Пример #1
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):
        """Register API Route Endpoints"""

        # Define controller base path
        route.controllers = 'mreschke.wiki.http.api'

        # Include dynamic model CRUD API endpoints (the "auto API")!
        #@route.group(scopes=['x'])  # These scopes are APPENDED to auto api acopes, user must have both
        #def autoapi():
        #def autoapi(scopes=['authenticated']):
        def autoapi():
            # These scopes are used instead of auto api scopes
            route.include(ModelRouter, options={'scopes': []})

            # This sets NO scopes, meaning fully public API
            #route.include(ModelRouter, options={'scopes': []})

            # Use default auto api scopes (posts.read, posts.create...)

        #route.controller('post', tags=['Post'])

        # Return router
        return route
Пример #2
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):
        """Register API Route Endpoints"""

        # Define controller base path
        route.controllers = 'acme.appstub.http.api'

        # Include dynamic model CRUD API endpoints (the "auto API")!
        def autoapi():
            #def autoapi(scopes=['authenticated']):

        # Public Routes

        # Example of Private Routes
        # @route.group(scopes=['authenticated'])
        # def private_routes():
        #     route.controller('private_controller')

        # Return router
        return route
Пример #3
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):
        """Register API Route Endpoints"""

        # Define controller base path
        route.controllers = 'uvicore.auth.http.api'

        def private_routes():
            def userinfo():
                return {'hi': 'there'}

        # Return router
        return route
Пример #4
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):
        """Register API Route Endpoints"""

        # Define controller base path
        route.controllers = 'uvicore.auth.http.api'

        @route.group(tags=['Auth'], scopes=['authenticated'])
        def authenticated_routes():
            def userinfo(request: Request) -> UserInfo:
                """Detailed User Info Including Roles and Permissions"""

                # HTTP example
                # TOKEN=$(fa-api tgb-local login wiki-vue-app token)
                # http GET 'https://wiki-api-local.triglobal.io/api/auth/userinfo' Authorization:"Bearer $TOKEN"

                # Get the user from the request
                user: UserInfo = request.scope['user']
                # uvicore.auth.user_info.UserInfo(
                #     id=2,
                #     uuid='823003ad-6e1f-42ed-a024-f45f400c1b30',
                #     username='******',
                #     email='*****@*****.**',
                #     first_name='Matthew',
                #     last_name='Reschke',
                #     title='',
                #     avatar='',
                #     groups=['Administrator'],
                #     roles=['Administrator'],
                #     permissions=['authenticated', 'admin'],
                #     superadmin=True,
                #     authenticated=True
                # )

                # Return UserInfo
                return user

        # Return router
        return route
Пример #5
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Basic route responding with a view dict to JSON blob
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example1', tags=['Examples'])
        async def example1() -> Dict:
            """This docstring shows up in openapi"""
            return {'welcome': 'to uvicore API!'}

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Route returning a Model schema with python return type hint
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example2', tags=['Examples'])
        async def example2()) -> List[models.Post]:
            """This docstring shows up in openapi"""
            return await models.Post.query().get()

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Route returning a Model schema using response_model
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example3', response_model=List[models.Post], tags=['Examples'])
        async def example3():
            return await models.Post.query().get()

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auth guard using scopes shortcut
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example4/{id}', scopes=['authenticated'], tags=['Examples'])
        async def example4(id: int) -> models.Post:
            return await models.Post.query().find(id)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auth guard using auth shortcut
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example5/{id}', auth=Guard(['authenticated']), tags=['Examples'])
        async def example5(id: int) -> models.Post:
            return await models.Post.query().find(id)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auth guard while also getting the current user
        # Also accepts an optional GET parameter (?name=matthew)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example6/{id}', tags=['Examples'])
        async def example6(id: int, name: Optional[str], user: UserInfo = Guard(['authenticated'])) -> models.Post:
            dump(name, user)
            return await models.Post.query().find(id)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auth guard using middleware
        # Get the current user with request.scope['user']
        # Also accepts an optional GET parameter (?name=matthew)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example6a/{id}', middleware=[
            Guard(['authenticated', 'manager']),
            # Any other route based middleware here
        ], tags=['Examples'])
        async def example6a(request: Request, id: int, name: Optional[str]) -> models.Post:
            user = request.scope['user']
            dump(name, user)
            return await models.Post.query().find(id)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Other types of responses
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        async def example6b(request: Request):
            return response.Text('Text Here')
            return response.HTML('<b>HTML</b> here')
            return response.JSON({'json':'here'})
            return response.UJSON({'json':'here'}) # requires ujson dependency
            # and more ... see uvicore/http/response.py

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Changing the route name
        # Each route is given a name automatically.  A name is what you can use
        # to reference the route in your code and view templates.  Try to use the
        # route name instead of the path as paths WILL change as other users use
        # your library because they can tweak the BASE PATH.  Views should be using
        # {{ url('xx_appname.ex7')}}, never /example7
        # If you don't specify a name, uvicore makes a name automatically
        # from the path, even nested paths from groups.  Name always starts
        # with your apps name, ie: xx_appname.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example7', name='ex7')
        async def example2a(request: Request):
            # Route name is xx_appname.ex7 instead of default xx_appname.example7
            return response.Text('example7')

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Override the naming autoprefix
        # When you define a custom route name, a prefix of xx_appname. is
        # automatically added keeping your route scoped to this package.
        # In order to set a full name you must set autoprefix=False.
        # This is handy when you want to override a route from another package.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.get('/example8', name='someother.app.ex8', autoprefix=False)
        async def example8(request: Request):
            # Route name is someother.app.ex8
            return response.Text('example8')

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: POST a model with validation
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        async def example9(post: models.Post):

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example raise proper HTTP Exception
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        async def example9a():
            raise HTTPException(404, 'bad stuff')

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Grouping routes for common paths and scopes
        # Routes will be /group1/example10 and /group1/subgroup1/example11
        # with scopped permissions on both routes.
        # IF you also set name='g1', all route names will be
        # xx_appname.g1.example19 instead of autonamed xx_appname.group1.example10
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        @route.group('/group1', scopes=['authenticated'], tags=['Group'])
        def group1():
            # Route will be under both Group and Example TAG
            @route.get('/example10', tags=['Example'])
            async def example10(request: Request):
                return response.Text("example10")

            def subgroup1():
                async def example11(request: Request):
                    return response.Text("example11")

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Routes as method callbacks (no decorators)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        def example12(request: Request):
            return response.Text('example12')
        route.get('/example12', example12)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Groups and routes as method callbacks (no decorators)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        def example13(request: Request, id: int) -> models.Post:
            return await models.Post.query().find(id)
        def example14(request: Request, email: str) -> List[models.Post]:
            return await models.Post.query().where('email', email).get()
        route.group('/group2', scopes=['authenticated', 'post_manager'], routes=[
            route.get('/example13', example13),
            route.get('/example14', example14),

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Including other route files and controllers
        # Technically, there is no difference between your routes files
        # in http/routes/web.py and http/routes/api.py and your controllers
        # or api controllers.  They are all just one huge nested router.
        # They are only split up for logical convenience.  Just as you included
        # controlers from your http/routes/web.py, you can also include other
        # routes here.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Also, route.controller and route.include are aliases of each other, same thing.

        # Instead of typing the full module path, if route.controllers is defined
        # Then all .controller() and .include() can use relative paths
        route.controllers = 'xx_vendor.xx_appname.http.controllers'

        # Looks for Class in xx_vendor.xx_appname.http.controllers.some.Some

        # Leading period means APPEND path to defined route.controllers
        # So this looks for xx_vendor.xx_appname.http.controllers.other3.Other3

        # If no leading . but other . exists, then it is assuming a full path,
        # regardless if route.controllers is defined or not.

        # Return router
        # Must always return the router at the end of every controller and routes file
        # as this is one infinitely recursive nested router configuration.
        return route
Пример #6
Файл: api.py Проект: uvicore/app
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):
        """Register API Route Endpoints"""

        # Define controller base path
        route.controllers = 'acme.appstub.http.api'

        # Public Routes

        # Include dynamic model CRUD API endpoints (the "auto API")!
        # These routes are automatically protected by model.crud style permissions.
        route.include(ModelRouter, options=uvicore.config.app.api.auto_api)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Routes vs controllers vs api controllers
        # Technically, there is no difference between your routes files
        # and controllers or api controllers.  They are all just one huge nested
        # router.  This means you could have ALL your routes right here in this
        # file, or you can break them out into controllers using the
        # .controller() or its alias .include() methods
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.controller('acme.appstub.http.controllers.some.other.Other')

        # Also, route.controller and route.include are aliases of each other, same thing.
        # route.include('acme.appstub.http.controllers.some.other2.Other2')

        # Instead of typing the full module path, if route.controllers is defined
        # Then all .controller() and .include() can use relative paths
        # route.controllers = 'acme.appstub.http.controllers'

        # Looks for Class in acme.appstub.http.controllers.some.Some
        # route.controller('some')

        # Leading period means APPEND path to defined route.controllers
        # So this looks for acme.appstub.http.controllers.other3.Other3
        # route.controller('.other3.Other3')

        # If no leading . but other . exists, then it is assuming a full path,
        # regardless if route.controllers is defined or not.

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Private routes protected by scopes (permissions)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.group(scopes=['authenticated'])
        # def private():
        #     route.controller('posts')

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Grouping routes for common paths and scopes
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.group('/group1', scopes=['authenticated'], tags=['Group1'])
        # def group1():
        #     # All routes in these sub controllers will have Tag=Group1 and path
        #     # prefix of /group1/* with route name appstub.group1.*
        #     route.controller('users')
        #     route.controller('tags')

        #     # Nested groups work as expected
        #     route.group('/subgroup1', scopes=['admin'], tags=['Subgroup1'])
        #     def subgroup1():
        #         # Routes here have merged scopes ['authenticated', 'admin']
        #         # Will show up in tags Group1 and Subgroup1
        #         # Will have path of /group1/subgroup1.*
        #         # Will be route names appstub.group1.subgroup1.*
        #         route.controller('hashtags')

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: controller() and include() methods also accept prefix and tags
        # Must like a @route.group() would.  It does not accept scopes, auth or
        # other route based middleware, use groups for that.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.include('admin', prefix='/admin', tags=['Admin'])

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Changing the route name
        # Each route is given a name automatically.  A name is what you can use
        # to reference the route in your code and view templates.  Try to use the
        # route name instead of the path as paths WILL change as other users use
        # your library because they can tweak the BASE PATH.  Views should be using
        # {{ url('acme.ex0')}}, never /example0
        # If you don't specify a name, uvicore makes a name automatically
        # from the path, even nested paths from groups.  Name always starts
        # with your apps name, ie: acme.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Names work on include() or its alias controller(), or in groups
        #route.include('example0', name='ex0' prefix='/profile', tags=['Admin'])
        # @route.group('/group2', name='g2'):
        # def group2():
        #     # Name will be acme.g2.ex0 instead of the auto named acme.group2.example0
        #     route.get('/example0', example0_method, name='ex0'),

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Using route methods instead of decorators
        # Don't like route decorators anywhere?  Thats fine, you can use a large
        # route dictionary style.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.get('/example1', some_method)
        # route.group('/group3', scopes=['authenticated'], routes=[
        #     route.get('/example2', some_method2),
        #     route.get('/example3', some_method3),
        # ])

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auto model API. Remove auto.crud scopes.  Setting scopes
        # to [] makes the auto API wide open (no permissions required)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.include(ModelRouter, options={
        #     'scopes': []
        # })

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auto model API. Set scopes manually, no auto.crud scopes used.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # route.include(ModelRouter, options={
        #     'scopes': ['autoapi_user']
        # })

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example: Auto model API. APPEND these scopes to the auto.crud scopes
        # So ends up being something like ['post.read', 'and_this_scope']
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # @route.group(scopes=['and_this_scope'])
        # def autoapi():
        #     route.include(ModelRouter)

        # Return router
        # Must always return the router at the end of every controller and routes file
        # as this is one infinitely recursive nested router configuration.
        return route
Пример #7
    def register(self, route: ApiRouter):
        """Register API Route Endpoints"""

        # Define controller base path
        route.controllers = 'app1.http.api'

        # Include dynamic model CRUD API endpoints (the "auto API")!
        #@route.group(auth=Guard(['scope-AUTO'], guard='api'))
        #@route.group(scopes=['authenticated', 'api.access'])
        def autoapi():
            # I should add a flag to NOT auto add Guard() to each model endpoint
            # If I wanted a fully public model router
            #route.include(ModelRouter, options={'scopes': ['authenticated']})

        async def get_method() -> Post:
            #return response.Text('Get API Method Here!')
            return await Post.query().find(1)

        # # Raw add with methods
        # #route.add('/get_method1', get_method, ['GET'], response_model=Post)  # Or infer response_model
        route.add('/get_method1', get_method, ['GET'])

        #@route.group(auth=Guard(['scope1', 'scope2'], guard='api'))
        #@route.group(scopes=['scope1', 'scope2'])
        def ping_group():

            #@route.get('/ping', auth=Guard(['scope32']))
            #@route.get('/ping', middleware=[Guard('scope323')])
            #@route.get('/ping', scopes=['posts.create'])
            #def ping(request: Request, user: User = Guard(['scope4'])):
            def ping(request: Request, user: User = Guard(['posts.read'])):
                #def ping(request: Request, user: User):  # If I hacked FastAPI dep code
                #def ping(request: Request, user: User = User()):  # If I made a depends Class like my old Guard()
                #user: User = request.user
                dump('PING USER', user)

                #user = request.scope.get('user')
                #dump(user.can(['posts.read', 'comments.read']))

                #if user.can('posts.read'):
                #    dump('yes user can posts.read')

                return {
                    'message': 'pong {}'.format(datetime.now()),
                    #'user': user

        def test():
            # @route.get('/ping2')
            # def ping():
            #     return {'message': 'pong {}'.format(datetime.now())}

        def public_api():
            def pub(request: Request):
                user = request.scope.get('user')
                return {'message': 'public endpoint here', 'user': user}

        # #@route.get('/post2', tags=["Post"], middleware=[Guard(['admin'])])
        # @route.get('/post2', tags=["Post"])
        # #async def post2(request: Request) -> Post:  # Request injected!
        # #async def post2(user: User = BasicAuth(['admin'])):
        # #async def post2(user: User = self.auth(['admin'], guard='api')):
        # #async def post2(user: User = Guard()(['admin'])):
        # #async def post2(user: User = Guard(['admin'])):
        # #async def post2(user: User = self.user):
        # async def post2():
        #     #return await Post.query().find(1)
        #     return '/post2'

        # # # BUG FOUND, if /post2 exists above, it replaces it with this one below
        # # route.group('/group1', routes=[
        # #     route.get('/post2', post3)
        # # ])

        # @route.group('/group1')
        # # @route.group('/group1', middleware=[
        # #     Guard(['asdf'], guard='api')
        # # ])
        # def group1():

        #     @route.get('/post3')
        #     #async def post3(user: User = self.user):
        #     async def post3(request: Request):
        #     #async def post3(request: Request, user: User = Guard(['asdf'])):
        #         #return '/group1/post3'
        #         user: User = request.scope.get('user')
        #         return user

        #     route.controller(PostController)

        # Return router
        return route
Пример #8
from typing import List

from app1 import models
from uvicore.auth import models as auth_models
from uvicore.http.routing import ApiRouter

route = ApiRouter()

def post(entity):
    return {'hi': 'there'}

# @route.get('/auth_groups', response_model=List[auth_models.Group])
# async def auth_groups():
#     return await auth_models.Group.query().get()

# @route.get('/auth_user_info', response_model=List[auth_models.UserInfo])
# async def auth_user_info():
#     return await auth_models.UserInfo.query().get()

# @route.get('/auth_users', response_model=List[auth_models.User])
# async def auth_users():
#     return await auth_models.User.query().get()

# There were two of these, probably why it errored
# @route.get('/auth_users', response_model=List[auth_models.User])
# async def auth_users():
#     return await auth_models.User.query().get()