Пример #1
def is_string(value,
              coerce_value = False,
              minimum_length = None,
              maximum_length = None,
              whitespace_padding = False,
    """Indicate whether ``value`` is a string.

    :param value: The value to evaluate.

    :param coerce_value: If ``True``, will check whether ``value`` can be coerced
      to a string if it is not already. Defaults to ``False``.
    :type coerce_value: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param minimum_length: If supplied, indicates the minimum number of characters
      needed to be valid.
    :type minimum_length: :class:`int <python:int>`

    :param maximum_length: If supplied, indicates the minimum number of characters
      needed to be valid.
    :type maximum_length: :class:`int <python:int>`

    :param whitespace_padding: If ``True`` and the value is below the
      ``minimum_length``, pad the value with spaces. Defaults to ``False``.
    :type whitespace_padding: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :returns: ``True`` if ``value`` is valid, ``False`` if it is not.
    :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :raises SyntaxError: if ``kwargs`` contains duplicate keyword parameters or duplicates
      keyword parameters passed to the underlying validator

    if value is None:
        return False

    minimum_length = validators.integer(minimum_length, allow_empty = True, **kwargs)
    maximum_length = validators.integer(maximum_length, allow_empty = True, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(value, basestring) and not value:
        if minimum_length and minimum_length > 0 and not whitespace_padding:
            return False

        return True

        value = validators.string(value,
                                  coerce_value = coerce_value,
                                  minimum_length = minimum_length,
                                  maximum_length = maximum_length,
                                  whitespace_padding = whitespace_padding,
    except SyntaxError as error:
        raise error
    except Exception:
        return False

    return True
Пример #2
    def max_retries(self):
        """The number of attempts to make on network connectivity-related API failures.

        :rtype: :class:`int <python:int>`
        if not self._max_retries:
            return validators.integer(os.getenv('BACKOFF_DEFAULT_TRIES', '3'))

        return self._max_retries
Пример #3
 def video_capture_source(self, val: (str, int, None)):
         self._video_capture_source = validators.integer(
             val, coerce_value=True, allow_empty=True
     except TypeError:
         self._video_capture_source = validators.string(
             val, allow_empty=True
Пример #4
def check_positive(value):
    Проверка, что введенное значение есть положительное целочисленное число

    :raises argparse.ArgumentTypeError:  в случае невалидного значения
        return validators.integer(value, allow_empty=True, minimum=1)
    except errors.MinimumValueError:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{value} should be positive number')
    except errors.NotAnIntegerError:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{value} is not an integer')
Пример #5
def is_integer(value,
               coerce_value = False,
               minimum = None,
               maximum = None,
               base = 10,
    """Indicate whether ``value`` contains a whole number.

    :param value: The value to evaluate.

    :param coerce_value: If ``True``, will return ``True`` if ``value`` can be coerced
      to whole number. If ``False``, will only return ``True`` if ``value`` is already
      a whole number (regardless of type). Defaults to ``False``.
    :type coerce_value: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param minimum: If supplied, will make sure that ``value`` is greater than or
      equal to this value.
    :type minimum: numeric

    :param maximum: If supplied, will make sure that ``value`` is less than or
      equal to this value.
    :type maximum: numeric

    :param base: Indicates the base that is used to determine the integer value.
      The allowed values are 0 and 2–36. Base-2, -8, and -16 literals can be
      optionally prefixed with ``0b/0B``, ``0o/0O/0``, or ``0x/0X``, as with
      integer literals in code. Base 0 means to interpret the string exactly as
      an integer literal, so that the actual base is 2, 8, 10, or 16. Defaults to
    :type base: :class:`int <python:int>`

    :returns: ``True`` if ``value`` is valid, ``False`` if it is not.
    :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :raises SyntaxError: if ``kwargs`` contains duplicate keyword parameters or duplicates
      keyword parameters passed to the underlying validator

        value = validators.integer(value,
                                   coerce_value = coerce_value,
                                   minimum = minimum,
                                   maximum = maximum,
                                   base = base,
    except SyntaxError as error:
        raise error
    except Exception:
        return False

    return True
Пример #6
def integer_validator(value, error_message='ingrese un número válido'):
    if value is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(value, bool):
        raise BadRequest(4010, error_message)

        data_valid = validators.integer(value,

    except Exception as e:
        raise BadRequest(4010, error_message)

    return data_valid
Пример #7
def check_for_errors(response, status_code, headers):
    """Check the HTTP Status Code and the response for errors and raise an
    appropriate exception. Otherwise return the result as-is.

    :param response: The content of the response.
    :type response: :class:`bytes <python:bytes>`

    :param status_code: The HTTP Status Code returned.
    :type status_code: :class:`int <python:int>`

    :param headers: The HTTP Headers returned.
    :type headers: :class:`dict <python:dict>`

    :returns: The content of the HTTP response, the status code of the HTTP response,
      and the headers of the HTTP response.
    :rtype: :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` of :class:`bytes <python:bytes>`,
      :class:`int <python:int>`, and :class:`dict <python:dict>`

    status_code = validators.integer(status_code, allow_empty=False)
        json_response = validators.json(response, allow_empty=True)
    except ValueError:
        if isinstance(response, bytes):
            response = response.decode('utf-8')

        json_response = validators.json(response, allow_empty=True)

    status_code, error_type, message = errors.parse_http_error(
        status_code, response)
    if not error_type:
        ws_status = json_response.get('status', None)
        error_value = errors.DEFAULT_ERROR_CODES.get(ws_status, None)
        if error_value:
            error_type = errors.ERROR_TYPES.get(error_value, None)

    if error_type:
        raise error_type(message)

    return response, status_code, headers
Пример #8
 def max_retries(self, value):
     self._max_retries = validators.integer(value, allow_empty=True)
Пример #9
 def rows(self, value):
     self._rows = validators.integer(value,
                                     allow_empty = False,
                                     coerce_value = False,
                                     minimum = 0)
Пример #10
 def storage_width(self, value):
     self._storage_width = validators.integer(value,
                                              allow_empty = False,
                                              minimum = 0,
                                              coerce_value = True)
def from_integer(value):
    return validators.integer(value, allow_empty=True)
def from_timedelta(value):
    value = validators.integer(value, allow_empty=True)
    if value is None:
        return value

    return datetime.timedelta(seconds=value)
Пример #13
def backoff(to_execute,
            args = None,
            kwargs = None,
            strategy = None,
            retry_execute = None,
            retry_args = None,
            retry_kwargs = None,
            max_tries = None,
            max_delay = None,
            catch_exceptions = None,
            on_failure = None,
            on_success = None):
    """Retry a function call multiple times with a delay per the strategy given.

    :param to_execute: The function call that is to be attempted.
    :type to_execute: callable

    :param args: The positional arguments to pass to the function on the first attempt.

      If ``retry_args`` is :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use these
      arguments on retry attempts as well.
    :type args: iterable / :class:`None <python:None>`.

    :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function on the first attempt.

      If ``retry_kwargs`` is :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use these keyword
      arguments on retry attempts as well.
    :type kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param strategy: The :class:`BackoffStrategy` to use when determining the
      delay between retry attempts.

      If :class:`None <python:None>`, defaults to :class:`Exponential`.
    :type strategy: :class:`BackoffStrategy`

    :param retry_execute: The function to call on retry attempts.

      If :class:`None <python:None>`, will retry ``to_execute``.

      Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.
    :type retry_execute: callable / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param retry_args: The positional arguments to pass to the function on retry attempts.

      If :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use ``args``.

      Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.
    :type retry_args: iterable / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param retry_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function on retry attempts.

      If :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use ``kwargs``.

      Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.
    :type subsequent_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param max_tries: The maximum number of times to attempt the call.

      If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply an environment variable
      ``BACKOFF_DEFAULT_TRIES``. If that environment variable is not set, will
      apply a default of ``3``.
    :type max_tries: int / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param max_delay: The maximum number of seconds to wait befor giving up
      once and for all. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply an environment variable
      ``BACKOFF_DEFAULT_DELAY`` if that environment variable is set. If it is not
      set, will not apply a max delay at all.
    :type max_delay: :class:`None <python:None>` / int

    :param catch_exceptions: The ``type(exception)`` to catch and retry. If
      :class:`None <python:None>`, will catch all exceptions.

      Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.

      .. caution::

        The iterable must contain one or more types of exception *instances*, and not
        class objects. For example:

        .. code-block:: python

          # GOOD:
          catch_exceptions = (type(ValueError()), type(TypeError()))

          # BAD:
          catch_exceptions = (type(ValueError), type(ValueError))

          # BAD:
          catch_exceptions = (ValueError, TypeError)

          # BAD:
          catch_exceptions = (ValueError(), TypeError())

    :type catch_exceptions: iterable of form ``[type(exception()), ...]``

    :param on_failure: The :class:`exception <python:Exception>` or function to call
      when all retry attempts have failed.

      If :class:`None <python:None>`, will raise the last-caught
      :class:`exception <python:Exception>`.

      If an :class:`exception <python:Exception>`, will raise the exception with
      the same message as the last-caught exception.

      If a function, will call the function and pass the last-raised exception, its
      message, and stacktrace to the function.

      Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.
    :type on_failure: :class:`Exception <python:Exception>` / function /
      :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param on_success: The function to call when the operation was successful.
      The function receives the result of the ``to_execute`` or ``retry_execute``
      function that was successful, and is called before that result is returned
      to whatever code called the backoff function. If :class:`None <python:None>`,
      will just return the result of ``to_execute`` or ``retry_execute`` without
      calling a handler.

      Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.
    :type on_success: callable / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :returns: The result of the attempted function.


    .. code-block:: python

      from backoff_utils import backoff

      def some_function(arg1, arg2, kwarg1 = None):
          # Function does something

      result = backoff(some_function,
                       args = ['value1', 'value2'],
                       kwargs = { 'kwarg1': 'value3' },
                       max_tries = 3,
                       max_delay = 30,
                       strategy = strategies.Exponential)

    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements

    if to_execute is None:
        raise ValueError('to_execute cannot be None')
    elif not checkers.is_callable(to_execute):
        raise TypeError('to_execute must be callable')

    if strategy is None:
        strategy = strategies.Exponential

    if not hasattr(strategy, 'IS_INSTANTIATED'):
        raise TypeError('strategy must be a BackoffStrategy or descendent')
    if not strategy.IS_INSTANTIATED:
        test_strategy = strategy(attempt = 0)
        test_strategy = strategy

    if not checkers.is_type(test_strategy, 'BackoffStrategy'):
        raise TypeError('strategy must be a BackoffStrategy or descendent')

    if args:
        args = validators.iterable(args)
    if kwargs:
        kwargs = validators.dict(kwargs)

    if retry_execute is None:
        retry_execute = to_execute
    elif not checkers.is_callable(retry_execute):
        raise TypeError('retry_execute must be None or a callable')

    if not retry_args:
        retry_args = args
        retry_args = validators.iterable(retry_args)

    if not retry_kwargs:
        retry_kwargs = kwargs
        retry_kwargs = validators.dict(retry_kwargs)

    if max_tries is None:
        max_tries = DEFAULT_MAX_TRIES

    max_tries = validators.integer(max_tries)

    if max_delay is None:
        max_delay = DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY

    if catch_exceptions is None:
        catch_exceptions = [type(Exception())]
        if not checkers.is_iterable(catch_exceptions):
            catch_exceptions = [catch_exceptions]

        catch_exceptions = validators.iterable(catch_exceptions)

    if on_failure is not None and not checkers.is_callable(on_failure):
        raise TypeError('on_failure must be None or a callable')

    if on_success is not None and not checkers.is_callable(on_success):
        raise TypeError('on_success must be None or a callable')

    cached_error = None

    return_value = None
    returned = False
    failover_counter = 0
    start_time = datetime.utcnow()
    while failover_counter <= (max_tries):
        elapsed_time = (datetime.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds()
        if max_delay is not None and elapsed_time >= max_delay:
            if cached_error is None:
                raise BackoffTimeoutError('backoff timed out after:'
                                          ' {}s'.format(elapsed_time))
                _handle_failure(on_failure, cached_error)
        if failover_counter == 0:
                if args is not None and kwargs is not None:
                    return_value = to_execute(*args, **kwargs)
                elif args is not None:
                    return_value = to_execute(*args)
                elif kwargs is not None:
                    return_value = to_execute(**kwargs)
                    return_value = to_execute()
                returned = True
            except Exception as error:                                          # pylint: disable=broad-except
                if type(error) in catch_exceptions:
                    cached_error = error
                    failover_counter += 1
                    _handle_failure(on_failure = on_failure,
                                    error = error)
                if retry_args is not None and retry_kwargs is not None:
                    return_value = retry_execute(*retry_args, **retry_kwargs)
                elif retry_args is not None:
                    return_value = retry_execute(*retry_args)
                elif retry_kwargs is not None:
                    return_value = retry_execute(**retry_kwargs)
                    return_value = retry_execute()
                returned = True
            except Exception as error:                                          # pylint: disable=broad-except
                if type(error) in catch_exceptions:
                    cached_error = error
                    failover_counter += 1
                    _handle_failure(on_failure = on_failure,
                                    error = error)

    if not returned:
        _handle_failure(on_failure = on_failure,
                        error = cached_error)
    elif returned and on_success is not None:

    return return_value
Пример #14
    def csv_sequence(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            value = validators.integer(value)

        self._csv_sequence = value
Пример #15
 def bike_score(self, value):
     self._bike_score = validators.integer(value,
Пример #16
 def status(self, value):
     self._status = validators.integer(value, allow_empty=True)
Пример #17
def _read_spss(data: Union[bytes, BytesIO, 'os.PathLike[Any]'],
               limit: Optional[int] = None,
               offset: int = 0,
               exclude_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None,
               include_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None,
               metadata_only: bool = False,
               apply_labels: bool = False,
               labels_as_categories: bool = True,
               missing_as_NaN: bool = False,
               convert_datetimes: bool = True,
               dates_as_datetime64: bool = False,
    """Internal function that reads an SPSS (.sav or .zsav) file and returns a
    :class:`tuple <python:tuple>` with a Pandas
    :class:`DataFrame <pandas:pandas.DataFrame>` object and a metadata
    :class:`dict <python:dict>`.

    :param data: The SPSS data to load. Accepts either a series of bytes or a filename.
    :type data: Path-like filename, :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` or
      :class:`BytesIO <python:io.bytesIO>`

    :param limit: The number of records to read from the data. If :obj:`None <python:None>`
      will return all records. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
    :type limit: :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`

    :param offset: The record at which to start reading the data. Defaults to 0 (first
    :type offset: :class:`int <python:int>`

    :param exclude_variables: A list of the variables that should be ignored when reading
      data. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
    :type exclude_variables: iterable of :class:`str <python:str>` or
      :obj:`None <python:None>`

    :param include_variables: A list of the variables that should be explicitly included
      when reading data. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
    :type include_variables: iterable of :class:`str <python:str>` or
      :obj:`None <python:None>`

    :param metadata_only: If ``True``, will return no data records in the resulting
      :class:`DataFrame <pandas:pandas.DataFrame>` but will return a complete metadata
      :class:`dict <python:dict>`. Defaults to ``False``.
    :type metadata_only: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param apply_labels: If ``True``, converts the numerically-coded values in the raw
      data to their human-readable labels. Defaults to ``False``.
    :type apply_labels: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param labels_as_categories: If ``True``, will convert labeled or formatted values to
      Pandas :term:`categories <pandas:category>`. Defaults to ``True``.

      .. caution::

        This parameter will only have an effect if the ``apply_labels`` parameter is

    :type labels_as_categories: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param missing_as_NaN: If ``True``, will return any missing values as
      :class:`NaN <pandas:NaN>`. Otherwise will return missing values as per the
      configuration of missing value representation stored in the underlying SPSS data.
      Defaults to ``False``, which applies the missing value representation configured in
      the SPSS data itself.
    :type missing_as_NaN: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param convert_datetimes: if ``True``, will convert the native integer representation
      of datetime values in the SPSS data to Pythonic
      :class:`datetime <python:datetime.datetime>`, or
      :class:`date <python:datetime.date>`, etc. representations (or Pandas
      :class:`datetime64 <pandas:datetime64>`, depending on the ``dates_as_datetime64``
      parameter). If ``False``, will leave the original integer representation. Defaults
      to ``True``.
    :type convert_datetimes: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :param dates_as_datetime64: If ``True``, will return any date values as Pandas
      :class:`datetime64 <pandas.datetime64>` types. Defaults to ``False``.

      .. caution::

        This parameter is only applied if ``convert_datetimes`` is set to ``True``.

    :type dates_as_datetime64: :class:`bool <python:bool>`

    :returns: A :class:`DataFrame <pandas:DataFrame>` representation of the SPSS data (or
      :obj:`None <python:None>`) and a :class:`Metadata` representation of the dataset's
      metadata / data map.
    :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame <pandas:DataFrame>`/:obj:`None <python:None>` and

    if not any([
            checkers.is_type(data, bytes)
        raise errors.InvalidDataFormatError(
            'data must be a filename, BytesIO, or bytes '
            f'object. Was: {data.__class__.__name__}')

    limit = validators.integer(limit, allow_empty=True, minimum=0)
    offset = validators.integer(offset, minimum=0)

    exclude_variables = validators.iterable(exclude_variables,
    if exclude_variables:
        exclude_variables = [validators.string(x) for x in exclude_variables]

    include_variables = validators.iterable(include_variables,
    if include_variables:
        include_variables = [validators.string(x) for x in include_variables]

    if not checkers.is_file(data):
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
            temp_file_name = temp_file.name

        df, meta = pyreadstat.read_sav(
            user_missing=not missing_as_NaN,
            disable_datetime_conversion=not convert_datetimes,
            row_limit=limit or 0,
        df, meta = pyreadstat.read_sav(
            user_missing=not missing_as_NaN,
            disable_datetime_conversion=not convert_datetimes,
            row_limit=limit or 0,

    metadata = Metadata.from_pyreadstat(meta)

    if exclude_variables:
        df = df.drop(exclude_variables, axis=1)
        if metadata.column_metadata:
            for variable in exclude_variables:
                metadata.column_metadata.pop(variable, None)

    return df, metadata