Пример #1
	def run(self):
		if self.netcdf3: io.netcdf3()
		else: io.netcdf4(level=self.netcdf4level)

		self.notice('Masking %s to %s', self.inpfile, self.outfile)
		inpfile = cdms2.open(self.inpfile)
		if os.path.isfile(self.outfile):
			if os.path.samefile(self.inpfile, self.outfile):
				raise Exception('Cannot use same input and output file')
			if self.overwrite:
				raise Exception('Output file already exists and overwriting is not requested')
		outfile = cdms2.open(self.outfile, 'w')

		# Copy global attributes
		for a,v in inpfile.attributes.items():
			setattr(outfile, a, v)

		# Keep grid masks in memory to improve performances (TODO: use a file cache as for basemaps ?)
		mask_cache = dict()
		stats = True # self.is_verbose()

		# Iterate over input variables
		for varid,filevar in inpfile.variables.items():
			# Process only gridded/specified variables
			grid = filevar.getGrid()
			maskit = grid is not None
			if maskit and self.included_variables and varid not in self.included_variables: maskit = False
			if maskit and self.excluded_variables and varid in self.excluded_variables: maskit = False
			if not maskit and self.masked_only:
				self.verbose('Ignoring %s: variable has no grid and masked_only was specified')
			self.notice('Processing variable: %s, grid: %s', varid, grid.shape if grid else None)
			# NOTE: With scalar variables, memvar could be numpy.<type> instead of cdms2.tvariable.TransientVariable
			memvar = filevar()
			self.info(bases.describe(memvar, stats=stats))
			if maskit:
				# Build the mask, check if it is already cached ?
				cache_id = id(grid)
				self.info('Get mask for grid %s', cache_id)
				mask = mask_cache.get(cache_id, None)
				if mask is None:
					self.notice('Loading mask: %s', dict(resolution=self.resolution, mode=self.mode, thresholds=self.thresholds, reverse=self.reverse))
					mask = masking.polygon_mask(grid, self.resolution, mode=self.mode, thresholds=self.thresholds)
					if self.reverse: mask = ~mask
					mask_cache[cache_id] = mask
					self.info(bases.describe(mask, stats=stats))
				# Mask variable
				# TODO: check/handle dimensions count and order
				self.notice('Masking variable: %s, mask: %s', memvar.shape, mask.shape)
				mask = MV2.resize(mask, filevar.shape)
				memvar[:] = MV2.masked_where(mask, memvar)
				self.info(bases.describe(memvar, stats=stats))
			# Special scalar case which could fail if directly written (because fill_value is None)
			if not filevar.shape:
				fill_value = filevar.getMissing()
				if fill_value is None:
					fill_value = -memvar
				memvar = cdms2.createVariable(
					memvar, id=filevar.id, shape=(), typecode=filevar.typecode(),
					fill_value=fill_value, attributes=filevar.attributes)
			# Write masked variable to output file
			self.notice('Writing variable to file')

Пример #2
    def dump(self, restart_file=None):
        """Dump the current instance to a netcdf file"""

        # File
        if restart_file is None:
            restart_file = self.restart_file
        if restart_file is None:
            restart_file = self.default_restart_file
        self.restart_file = restart_file
        if os.path.exists(restart_file):
        f = cdms2.open(restart_file, 'w')

        # Config
        # - what was initially asked and some more
        for sname in self.all_stats + ('sum', 'sqr', 'prod', 'stats'):
            for st in 'st':
                value = getattr(self, st+sname)
                if value is None: continue
                if isinstance(value, bool): value = int(value)
                setattr(f, st+sname, value)
        # - current status
        f.iterindex = self.iterindex
        f.nitems = int(self.nitems)
        f.withtime = -1 if self.withtime is None else int(self.withtime)
        if self.withtime and self.lasttime:
            f.lasttime = str(self.lasttime)
        if self.bins is None:
            f.bin_edges = 0
            f.bin_edges = self.bins
        if f.nitems==0: # Still no data
        # - already had some data
        f.dual = int(self.dual)
        f.ns = self.ns
        f.nt = self.nt
        f.nts = self._nts
        f.tstats = int(self.tstats)
        f.sstats = int(self.sstats)

        # Spatial statistics
        if self.sstats:

            # Time axes
            if self.withtime:
                taxes = ()
                for i, tt in enumerate(self._stimes):
                    taxis = MV2_axisConcatenate(tt)
                    taxis.stataccum_oldid = taxis.id
                    taxis.id = 't'+str(i)
                    taxes += taxis,
                taxes = [cdms2.createAxis(N.arange(self.nt), id='t')]

            # Count
            self._dump_array_(f, var=self._scount, id='scount', axis=taxes[0])

            # Other stats
            for key, stats in self._sstats.items():
                if isinstance(stats, tuple):
                    for i, stat in enumerate(stats):
                        self._dump_array_(f, var=stat, id='s%s%s'%(key, str(i)),
                    self._dump_array_(f, var=stats, id='s'+key, axis=taxes[0])

        # Temporal statistics
        if self.tstats:

            # Main axis
            axis = cdms2.createAxis(N.arange(self.ns), id='s')

            # Count
            self._dump_array_(f, var=self._tcount, id='tcount', axis=axis)

            # Other stats
            for key in self._dual_accums+self._single_accums:
                if not getattr(self, 't'+key): continue
                value = getattr(self, '_t'+key)
                if key in self._dual_accums:
                    self._dump_array_(f, var=value, id='t'+key, axis=axis)
                    for i, stat in enumerate(value):
                        self._dump_array_(f, var=stat, id='t%s%s'%(key, str(i)), axis=axis)

            # Templates
            ttemplates = [self._ttemplates]
#            if self.thist:
#                ttemplates.append(self._thtemplates)
            for ttpls in ttemplates:
                for i, ttpl in enumerate(ttpls):
#                    ttpl = ttpl.clone(copyData=0)
#                    for ia, axis in enumerate(ttpl.getAxisList()): #FIXME:grid cloning
#                        ttpl.setAxis(ia, axis.clone(copyData=0))
                    _add_id_prefix_(ttpl, 'var%i_'%i, exc=self._baxis)
                    _rm_id_prefix_(ttpl, 'var%i_'%i, exc=self._baxis)

        # Attributes
        for ivar, atts in enumerate(self._atts):
            var = MV2.zeros(1)
            set_atts(var, atts)
            var.id = 'var%i_atts'%ivar
            var.stataccum_id = atts['id']
            var.getAxis(0).id = 'var_att_axis'

#        self._ttemplates, self._thtemplates, self._atts, self._tbase

        return f.id
Пример #3
    def dump(self, restart_file=None):
        """Dump the current instance to a netcdf file"""

        # File
        if restart_file is None:
            restart_file = self.restart_file
        if restart_file is None:
            restart_file = self.default_restart_file
        self.restart_file = restart_file
        if os.path.exists(restart_file):
        f = cdms2.open(restart_file, 'w')

        # Config
        # - what was initially asked and some more
        for sname in self.all_stats + ('sum', 'sqr', 'prod', 'stats'):
            for st in 'st':
                value = getattr(self, st+sname)
                if value is None: continue
                if isinstance(value, bool): value = int(value)
                setattr(f, st+sname, value)
        # - current status
        f.iterindex = self.iterindex
        f.nitems = int(self.nitems)
        f.withtime = -1 if self.withtime is None else int(self.withtime)
        if self.withtime and self.lasttime:
            f.lasttime = str(self.lasttime)
        if self.bins is None:
            f.bin_edges = 0
            f.bin_edges = self.bins
        if f.nitems==0: # Still no data
        # - already had some data
        f.dual = int(self.dual)
        f.ns = self.ns
        f.nt = self.nt
        f.nts = self._nts
        f.tstats = int(self.tstats)
        f.sstats = int(self.sstats)

        # Spatial statistics
        if self.sstats:

            # Time axes
            if self.withtime:
                taxes = ()
                for i, tt in enumerate(self._stimes):
                    taxis = MV2_axisConcatenate(tt)
                    taxis.stataccum_oldid = taxis.id
                    taxis.id = 't'+str(i)
                    taxes += taxis,
                taxes = [cdms2.createAxis(N.arange(self.nt), id='t')]

            # Count
            self._dump_array_(f, var=self._scount, id='scount', axis=taxes[0])

            # Other stats
            for key, stats in self._sstats.items():
                if isinstance(stats, tuple):
                    for i, stat in enumerate(stats):
                        self._dump_array_(f, var=stat, id='s%s%s'%(key, str(i)),
                    self._dump_array_(f, var=stats, id='s'+key, axis=taxes[0])

        # Temporal statistics
        if self.tstats:

            # Main axis
            axis = cdms2.createAxis(N.arange(self.ns), id='s')

            # Count
            self._dump_array_(f, var=self._tcount, id='tcount', axis=axis)

            # Other stats
            for key in self._dual_accums+self._single_accums:
                if not getattr(self, 't'+key): continue
                value = getattr(self, '_t'+key)
                if key in self._dual_accums:
                    self._dump_array_(f, var=value, id='t'+key, axis=axis)
                    for i, stat in enumerate(value):
                        self._dump_array_(f, var=stat, id='t%s%s'%(key, str(i)), axis=axis)

            # Templates
            for i, ttpl in enumerate(self._ttemplates):
                ttpl = ttpl.clone()
                _add_id_prefix_(ttpl, 'var%i_'%i, exc=self._baxis)

        # Attributes
        for ivar, atts in enumerate(self._atts):
            var = MV2.zeros(1)
            set_atts(var, atts)
            var.id = 'var%i_atts'%ivar
            var.stataccum_id = atts['id']
            var.getAxis(0).id = 'var_att_axis'

#        self._ttemplates, self._thtemplates, self._atts, self._tbase

        return f.id