath) >>> assert not ut.checkpath(fpath, verbose=True) >>> def backgrond_func(fpath, sleep_time): ... import utool as ut ... import time ... print('[BG] Background Process has started') ... time.sleep(sleep_time) ... print('[BG] Background Process is writing') ... ut.write_to(fpath, 'background process') ... print('[BG] Background Process has finished') ... #raise AssertionError('test exception') >>> # execute function >>> func = backgrond_func >>> args = (fpath, sleep_time) >>> kwargs = {} >>> print('[FG] Spawning process') >>> threadid = ut.spawn_background_process(func, *args, **kwargs) >>> assert threadid.is_alive() is True, 'thread should be active' >>> print('[FG] Spawned process. threadid=%r' % (threadid,)) >>> # background process should not have finished yet >>> assert not ut.checkpath(fpath, verbose=True) >>> print('[FG] Waiting to check') >>> time.sleep(sleep_time + .1) >>> print('[FG] Finished waiting') >>> # Now the file should be there >>> assert ut.checkpath(fpath, verbose=True) >>> assert threadid.is_alive() is False, 'process should have died' """ import utool as ut func_name = ut.get_funcname(func) name = 'mp.Progress-' + func_name #proc_obj = multiprocessing.Process(target=func, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) proc_obj = KillableProcess(target=func, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) #proc_obj.daemon = True #proc_obj.isAlive = proc_obj.is_alive proc_obj.start() return proc_obj
def register_test(func): tests[ut.get_funcname(func)] = func return func
def preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, force=False): """ Decorates a wrapper function. It seems impossible to presever signatures in python 2 without eval (Maybe another option is to write to a temporary module?) Args: wrapper: the function wrapping orig_func to change the signature of orig_func: the original function to take the signature from References: TODO: checkout funcsigs Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import utool as ut >>> #ut.rrrr(False) >>> def myfunction(self, listinput_, arg1, *args, **kwargs): >>> " just a test function " >>> return [x + 1 for x in listinput_] >>> orig_func = myfunction >>> wrapper = ut.accepts_scalar_input2([0])(orig_func) >>> _wrp_preserve1 = ut.preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, True) >>> _wrp_preserve2 = ut.preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, False) >>> print(ut.get_func_sourcecode(_wrp_preserve1)) >>> print(ut.get_func_sourcecode(_wrp_preserve2)) >>> result = str(_wrp_preserve1) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut if wrapper is orig_func: # nothing to do return orig_func orig_docstr = ut.get_funcdoc(orig_func) orig_docstr = '' if orig_docstr is None else orig_docstr orig_argspec = ut.get_func_argspec(orig_func) wrap_name = meta_util_six.get_funccode(wrapper).co_name orig_name = ut.get_funcname(orig_func) # At the very least preserve info in a dictionary _utinfo = {} _utinfo['orig_func'] = orig_func _utinfo['wrap_name'] = wrap_name _utinfo['orig_name'] = orig_name _utinfo['orig_argspec'] = orig_argspec if hasattr(wrapper, '_utinfo'): parent_wrapper_utinfo = wrapper._utinfo _utinfo['parent_wrapper_utinfo'] = parent_wrapper_utinfo if hasattr(orig_func, '_utinfo'): parent_orig_utinfo = orig_func._utinfo _utinfo['parent_orig_utinfo'] = parent_orig_utinfo # environment variable is set if you are building documentation # preserve sig if building docs building_docs = os.environ.get('UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING', 'OFF') == 'ON' if force or SIG_PRESERVE or building_docs: # PRESERVES ALL SIGNATURES WITH EXECS src_fmt = r''' def _wrp_preserve{defsig}: """ {orig_docstr} """ try: return wrapper{callsig} except Exception as ex: import utool as ut msg = ('Failure in signature preserving wrapper:\n') ut.printex(ex, msg) raise ''' # Put wrapped function into a scope globals_ = {'wrapper': wrapper} locals_ = {} # argspec is :ArgSpec(args=['bar', 'baz'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(True,)) # get orig functions argspec # get functions signature # Get function call signature (no defaults) # Define an exec function argspec = inspect.getargspec(orig_func) (args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = argspec defsig = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec) callsig = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec[0:3]) src_fmtdict = dict(defsig=defsig, callsig=callsig, orig_docstr=orig_docstr) src = textwrap.dedent(src_fmt).format(**src_fmtdict) # Define the new function on the fly # (I wish there was a non exec / eval way to do this) #print(src) six.exec_(src, globals_, locals_) # Use functools.update_wapper to complete preservation _wrp_preserve = functools.update_wrapper(locals_['_wrp_preserve'], orig_func) # Keep debug info _utinfo['src'] = src # Set an internal sig variable that we may use #_wrp_preserve.__sig__ = defsig else: # PRESERVES SOME SIGNATURES NO EXEC # signature preservation is turned off. just preserve the name. # Does not use any exec or eval statments. import utool as ut _wrp_preserve = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, orig_func) # Just do something to preserve signature DEBUG_WRAPPED_DOCSTRING = False if DEBUG_WRAPPED_DOCSTRING: new_docstr_fmtstr = ut.codeblock( ''' Wrapped function {wrap_name}({orig_name}) orig_argspec = {orig_argspec} orig_docstr = {orig_docstr} ''' ) else: new_docstr_fmtstr = ut.codeblock( ''' {orig_docstr} ''' ) new_docstr = new_docstr_fmtstr.format(wrap_name=wrap_name, orig_name=orig_name, orig_docstr=orig_docstr, orig_argspec=orig_argspec) ut.set_funcdoc(_wrp_preserve, new_docstr) _wrp_preserve._utinfo = _utinfo return _wrp_preserve
def gridsearch_chipextract(): r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.chip --test-gridsearch_chipextract --show Example: >>> # GRIDSEARCH >>> from vtool.chip import * # NOQA >>> gridsearch_chipextract() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 test_func = extract_chip_from_img if False: gpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') bbox = (100, 3, 100, 100) theta = 0.0 new_size = (58, 34) else: gpath = '/media/raid/work/GZ_Master1/_ibsdb/images/1524525d-2131-8770-d27c-3a5f9922e9e9.jpg' bbox = (450, 373, 2062, 1124) theta = 0.0 old_size = bbox[2:4] #target_area = 700 ** 2 target_area = 1200**2 new_size = get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, [old_size])[0] print('old_size = %r' % (old_size, )) print('new_size = %r' % (new_size, )) #new_size = (677, 369) imgBGR = gtool.imread(gpath) args = (imgBGR, bbox, theta, new_size) param_info = ut.ParamInfoList( 'extract_params', [ ut.ParamInfo( 'interpolation', cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, varyvals=[ cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_NEAREST, #cv2.INTER_AREA ], ) ]) show_func = None # Generalize import plottool as pt pt.imshow(imgBGR) # HACK cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = param_info.get_gridsearch_input( defaultslice=slice(0, 10)) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) if show_func is None: show_func = pt.imshow lbl = ut.get_funcname(test_func) cfgresult_list = [ test_func(*args, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ut.ProgressIter(cfgdict_list, lbl=lbl) ] onclick_func = None ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images(show_func, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, cfgresult_list, fnum=fnum, figtitle=lbl, unpack=False, max_plots=25, onclick_func=onclick_func) pt.iup()