Пример #1
def load(uuid):
    if not isinstance(uuid, UUID):  # TODO: not this
        uuid = UUID(uuid.replace("-", ""))
    path = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"],
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    return data
Пример #2
    def prepareModelDownload(self,
            Attempts to create a file from a model state, either from the database
            (if "modelID" is a UUID) or directly from one of the built-in configu-
            rations (if it is a str, corresponding to the built-in name).
            Constructs an AIDE Model Marketplace-compliant definition JSON file
            in the process, optionally wrapped together with a state dict binary
            file in a zip file, if needed.
            Saves the file to a temporary directory and returns the file path as
            a Celery result if successful.
            Various parameters like "modelName", "modelDescription", etc., are only
            needed if model state is pulled from the project's table and therefore
            does not automatically come with these metadata.
        # try to parse modelID as UUID
            modelID = UUID(modelID)
            # need to load model from built-ins

        if isinstance(modelID, UUID):
            # load from database
            modelDefinition = {
                'aide_model_version': MODEL_MARKETPLACE_VERSION,
                'name': (modelName if modelName is not None else str(modelID)),
                'description': modelDescription,
                'tags': modelTags

            if source.lower() == 'marketplace':
                # load from marketplace table
                queryStr = '''
                    SELECT name, description, author, timeCreated, tags, labelclasses,
                        annotationType, predictionType, model_library, --TODO: more?
                    FROM aide_admin.modelMarketplace
                    WHERE id = %s;
            elif source.lower() == 'project':
                # load from project table
                queryStr = sql.SQL('''
                    SELECT timeCreated, model_library, stateDict
                    FROM {id_cnnstate}
                    WHERE id = %s;
                ''').format(id_cnnstate=sql.Identifier(project, 'cnnstate'))

            result = self.dbConnector.execute(queryStr, (modelID, ), 1)
            if result is None or not len(result):
                raise Exception(
                    f'Model state with id "{str(modelID)}" could not be found in database.'
            result = result[0]

            for key in result.keys():
                if key == 'timecreated':
                    modelDefinition['time_created'] = result[key].timestamp()
                elif key == 'labelclasses':
                    modelDefinition[key] = json.loads(result[key])
                elif key == 'tags':
                    modelDefinition[key] = result[key].split(';;')
                elif key == 'model_library':
                    modelDefinition['ai_model_library'] = result[key]
                elif key == 'annotationtype':
                    modelDefinition['annotation_type'] = result[key]
                elif key == 'predictiontype':
                    modelDefinition['prediction_type'] = result[key]
                elif key in modelDefinition:
                    modelDefinition[key] = result[key]

            if 'author' not in modelDefinition:
                # append user name as author
                modelDefinition['author'] = username

            # get model implementation meta data
            modelImplementationID = modelDefinition['ai_model_library']
            if modelImplementationID not in PREDICTION_MODELS:
                raise Exception(
                    f'Model implementation with ID "{modelImplementationID}" is not installed in this instance of AIDE.'
            modelMeta = PREDICTION_MODELS[modelImplementationID]
            if 'annotation_type' not in modelDefinition:
                modelDefinition['annotation_type'] = modelMeta[
            if 'prediction_type' not in modelDefinition:
                modelDefinition['prediction_type'] = modelMeta[
            if 'labelclasses' not in modelDefinition:
                # query from current project and just append as a list
                queryStr = sql.SQL(
                    'SELECT name FROM {} ORDER BY name;').format(
                        sql.Identifier(project, 'labelclass'))
                labelClasses = self.dbConnector.execute(
                    queryStr, (project, ), 'all')
                labelClasses = [l['name'] for l in labelClasses]
                modelDefinition['labelclasses'] = labelClasses

            # model settings: grab from project if possible

            # state dict
            stateDict = result['statedict']

            # prepare temporary output file
            destName = modelDefinition['name'] + '_' + current_time().strftime(
            for char in FILENAMES_PROHIBITED_CHARS:
                destName = destName.replace(char, '_')

            # write contents
            if stateDict is None:
                destName += '.json'
                          open(os.path.join(self.tempDir, destName), 'w'))

                destName += '.zip'
                with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(self.tempDir, destName), 'w',
                                     zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as f:
                    bio = io.BytesIO(stateDict)
                    f.writestr('modelState.bin', bio.getvalue())

            return destName

            # built-in model; copy to temp dir and return path directly
            sourcePath = modelID.replace('aide://', '').strip('/')
            if not os.path.exists(sourcePath):
                raise Exception(
                    f'Model file "{sourcePath}" could not be found.')

            _, fileName = os.path.split(sourcePath)
            destPath = os.path.join(self.tempDir, fileName)
            if not os.path.exists(destPath):
                shutil.copyfile(sourcePath, destPath)

            return destPath