Пример #1
def example_getter_methods(depc, tablename, root_rowids):
    example of different ways to get data
    import dtool
    print('Running getter example')
    print(' * tablename=%r' % (tablename))
    print(' * root_rowids=%r' % (ut.trunc_repr(tablename)))

    # You can get a reference to data rows using the "root" (dummy_annot) rowids
    # By default, if the data has not been computed, then it will be computed
    # for you. But if you specify ensure=False, None will be returned if the data
    # has not been computed yet.
    tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)  # NOQA
    print('tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)')
    print('tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids),))
    #assert tbl_rowids[0] is None

    # The default is for the data to be computed though. Manaual interactions will
    # launch as necessary.
    tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=True)  # NOQA
    print('tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=True)')
    print('tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids),))
    assert tbl_rowids[0] is not None

    # Now the data is cached and will not need to be computed again
    tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)  # NOQA
    assert tbl_rowids[0] is not None

    # Can lookup a table, which can access data directly.  The rowids can be
    # used to lookup data values directly. By default all data in a row is
    # returned.
    table = depc[tablename]
    datas = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids)  # NOQA

    # But you can also ask for a specific column
    col1 = table.columns[0]
    col1_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, col1)  # NOQA

    # In the case of external columns:
    if len(table.extern_columns) > 0:
        excol = table.extern_columns[0]
        # you can lookup the value of the external data very simply
        extern_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol,))  # NOQA
        print('extern_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol,))')
        print(ut.varinfo_str(extern_data, 'extern_data'))
        # you can lookup the hidden paths as follows
        extern_paths = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol + dtool.depcache_table.EXTERN_SUFFIX,))  # NOQA
        print('extern_paths = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol + dtool.depcache_table.EXTERN_SUFFIX,))')
        print(ut.varinfo_str(extern_paths, 'extern_paths'))

    # But you can also just the root rowids directly. This is the simplest way
    # to access data and really "all you need to know"
    if len(table.columns) > 1:
        col1, col2 = table.columns[0:2]
        datas = depc.get_property(tablename, root_rowids, (col1, col2))  # NOQA

Пример #2
def _expand_level_rowids(depc, tablename, tablekey, rowid_dict, ensure,
                         eager, nInput, config, recompute, recompute_all,
    table = depc[tablekey]
    config_ = depc._ensure_config(tablekey, config)
    parent_rowids = depc._get_parent_rowids(table, rowid_dict)
    if _debug:
        print('   * tablekey = %r' % (tablekey,))
        print('   * (ensured) config_ = %r' % (config_,))
        print('   * config_rowid = %r' % (table.get_config_rowid(config_),))
        print('   * parent_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(parent_rowids),))
    _recompute = recompute_all or (tablekey == tablename and recompute)
    level_rowids = table.get_rowid(
        parent_rowids, config=config_, eager=eager, nInput=nInput,
        ensure=ensure, recompute=_recompute)
    if _debug:
        print('   * level_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(level_rowids),))
Пример #3
 def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
         return func(*args, **kwargs)
     except Exception as ex:
         import utool as ut
         import inspect  # NOQA
         trace = inspect.trace()
         locals_ = trace[-1][0].f_locals
         print('-- <TRACE LOCALS> --')
         for level, t in enumerate(trace[1:]):
             frame = t[0]
             locals_ = frame.f_locals
             local_repr_dict = {key: ut.trunc_repr(val)
                                for key, val in locals_.items()}
             print('LOCALS LEVEL %d' % (level,))
             print(ut.repr3(local_repr_dict, strvals=True, nl=1))
         print('-- </TRACE LOCALS> --')
         #import utool
Пример #4
def example_getter_methods(depc, tablename, root_rowids):
    example of different ways to get data
    import dtool
    print('Running getter example')
    print(' * tablename=%r' % (tablename))
    print(' * root_rowids=%r' % (ut.trunc_repr(tablename)))

    # You can get a reference to data rows using the "root" (dummy_annot) rowids
    # By default, if the data has not been computed, then it will be computed
    # for you. But if you specify ensure=False, None will be returned if the data
    # has not been computed yet.
    tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)  # NOQA
    print('tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)')
    print('tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids), ))
    #assert tbl_rowids[0] is None

    # The default is for the data to be computed though. Manaual interactions will
    # launch as necessary.
    tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=True)  # NOQA
    print('tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=True)')
    print('tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids), ))
    assert tbl_rowids[0] is not None

    # Now the data is cached and will not need to be computed again
    tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)  # NOQA
    assert tbl_rowids[0] is not None

    # Can lookup a table, which can access data directly.  The rowids can be
    # used to lookup data values directly. By default all data in a row is
    # returned.
    table = depc[tablename]
    datas = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids)  # NOQA

    # But you can also ask for a specific column
    col1 = table.columns[0]
    col1_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, col1)  # NOQA

    # In the case of external columns:
    if len(table.extern_columns) > 0:
        excol = table.extern_columns[0]
        # you can lookup the value of the external data very simply
        extern_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol, ))  # NOQA
        print('extern_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol,))')
        print(ut.varinfo_str(extern_data, 'extern_data'))
        # you can lookup the hidden paths as follows
        extern_paths = table.get_row_data(
            tbl_rowids, (excol + dtool.depcache_table.EXTERN_SUFFIX, ))  # NOQA
            'extern_paths = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol + dtool.depcache_table.EXTERN_SUFFIX,))'
        print(ut.varinfo_str(extern_paths, 'extern_paths'))

    # But you can also just the root rowids directly. This is the simplest way
    # to access data and really "all you need to know"
    if len(table.columns) > 1:
        col1, col2 = table.columns[0:2]
        datas = depc.get_property(tablename, root_rowids, (col1, col2))  # NOQA

Пример #5
def get_rowids(depc, tablename, root_rowids, config=None, ensure=True,
               eager=True, nInput=None, _debug=None, recompute=False,
    Returns the rowids of `tablename` that correspond to `root_rowids`
    using `config`.

        tablename = 'nnindexer'
        multi_rowids = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        root_rowids = [[multi_rowids]]
        import plottool as pt

        from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        depc = testdata_depc()
        exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        tablename = 'neighbs'
        table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA
        import plottool as pt
        _debug = depc._debug = True
        depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, config, _debug=_debug)

        for key, val in table.type_to_subgraph.items():

        python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-get_rowids
        python -m dtool.depcache_control --dump-get_rowids
        python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-get_rowids:0

        >>> param_grid = dict(
        >>>     tablename=[ 'spam', 'neighbs'] # 'spam', 'multitest_score','keypoint'],
        >>>   #tablename=['neighbs', 'keypoint', 'spam', 'multitest_score','keypoint'],
        >>> )
        >>> flat_root_ids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> combos = ut.all_dict_combinations(param_grid)
        >>> index = 0
        >>> keys = 'tablename'.split(', ')
        >>> tablename, = ut.dict_take(combos[index], keys)

        >>> from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        >>> depc = testdata_depc()
        >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> pt.ensureqt()
        >>> #pt.show_nx(depc.graph)

        >>> table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA
        >>> flat_root_ids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> root_rowids = [flat_root_ids for _ in table.input_order]
        >>> print('root_rowids = %r' % (root_rowids,))
        >>> #root_rowids = [[flat_root_ids], [(flat_root_ids,)]]
        >>> #root_rowids = [list(zip(flat_root_ids)), (flat_root_ids,)]
        >>> _debug = True
        >>> depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, config, _debug=_debug)
        >>> for key, val in table.type_to_subgraph.items():
        >>>     pt.show_nx(val)
        >>>     pt.set_title(key)

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        >>> depc = testdata_depc()
        >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        >>> root_rowids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> tablename = 'spam'
        >>> table = depc[tablename]
        >>> kp_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids)
        >>> #result = ('prop_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(prop_list),))
        >>> #print(result)

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from dtool.depcache_control import *  # NOQA
        >>> from dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc
        >>> depc = testdata_depc()
        >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get_rowids), globals())
        >>> flat_root_ids = [1, 2, 3]
        >>> kp_rowids = depc.get_rowids('keypoint', flat_root_ids)
        >>> root_rowids = [flat_root_ids] * 8
        >>> _debug = True
        >>> tablename = 'nnindexer'
        >>> tablename = 'multitest_score'
        >>> table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA
        >>> #result = ('prop_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(prop_list),))
        >>> # print(result)
    _debug = depc._debug if _debug is None else _debug
    if _debug:
        print(' * root_rowids=%s' % (ut.trunc_repr(root_rowids),))
        print(' * config = %r' % (config,))
    table = depc[tablename]  # NOQA

    if tablename == 'neighbor_index':
        python -m ibeis.core_annots --exec-compute_neighbor_index --show

        import utool

    if INDEXER_VERSION or tablename == 'neighbs':
        compute_order = table.compute_order
        depend_order = compute_order['depend_compute_ids']
        input_order = compute_order['input_compute_ids']

        if _debug:
            print(' * input_order = %s' % (ut.repr3(input_order, nl=1),))
            print(' * depend_order = %s' % (ut.repr3(depend_order, nl=1),))
        if len(input_order) > 1:
            assert ut.depth_atleast(root_rowids, 2), (
                'input_order = %r' % (input_order,))

        with ut.Indenter('[GetRowID-%s]' % (tablename,),
            # New way to get rowids
            input_level = depend_order[0]
            mid_levels = depend_order[1:-1]
            output_level = depend_order[-1]

            # List that holds a mapping from input order to input "name"
            input_order_lookup = ut.make_index_lookup(input_order)
            # Dictionary that holds the rowids computed for each table
            # while tracing the dependencies.
            rowid_lookup = ut.odict([(key, ut.odict()) for key in input_order])

            # Need to split each path into parts.
            # Each part represents another level of unflattening
            # (because root indicies are all flat)

            # Handle input level
            assert input_level[0] == depc.root
            for compute_id in input_order:
                # for name in input_names:
                argx = input_order_lookup[compute_id]
                rowid_lookup[compute_id] = root_rowids[argx]
                # HACK: Flatten to scalars
                # The inputs should just be given in the "correct" nesting.
                # TODO: determine what correct nesting is.
                for i in range(5):
                        current = rowid_lookup[compute_id]
                        rowid_lookup[compute_id] = ut.flatten(current)
                    except Exception:

            level = 0
            if _debug:
                print('input_order_lookup = %r' % (input_order_lookup,))
                ut.printdict(rowid_lookup, 'rowid_lookup')

            def handle_level(compute_id, rowid_lookup, _recompute, level):
                print('+--- HANDLE LEVEL %d -------' % (level,))
                tablekey = compute_id[0]
                input_suff = compute_id[1]
                config_ = depc._ensure_config(tablekey, config)
                table = depc[tablekey]
                lookupkeys = [(n, input_suff) for n in table.parent_id_tablenames]
                # ordering = ut.dict_take(input_order_lookup, input_names)
                # sortx = ut.argsort(ordering)
                # FIXME: get inputs for each table.
                # input_names = ut.take(input_names, sortx)
                # lookupkeys = list(ut.iprod(table.parent_id_tablenames, input_names))
                # lookupkeys = list(zip(table.parent_id_tablenames, input_types))
                if _debug:
                    print('---- LOCALS ------')
                    ut.print_locals(compute_id, tablekey, lookupkeys, table)
                # FIXME generalize
                _parent_ids = [rowid_lookup[tblkey] for tblkey in lookupkeys]
                if table.ismulti:
                    parent_rowidsT = [[tuple(x)] for x in _parent_ids]
                    parent_rowidsT = _parent_ids
                parent_rowidsT = np.broadcast_arrays(*parent_rowidsT)
                parent_rowids = list(zip(*parent_rowidsT))
                # Probably not right for general multi-input
                import utool
                with utool.embed_on_exception_context:
                    next_rowids = table.get_rowid(
                        parent_rowids, config=config_, eager=eager, nInput=nInput,
                        ensure=ensure, recompute=_recompute)
                rowid_lookup[compute_id] = next_rowids
                if _debug:
                    ut.printdict(rowid_lookup, 'rowid_lookup')
                if _debug:
                    print('L___ HANDLE LEVEL %d -------' % (level,))
                return next_rowids

            # Handle mid levels
            _recompute = recompute_all
            for level, compute_id in enumerate(mid_levels, start=1):
                handle_level(compute_id, rowid_lookup, _recompute, level)
            level += 1

            # Handel final (requested) level
            compute_id = output_level
            _recompute = recompute
            rowid_list =  handle_level(compute_id, rowid_lookup,
                                       _recompute, level)
        with ut.Indenter('[GetRowID-%s]' % (tablename,),
            # TODO: Get nonself rowids first
            # THen get self rowids for debugging ease
                if False:
                    recompute_ = recompute or recompute_all
                    parent_rowids = depc._get_parent_input(
                        tablename, root_rowids, config, ensure=True, _debug=None,
                        recompute=False, recompute_all=False, eager=True,
                    config_ = depc._ensure_config(tablename, config)
                    #if onthefly:
                    #    pass
                    table = depc[tablename]
                    rowid_list = table.get_rowid(
                        parent_rowids, config=config_, eager=eager, nInput=nInput,
                        ensure=ensure, recompute=recompute_)
                    # Compute everything from the root to the requested table
                    rowid_dict = depc.get_all_descendant_rowids(
                        tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=ensure,
                        eager=eager, nInput=nInput, recompute=recompute,
                        recompute_all=recompute_all, _debug=ut.countdown_flag(_debug))
                    rowid_list = rowid_dict[tablename]
            except depcache_table.ExternalStorageException:
                print('EXTERNAL EXCEPTION One retry in get_rowids')
                rowid_dict = depc.get_all_descendant_rowids(
                    tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=ensure,
                    eager=eager, nInput=nInput, recompute=recompute,
                    recompute_all=recompute_all, _debug=ut.countdown_flag(_debug))
                rowid_list = rowid_dict[tablename]
    if _debug:
        print(' * return rowid_list = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(rowid_list),))
    return rowid_list