Пример #1
def visualize_vocab_word(ibs, invassign, wx, fnum=None):

        >>> from ibeis.new_annots import *  # NOQA
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> pt.qt4ensure()
        >>> ibs, aid_list, vocab = testdata_vocab()
        >>> #aid_list = aid_list[0:1]
        >>> fstack = StackedFeatures(ibs, aid_list)
        >>> nAssign = 2
        >>> invassign = fstack.inverted_assignment(vocab, nAssign)
        >>> sortx = ut.argsort(invassign.num_list)[::-1]
        >>> wx_list = ut.take(invassign.wx_list, sortx)
        >>> wx = wx_list[0]
    import plottool as pt
    vecs = invassign.get_vecs(wx)
    word = invassign.vocab.wx2_word[wx]

    word_patches = invassign.get_patches(wx)
    average_patch = np.mean(word_patches, axis=0)

    average_vec = vecs.mean(axis=0)
    average_vec = word


    with_sift = True
    fnum = 2
    fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
    if with_sift:
        patch_img = pt.render_sift_on_patch(average_patch, average_vec)
        #sift_word_patches = [pt.render_sift_on_patch(patch, vec) for patch, vec in ut.ProgIter(list(zip(word_patches, vecs)))]
        #stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(word_patches)
        #stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(sift_word_patches)
        patch_img = average_patch
    stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(word_patches)
    solidbar = np.zeros((patch_img.shape[0], int(patch_img.shape[1] * .1), 3),
    border_color = (100, 10, 10)  # bgr, darkblue
    if ut.is_float(solidbar):
        solidbar[:, :, :] = (np.array(border_color) / 255)[None, None]
        solidbar[:, :, :] = np.array(border_color)[None, None]
    word_img = vt.stack_image_list([patch_img, solidbar, stacked_patches],
    pt.imshow(word_img, fnum=fnum)
    #pt.imshow(patch_img, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=fnum)
    #patch_size = 64
    #half_size = patch_size / 2
    #pt.imshow(stacked_patches, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=fnum)
Пример #2
def _type_from_data(data):
    """ If type is not given make an educated guess """
    if utool.is_bool(data) or data == 'True' or data == 'False':
        return bool
    elif utool.is_int(data):
        return int
    elif utool.is_float(data):
        return float
        return str
Пример #3
def _type_from_data(data):
    """ If type is not given make an educated guess """
    if utool.is_bool(data) or data == 'True' or data == 'False':
        return bool
    elif utool.is_int(data):
        return int
    elif utool.is_float(data):
        return float
        return str
Пример #4
def visualize_vocab_word(ibs, invassign, wx, fnum=None):

        >>> from ibeis.new_annots import *  # NOQA
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> pt.qt4ensure()
        >>> ibs, aid_list, vocab = testdata_vocab()
        >>> #aid_list = aid_list[0:1]
        >>> fstack = StackedFeatures(ibs, aid_list)
        >>> nAssign = 2
        >>> invassign = fstack.inverted_assignment(vocab, nAssign)
        >>> sortx = ut.argsort(invassign.num_list)[::-1]
        >>> wx_list = ut.take(invassign.wx_list, sortx)
        >>> wx = wx_list[0]
    import plottool as pt
    vecs = invassign.get_vecs(wx)
    word = invassign.vocab.wx2_word[wx]

    word_patches = invassign.get_patches(wx)
    average_patch = np.mean(word_patches, axis=0)

    average_vec = vecs.mean(axis=0)
    average_vec = word


    with_sift = True
    fnum = 2
    fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
    if with_sift:
        patch_img = pt.render_sift_on_patch(average_patch, average_vec)
        #sift_word_patches = [pt.render_sift_on_patch(patch, vec) for patch, vec in ut.ProgIter(list(zip(word_patches, vecs)))]
        #stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(word_patches)
        #stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(sift_word_patches)
        patch_img = average_patch
    stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(word_patches)
    solidbar = np.zeros((patch_img.shape[0], int(patch_img.shape[1] * .1), 3), dtype=patch_img.dtype)
    border_color = (100, 10, 10)  # bgr, darkblue
    if ut.is_float(solidbar):
        solidbar[:, :, :] = (np.array(border_color) / 255)[None, None]
        solidbar[:, :, :] = np.array(border_color)[None, None]
    word_img = vt.stack_image_list([patch_img, solidbar, stacked_patches], vert=False, modifysize=True)
    pt.imshow(word_img, fnum=fnum)
    #pt.imshow(patch_img, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=fnum)
    #patch_size = 64
    #half_size = patch_size / 2
    #pt.imshow(stacked_patches, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=fnum)
Пример #5
def cast_into_qt(data):
    Casts python data into a representation suitable for QT (usually a string)
        if ut.is_str(data):
            return __STR__(data)
        elif ut.is_float(data):
            # qnumber = QString.number(float(data), format='g', precision=8)
            return locale_float(data)
        elif ut.is_bool(data):
            return bool(data)
        elif ut.is_int(data):
            return int(data)
        elif isinstance(data, uuid.UUID):
            return __STR__(data)
        elif ut.isiterable(data):
            return ', '.join(map(__STR__, data))
            return __STR__(data)
    if ut.is_str(data):
        return __STR__(data)
    elif ut.is_float(data):
        # qnumber = QString.number(float(data), format='g', precision=8)
        return locale_float(data)
    elif ut.is_bool(data):
        return bool(data)
    elif ut.is_int(data):
        return int(data)
    elif isinstance(data, uuid.UUID):
        return __STR__(data)
    elif ut.isiterable(data):
        return ', '.join(map(__STR__, data))
    elif data is None:
        return 'None'
        return 'Unknown qtype: %r for data=%r' % (type(data), data)
Пример #6
def cast_into_qt(data):
    Casts python data into a representation suitable for QT (usually a string)
        if ut.is_str(data):
            return __STR__(data)
        elif ut.is_float(data):
            #qnumber = QString.number(float(data), format='g', precision=8)
            return locale_float(data)
        elif ut.is_bool(data):
            return bool(data)
        elif  ut.is_int(data):
            return int(data)
        elif isinstance(data, uuid.UUID):
            return __STR__(data)
        elif ut.isiterable(data):
            return ', '.join(map(__STR__, data))
            return __STR__(data)
    if ut.is_str(data):
        return __STR__(data)
    elif ut.is_float(data):
        #qnumber = QString.number(float(data), format='g', precision=8)
        return locale_float(data)
    elif ut.is_bool(data):
        return bool(data)
    elif  ut.is_int(data):
        return int(data)
    elif isinstance(data, uuid.UUID):
        return __STR__(data)
    elif ut.isiterable(data):
        return ', '.join(map(__STR__, data))
    elif data is None:
        return 'None'
        return 'Unknown qtype: %r for data=%r' % (type(data), data)
Пример #7
def is_dicteq(dict1_, dict2_, almosteq_ok=True, verbose_err=True):
    """ Checks to see if dicts are the same. Performs recursion. Handles numpy """
    import utool
    from utool import util_alg
    from utool import util_dbg
    assert len(dict1_) == len(dict2_), 'dicts are not of same length'
        for (key1, val1), (key2, val2) in zip(dict1_.items(), dict2_.items()):
            assert key1 == key2, 'key mismatch'
            assert type(val1) == type(val2), 'vals are not same type'
            if HAVE_NUMPY and np.iterable(val1):
                if almosteq_ok and utool.is_float(val1):
                    assert np.all(util_alg.almost_eq(val1, val2)), 'float vals are not within thresh'
                    assert all([np.all(x1 == x2) for (x1, x2) in zip(val1, val2)]), 'np vals are different'
            elif isinstance(val1, dict):
                is_dicteq(val1, val2, almosteq_ok=almosteq_ok, verbose_err=verbose_err)
                assert val1 == val2, 'vals are different'
    except AssertionError as ex:
        if verbose_err:
        return False
    return True
Пример #8
    def render_inverted_vocab_word(inva, wx, ibs, fnum=None):
        Creates a visualization of a visual word. This includes the average patch,
        the SIFT-like representation of the centroid, and some of the patches that
        were assigned to it.

            python -m ibeis.algo.smk.inverted_index render_inverted_vocab_word --show

            >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
            >>> from ibeis.algo.smk.inverted_index import *  # NOQA
            >>> import plottool_ibeis as pt
            >>> qreq_, inva = testdata_inva()
            >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs
            >>> wx_list = list(inva.wx_to_aids.keys())
            >>> wx = wx_list[0]
            >>> ut.qtensure()
            >>> fnum = 2
            >>> fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
            >>> # Interactive visualization of many words
            >>> for wx in ut.InteractiveIter(wx_list):
            >>>     word_img = inva.render_inverted_vocab_word(wx, ibs, fnum)
            >>>     pt.imshow(word_img, fnum=fnum, title='Word %r/%r' % (wx, '?'))
            >>>     pt.update()
        import plottool_ibeis as pt
        # Create the contributing patch image
        word_patches = inva.get_patches(wx, ibs)
        word_patches_ = ut.strided_sample(word_patches, 64)
        stacked_patches = vt.stack_square_images(word_patches_)

        # Create the average word image
        vocab = ibs.depc['vocab'].get_row_data([inva.vocab_rowid], 'words')[0]
        word = vocab.wx_to_word[wx]

        average_patch = np.mean(word_patches, axis=0)
        #vecs = inva.get_vecs(wx)
        #assert np.allclose(word, vecs.mean(axis=0))
        with_sift = True
        if with_sift:
            patch_img = pt.render_sift_on_patch(average_patch, word)
            patch_img = average_patch

        # Stack them together
        solidbar = np.zeros(
            (patch_img.shape[0], int(patch_img.shape[1] * .1), 3),
        border_color = (100, 10, 10)  # bgr, darkblue
        if ut.is_float(solidbar):
            solidbar[:, :, :] = (np.array(border_color) / 255)[None, None]
            solidbar[:, :, :] = np.array(border_color)[None, None]
        patch_img2 = vt.inverted_sift_patch(word)
        # Fix types
        patch_img = vt.rectify_to_uint8(patch_img)
        patch_img2 = vt.rectify_to_uint8(patch_img2)
        solidbar = vt.rectify_to_uint8(solidbar)
        stacked_patches = vt.rectify_to_uint8(stacked_patches)
        # Stack everything together
        patch_img2, patch_img = vt.make_channels_comparable(
            patch_img2, patch_img)
        img_list = [patch_img, solidbar, patch_img2, solidbar, stacked_patches]
        word_img = vt.stack_image_list(img_list, vert=False, modifysize=True)
        return word_img
Пример #9
def _test_base01(channels):
    tests01 = {
        'is_float': all([ut.is_float(c) for c in channels]),
        'is_01': all([c >= 0.0 and c <= 1.0 for c in channels]),
    return tests01
Пример #10
def _test_base01(channels):
    tests01 = {
        'is_float': all([ut.is_float(c) for c in channels]),
        'is_01': all([c >= 0.0 and c <= 1.0 for c in channels]),
    return tests01
Пример #11
def make_score_tabular(
        row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title=None, out_of=None, bold_best=False,
        flip=False, bigger_is_better=True, multicol_lbls=None, FORCE_INT=False,
        precision=None, SHORTEN_ROW_LBLS=False, col_align='l', col_sep='|',
        multicol_sep='|', centerline=True, astable=False, table_position='',
        AUTOFIX_LATEX=True, **kwargs):
    makes a LaTeX tabular for displaying scores or errors

        row_lbls (list of str):
        col_lbls (list of str):
        values (ndarray):
        title (str):  (default = None)
        out_of (None): (default = None)
        bold_best (bool): (default = True)
        flip (bool): (default = False)
        table_position (str) : eg '[h]'

        str: tabular_str

        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:0 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:1 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:2 --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2], [3.2, 4]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2', 'foobar']
        >>> multicol_lbls = [('spam', 1), ('eggs', 2)]
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2, -3], [3.2, 4, -2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip, multicol_lbls=multicol_lbls)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)
    import utool as ut
    if flip:
        bigger_is_better = not bigger_is_better
        flip_repltups = [
            ('<=', '>'),
            ('>', '<='),
            ('\\leq', '\\gt'),
            ('\\geq', '\\lt'),
            ('score', 'error')
        col_lbls = [replace_all(lbl, flip_repltups) for lbl in col_lbls]
        if title is not None:
            title = replace_all(title, flip_repltups)
        if out_of is not None:
            values = out_of - values

    # Abbreviate based on common substrings
    common_rowlbl = None
        if isinstance(row_lbls, list):
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls.flatten().tolist()
        # Split the rob labels into the alg components
        #algcomp_list = [lbl.split(')_') for lbl in row_lbl_list]
        longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_strs = []
        while len(longest) > 10:
            common_strs += [longest]
            row_lbl_list = [row.replace(longest, '...') for row in row_lbl_list]
            longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_rowlbl = ('...'.join(common_strs)).replace(')_', ')_\n')
        row_lbls = row_lbl_list
        if len(row_lbl_list) == 1:
            common_rowlbl = row_lbl_list[0]
            row_lbls = ['0']

    # Stack values into a tabular body
    # TODO: need ability to specify datatypes
    def ensurelist(row_values):
            return row_values.tolist()
        except AttributeError:
            return row_values

    if False:
        # Numpy formatting
        def padvec(shape=(1, 1)):
            pad = np.array([[' ' for c in range(shape[1])] for r in range(shape[0])])
            return pad
        col_lbls = ensure_rowvec(col_lbls)
        row_lbls = ensure_colvec(row_lbls)
        _0 = np.vstack([padvec(), row_lbls])
        _1 = np.vstack([col_lbls, values])
        body = np.hstack([_0, _1])
        body = [[str_ for str_ in row] for row in body]
        assert len(row_lbls) == len(values)
        body = [[' '] + col_lbls]
        body += [[row_lbl] + ensurelist(row_values) for row_lbl, row_values in zip(row_lbls, values)]
    #import utool as ut
    # Fix things in each body cell
    DO_PERCENT = True
        for r in range(len(body)):
            for c in range(len(body[0])):
                # In data land
                if r > 0 and c > 0:
                    if precision is not None:
                        # Hack
                        if ut.is_float(body[r][c]):
                            fmtstr = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'
                            body[r][c] = fmtstr % (float(body[r][c]),)
                    # Force integer
                    if FORCE_INT:
                        body[r][c] = str(int(float(body[r][c])))
                body[r][c] = str(body[r][c])
                # Remove bad formatting;
                if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
                    body[r][c] = escape_latex(body[r][c])
    except Exception as ex:
        import utool as ut
        print('len(row_lbls) = %r' % (len(row_lbls),))
        print('len(col_lbls) = %r' % (len(col_lbls),))
        print('len(values) = %r' % (values,))
        print('ut.depth_profile(values) = %r' % (ut.depth_profile(values),))
        util_dbg.printex(ex, keys=['r', 'c'])

    # Bold the best values
    if bold_best:
        best_col_scores = values.max(0) if bigger_is_better else values.min(0)
        rows_to_bold = [np.where(values[:, colx] == best_col_scores[colx])[0]
                        for colx in range(len(values.T))]
        for colx, rowx_list in enumerate(rows_to_bold):
            for rowx in rowx_list:
                body[rowx + 1][colx + 1] = '\\txtbf{' + body[rowx + 1][colx + 1] + '}'

    # More fixing after the bold is in place
    for r in range(len(body)):
        for c in range(len(body[0])):
            # In data land
            if r > 0 and c > 0:
                if out_of is not None:
                    body[r][c] = body[r][c] + '/' + str(out_of)
                    if DO_PERCENT:
                        percent = ' = %.1f%%' % float(100 * values[r - 1, c - 1] / out_of)
                        body[r][c] += escape_latex(percent)

    # Align columns for pretty printing
    body = np.array(body)
    ALIGN_BODY = True
    if ALIGN_BODY:
        new_body_cols = []
        for col in body.T:
            colstrs = list(map(str, ensurelist(col)))
            collens = list(map(len, colstrs))
            maxlen = max(collens)
            newcols = [str_ + (' ' * (maxlen - len(str_))) for str_ in colstrs]
            new_body_cols += [newcols]
        body = np.array(new_body_cols).T

    # Build Body (and row layout)
    HLINE_SEP = True
    rowvalsep = ''
    colvalsep = ' & '
    endl = '\\\\\n'
    hline = r'\hline'
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = [1]  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    extra_rowsep_pos_list = []  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    if HLINE_SEP:
        rowvalsep = hline + '\n'
    # rowstr list holds blocks of rows
    rowstr_list = [colvalsep.join(row) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [row[0] + rowlbl_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [(
    #    ('' if len(row) == 0 else row[0])
    #    if len(row) <= 1 else
    #    row[0] + rowlblcol_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl)
    #    for row in body]
    rowsep_list = [rowvalsep for row in rowstr_list[0:-1]]  # should be len 1 less than rowstr_list
    # Insert multicolumn names
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        # TODO: label of the row labels
        multicols = [latex_multicolumn(multicol, size, 'c' + multicol_sep) for multicol, size in multicol_lbls]
        multicol_str = latex_multirow('', 2) + colvalsep + colvalsep.join(multicols) + endl
        ncols = sum([tup[1] for tup in multicol_lbls])
        mcol_sep = '\\cline{2-%d}\n' % (ncols + 1,)
        rowstr_list = [multicol_str] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [mcol_sep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [1]

    # Insert title
    if title is not None and not astable:
        tex_title = latex_multicolumn(title, len(body[0])) + endl
        rowstr_list = [tex_title] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [rowvalsep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [2]

    # Apply an extra hline (for label)
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in sorted(extra_rowsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        rowstr_list.insert(pos, '')
        rowsep_list.insert(pos, rowvalsep)
    #tabular_body = rowvalsep.join(rowstr_list)
    from six.moves import zip_longest
    tabular_body = ''.join([row if sep is None else row + sep for row, sep in zip_longest(rowstr_list, rowsep_list)])

    # Build Column Layout
    col_align_list = [col_align] * len(body[0])
    #extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = [1]
    extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in  sorted(extra_collayoutsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        col_align_list.insert(pos, '')
    #col_layaout_sep_list = rowlblcol_sep  # TODO

    rowlblcol_sep = '|'
    # Build build internal seprations between column alignments
    # Defaults to just the normal col_sep
    col_align_sep_list = [col_sep] * (len(col_align_list) - 1)
    # Adjust for the separations between row labels and the actual row data
    if len(col_align_sep_list) > 0:
        col_align_sep_list[0] = rowlblcol_sep
    # Continue multicolumn sepratation
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        multicol_offsets = ut.cumsum(ut.get_list_column(multicol_lbls, 1))
        for offset in multicol_offsets:
            if offset < len(col_align_sep_list):
                col_align_sep_list[offset] = multicol_sep

    from six.moves import zip_longest
    _tmp = [ut.filter_Nones(tup) for tup in zip_longest(col_align_list, col_align_sep_list)]
    col_layout = ''.join(ut.flatten(_tmp))

    #if len(col_align_list) > 1:
    #    col_layout = col_align_list[0] + rowlblcol_sep + col_sep.join(col_align_list[1:])
    #    col_layout = col_sep.join(col_align_list)

    tabular_head = (r'\begin{tabular}{|%s|}' % col_layout) + '\n'
    tabular_tail = r'\end{tabular}'

    if centerline:
        tabular_head = r'\centerline{' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '}'

    if astable:
        #tabular_head = r'\begin{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\centering' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\begin{table}' + table_position + '\n' + tabular_head

        lblstr = latex_sanitize_command_name(kwargs.get('label', title))
        caption = title
        if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
            caption = escape_latex(caption)
        caption = '\n% ---\n' + caption + '\n% ---\n'
        #tabular_head = r'\end{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '\n\caption[%s]{%s}\n\label{tbl:%s}\n\end{table}' % (lblstr, caption, lblstr)

    tabular_str = rowvalsep.join([tabular_head, tabular_body, tabular_tail])
    topsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\toprule\n'
    botsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\bottomrule\n'
    tabular_str = tabular_head + topsep + tabular_body + botsep + tabular_tail

    if common_rowlbl is not None:
        #tabular_str += escape_latex('\n\nThe following parameters were held fixed:\n' + common_rowlbl)
    return tabular_str
Пример #12
def make_score_tabular(row_lbls,
    makes a LaTeX tabular for displaying scores or errors

        row_lbls (list of str):
        col_lbls (list of str):
        values (ndarray):
        title (str):  (default = None)
        out_of (None): (default = None)
        bold_best (bool): (default = True)
        flip (bool): (default = False)
        table_position (str) : eg '[h]'

        str: tabular_str

        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:0 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:1 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:2 --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2], [3.2, 4]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2', 'foobar']
        >>> multicol_lbls = [('spam', 1), ('eggs', 2)]
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2, -3], [3.2, 4, -2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip, multicol_lbls=multicol_lbls)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)
    import utool as ut
    if flip:
        bigger_is_better = not bigger_is_better
        flip_repltups = [('<=', '>'), ('>', '<='), ('\\leq', '\\gt'),
                         ('\\geq', '\\lt'), ('score', 'error')]
        col_lbls = [replace_all(lbl, flip_repltups) for lbl in col_lbls]
        if title is not None:
            title = replace_all(title, flip_repltups)
        if out_of is not None:
            values = out_of - values

    # Abbreviate based on common substrings
    common_rowlbl = None
        if isinstance(row_lbls, list):
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls.flatten().tolist()
        # Split the rob labels into the alg components
        #algcomp_list = [lbl.split(')_') for lbl in row_lbl_list]
        longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_strs = []
        while len(longest) > 10:
            common_strs += [longest]
            row_lbl_list = [
                row.replace(longest, '...') for row in row_lbl_list
            longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_rowlbl = ('...'.join(common_strs)).replace(')_', ')_\n')
        row_lbls = row_lbl_list
        if len(row_lbl_list) == 1:
            common_rowlbl = row_lbl_list[0]
            row_lbls = ['0']

    # Stack values into a tabular body
    # TODO: need ability to specify datatypes
    def ensurelist(row_values):
            return row_values.tolist()
        except AttributeError:
            return row_values

    if False:
        # Numpy formatting
        def padvec(shape=(1, 1)):
            pad = np.array([[' ' for c in range(shape[1])]
                            for r in range(shape[0])])
            return pad

        col_lbls = ensure_rowvec(col_lbls)
        row_lbls = ensure_colvec(row_lbls)
        _0 = np.vstack([padvec(), row_lbls])
        _1 = np.vstack([col_lbls, values])
        body = np.hstack([_0, _1])
        body = [[str_ for str_ in row] for row in body]
        assert len(row_lbls) == len(values)
        body = [[' '] + col_lbls]
        body += [[row_lbl] + ensurelist(row_values)
                 for row_lbl, row_values in zip(row_lbls, values)]
    #import utool as ut
    # Fix things in each body cell
    DO_PERCENT = True
        for r in range(len(body)):
            for c in range(len(body[0])):
                # In data land
                if r > 0 and c > 0:
                    if precision is not None:
                        # Hack
                        if ut.is_float(body[r][c]):
                            fmtstr = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'
                            body[r][c] = fmtstr % (float(body[r][c]), )
                    # Force integer
                    if FORCE_INT:
                        body[r][c] = str(int(float(body[r][c])))
                body[r][c] = str(body[r][c])
                # Remove bad formatting;
                if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
                    body[r][c] = escape_latex(body[r][c])
    except Exception as ex:
        import utool as ut
        print('len(row_lbls) = %r' % (len(row_lbls), ))
        print('len(col_lbls) = %r' % (len(col_lbls), ))
        print('len(values) = %r' % (values, ))
        print('ut.depth_profile(values) = %r' % (ut.depth_profile(values), ))
        util_dbg.printex(ex, keys=['r', 'c'])

    # Bold the best values
    if bold_best:
        best_col_scores = values.max(0) if bigger_is_better else values.min(0)
        rows_to_bold = [
            np.where(values[:, colx] == best_col_scores[colx])[0]
            for colx in range(len(values.T))
        for colx, rowx_list in enumerate(rows_to_bold):
            for rowx in rowx_list:
                body[rowx + 1][colx +
                               1] = '\\txtbf{' + body[rowx + 1][colx + 1] + '}'

    # More fixing after the bold is in place
    for r in range(len(body)):
        for c in range(len(body[0])):
            # In data land
            if r > 0 and c > 0:
                if out_of is not None:
                    body[r][c] = body[r][c] + '/' + str(out_of)
                    if DO_PERCENT:
                        percent = ' = %.1f%%' % float(
                            100 * values[r - 1, c - 1] / out_of)
                        body[r][c] += escape_latex(percent)

    # Align columns for pretty printing
    body = np.array(body)
    ALIGN_BODY = True
    if ALIGN_BODY:
        new_body_cols = []
        for col in body.T:
            colstrs = list(map(str, ensurelist(col)))
            collens = list(map(len, colstrs))
            maxlen = max(collens)
            newcols = [str_ + (' ' * (maxlen - len(str_))) for str_ in colstrs]
            new_body_cols += [newcols]
        body = np.array(new_body_cols).T

    # Build Body (and row layout)
    HLINE_SEP = True
    rowvalsep = ''
    colvalsep = ' & '
    endl = '\\\\\n'
    hline = r'\hline'
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = [1]  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    extra_rowsep_pos_list = []  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    if HLINE_SEP:
        rowvalsep = hline + '\n'
    # rowstr list holds blocks of rows
    rowstr_list = [colvalsep.join(row) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [row[0] + rowlbl_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [(
    #    ('' if len(row) == 0 else row[0])
    #    if len(row) <= 1 else
    #    row[0] + rowlblcol_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl)
    #    for row in body]
    rowsep_list = [rowvalsep for row in rowstr_list[0:-1]
                   ]  # should be len 1 less than rowstr_list
    # Insert multicolumn names
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        # TODO: label of the row labels
        multicols = [
            latex_multicolumn(multicol, size, 'c' + multicol_sep)
            for multicol, size in multicol_lbls
        multicol_str = latex_multirow(
            '', 2) + colvalsep + colvalsep.join(multicols) + endl
        ncols = sum([tup[1] for tup in multicol_lbls])
        mcol_sep = '\\cline{2-%d}\n' % (ncols + 1, )
        rowstr_list = [multicol_str] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [mcol_sep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [1]

    # Insert title
    if title is not None and not astable:
        tex_title = latex_multicolumn(title, len(body[0])) + endl
        rowstr_list = [tex_title] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [rowvalsep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [2]

    # Apply an extra hline (for label)
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in sorted(extra_rowsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        rowstr_list.insert(pos, '')
        rowsep_list.insert(pos, rowvalsep)
    #tabular_body = rowvalsep.join(rowstr_list)
    from six.moves import zip_longest
    tabular_body = ''.join([
        row if sep is None else row + sep
        for row, sep in zip_longest(rowstr_list, rowsep_list)

    # Build Column Layout
    col_align_list = [col_align] * len(body[0])
    #extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = [1]
    extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in sorted(extra_collayoutsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        col_align_list.insert(pos, '')
    #col_layaout_sep_list = rowlblcol_sep  # TODO

    rowlblcol_sep = '|'
    # Build build internal seprations between column alignments
    # Defaults to just the normal col_sep
    col_align_sep_list = [col_sep] * (len(col_align_list) - 1)
    # Adjust for the separations between row labels and the actual row data
    if len(col_align_sep_list) > 0:
        col_align_sep_list[0] = rowlblcol_sep
    # Continue multicolumn sepratation
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        multicol_offsets = ut.cumsum(ut.get_list_column(multicol_lbls, 1))
        for offset in multicol_offsets:
            if offset < len(col_align_sep_list):
                col_align_sep_list[offset] = multicol_sep

    from six.moves import zip_longest
    _tmp = [
        for tup in zip_longest(col_align_list, col_align_sep_list)
    col_layout = ''.join(ut.flatten(_tmp))

    #if len(col_align_list) > 1:
    #    col_layout = col_align_list[0] + rowlblcol_sep + col_sep.join(col_align_list[1:])
    #    col_layout = col_sep.join(col_align_list)

    tabular_head = (r'\begin{tabular}{|%s|}' % col_layout) + '\n'
    tabular_tail = r'\end{tabular}'

    if centerline:
        tabular_head = r'\centerline{' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '}'

    if astable:
        #tabular_head = r'\begin{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\centering' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\begin{table}' + table_position + '\n' + tabular_head

        lblstr = latex_sanitize_command_name(kwargs.get('label', title))
        caption = title
        if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
            caption = escape_latex(caption)
        caption = '\n% ---\n' + caption + '\n% ---\n'
        #tabular_head = r'\end{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '\n\caption[%s]{%s}\n\label{tbl:%s}\n\end{table}' % (
            lblstr, caption, lblstr)

    tabular_str = rowvalsep.join([tabular_head, tabular_body, tabular_tail])
    topsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\toprule\n'
    botsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\bottomrule\n'
    tabular_str = tabular_head + topsep + tabular_body + botsep + tabular_tail

    if common_rowlbl is not None:
        #tabular_str += escape_latex('\n\nThe following parameters were held fixed:\n' + common_rowlbl)
    return tabular_str