Пример #1
class player_tests(object):
    def setup(self):
        self.player = UtopiaRobot()

    def test_resources(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/throne_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        resources = self.player.get_resources()
        print "Resources:", resources
        assert(480594 == resources['Money'])
        assert(10065 == resources['Peasants'])
        assert(78481 == resources['Food'])
        assert(13244 == resources['Runes'])
        assert(213924 == resources['Net Worth'])
        assert(1398 == resources['Land'])
        assert(153.021 == resources['Net Worth/Acre'])

    def test_plague_false(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/throne_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        plague = self.player.get_plague()
        assert(False == plague)

    def test_plague_true(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/throne_plague.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        plague = self.player.get_plague()
        assert(True == plague)

    def test_mana(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/mystic_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        mana = self.player.get_mana()
        print "Mana:", mana
        assert(68  == mana)

    def test_available_spells(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/mystic_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        available_spells = self.player.get_available_spells()
        print "Available spells:", available_spells
        assert(('FERTILE_LANDS',815) == available_spells['Fertile Lands'])
        assert(('PARADISE', 4891) == available_spells['Paradise'])
        assert(('LOVE_AND_PEACE', 1141) == available_spells['Love and Peace'])
        assert(('SHADOW_LIGHT', 3098) == available_spells['Shadow Light'])
        assert(('NATURES_BLESSING', 978) == available_spells["Nature's Blessing"])
        assert(('INSPIRE_ARMY', 1793) == available_spells['Inspire Army'])
        assert(('FOUNTAIN_OF_KNOWLEDGE', 2527) == available_spells['Fountain of Knowledge'])
        assert(('TREE_OF_GOLD', 1304) == available_spells['Tree of Gold'])
        assert(('FERTILE_LANDS', 815) == available_spells['Fertile Lands'])
        assert(('WAR_SPOILS', 2364) == available_spells['War Spoils'])
        assert(('PARADISE', 4891) == available_spells['Paradise'])
        assert(('MAGIC_SHIELD', 815) == available_spells['Magic Shield'])
        assert(('ANONYMITY', 2119) == available_spells['Anonymity'])
        assert(('BUILDERS_BOON', 1630) == available_spells['Builders Boon'])
        assert(('MINOR_PROTECTION', 570) == available_spells['Minor Protection'])

    def test_active_spells(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/mystic_advisor.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        active_spells = self.player.get_active_spells()
        print "Active spells:", active_spells
        assert(14 == active_spells['Fountain of Knowledge'])
        assert( 3 == active_spells["Nature's Blessing"])
        assert(15 == active_spells['Minor Protection'])
        assert( 1 == active_spells['Love and Peace'])

    def test_cast_paradise_success(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/spell_paradise.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        print ("assert()")
        assert(5 == self.player.cast_spell('Paradise'))
        mystic_form = self.player.parser.get_mystic_form()
        print mystic_form
        assert('88e2dabb2a8b615561e743d05668d47d' == mystic_form['inputs']['csrfmiddlewaretoken']['value'])

    def test_get_troops(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/military_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        troops = self.player.get_troops()

        print "troops:", troops
        assert(1530 == troops['o-spec']['home'])
        assert(1530 == troops['o-spec']['home'])
        assert(807 == troops['o-spec']['training'])
        assert(350 == troops['o-spec']['cost'])
        assert(806 == troops['o-spec']['max'])

        assert(839 == troops['d-spec']['home'])
        assert(165 == troops['d-spec']['training'])
        assert(350 == troops['d-spec']['cost'])
        assert(806 == troops['d-spec']['max'])

        assert(11184 == troops['elite']['home'])
        assert(53 == troops['elite']['training'])
        assert(500 == troops['elite']['cost'])
        assert(564 == troops['elite']['max'])

        assert(2222 == troops['thief']['home'])
        assert(0 == troops['thief']['training'])
        assert(500 == troops['thief']['cost'])
        assert(564 == troops['thief']['max'])

    def test_get_soldiers(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/military_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        soldiers = self.player.get_soldiers()

        print "soldiers:", soldiers
        assert(1293 == soldiers)

    def test_get_spec_credits(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/military_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        credits = self.player.get_spec_credits()

        print "credits:", credits
        assert(123 == credits)

    def test_train_troops(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/military_trained.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        military['o-spec'] = 44
        military['d-spec'] = 33
        military['elite'] = 22
        military['thief'] = 11

        print "Want to train: %s" % military
        military_result = self.player.train_military(military)
        print "Militarty result: %s" % military_result
        assert(44 == military_result['o-spec'])
        assert(33 == military_result['d-spec'])
        assert(22 == military_result['elite'])
        assert(11 == military_result['thief'])
        print "self.player.get_draft_rate():", self.player.get_draft_rate()
        print "self.player.get_draft_rate()[1]:", self.player.get_draft_rate()[1]
        assert('AGGRESSIVE' == self.player.get_draft_rate()[1])

        military_form = self.player.parser.get_military_form()
        print military_form
        assert('88e2dabb2a8b615561e743d05668d47d' == military_form['inputs']['csrfmiddlewaretoken']['value'])

#train form-data
# csrfmiddlewaretoken:88e2dabb2a8b615561e743d05668d47d
# draft_rate:AGGRESSIVE
# draft_target:66
# wage_rate:200
# unit-quantity_0:1
# unit-quantity_1:2
# unit-quantity_2:3
# unit-quantity_3:4
# train:Train troops

#change recruitlvl
# csrfmiddlewaretoken:88e2dabb2a8b615561e743d05668d47d
# draft_rate:NORMAL
# draft_target:65
# wage_rate:201
# unit-quantity_0:
# unit-quantity_1:
# unit-quantity_2:
# unit-quantity_3:
# train:Train troops

    def test_get_buildings(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/growth_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        buildings = self.player.get_buildings()

        print "buildings:", buildings
        assert(228 == buildings['Homes']['built'])
        assert( 36 == buildings['Homes']['incoming'])
        assert(167 == buildings['Farms']['built'])
        assert( 18 == buildings['Farms']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Mills']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Mills']['incoming'])
        assert(486 == buildings['Banks']['built'])
        assert( 50 == buildings['Banks']['incoming'])
        assert(106 == buildings['Training Grounds']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Training Grounds']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Armouries']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Armouries']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Military Barracks']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Military Barracks']['incoming'])
        assert( 98 == buildings['Forts']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Forts']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Guard Stations']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Guard Stations']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Hospitals']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Hospitals']['incoming'])
        assert(248 == buildings['Guilds']['built'])
        assert( 15 == buildings['Guilds']['incoming'])
        assert(196 == buildings['Towers']['built'])
        assert( 32 == buildings['Towers']['incoming'])
        assert( 28 == buildings["Thieves' Dens"]['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings["Thieves' Dens"]['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Watch Towers']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Watch Towers']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Libraries']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Libraries']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Schools']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Schools']['incoming'])
        assert( 96 == buildings['Stables']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Stables']['incoming'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Dungeons']['built'])
        assert(  0 == buildings['Dungeons']['incoming'])

    def test_build(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/growth_built.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

            'Homes': 1,
            'Farms': 1,
            'Banks': 1,
            'Guilds': 1,
            'Towers': 1,
            'Stables': 1,

        print "Want to build: %s" % buildings
        buildings_result = self.player.build(buildings)
        print "Build result: %s" % buildings_result
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Homes'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Farms'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Banks'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Guilds'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Towers'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Stables'])

    def test_build_info(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/growth_built.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

            'Homes': 1,
            'Farms': 1,
            'Banks': 1,
            'Guilds': 1,
            'Towers': 1,
            'Stables': 1,

        print "Want to build: %s" % buildings
        buildings_result = self.player.build(buildings)
        print "Build result: %s" % buildings_result
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Homes'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Farms'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Banks'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Guilds'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Towers'])
        assert(1 == buildings_result['Stables'])

    def test_build_multiple(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/growth_built_plural.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

            'Homes': 2,
            'Farms': 2,
            'Banks': 2,
            'Training Grounds': 2,
            'Forts': 2,
            'Guilds': 2,
            'Towers': 2,
            'Stables': 2,

        print "Want to build: %s" % buildings
        buildings_result = self.player.build(buildings)
        print "Build result: %s" % buildings_result
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Homes'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Farms'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Banks'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Training Grounds'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Forts'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Guilds'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Towers'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Stables'])

    def test_build_multiple(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/growth_built_plural.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

            'Homes': 2,
            'Farms': 2,
            'Banks': 2,
            'Training Grounds': 2,
            'Forts': 2,
            'Guilds': 2,
            'Towers': 2,
            'Stables': 2,

        print "Want to build: %s" % buildings
        buildings_result = self.player.build(buildings)
        print "Build result: %s" % buildings_result
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Homes'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Farms'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Banks'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Training Grounds'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Forts'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Guilds'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Towers'])
        assert(2 == buildings_result['Stables'])

    def test_get_science(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/science_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        science = self.player.get_science()
        print "Sience:: %s" % science

        assert(21132 == science['Alchemy']['points'])
        assert(5.5 == science['Alchemy']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Alchemy']['incomming'])

        assert(73226 == science['Tools']['points'])
        assert(7.4 == science['Tools']['effect'])
        assert(9996 == science['Tools']['incomming'])

        assert(32578 == science['Housing']['points'])
        assert(3.2 == science['Housing']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Housing']['incomming'])

        assert(4892 == science['Food']['points'])
        assert(15.2 == science['Food']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Food']['incomming'])

        assert(4892 == science['Military']['points'])
        assert(2.7 == science['Military']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Military']['incomming'])

        assert(21340 == science['Crime']['points'])
        assert(23.8 == science['Crime']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Crime']['incomming'])

        assert(20860 == science['Channeling']['points'])
        assert(23.6 == science['Channeling']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Channeling']['incomming'])

    def test_get_science(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/science_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        science = self.player.get_science()
        print "Sience:: %s" % science

        assert(21132 == science['Alchemy']['points'])
        assert(5.5 == science['Alchemy']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Alchemy']['incomming'])

        assert(73226 == science['Tools']['points'])
        assert(7.4 == science['Tools']['effect'])
        assert(9996 == science['Tools']['incomming'])

        assert(32578 == science['Housing']['points'])
        assert(3.2 == science['Housing']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Housing']['incomming'])

        assert(4892 == science['Food']['points'])
        assert(15.2 == science['Food']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Food']['incomming'])

        assert(4892 == science['Military']['points'])
        assert(2.7 == science['Military']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Military']['incomming'])

        assert(21340 == science['Crime']['points'])
        assert(23.8 == science['Crime']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Crime']['incomming'])

        assert(20860 == science['Channeling']['points'])
        assert(23.6 == science['Channeling']['effect'])
        assert(0 == science['Channeling']['incomming'])

    def test_science_info(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/science_bought.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        info = self.player.get_science_info()
        print "Info: %s" % info
        assert(45258 == info['Total Money'])
        assert((23369, 15) == info['Estimated Research Cost'])
        assert(152553 == info['Daily Income'])
        assert(2276 == info['Books to Allocate'])

    def test_explore_info(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/explore_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        explore_info = self.player.get_explore_info()
        print "Explore info: %s" % explore_info
        assert(   50 == explore_info['Exploration Costs (Soldiers)'])
        assert(   50 == explore_info['soldiers'])
        assert(23264 == explore_info['Exploration Costs (Gold)'])
        assert(23264 == explore_info['gold'])
        assert( 8080 == explore_info['Available Uncharted Acres'])
        assert( 8080 == explore_info['available'])
        assert(    0 == explore_info['Currently Exploring'])
        assert(    5 == explore_info['Maximum Explorable Now'])

    def test_kingdom_info(self, mock_simulate_wait, mock_cache_page, mock_request, mock_urlopen):
        mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_request
        mock_request.read.return_value = open('test/kingdom_page.html').read()
        mock_cache_page.return_value = True
        mock_simulate_wait.return_value = True

        kd = self.player.get_kd_info(1,17)
        print "kd: %s" % kd

        assert(1 == kd['kd'])
        assert(17 == kd['island'])
        assert(20 == kd['Total Provinces'])
        assert('normal' == kd['Stance'])
        assert(3077180 == kd['Total Networth'])
        assert(153859 == kd['Average Networth'])
        assert(0 == kd['Wars Won'])
        assert(2 == kd['Concluded Wars'])
        assert(18629 == kd['Total Land'])
        assert(103 == kd['Average Opponent Relative Size'])
        assert('normal' == kd['Their Attitude To Us'])
        assert('normal' == kd['Our Attitude To Them'])

        assert(True == kd['provinces']['house 1']['protected'])
        assert(False == kd['provinces']['house 1']['online'])
        assert(False == kd['provinces']['house 1']['monarch'])
        assert(1 == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Slot'])
        assert('house 1' == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Province'])
        assert('Avian' == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Race'])
        assert(354 == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Land'])
        assert(19272 == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Net Worth'])
        assert(54== kd['provinces']['house 1']['Net Worth/Acre'])
        assert('Lord' == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Nobility'])

        assert(True == kd['provinces']['house 1']['protected'])
        assert(1 == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Slot'])
        assert('house 1' == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Province'])
        assert('Avian' == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Race'])
        assert(354 == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Land'])
        assert(19272 == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Net Worth'])
        assert(54== kd['provinces']['house 1']['Net Worth/Acre'])
        assert('Lord' == kd['provinces']['house 1']['Nobility'])
Пример #2
def main():
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
                      help="Insturctions file (not yet implemented)")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
                      default=False, help="Print lots of debug logging")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--log-level", dest="log_level", default=logging.WARN)
    parser.add_option("-c", "--config", help="Config file to read from (not implemented).")
    parser.add_option( "--page-cache", help="Directory to dump pages to (for debugging only).")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--username", help="Username for player.")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="Password for player. (can be defined in conf too)")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        options.log_level = 10


    #Actual logic
    log.info("Instanciating player")
    player = UtopiaRobot()

        player.page_cache = options.page_cache

    player.username = options.username
    log.info("set username = %s" % player.username)

    player.password = options.password
    log.info("set password = %s (masked)" % "".join(["*" for c in player.password]))

    log.info("Log in player (%s)...", player.username)

    log.info("Get five random kds")
    for _ in range(5):
        kd = random.randint(1,10)
        island = random.randint(1,40)
        log.info("Fetching kd:%d, island:%d" % (kd, island))
        kd_info = player.get_kd_info(kd,island)
        kd_json = json.dumps(kd_info).replace("'",'"')

        with open("%d-%d.txt"%(kd,island),'w') as f:
        # post to db
        values={"textarea": kd_json}
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)
        req = urllib2.Request("", data, headers)

    mana = player.get_mana()
    available_spells = player.get_available_spells()
    log.debug("available_spells: %s" % available_spells)
    spells = player.get_active_spells()
    resources = player.get_resources()

    # First and foremost, Make sure we have Minor Protection
    if 'Minor Protection' in available_spells:
        if 'Minor Protection' not in spells:
            spells['Minor Protection'] = 0
        while spells['Minor Protection'] <= 1 and  resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Minor Protection'][1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell('Minor Protection') is not None:
                log.info("Cast Minor Protection: Success")
            log.info("Cast Minor Protection: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()

    log.info("Cast Minor Protection: Done")
    resources = player.get_resources()

    # if we got plague, remove it.
    # Because we still don't detect plague-removal, we reload the throne page on each iteraton
    if "Nature's Blessing" in available_spells:
        if "Nature's Blessing" not in spells:
            spells["Nature's Blessing"] = 0
        while player.get_plague() and spells["Nature's Blessing"] <= 1 and  resources['Runes'] > available_spells["Nature's Blessing"][1] and 10 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell("Nature's Blessing") is not None:
                log.info("Cast Nature's Blessing: Success")
            log.info("Cast Nature's Blessing: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()

    log.info("Cast Nature's Blessing: Done")
    resources = player.get_resources()

    # If we are low on food, make sure we cast Fertile lands.
    if 'Fertile Lands' in available_spells:
        if 'Fertile Lands' not in spells:
            spells['Fertile Lands'] = 0
        while spells['Fertile Lands'] <= 1 and resources['Food'] < 30000 and resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Fertile Lands'][1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell('Fertile Lands') is not None:
                log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Success")
            log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()
    log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Done")

    # If we are low on food, make sure we cast Fertile lands.
    if 'Fountain of Knowledge' in available_spells:
        if 'Fountain of Knowledge' not in spells:
            spells['Fountain of Knowledge'] = 0
        while spells['Fountain of Knowledge'] <= 1 and resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Fountain of Knowledge'][1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell('Fountain of Knowledge') is not None:
                log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Success")
            log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()
    log.info("Cast Fontain of Knowledge: Done")

    counter = 0
    resources = player.get_resources()
    while 20 < player.get_mana() and player.get_soldiers() > 0:
        counter +=1
        if counter > 7:
        resources = player.get_resources()
        leet_count = resources['Money'] / 500

        while 1 > leet_count and player.get_mana() >= 20 and player.get_soldiers() > 0:
            counter += 1
            if counter > 7:

            player.cast_spell("Tree of Gold")
            available_spells = player.get_available_spells()
            resources = player.get_resources()
            leet_count = resources['Money'] / 500
            #spec_count = resources['Money'] / 350
            #troops={'o-spec': spec_count}
            troops={'elite': leet_count}
            trained_troops = player.train_military(troops)
        # if 1 > leet_count:
        #     troops={'o-spec': spec_count}
        #     if 1 > spec_count:
        #         break
        # else:
        #     troops={'elite': leet_count}

            log.info("train_military(%s): %s" % (troops, trained_troops))

    # If we reach this point, and we're out of money. Let's try to spend our spec-credits
    resources = player.get_resources()
    if (0 < player.get_spec_credits() or 350 > resources['Money']) and 0 < player.get_soldiers():
        troops={'o-spec': min(player.get_soldiers(), player.get_spec_credits())}
        trained_military = player.train_military(troops)
        log.debug("spec-credits: train_military(%s): %s" % (troops, trained_military))

    info_msg = ""
    if 'Paradise' in available_spells:
        if resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Paradise']:
            info_msg = "Not enough runes (have: %s, need: %s)" % (resources['Runes'], available_spells['Paradise'])
        elif 10 >= player.get_mana():
            info_msg = "Not enough mana (%s%)" % player.get_mana()
            while resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Paradise'][1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
                result = player.cast_spell('Paradise')
                log.info("Cast Paradise - Result: %s" % result)
                resources = player.get_resources()
        info_msg = "Paradise not available to cast."
    log.info("Paradise done: %s"% info_msg)

    log.info("Prep building.")
    build_info = player.get_build_info()
    buildings = player.get_buildings()
    resources = player.get_resources()

    iterations_counter = 0
    while 6 < iterations_counter and 0 < build_info['Total Undeveloped land'] and build_info['Construction Cost'] < resources['Money']:
        iterations_counter += 1
        for k,v in buildings.items():
            buildings[k]['total'] = v['built'] + v['incoming']

        to_build = {}
        # min 8% farms
        if 0.08 < buildings['Farms']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Farms'] = int((0.07 - (buildings['Farms']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Farms'] : %s" % to_build['Farms'])
        if 0.15 < buildings['Guilds']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Guilds'] = int((0.15 - (buildings['Guilds']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Guilds'] : %s" % to_build['Guilds'])
        if 0.09 < buildings['Forts']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Forts'] = int((0.12 - (buildings['Forts']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Forts'] : %s" % to_build['Forts'])
        if 0.25 < buildings['Banks']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Banks'] = int((0.12 - (buildings['Banks']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Banks'] : %s" % to_build['Banks'])
        if 0.14 < buildings['Towers']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Towers'] = int((0.15 - (buildings['Towers']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Towers'] : %s" % to_build['Towers'])
        if 0.2 < buildings['Schools']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Schools'] = int((0.12 - (buildings['Schools']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Schools'] : %s" % to_build['Schools'])
        if 0.09 < buildings['Training Grounds']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Training Grounds'] = int((0.12 - (buildings['Training Grounds']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Training Grounds'] : %s" % to_build['Training Grounds'])

        if 0 <= len(to_build):
            log.info("No need to build anything.")

        log.info("Want to build: %s"% to_build)
        log.info("build_info: %s" ,player.get_build_info())
        log.info("buildings: %s", player.get_buildings())

        build_info = player.get_build_info()
        resources = player.get_resources()
        if 0 < build_info['Total Undeveloped land']:
                # If we are low on food, make sure we cast Fertile lands.
            while 'Tree of Gold' in available_spells and resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Tree of Gold'][1] and 20 < player.get_mana() and player.cast_spell('Tree of Gold') is not None:
                resources = player.get_resources()

    # SCIENCE!!!
    available_books = player.get_science_info()['Books to Allocate']
    if 3 < available_books:
        buy_sci = {
            "Alchemy": int(round(available_books/4)),
            "Tools": int(round(available_books/4)),
            "Housing": int(round(available_books/4)+random.randrange(0,10)),
            "Food": int(round(available_books/16)),
            "Military": int(round(available_books/16)),
            "Crime": int(round(available_books/16)),
            "Channeling": int(round(available_books/16)),
        result = player.buy_science(buy_sci)
        info_msg="Bought science: %s"%result
        info_msg = "Less than 3 books (have: %s)"%available_books
    log.info("Buying science DONE: %s", info_msg)

    print "DONE"
Пример #3
def main():
    parser = OptionParser()
                      help="Insturctions file (not yet implemented)")
                      help="Print lots of debug logging")
                      help="Config file to read from (not implemented).")
                      help="Directory to dump pages to (for debugging only).")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--username", help="Username for player.")
                      help="Password for player. (can be defined in conf too)")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if (options.debug):
        options.log_level = 10


    #Actual logic
    log.info("Instanciating player")
    player = UtopiaRobot()

    if (options.page_cache):
        player.page_cache = options.page_cache

    player.username = options.username
    log.info("set username = %s" % player.username)

    player.password = options.password
    log.info("set password = %s (masked)" %
             "".join(["*" for c in player.password]))

    log.info("Log in player (%s)...", player.username)

    log.info("Get five random kds")
    for _ in range(5):
        kd = random.randint(1, 10)
        island = random.randint(1, 40)
        log.info("Fetching kd:%d, island:%d" % (kd, island))
        kd_info = player.get_kd_info(kd, island)
        kd_json = json.dumps(kd_info).replace("'", '"')

        with open("%d-%d.txt" % (kd, island), 'w') as f:
        # post to db
        values = {"textarea": kd_json}
        data = urllib.urlencode(values)
        headers = {}
        req = urllib2.Request("", data, headers)

    mana = player.get_mana()
    available_spells = player.get_available_spells()
    log.debug("available_spells: %s" % available_spells)
    spells = player.get_active_spells()
    resources = player.get_resources()

    # First and foremost, Make sure we have Minor Protection
    if 'Minor Protection' in available_spells:
        if 'Minor Protection' not in spells:
            spells['Minor Protection'] = 0
        while spells['Minor Protection'] <= 1 and resources[
                'Runes'] > available_spells['Minor Protection'][
                    1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell('Minor Protection') is not None:
                log.info("Cast Minor Protection: Success")
            log.info("Cast Minor Protection: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()

    log.info("Cast Minor Protection: Done")
    resources = player.get_resources()

    # if we got plague, remove it.
    # Because we still don't detect plague-removal, we reload the throne page on each iteraton
    if "Nature's Blessing" in available_spells:
        if "Nature's Blessing" not in spells:
            spells["Nature's Blessing"] = 0
        while player.get_plague(
        ) and spells["Nature's Blessing"] <= 1 and resources[
                'Runes'] > available_spells["Nature's Blessing"][
                    1] and 10 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell("Nature's Blessing") is not None:
                log.info("Cast Nature's Blessing: Success")
            log.info("Cast Nature's Blessing: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()

    log.info("Cast Nature's Blessing: Done")
    resources = player.get_resources()

    # If we are low on food, make sure we cast Fertile lands.
    if 'Fertile Lands' in available_spells:
        if 'Fertile Lands' not in spells:
            spells['Fertile Lands'] = 0
        while spells['Fertile Lands'] <= 1 and resources[
                'Food'] < 30000 and resources['Runes'] > available_spells[
                    'Fertile Lands'][1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell('Fertile Lands') is not None:
                log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Success")
            log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()
    log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Done")

    # If we are low on food, make sure we cast Fertile lands.
    if 'Fountain of Knowledge' in available_spells:
        if 'Fountain of Knowledge' not in spells:
            spells['Fountain of Knowledge'] = 0
        while spells['Fountain of Knowledge'] <= 1 and resources[
                'Runes'] > available_spells['Fountain of Knowledge'][
                    1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
            if player.cast_spell('Fountain of Knowledge') is not None:
                log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Success")
            log.info("Cast Fertile Lands: Failed")
            resources = player.get_resources()
    log.info("Cast Fontain of Knowledge: Done")

    counter = 0
    resources = player.get_resources()
    while 20 < player.get_mana() and player.get_soldiers() > 0:
        counter += 1
        if counter > 7:
        resources = player.get_resources()
        leet_count = resources['Money'] / 500

        while 1 > leet_count and player.get_mana(
        ) >= 20 and player.get_soldiers() > 0:
            counter += 1
            if counter > 7:

            player.cast_spell("Tree of Gold")
            available_spells = player.get_available_spells()
            resources = player.get_resources()
            leet_count = resources['Money'] / 500
            #spec_count = resources['Money'] / 350
            #troops={'o-spec': spec_count}
            troops = {'elite': leet_count}
            trained_troops = player.train_military(troops)
            # if 1 > leet_count:
            #     troops={'o-spec': spec_count}
            #     if 1 > spec_count:
            #         break
            # else:
            #     troops={'elite': leet_count}

            log.info("train_military(%s): %s" % (troops, trained_troops))

    # If we reach this point, and we're out of money. Let's try to spend our spec-credits
    resources = player.get_resources()
    if (0 < player.get_spec_credits()
            or 350 > resources['Money']) and 0 < player.get_soldiers():
        troops = {
            'o-spec': min(player.get_soldiers(), player.get_spec_credits())
        trained_military = player.train_military(troops)
        log.debug("spec-credits: train_military(%s): %s" %
                  (troops, trained_military))

    info_msg = ""
    if 'Paradise' in available_spells:
        if resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Paradise']:
            info_msg = "Not enough runes (have: %s, need: %s)" % (
                resources['Runes'], available_spells['Paradise'])
        elif 10 >= player.get_mana():
            info_msg = "Not enough mana (%s%)" % player.get_mana()
            while resources['Runes'] > available_spells['Paradise'][
                    1] and 20 < player.get_mana():
                result = player.cast_spell('Paradise')
                log.info("Cast Paradise - Result: %s" % result)
                resources = player.get_resources()
        info_msg = "Paradise not available to cast."
    log.info("Paradise done: %s" % info_msg)

    log.info("Prep building.")
    build_info = player.get_build_info()
    buildings = player.get_buildings()
    resources = player.get_resources()

    iterations_counter = 0
    while 6 < iterations_counter and 0 < build_info[
            'Total Undeveloped land'] and build_info[
                'Construction Cost'] < resources['Money']:
        iterations_counter += 1
        for k, v in buildings.items():
            buildings[k]['total'] = v['built'] + v['incoming']

        to_build = {}
        # min 8% farms
        if 0.08 < buildings['Farms']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Farms'] = int(
                (0.07 -
                 (buildings['Farms']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) *
                build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Farms'] : %s" % to_build['Farms'])
        if 0.15 < buildings['Guilds']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Guilds'] = int(
                (0.15 -
                 (buildings['Guilds']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) *
                build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Guilds'] : %s" % to_build['Guilds'])
        if 0.09 < buildings['Forts']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Forts'] = int(
                (0.12 -
                 (buildings['Forts']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) *
                build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Forts'] : %s" % to_build['Forts'])
        if 0.25 < buildings['Banks']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Banks'] = int(
                (0.12 -
                 (buildings['Banks']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) *
                build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Banks'] : %s" % to_build['Banks'])
        if 0.14 < buildings['Towers']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Towers'] = int(
                (0.15 -
                 (buildings['Towers']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) *
                build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Towers'] : %s" % to_build['Towers'])
        if 0.2 < buildings['Schools']['total'] / build_info['Total Land']:
            to_build['Schools'] = int(
                (0.12 -
                 (buildings['Schools']['total'] / build_info['Total Land'])) *
                build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Schools'] : %s" % to_build['Schools'])
        if 0.09 < buildings['Training Grounds']['total'] / build_info[
                'Total Land']:
            to_build['Training Grounds'] = int(
                (0.12 - (buildings['Training Grounds']['total'] /
                         build_info['Total Land'])) * build_info['Total Land'])
            log.info("To build['Training Grounds'] : %s" %
                     to_build['Training Grounds'])

        if 0 <= len(to_build):
            log.info("No need to build anything.")

        log.info("Want to build: %s" % to_build)
        log.info("build_info: %s", player.get_build_info())
        log.info("buildings: %s", player.get_buildings())

        build_info = player.get_build_info()
        resources = player.get_resources()
        if 0 < build_info['Total Undeveloped land']:
            # If we are low on food, make sure we cast Fertile lands.
            while 'Tree of Gold' in available_spells and resources[
                    'Runes'] > available_spells['Tree of Gold'][
                        1] and 20 < player.get_mana() and player.cast_spell(
                            'Tree of Gold') is not None:
                resources = player.get_resources()

    # SCIENCE!!!
    available_books = player.get_science_info()['Books to Allocate']
    if 3 < available_books:
        buy_sci = {
            "Alchemy": int(round(available_books / 4)),
            "Tools": int(round(available_books / 4)),
            int(round(available_books / 4) + random.randrange(0, 10)),
            "Food": int(round(available_books / 16)),
            "Military": int(round(available_books / 16)),
            "Crime": int(round(available_books / 16)),
            "Channeling": int(round(available_books / 16)),
        result = player.buy_science(buy_sci)
        info_msg = "Bought science: %s" % result
        info_msg = "Less than 3 books (have: %s)" % available_books
    log.info("Buying science DONE: %s", info_msg)

    print "DONE"